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Ist Internal Exam d) None of the above

II . Short Answer type questions ( any one) : 4

Advertising & Sales Promotion [MM – 302]
i) Differentiate Between the two with examples
Time : 50 mins F.M: 15
Answer all questions a) National Advertising & Retail Advertising
b) Primary demand Advertising & Secondary demand Advertising
I . Objective type questions
ii) Identify the Segment targeted for positioning each of the following branded products:
1) Match the Items in List A with that of List B 1
a) Economic Times Daily
List A : a) Marketing Mix, b) DAGMAR approach c) USP b) Horlicks Foodles
d) Brand Image Theory c) Tata Nano Cars
d) Rolex Watches
LIST B : i) Rosser Reeves ii) David Ogilvy iii) Jerome Mc Carthy e) Dove Soap
iv) Russel H. Colley f) Raymond Suitings
g) Kingfisher Airlines
2) Choose the correct alternative 3 h) Ashirwad Atta

i) The form of advertising which promotes a product clandestinely is called : III. Long Answer type questions 7

a) Secondary Advertising b) Surrogate Advertising Case Study: (Cavin Kare’s Chik Shampoo)
c) Co-operative Advertising d) None of the above When Chik entered the market in 1983, Velvette Shampoo was being marketed
aggressively by Godrej. But a scheme became extremely successful – we exchanged five
ii) Which of the following is not a tool for IMC : sachets of any shampoo for a Chik Shampoo sachet, free.
Later, we altered the scheme -- we started giving one free Chik Shampoo sachet in lieu of
a) Customer Satisfaction b) Product Packaging
c) Personal selling d) None of the above
five Chik Shampoo sachets only. Soon, consumers started asking for Chik sachets only. The
sales went up from Rs 35,000 to Rs 12 lakh (Rs 1.2 million) a month.
iii) The Hierarchy of effects model for communication Objectives of Advertising When we introduced jasmine and rose fragrances, our sales went up to Rs 30 lakh (Rs 3
was proposed by : million) per month and with actor Amala as our model, our sales rose to Rs 1 crore (Rs 10
million) a month! Each idea of ours was rewarded by our customers. There has been no
a) David Ogilvy b) Lavidge & Steiner looking back since then.
c) Alyque Padamsee d) Tom Duncan Our market share increased and in 1992, we became the numero uno in South India. It took
nine years for me to overtake my brothers' business, Velvette Shampoo.
iv) The “Atithi Devo Bhava” campaign can be categorized as : Multinational companies sold products in big bottles and not in sachets and they sold only
from fancy stores. They did not look at the small kirana stores, nor did they look at the rural
a) National Advertising b) Public Service Advertising market.
c) Generic Advertising d) Political Advertising
We went to the rural areas of South India where people hardly used shampoo. We showed
v) Campaigns which feature the message “Buy brand X from store Y” is normally them how to use it. We did live demonstration on a young boy. We asked those assembled
referred to as : to feel and smell his hair.
Next we planned Chik Shampoo-sponsored shows of Rajniknath's films. We showed our
a) Secondary Advertising b) Trade Advertising advertisements in between, followed by live demonstrations. We also distributed free
c) Co-operative Advertising d) Retail Advertising sachets among the audience after these shows. This worked wonders in rural Tamil Nadu
and Andhra Pradesh. After every show, our shampoo sales went up three to four times.
vi) The ‘Intel Inside’ logo on your PC is a manifestation of which form of advertising Today, the Indian rural market is growing at a pace double than that of the urban market.
a) Identify the IMC tools used by Cavin Kare to conquer the South Indian rural Market
a) Vertical Co-operative Advertising by their shampoo named ‘Chik’.
b) Component Sponsored Co-operative Advertising
c) Horizontal Co-operative Advertising
b) Identify the Advertising objectives of Cavin Kare’s Chik Shampoo at every
stage of the latter’s PLC and justify the IMC initiatives taken thereby.
[ 3 + 4]

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