Investing by The Star (Using Astrology in The Financial Market) PDF

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自由 H . m
nIS叫 M


口自 etoa
, ag 冒的


t -ne




I\I cGrav妒 Hill

Newlork S. n Frand,,;o \\'a$ hington. D.C. AudJand B呵 。 a
c,恥., Li似m I.o ndon iI.\ad吋 d M..:i co City Milo
il.1Qn're. 1 New De恥 San Juan Singapo r<
Sydney To峙。 T制咐。
I叫 啪"“
Acknn.. led旭ment. ""

1. r.. , Ir.Sl rology

2. Fin3nc圳人slrology 10 1 27

3. Kn ow Th)'R lr ~9

... MarJ. e TIm;ng and lhe An of Predlcdon “
5. Sele叫 ng Markcu 107

6. MI ....Mgic叫 Guidelines for Tradlng 113

7. ~馳...., and Gcopolilical “Surprlsu. 的,

,. s扭 dal511""'lloo虛泊,

,. c 咽tlng Y' >u r Fl n'meial Futu"" A fl'". SI句抖..,.m 口,

Append b: e .
I. Q&A 187

11. Oad Dala , Cha r! Data , Edlp... , an d Rctrograd.. 199

111. A~lrologlcal Financial Prolìle 207

叫 11 CGr<Tl......

IV. r妞"“ "~ m

G切問 '"
l也 m
Introduc tion

H ow In vcs lors Use As tro logy

Today it ;5 ~n open s缸 ret on \\.包 11 5tre"t that astrology is

"hot", tspedally since the 1987 c悶地h had been predictffi by a
number of astrolog"" , Similar to th ", technical analysis of -30
years ago , it tu. s )-e l to 3ch;.,.,-e maninstream accepmnc". Yet
some of Ihe mo S[ successful tradcrs use il. Many "'"alth y
flnanciers employ 甜的!ogical 叫"~n 啊種Y know from v研
rie nce \h剖開nsu!ting Ît nancial 叫 rologers can he1p makc
them mon 句
但呦 11e become allraclffi to financ旭 1 a5tro1ogy in a number
d 崎)'5. Some hav" a family astro1oger who also hclp. th"m
plmn Ih ,,;r financial f叫山田 Olhers hcar aboul a sen5ational
forec9st made hya financia! aSlro108er and 叫川 1 0 hear more
\ lany market prof"..ionals know about mark"t c卯 les and
wanl anoth"r charting 100 1. Having bcen a profess iona1
astrologer for 20 y"ars fust , it w叫 natural for me 10 b.: lieve 1
could ma此e morll'y im -e sting by Ih" s Afler 01 1. 1 had flrst
heard about the 198; markel c.a5h ln October of 1986!
Furt !w,m肺巴 my background in malh and compute.. fad!血u
ed my de..-e lopmenl of \!w, appropnate 岫“可 m啤 Is 10 makc
money from astml句“ I forecas \S. Mo l'e a出U\IMI laler
UntiJ reα叫 ly. flnancial aSlrologers were cons叫t吋。叫y"
.h. 枷e of major \~sible astmnomω1 叫“ s , such as 吋2陣'.
or \0 pm訓de som" rcponer ,,~th an oddball 咽w of a panic u
ID r1 y conrU$in8 or hig峙 voJatil" m a r帕 Today they influence
lens of billions of in\'est menl dollars , and ~ajor -fund man
".戶 rs worldw叫e regu!ar!y consu lt thcm for bOlh fim anJ s"c


ond opin峙的。 n global 曳。d,_ bo吋 and commodily markets
\Vhilt a$lrologers 鉤 metimes make misløku or can k 仙r
What O oes a F inancial As t rologer Oo?
… 且

prised by markel khav凹" markel forecasts made byωm"" - h Ihis a 阱~ ‘ ime 10 buy IBM?-"
1enl 訂閱 rienced fìnanc 叫“你 oge~ of1en a~ mo~ accurate
and predse Ihan olher economic m吋eling syslem$ 'Should 1 sel! my gold 51ocks, or buy more?"
MBrket p rofe錯 lonols ,怖的切的。 ~nal)'su and Iraders, as 也 lt is kucr 10 in時st in ltal)' or 、'i.,lnam BL Lhis lime?"
",., 11 as financi aJ astroloj;\e悶,位 nd Ih31 kno...lcdge of astrol~ “ When ...耐 the markel crash? \ViI1 this be anot her buying
gy-i,e. , Psycho 略y 3nd timing-is ~s imponunt as lechnical opportu帥 y?"
and fundamenla I anal)'sis in forccuting market behavin r
Please ponder the follo"ing 加 poinl s The two bigge questions lnvestors uk financial

