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Camera Shots and Angles

Using the Camera Shots and Angles Power Point as a reference,

complete the activity below.

Match the definitions below with the shots and angles listed in the

Extreme Wide Shot Wide Shot Medium Shot

Close Up Extreme Close Up High Angle
Low Angle Over the Shoulder Point of View
low angle Makes the subject look large and powerful. The camera is below eye

Point of view Shows what a character would see. Draws the audience into the action.

High angle Makes the subject look small and powerless. The camera is above eye

Mid shot Shows no more than half of a subject. In the case of a person, for example, the shot
would be from the waist up.

extreme close up Shows a small part of the subject. In the case of a person, for example, the
shot would be of just an eye or of a smile. Provides a lot of detail.

Extreme wide shot. Establishes where the scene is set. Provides a lot of information, but not a
lot of detail.

over the shoulder Frames the shot with another person. Makes the audience feel as if they are
watching the action.

Wide shot Shows all or most of the subject, leaving room in the shot for some background to be
included. This shot allows actors room to move around the frame
without the camera having to follow the action.

close up Shows the subject filling most of the shot. Provides a lot of detail, for example, aactor’s
emotions, but does not provide background information.

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