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Within the preparation of my task, I had to take the help and advice of some respected people, who
deserve my finest gratitude. As the finishing this assignment gave personally much pleasure, I would
like to exhibit my appreciation to Mr XXXX Instructor, on Business management school (BMS) for
good guideline me s good guidelines for the project throughout numerous services. I actually would
wish to broaden my gratitude for all those who have immediately and indirectly guided me personally
on paper this assignment.

Inside addition, a give thanks to you to Professor XXXXX, who introduced me to the Methodology of
work, and whose passion for the “underlying structures” got the longer lasting effect.

Several individuals, especially my mates make valuable opinion ideas in the document which provided
me an inspiration to improve the quality of the assignment. Commented [WU1]: Research word count total 11000
Executive summary 1000 words
Research 10000 words
Executive Summary

Monetary industry in Sri Lanka plays a essential role in managing financial property. Conventionally
all the financial activities were carried away manually and customers experienced to visited the
department. This has taken great deal of time as well since the cost to both customer as well as bank.
Internet financial is currently capturing the banking industry at a rapid phase by removing and
transforming the standard banking activities to a web-based online system. Even though this
improvement of new technology, recent finding in Sri Lanka illustrates that customers were more
resistance towards implementing such technology even it has more sufficient family member
advantages. It was found that only less than 1% of bank customers, in general, use online banking,
mobile banking, mobile phone banking and internet repayment gateway and although CREDIT services
are extensively used, the consumption of other IT-driven software programs as online banking, mobile
bank, internet payment gateway and telephone banking is practically unimportant. So with this current
situation this research examine will drive on to identify the value of why most Sri Lankans are resistant
to adopt internet banking hence these conclusions are useful to specialists in the banking industry,
especially for developers of such information systems and the strategy makers, towards taking banking
services to a good commonly applicable in the developed world today. This study will be looking at in-
depth regarding actual customer perspective on adoption or non-adoption of internet banking thus aim
is to identify factors affecting to adoption of internet banking.

Current knowledge in the banking field which is combined with the internet to understand the banking
policies and have a better customer satisfaction towards the has especially become an e-
banking hub in the current century. Electronic channels deliver the better business platform eliminating
regulatory, geographical barricades to enter the global market to compete the customer demand in the
There are four types of E-commerce activities taken place in the banking activities. They are banking,
investing, shopping and online transactions like payments and receipts. Introducing e-commerce for the
existing century has impacted the overall traditional banking services.
However, all the organizations are striving and exist to meet the varying customer satisfaction and
therefore it always hard to keep satisfying their customers through better channels of delivering their
offerings. The reach gives a importance of the various areas has to focus while implementing and
working towards internet banking further providing a good quality of a customer service and their
response which is about the impact of the business so far. customer satisfaction concept will affect
business in a positive way and enhance the brand image and market share.

This kind of paper reports the effects of any study about the re-homing of websites banking by checking
out consumer adoption within typically the framework of Sri Lankan financial services. The
investigation program was based on typically the extension to the deconstructed theory of planned
perform which mainly includes attitude (including innovation characteristics these kinds of as relative
advantage, appropriateness, complexity, trialability, and risk), subjective norms, and identified
behavioral control to gauge world wide web banking adoption conduct.

The online questionnaire study was conducted to collect the data and 108 complete responses were
gathered from banking customers who have been internet users from Colombo and Gampaha district.
Descriptive analysis was done to provide strength to the research study which demonstrated that even
though substantial people were aware of internet banking, the majority of them were resistance to follow
internet banking. Spearman’s position correlation utilized to look at the relationship of 9 hypotheses
with actual internet banking usage. Results uncovered that attitudinal and identified behavioral control
factors somewhat than social influence (subjective norms) play a important role in influencing control
of internet banking. Specifically, relative advantage, compatibility with values, internet skills,
trialability, risk, the confidence in using such services (self-efficacy), and technology support found to
influence the re-homing of internet banking. Typically the conclusion of the research study intended
that financial institutions have to majorly effect the internet banking re-homing through ‘pull
strategies’.. Commented [WU2]: This word count 668, must be 1000
The section should provide a summary of the over all
research, its rational, aims and intended out comes, a
review of relevant underpinning theories, frame works, &
principles,the methodology planned and undertaken,
project out comes, reflections, conclusions and
recommendations for personal and oraganisational practice
(1000 words) 5 marks
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 10

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 10

1.2 Current situation.................................................................................................................. 12

1.3 Overview of study ............................................................................................................... 12

1.4 Background of Internet banking ......................................................................................... 14

1.5 Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 15

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 17

2.1 Starting of Computerization in Sri Lankan banks............................................................... 18

2.2 Rudimentary of Internet Banking ....................................................................................... 18

2.3 Features of Internet Banking ............................................................................................... 19

2.4 Internet Banking in Bank of Ceylon ................................................................................... 19

2.5 Benefits for Customers ....................................................................................................... 20

2.6 Benefits to the Bank ........................................................................................................... 21

2.7 Existing status of e-banking re-homing in Srilanka ............................................................ 22

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 25

3.1Research Aim ....................................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................ 27

3.3 Research approaches ........................................................................................................... 28

3.4 Research philosophy ........................................................................................................... 28

3.5 Research Hypothesis ........................................................................................................... 29

3.6 Research onion .................................................................................................................... 29

3.7 Research paradigms ............................................................................................................ 29

3.8 Justification of research approach ....................................................................................... 30

3.9 Research questions .............................................................................................................. 30

3.10 Research strategy ............................................................................................................ 30

CHAPTER 4 : DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS .............................................................. 31

4.1Three main reason of low adoptability of Internet banking ................................................. 31

4.2 Ranking to the all seven reasons ......................................................................................... 31

4.3 How often customers use Internet banking ......................................................................... 32

4.4 Familiarity with Internet banking ....................................................................................... 34

4.5 Socio-demographic ............................................................................................................. 36

4.6 Data collection methods ...................................................................................................... 37

4.7 Data analysis ....................................................................................................................... 38

4.8 Accessibility issues ............................................................................................................. 38

4.9 Findings............................................................................................................................... 39

4.10 Analysis............................................................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................... 40

5.1 Rationale ............................................................................................................................. 40

5.2 Rationale of the topic .......................................................................................................... 41

5.3 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 41

5.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 42

5.5 Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 43

5.6 Suggestions to the customers .............................................................................................. 44

5.7 Suggestions to the banks and government .......................................................................... 45

References .................................................................................................................................... 46

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Systems of Delivery for Digital Banking……………………………………………...15

Figure :2 Research Onion Adopted……………………………………………………………...22

Figure 3: Ranking of the Reasons……………………………………………………………….25

Figure 4: Bar chart on respondent use of e-banking…………………………………………….26

Figure 5: Pie chart on how long respondents use e-banking…………………………………….27

Figure :6 Familiar with the Internet Banking……………………………………………………28

Figure 7: type of services utilized by respondent………………………………………………...29

Figure:8 Age group of respondents and Occupation of respondent……………………………..30

Figure 9 Categories of particulars……………………………………………………………….33


We the undersigned solemnly state that the project statement impact of customers satisfaction towards
the internet banking services quality and to identify the key factors affecting the ussage of internet
banking in Bank of Ceylon (BOC) is based on my own work transported out during the course of our
study under the supervision of <guide’s name>.

I claim the statements made and conclude draws is surely a finished result of my assignment work. I
further certify that,

1. The task contained in the report is original and has been done by me under the common
supervision of my manager.

2. The work is not posted to any other Organization for any other degree/diploma/certificate in this
university or the any other University of India or abroad.

3. We have followed the guidelines provided by the university in writing the report.

4. Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, we
have given due credit to them in the text of the report and giving their details in the references.

