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Business Research Methods










PROF.DR. YoungKyung KO


Prepared By

Daniel Christie A/L Lawrence (MC160100036) SECTION 2

Yogaraj A/L Vijayan (MC1510BC10057) SECTION 2

Hariharan A/L Paramasivam (MC161002103) SECTION 2

Thineshraj A/L Sundaram (MC161002045) SECTION 2

Prepared For

Prof. Dr. YoungKyung KO

Course Leader

Faculty of Business Technology and Accounting


In society where information is becoming more dominant, online communication becomes an

easy and ordinary way to how people communicate in this current era. The amazing
development of social media applications characterizing current online communication systems
prompting more people to and business to utilize them for acquiring and giving information for
promoting or at times criticizing products and services.

The impact in today’s current era is so much that at times the organization would need to
intervene in times news and information about the company is spread, at times posing a bad
image for the company. This clearly reflects its strong impact today. The organization needs to
take into account that messages transmitted would be perceived differently by other users in the

Tourism Malaysia was awarded Media Excellence Award for ‘Social Media Engagement in
Tourism’ at the World Global and Social Awards 2015. It was given in recognition of its
engagement with social media with regards to the tourism industry. It was selected based on its
involvement in platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other source of social media
by panel of judges and committee members. Rewarded organization on their active role in
promoting media through various channel available on the new media scene today.

Few factors had been identified that had influence this phenomena to be what it is today. These
factors had been traced to study how these had influence the phenomena to develop into what it
is today.


Social relates to society or its organization. The society had evolved in many ways. In current
era, society had been time sensitive. They constantly engaged in a race against time in pursuing
their dreams and visions. They prefer something that is quick and fast to obtain. Medium in
which individuals plan their destination had been greatly influenced by this social factor. Friends
and relatives are the most influential sources of information at planning process, accommodation
and destination. Students rather rely on friends and relatives for information on accommodation
rather than social media. Social media had been the most influential sources for tourist
destination. Social media are predominantly used for information search purposes before the
trip although at times the difference is significant in the official website of the destination. Only
165 claimed that they were significant changes in their original holiday plans. Vast majority did
not make changes and some do not remember they had made one.


Technological related to our using technology. In this current era of science and technology,
each individual are constantly attached to the technology. It has been a great companion to help
in accomplishing daily task. Over the years, technology had evolved and changed the way
information had spread throughout the world. Less people enters buildings of specialized
tourism are where they go and survey on a desired destination. Expansion on the internet had
diminish the role of traditional on site travel agencies. These on site travel agencies stands
between consumer and touristic services providers. Currently both consumer and service
providers deal directly, thus on site travel agencies aren’t needed.

Lifestyle refers to how a person lives. This lifestyle has direct influence towards way. Social
media had been a powerful tool for communication and platform for information before even
choosing a touristic destination. In today’s society, people are more packed with activities and
information that flow all over. Internet and social media makes it possible to gain fast connection
to any source of information. Limited amount of time prompt these people to do so by selecting
this form of information. Social media had a great impact on searching hit in connection with
tourism and it leads that we can find even more updated information or opinions of tourists in
searching results. Opinions, reviews and recommendations of millions of tourists had prompt
tourism industry to adapt to Web 2.0 effect and deal with new needs and expectations of tourists.


In online environment, through social media, messages to and from one company to those
targeted are very easy to transmit. However, these messages might be interpretable by various
groups of users. Chances are that the messages reach their targeted audience, but chances are
that messages are wrongly perceived and the discussions and opinions generated by them create
a negative image to the company. In tourism sector social media is also present and companies
involved in this sector present and promote their services online.


The research focuses on the extend of how social media influences tourists destination. The
strategy deployed is to identify how individuals decide on their tourist destination via their social
media. Previous researchers had identified that social media do influence tourist destination
when they decide on their preferred destination. The current era of science and technology also
supports the fact that people no more visit tourist agencies to see where they would want to visit
next, but rather depend on families, friends and relatives no to be left out, their smartphones.

In society where information is becoming more dominant, online communication becomes an

easy and ordinary way to how people communicate in this current era. The amazing
development of social media applications characterizing current online communication systems
prompting more people and business to utilize them for acquiring and giving information for
promoting or at times criticizing products and services.

