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Maya Jimenez

Jesus Christ
Jesus, Emmanuel, Messiah, Savior, Christ, Prince of Peace, Son of God
24” x 18”
Paper and cardboard

I used the element of art, direction (vertical and horizontal) because the cross is vertical and the
mouth or “10” is horizontal. I also used the element, shape (organic) because the teardrop is a
natural shape. Lastly, I chose the element size to represent the relationship between the cross
and the teardrop. For the elements of design I used balance, (radial and symmetrical), because
the cross has equal length from the middle and the words on both sides of the piece. Next I
used dominance by using neutral colors and saving my bolder colors for the middle. Finally, I
chose neutral colors to portray me last element, harmony, to create a sense of comfort and
security. When first choosing this project, I thought back to the 10 commandments in the bible
and remembered that the first was, ​Thou shallt have no Idols before me​. The only Idol that I
have is Jesus Christ, the person that inspires my choices. He saved us by being our living God,
spreading peace, and ultimately dying for our sins. My definition of an Idol is that there should
be only one. In my piece I displayed my faith, Christianity, according to how I saw it. An
Idol/Hero is someone who has influenced your decisions the most.

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