ET Guide 2010

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Tribunals Service


Making a claim to an
Employment tribunal

This booklet contains a

form to make a claim to
an Employment tribunal
This booklet is also available in the following languages: Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati,
Urdu, Punjabi, Cantonese, Gaelic, Welsh and Polish. For a copy please contact
the tribunal office or the Enquiry Line on 0845 7959775. Please note this booklet is for
information only.
Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

This booklet gives information about making a claim and gives guidance on filling in
the form.
If you have not already done so, you are strongly advised to ring the Acas Helpline
on 08457 474747 for advice on how you might be able to resolve your complaint
without having to make a claim. You should remember, though, that in most cases
the tribunal must receive your claim within three months. This three months
begins with the date your employment ended or when the matter you are
complaining about happened.
You will find the form for making your claim at the back of this booklet. Or, you
can make your claim through the Employment Tribunals website at
Please contact a tribunal office or the Employment Tribunals Public Enquiry Line
on 0845 795 9775 if you would like a copy of this booklet in Braille, large print
or on disc.

Claim process summary flowchart Page 2
What do Employment Tribunals do? Page 3
Further help and advice Page 3
Further information Page 3
Information needed before a claim can be accepted Page 4
How soon must I make my claim to an Employment Tribunal? Page 4
Unfair dismissal Page 4
Interim relief Page 5
Public Interest Disclosure claim Page 5
Where to send your claim Page 6
What happens when I send in my claim? Page 7
Correspondence Page 7
Do I have to pay the respondent’s costs? Page 7
Breach of contract claims Page 8
Access to Information Page 8
Welsh Language Act Page 8
Filling in the claim form Page 9
Employment Tribunal claim form Inside back cover

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Claim process summary

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

What do Employment If your claim involves discrimination, the

Equality and Human Rights Commission
Tribunals do?
may be able to help. Telephone
Employment Tribunals hear cases and numbers:
make decisions on matters todo with
• England – disability 08457 622 633
employment such as unfair dismissal,
redundancy payments, discrimination • England – race, age, gender, sexual
and a range of claims relating to wages orientation, religion and belief 0845
and other payments. Although an 604 6610
Employment Tribunal is not as formal
• Wales – all discrimination 0845 604
as a court it must comply with rules of
procedure and act independently.
• Scotland – all discrimination
0845 604 5510
Further help and advice
If you are applying for a redundancy
Before making a claim you should
payment, there are specific time limits
get advice on how you maybe ableto
which are complicated. You can get help
resolve your complaint without the
from the Redundancy Payment Helpline
need to make an Employment Tribunal
on 0845 145 0004.
claim. You can call the Acas (Advisory,
conciliation and arbitration service) If your complaint is about not receiving
Helpline on 08457 474747. the national minimum wage, you can
get help from the National Minimum
You can also get help and advice from:
Wage helpline on 0845 6000 678.
• a trade union, if you are a member;
• free advice services such as a law Further information
centre or a citizens advice bureau. Staff at the Employment Tribunals
The website address for Citizens Public Enquiry Line can answer general
Advice is enquiries, give information about
• solicitors and other professional tribunal publications and explain how
advisers. Solicitors’ firms and advice the tribunal system works. They may
agencies paid for by the Community be able to help you fill in the form but
Legal Service (0845 345 4345) or, in they cannot give legal advice, such
Scotland, under the legal aid scheme, as advising you whether your claim is
may be able to help you prepare your likely to be successful. The enquiry line
case. number is: 0845 795 9775, textphone/
minicom: 08457 573 722.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Information needed before a Unfair dismissal

