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c N A P R A ( T C E

. Izchak Barzilay, DDS, Cert Prosmo, MS

. Irene Tamblyn, RDT .

Gingival replacement is often a component of comprehensiveprosthodontics. Gingival prosthesesmay be fixed or
removable and may be made from acrylics, composite resins, silicones or porcelain-based materials. Undercuts or
dental attachmentsare used to secure removable prostheses,which are esthetically pleasing and easy to maintain.
This paper describesseveral clinical situations in which gingival prostheseswere used effectively.

MeSH Key Words: gingiva; periodontal prosthesis; prosthesis design

0 J Can Dent Assoc 2003; 69(2):74--8

This article has been peer reviewed.

G ingival replacement prostheses have historically lessthan ideal. In accordancewith the patient'swishes,a
been used to replace lost tissue when other meth- removableprosthesiswasplanned.
ods (e.g., surgery or regenerative procedures) were An intraoral try-in of a wax-up was accomplished,
considered unpredictable or impossible. With this method, whereby blue utiliry wax (Surgident Periphery Wax,
large tissue volumes are easily replaced. Gingival prostheses Heraeus-Kulzer,South Bend, Ind.) was placed into the
take several forms, and various authors have described their diastemabetweenthe central incisorsto evaluatethe effect
uses and methods of construction.1-9 Tissue replacement of obturation of the space(Fig. 2). The patient found that
prosthesesmay be used to replace tissue lost through surgi- filling the space significantly improved his phonetic
cal gingival procedures, trauma, ridge resorption or trau- comfort. This wax-upwasthen duplicatedto form a remov-
matic tooth extraction. From a prosthodontic point of ableprosthesis.
view, restoration of these areas can be accomplished with A polyetherimpression(Impregum,ESPEAmerica Inc.,
either fixed or removable prostheses. Norristown, Pa.)was made and the shadewas matchedto
Materials used for gingival prosthesesinclude pink auto- the patient'stissue.The impressionwasthen pouredmulti-
cure and heat-cured acrylics, porcelains, composite resins ple times in type IV die stone (Die-Keen,Heraeus-Kulzer).
and thermoplastic acrylics, as well as silicone-based soft With the wax-up as a guide, 2 different prostheseswere
materials. fabricated. The first was fabricated exclusively from
This paper presents several cases in which different Molloplast B soft lining material (Detax GmbH & Co.,
gingival replacement prostheseswere,used. Etclingen,Germany),and the secondwasfabricatedfrom a
clear acrylic facing (Pro Base - Hot, Ivoclar North
Case 1 America,St. Catharines,ant.) with a MoUoplastB internal
A 25-year-old man presented with phonetic problems, componentto enhanceprostheticretention (Fig. 3).
as well as unanticipated expectoration during speech. The The patient tried both prostheses, and found the colour
patient had recently undergone periodontal surgery, which of the MoUoplastB prosthesismore satisfactory.Additional
resulted in the loss of the papilla between the 2 maxillary prostheses werethen fabricated,asrequested~y the patient.
central incisors (Fig. 1). The patient has been wearing the prostheseswith great
The patient was not interested in an additional surgical successfrom the perspectivesof phonetics, expectoration
procedure to reconstruct the papilla. Previous bonding and comfort (Figs. 4a and 4b).
procedures had been performed by other dental practition- This type of prosthesishaslimitations. Retentionmay be
ers in attempts to reduce the interproximal space and thus difficult, and becauseof the inherent porosity of the
to improve esthetics and phonetics, but the results had been silicone-basedmaterial, staining and plaque accumulation

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Gingival Prostheses A Review

Figure 1: Becauseof recent periodontal Figure2: A wax-up is tried in to evaluate Figure 3: Two prostheseswere fabricated so
procedures, soft tissue is missing between effects on function. that the best fitting and most esthetically
the central incisors in this 25-year-old man. pleasing prosthesis could be chosen.

Figure 4a: Frontal view of the Mo/lop/ast Figure 4b: Occlusal view of Mo//op/ast figure 5: Periodontal surgery in a 45-year-
prosthesis shows good contour and tissue prosthesisshowsgood contourand tissue old woman caused loss of papillae
adaPtation. adaPtation.. between the maxillary teeth, which led to
an esthetic problem.