(Roll No.)
(Enrollment No.)

1.1 Introduction

Internet banking is a method of electronic payment system that permits absolutely free themes of the
banks and other financial institutions for performing financial transactions. The web banking system is
a system-oriented process that would access banking services for the benefit for customers. To become
clear and exact, the basic mechanism of internet banking, Internet financial and internet banking are
same thing. To accessibility the financial area for internet banking facility, a customer needs to sign
upward with the institution for creating the service, creating the passwords and other credentials for
confirmation of absolutely free themes. However, the client numbers are normally the same like the
account’s numbers. This is because the customer amounts can be linked to the account through financial
savings, credit card, cheque and other account related issues. This is observed that customer numbers
and the qualifications may set upward through various orientations. Right here, the types of financial
dealings that the customer transacts through Internet banking would include obtaining account
quantities, electronic bill payments and the fund transfers between the customer and the receiver’s

The BOC (Bank of Ceylon) established in end of 1940 under sir Caldecott Andrew by declaring the
maiden Colombo bank in the fort, further registering the Act No 30 in 1988 licensed as a commercial
bank in Sri Lanka.the bank is situated in No 1 BOC square, bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01, Sri
Lanka.Seven decades of tremendous complete experience in the Srilanka as a largest financial service
organization offering a huge range of financial services like mortgage, lease, pawing, credit card, off-
shore, and other financing activities.

In 2017 the bank becomes the No 1 brand in the iconic in Sri Lanka having Rs 40.5 billion among the
other financial institution. Simultaneously reflecting one of the strong financial bank in the country
carrying a capital base, profitability, and highest credit quality rating. further, it crowned the ‘Asian
banker’ of the Asian region and recognized a place under the top 100 banks in the world.
In today's world technology has played a major vital role in the banking sector and bought up a global
village by re-innovating the system to use for the customer (user) smoothly where else focusing on the
quality service achieving from the customers.
1.2 Current situation

The Objective to maintain an assessment in Srilanka, the current situation of the banking sector, impact
on government and stabilization packages to prioritize and recommend a direction of banking and
financial sector by the internet and stratify the customers by the internet.

By following the objective, it takes broad dept study of satisfying the customers such as like current
situation of the sector, analysis, legislation, challenges with competitors, the condition of
macroeconomic for elaborate the possible outcome to sustain the industry.

The main aim is to observe the customer satisfaction how it has been impacted to the customers in the
bank of Ceylon and go through the strategies and offer scenarios to deal with the global market to create
a niche space.

1.3 Overview of study

Internet banking has many names such as internet banking, virtual banking and is an electronic expense
system. Constant use of internet for the transactions related to business results in a deep effect on the
industry of banking. This is a global process, which is creating a global market and the involvement of
internet banking into developing countries and places is lacking behind the Western countries. The
internet banking system is a part of the e-banking system operated by the banks individually. A customer
should have the internet access to register the online service with a secured password and other
information for verification of the customers. The qualifications for internet banking are not as same as
mobile or telephone internet banking. The financial institutions are regularly,
checking the customer’s phone number to ensure whether they have given the right details or not. The
phone number of the customer can be related to any account controls such as savings, credit card,
cheques, and loan.

A customer may transact internet banking by visiting the financial institutions’ safe website and logging
in with the number allocated to the customer. Electronic bill payments, transferring funds between
customers are the main applications of internet financial (Biringer 2013). There are some banks, which
provides their customers the ability to download the transactions directly through absolutely free themes
accounting software. This facility also provides the customer to order statements, cheques books,
suggest change of location, and other daily transactions. Generally places with poor financial systems,
infrastructure, and education have problem of slow versatility of technology in the bettering countries
(Barker 2011). In this research, it comes with an analysis for the re-homing of internet banking in the
Sri Lanka a variety of factors that are included in the approval by the users.

Internet Banking

In early 1980 customer has to be provided an information via a application software program to operate Commented [WU3]: This section comes under the
literature review.there is no proof here to explain, should
manually in front of computer to dialed and remotely connect through telephone line or modern. be in reference .

However, in 1990 internet become huge improvement comeback and fought against service channels to
capture the customers comfortable around the has been reduced the cost and maintain good
repo between the consumer.

Internet banking system enables electronic payment system to operate by the customer of a financial
institution to make the process easier and save time on it. such as like building the society, retail banking,
virtual banking, credit union.

The factors can impact the satisfaction of the customer which is ‘quality’. Due to this factor, most of the
bank has been varying the products time to time how the customer wants to prefer it. as consider the
internet as a technology tool .it measure the quality of the service strongly. online banking refers to as
e-banking tool to meet a higher quality of the customer satisfaction.

The rapid hike in the innovation in the communication industry, simultaneously financial distribution
channels also expanding in a number of ways, like mobile banking, ATM’s, money transfers via internet
and etc. These days bank has been invested in more developments in internet channels to transform the
traditional banking practice. Revolutionize the internet banking system for the traditional banking to
offer is a customizing banking services better service to the consumer, mining data, enhanced interaction
This is the vital way to operate the banking instruments and reduce staff branches handle their own
banking day to day functions. for example, handling transactions without visiting bank tellers. Recent
research has identified the that a consumer banking via the internet is profitable, compared to traditional

Quality and Internet Banking

As shifting to traditional to electronic, has been evaluated websites, scales, called equal was created by
Loiacono .it was based on Interaction, design, appealing visual and etc.

Further, internet banking has been the dimension of a quality service by identifying key aspects. Such
as reliability, efficiency, privacy, personalization, fulfillment, communications and technical

E-Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction of a beneficiary is more importance process of a usage experience in a long term indicates profitability, enhance reputation and the brand value, reduce the customer
complaints and more attention on the customer need. This will improve the business relationship among
the customers.

1.4 Background of Internet banking

Monetary is always a high information concentrated activity that completely depends upon the info
technology (IT) to procedure, acquire, and distribute the particular information to all the particular users.
It not just processes the facts yet also provides a various way for the banks within Sri Lanka to deliver
their particular services and products. Banking institutions have to update their particular systems and
innovations frequently to satisfy the demands associated with the customers to supply reliable and
convenient providers in the state associated with Sri Lanka. Generally there are many revolutionary
strategies to deliver a financial service by way of a medium associated with Internet. Since, the Internet
was introduced within the year 1969 they have released a mainstream for conversation. Recently, the
internet is usually growing in areas, which usually increases the medium regarding electronic commerce.
With all the fast involvement of the web in the condition associated with Sri Lanka, banking has turn
out to be a substitute path to offer its services and results. Recently, internet is recognized as because a
tool to revolutionize the way that a bank works, compete, and deliver their services and products in the
areas of Sri Lanka.

According to the “Business Week”, banking is important for a modern economy though banks are not
(Chiou and Shen 2012). There exists a belief that internet brings a revolution in store banking. The
options of internet banking possess motivated many banks to re-examine their IT techniques to remain
competitive in the field. Today customers are demanding versatility and convenience from the internet
financial services that are not proposed by the traditional banking institutions.

1.5 Aims and Objectives

The objective of the Bank of Ceylon is to offer the state hands-on, practical education in the sector to
prepare the students which will benefit all stakeholders by increasing the quality of service among the

For students, we will get more knowledge on fundamental theories and concepts to understand and the
issues of the current banking industry on internet banking. Further sharing about the international market
as well.

1. To be able to critically review factors of which affect customer satisfaction.

2. To be able to identify factors affecting consumer satisfaction regarding Ceylon by using typically
the internet.
3. Customer satisfaction by Findings and analysis. Commented [WU4]: Introduction here 1619 words , but
the actual word count for introduction 750 to 1200 words ,
4. Appear to a conclusion about the factors that push customer satisfaction at lender of Bank of (10 marks)

Ceylon make tips to further improve. This section should provide a brief background to give
the reader enough information to understand the
5. To enhance typically the gathered knowledge to examine in the past year. context in which the research project has been carried
out. A rationale should also be included here. Explain
why you selected this topic for your project.