1. AJtrology is more lMn one-half thc market. Of the fi 'e ,

“ trologers
tim ing-一,心可
invol、 e
picking-i. e叮 whe rû-and
in向前 m)'
ere . hall I
money' (n what
major potcn lia Jl)' kno 咽 ble factors that innucncc markelS , indunri"" in whal .r ocks , e、帥"“ hal countrin? \V hen
Fundamental Anal f$ is , Technical Analy訓 5 , l\ larket 1ì min g, 你 ould I bu}也 and when should ( sell? Financlol ast叫。<'"
M a加州研 hølog)o; and Geopolitical E糟nts, astmlogical inp帥 Iook not only to fundam側 tal and technical analy i but to ,,
is needed 10 calculale and su 仗eufu l1 y r,仙"的 1 Lhe 1311er h徊。scopo!sω 們除d anS..-e陌 10 these q....叫他的
Ih~'. innuences Fin
曲旭凶I 闢 rology'
c 個a 肉 ,ro羽de )"O U圳t愉h"。ω‘ 。側"'恃
yaum呵 q凶e
2. Mtrol呵P' is a malhemalical 闕,它 hology based on ast .o no- 戶'"阱cti\'
p 、嗨司弩e on mar也k
岫 回n趴, bUI als
e 鉤。 an 岫、f'O。巾n
in 刑‘ edge in 晶
my. AJtro(ogy is a mathematical discip]; ne. offering in嗯 "0昀 呵 a山h,

咐閃 1伽加岫
a 釗叫'"叫叫
s 肘叫圳"枷
a 3仙 間
the oplion of chartíng not 0叫 y cycles and markel ps)'choJogy, ‘嗨

b叫 also unlque cosm idterrestrial events. Astrology not only FlrU , 1 had ωωlablish my reputatlon as a financial
measures cycI es and unique e、,enu , bUI proJecl$什它地 e c,des astrologer. BUL ho叫The 198; crash had Qlrωdy be"n pre
a 吋 unlque even l5 in a h-ance dicted. Th c obvious answcr 叫 s Tukyo. E間).0"" kncw th~t
3. ^訓 rology can be a leJ的印 pe and/or microscope markct wouJd crash , but they sl i1l kcpl 1ωing their . hirt short
Finandal aSlroJoge 阿 d,,"岫 Ih inlcrmediate ond long.rang. ing. " Iore than t....o years in ad ,-a nce we 11\ thc Astrolo l/:"rs
trend. , a$ ....ell as forec九ast short.te rm and intraday market Fund corrtcdy forec湖 t the ..-eek it ....ou ld lumble. Allhe same
lin惚。 we alωω rrectly p 吋 cted thc Gul f War the day after
m" 回
Presldenl Bush 柚'"lIS inauguraled for mld-Janu3 '1' 1991; the
... Markcu ha"e horosco 閃 s. Counlries. Sl oc k5, in,'"slors , bcg; nning aoo 巴吋 ofthe 岫 I receS$岫 and quitc a fe.... othe r
Dnd fìna nc:Ia J a.:hiω" for<<a$IS thal got us Our finl $1 0 '1' mention in &rrot吋
質 的 nl ", 1"" l.ook 10 ,"O ur 0開1 chart (ho.o餒。pe). One 的m Second, 1 St l up the AJlrologers Fund , a money manage
mon dcnominator of successf,υ 自 traden and in嗨 sto," is Ihat m"nt fìrm , on "'a)' 2, 1988. 1 h吋 my Dllorn叫 dra ...' up the
cac h 叫 reue$ h的 Or her own un叫 " '叫..Ie. ASlrology helps papcrs a吋 1 persona時間nt to Al bany 10 fìle them Ihat day.
, ,
。ne to disco 'cr on ,, 's p"rso~ 叫 tTlldinglin"e別 ing 5lyle markel Hc t hou噶hl 1 was cra Z)'. bUI I ga何 him lou of busincss 恥而, h
affinitin , and timing cyc1e也 my computer company and p3 id Ihe bills on limc. Th e reason

也 ..

