Conflict Can Transform Lives

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“Conflict Can Transform Lives”

Conflict is an issue that individuals will experience each day throughout their entire life
whether it’s beneficial or destructive towards their lives. No matter how big or small the issue is
there is no doubt that it will transform some detail of your life. Conflict can come about in many
different ways but some of the more common issues are related to the discrimination and general
misunderstanding of a race, an internal battle about morals or the greed of man. During a conflict,
unseemly acts may be committed but in the end, a positive result may be attained for both parties or
a negative result may be generated for either party.

When the discrimination or misunderstanding of a race occurs, many injustices are

committed as one race believes they are superior to the other. Racial slurs may be used to inflict
mental injury or a physical confrontation between the two races may occur and cause both parties
grievous bodily harm. All this will do is increase the tension between the two races and cause even
more conflict until a large atrocity is committed to subjugate one of the two races. An example of
racial conflict is shown in the novel The Secret River where the white emancipists from England clash
cultures with the Aborigines of Australia. Where once the Aborigines roamed the land free to do as
they pleased, they encounter the white emancipists and all this is changed. The white emancipists
claim and settle on land without regard for the Aborigines and when the Aborigines attempt to stay
on the land which was once theirs, a clash of culture occurs. The white emancipists, led by the
ruthless Smasher, decide to take what they believe belongs to them, totally disregarding the rights
of the Aborigines and as such, a physical confrontation occurs causing needless loss of life and the
complete subjugation of the Aboriginal population. The physical reminder of the transformation
caused by conflict is Long Jack who once was a strong warrior who roamed the land carefree, but
after the subjugation of the Aborigines, he physically degenerates as he has lost the freedom he
once had, showing the reader that racial conflict is not solved through physical confrontation.

When one is suffering internal conflict, feelings such as guilt and remorse may arise and as
such it will eventually manifest itself in a physical form. This physical manifestation will affect others
around you and eventually you might lose the love and friendship of friends and family. Internal
conflict may also cause a person not to feel triumphant when they achieve their lifelong dream and
ambitions. An example of internal conflict is that which arises within the protagonist, William
Thornhill. When Thornhill follows the other white emancipists, he takes part in the wanton slaughter
of the Aborigines in order to provide an environment which his wife feels safe and is slightly more
willing to stay at Thornhill’s Point instead of returning to England. After the subjugation of the
natives, guilt and remorse arise in Thornhill, causing him not to feel satisfied that he has fulfilled his
lifelong dream to be able to provide for his family. The physical manifestation of his internal conflict
is that his son, Dick, is no longer able to meet his eyes as he suspects the atrocities his father
committed. The loss of Thornhill’s relationship with his son causes him to believe that what he had
done was wrong. The transformation caused by the internal conflict is that what Thornhill once
thought would make him feel triumphant causes him much pain and leaves him unsatisfied.

When mankind suffers from greed, he will undoubtedly cause others pain and may even
commit unspeakable atrocities, all in the name of satisfying their greed. The conflict caused by greed
is not only physical but also personal as greed is capable of destroying one’s morals and conscience.

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From the pages of history, we see many examples of conflict caused by greed. One of these
examples is the subjugation of the Aztecs by Hernán Cortés and his conquistadors. Cortes was driven
by greed and lust for power and as such; he completely ignored his conscience and committed
massacres that destroyed the once mighty empire of The Aztecs. Cortes, one of the governors’
favourites, was unhappy with his position in Cuba and as such, when he was sent by the governor on
an expedition to explore the Mexican Coast, he seized his opportunity to seek his fortunes in Mexico.
Spurred on by the fables of a city of gold and knowledge that the one who conquered the mainland
for Spain would gain fame and glory, Cortes committed acts of violence in order to subjugate a
mighty race. The destruction of a race and the fact that Cortes did not get what he wanted and died
embittered, goes to show that conflict caused by greed does no one any good.

Conflict is part of our daily lives. We encounter it in many different forms but no matter how
it appears, it always transforms one’s life be it positively or negatively. The conflict caused by greed
always transforms one’s life as it is capable of destroying our morals and conscience. Internal conflict
however is a different matter as it may be beneficial to one’s life but it may also manifest itself
physically and cause the loss of a relationship with loved ones. Physical conflict caused by cultural
differences can often lead to atrocities being committed but sometimes can be constructive towards
a relationship if one is willing to look at things from another’s perspective. Conflict can be many
things but in the end, it always transforms our lives in one way or another.

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