claim can be accepted In general to claim unfair dismissal you
Your claim cannot be accepted unless must have worked continuously for the
it meets certain conditions. It must respondent for not less than one year.
be on an approved form provided by However, in certain circumstances in
Employment Tribunals. By law, you must which unfair dismissal is claimed it may
tell us: not be necessary to have worked for
the respondent for one year.
• your name and address;
• Being involved with a union.
• the name and address of the
respondent or respondents (the • Joining a union or choosing not to join
person or organisation against whom one.
you are making a claim); and • Being involved in Health and safety
• the details of your complaint. activities either as an employer’s
health and safety ‘officer’ or a
worker’s representative.
How soon must I make my
• Taking part in activities as a pension
claim to an Employment scheme trustee.
• Being, or proposing to become, an
Most claims to Employment Tribunals ‘employee representative’.
must be made within very strict time
limits. In most cases the tribunal • Being a shop worker or a betting
must receive your claim within three worker who refuses to work on a
months. This three months begins with Sunday.
the date your employment ended or • Using certain rights covered by the
when the matter you are complaining Working Time Regulations.
about happened. This means that if
it happened on 1 March, the tribunal • Being dismissed for pregnancy/
must receive your claim on or before pregnancy related reason.
31 May. If it happened on 5 March, the
tribunal must receive your claim on or
before 4 June.
If we receive your claim outside the
time limit, the tribunal will only be able
to consider it in a narrow range of

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Interim relief meeting to discuss a request not

to retire or that they accompanied
If you believe you have been unfairly or sought to accompany a fellow
dismissed for one of the reasons listed employee to such a meeting.
below you can make an application to a
Tribunal for ‘interim relief’. If the tribunal grants your application for
interim relief you will receive your salary
• For making a protected disclosure or wages until the case is decided.
within the meaning of the Public
Interest Disclosure Act 1998 If you were dismissed for one of the
(whistleblowing). above reasons and you want to make
an application for interim relief the
• For seeking to exercise the right to tribunal must receive your claim within
be accompanied at (or to accompany seven days of your dismissal. You may
someone else to) a disciplinary or also wish to seek advice.
grievance hearing.
• For acting as a workers’ Public Interest Disclosure
• dismissal of a safety representative or
If your claim consists of, or includes, a
a member of a safety committee for a
claim that you have made a protected
reason connected with that role;
disclosure under the Employment
• dismissal of a workers’ representative Rights Act 1996 (otherwise known
in connection with the Working Time as ‘whistleblowing’), the Tribunals
Regulations; Service will, copy your claim form,
• dismissal of an employeetrustee of an or extracts from it, to the relevant
occupational pension scheme for a Regulator, if you give your consent that
reason connected with that role; they should do so by ticking the box
at section 5.3 of the ET1 form. Where
• For trade union related reasons the claim contains complaints other
• dismissal for reasons related to than the ‘whistleblowing’ complaint,
trade union membership or non- all references to the other complaints
membership or trade union activity. will be deleted prior to the Tribunals
Service copying the claim to the
• dismissal resulting from obstruction or Regulator. If you do not wish your claim
promotion of official recognition of a to be sent to the Regulator or if you
trade union. have already done so, do not tick the
• For exercising or seeking to exercise consent box.
the right to be accompanied to a

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

If you consent to the claim, or extracts tribunal office to which you should
from it, being forwarded to the relevant send your claim. (If you have never
Regulator we will write to you or to worked for the respondent, use the
your representative if you have named postcode for the place where the
one, to say when and to whom the matter which you are complaining
form was sent. We will also write to about happened). In Scotland, all claims
the respondent explaining that we have are initially processed by the Glasgow
done so. It will be for the Regulator to tribunal office and you should send
decide whether the underlying issue your claim to that office. However, you
contained in the claim form requires may take your claim to the Aberdeen,
investigation. Dundee or Edinburgh office if that is
more convenient and they will forward
This will not affect in any way how your
it for you. In England and Wales, please
claim is processed by the Tribunals
refer to the list on pages 17-19 and
send or take your claim to the tribunal
Further guidance can be found at office listed against the postcode. For example PE10, 11 or 12 should go to
the Nottingham office (the full address
Where to send your claim of each office is on the back cover of
this booklet).
Your claim will not be accepted
by the tribunal office unless it is Sending your claim to the wrong office
on an approved form provided by may cause a delay. If you don’t know
Employment Tribunals. It is therefore where to send it, or do not know the
very important that you use our form. postcode for the place where you
The form is available in the following worked, call our public enquiry line on:
formats: 0845 795 9775.