Details of your aims and outcomes should be listed

and discussed in this section to enable the reader to
make links between context, rationale and intentions of
the project.
2.1 Starting of Computerization in Sri Lankan banks

Earliest virtual banking system worldwide, discussed the idea in connection with internet banking Commented [WU5]: Here the word count
is 1564, but the actual word count 3000 to
Typically typically the follows will be the concepts referred to as follows. 4000 words ( 20 marks ). Literature
Review (weighting 20%) 3,000 to 4,000
 You don't need to for any purchase associated with software, storing of the particular data, In this section, you should make a critical evaluation of,
and demonstrate application to your research project
backing up from the information as all deal is taking place via the Internet. of, theories, frameworks and principles, drawn from a
range of relevant and appropriately referenced
academic and practitioner literature. You must
demonstrate wide reading from a range of sources
 The particular internet banking services may be conducted in any kind of location but the just
necessity is the fact that there will be a need of the computer or a contemporary device. The
place can end up being in a foreign region, home or even business office.

 The internet bank services work extremely well any moment of the day i actually. e. 24 hours.
Right now, there is no need regarding reconciliation of the world wide web banking statement
or checking the manually through typically the ATM or through document checks.

2.2 Rudimentary of Internet Banking

The electronic system of banking is a complex system with many channels of distribution. The platform
through which the electronic banking is seen to operate is much larger. The most common way of
performing electronic banking in this current scenario is through the Internet banking Electronic banking
can be performed through many ways. The simplest form is the provision of the services and the
information to customers through the devices like the tv, telephone, computer and mobile. Basically, a
connection of the shoppers and the banking institutions through the electronic setting in order that it can
help in the management, controlling and preparing of financial deal. The internet banking deal like
accessing of balances can be easily done by the customers through the internet banking. The customers
of internet banking in Sri Lanka continue to be not familiar with the internet banking system however
they are trying to get accustomed to the latest technology, as they can understand there is an sample
scope for them to explore and avail advantage. Internet banking at the advanced stage is described as
the transactional system of internet banking as there are a number of provisions of facilities like the
transfer of the funds. Accessing of the accounts and purchasing of the online financial products. The
two conditions i. e. the electronic form of banking and the internet banking are synonymously used in
literatures. The electronic banking is performed through the internet banking. There are mainly three
ways through which the internet banking and internet banking is delivered i. e. Personal Computers,
Internet and the telephone.

The importance of the TV based banking, mobile banking and the managed network banking is losing
its ground. it is expected that is future the platform of delivery involves a shift from the wired platform
to wireless technology. The following are platforms of delivery for the electronic banking:

Type of service Description

PC banking Fantastic software, distributed by typically the
particular bank, is mounted by simply the
buyer about the PRIVATE PC. option of
financial organization simply by by utilizing a
modern linked proper to the lender.
Internet Banking Accessibility their bank via world wide web
Managed networks The financial institution makes use of an
online service provided by another party.
TV based Most of the consumption of satellite or perhaps
cable to offer username and passwords to the
TV displays of shoppers (also internet based)
Telephone banking Customers access their bank via telephone
(own personal PERSONALITY and password
Mobile phone banking (SMS, GPRS,4G Accessibility with text message (SMS), world
generation) wide web connection (WAP), or high rate 4G
generation mobile.
Figure 1: Systems of Delivery for Digital Banking

2.3 Features of Internet Banking

Listed below are the benefits that usually are enjoyed with the customers in addition to the banks from
the world wide web banking:

2.4 Internet Banking in Bank of Ceylon

Listed here are the banks that provide Internet banking services in Bank of Ceylon
 Payment of bills: e-Pay is a very convenient and the simplest way of paying and receiving the
customer’s bill online. There is no late payment, queues or hassle related to paying of deposits.
 Auto Pay: The Auto pay method will help the customers to pay the bills automatically when
there is a due.

2.5 Benefits for Customers

The customers when availing the internet banking needs lesser time to wait for accessing their
accounts. This is more convenient than the traditional system of banking and the cost of the
infrastructure is low for this type of banking system. The time is reduced and the limitation of
the place helps in providing ample of benefits to the customers more conveniently when
performing banking activities. There so many services which make the customers like
comfortable and easy such to make the payment of charges, transferring money within a few
minutes setting at residence, account enquiry customer could see all history regarding transaction
without going lender and so many.

 Convenience and Ease: We have a great degree of comfort and ease when becoming able to
access the web banking. The particular individuals can work through the particular internet by
providing these the safety of workplace or maybe the home without heading outside. The
particular individuals are able to maintain an account of the particular deal while staying in their
house. This will certainly make them feel convenient and happy. The web has made the
particular non-transactional facilities like the particular updating of the balances, online
checkbooks and searching of the financial items and the interest query simpler. Furthermore,
internet financial is 24x7 service client can put it in order to use any moment and through
anyplace. Do not need wait close to for opening and closing of the banks without restriction
customer can perform his work.

 Availability at almost every time: Consumers through the internet bank can access the world
wide web banking services and typically the facilities almost any amount of time in the year
from everywhere. there is zero need for the consumers to hold back for the lender to be open
regarding withdrawing of money.

 Self Service Channel: We have a self-service channel provided through the internet banking for
the customers for different types of banking services. There is no need to be dependent on the
internet banking employees and processing time for availing the assistance. The most popular
technology of financial services is the internet banking. The use of self-service technology has
favorably influenced the perceived effectiveness of the buyers.

 Saving of both money and time: Today, due to the innovation of internet banking right now there
is a no want to travel to typically the banks to get typically the internet banking services
somewhat the advantages enjoy keeping back at home or perhaps office is much even more.),
the positive aspects are lesser traffic, fewer fuel cost, less moment consumption no need to be
able to stand many hours inside queue for small items and saving the surroundings through less
using document and motor vehicle. Additionally, internet banking reduced typically the
dependency of customer about bank staff now right now there is a self-service. It is beneficial
regarding both customer and financial institutions.

2.6 Benefits to the Bank

 A rise in the profitability: The profitability of the banks increases with the adoption of the
internet by the banks. The operation ratio of efficiencies of the internet using banks is more than
the banks that uses the traditional form of banking systems. The internet-supported banks can
offer banking services at affordable rates to the customers rather than the banks that do not use
the internet banking.

 Cost Effective Technology: It comes with an opportunity of self-service for the consumers through
the world wide web banking. So, the consumers can also save their particular travelling expenses
by making use of world wide web banking. The banks usually are also able to handle the
administrative costs by means of cutting down of even more workforces up to some extent. The
paper job that is performed inside the traditional banking method is no longer necessary in the
internet bank system in order that cost likewise reduced.

 Reaching to area with no banks: Typically, the using the internet bank has grown the customer’s
bottom plus the geographical area by means of the affordable deployment regarding electronic
channels. The economic institutions are providing bank services through the world wide web
where there are zero lender branches in typically the area. That is usually difficult for the us all
government to ascertain the partitions in every villages inside a short time nevertheless federal
government offers world wide web banking facilities to people communities.

 Improvement of the customer’s relationship: Usually the strategic priority for almost all the banks
is considered essential. The shoppers may become able to create the good relationship any period
they are able in order to be able to entry a variety of items coming from the internet-facilitated
banks (Singh 2014). Whenever there a new great relationship with the consumers can be found
there will conclusion upward being increased degree of dedication, improved cross selling within
addition to retention within the customers about the banking institutions. It is merely feasible
when banks propagate the particular details on the advantage for internet banking almost
everywhere on a new specific city. The particular cross-selling possibilities and client pleasure
raises with the particular worldwide internet banking services.