The ne~t day 1 kn抑制rology 附 uld be in the news-and ;t market mcchanisms and helpful guidelines for creating and
\\'a.' The Nancy Reagan story broke. For three days my sccrc preserv , ng 間 alth. Readers technically In c1i "ed ....i !l aC 'I uire a
tar.,. acte d ω 叫 press secrela可 Not only wcre there mnny few new aslrology tool. 10 Ihrow i"IO Ih eir technical grab bag
reporte的 f,om the p口 nl media who wantcd to gct my opinion i\I}' book 且S not an a U!obiogr甸甸', 1 won't bore 卯 u with Jots of
。,f astro拖拉v i" the \Vh ;te House. Ihere w3s also a 、'eri table detai!s On how 1 succeeded, failed , 5ucceeded. fai led. and the"
paradc of lV in lerv凹的,'~ f,昀 m both the local and national nct u \t im atcly su cceed吋 in de,'eJoping my trading 勾引em . 1 wiU
\\'ork camera c時 \\'s of CBS, NBC , ~lnd AßC be sharing 叫 Ih \'O u much of the \\'isdom 1 ha、 e distilled from
Cerlainly an aus抖dous begi"ning fo an oulslanding call my cxpcricnces learnin~ 油 oul the financial marke lS. J 、叫l
record in term s of precision an' 拍 CCU f3cy, bUI not 100 per al.o tT)-' 10 3ns"'e' many of thc most commonly aske l 'Iues ,
cen l. We made. and still makc. b飢J forecasls. You m ay 位 ..d tions aOOut 岫 ncial astrol"gy
incredible our batting a,-erage in lerms of both c~tremely pre O"e such qucstion is 句 1, finandaJ suc的叫砂 wntten m
cise ..nà accurale forccasts , csped ally If yo,ùe used 10 COn. Ihe slars~‘ There are a number of \\-'aU S加et thcories, such a,
ventional economic forecasting models as opposed 10 financial the random 叭'alk hypothesis ," which hold th al day-Io-day
astrotog'抖的 changes in stock priωs are by and large unpredictable. Others
First 'encounter nori的 3re oflen sensational. Th ey ha''''ω belie、'e il is im )>Q'l sible to reliably timc mnr~海風 and thcrefo何
be. 10 gel a 叫伽ω 酬叩'"岫叫"' 時間mmend income.a附raging. I"dcx fu"d managcn mainl ain
h 叭呢附 b 恥 d,“
ο間 c臼 a'''n
吋g her or hi珀, 甘
。必kc r, th"t 旭 is difficult to pick slocks relia巾I\'. and are fond of cit i n包
In my Own ca的(:, the conversion proce ‘ S '..-us easy, J had bee n numerous 咽 tistics 叫 show Ihal only 19 10 21 pe n: ent of
un astrologer for 20 )'由他 H部~"g nrst hca吋 ahout the Oc tokr markel professionals outperform thc market as a ", hole. r find it
198; stock ma kct crash a ycar in advance 10 Ihe day in an Íß teUectual-a nd a lìscal- challcnge to pro,穹的E制軌咱們也
Oc tokr 1986 from thc En g\ ish astrologer Charles Harvcy, I Of course. As lrology does not replace fundamental 0' te<: h
"'.,.. able to make Ihe ob鴨山 s connection belween Ihe planets nical an aJysis. B叫“ "ilh th也 uSC of tcchnology, oncc 側重 h..,
mone弘 and the π..,,",加 叫 ~grdled il into 。的 t,adi"g and in"esting decision ma k.i ng,
My fi rsl mil1 ion-dollar client came my way due 10 forlu >1 01 to use it , bccomes umhinkabl.