The impact in current era is so much that at times the organization would need to intervene in
times news and information about the company is spread at times posing a bad image for the
company. This clearly reflects its strong impact today. The organization needs to take into
account that messages transmitted would be perceived differently by other users in the network.
Therefore, a well communication strategy is needed to ensure different possible behaviors of
community member’s, on past information and feedback can construct a positive image for the
organization. They would also need to react in a decent manner when negative rumors starts
being transmitted by unhappy customers via social media channels.

In response to this problem, our study proposes to investigate how social media influences
tourist destination. We planned to carry out a survey to examine from people to see to what
extend does social media aids in their tourist destination. We would consider constructing a
relevant questions to ask to achieve the best result out of this research.


A study to understand how social media influences tourist destination somehow jeopardize by
the sample size of the study. This study involves a population but somehow the sample size
examined would not give an accurate answer to the study.

Data collection process is a limitation to the study. We would need to collect data from students
whom might not even wish to entertain such survey being posed to them. As much as the culture
here where they all engrossed in their works to get them to respond genuinely and sincerely
towards the survey would be a bit of an work. Time also limits our research. We are faced with
a dateline to hand in our research paper which would push us against time to move a little faster
with our research. Such act could create possibility for certain areas to be left out throughout
the entire process.

1. Http:// Dina Sabou.pdf. (n.d.).

2. Https://
9837-1000166.php?aid=70075. (n.d.).
3. Https:// (n.d.).
4. Https://
sm20. (n.d.).
5. Https://
t. (n.d.).
6. Http://
p1aw-f1tr-v1th-t1sm/. (n.d.).
7. Https://
nations_TripAdvisor_Case_Study. (n.d.).


Prepared by

Daniel Christie A/L Lawrence (MC160100036) SECTION 2

Yogaraj A/L Vijayan (MC1510BC10057) SECTION 2

Hariharan A/L Paramasivam (MC161002103) SECTION 2

Thineshraj A/L Sundaram (MC161002045) SECTION 2

Prepared For

Prof. Dr. YoungKyung KO

Course Leader

Faculty of Business Technology and Accounting


In this chapter, we will offer definitions of key terms, identify related theories and also related
research to help us formulate our theoretical framework. Moreover, here is where we report the
relevant literature we found that help us formulate our research question and research objective.


Tourism consists of activities a person does when they travel and stay in places outside their
usual environments. In the beginning stage, the organization that market their product which is
their tourist destination would need travelers to book their product. Compared to previous era
where people would visit the travel agency to book their product, the social media had taken
full control of its method in which people book their product. Therefore, social network in which
brand awareness is cultivated reacts as a traveler’s destination in which they gather relevant info
pertaining to the product and services they about to purchase.

Brand is analyzed from various dimensions from the customer perspectives. Those dimensions
are the brand awareness, image, quality, perceived value and loyalty. Image has two dimensions
based on previous research, cognitive and affective. ‘Hyun and O’Keefe, 2012’. Emotional
response that a destination evokes is what called the affective dimension. Cognitive dimension
refers to perception of traveler’s on the functional and psychological attributes a destination
possess. Functional is based on tangible attributes whereas psychological is based on perception
of quality and value to customer.

On a different research, ‘Barreda, 2014’ confirms that there is an existence of relationship

between social media interaction on travel and brand awareness.

Having mentioned both these theory that stresses on positive impact or relationship that exists
between the social media and brand awareness or image of a product, it creates business
opportunities and the increase usage of Internet keeps growing.

Theories, concepts that is related to this research is described in brief here. Several construct
that acts as the factor to enhance the clarity of intention to travel are examined in this section of
this paper.

First construct is Perceived Usefulness (PU), degree in the form of mental agreement and trust
that an application is useful to meet its expectation. Its perspective planted in the minds of users
that the chosen tool was able to enhance its work efficiency. Similar to technological tools,
social media provides access to its users where information is readily available at any time.
Thus, this formed a perception that is positive in nature about the practicality of social media.