Figure 6: Frontalview of the prosthesisin Figure 7: After postextractionhealing, a Figure 8: Frontal view of the modified
place showsgood adaptation and improved defect was observed under the interim interimprosthesisshowsgood esthetics.
esthetics. pontics in this 60-year-old woman.

may be a problem. Another concern is the possibility of removable prosthesis to close the spaces between the
inhalation or ingestion 9f the prosthesisduring function. anterior teeth.
This type of prosthesisthereforerequiresregular mainte- A buccal approach was used to create the master impres-
nanceand occasionalrevision. sion, which captured the interproximal detail without tearing
the impression upon removal from the mouth. The lingual
Case2 embrasureswere blocked out with utility wax, and a custom
A 45-year-oldwoman had recentlyundergonegingival tray was used to support the polyether impression material.
surgeryto the maxillary teeth. The surgeryimproved her The impression was poured in type N die stone, and a gingi-
val prosthesis was waxed up and processed in heat-cured
periodontalcondition but left the patient with a significant
acrylic resin. Retention was achieved with minor interproxi-
loss of papillae (Fig. 5). The patient found the resulting
mal undercuts aswell asundercuts on the distal surfacesof the
tooth sensitivityextremelyuncomfortable,especiallywhen
cuspids. The prosthesiswas extremely thin and had enough
she breathedin through her mouth. The patient was also flexibility to engagethese undercuts. The patient found the
very unhappy with the esthetic appearance of the prosthesisvery comfortable and affectionately referred to it as
"elongatedteeth." The decision was made to fabricate a her "party gums" (Fig. 6).

journal of the Canadian Dental Association February2003, Vol. 69, No.2

Barzila~ Tamblyn

Figure 9: A 4-unit fixed panial denture with Figure 10: The metal insert and its dimple Figure 11: The final prosthesis shows good
a Gaussenattachment was fabricated. The can be seen. The dimple engages the estheticqualities.
flange incorporates a metal insen that internal ball within the attachment slot.
connects the flange to the attachment. When the flange is connected to the fixed
bridge, the metal wafer slides in on a curved
path and engagesthe retention elements.

Figure 12: A retracted view shows that over Figure 13: A retractedview of the new Figure 14: A single implant prosthesis has
the years,the gingival tissuesrecededto prosthesisin place showscoverageof the been placed in this 50-year-old woman.
exposethe crown marginson manyof the exposed root .surfaces and prosthesis Becausethe implant is in the middle of the
space, a pink porcelain papilla was used to
maxillaryteeth. margins.
cover the metal structure of the abutment.

teeth, prosthetic treatment planning

included use of a prefabricateddental
attachment to support and retain a
prosthetic flange. This flange was
neededto replacethe missing papillae
and to help support the lip.
A Gaussenattachment (Epiloc I L.
Gaussen, Cendres & Metaux Inc.
(Canada),Toron~o,Ont.) wasincorpo-
Figure 15a: Maxillary prosthesis with gingival
Figure1Sb: Mandibular
prosthesis with rated into the pontic regionof the pros-
section. gingival
section. thesis. This attachment consistsof a
curved slot (accessed from the buccal
Case 3 aspect) containing ~ spring-loaded ball. A curved metal
A 60-year-oldwoman presentedfor overall assessment, wafer was processed into a heat-cured acrylic flange.The
which led to extraction of teeth 21 and 22. An interim terminal end of the waferhad a dimple to engagethe inter-
prosthesiswas positioned for the healing period. After nal ball and provide retention (Figs.9-11).
severalmonths of healing, the patient presentedfor re- The patient consideredthe estheticresultexcellent.The
examinationin preparationfor fixed prosthodontic treat- removable soft-tissuecomponentwas stableand could be
ment. Significant postextractionresorption had occurred, used during masticationaswell asall other daily activities.
which left a defectunder the interim pontics (Fig. 7). The After using the prosth~is for 11 years,the patient lost
spacewas filled in with pink autocure acrylic bonded the removable gingival portion of the prosthesis.Over the
directly to the interim prosthesis(Fig. 8). years,gingival recessionhad occurredon the neighbouring
The patient wasofferedsurgicalcorrectionof the defect teeth (Fig. 12). A new prosthesiswas plannedthat would
but preferred a prosthetic solution. Becausea multiunit involve not only the pontic areabut alsothe other anterior
fixed prosthesiswas being fabricatedfor the neighbouring teeth. A buccal impression was made in polyether

