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Session 1: Why do we need differentiated instruction?

In this session, you will:

 Examine our perceptions of student variance

 Discuss in your teams your try-out choice for your setting
 Identify OSCAR or the adjustable parts in lessons
 Begin using our agile thinking sentence frame: At OSCAR

Session 2: How do teachers know when to differentiate or adjust instruction?

In this session, you will:

 Identify and increase teacher thinking minutes

 Use action patterns with different task structures to increase access and
engagement for all
 Discuss in your teams your try-out choice for your setting
 Expand our agile teacher thinking routine: At OSCAR listen and look for

Session 3: What can adjustments to instruction accomplish?

In this session, you will:

 Explore the outcomes of differentiating instruction

 Increase clarity, access, rigor, and relevance of learning
 Discuss in your teams your try-out choice for your setting
 Guide your inclusive instructional decision making with the agile teacher
thinking routine: At OSCAR listen and look for ________. If (all, some, or
individuals) need/have (CARR)

Session 4: How do teachers assign, teach, and provide help resources to meet
learner needs?

In this session, you will:

 Use help resources to foster student independence

 Provide scaffolds, supports, and extensions
 Discuss in your team your try-out choice for your setting
 Add to the agile thinking routine to make inclusive instructional decisions: At
OSCAR, if (all, some, or individuals) need/have ______ then _______ help

Session 5: How do teachers use options (choice) to learner needs?

In this session, you will:

 Offer options along a continuum ranging from total student choice to teacher
 Use options to increase access, rigor, and relevance
 Discuss in our teams our try-out choice for our setting
 Change to the agile thinking routine to make inclusive instructional decisions:
At OSCAR, if (all, some, or individuals) need/have ______ then _______

Session 6: How do we measure the impact of differentiated instruction on


In this session, you will:

 Use the four-step decision-making framework to respond to diverse learner

needs in both planning and in practice
 Plan an impact project to measure the impact of DI
 Practice making inclusive instructional decisions using our agile teacher
thinking routine: At OSCAR, if (all, some, or individuals) need/have increased
clarity, access, rigor, or relevance (CARR) _________ then adjust structures,
help, or options (SHOp) __________
Assignment Pattern During Each Session
Week 1 - Individual Learning Tasks (Approximately 3.5 hours)
During the first week, you will complete three assignments. Although the topic for
each session will be different and will build upon previous sessions, the routine or
actions that you will take as a learner are always the same.

.1 Identify Starting Position (estimate 45 minutes)

The Starting Position is simply taking a moment to note where you are before
embarking on a journey or before trying to make a change. When you embark on a
trip, noting a starting position enables you to measure the distance that you have
traveled. When using a GPS, a starting position allows the GPS to recommend
alternate routes. In much the same way, starting positions will help us monitor and
measure our learning by recording our starting position in a Learning Journal in each
session. We use the routine Ponder, Picture, Post in each Starting Position.

.2 Learn Why (estimate 45 minutes)

We use the routine Wonder, Watch, Weave in Learn Why. Plan about 45 minutes to
learn more about differentiated instruction through watching videos, reading our
textbook, and completing interactive quizzes to practice agile thinking for the

.3 Learn How (estimate 110 minutes)

We use the routine Read, Review, Ready in Learn How. Spend about 120 minutes
considering the steps to move theory into actionable practice by examining steps to
implementation and beginning to translate those steps to your specific context.

Week 2 - Team, Team Reporter, and Individual Tasks (Approximately 4.5 hours)
During the second week, you will complete four assignments. Individual
Implementation and Reflection tasks will take about 2 hours to complete. Another 2
hours will be spent building your learning through a Team Meet-Up. Team reporters
share out a summary of the team meeting and every individual participates in a final
discussion to exchange ideas about implementing differentiated instruction.

.4 Try Out (estimate 90 minutes)

We use the routine Prepare, Practice, Poll in Try Out. You will spend approximately
90 minutes planning and implementing the Try Out. Use about 30 minutes to think
through your implementation strategy of the Try Out that you selected to implement
last week. Make any needed student materials such as a direction poster or handout.
We’ve budgeted about 60 minutes for you to Try-Out a suggested practice.
.5 Meet-Up (Team Meeting) (estimate 120 minutes)
In each session, you will meet with your team. You will share a report of how you
implemented at least one of the Try Outs. The meeting may last between 60 minutes
to 2 hours. Together, you will create a response to the Session Objective and discuss
your efforts toward reaching your goals.
.6 Reflect (estimate 30 minutes)
In every session, you will return to your .1 Starting Position to reflect on learning in
the session by expanding on the ideas. Use your Learning Journal to track your
thinking and implementation of differentiated instruction throughout the course. Plan
to spend 30 to 45 minutes posting in our .6 discussion board how your thinking has
been confirmed, changed, challenged, or expanded as a result of your participation in
the session's activities, Try Out, and discussions.

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