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Self supported Chimney design calculations

Customer name
Code requirements tuma bypass stack
Chimney height based on SPM
1 1.1 0.862 0.838 0.94
Boiler capacity kg/hr 2000 1200 ppm
Gas flow rate m3/sec 0.948 0.0040954 t/hr
Gas temperature DegC 180 16.770677 m
So2 produced/kg of fuel kg/kg 0.003594
Fuel firing rate kg/hr 422.78332
Gas velocity for design m/sec 10
Chimney dia reqd m 0.3484004
Chiimney dia selected m 0.35
Chimney height required m 30
Chimney height selected m 31.5
Maximum straight portion permitted m 30
Design life of chimney yrs 10
Reqd corrosion allowance mm 1.5
Selected allowance mm 3
Design wind pressure kg/m2 150
Minimum flare diameter at bottom mm 350
Selected bottom flare dia mm 350
segment 1 segment 2 segment 3 segment 4 segment 5
Design for self weight & wind load
Shell Dia at section top m 450 450 450 1100 1500
Shell Dia at section bottom m 450 450 1100 1500 350
Average dia for wt calc m 450 450 775 1300 925
mean Radius cm 22499.65 22499.75 38749.75 64999.85 46249.85
Helical strakes provided yes/no y y y y y
Factor for helical strake 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Centre of gravity 5.75 2.5 2.1505376 2.3717949 3.01801802
Projected area m2 6210 2700 4650 7800 5550
Shell height m 11.5 5 5 5 5
Equivalent ht of portion m 8 13 14.685744 18.265626 31.4139091
Selected thk mm 10 8 8 6 6
Corrosion allowance mm 3 3 3 3 3
Effective thk mm 7 5 5 3 3
Vertical load
Self weight kg 1276398.23 443964.6 764605.7 961923.3 684445.425
with margin for stiffeners, angles 1595497.78 554955.75 955757.13 1202404 855556.781
Cumulative self weight 1595497.78 2150454 3106211 4308615 5164171.56
Wind forces
Wind pressure assumed kg/m2 150 150 150 150 150
Wind load kgf 931500 405000 697500 1170000 832500
Cumulative wind load kgf 931500 1336500 2034000 3204000 4036500
Forces at base
P, vertical load kg 1595497.78 554955.75 955757.13 1202404 855556.781
H, horizontal load kg 931500 1336500 2034000 3204000 4036500
M, moment kg.m 5356125 11026125 19208625 32153625 47911125
Forces & moments due to platforms & ladders
Assummed projected area per meter (typical) .3425 m2 /metre of chimney height
H, horizontal load kgf 590.8125 256.875 256.875 256.875 256.875
Moment at section kgfm 3397.17188 6993.4219 11784.279 17916.346 24889.5321
Total bending moment at sections kgm 5359522.17 11033118 19220409 32171541 47936015

Sectional properties ( neglecting corrosion allowance)

A, area cm2 98973 70695 172810 141390 32991
Z, 3.142*(D/2)^2xt cm3 1113411610 7.95E+08 2.36E+09 3.98E+09 2.016E+09
Direct Comp stress kg/cm2 16.1205357 7.85 5.5306818 8.5041667 25.9330357
Bending stress kg/cm2 0.48136036 1.3872883 0.8147955 0.8078295 2.37746335
Combined stress kg/cm2 16.6018961 9.2372883 6.3454773 9.3119962 28.3104991
Permissible bending stresses from IS 6533
D/t ratio 64285.7143 90000 220000 500000 116666.667
he/D ratio 0.01777778 0.0288889 0.0133507 0.0121771 0.08975403
Allowable stress kg/cm2 5.24452833 3.7472083 1.5336237 0.6749096 2.89119582
A 1 1 1 1 1
B 0.00419562 0.0029978 0.0012269 0.0005399 0.00231296
Temp correction factor k1 1 1 1 1 1
Corr.allowable stress kg/cm2 5.24452833 3.7472083 1.5336237 0.6749096 2.89119582
actual stress < allowable unsafe unsafe unsafe unsafe unsafe

Check for inclusion of dynamic wind loads

Weight of sections kg 1595497.78 554955.75 955757.13 1202404 855556.781
length of section mm 11500 5000 5000 5000 5000
Moment of Inertia (Top) mm4 2.5058E+17 1.79E+17 1.79E+17 1.57E+18 3.978E+18
Moment of Inertia (bottom) mm4 2.5058E+17 1.79E+17 2.61E+18 3.98E+18 5.053E+16
Eff. Moment of inertia mm4 2.5058E+17 1.79E+17 1.4E+18 2.77E+18 2.014E+18