• A paper copy which can be found at

the back of this booklet and sent to
the relevant office by post.
• A downloadable PDF version which
can be found on our website at
If you are using a paper copy of the
form use the postcode for the place
where you normally worked or where
you applied to work to identify the

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

If you are submitting the PDF version Correspondence

of the form via our website it will be
automatically sent to the correct office In future correspondence we will refer
if you provide us with the correct to you as the ‘claimant’ and to the
postcode. person you are complaining against
as the ‘respondent’. We will send
You should keep a copy of your a copy of your claim form and any
claim form for your records. It is your other documents or letters you send
responsibility to ensure that the tribunal us to the respondent. We will send
office receives your claim within the you copies of all the documents the
relevant time limit. respondent sends to us. We will send
you and the respondent any decision
What happens when I send in the tribunal makes.
my claim? You must let us know immediately if
your contact details change. If you have
Your claim will not be accepted if:
a representative (a person you ask to
• It is not on an approved form; or act on your behalf), we will send all
correspondence about your case to
• You have not given all the required
them and not to you. You must pass
any further requests for information
If your claim is not accepted we will through them and not straight to us.
return your form to you with a letter
telling you the reason why and what
action you should take. If your claim is
Do I have to pay the
accepted, we will send you a letter to respondent’s costs?
confirm this together with a booklet Generally, no.
which will tell you what the next steps
are. At the same time we will send the However, the tribunal can make an
respondent a copy of your claim form order for costs if it believes that you
together with a form for their response. or your representative have behaved
unreasonably in the way you have
In most cases we will also send a conducted your case or thinks that your
copy of your claim to Acas. An Acas claim was so weak that it should not
conciliator will contact you to explore have been brought.
whether or not it may be possible to
resolve the claim through conciliation Costs are known as expenses in
and without the need for a tribunal Scotland.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Breach of contract claims Welsh Language Act

If you are making a claim for breach If you are making a claim in Wales you
of contract you should be aware can ask that correspondence and phone
that Employment Tribunals can calls are in Welsh. If both sides agree,
only award compensation up to the the hearings may be carried out just
sum of £25,000. If the amount of in Welsh. If both English and Welsh
compensation you are claiming for are used at a hearing, we can provide
a breach of contract is more than translation facilities if you ask.
£25,000 you should pursue it through
the High Court in England and Wales or
the Sheriff Court or Court of Session
in Scotland. You may wish to take legal

Access to information
You can request information from
us; or ask for any information held
electronically about you, by writing to:
Data Access and Compliance Unit
Information Directorate
Ministry of Justice
1st Floor, Zone C
102 Petty France
There may be a charge for responding
to requests for information.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Filling in the claim form

We have designed these guidance notes 1.7 Tick the relevant box to say how
to be as helpful as possible. However, you would prefer us to contact you in
they do not give a full statement of future. If you want to communicate by
the law. If you do not provide the email please check your e-mails every
information marked with an asterisk (*) day. Although we will usually try to use
your claim will not be accepted. e-mail if you want us to, this may not
always be possible as some documents
need to be signed by an Employment
1 Your details
Please give your details
1.1 Tick the relevant box to show 2 Respondent’s details
whether you want to be referred to as
If your claim is accepted we will send a
Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms. If none of these is
copy of your claim to the organisation
correct, put your title, e.g. Doctor, in
you are complaining about (the
the space after ‘Other’.
respondent) so that they can prepare
1.2* Give your first name or names. a response to your complaint. It is
important that you tell us the correct
1.3* Give your surname or family name
identity of the respondent to avoid
in CAPITAL letters.
any delay in processing your claim. You
1.4 Give your date of birth in day/ should be able to identify this by looking
month/year format (for example at the letter that offered you your job,
25/02/1965) and tick the relevant your contract of employment or your
box to tell us whether you are male wage slip.
or female. It is helpful if you provide
2.1* Complaints may be against a single,
your date of birth as this information is
or a number of respondents. If you
needed for certain types of claims.
are claiming discrimination, you may
1.5* Give your full address, including be able to claim against more than
house number, street, town or city, one respondent – for instance, the
county and postcode. employer and any person for whom the
1.6 Please give your telephone employer is responsible who you allege
number(s) (including the full dialling code to have committed an act, or acts, of
for a landline) where we can contact discrimination against you. If you do
you during normal working hours. wish to complain about a person