itous scheduling of OUf first inte而 eW. At the righl moment 1 Someε lassic 耐,ket studies made a Case also to hemlines.
poin ted to my trading s、 reen: the ll ritish Po und Future con. rain fall in Stockholm , ond sunspOI 3cti\'ity. Yet fe..... bet on
Iract had j ,m 間 ched a multi -year h袍h of $2.0040. 1 OOldJy those indicators , Can ~O" take ñna ncial astrology to Ihe bank?
commenled: 'That 宣 the lop , period. nO mo間 I f you 帆'ere my 、v叫U reading this book he!p makc }V" rich? As a 冒,arkel profes
clienl , 1 、時 uJd bc selling hea叫" ..阱,,: It wenl up t....-o mOr~ sionaJ , 1 am nol 8110...."d to gi' ", guarant缸.. I C3n only tell yo~
ticks 10 52. 0050 , th~n fen and fel 1. Tod: , y, se\'eral yca的\ater, Ihm 1 ha'-e found the risklre叫叫 ratio to be highly fa \'O rable.
Ihat .l i1I represe nt5 伽 lonll; term 呻 \V hen 1 follow the star趴 why nol come olong'
r hope yo;>u 're wondering how 1 did tha t! For that is Ihe suh
戶cI of Im"eS li"g by 1),,, SUI!'l

、Vh at This Book Is About

1 belie 'c you 叫 1 find ["vest吋!ry伽 Stars to be on "ye-open
ing cxploration of Ihe finandal markets , "ωmay disco、'er nc ",

M' 叫…

e 吋a
r 剖

…s叫a fin

Ficsl 1 、m
、,m晶, ω, o .缸drnov.叫峙
伊:e the manv 抗 e 釗削t盼.010惰諮僻
e昀 w
吋 h。
passed 叫 a "閒ng a sacred tr阻a 吋"川"山'"'叩
"ωo me , among them Dane
Rudhp" , Marc Edmund Jon"5 , Dr. B.以Raman , and Charles
Jayne. J 3m also indebted 10 the clozens of teachers and guest
lecturers at the New York School of Astro logy, at each of
whose leclures and seminars J leamed many 叫 uahle astrolog
icaJ techni似的
To Charles Har\'ey and Andy Kr ieger, whose aClions in
1987 triggered my lransmigratíonωfinancial aSlro 略y
To John Trepan εr, rny nrsl market rnentor, who showed
me how 10 li到eO 10 ....h晶 t the rr旭Ilkel is savin刊gand lO bea胡富"
of the need for a coherent picture in succe..ful forecasting
To Jocl Kurztman , for inviting me 10 '\T ite for the Business
op-ed page of The New 坊,長r..的, which proved 例 "0131 in
launchi啥叫<0"甜的 a financial 的 trologer,
To these pasl trading partners and colleagues; Peter Core院
who tau的 t me how large portfolio ma l1 ugers approaeh mar
ke! s and money management; i\'ling , who drove home the
~I"時 and im戶 rtance of ehoosing the right instrument-一對"
dally when compcting in trading contests; a吋 J ules l\ lartin,
not only for his fine technical analys的 but for the great fun
we had together challenging the futures marke"
To my earJy clien !S, for demonstratin~ f3ith in me before [
h3d pil e<l up a 1叩 ~.term 臼 ack ret:o吋
To the ma叮的 trologers and friends 01 的 trology who ",sit
The New York AstroIogy Cen ler, for their good wishes and
間 rds of enco uragement.

M …一
""d~間 iaJly 10 my 伽dy 叫... Su酬, for many Ihing.
For vaJuable advice, both !.a ken and no{ taken , that has 叫, h
“ ood th~ 僧 ~I of tÎme; for the patience 10 read and re ",ad Ih;.
ma nU $cript and for her horo$COpe combining ", ilh mine Is There Really a Correlation
6:12:12 p.m. Q.: lober 1, 199 -t, NYC.
B e仙'ee n the Planets
H~t"y \\'éi llEω~" and the Stock Market?
o N E

Yes , As trology

I 叫 h ]凹 u
fin 盞'" 口a叫]"釗帥:汀rolog_ε叮'r ha -c 叭e‘ 盯
made was 已t倪已誌‘t恤re
嗆 m']炒y prec
drama 叫凶"此c. and accurate. i\I an 附 vd
t h e m! s uch as mv fore c ast of
thc Japanese stock maTkel crash or the Gulf \\':訂 were: oth
eCS. unfortunalel那 were not. Yel I do belie\'e Ihat upon in"e.ti
gation , you willωm'ω 叩ee " ith me 岫 financial 甜 m 嘟
whilc nOI a perfect in~estmcnt tω1 , can be an e~tTemely valu
able one indeed