Secondly is the perceived ease of use, (PEOU), defined as the remarks made by users who felt
worth by the system practicality and its user-friendly operation. In simple words, it mirrors
individual’s valuation on the usage of technology. Users may have the tendency to make use of
the innovation more frequently if the usage was user-friendly and operation is of ease. The social
media sites, which is the focus of this study acts as the official tourism social media sites,
traveler’s, blogs, social networking and virtual communities. Therefore, expectation and
demands depends on the ease of usage and user-friendly interaction between the users and
service providers.

Thirdly, uncertainly caused by unfavorable consequences against customer’s expectations is the

personal risk of social media, PR. It reflects the vulnerability that consumer would need to face
when exposing their personal data when seeking for information to influence buying decision.
Lack of visible interaction between consumer’s, e-retailers and service providers may bring into
existence the uncertainty when involving one-self with online transaction.

Fourthly, E-WOM defined as WOM is casual interaction about products and services among
people who benefited from the related products or service. Technology invented construct a
virual space called the e-WOM, in which there is no limit to communication and transfer of
information in the world. It takes place in various settings such as Facebook, traveler’s blog and
online forums. All these could be done via portable devices as smartphones, which is borderless
On the other hand, “Attitudes” it refers to the degree to which a person has a favorable or
unfavorable evaluation of the behavior of interest. Besides, attitude can be considered
individuals’ mental response to a stimulus either in a positive or negative way. Attitude is the
mediator to perceptions such as usefulness and ease of use. Relationship between attitude and
behavioral intention to use social media is significant when tourist search for information
regarding to their travel. This is also due to familiarity with the usage of social networks.

Perceived Usefulness
of Social Media as a
tool to select tourism
Perceived Ease of Use
of Social Media as a
Attitude towards using Intention to use
tool to select tourism
social media as a tool to social media as a
Perceived Risk of select tourism tool to select
Social Media as a tool destinations tourism
Habit of using social
to select tourism
media as a tool to
Electronic Word of
select tourism



Based on previous research, they use conceptual model and hypothesis to understand the
motivation that drives the clarity to intention to travel. Study is to examine the impact of travel
based on the cognitive and affective perceptive risk and travel constraints. Proper research
method is designed to ensure a reliable results. Gathering the right information is utmost
important which fits the purpose of the study is much more crucial. Deductive research can
provide predictions that is made from existing theories and these predictions would be tested
with the scale being tested.


Research question is the question we raise to find answers from the survey. Research leaves us
with questions that has to be addressed with the proper answer. Therefore our research questions
consists of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that enable social media to influence intention on
tourist destination.


Purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between social media and its influences
to intention to travel.

1. Ajzen, I. (1989). Attitude, structure and behavior. In A. R. Pratkanis, S. J. Breckler, & A.

G. Greenwald (Eds.), Attitude, structure and function (pp. 241–274). Hillsdale, NJ:
Laurence Erlbaum Associates.

2. Bauer, H. H., Reichardt, T., Barnes, S. J., & Neumann, M. M. (2005). Driving consumer
acceptance of mobile marketing: A theoretical framework and empirical study. Journal of
Electronic Commerce Research, 6(3), 181.

3. Ayeh, J. K., Au, N., & Law, R. (2013). Predicting the intention to use consumer-generated
media for travel planning. Tourism Management, 35, 132–143.

4. Blackshaw, P., & Nazaro, M. (2006). Consumer-generated media (CGM) 101: Word-of-
mouth in the age of the web fortified consumer. New York, NY: Nielsen Buzz Metrics.

5. Cheung, C. M. K., & Thadani, D. R. (2012). The impact of electronic word-of-mouth

communication: A literature analysis and integrative model. Decision Support Systems,
54, 461– 470.

6. Fischbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, & behavior: An introduction
to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley




Prepared by

Thineshraj A/L Sundaram (MC161002045) SECTION 2

Yogaraj A/L Vijayan (MC1510BC10057) SECTION 2

Hariharan A/L Paramasivam (MC161002103) SECTION 2

Daniel Christie A/L Christie (MC160100036) SECTION 2

Prepared For

Prof. Dr. YoungKyung KO

Course Leader

Faculty of Business Technology and Accounting


This is where we describe what our research about and also scope of our research. We also can
clarify what is relevant to our research and what is not part of our research.