2.7 Existing status of e-banking re-homing in Srilanka

Inside Srilanaka there are 20 million men and women are world wide web users, Srilnaka has 8th rank
after south Africa in addition to US the proportion of Native Sri Lankan internet user is 15. 6%. In
Srilanaka huge number of internet consumers are from the metropolitan area around 13,000, 000, where
as in the rural area the percentage of internet users are lesser as compare to urban area. Nevertheless,
almost all of typically the men and women in Sri lanka employ internet only for the goal of
communication (90%) and simply 10% do online purchase away from total population. This specific
indicates the truly amazing opportunities regarding the internet banking inside the Srilanka.

3.1Research Aim

The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the three main reasons away there of seven general Commented [WU6]: In this section, you should supply
information about how you planned and carried out
reasons of “low adaptability of Internet banking in the Srilanaka”. Here researcher consider the 7-basic your research project. Demonstrating your
understanding of research methods you must discuss
reason of low adoptability of internet financial such as your chosen research philosophy, methodology and
Discuss how you gathered information, what hurdles
 high rate of illiteracy. you overcame, why you approached the project in the
way you did e.g. questionnaire rather that interview.
 fear of fraud, You should provide enough information to tell the story
of how you planned and carried out your project. Here
 Not able to afford cost of internet, you are writing 1216 words but actual word count is
1500 to 2000 words ( 20 marks ).
 lack of consciousness about internet financial,
 languages barriers,
 unavailability of internet system connection
 unbanked towns. Commented [WU7]: Have to put the pilot test

3.2 Research Objectives

Almost all objectives have been achieved in this research. 1st objective is to identify the three main
reason of low adoptability, secondly it is also recognized that account enquire, fund move and the online
shopping are those services which required for the shoppers who use internet banking in the rural areas.
And something more objective to identify the satisfaction level of customer form internet banking.
Around 15% customers are satisfied with the services of internet financial and still using internet
banking services

Below these, the research goals are as follows:

 To find the rate of literacy and the worry of fraud regarding internet banking in the Bank of
 To find the factors for the lowering people using or giving internet connection
 In order to access the language obstacles and awareness of internet banking in the condition of
Bank of Ceylon.
 In order to evaluate the determinants for the unavailability of online connections in Bank of
 To gain access to the rate of banking institutions in the rural and cities of Srilanka.

3.3 Research approaches

Evaluation approach provides a program towards study by understanding the validity of the particular
research by creating utilization of certain assumptions. That will consist of inductive and deductive
research approach. The deductive method offers a summarize to be able to this research simply by
selecting a right career plus proper path). This may also become effective in case you will see a good
inter-relationship created using the particular pathway of research outcomes. Conditionally, this strategy
may be useful because this involves the particular active involvement from the respondents simply by
gathering the information via relevant theories plus versions. On some other hand, an inductive
technique will be beneficial, as this would generate new suggestions and models to acquire better
information concerning the subject matter. Therefore, for better assessment, the specific researcher has
used the deductive approach, because this will produce outcomes that will would become conventional
plus empirical.

3.4 Research philosophy

Since the researcher has selected the subject on adaptability of Internet banking in bank of Ceylon
current condition of sri lanka. Thus, this might be essential in situation the topic provides effectiveness
while minimizing errors. Nonetheless, the philosophies depicted with this particular research would be
different just in case a proper quality might increase the topic simply by using literary outcomes.
Positivism is the philosophy which could gain good knowledge good natural tendency and simply by
understanding relationships. It furthermore allows the specific researcher within gaining a great genuine
understanding that will certainly become scientific. It furthermore produces certain assumptions that
will certainly is going to be effective within close to future. Because the expert offers selected this
viewpoint, this particular would be useful plus reliable in long lasting Moreover, along along with
contact to nature, specific evaluations would be authenticated that would look good and contradictory.
It, in addition, supplies a new influence which will try to hold the particular propositions from the
particular research.
3.5 Research Hypothesis

H0: There have been some researches in fact it is seen that Sri Lanka is not just afflicted, Further
condition of Sri Lanka also have the same reasons behind low adaptability of Internet financial. It is
expected that Sri Lanka have also the same reasons for the low adaptability of internet banking.

H1: Though there are many services in the state but these services are of no use to the customers who
stay in villages of Sri Lanka state. The literacy amount of rural areas are even low than the cities in Sri
Lanka as well as they have a more amount of banking institutions in urban areas within rural areas. On
the other hand, there exists a problem with the internet link as well as its costs too.

3.6 Research onion

Probably the most noteworthy tool for explaining the all-successive stages with regard to collecting data Commented [WU8]: Use full onion then high light the
chosen one
and evaluate them, is “Research Onion”. This tool provides the particular all description about Explain the each character with the help of table. , then
justify your chosen character in a paragraph.
the particular conducting process for study. Research onion will be comprised of six actions including
research philosophy, methods, strategies, design, method, period horizon along with the particular data
collection and examining technique.

Figure :2 Research Onion Adopted

3.7 Research paradigms

Analysis paradigm is a model that would contain made easier examples for illustrating assumptive
procedures, processes, and other points. However, by using assumptions, it would create an intellectual
structure on the research and development under the field of inquiry. Besides, the research paradigm is
an interpretive framework with a set of feelings and beliefs. Although creating assumptions, there are
areas which have to be described through epistemological, ontological and a methodological variety.
However, epistemology is a theory of knowledge and the assumptions that is established by using
characteristics on knowledge-based areas whilst ontology is concerned with the philosophy that might
have certain assumptions and beliefs beneath the characteristics of living and Additionally, the reaction
offered from the investigation paradigms would certainly be predominant with a new scientific method
that gives focus to the sociable request and political argument.

3.8 Justification of research approach

Because the researcher could not develop better theories and models due to the low budget and time.
Therefore, the professional was not able to select the favored inductive approach. Therefore, for the
better objective, the researcher has used a deductive approach This particular will assist the completion
of data and would produce effective results with variability in this research. Under deductive methods,
there are certain principles that would form relationship requirements if proper measures were taken to
form good clarity in the research. Thus, by following an unconventional research view, the researcher
has taken this approach under these kinds of circumstances. Additionally, it is observed of which the
inductive research method provides a generalized look at in understanding the matter through theories
and designs.

3.9 Research questions

1. What is the rate of illiteracy and fear of fraud for internet banking in Sri Lanka?
2. Why the customers associated with Sri Lanka cannot afford web in their places?
3. Exactly what is the rate associated with unbanked villages of Sri Lanka state?

3.10 Research strategy

To achieve an in-depth knowledge concerning the investigation topic, the investigator has faced several
methods while implementing the examiner. This will produce particular outcomes by making quality to
this research. Given that the researcher has used survey strategy. It might be feasible to get effective
comes from the concerned topic. The particular survey strategy also keeps a good scope in order to
gather good success concerning the particular issues the researcher offers faced in this study. It would
be perfect if the researcher might analyze the topic to obtain an improved outcome without dealing with
any type of troubles However, the particular research ethics follows the particular ethical principles in
which the participants locate a way that could reduce the potential distress from the informed consent.