Adva n ce In forma tion an d t h e Roa d 10 R ic h es

1ìmelv information hωalways pro叫d 叫 traders and in、-cstors
with an edge. BU1 in toda y's compUle即“ global markctplace,
pricîng discrepancies 3re almost inslantly arbitraged. That is
to 5ay. thc priICc.disl'o\'ery mechanism 叫 today's market is
highly effìcienl. 50 much information is 叫idely distribuled
and already bui lt inlO pricing 1ha1 sOme tcchnica l Iraders
claim Ihere is no need 10 凹 nnrn 側的clf wi1h fundamentals
al alL Be lh31 as il mav. insider informationεan .li1l bc highly
profitable; al:帥, it is in many C3SeS and countries ille )t al
Thi places lhe grealest premium 00 “ advance" informa
1ioo as a Iradi啥叫‘:e, and this is why many 00 Wall Stre “
aod in lhc City of Lo ndon are Illrnio~ωperhap. the ,,-orld's
oldest professi叩 aS1rology. or divining the future from sky
omcns. h is 3 wcll -knowo secrel Ihat hundreds of millions of
do ll ars (and pounds , and yen) 3rc traded beeause of full
mooos , eclipses , solstices, equino.~el九 and bdore olher "inter

4 O ... 、仙一 多

e5!íng" as!ronoml cal e、 cnu. 5c"cra! of !hc hc t fìn3ncial 盒。 mcon.. for Ihe Ît na !ime , 111 InSllnlaneous reactíon lakcs
叫阿 logcrs are unkno\\"n !o !hc pub 冶 as such , bωmak.. a li、 plac... Tcchn犯叫妙 Ipcaki 呵 , al Ihnt instanl , Ihc “ fi"'l mceling"
íng a succcufuJ in 時 Stmcnl bankcrs and man 已。"鈍。p'" 出m . [n [ifc i! ís uncrnain how this 叫ill 缸,'rlop
agcn. A far !arger numbcr ha憎凹 mnu;tcd OUl for nar stu~ 閉 '"、 en if a re[叫叩 ship \\"ill de ,'elop. ASlrological charting
Doe, doing 切 makc thcse in"'~Slors mort 側目nsfu!? \ou ""r 量 ímply p1Q\-idrs onr "ith the prooobl.. d",~lopmcn !a1 開 !Iern
tainly ,,'on'l be 仙 rpriJcd tO Icam that 1 歐洲 i",,'c thisωbe Ihe of !hc rrlalionshlp In qucstion , ot ,,'ell 的 1\$ potential
C80C ,
0' ωurse this is nOI blsed on sun sign DStrology. [1 i a rar
S! iIJ. 1 do 1fO[ bdic'c tha! fìn:mcial aJ!rolog)" 明 II bring you -ωmplicated inue Ihan ,,'helher ^巾 I is compaliblc "ith
insta l1! riches. l! Is no $uch magic b叫 Jct. Bu)ing a ωm 阱'" Sagillariu$. ror 但過 mllle. Numer恤 s !echnical faclors musl be
program that incorpora惚s fìnancial a$lrolog}~ orωb,cribinJ! lakn 酬。 3ccOUnt in a chan comparison , slud}ing cach chan
to 3 fìnancial 的trology nc\\" lc!!cr, or ",,'cn cmploying !m, pcr- ~paratcly not only 10 [ each 醉rson', nccd. and dc.írcs 凶
sonal scrvkcs of a financial 凶 troJoge仇"叫 no! oncc and fOT ,
a gi\'cn rclation híp hul alJo 10 learn how Ihc t".o lntcract
all end )"our scarch for Ihc Îl nancial Holy G伺 iJ. Financial 叭 Ih each othcr , as "dl as how they relalcωrrlation.hip
as !rology cannot c、 cn cqual thc promisc of a p間 motiona[ ílsrlf. TIming, of ωursc, al ,o 帽"可 Imp。由川臼間 .11 明11
mailing that arrh'cd On my dcsk I<><by. [! inFurms m.. that [ am ,""札 Qur Ii rc historics "'ollld bc quilc díffcrent had "'1': met
Onc 01 、s.c lcc t gro 叩 of tr叫 e伺 e惚 llc 10 learn.. .forlune our "slgnífìcan! 瓜 hc ","例 。 thcr times in 叫"自呵 s. Thc placr
buildin ll: lech 、 iquc, [so 的,. ""的1..) 10 li,'c th.. lif" 1 d ,..,am.

