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TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA — a2 < j= | TCVN 11996-1:2017 IEC/TR 61850-1:2013 Xudt ban lan 1 MANG VA HE THONG TRUYEN THONG TRONG TY DONG HOA HE THONG DIEN — PHAN 1: GIO THIEU VA TONG QUAN Communication networks and systems for power utilly automation — Part 1: Introdution and overview HA NOI ~ 2017 TCVN 11996-1:2017 Myc luc Trang Loindi dau. 4 1 Pham vi ap dung 7 2. Tailiéu vign dan ‘* 3° Thuat ngtr, dinh nghia va viét tat.. 10 4 Myc tiéu ... 14 5 Cach tiép cén cla tiéu chun TCVN 11996 (IEC 61850)...., 15 6 Noi dung cia bo TCVN 11996 (EC 61850). 23 7 Vong di hé théng TCVN 11996 (IEC 61850)... 36 TCVN 11996-1:2017 L@i noi dau TCVN 11996-1:2017 hoan toan tong dvong voi IEC/TR 61850-1:2013;, TCVN 11996-1:2017 do Ban ky thuat tiu chudn quéc gia TCVN/TC/E12 Lusi dién théng minh bién soan, Tang cye Tiéu chudn Bo Iuéng Chat lugng 48 nghi, B6 Khoa hoc va Cdng nghé cong bé. Bo TCVN 11996 (IEC 61850), Mang va hé théng truyén théng trong te 6g héa hé théng dién gdm cae phan sau: 4) TOVN 11996-1:2017 (IECITR-61850-1:2013), Mang va hé théng truyén théng trong tyr dong héa hé théng dién - Phan 1: Gidi thigu va téng quan 2) TCVN 11996-3:2017 (IEC 61850-3:2013), Mang va hé théng truyén thng trong ty d6ng héa hé théng dién— Phan 3: Yéu céu chung 3) TCVN 11996-4:2017 (IEC 61850-4:201 1), Mang va hé théng truyén théng trong te déng héa hé théng dién — Phan 4: Quan ly hé théng va dy én B6 tigu chun IEC 61850 con ob cae phan sau: 1) IEC TS 61850-2, Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 2: Glossary 2) IEC 61850-5, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models 3) IEC 61850-6, Communication networks and systems for power utility autornation - Part 6; Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs. 4) IEC 61850-7-1, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-1; Basic communication structure - Principles and models 5) IEC 61850-7-2, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)

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