4.1Three main reason of low adoptability of Internet banking

According to the previous researches it was found that not only srilanka state some other states are also Commented [WU9]: Missing research ethics, It is
important you discuss how you ensured your project
has low adoptability of Internet banking such as ‘mulative’ and some other. So on the basis of these was aligned to the ethical requirements of NBS and
University guidelines. Remember to include signed
previous researches it is assumed that all state has same reason of low adoptability of Internet banking. documents relating to informed consent from an
organizational and individual perspective. The word
There are seven general reasons of low adoptability of internet banking. It is found that out of these count is 300 to 500 words ( 5 marks).

seven reasons there are three main reasons of low adoptability. You should discuss the importance of research ethics,
approaches to ensure research was carried out in an
ethical manner and detailed discussion of how you
have ensured ethical research.

 first main reason is lack of awareness around nineteen. 6% respondent chosen it as a main reason.
Commented [WU10]: Findings, Analysis
Most people are not aware about the all services of Internet financial in the villages of sri lanaka. and Discussion (weighting 15%) 1,500 to
2,000 words
In this chapter, you should present
research findings.
 Second main reason is unavailability of internet system connection it is replied by 15. 6% You should identify the purpose of each question and
how questions asked have been shaped by literature
surveys takers. According to this outcome it could be declare it is a huge hurdle in the in your literature review, summarise key trends or
messages from each questions findings and
adoptability of internet financial. analyse the findings presented making appropriate
reference to how they support or contradicts specific
theories or models in the literature review.
 Plus 3 rd main reason is fear of scams (14. 4%) almost all of the people feel that Internet banking Here 2152 but it is okay .
Must be in the format , here there is no flow and the
is not safe because of some security threats. Aside from that,continuously trying to develop format plz check

adoptability of sites and government bodies of sri lanka may have considered these three reasons
as a main reason in the rural areas of srilanka.

4.2 Ranking to the all seven reasons

Additionally, it is important to know the place of every reasons where these is based on a line of seven
reasons. Right after understanding the three main reason of internet financial additionally it is necessary
to know the position of most other five reasons. Based on the below figure, out of 5 reasons unbanked
villages reason is a highest rated reason (40. 4%) it can claim that this is a fourth main reason of low
adoptability of Internet banking after 3 main reasons of low adoptability. And
then price of internet is affecting the adoptability with 26. five per cent and language barrier is rated at
19. 2%. Furthermore, illiteracy is not a huge concern for the people and government of Sri Lanka since
it rated as last reason at 14%.

Figure 3: Ranking of the Reasons

4.3 How often customers use Internet banking

How repeatedly customers use Internet banking

Investigator divided the consumption of websites banking into four classes first is ‘daily’ roughly 14%
respondent use world wide web banking on daily schedule that is least, next is ‘weekly’ it could be
define as of which out of 49% about 18% respondent use World wide web banking weekly and highest
respondent use Internet bank monthly they may generally use bills payment services, account enquire
and several other.
Figure 4:
Bar chart on respondent use of e-banking

How much time customers are using World wide web bank

The below curry chart depict that 51% men and women don’t use world wide web banking and rest 49%
men and women are categorised directly into three types include just one year to 2 yrs, 1 year to 6th
month and 6 calendar month to at least one month. New customer and active user the two are equal in
amount of percentage that may be 10. 7%. On the additional hand, respondent of next category are
merely 3% that is least.
Figure 5: Pie chart on how long respondents use e-banking

4.4 Familiarity with Internet banking

Based on the below table it is cleared that only thirty-two. 8% people use internet banking and familiar
with the services of Web banking. Rest 67. 2% people don’t use Web banking because several reasons
it can be illiteracy, fear of fraud, absence of awareness, unable to affordability of sites cost, vocabulary
barriers, unavailability of internet network connection plus some towns don’t even have banking
institutions this type of towns called unbanked villages.

Figure :6 Familiar with the Internet Banking

Additionally, those who are utilized in order to with the Internet financial services they may be around
33% only and away of that fourteen. 2% individuals use Web financial for online shopping optimum
individuals use this support. Then around twelve per cent individuals use the account transfer service
and because of to that service the majority of the individuals are happy it reduce the touring time, you
do not have in order to stand in line with regard to long time in financial organization, reduce the risk
associated with carrying big amount because of the fact anything can happen such at some time men
and women lost their provider, sometime thief snatch usually the bag and so on so this is a safe strategy
to transfer money arriving from one account to a new bank accounts.. Furthermore, there are about three
more services which men and women use however, not very much these services includes charges
transaction that is utilized by simply 5. 2% respondent, buy check book which is employed by only one.
seven % respondent and last nevertheless not least account query, question, inquiry, interrogation few
men and women use this specific service since they prefer to be able to update passbook constitute the
lender and all transaction particulars. In Sri Lanka passbook is usually type of document which often
issued by the financial institutions to the account case to get all purchase information. Customer needs
to be able to update that book moment to time through the since soon as he could. It is form of hardcopy
of all account historical past. Moreover, the Reserve Lender of Sri Lanka declared this description now
will not charge concerning the passbook it might be provided free regarding cost to the consumer
(Economic institution, 2011). There's also a facility regarding computer developed passbook that means
consumer can get all information through Internet banking. RBI and government of Native Sri Lankan
the two are focusing to create the Internet banking.
Figure 7: type of services utilized by respondent

4.5 Socio-demographic

The diagram below shows the socio-demographic information of respondent. Maximum participants are
below 20 years and least of participants’ lies in the age of “between 36 to 45”. On the other hand,
maximum respondent are employees that is 42. 7%, 29. 7% are business man and 27. 6% respondents
are student.
Figure:8 Age group of respondents and Occupation of respondent

4.6 Data collection methods

Information collection method is acknowledged as the technique for meaning and gathering information
simply by making utilization of focus on variables in an founded manner. Yet, it solutions towards the
questions asked in the course of the research. The goal of data collection approach should be to get the
evidence with this analysis and build the ng an effective answer. That gains a new important area for
accumulating knowledge and idea associated with research construction. However, Info collection
methods mainly contains primary and the extra methods. That is seen that the primary info collection
method mainly requires quantitative and the qualitative methods. Thus, this may be evolved by creating
a variety of forms and other options. That might end up being effective to be able to select the options
linked to the research section. About the other side, typically the secondary data collection technique is
obtained through, books, record articles, newspaper, websites, mags, and with the support of other
references Additionally, the data collected coming from previous resources can be beneficial to apply
the analysis strategies. This also gives a great ultimate circumstance that would certainly end up being
useful in accumulating typically the information from your new selection of sources. In addition, right
now there are certain findings of which may build-up facts by means of interviews, tests, findings, in
addition to questionnaires.

4.7 Data analysis

Info analysis is defined since a procedure for studying and transforming your data by simply discovering
information by way of a decision procedure. It also has various multiple facts and approaches that would
create a varied portfolio by aligning the management concepts. Here, business intelligence (bi) also
addresses the data analysis that relies mainly on the business information and other statistical
applications. On the contrary, exploratory data assessment would focus by finding features through
statistical, linguistic, and the structural techniques. Under this, several domain names include
exploratory data, record applications and the predictive analysis). Data analysis may be integrated as a
initiator information visualization and information visualization. However, the professional has
accumulated the quantitative data by using SPSS whereas the statistical information through MS Stand
away in the sort of portion. This also has the particular functions for answering the particular record,
financial and the particular architectural needs. That furthermore allows displaying usually the
information through priority regarding histograms, line graphs, along with graphs. Besides, in addition,
it possesses a programming aspect that may be done through the particular help of visual fundamental
apps. SPSS can become done by way of software offers and in addition this is utilized for statistical
evaluation. That could also include easy software for analyzing usually the descriptive statistics,
geradlinig regression and cluster assessment (Hantrais 2014). SPSS data similarly places the restrictions
about data types, information operating as well since the matching files. In addition, a graphical user
software program is employed via a SPSS statistical window on usually the bottom user user interface.