Deflection mm 5.0437E-05 2.019E-06 4.455E-07 2.823E-07 2.7656E-07

mass x deflection kgm 0.0804716 0.0011202 0.0004258 0.0003394 0.00023661
mass x deflection ^2 kgm2 4.0587E-09 2.261E-12 1.897E-13 9.582E-14 6.5437E-14
Sum (mass X defection) 0.08259366
Sum (mass X defection 2) 4.0613E-09
Frequency 2259.72183
Time 0.00044253
Proceed for dynamic load calculations not reqd

Deflection calulations of sections

Mean radius at top cm 22500 22500 22500 55000 75000
Mean radius at bottom cm 22500 22500 55000 75000 17500
Moment of inertia at top cm4 2.5053E+13 1.79E+13 1.79E+13 1.57E+14 3.977E+14
Moment of inertia at bottom cm4 2.5053E+13 1.79E+13 2.61E+14 3.98E+14 5.052E+12
Ratio of IB/IA cm4 1 1 14.60631 2.5356875 0.0127037
15 3 0.5
0.173 0.436 1.778
14.5 2.5 0
0.173 0.498 #N/A
MF factor 1 1 0.173 0.4935748 #N/A
Equivalent MI cm4 2.5053E+13 1.79E+13 1.03E+14 3.18E+14 #N/A
EI equivalent kgf/cm2 5.1107E+19 3.65E+19 2.11E+20 6.48E+20 #N/A
Ordinate 1 1.0487E-11 3.022E-11 9.109E-12 4.963E-12 #N/A
Ordinate 2 1.468E-11 5.229E-12 2.965E-12 #N/A
OB 1.0487E-05 3.022E-05 9.109E-06 4.963E-06 #N/A
OT 1.468E-05 5.229E-06 2.965E-06 #N/A
OB-OT 1.0487E-05 1.554E-05 3.88E-06 2E-06 #N/A
h cm 1150 500 500 500 500
0.75h 862.5 375 375 375 375
AP (area of triangle) 0.00401995 0.0025903 0.0006467 0.000333 #N/A
AR (Area of rectangle) 0 0.0073408 0.0026143 0.0014827 #N/A
hx 862.5 282.60363 274.78795 272.92646 #N/A
An(area of M/EI diagram) 4.02E-09 9.931E-09 3.261E-09 1.816E-09 #N/A
length of centroid 862.5 1432.6036 1924.788 2422.9265 #N/A
Deflection 3.4672E-06 1.423E-05 6.277E-06 4.399E-06 #N/A
Total deflection cm #N/A
Permissible deflection cm 15.75
Defection condtion satisfactory #N/A
Holding down bolts design
Over turning moment at base kgfm 47936015
No of bolts no 16
Bolt circle diameter mm 0.65
bolt diameter mm 50
Minimum selfweight of chimney kg 5164171.56
Max force on one bolt kg 18114168
Root area of M45 x 5 pitch cm2 13.85
Tensile stress in bolt kgf/cm2 1307882.16
Allowable stress kgf/cm2 1260
Minimum bonding length of bolt mm 1200
Bond stress on surface 9608.61868
Allow. Bonding stress for 1:2:4 conc mix 6 kg/cm2 as per IS 456
Weight & cost
Approximate total. Wt kg 5164171.56
Fabrication cost per kg Rs/kg 40
Cost of chimney Rs ###
Cost of accessaries Rs 30000
Total cost Rs ###
Self supported Chimney design calculations
Customer name
Code requirements tuma bypass stack
Chimney height based on SPM
1 1.15 0.878 0.852 0.96
Boiler capacity kg/hr 2000 1200
Gas flow rate m3/sec 0.948 0.0040954
Gas temperature DegC 170 16.770677
So2 produced/kg of fuel kg/kg 0.003594
Fuel firing rate kg/hr 422.78332
Gas velocity for design m/sec 10
Chimney dia reqd m 0.3484004
Chiimney dia selected m 1360 0.6525057
Chimney height required m 15.872188
Chimney height selected m 27
Maximum straight portion permitted m 27.2
Design life of chimney yrs 10
Reqd corrosion allowance mm 3
Selected allowance mm 3
Design wind pressure kg/m2 150
Minimum flare diameter at bottom mm 2176
Selected bottom flare dia mm 1360
segment 1 segment 2 segment 3 segment 4
Design for self weight & wind load
Shell Dia at section top m 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36
Shell Dia at section bottom m 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36
Average dia for wt calc m 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36
mean Radius cm 67.775 67.675 67.675 67.675
Helical strakes provided yes/no y n n n
Factor for helical strake 1.2 1 1 1
Centre of gravity 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
Projected area m2 8.8128 7.344 7.344 7.344
Shell height m 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4
Equivalent ht of portion m 6 11.4 16.8 22.2
Selected thk mm 6 8 8 8
Corrosion allowance mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Effective thk mm 4.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Vertical load
Self weight kg 1086.8253408 1449.1005 1449.1005 1449.1005
with margin for stiffeners, angles 1358.531676 1811.3756 1811.3756 1811.3756
Cumulative self weight 1358.531676 3169.9072 4981.2828 6792.6584
Wind forces
Wind pressure assumed kg/m2 125 125 125 125
Wind load kgf 1101.6 918 918 918
Cumulative wind load kgf 1101.6 2019.6 2937.6 3855.6
Forces at base
P, vertical load kg 1358.531676 1811.3756 1811.3756 1811.3756
H, horizontal load kg 1101.6 2019.6 2937.6 3855.6
M, moment kg.m 2974.32 11401.56 24786 43127.64
Forces & moments due to platforms & ladders
Assummed projected area per meter (typical) .3425 m2 /metre of chimney height
H, horizontal load kgf 231.1875 231.1875 231.1875 231.1875
Moment at section kgfm 624.20625 2496.825 5617.8563 9987.3
Total bending moment at sections kgm 3598.52625 13898.385 30403.856 53114.94

