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The poem, entitled “Ang Gugma sa Maya”, by Unknown writer is a inspring poem
because the author discuss in the poem how does a “Maya” which means “Bisexual” fall in love.
It is different if they are called. It's different because it's wrong. It is wrong because it is contrary
to His command. But what if the difference between them is the very reason why they are
happy? Will you ever be deprived? The poem, “Ang Gugma sa Maya” is a short Cebuano poem
of two lovers despite the cynicisms and temptations of the people around them. A poem that
gives answers to questions like those of others. Those who loved and gave themselves to those
who knew them.

The poem, “Ang Gugma sa Maya” undressed the reality of same sex affection and love.
The poem emphasizes the feelings of the two same sex character towards the negative response
of the society in their relationship or feelings they had. As what the poem stated, “Unfamiliar
experience. People suffer and talk. For the agreement to be created. Belt two as one. The goal
and the desire to be together. It has reached 'no matter what, but many were asked. Really? Why?
And will it be? The lines are extremely emotional.

I hate the fact that same sex affection and love are noted as free-well nowadays. I may
not agree on it, but the mere fact that it well makes other happy, then so be it. The lines are
vigorously emphasized the well of a bisexual to love and to be loved.

Every word strongly marginalize the impact of essence of the poem to make fact that
having the feeling of Gugma sa Maya has a lot of discrepancy. The composition of the poem
often to have a rhyme but it doesn’t have a metrical pattern. There are only two stanzas in this

This poem, “Ang Gugma sa Maya” well open your mind to the possibility that nowadays,
same sex affection and love are allowed. We should not make this world very tight for the others.
They should be given a chance to prove that the intention of a Gugma sa Maya is fine. I may suit
for this kind of poem but the fact that it is a product of poetry; I should agree on it and appreciate
the effort of the author in the creation of this poetry. This kind of poem is a must read in order
for the others to know the twist and turns in making a poetry.

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