4.8 Accessibility issues

Typically, the researcher has faced some accessibility issues in this research while understanding the
topic. However, there are valuable insights in this topic, which would be gained with the contributed
variables of research and other scholars. Additionally, for promoting best practices of this research,
there are potential benefits under the accessibility issues. It would also provide a valuable mention of
the organizations that has a finance to back up the research. Contrary, the research also offers with an
apparent solution that would carry the background of the research. In order, the investigator also causes
the frames, development languages, and the design pattern. It would be effective if the research would
provide a software that aims to provide a modern day guide to accessible areas of the study.

4.9 Findings

classified into 8 categories pointed out in below diagram:

Particulars Variables

Socio-demographic Age and Occupation

Internet banking services Charges payment, order check publication,

fund transfer, account query, question,
inquiry, interrogation, online shopping and
3 main reason of lower adoptability of Illiteracy, fraud, cost of internet, lack of
Internet financial out of seven knowledge, language barriers, unavailability
of network connection and unbanked villages
Ranking Illiteracy, fraud, cost of internet, lack of
knowledge, language barriers, unavailability
of network connection and unbanked villages.

Which usually particular reason needs in Illiteracy, fraud, cost of internet, lack of
order to resolve first knowledge, language barriers, unavailability
of network connection and unbanked villages.

Which services customers using currently Expenses payment, order check guide, fund
transfer, account interrogation, online
shopping and other
Satisfaction level Pleased, completely satisfied, unsatisfied in
addition to neutral
When customer use Internet financial Usage enabling and years of using Internet

Figure 9 : categories of particulars

4.10 Analysis
Researcher’s main question was do you know the three main reason associated with low adoptability of Web
banking? Based on the result all those three reasons are pointed out below:

 one Lack associated with awareness about Internet financial: 19. 6% respondent regarded as this reason
as the barrier in the method of adoptability of Web banking. Maximum folks are usually not aware of
the world wide web banking.
 Unavailability regarding internet network connection: it is about after ‘lack of aware’ reason because it
is usually a second highest graded reason out of more effective. 15. 6% men and women have got
selected this factor being a reason of low adoptability of internet baking.
 Anxiety about fraud: 14. 4% respondents have chosen this specific reason because men and women
regarding villages are not very much aware about the benefits associated with Internet banking. They
believe someone can do scam with them because right now there are some security dangers. But there
are thus many means to fix protect typically the personal information from employ Internet banking
services properly.

Additionally, there are some objectives or sub-questions of study all are mentioned below

First aim is: which varieties of providers are useful for typically the men and women of villages inside Sri Lanka
state of Of sri lanaka. On such basis as survey it is usually discovered that ‘fund transfer’, ‘account enquiry’ and
‘online shopping’ these are generally the about three main services the men and women of villages required. In
addition to another objective is always to calculate the satisfaction level regarding customers who use world
wide web banking. In this circumstance it comes out of which 51% men and women are non-user of internet
banking in addition to away from rest 49% simply 8. 6% are merely satisfied and 6. 9% respondent are who
usually are completely satisfied with typically the Internet banking services described in table 6. Inside last it
can end up being say that, all conclusions and analysis of conclusions have done well in addition to researcher
got the correct results.


Commented [WU11]: Conclusions and
5.1 Rationale Future Research (weighting 10%) 1,500 to
2,000 words
In this chapter, you should reflect upon how the
project objectives have been achieved.
Usually the economy of the country cannot achieve till they get used in order to the adoption. every
You should also provide a detailed reflection on
nation follows an monetary plan to make changes to take place. hence to form the finance structure, literature discussed in the literature review, discussing
how findings have supported or contradicted this
money funds market for changing period to time of all of them. literature. Try to reflect on as much literature as
possible without re-writing it. Do not include any new
In Sri Lanka economic industry is wearing the crossroads. to remove that downturn banking system models or theories. Integrate your discussion.

were released in later 90’s to give, much importance to reform the financial system. after six years it has From this synthesis, you should then identify
overall conclusions drawn from the study. You
been imperative modified by the paper analyzes to boost the basis of the efficiency, it suggests that the should also discuss the limitations of this project and
discuss how you could build on this research.
strengthening of the ongoing banking sector in financial reforms.
5.2 Rationale of the topic

What is the issue?

Adaptability of Internet banking in the state of bank of Ceylon is quite low. In this research, the
researcher has evaluated the issues regarding the slow adaptability of internet banking in bank of Ceylon
. People do not have enough knowledge and there is a high rate of illiteracy. They do not know the
entrance that E commerce offers opened for them. These people believe that if the deal fails then there
will certainly be a lack of cash and thereby it really is observed that there is the lack of awareness
regarding internet banking. Actually, these people have a fear associated with fraud that might obtain
them into trouble plus hence they do not really use internet banking.

Internet cost could be a reason behind the particular decrement of internet financial in the state
associated with bank of Ceylon. Some families could hardly afford the expense of internet within their
home. Then there are usually issues regarding languages as well. Some folks could not really complete
the procedure because with regard to online transactions they possess to be educated plus well known
about the particular topic. Customers have in order to be educated for these types of reasons. Regions
which may have sluggish internet connections really are a main point to the unusualness of internet
banking within Sri-lanaka . There are a few rural or urban towns in Sri-lanka that barely contains a bank
plus internet banking is considered as an imaginary concept.

Why is it an issue?

Internet has given many points to the common individuals but you will encounter some negative aspects
about a system. Recently, cybercrime and hackers are hacking the customer’s account, which results in
a threat with regard to the loss of money. People in Sri Lanka fears that the hackers could hack their
accounts thereby these people do not use Internet banking. Governments should concern the public
about internet banking and online transaction. This is due to lack of education will be one of the major
issues for that down path of internet banking. Government ought to give free internet access and a good
internet connection to every location to ensure that the digital process comes not only in Sri Lanka but
also to other related places. In case these regulations are used into considerations, then Sri Lanka will
become a major place using in internet banking.

5.3 Problem Statement

The individuals of the state Sri Lanka are the late adopters of Internet and its uses in case of Internet
Banking or Internet banking. In not only Sri Lanka, this crisis comes in various other places too. No
study has been carried out which explains the aspects that could affect the Internet Banking in the state
of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka will be adopting new technologies that will update the service business, which
includes “e buying, e-commerce, and internet banking”. Competition of the banks in Sri Lanka is
transporting the adoptability of internet banking. It appears that internet banking in Sri Lanka is facing
some problems. However, the reasons are not distinctive but there have been some issues. There will be
a lack of authority’s policies with respect to the e commerce regulations and laws Internet connection
is important for these transactions. Lack of internet might accept the whole transaction to become

Customers in the state are terrified to use internet banking because they feel that any mistake could
cause a loss of money. For this same reason, the customers in Sri Lanka are certainly not comfortable
buying online. They feel that on the internet shopping portals return policy could be a long-term process
and there might a loss of satisfaction and money in the process. There are some security issues too like
kinds data could be hacked and their personal privacy will be broken. System security is must regarding
these online transactions (Pan, Chen and Nguyen 2012). There should be normal educations in
connection with online deal. People in Sri Lanka ought to know the benefit from internet financial.
There are limited amounts of banks using web transaction thereby decreasing the particular number of
individuals making use of internet banking. However, clients have a good information online
nonetheless they could not really incorporate Internet and Financial together.

Many customers simply do not like the particular features and technology plus own a fear the computer
might jingle using their personal accounts. As expressed above that many areas are receiving these same
problems or problems regarding their particular banking on the web. Banks need to offer some coaching
periods in connection with topic of Web banking in certain spots plus the teachings ought to be properly
spread among the other people who did not have got the time for the particular sessions.

People in Sri Lanka are comfortable within the store-based banking for performing their transactions.
Recently, industrial banks are promoting brand new plans and features in order to improve their
strategies online Banking System.