Sectional properties ( neglecting corrosion allowance)

A, area cm2 192.2904 277.7528 277.7528 277.7528
Z, 3.142*(D/2)^2xt cm3 6494.6798386875 9353.5413 9353.5413 9353.5413
Direct Comp stress kg/cm2 7.065 6.5215385 6.5215385 6.5215385
Bending stress kg/cm2 55.4072924205 148.58955 325.05182 567.85915
Combined stress kg/cm2 62.4722924205 155.11109 331.57336 574.38069
Permissible bending stresses from IS 6533
D/t ratio 302.2222222222 209.23077 209.23077 209.23077
he/D ratio 4.4117647059 8.3823529 12.352941 16.323529
Allowable stress kg/cm2 869.1592100995 1096.5192 1096.5192 1096.5192
A 1 1 1 1
B 0.6953273681 0.8772153 0.8772153 0.8772153
Temp correction factor k1 1 1 1 1
Corr.allowable stress kg/cm2 869.1592100995 1096.5192 1096.5192 1096.5192
actual stress < allowable safe safe safe safe

Check for inclusion of dynamic wind loads

Weight of sections kg 1358.531676 1811.3756 1811.3756 1811.3756
length of section mm 5400 5400 5400 5400
Moment of Inertia (Top) mm4 4402938541.49589 6.33E+09 6.33E+09 6.33E+09
Moment of Inertia (bottom) mm4 4402938541.49589 6.33E+09 6.33E+09 6.33E+09
Eff. Moment of inertia mm4 4402938541.49589 6.33E+09 6.33E+09 6.33E+09

Deflection mm 0.253050498 0.2346193 0.2346193 0.2346193

mass x deflection kgm 0.3437771172 0.4249836 0.4249836 0.4249836
mass x deflection ^2 kgm2 0.000086993 9.971E-05 9.971E-05 9.971E-05
Sum (mass X defection) 2.1287700206
Sum (mass X defection 2) 0.000501014
Frequency 32.6629433446
Time 0.0306157345
Proceed for dynamic load calculations not reqd