,.d 可 narc pro Ît尬。 f 107%.. ...68%... ,, \"c l1 13829 and more on
a rcgular hasís. " I\nd if 1 order Ihis comprehcnsh'cεoursc
", herc a rclationshíp I TlI nspir t: S al ,,-, is conside時d imponant
, "d 酬,汁。“ HI~ fac to." Can accoun! for pos.ihlr changing
fonu附~ when couples mo"c
絢lay, 1 \\"111 find OU! ho\\" ens)" i! 311 is uuer 帆啥叫tI sce Ihut it 帽 pol.iblc 10 astrologically cha虎
Using finandal 尬) t rology t削, .叫 bring 仰 u guaran!eed , ,
)"our re 1a!ion hips n“。 nly for thdr lo 'c po!cn!ial bul lheir
lrading proÎlu 。“ 107%. . .4 68% 研啥 11 1382% aml more on 3 ñscal potelllial H~ 帆 e1l. Bclie,'e i! or I\ O! , you ha" e 血 relation
regula r b 帥., AII onc can rω!onabl~ 皂.>:pCCI is a far grca tcr .hips" no! jllSI Wilh human bcings bu! also with fì .cal enlities
kno\\"ledge of thc fu 仙風 a叫 !he r,,"-ards 甜 pprol)ri a!e 10 ha\". ,uth ns companies and stocks
ing such foreknowlcdse within on e"s Il rasP
As!ro logy Il nd 、叭"k

、、!h o Us es As lro lo郎" and 、Vh y [1 isωmmon kno、wledge tha! m甜 peoplc are unhappy 圳, h
lheir wor心心,'CI. \\'h y is lh i.? \Vhose 徊。riginal dream呵。r dcs
For !hou$ands of 呻吟。 kinllS emplO}~d ISlrologrrs for affaírs
of slatc. 11吋ay peop[c From a[[ "-a lks of lifc 凹的,1<訕岫峙:crs tiny arc Ihc)" fol1o叫 ns' Iheir parcn\$' 間 ic[)"'仇 or Iheir 帥"
10 Í\'C ,.啊 ationaJ guidancc 0. advicc on affairs of Ihc ......ω,pe? C 個 1)". a$ an aSlrologrr. [ bcli訊、e Ihal il is only by
hcart follow;ng Ihe dl!llT>..a of on e"s o"'n horoscope that one can
find f.. 1fiUmrnt in thís lifel;m時
,ulrology a nd Lo "e Th e Diclioll呵 'f '"叫阿吩咐r"但 rales 、.-ocatio n. ac
∞rding 10 侃~ critcria口 training lim.., aptitudc, intercsu, lem
Astrology can hc[p 10 $hed Ii ght on ,'a ri Ol此時 la t ion , hips pcramcnt , ønd ph )"J ical demand,. Mlrologr f$扭曲 t...o im戶『
恤u/rmp峙映 , parenllchild , sludcnlllrachcr: to.~rs. ml rr1a gr tanl cr i! cria. The 前 nl and forcmosl of thuc is IJSlro1ogiC<J1
"同僧 n. b凶"的 S partners: profcssional relalíon.hips wilh a ...Iers"ip. Dr. Michcl Gauqlldin has don.. m開 ny plonrerIßS
doctor, la ,,)~r, øslro 句~cr, e!c. 1\1 !M mOmenl "恤 n wc mccl ,
slud 的 In Ihl fìeld , finding for c.u mple !he domi 抽ncc of Ihe
6 c"""",. 0 " 、叫咱的 ?