Here is the diagram showing the research we are doing. The theoretical framework shows a set
of independent variable we have choose that we believe to correlate to our dependent variables.

Time constraints

Intention to travel
Influence of

Ease of using

Here we outlay the independent variables which is intention to travel based influenced by social
media based on previous traveler’s experience. We had chosen the variables and in this section
we would explain the rationale or reason to why we believe the independent variables should
influence the dependent variables.


In today’s fast moving world, everything needed to be done within split of seconds. Similar to
when deciding on tourist destination, individual’s todays rushes against time to pick the right
tourist destination within short period of time. In this paper, time constraints are believed to be
an important factor in that influence the usage of social media in choosing the tourist destination.


We lived by the principle of dependent on one another for the survival species. Likewise, in
influencing tourist choice of destination, influence of other seems very critical in influencing
the intention to travel. Traveler’s blog, Facebook and social sites provides previous traveler’s
comment that influence other in terms of their intention to travel. This paper would acknowledge
this independent variable as that influence the dependent variable which is the intention to travel.


Today’s modern science and technology allows everything accessible within the reach of
fingertips. Online booking and information search via online somehow or rather shapes the
intention to travel by tourist. Compared to conventional methods in the past, current era allows
ease of using the internet to search for information related to tourism destination and all
processes involved is all within fingertips. Websites that is user-friendly also influence
consumer to repetitively use the internet.

Here is the list of hypothesis we intend to test to answer our research question tourist destination
and to also achieve our research objective.

Hypothesis 1

Null: There is no relationship between time constraint and intention to travel.

Alternate: There is a relationship between time constraint and intention to travel.

Hypothesis 2

Null: There is no relationship between influence of others and intention to travel.

Alternate: There is no relationship between influence of others and intention to travel.

Hypothesis 3

Null: There is no relationship between ease of using the internet and intention to travel.

Alternate: There is a relationship between ease of using the internet and intention to travel.


Prepared By

Thineshraj A/L Sundaram (MC161002045) SECTION 2

Yogaraj A/L Vijayan (MC1510BC10057) SECTION 2

Hariharan A/L Paramasivam (MC161002103) SECTION 2

Daniel Christie A/L Christie (MC160100036) SECTION 2

Prepared For

Prof. Dr. YoungKyung KO

Course Leader

Faculty of Business Technology and Accounting

4.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the way in the research is carried out is explained together with the action taken.
This chapter describes the qualitative practices that is put to use to provide data to study the
issues acknowledged and enhance the understanding of consumer value in this framework of
what and why consumer uses social media that influences their intention to travel. This chapter
covers the research design, including unit of analysis, sampling method, non-contrived setting,
data collection and questionnaire.

4.1 Purpose of research

The purpose of this study is to put to test a set of hypothesis that helps answers the research
questions which consists of three factors, namely time constraints, price consciousness,
influence of friends. Data that is collected will be analyzed and the outcome is to determine if
there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. With sufficient evidence, we can conclude
by saying that the independent variable is correlated to our dependent variable.

4.2 Unit of analysis

Unit of analysis is the major entity that we would be examining in our study. For example, any
of the following could be a unit of analysis such as individuals, groups, artifacts, geographical
units and social interaction. For example, to understand the intention of students to spread word
of mouth, the unit analysis would be university students and their intention to spread word by
mouth. Since many students have their meal regularly and aged between 21 to 30 years old, they
would make a good respondents.

4.3 Sampling method

Two types of sampling method, random and non-random sampling method. Random sampling
method is simple and researchers has no control over who gets picked as respondents. Non
random sampling method is convenient where researchers get to choose who their respondents
4.4 Non-Contrived Setting

Our research is believed to be in non-contrived setting. A non-contrived setting is the natural

environment in which events normally occurs. For example, field studies and field experiments
are example of non-contrived settings. Field study is carried out in a natural environment and
there is minimal interference from the researcher. In this settings, respondents would not do
something that they weren’t normally doing.

