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Unit 1 Transcription Key

6. Sentence Drill.
He can go there in an hour. I will not go. It
would not go well in there. He will not go there will
he? At the hour I am going. Good, I will go
there. Will he not go? Are there more in there?

[45 words]

13. Reading and Dictation Practice

A day here in the good air will aid her.
I can not hear him well, can he hear me?
The hat lay there an hour. Her gay air
will not go well here. I am willing;
Ema may go in an hour. Amy hid
her hat in the tree. I can go there in a
day. Ray will aid her at the hill.
I am ill; I cannot go. Are there more
going in the dray? I hear Eddy will
aid me in Erie in May. Ella
will not heat the tea. He can go there in an
hour. He lay there an hour. A good aim
will aid him, will it not? In an
hour he will go. I will go in an
hour. The tea tray lay there an hour.

[132 words]

Unit 2 Transcription Key

25. Reading and Dictation Practice

Henry Hale led our team in the
great game. It was a dreary gray
day but Len Allen made ready to take
the trail without delay. He will lead the
attack in the grain market. He and I will
meet you at the end of the lake at two.

[49 words]

Dear Sir: I hear that you are going to the meeting at

Helena. I am going too. Would you be
be willing to meet me at the train at two
and take me to the meeting with you? Yours truly,

[39 words]

Dear Sir: I am ready to add you to the limit

in getting the linen you will need. I can
meet you in Erie by the middle of
May with the main data. That will not be
too late, will it? Yours truly,

[43 words]

33. Writing Practice

1. You will need a keen memory when you go to the market today.
2. When you take the grain to the mill you can get your money.
3. Many of our men will go to the train in the rain to greet the team.
4. I am not any more eager to be in debt to you than you are.
5. I am ready to go the limit in getting you the money you need.
6. He had a great desire to read, but he had little time and his reading was limited.
7. I am not willing to go by train, but you can make me a minimum rate by air and rail.
8. The data you need will be ready by the middle of the month.
9. The mill was then making a good metal tag at the rate of eighty a minute.
10. In his dream he was being attacked in the dark by an enemy.

Dear Sir: I am eager to eliminate without any more delay the error made in the minimum drain
rate to Erie. I can meet you at Erie any day you desire. My time is limited and I cannot be there more
than a day. It would be well to get all the data in hand by the time you are ready to do. I will meet
you any day you can be there. Yours truly,

Unit 3 Transcription Key

32. Reading and Dictation Practice

Our country will like you to be great in aim
and in deed. He added that the money would be
needed today. They meant that the man would
remain here a month, did they not? What
time of day was it that he met you?

[45 words]

Mr. Earl: Mary Keller would like

to take a little time to go to the meeting
of the Marketing League at Reading. I hear that it is
to be a great meeting. Mary will gain
by it. You and I will too. Are you willing? Yours truly,

[47 words]

Dear sir: the grain market is lagging

today. I am not taking any more grain
but I will get into the market again when
money is at the minimum rate. Would you
be willing to go in with me then? Yours truly,

[42 words]

Unit 4 Transcription Key

45. Reading and Dictation Practice

I go over the factory with him almost every
month. I very much fear that his leaving
at this time will add to the feeling of the people that
all is not well. I have been very busy and should have been ready
for the trip before this, but I shall not leave before you get
back. Many changes may be made in the plan.

[65 words]

Jim: I have a camp at a pretty little lake

in the country about a half-hour trip from Happy Valley.
I go there many a day to fish and read.
Will you go with me in May? The trip
to the village can be made in about an hour from here.
I never leave before one and I am there a little
after two. If you can go get your fishing tackle
in good shape put it in your bag and you
and I will have a great time. Ralph.

[91 words]

Unit 5 Transcription Key

56. Reading and Dictation Practice
The framework of the branch factory at Philadelphia
will be ready for the bricklayers by the end of May.

In making a study of the traffic needs in this city one

of the first steps is to get needed data about the stream
of passing people by putting in a thorough system of checking.

As the
months go by, it is plain that they steady
decrease in the sales in this business will leave a heavy
debt that will almost deplete our assets.

[83 words]

Dear sir: I have had a visit with Mr. Ames and he

says that it will be well for you to see the Evans people before the
first of February as they will be in the market for some of our
ranges about that time. I will add that I am very
much elated over the sales that you made in January
and I think it is safe to say that you salary
will be raised before many months have passed. Very truly yours,

[84 words]

Unit 6 Transcription Key

63. Reading and Dictation Practice

The public in this section of the country is against publishing the
matter in its present for until the figures
have been thoroughly studied.

To fix the taxes at this rate

will mix matters and will not appeal to the

Once the matter of the campaign is placed

before the public, the risk will be very great, and
everything should be thoroughly ready before such action is taken.

I hear that everything is ready for the big parade.

[79 words]

Dear Sir: When you visited me in January you said

you would be back again between the middle and end of
next May and that you would present in brief form a
History of Business you were going to publish. There is still
another month left that can be given to finishing
this piece of work. It is a history that is much
needed at present. I shall be happen to hear from you soon. Yours truly,

[77 words]

64. Writing Practice

1. I shall not leave here today for my trip to France, as I am too busy, but I shall finish everything
2. It may be that such a change in the history classes will help to settle the matter for you.
3. He will cash the pay check if you will present it at his desk.
4. Since she is changing her plans to stay here some time before going to the city, I think it will be
well to leave the matter as it is for the present.
5. Because the business in that part of the country is not good, he will remain there another month
to go thoroughly into the planning of a sales campaign.
6. It is plain that if any action is to be taken it must take place before the session ends today.
7. He fixed the time at six and said that the men were asleep.
8. I shall not fail to mention that the basis of his claim is very flimsy and that I feel that his figures
should be thoroughly studied and checked before any decision is reached.

Dear Sir: The sale of the goods you shipped me in January is not going at all well. For one thing,
the season has been very late, causing business to be slack. Can you think of anything that will help
our sales? It may be that business in other parts of the country is much the same as it is here and
you have made some sales plans that will be of help to me. I should like to go over this matter with
one of your men the first time one of them is in the city. Yours truly,

Unit 7 Transcription Key

70. Reading and Dictation Practice

Dear Sir: I was glad to get your letter of January 15,
but I am still in the dark as to the general purpose
of your taking the trip to Lowell at this time.
Will you not let me have all the details
of the situation?

Mr. Peck called this morning and

went over the matter of the small lot of coffee
you told me about. He believes it will be possible to take it
over during the month, but he will issue me more
about this after he calls upon several of the hotels here in the
course of the next day or two.

There is not much

chance of getting any business from the state, as Mr.
Parks is very much in favor of the Ellis and Baker
goods and wants to place his orders with them. But
I still believe that I can get some of the business and I shall not
be put off until I know there is no hope at all. Very truly yours,

[170 words]

Unit 8 Transcription Key

77. Reading and Dictation Practice

Dear Sir: It is the belief of the men in our business that owing
to the heavy losses in income, it will become
necessary for the company to get more capital very soon if it is to keep
going. In my opinion, an error was made in not
floating the loan that was thought necessary a month
ago. I was very much in favor of it as you know but it is
rather too late at this time to deal with the people you then
saw in regard to it.

The above-mentioned subject is of first

importance and I want you to collect and put in
one-to-three order all the data that you think are necessary
to place before any men I have to see in regard to taking share in the

Yesterday I called upon two men of importance in this city.

Either of them would be an important factor in floating
the loan, and they told me that they would be
glad to hear more about our plans. Yours truly,

[177 words]
Brief Forms

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4
Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

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