planet IIlars in the li\'es of spons champions and military me肌 may constitute fun reading for some , hut they are "01 real
Other car(e閃 nalllrally had differen! p!anelary cor時"巾的 astrolog)', Appar~ntl)' the}' 叭 'ere \ 0、 ented by the English jour
Second , the queslion ';\Vh隘的 Ihe best job for me?" 昀 also to “
oali John Naylor back in the \9205 u a way of 鉛lI ing new!
papers , a吋 thc\' are still he 卅 ng 10 d o that t吋 0)', ln man)'
a , 'e l")' large cxtcnt a qucstion of "a!ues as much aS a qu嚕地"。吶
of astrolog)". Ho叫地r, io its e..encc , \'ocational chokc is 訂 m tabloid n~wspape's, they ore the 釘ngle n叩門 t-,ead colllmn
pl)' a"ω.'間 ion of scl f. The applic3tion of astrology 10 the This does叭 mean that sun signs ha\-e /U) \-dlue. Consid~r
,hωsmg pr澈的 S results in greater self- kn 加 I e<lge , and gr開'" the follo、"ing analogy, It is often said that Germans tcnd 10 be
self-knowledge leads to a betlcr choice predse, and the F~nch good lo\'ers. A fair gcoeralit峨 3S far as
Sclccting 伊ur idcal vocation , espeeially one that wiIJ st iIJ it goes , But no one would claim thal '"咆")' Germoo is p~ci錯!
seT\可e vou 帆 ell in thc t\\'enty 自 rSI century, may rnean more a 吋必會ηFrcnchman a good lo\'er, Hardl)'. lt wou ld be 研'co
than 戶 st '"findi呵" the 叫 ca l job. It may mcan creati"g thc morc uorcalistic 10 prcdicI that loday c間內 German 的,;11 ha、e
M恰叫 job. as well as an integrated and realistic plan to imple a good day, whi!e all the French should bc careful abou!
m,肘 your carecr idea l. A horoscope is also of 叫 lue in pro"id health maUers. Tmly absurd , e,'en though there is some Imth
ing you with help in making the oplimum 總 !cctioo of working to generalities about national char~cterislic5. Further, some
cnvironment (e , g" large corporation , institutional setting, Germans are "01 precise. while othcrs , let's 53)' German
small ], usiness , indcpendent 個 ntrac宜 。 r, 5clf.employmcnt) 、情gωteod to be e.,treme l)' precise. Uke叫 se some people ,
As with any other form of ~strological counseling, one Iries ,
m 'sdf includcd , fit thcir Sur】剖gn char冒 cteristics "erv well
to dctcnnine whether the prcsentiog prob!em is a c刮目 tra! or a while oth間 simply do not
symplomat此 one, and whr a client i5 unablc to 501 'e hi sJh臼 ASlronomicall恥 )'our sun sign refers to the munth )"ou were
ω^'n prob!cm. Amologcrs focus on the 叫!l m3te g'戶 1 of dient bom in. Each ca!cndar year 凹 di 吋 ded i則。 \2 sections 0
gro".山 even as th叮叮 to find an oplimum solulion to the signs. In 叭'estern astro!ogy thi. c)'cle begins at the spring
immediatc problem , be it roma川"、 ocstiona !, or financia 1. equmo.\ 叫 h the sign Ar ic5. Howe\'er, your Slln 呵n is onl)'
Of Course the 1\\'0 perennial them..s of Lo \'e and I\l oney one oul of dozens of factors uscd toωnstrllct horosω ,."
OC'"中y 印刷er stage , bUI the possible uses of astrology are lim. Astrologcrs also consider the placements of the \\1∞", 0叫, h,
ited 001)' by your imagination 間location , ", eather prediction, planets ~ \ crcu l")純 nus , etc. Th us )'ou abo ha , 'e a i\I oon sign ,
and medical prognosis ar巴 b叫 a fc'爪If卯u are seekiog a gen a i\I ercu l")' 副伊, 3 Venus sign , and lots more. Sun signs a!"(! 50
臼 al introduclion 10 astrolo勤先 p!ea咚e consult Appendix IV fo ubiquitous simply Oe cau5e unle.. onc knows som.. astro logy,
sOme book rccommeodations. If you 、^'ollld li ke to Imow \\'h)' Or has scen an astro!ogcr, One 叫n 'l know how to answcr lhe
in'"estc 昀 緬 nd trnders in panicular uSe 3strology, please read on , q' 削的n “\Vhat is )"our Ascendant an.! M∞n 呵n? " Both are
of eqllal imporlance to the sun sign.
Consider the following 1\\'0 case5. One p壁的。 has his Sun
H oroscopc Column s Ar e N ot R 叫 I Astro logy in Ari阻 \\\oon in Arie叫i\'lercurva叫時間 s in Ar ies , Th e sec
ond has his Sun in Ar;es b叫 the lI \oon , i\ l(r~ur現 and Venus in
Before 明岫 k at 甜" 。那 per se , ]et us fìrst eliminate frorn Tallrus. E,.., n non 叫 ro!ogers 叫 II quickly conclude thot the
our considcration 1""".10-的trot<l都 th õ! t 的 to sa}' 切〈叫 1吋'"" first 悍的。 n 、叫1 exhibit many Aries characteristics whUe thc
呵n astrology. The most frequc叫 “ straw man" critici.m of "叩nd will eJ< hihit for fewcr (all o!her factors being equa l)
as!間。 gy i5 dirccted at Sun sign f"recasting , Hu叫 critics Finall)". lel us !ake the example of the N 仰 、'ork Stock
charg'舟, can 30 rn iHωn Amcrkan Leos all ha\'c thc same lypC Exchang時 ESlabl ished On /II ay 1i , 1i 92 , ;1 is a Tallr 1l 5. Like
of da)'? h's illogical. they clairn. a叫 1 agree , Daily hor05copes wise , the Tok)'o Stock Ex ch ange. set up On /II a)' 16 , 1948
8 c........o'< v,.. ,..,… 9