5.4 Conclusions

It might be concluded that adoptability of websites banking is actually low researcher know that very
well in beginning of this research due to pre-research. But in the present study researcher proven it that
out of 232 total respondent 51% are not familiar with confer with Internet banking. In addition to the
biggest reason is ‘lack of awareness’ in the those who belongs to villages of ‘Sri Lanka’ express about
the features of internet banking for instant convenience and ease to gain access to the account, customers
can help you the time of travelling, it is just a 24x7 facility no need to watch for opening of bank without
fear of closing at fix time, sometime staff struggling to show up at all customers so they really need to
visit again, if customers use internet bank it would be beneficial for both customer and bank etc.

It can be concluded that e-banking offers so many issues through starting to now centered on the over
studies for instance: individuals have fear from the actual scam which normally occur through online
purchase, web relationship charges consider huge price which not affordable from poor people people,
language concern, and sometime bank consumer care executive don’t offer delay premature ejaculation
pills for the consumer. Furthermore, in line with the BCG article it furthermore cleared that rural places
have less internet functionality than metropolitan areas within Sri Lanka. Inside last the particular more
effective reason of lower adoptability of sites banking are usually find out described within literature
theme 5 plus researcher will chose the particular three main reason associated with low adoptability of
e-banking discussed in data analysis part.

Furthermore, not only ‘lack of awareness’ is a factor or worry there are two more main factor to
emphasis ‘fear of fraud’ and unavailability of ‘internet community connection’. Customers don’t trust
the internet banking services they have anxiety about scam therefore of some protection issues for

 The greatest threat of internet bank is always to loss bank customer IDs, password and additional
private information distributed to lender.
 Phishing, online fraud, spyware and adware programs are also dangers for internet banking customer.
 Each online service provides different charges that constantly confuse users specifically just how much
expense of internet bank.

Additionally, there is a problem of internet system connection in the countryside areas of Sri Lanka so how can
they get aware of the great things about internet banking. This is not a problem of all places; nearly all of the
towns got the internet system connection might be in next few years problem of system will be straighten out
completely. Because government of Sri Lankan continually focusing on each one of these internet adoptability

Other than three main problem there are five more reason of low adoptability which include rate of illiteracy,
unaffordable price of internet connection, language barrier and unbanked villages after solving the three main
problem authorities and banks need to think about.

5.5 Recommendation
On such basis as above conclusion, researcher wish to suggest some initiatives to the banks, government Commented [WU12]: Recommendati
ons (weighting 5%) 500 to 750 words
and customer. All mentioned below Clearly, concisely yet comprehensively detail
appropriate recommendations – these could identify
areas for consolidation, development and future
5.6 Suggestions to the customers planning,

 Typically, all users use world wide web banking form several spots wherever they visit typically
that location include computer systems or browsers. In situation user ID and security password
is recognized to another person therefore it can prove dangerous because he can entry your online
account. So in order to resolve that problem presently there is affective security function but
only selected banking institutions have that feature this particular feature is called OTP (One
Time Password). It works through mobile phone sign up, whenever you registering for that will
service bank will deliver you SMS on authorized mobile. When you finished that thing and when
you access internet banking you need to enter the OTP which usually usually will is obtainable
in type of TEXT INFORMATION around the registered cellular quantity (Young, 2012).
Therefore, some other person cannot entry your own account even when these types of
individuals have password plus IDENTIFICATION. Without registered cellular this is not
practical with regard to other person to sign in your own own personal account.
 On-line password making is unsafe to the customers. Consumers should do this through financial
institutions after having a proper verification if in case password has been forgotten. And so the
chance of has no place and you could use your internet banking without the issue.

 Client should not use same password for the long time. It may create the situation of hacking
some other security issues. Therefore, the customer should change the security password in short
period through banker’s verification process.

 It is crucial that customer shows desire for the internet banking plus ask to bank regarding
different secrecies provided simply by the banks. Because it is really beneficial for customer,
web banking save lots associated with time such as traveling time and time of remain in queue
for very long time. Time is money within this new world so client conserve their time with the
aid of internet banking and may make use of that period in some other important work.

 Coming from time of doing typically the online transaction customer need never to forgot to
logout the page. Just before logout never close that case or page that you simply usually are
using. Doesn’t trust about the all website bring out proper research about typically the website
that you simply going to be able to use. Because some men and women make fake project
regarding stealing money alongside with having money they close typically the website. So be
mindful at that time using internet bank.
5.7 Suggestions to the banks and government

1. Upon such basis as study the researcher determined that will almost all of the particular men and
women are usually not aware regarding the web banking. Thus the federal government
associated with Of india provides totally free education of websites financial. Because almost
all associated with usually the respondents are informed along with don’t use web bank. This
type associated with wellbeing programme can help within typically the development associated
with internet bank. Government ought to organize typically the totally free classes about just
regarding all benefits, way associated with details protection and sorts regarding threats in every
communities of not simply Sri Lanka also in almost all over Of india. Banking institutions can
also carry away that it may eventually inspire usually the demand for bank within addition to
trust element could also boosts.

2. In accordance to the locates associated with research fear regarding scams is the key objective
of low adoptability within other word customers rarely trust internet banking companies. It is
important to be able to develop security and individual privacy methods. Banks may furthermore
upload the almost all information related to security plus protection on the web site to create to
achieve to the internet financial user. That could become help for the client to protect make
secure online access for web baking.

3. Usually almost all banking institutions send deal history via mobile notify. Some banking
institutions offers limited threshold, in situation customer do transfer a lot less than the restricted
quantity he will not really obtain any mobile notify. It is therefore suggested towards the
particular bank must not create any kind of threshold limit with respect to the mobile notify. This
may also become reason of lower adoptability of sites banking because of to the fact a few
customers are not actually able to bear the particular price of internet price. It can be a one
associated with the particular reason associated with low adoptability internet financial.

4. There will be the strong security method in order to protect the web financial process that
program known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This particular an upgraded types
associated with standard account information. It provides additional security towards customers
and designed to protect the usability of internet banking. MFA is figure out as when the customer
enter password at time period using internet banking, customer displays an image in addition
text which were personalized simply by him in the particular period of registration within
financial institution. Then customer may get into the password right right after recognizing the
image. This particular restricts the probabilities associated with phishing bother. It recommended
to the all financial institutions of Sri Lanka to improve this system.

5. Almost all of the customers don’t change account password for long time period that can be
risky. Only few banking companies make compulsion to the actual user to change the particular
login pass word and deal password inside a short time period specified by the financial
institution. It became internet financial more safe and secure. Therefore it is suggested in order
to the all banks to take into consideration that way to security.

6. On the internet security encryption will be very important. An individual ought to the particular
all banks to upgrade the latest online website 256-bits Secure Socket Layer form previous 128-
bits Security Socket Layers. It has been already updated by the particular SBI this really is public
financial institution.

7. There is an additional way to create consciousness concerning the internet banking amidst the
men and females of neighborhoods. They can give booklet to the new consumers during account
opening. Inside of which information should ending up being mention about internet bank such
as how to be able to join internet financial, just what kind of services usually are available, when
there is usually any service fees in the application of any internet banking services so evidently
mention, just about all benefits and so on

8. Banks need to provide 24x7 services regarding requesting queries regarding practically any
internet service. If financial institutions do this so that can assist in increasing consumers turn to
internet banking. Employees in the banks should finish upward being clam and cooperative with
the customer and offer using queries in the manner. It makes the partnership of customer and
lender strong.