Deflection calulations of sections

Mean radius at top cm 68 68 68 68
Mean radius at bottom cm 68 68 68 68
Moment of inertia at top cm4 444575.4048 642164.47 642164.47 642164.47
Moment of inertia at bottom cm4 444575.4048 642164.47 642164.47 642164.47
Ratio of IB/IA cm4 1 1 1 1
1 1
1.372 1.372
1 1
1.372 1.372
MF factor 1 1 1.372 1.372
Equivalent MI cm4 444575.4048 642164.47 468049.91 468049.91
EI equivalent kgf/cm2 906933825792 1.31E+12 9.55E+11 9.55E+11
Ordinate 1 3.9677936225E-07 1.061E-06 3.184E-06 5.563E-06
Ordinate 2 2.747E-07 1.456E-06 3.184E-06
OB 0.3967793622 1.0609328 3.184244 5.5628118
OT 0.2746934 1.4555999 3.184244
OB-OT 0.3967793622 0.7862394 1.7286441 2.3785678
h cm 540 540 540 540
0.75h 405 405 405 405
AP (area of triangle) 71.4202852049 141.5231 311.15594 428.1422
AR (Area of rectangle) 0 148.33444 786.02393 1719.4918
hx 405 335.91382 308.28547 296.91296
An(area of M/EI diagram) 7.1420285205E-05 0.0002899 0.0010972 0.0021476
length of centroid 405 875.91382 1388.2855 1916.913
Deflection 0.0289252155 0.2538902 1.5231989 4.1168274
Total deflection cm 12.4593496558
Permissible deflection cm 13.5
Defection condtion satisfactory safe
Holding down bolts design
Over turning moment at base kgfm 78928.83
No of bolts no 16
Bolt circle diameter mm 1.66
bolt diameter mm 50
Minimum selfweight of chimney kg 9056.87784
Max force on one bolt kg 11320.8171229518
Root area of M45 x 5 pitch cm2 13.85
Tensile stress in bolt kgf/cm2 817.3875179027
Allowable stress kgf/cm2 1260
Minimum bonding length of bolt mm 1200
Bond stress on surface 6.0051013807
Allow. Bonding stress for 1:2:4 conc mix 6 kg/cm2 as per IS 456
Weight & cost
Approximate total. Wt kg 9056.87784
Fabrication cost per kg Rs/kg 40
Cost of chimney Rs 362275.11
Cost of accessaries Rs 30000
Total cost Rs 392275.11

Insulation details
Mineral wool
Insulation area m2 127.4592
Insulation Material density thk 150
Cost per m2 Rs 200
Cost of insulation material Rs 25491.84
Ceramic blanket
Insulation area m2 99.3432
Insulation thk mm 50
Wool density kg/m3 125
Cost per m2 Rs 1000
total cost Rs 99343.2
SS material SS 409M
Sheet thk mm 2.5
area m2 99.3432
weight kg 1949.6103
Cost Rs/kg 250
total cost Rs 487402.575
By pass ducting supporting structure
Weight kg 2000
Unit cost Rs/kg 32
Total cost Rs/kg 64000

Total cost of by pass stack 1068512.73

height based on SPM


segment 5





himney height






Optimised Chimney dimensions for husk fired underbed FBC boilers

Bottom Height & Thicknesses for sections / metre/mm Weight cost diff in w Cost diff %cost diff
Capacity Top dia
dia 1 2 3 4 5 kgs Rs kgs Rs %
t/h mm mm H t H t H t H t H t
4000 550 1543 5.5 6 5.5 8 6.33 8 6.33 8 6.33 10 7254 290160 0 0 0
5000 550 1543 5.5 6 5.5 8 6.33 8 6.33 8 6.33 10 7254 290160 89 3560 1.226909
6000 600 1512 6 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 10 7343 293720 153 6120 2.083617
7000 650 1450 6.5 6 6.5 8 5.67 8 5.67 8 5.67 10 7496 299840 98 3920 1.307364
8000 700 1472 7 6 7 8 5.33 8 5.33 8 5.33 10 7594 303760 86 3440 1.132473
9000 725 1470 7.25 6 7.25 8 5.17 8 5.17 8 5.17 10 7680 307200 117 4680 1.523438
10000 750 1475 7.5 6 7.5 8 5 8 5 8 5 10 7797 311880 468 18720 6.002309
12000 850 1500 8.5 6 8.5 8 4.33 8 4.33 8 4.33 10 8265 330600 276 11040 3.339383
14000 900 1525 9 6 9 8 4 8 4 8 4 10 8541 341640 197 7880 2.306521
15000 950 1526 9.5 6 9.5 8 3.67 8 3.67 8 3.67 10 8738 349520 0
16000 950 1526 9.5 6 9.5 8 3.67 8 3.67 8 3.67 10 8738 349520 0

Gas velocity 10 to 11
Wind pressure 125 kg/m2
Corrosion allowance 1.5 mm
Chimney height 30 metre

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