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

(or people) put the name of the 4 Earnings and benefits

organisation in this box and the name
and address of the person (or people) 4.1 Please give the basic number of
as additional respondent(s) in Section hours you work or worked each week
11. – do not include overtime even if you
work or worked it regularly.
2.2* Give the respondent’s full address,
postcode and telephone number. 4.2 Give details of your basic pay,
before tax and any deductions and not
2.3* Give the full address and postcode including any overtime payments. Then
of the place where you worked, or give details of your normal take-home
applied to work, if this is different from pay (this is your pay after tax, National
the respondent’s address you gave at Insurance and any other deductions
2.2. If you worked from home please but including overtime, commissions
enter your home details, as we will treat and bonuses). Your payslip should
your home address and postcode as show these amounts. Please round the
your workplace. amounts to the nearest pound. Please
Please use Section 11 of this form to tick the relevant box to show whether
give details of additional respondents. this is for an hour, a week, a month or
a year.

3 Employment details 4.3 If your employment has ended,

please tick the appropriate box to say
3.1 If your complaint is against your if you either worked or were paid for a
employer or ex-employer, please give period of notice. If so, please tell us how
the date when your employment long you worked or were paid for.
started and, if it applies, the date when
it ended or will end. Use day/month/ 4.4 Please tick the appropriate box to
year format (for example 08/03/2009). say whether or not you were in your
Please tick the appropriate box to say employer’s pension scheme.
whether or not your employment is Please answer 4.5 to 4.9 if you were
continuing. If you are, or were, a worker unfairly dismissed.
providing services to the respondent,
please answer this and the following 4.5 Give details of any other benefits
questions as if “employment” referred you received from your employer.
to your working relationship with the Examples might include a company car
respondent. or medical insurance. Please describe
what kind of benefit you received and
3.2 Please give your job title and give an idea of how much it was worth.
say what job you do or did for your

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

4.6 Please tick the appropriate box dismissal and give any other information
to say whether or not you have you think would be helpful to us. If
got another job since leaving your you disagree with the reason the
employment. If you have not, please respondent gave for dismissing you,
now go straight to section 4.9. 4.7 If please say what you think the reason
you have got another job, please tell was. You should describe the events
us when you started (or will start) which led up to your dismissal and
work. Please say whether the job describe how the dismissal took place,
is permanent or temporary. If it is including dates, times and the people
temporary, give the likely date it is due involved. If you are claiming thatthe
to end (if you know it). respondent’s actions led you to resign
and leave your job (constructive
4.8 Please tell us the amount you are
dismissal), please explain in detail the
earning (or will earn) each week, month
circumstances surrounding this.
or year in your new job.
4.9 Please tick the appropriate box
to say what you want if your claim is
successful. Discrimination can take place on
the grounds of sex (this includes
complaints regarding equal pay and
5 Your claim about pregnancy and maternity issues),
5.1* Please tick the appropriate box or race, sexual orientation, religion or
boxes to say what you are complaining belief, age or for a reason related to
about. a disability. Discrimination laws cover
all areas of employment including
5.2* Please give the background and
recruitment, training, promotion and
details of your complaints.
dismissal. They also cover victimisation.
5.3 If appropriate, please tick the box if Events that happen after you have left
you wish a copy of the form, or extracts employment can also be covered by
from it, to be forwarded to the relevant discrimination laws. In the case of sex,
regulator. race and disability discrimination, the
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Unfair dismissal can provide a questionnaire to help
you decide whether or not to start
If your claim or part of it is about being proceedings and, if so, to prepare your
unfairly dismissed by the respondent, case in the most effective way. In the
or if you are claiming constructive box please describe the incidents which
dismissal, please use the box provided you believe amounted to discrimination,
to explain the background to the