9. So, the government of India should give attention to that problem and manage some welfare
program. Similar as banks can likewise help the authorities inside sorting out the troubles of
internet banking. Which will be beneficial regarding both customer and since well as banks. Commented [WU13]:
Presentation, Structure, Engagement with the
Guidance Process and Academic Writing Style
(weighting 10%)
You should ensure your report is free from spelling,
References punctuation and grammatical error and that your
writing style is detached and passive (remember to
write gender free and in the 3rd person). The layout
and format must be consistent with project guidelines.
Available at:
[Accessed 4 Oct. 2018].
Available at:
[Accessed 4 Oct. 2018].

Please read it carefully

The research dissertation will be assessed on the;

Extent of achievement of research project proposal objectives and intended outcomes, reviewed in a
critical, analytical and evaluative manner.
Understanding and application of a range of referenced theoretical concepts and resources, gained
from additional and relevant reading
Justification of methods used, together with a consideration of limitations and of possible alternatives

Extent and depth of reflection on the project

Reasonable and logical conclusions and specific, clear and feasible recommendations
Structure, conciseness, presentation and accurate referencing, using the APA 6th Edition system of

Common corrections
1. Use more linking words
2 .add more reference in the reference list (APA Format 6th edition)
3. Check the spelling and the grammar lecture have to understand what you have done . Should be in
a flow.
4. Use the key author’s definitions for defining
5. Use last 10 years arguments and definitions (use multiple referencing)
6. Consider the research proposal and the feedback of proposal
7. use the reporting verbs it helps you to show the quality of what they have said
8. present an argument logically and cohesively.
9. use the correct grammar and punctuation, use formal writing, use clear structure,
10. bibliography should be prepared in the same format used to prepared in the same format used
to prepare the reference list
11. focus on comparison and contrast the paragraph, and use the argument paragraph , analysis
must be professional, use combination paragraph
12. only the surname put it in the paragraph (body). If you get some information from the customers
you can include like (personal communication,2018)
13. tables must named in the reference , do not bold and highlighting
Word count
10000 words + 1000 words executive summary
Cover page, acknowledgements these things not come to the word count
Executive summary 5% separate word count 1000 words
Introduction aims and objectives 10% 750 to 1200 words
Literature review 20% 3000 to 4000 words
Research methods 20% 1500 to 2000 words
Research ethics 5% 300 to 500 words
Findings ,analysis and discussion 15% 1500 to 2000 words
Conclusions and future research 10% 1500 to 2000 words
Recommendations 5% 500 to 750 words
Presentation structure engagement with the guidance process and academic writing style 10%

Best research for the evaluations

Outstanding ability to apply in the right measure the skills necessary to achieve highly sophisticated
and fluent challenges to received wisdom
For the module criteria excellent articulation of the organizational issue or project topic. Excellent
level of analysis from a critical perspective. Clear interpretation and critique of research findings
against models and theories. Robust recommendations based upon critical analysis. Provides
evidence of extensive reflection and learning.

Word limits and penalties

If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.

The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The
word count does not include:

Title and
Reference list Appendices
Contents page Appropriate tables,
Quotes from figures and
interviews and illustrations
Glossary Bibliography focus groups.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense
analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.

If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be
regarded as academic misconduct.

If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the total marks available for the
assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.

Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and it must
be made available within 24hours of them requesting it be submitted.

Note: For those assessments or partial assessments based on calculation, multiple choice etc., marks will
be gained on an accumulative basis. In these cases, marks allocated to each section will be made clear.
Structure corrections
Excutive summary should be included in a smooth way no need to use the linking words continue
with aims and objectives company back ground rational theories, approaches such as methods and
how to do the findings and analysis and the recommendations ( follow the content).
Pilot test must be included, findings and analysis should follow the structure like Table,
graph,paragraph, figure (pie chart) then paragraph. Here that structure is introduction, objectives,
findings presented in a table, explain it in a paragraph, figure out it in the pie charts then explain it in
a paragraph, data must be critically explain it.
Consider the proposal literature review when doing the research literature review.
Conclusion over all research that means how we achieved the objectives in each chapter
Recommendations practically explain how to improve the out come , it must be related to the
findings and analysis and link to the literature review. Cannot use the new reference, use the existing
Appendix pilot test must be attached
Research philosophy must be define+ apply + justify+ table
Findings example under the pie charts , each question we have to explain it , here some questions
are same so we can combine and do the justifications.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

question ………………….
Rational … why you are asking this question
Justification …….. explanation
1. Introduction to the chapter
What is research
Why we are doing the research

2. Define research – definitions of the business management research

3 .Research philosophy
4 .research approach ours deductive
5. research strategy ours survey
6 .research method
7. types of data
8. data collection
9population and sampling
10. pilot test
11. reliability and validity
12 .research ethics
research onion must be explain
each topic have to follow the structure
example customer satisfaction… importance of customer satisfaction
advantage, disadvantage , sign post
our sample size 70 customers bank of Ceylon Jaffna branch
literature review
introduction main frame work theories
aims and objectives
internet banking
internet banking service quality
customer satisfaction
internet banking service quality & customer satisfaction
why there is a slow take-up of internet banking ( if the literature is there you can include).
1. Executive summary ..
under the executive summary key words
example – customer satisfaction, service quality
2. Contents
3. List of abbreviations
4. List of figures
5. List of tables
6. Acknowledgements
7. Declaration
8. Introduction
1-Introduction of the chosen organization and its current situation
2- current situation
3- rational to the study
4 – aims and objectives of the study
5 – literature review overview
6- chosen methodology over view
7- chapter outline
9.literature review
1- over view of the chapter
2- internet banking
3- internet banking service quality
4- customer satisfaction
5- internet banking service quality and customer satisfaction
6 why there is a slow take-up of internet banking ( if the literature is there
you can include)
7 explain it with using the models
8 the banking industry

52 | P a g e
Significance of customer satisfaction in the banking industry
9 factors affecting the service quality , customer satisfaction
10 chapter summary
10 Methodology
1 over view to chapter
2. research onion
3 research philosophy
What is research philosophy
Table research philosophy advantage disadvantage
Philosophy advantage disadvantage
Eg interpretivism used in business and
management research same like that
(Saunders et al,2011)
4- research approach
Describe what is that
Table comparison of deductive and inductive research approach( Author
developed, 2018)
Deductive Inductive
Top down

5- research method
Describe what is that

53 | P a g e
Table advantage between qualitative and quantitative research
Each after table explain it in a paragraph
6- research strategy
What is that
Table quantitative strategies advantage and disadvantage
Eg strategy ad dis

Explain it in a paragraph
7- data collection tool
What is that
Table secondary and primary data benefits and limitations
Eg tool benefits limitations
Explain it in a paragraph
Table Primary source advantage and disadvantage
Explain it in a paragraph
8- research population and sampling
What is that explain
Table advantage and disadvantage of sampling method
Explain it in a paragraph
9- pilot survey
Explain it in a paragraph
10- credibility of research findings
11- data analysis
12- limitation of research process

54 | P a g e
13- ethical approach to research
Table ethical actions taken (author developed,2018)
Area of potential risk Specific actions taken to avoid risk
“avoiding harm to all involved in or Promising no harm to the chosen
potentially affected by the organization
research”(northumbria university,2018)

14- Chapter summary

11 findings and analysis
1 over view of the chapter
2 analysis of data
Demographic back ground (author developed,2018)
Questions gender


Pie chart
Explain it in a paragraph
Like wise each question have to explain can combine and use bar charts as well
3- summary of results
Explain it in a paragraph
12 conclusion
1- Introduction
55 | P a g e
2- Refection of objective
3- Key elements of the findings

13 recommendations
Explain it in a paragraph
Then table – recommendations approach( author developed,2018)
2- limitation to the research
3 further development of research
14 references

56 | P a g e

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