Hikoki - Hungarian Eagles PDF

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HUNGARIAN EAGLES A Magyar Kiralyi Honved Légiero 1920-1945 Bie Ce ey 1920-1945 Gyula Saérhidai Gyorgy Punka Viktor Kozlik HUNGARIAN EAGLES A Magyar Kirdlyi Honvéd Légieré 1920-1945 Gyula Sarhidai Gyérgy Punka Viktor Kozlik Captions 1 lus ons opposite, from top: Reggiane Re 2000 Héja I, °V01', was one of the carliestItalian-bult examples to be supplied to the MKHL, Seen here in August 1940, during the period of mobilisation against Romania, the airraft later served with the Repilé Akaddmia ~ Air Academy ~ as a trainer. In 1942 it was re-engined with an “Hungarian WM-148 motor RReggiane Re 2000 Héja I, 'V.4+12,is seen as it appeared on the Eastera Front in 1942 when it was flown by Hadnagy ~ Second Lieutenant ~ J6zsef Béjezy of the 2/1. Vaddszsvézad ~ 2/1. Fighter Squadron. Ulimatly, the aircraft was deliberately destroyed by the Hungarians on the 13th January 1943 in the face ofthe massive Soviet oaslaught which destroyed most of the Hungarian 2nd Army MAVAG Héja-M, °V-4¢87' was Hungasian-built and was used a a fighter-trainer, seen here at Szolnok in 1943 MAVAG Héja-At, °V5+57" was the 87ih Hungarian-built example of the type and, like many others, served for advanced traning at Szolnok and Métyésfold during 1944

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