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

the dates of these incidents and the Other payments you are owed
people who were involved. Explain
in what way you believe you were If you are complaining about
discriminated against. If you are outstanding unpaid wages, holiday
complaining about discrimination when pay, payment for a period of notice or
you applied for a job, please say what some other payment (other unpaid
job you were applying for. If you are amounts could include unpaid expenses,
complaining about more than one commission or a bonus) tell us how
type of discrimination, please provide much you are claiming.
separate details of the act (or acts) of Please explain why you believe you are
discrimination. You should describe entitled to this payment, setting out full
how you have been affected by the details such as the period the payment
events you are complaining about. If covers and the rate of pay. If you have
you are unable to give the dates of specified an amount, please say how
all the incidents you are complaining you worked this out. If you are claiming
about, you must at least give the date more than one type of payment, please
of the last incident or tell us if the give the amounts you are claiming for
discrimination is ongoing. each type of payment and explain how
you worked out each amount.
Redundancy payment
If you are claiming a redundancy Other complaints
payment please say whether you have Please state what your complaint is and
asked your employer for payment. If so, explain the events leading up to your
please give the date in day/month/year claim, including any relevant dates. If
format (for example 25/10/08). possible, please tell us the relevant law
Please say whether or not you have which applies to your claim. If there
applied to a Redundancy Payments is not enough space for your answer,
please continue on a separate sheet and
Office (RPO) for payment. If you have attach it to this form.
applied to RPO please tell us whether
your claim has been rejected, and, if so,
the date shown on the rejection letter.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

6 What compensation or 8.1 If you know the name of the person

representing you, give it here. If you
remedy are you seeking?
don’t know it, leave this section blank.
6.1 It would be helpful if you would
8.2 Give the full name of the
state what you are seeking from the
representative’s organisation (for
respondent if your claim is successful
example, the union, firm of solicitors or
e.g. amount of compensation.
Citizens Advice Bureau).

7 Other information 8.3 Give the full address and postcode

of the representative’s organisation.
7.1 Please do not send a covering letter
with your claim form. You should give 8.4 Give the representative’s phone
us any extra information that you want number including the full dialling code.
to tell us here. For example, you may 8.5 Give the reference number your
want to give an explanation of why your representative has given to your case (if
claim is out of time. Tell us whether you you know it).
raised the issue with the respondent
8.6 Tick the appropriate box to say
and, if so, if any action was taken. If
how they would prefer us to contact
there is not enough space, please
them in future (if you know) and give
continue on a separate sheet and attach
the e-mail address if appropriate.
it to this form. If you are providing
information on separate sheets for a
number of questions, please say here
how many sheets in total you have
attached to the form.

8 Your representative
You only need to fill in this section if
you have appointed a person to act on
your behalf, that is, a representative.
If you appoint a representative we
will deal directly with them, not with
you. Please do not give the name of a
representative unless they have agreed
to act for you. Do not give the name
of a person or organisation who is only
giving you advice on filling in this form.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Please do not include an e-mail address The information you give us will be
unless the representative checks their treated in the strictest confidence and
e-mails every day. will not form part of your case. It may
be used for general research purposes
where you will not be identified.
9 Disability
9.1 Please tick ‘Yes’ if you consider that
you have a disability. Please say what
Data Protection Act 1998
this disability is and give details of any We will send a copy of this form to
help you may need from tribunal staff. the respondent(s) and Acas. We will,
Examples of the help we can provide if your claim consists of, or includes, a
include converting documents to Braille claim that you have made a protected
or larger print, providing information disclosure under the Employment
on disc and paying for sign language Rights Act 1996 (and you have given
interpreters. your consent that we should do so)
send a copy of the form, or extracts
from it, to the relevant regulator. We
10 Multiple claims
will put the information you give us on
10.1 If you are aware that your claim this form onto a computer. This helps
is one of a number of claims arising us to monitor progress and produce
from the same or similar circumstances statistics. Information provided on this
against the same respondent, please tick form is passed to the Department for
‘Yes’ here. This will help tribunal staff to Business, Innovation and Skills to assist
process these claims efficiently. research into the use and effectiveness
of employment tribunals.
11 Details of additional
11.1 Use the boxes to give details of
extra respondents.

