Case Study 2

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Illegal logging has a significant environmental, economic and social cost because it degrades

forest environments, reduces biodiversity, undermines government regimes and revenues,

contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and deprives local communities of opportunities to

improve their quality of life.

According to a scholar, Jessica Matthews, short-sighted policies by the Filipino government have

also contributed to the high rate of deforestation. In the 20th century, the forest cover of the

Philippines dropped from 70 per cent to 20 per cent. In total, 46 species are endangered, and 4

were already eradicated completely. Only 3.2 percent of total rainforest has been left. Based on

the analysis of land use pattern maps and road map, an estimated 9.8 million hectares of forest

were lost in the Philippines from 1934 to 1988.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) with the help of the Philippine

government campaigned against illegal logging and its reforestation program. Indigenous

species, like narra and Philippine mahogany are monitored in ports all over the archipelago

despite the difficulty of such.

In 2011, the Executive Order No. 23, “Declaring a Moraturium on the Cutting and Harvesting of

Timber in the Natural and Residual Forests and Creating the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force”

was signed by President Benigno S. Aquino III on February 1, 2011. However, some cases against

illegal timber trade have led to convictions, some were abandoned and concessions continued.

As what this second case study is all about, Army Colonel Alonzo together with this infantry

truck commandeered by men in full combat gears was flagged-down by a forest guard, Rick

after noticing an unlawful act of cutting trees in South Cotabato. Ricky’s situation is difficult

knowing that his team was outnumbered by Alonzo’s, he must consider that their lives are at

stake at the moment.

However, let’s take some facts for a moment: (1) Alonzo is an Army Colonel, which means that

he is a military, a public servant, and he should be aware of the directives made by the DENR

about the cutting of certain tree species classified as endangered, then why does he seem

unaware of it? Is he and his team exempted to the rule? (2) The three truckloads of freshly-cut

timber was an infantry truck, it is also a government-owned vehicle, is this what they say that

owners of some illegal concessions are able to use political or military connections in order to

get away with crime?; (3) the truck was commandeered by uniformed men in full combat gears,

are they not well informed of the RA 10593, Sec. 9, that is the offender is in the government

service, he will be dismissed from office?

If I were in Rick’s shoes, as an assigned forest guard to help the government with its fight

against illegal going, I will respond to the situation as follows:

(1) As stated in Art 10593, Sec. 7, I will execute my police powers to seize a vehicle with illegally

cut trees; verify the documents supporting their actions, and if they cannot show me any legal

documents in accordance to the law, I will have to courteously inform Alonzo and his team that I

will not allow them to pass through with all of those freshly-cut flitches. We shall also confiscate

and forfeit in favor of the government the illegally cut and gathered timber because it is very

evident that they are actually committing a serious offense against the government.

(2) I will also politely ask Alonzo if it is there role to bury the armies killed during their

operations and to give subsidy to the family of the dead. Does the government not offer help to

the bereaved families that is why they resorted to illegal logging for the dead heroes?

(3) Knowing that we are outnumbered and if Alonzo insists on passing through, I would allow

him. I must take into careful consideration that I am fighting for my life at this moment and the

lives of my comrades. Hence, I will get as much information about him and his team in a friendly

manner so that I can take note of the incident and will secretly get the infantry trucks plate

(4) After which, I will coordinate to the higher authorities or the DENR of the confrontation

together with the facts that I’ve obtained and allow them to handle the situation efficiently and

effectively since they are more knowledgeable of the proper negotiation with them. As a forest

guard, I was just given the authority to aid the government with their regulations and that

effective chastisement should be done by the authority figure of the implementing rules in our

community; and

(5) And even if I was vested to exercise police powers (Art. 10593, Sec. 7), I would request

assistance from the local government to deputize the PNP or other law enforcement agencies to

help us monitor and ensure the compliance of the said law. And in case the same situation will

happen, we would have enough people who will pursue to decrease illegal deforestation and

continue to uphold their aim of reforestation which can protect the whole area against typhoon,

flood, landslides and other calamities.

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