4.5 Data Collection

There will be a total of 30 respondents to whom we would reach out in our survey. Male and
female are partially involved in this survey. Estimated time is one day to complete the survey.
Survey forms are distributed and collected within that day itself. Venue is within UNITAR
International University.

4.6 Questionnaires

We are going to use a questionnaire to measure the data we collect to be used to test our
hypothesis. See appendix for a sample of our questionnaire.

Item 1 to 4 measures the demography of the correspondents. Item 5 to 10 measures the Intention
to travel. Item 27 to 31 measures the Time constraints. Item 32 to 36 measures the Level of
stress. Item 42 to 46 measures the Influence of others (vacations). Item 47 to 51 measures the
Influence of image of destination. Item 67 to 71 measures the Social media. Item 72 to 76
measures the Product design. Item 77 to 81 measures the Tradition of travelling. Item 82 to 86
measures the Influence of travel agencies. Item 87 to 91 measures the Knowledge of vacation
destination. Item 92 to 96 measures the E-word of mouth. Item 97 to 101 measures the Ease of
using internet. Item 122 to 126 measures the IT literacy. Item 127 to 131 measures the Internet
privacy. Item 132 to 136 measures the Availability of money. Item 142 to 146 measures the Past
experience. Item 147 to 151 measures the Service quality.

Writing Questionnaires
We are students of UNITAR. As part of our continuous assessment for BADB3023 Business Research Methods
course, we are to complete a research on “Influence of Use of Social Media towards Intention on Tourist
Destination”. Completing our assignment requires us to collect data from respondents living or working around
campus. Please fill-in this questionnaire by responding to the questions as accurate as possible. This questionnaire
will only take 10 minutes to complete. The information collected will be solely used for academic purposes only.
Information collected is very general and does not include personal or sensitive information. Let us thank you in
advance for participating in this purely academic exercise.

Demographic Information

1. Age: Less than 20 years old 2 Gender Male

21 to 30 years old Female

31 to 40 years old

41 to 50 years old

More than 50 years


3. Race: Malay 4. Marital Single

Chinese Married
Indian Divorced
Others Widow
Intention to Travel
Totally Disagree Neither Agree Totally
disagree agree Agree

5. I want to go on a holiday 1 2 3 4 5

6. If there is an opportunity, I will go on a 1 2 3 4 5


7. I plan to go on a vacation soon 1 2 3 4 5

8. There are still places I want to visit on my 1 2 3 4 5


9. I want to get new experiences by traveling 1 2 3 4 5

10. I am always looking for ideas where to 1 2 3 4 5

travel for a holiday

Totally Disagree Neither Agree Totally

Time Constraints
disagree agree nor Agree

12. I normally cannot find time to relax 1 2 3 4 5

13. I am always rushing to do something 1 2 3 4 5

14. I feel I don’t have enough time to do 1 2 3 4 5


15. I have problem finding free time 1 2 3 4 5

16. I wish I have more time every day to get 1 2 3 4 5

things done
Totally Disagree Neither Agree Totally
Influence of Others (vacations)
disagree agree nor Agree

12. I always get advice from my friends about 1 2 3 4 5

attractive places to go on vacations

13. I get many ideas from postings in social 1 2 3 4 5

media about my next travel destination

14. My friends and family are very helpful in 1 2 3 4 5

giving me tips on going on vacations

15. Comments and tips I read from the 1 2 3 4 5

Internet influence my choice of vacation

16. Information I learn from my friends give 1 2 3 4 5

me more confidence how I should spend
my vacation

Totally Disagree Neither Agree Totally

Ease of Using Internet
disagree agree nor Agree

It is easy to use the Internet 1 2 3 4 5

I don’t have problems using the Internet 1 2 3 4 5

I can quickly learn new skills in the Internet 1 2 3 4 5

I take little effort learning to use the Internet 1 2 3 4 5

Learning to use the Internet is easy 1 2 3 4 5

***********Thank you very
much for your participation


Prepared By

Daniel Christie A/L Lawrence (MC160100036) SECTION 2

Yogaraj A/L Vijayan (MC1510BC10057) SECTION 2

Hariharan A/L Paramasivam (MC161002103) SECTION 2

Thineshraj A/L Sundaram (MC161002045) SECTION 2

Prepared For

Prof. Dr. Young Kyung KO

Course Leader

Faculty of Business Technology And Accounting


In this chapter, we report on how we carried out our data analysis and present our findings and
conclusions. Firstly, we look out on Frequency Distribution Analysis according to their age,
Gender, Race, and Marital Status with presenting table according to the division. Secondly, is
Reliability Statistic where we carried out Cronbach Test to validate the scale reliable or not
reliable. Thirdly, Data Analysis. We report the data analysis of every hypothesis we set out.
Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, the value of the correlational strength (r`2) and P-Value
are used to determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not. Lastly, we state a conclusion
based on our analysis.


