2 The Key Cell Components Involved in Protein Production For Enzyme

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2 The key cell components involved in protein production for enzyme

synthesis are:
Component Role
DNA Genetic information
Messenger (m) RNA Copies and transfers segment (gene) of DNA
Transfer (t) RNA Translates mRNA information
Ribosome Site where protein is produced

A relatively small segment (gene) of the cell DNA is unraveled to form a single strand. Through
complementary base-pairing of nucleic acids (adenine with uracil, quanine with cytosine),
mRNA is produced. In the ribosome, the mRNA is matched and translated by tRNA. For every
three nucleotide sequence in the tRNA, an amino is produced. The three nucleotide sequence is
termed a codon and each codon selects for a specific one of the 21 amino acids. A series of
amino acids is formed and the amino acids are termed peptides, and polypeptides are formed.
The polypeptides fold and connect at various locations to form the protein

Segmen yang relatif kecil (gen) dari DNA sel diurai untuk membentuk untai tunggal. Melalui
pasangan asam nukleat komplemen (adenin dengan uracil, quanine dengan sitosin), mRNA
diproduksi. Di ribosom, mRNA dicocokkan dan diterjemahkan oleh tRNA. Untuk setiap tiga
urutan nukleotida dalam tRNA, amino diproduksi. Tiga urutan nukleotida disebut kodon dan
setiap kodon memilih untuk satu spesifik dari 21 asam amino. Serangkaian asam amino
terbentuk dan asam amino disebut peptida, dan polipeptida terbentuk. Polipeptida melipat dan
menyambung di berbagai lokasi untuk membentuk struktur protein.

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