Equal Opportunities
Monitoring Form
You are not obliged to fill in this section
but, if you do so, it would enable us to
monitor our processes and help ensure
that we provide fair treatment for all.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Postcode Tribunal office Postcode Tribunal office

AL1-10 Watford DL Newcastle
BA1-16 Bristol DN1-12 Sheffield
BA20-22 Exeter DN14-20 Leeds
B Birmingham DN21 Nottingham
BB Manchester DN22 Sheffield
BD Leeds DN31-41 Leeds
BH Southampton DT1-5 Southampton
BL Manchester DT6-8 Exeter
BN Southampton DT9-11 Southampton
BR Ashford DY Birmingham
BS Bristol E East London
CA Newcastle EC1-EC4 London Central
CB Bury St Edmunds EN Watford
CF Cardiff EX Exeter
CH1-3 Liverpool FY Manchester
CH4-8 Cardiff GL Bristol
CH41-66 Liverpool GU1-10 London South
CM East London GU11-14 Southampton
CO Bury St Edmunds GU15-16 London South
CR London South GU17 Reading
CT Ashford GU18-25 London South
CV Birmingham GU26-35 Southampton
CW1-5 Birmingham GU46-52 Southampton
CW6-10 Liverpool HA Watford
CW11-12 Birmingham HD Leeds
DA Ashford HG Leeds
DE1-7 Nottingham HP1-5 Watford
DE11-15 Leicester HP6-22 Reading
DE21-75 Nottingham HP23 Watford
DE99 Nottingham HP27 Reading
DH Newcastle HR Birmingham

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Postcode Tribunal office Postcode Tribunal office

HU Leeds NW6-7 Watford
HX Leeds NW8 London Central
IG East London NW9-11 Watford
IP Bury St Edmunds OL1-13 Manchester
KT London South OL14 Leeds
L Liverpool OL15-16 Manchester
LA1-6 Manchester OX Reading
LA7-23 Newcastle PE1-6 Leicester
LD Cardiff PE7 Bury St Edmunds
LE Leicester PE8 Bedford
LL Cardiff PE9 Leicester
LN Nottingham PE10-12 Nottingham
LS Leeds PE13-19 Bury St Edmunds
LU Bedford PE20-25 Nottingham
M Manchester PE26-38 Bury St Edmunds
ME Ashford PL Exeter
MK Bedford PO Southampton
N1 London Central PR1-7 Manchester
N2-22 Watford PR8-9 Liverpool
NE Newcastle PR 25-26 Manchester
NG Nottingham RG1-20 Reading
NN1-13 Bedford RG21-28 Southampton
NN14-18 Leicester RG29-45 Reading
NN29 Bedford RH1-14 London South
NP Cardiff RH15-17 London South
NR Bury St Edmunds RH18-20 London South
NW1 London Central RM East London
NW2 Watford S Sheffield
NW3 London Central SA Cardiff
NW4 Watford SE London South
NW5 London Central SG1-7 Bedford

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Postcode Tribunal office Postcode Tribunal office