Journal of the Canadian Dental Association

76 February2003,Vol. 69, No.2
Gingival Prostheses A Review

impression material and poured in type IV die stone, and a supporting them. Prosthetic reconstruction included
heat-cured set of "party gums" was fabricated that bypassed placingimplants and then restoringthem with a fixed pros-
the attachment itsel[ The patient is now functioning well thesis that had a gingival component. Three Osseotite
with her new prosthesis (Fig. 13). fixtures (31 Implant Innovation Inc.) were placed in the
mandibular defect,and 5 fixtureswereplacedin the maxil-
Case 4 lary defect.After an uneventfulhealingperiod, the implants
A 50-year-old woman was missing 2 mandibular were uncoveredand restoredwith fixed porcelain-fused-to-
incisors.The interdentalspacedid not allow for placement metal prosthesesthat included gingival components.The
of 2 implants, and it wasthe patient'swish that the neigh- gingival components were characterizedto match the
bouring teeth not be adjusted to support a prosthesis. neighbouringtissues(Figs. 15a and 15b).
Implant treatment was performed, and a single externally
hexed implant (31 Implant Innovations Inc., Palm Beach Discussion
Gardens,Fla.) was placed in the middle of the available Gingival defects may be treated with surgiCl.1or prosthetic
space.After an uneventfulhealingperiod, the implant was approaches. With successful surgiCl.1treatment, the result
uncoveredand restored. Becauseof the position of the mimics the original tissue contours. Such treatments include
implant (in the middle of the availablespace),a prosthetic minor procedures to rebuild papillae and grafting procedures
papilla was planned, for esthetic reasons.The prosthesis that may involve not only soft-tissue manipulation but
consistedof 2 crown units with an interproximal gingival also bone augmentation to support the soft tissue. It is possi-
papilla of fusedporcelainto metal. Pink porcelainwasthe ble to create esthetically pleasing and anatomiCl.1ly correct
material of choice becauseof its esthetic qualities and tissue contours when small volumes of tissue are being recon-
becausethis maintainedcontinuity of materialswithin the structed, but this method is unpredictable when a large
volume of tissue is missing. The surgiCl.1costs, healing time,
prosthesis(Fig. 14).
discomfort and unpredictability make this choice unpopular.
CaseS Prosthetic replacement, with acrylics, composite resins,
A 60-year-old man was involved in an accident that porcelains and silicones, is a more predictable approach to
causedthe loss of severalteeth and the alveolar bone replacing lost tissue architecture. It is especially useful when

Table 1 Comparison of gingival prostheses

Characteristic Removable prosthesis Fixed prosthesis

Co~ Additional to the original cost of the prosthesis Cost part of the original prosthesis
(if a secondary prosthesis is being made)

Stability and retention Prosthesis mobile, so retention must be Prosthesisfixed and therefore always stable
maintained; adhesives or attachments may be
used to enhance retention
Oral hygiene Easy accessto interproximal embrasures Hygiene more difficult because
of lack of space for instrumentation

Staining Porous prosthetic material stains easily Prosthetic material (glazed porcelain)
stains less and is easily cleaned

Long-term prognosis Prosdlesismay wear, become damaged or Minimal wear, with no danger of damage
(wear, damage, loss) be lost or loss

Complications Prosthesissusceptible to ingestion Prosthesisnot subject to ingestion

