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John Lloyd G.


Grade 10 - Rizal


First and foremost, let me share this common line which can be found along the
streets: "NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING." Obviously, these little things, if disobeyed,
can possibly cause big troubles.

Ladies and gentlemen, one of the worrying trends in our society is texting while
driving. Texting while driving causes distraction and increases drivers' chances of
getting involved in car accidents. I believe, using cellphones while driving is the
major cause of accidents leading to several deaths. Sad to say, thousands of people
are dying annually because of this bad habit.

In my opionion, people must lessen their use of cellphones when they are on their
roadtrips to avoid any vehicular accidents. Instead of using cellphones, we must
use proper driving etiquettes like using helmets and putting seatbelts. We must
also minimize the use of social media for we must focus on driving. We must keep
our eyes on the road and follow the street rules.

Obeying the rules in the street is a must! Remember, lives do count. Anyway,
cellphones were made to connect lives, not to ruin it.

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