Before distributing the questionnaires survey forms, we approach our lecturer, Madam
YoungKyung KO to check out our questionnaires in order to make sure are correct and follows
the format.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Less than 20 yrs. old 2 6.7 6.7 6.7

21 to 30 yrs. old 24 80.0 80.0 86.7

31 to 40 yrs. old 1 3.3 3.3 90.0

41 to 50 yrs. old 3 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Based on the survey conducted, our respondents are aged between 21 – 30 years old. The least
percentage of age group that were involved in our survey is 31 – 40 years old.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Malay 5 16.7 16.7 16.7

Chinese 4 13.3 13.3 30.0

Indian 16 53.3 53.3 83.3

Others 5 16.7 16.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Highest recorded race that were involved in this survey were Indian whereas the least race that
were involved is Chinese.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Male 15 50.0 50.0 50.0

Female 15 50.0 50.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Both male and female were equally involved in this survey conducted.
Marital Status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Single 27 90.0 90.0 90.0

Married 2 6.7 6.7 96.7

Divorced 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Our respondents are mostly single since most of them were UNITAR students followed by those
whom are married and divorced.
5.3 Reliability Analysis
5.3.1 Time Constraints

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items

.904 6

After the Cronbach Alpha test, the alpha score is 0.904. Since it is more than 0.7, this scale is

5.3.2 Influence of Others

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items

.878 11

After the Cronbach Alpha test, the alpha score is 0.878 which appears to be more than 0.7. Thus,
this scale is reliable.

5.3.3 Ease of using Internet

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items

.910 16

After the Cronbach Alpha test, the alpha score is 0.910 which appears to be more than 0.7. Thus
the case is reliable.
5.4 Data Analysis
In this section, we report the data analysis obtained for each hypothesis set out. Value of the
correlational strength (r) and p-value are used to determine whether to accept or reject the null


Intention Time Influence Ease using

travel Constraints of others internet

Intention travel Pearson Correlation 1 .332 .582** .582**

Sig. (2-tailed) .073 .001 .001

N 30 30 30 30

Time Constraints Pearson Correlation .332 1 .591** .591**

Sig. (2-tailed) .073 .001 .001

N 30 30 30 30

Intention others Pearson Correlation .672** .338 .571** .571**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .068 .001 .001

N 30 30 30 30

Ease using internet Pearson Correlation .582** .591** 1 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .001

N 30 30 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

5.4.1 H1: Relationship between Intention to travel and Time Constraints

After carrying out the Pearson’s correlation analysis, the p-value is recorded at 0.073. Since the
p-value is more than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is no sufficient
evidence to support the claim that there is a relationship between Intention to Travel and Time

5.4.2 H2: Relationship between Intention to travel and Influence of Others

After carrying out the Pearson’s correlation analysis, the p-value is recorded at 0.001. Since the
p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence in
empirical form to support the claim that there is an existence of relationship between Intention
to travel and Influence of others.

5.4.3 H3: Relationship between Intention to travel and Ease of using Internet.

After carrying out the Pearson’s correlation analysis, the p-value is recorded at 0.001. Since the
p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence to
support the claim that there is a relationship between Intention to travel and Ease of using

5.5 Conclusion
The purpose of this research paper to test the relationship that arise between the dependent and
3 independent variables. Data is analyzed and based on the analysis, following were our

H2 and H3 were significantly related to Intention to travel after each of them recorded a p-value
of less than 0.05 and rejecting the null hypothesis. Influence of others and ease of using the
Internet does influence tourist on their intention to travel.

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