(ingestion and inhalation) or inhalation or inhalation

Psychological aspects Patient may not feel like himself or herself Patientfeels like himself or herself
(typical of a removable prosthesis)
Inction Patientmay experience movement or Functions without any discernible movement
discomfort during function
Esthetics Largervolumes of tissue can be replaced, Estheticsmay be lesspleasing because of
and adequate bulk can be created limited applicable volume (must leave
for esthetic appearance interproximal areasopen for oral hygiene); the
prosthesismust be cleanable, therefore ridge
lapping needs to be avoided
Ability to retrofit Prosthesis can be adjusted as tissue changes Tissueportion of prosthesiscannot be
adjusted easily

journal of the Canadian Dental Association February2003, Vol. 69, No.2

Barzilay, Tamblyn

a larger amount of tissue needs replacement. Ideal tissue 2. Botha PI, Gluckman HL. The gingival prosthesis- a literarure
review.SAD] 1999; 54(7):288-90.
contours can be waxed, processed and then coloured to
3. Friedman MJ. Gingival masks: a simple prosthesisto improve the
match the surrounding tissue. The patient need not appearanceof teeth. Compmd Contin EducDent 2000; 21(11):1008-10,
undergo any additional surgical procedures and receivesan 1012-4, 1016.
esthetically pleasing, functional restoration. It is possible to 4. Blair FM, Thomason JM, Smith OG. The flange prosthesis.
Dent Update 1996; 23(5):196-9.
show the patient a waxed-up result or even take a try-in
5. Mekayarajjananonth T, Kiat-amnuay S, Sooksuntisakoonchai N,
prosthesis directly to the mouth for evaluation before Salinas TJ. The functional and esthetic deficit replaced with an acrylic
significant treatment is initiated. resin gingival veneer. QuintessenceInt 2002; 33(2):91-4.
A fixed prosthesis gives the patient significant comfort 6. Gree~e PRo The flexible gingival mask: an aesthetic solution in
periodontal practice. Br Dent] 1998; 184(11):536-40.
and peace of mind, as well as self-confidence (becausethe
7. Ptiest GF, Lindke L. Gingival-colored porcelain for implant-supported
prosthesis is always present). However, its application may prostheses in the aesthetic wne. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent 1998;
be limited to certain clinical situations where oral hygiene 10(9):1231-40.
is manageable, the desired esthetic result is achievable or 8. Hannon SM, Colvin CJ, Zurek OJ. Selective use of gingival-toned
ceramics: case reports. QuintessenceInt 1994; 25(4):233--8.
esthetics are not critical, and a fixed prosthesis is already 9. Brygider RM. Precision attachment-retained gingival veneers for fixed
planned for the immediate area. With a removable prosthe- implant prostheses.] Prosthet Dent 1991; 65(1): 118-22.
sis, a larger volume of tissue can be replaced, but proper
cleaning is still feasible. It is easierto create an ideal contour
with removable prosthodontic materials, and missing tissue
can be replaced without disturbing the other dental units.
If fixed-tooth replacement is planned, a combined
approach, with both fixed and removable elements, may be
undertaken, with dental attachments being used to increase
support and retention.9
A clear understanding of the clinical requirements is
essential before soft-tissue replacement with either fixed or
removable prostheses (Table 1). The final result can be
esthetically pleasing and usually solves the clinical deficit.

This paper has presented different methods of using
various pink materials to create gingival prostheses.Dental
esthetics is basednot only on the "white component" of the
restoration but also on the "pink component." A clear
understanding of the colour and form requirements is
essential to fabrication of the prosthesis and its acceptance
by the patient. Understanding the methods used to incor-
porate gingival prostheses into prosthodontic treatment is
vital to ensuring that patients are offered all possible
options at the outset of treatment planning. .

DI: Banilay is bead, division of prosthodonticsand restorative

dentistry, Mount Sinai HospitAl, Toronto, Ontario, and assistant
professol;faculty of dentistry, University of Toronto. He also
maintains a private practice limited to prosthodonticsand implant
Ms. Tamblyn is a registereddental technologist,Barzilay Dental
Laboratory, Toronto, Ontario, and a professol;dental technology,
Geo~e Brown College.
Correspondenceto: DI: Izcbak Barzilay, 905-2300 Yonge St.,
Box 2334,Toronto, ON M4P 1E4. E-mail:
The authors have no declaredfinancial interestsin any company
manufacturingthe typesof productsmentionedin this article.

1. TallentsRH. Artificial gingivalreplacements.
Oral Health 1983;

7R FPhruarv 2003. Vol. 69. No.2 journal of the Canadian Dental Association

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