SG8-14 Bury St Edmunds TN22 London South
SG15-19 Bedford TN23-40 Ashford
SK Manchester TQ Exeter
SL Reading TR Exeter
SM London South TS Newcastle
SN1-6 Bristol TW1-3 London South
SN7 Reading TW4-6 Reading
SN8-26 Bristol TW7-12 London South
SO Southampton TW13-20 Reading
SP Southampton UB Watford
SR Newcastle W1-2 London Central
SS East London W3-7 Watford
ST1-21 Birmingham W8-11 London Central
SW1 London Central W12-14 Watford
SW2 London South WA1-2 Liverpool
SW3 London Central WA3 Manchester
SW4 London South WA4-13 Liverpool
SW5-7 London Central WA14-16 Manchester
SW8-9 London South WC London Central
SW10 London Central WD Watford
SW11-20 London South WF Leeds
SY1-14 Birmingham WN1-7 Manchester
SY15-25 Cardiff WN8 Liverpool
TA1-5 Exeter WR Birmingham
TA6-9 Bristol WS Birmingham
TA10-24 Exeter WV Birmingham
TD**** Newcastle YO1-19 Leeds
TF Birmingham YO21-22 Newcastle
TN1-4 Ashford YO23-62 Leeds
TN5-7 London South
TD**** postcode area – English locations
TN8-21 Ashford only – Scotland has its own tribunals.

Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal


Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal


Making a claim to an Employment Tribunal

Employment Tribunal offices: E-mail addresses

Bury St Edmunds
East London
London Central
London South

For full office address details see back cover

Employment tribunal offices
Aberdeen Mezzanine Floor, Atholl House, 84-88 Guild Street, Aberdeen AB11 6LT 01224 593137
1st Floor, Ashford House, County Square Shopping Centre, Ashford,
Ashford 01233 621346
Kent TN23 1YB

Bedford 8-10 Howard Street, Bedford MK40 3HS 01234 351306

Birmingham Phoenix House, 1-3 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3NH 0121 236 6051
Bristol The Crescent Centre, Ground Floor, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6EZ 0117 929 8261
Bury St Edmunds 100 Southgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2AQ 01284 762171
Cardiff 2nd Floor, Caradog House, 1-6 St Andrews Place, Cardiff CF10 3BE 029 2067 8100
Ground Floor, Block C, Caledonian House, Greenmarket, Dundee DD1
Dundee 01382 221578

East London 2nd Floor, Anchorage House, 2 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BE 020 7538 6161
Edinburgh 54-56 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HF 0131 226 5584
Exeter 2nd Floor, Keble House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NT 01392 279665
Glasgow Eagle Building, 215 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 7TS 0141 204 0730
Leeds 4th Floor, City Exchange, 11 Albion Street, Leeds LS1 5ES 0113 245 9741
Leicester 5a New Walk, Leicester LE1 6TE 0116 255 0099
Liverpool 1st Floor, Cunard Building, Pier Head, Liverpool L3 1TS 0151 236 9397
London Central Victory House, 30-34 Kingsway, London WC2B 6EX 020 7273 8603
London South Montague Court, 101 London Road, West Croydon CR0 2RF 020 8667 9131
Manchester Alexandra House, 14-22 The Parsonage, Manchester M3 2JA 0161 833 6100
Newcastle Quayside House, 110 Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 3DX 0191 260 6900
Nottingham 3rd Floor, Byron House, 2a Maid Marian Way, Nottingham NG1 6HS 0115 947 5701
4th Floor, 30-31 Friar Street (entrance in Merchant’s Place), Reading RG1
Reading 0118 959 4917

Sheffield 14 East Parade, Sheffield S1 2ET 0114 276 0348

Suite 7, 2nd Floor, Prospect House, Belle Vue Road, Shrewsbury SY3
Shrewsbury 01743 358341

Southampton 3rd Floor, Duke’s Keep, Marsh Lane, Southampton SO14 3EX 023 8071 6400
Watford 3rd Floor, Radius House, 51 Clarendon Rd, Watford, WD17 1HP 01923 281 750

Our offices are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

We will send a map showing the location of the office where the hearing has been
arranged and giving details of local car parking and facilities for refreshments and phones.

For office e-mail addresses see the inside back cover

Enquiry Line: 0845 7959775 Minicom: 0845 7573722

URN 10/516 May 2010

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