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Date Hours Content Comments

Introduction of the course Giving out materials
 National bilingual program Filling the participant
2:00  Introductions teachers’ record form
1  Description of the course Reading race activity
 Needs analysis
2:40 Study skills Timetable
 Timetable Writing of journal (first
 entry)

2:20 Communicative activities

2 1. Demonstration Helping participants to
2. Eliciting procedure (reconst. lesson plan) reconstruct lesson
3. Discussion (stages)
4. Unplanned language input session Mingle act. Pair work,
group work
2:20 Teachers’ language (instructions)
Giving particip. An example of what not to do Eliciting vocabulary for
Elicitation instructions
Task: write down the correct instructions for the
activity demonstrated
Teachers choose a speaking task that is adequate
for their courses (homework).
2:00 Lesson planning 1
3 Setting aims and communicative purposes Describing procedure
Workshop. Writing the aims for the tasks chosen
2:40 Lesson planning 2
Stages, timing, interaction
Planning the procedure for the activity they will use
in microteaching
Participants get familiar with the microteaching
format. Procedure.
2:00 Standards session
4 Plenary about standards (what do they know, have
they attended workshops)
2:20 Microteaching video and giving feedback. Discussing purposes of
Getting familiar with the whole format of the microteaching
microteaching. HW: Teachers are asked
Setting microteaching slots (assignment A1) to bring their own
Tutors’ notes p.33-35 Course guide p.16-19 grammar books for the
next session.
5 2:00 Microteaching and group feedback (part 1) 3 groups of 2 teachers
each (2 tutors)

2:20 Language awareness 1:

Workshop (Identifying form, meaning, contextualized
examples for basic verb tenses: simple present,
present continuous, simple past, past continuous)

6 1:20 Microteaching and group feedback (part 2) 2 groups of 2 teachers

each (2 tutors)

3:20 Conveying form and meaning 1 teacher is assigned to
Concept questions, timelines, substitution tables read the article “Seven
Workshop bad reasons for teaching
grammar… and two good
7 0:20 Article presentation and discussion Assign a teacher to read
Discussion is focused on the way teachers present “Spot, analyze and use”
grammar in their own courses. (article)
4:20 Communicative approach to grammar teaching 1 Suggested verb tense:
Demo + Workshop (Teachers start planning a present perfect
communicative grammar lesson they’ll teach at their
schools: sample songs are provided by the tutor) Discovering grammar
patterns from a song.
8 0:20 Article presentation and discussion

4:00 Communicative approach to grammar teaching 2 Suggested verb tense:

Demo + Workshop (Teachers plan a communicative future
grammar lesson using a dictogloss)
Discovering grammar
patterns from a dictogloss
0:20 Setting microteaching 2 1 teacher is assigned to
read an article on Multiple
9 2:00 Microteaching and group feedback (part 1) 3 groups of 2 teachers
each (2 tutors)

0:20 Article presentation and discussion 1 teacher is assigned to

read an article on “a
question of style”
(teaching / learning style)
2:20 Learning styles
10 2:00 Microteaching and group feedback (part 1) 3 groups of 2 teachers
each (2 tutors)

0:20 Article presentation and discussion 1 teacher is assigned to

read an article on
“Motivating learners”
2:20 Identifying Learning styles HW: Teachers are asked
Creating / Selecting / Adapting a simple survey to to focus on 1 learner
identify learning styles (workshop) during the whole week
and make notes on his
/her behavior to identify
his/her learning style
11 0:20 Discussing learning styles identified
2:00 Motivation
0:20 Article presentation and discussion

2:00 Identifying Learners’ needs

12 0:20 Setting A3: Class Profile
12 2:00 Communicative approach to grammar teaching 3 Suggested verb tense:
Demo + Workshop (Teachers outline a past tense
communicative grammar lesson using a text)
Discovering grammar
patterns from a reading

1:00 Developing writing 1 1 teacher is asked to read
Writing a story - workshop (stages involved in the article “Increasing ss
writing) interaction”
T are asked to bring the
books they work with in
their classes.
13 0:20 Language work: (according to T’s needs identified Linking words?
during the writing workshop)
1:20 Classroom Management: varying patterns of
0:20 Article presentation and discussion

2:20 Adapting and designing material 1

Analyzing tasks proposed by course books
0:20 Setting Teaching Practice A4 (grammar focused)
14 0:15 Observation Task 1 – T get familiar with the task

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 4 teachers ‘teach’ (25 min
Peers do the observation
task 1
0:45 Group Feedback
0:45 A3: Class profile – Oral report 6 teachers (the ones
without TP this day)
1:00 Using visual aids
15 1:10 Teaching vocabulary
0:15 Observation Task 2 – T get familiar with the task

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 4 teachers ‘teach’ (25 min
Peers do the observation
task 2
0:45 Group Feedback
0:30 A3: Class profile – Oral report 4 teachers (the ones
without TP this day)
16 0:15 Observation Task 3 – T get familiar with the task

1:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’ (25 min
Peers do the observation
task 3
0:25 Group Feedback
3:00 Developing learners’ listening 1 teacher is asked to read
Demo + Workshop about “pitfalls in teaching
17 1:40 Language work: (according to T’s needs identified)
0:20 Article presentation and discussion 1 teacher is asked to read
about “making reading
17 1:20 Teaching songs to develop listening
0:20 Setting Teaching Practice A5 Teachers have to plan
their lesson to be
discussed with the tutor
next class.

18 2:20 Developing learners’ reading
Demo + Workshop
0:20 Article presentation and discussion
2:00 Tutorials on A5 (discussion of ideas on outlined
lesson plan for A5)
19 0:15 Observation Task 4 – T get familiar with the task

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’

Peers do the observation
task 4
0:30 Group Feedback
1:35 Developing learners’ writing 2 1 teacher is assigned to
Writing an email / Notes / Letter / Postcard read the article “writing
and the real world”
20 0:15 Observation Task 4 – T get familiar with the task

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’

Peers do the observation
task 4
0:25 Group Feedback
0:20 Article presentation and discussion
1:20 Language work: (according to T’s needs identified)
21 0:15 Observation Task 5 –

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’

Peers do the observation
task 5
0:25 Group Feedback
2:00 Teaching teenagers
22 0:15 Observation Task 5 –

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’

Peers do the observation
task 5
0:25 Group Feedback
2:00 Tutorial 1 (portfolios) 1 teacher is asked to read
an article on professional
23 0:15 Observation Task 5 –

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’

Peers do the observation
task 5
0:25 Group Feedback
2:00 Reflecting on one’s teaching
 Revision and discussion of charts (strengths
and weaknesses).
 Revision of vocabulary to express one’s
strengths and weaknesses.
Ways to improve professionally (Case study and
24 0:15 Observation Task 6 –

2:00 Teaching Practice (borrowed or arranged class) 2 teachers ‘teach’
Peers do the observation
task 6
0:25 Group Feedback
0:20 Article presentation and discussion
1:40 Setting A7: Reflections on learning
Analysis of the criteria + Revision of sample
provided in the course guide
25 2:20 Continuing professional development after TDP
2:20 Tutorial 2
EXTRAS 10:00 Time allowed for remedial work needed on
weaknesses identified.

25 Session 5 hours each = 125

10 in-school observation visits + Feedback given= 15 hours

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