a吋[ß ,\1. inco.戶叫 ed on I\ lny 1, 1958. Bul doe. th剖 mean r""...s: American Expren (AXP ); \lerck ( M Il K); ,
Ihcy nl1 mm.e In Idcnlical up.and.down pallcrns? Of course \\~s !Í nghouse (、.vX)
0 ",
fun 伊 m.ωεheck )'O ur sun 創 gn slocks.
5!i1l, ;1 could be a
Ge "j"j: Alc。﹒ (AA); ,
Duponl (0 0 ) Gcneral El ectric
(GE); \\'00附 Mh (局
0 0 )"抽 f叫 nn).thing sμd1l 1 abouI Ihe follo nock(吋 (the
C..ncer. Chevron (C I~ V); MacDonald ( t\ ICO )
30 00.. Jone$ Indu$trial A'.erag'阱 5 , b)" ineorpo剛 ion dale) Ihal
lnlem則 ional l>apcr (l P)
sha~ )'O ur sun $Ign?
Leo: Good)、earlì~ (GT)
Aria: C帥巾il1ar (CA'η General Electric (GE); Te.'帥。 帥,如 Bodng 側的; PrOCler and Gamble (PG ); United
仰文} Technologies (凹""X); Allied 5ignal (ALO)
T.. ",w : IB:\I; P耐 ter and Gamble (PG) Librø: Cole (1\.0 )
G.酬 i,,;: American E.~ress (九、 P); .se ars (5 ) Sω帝" 。峙的ey (015); Texaco (TX)
C.."cC": ßodng (BA) Internat ional Paper ( 1 肘; Merck Sa.giu..riω Cal e叩圳ar (CA" η Ce neral M oto閱 (G M)
(MRK) i\ linne酬a i\l ining and Manufac luring C..prú:o咽 Minnuota Mining and Manufacturing
(MMM ); U州吋 γrchnologies (lJTX) (MM o\I l
Uo: AJC Oll“
A); Exx on 恨。問 AIJ"a ,; "s: AT& T 何l; 1ß ,\1
的啥。: Coke (KO); Du ponl (00); Gω<\j.ear l ìre (Gn PÌ$CeJ: Bethlehem Slccl (Il S1; Phi1i p 仇恥。阱5 (1\ 10); Sean
Libr..: Gcneral M Olo的 (GM); Disney (015) ,
(5) Union Carb叫叫 U昀
5corpio: Easlman K叫“ (E 悶; Union C帥 dc (U K)
Note thal we hlwe taken Ihc lalesl list川I! uf An., as pt'. a
Sa.g ilfll';uS: Allled 5ignnl {A I. Dh J. P. Morgan (J PM) , prindple enume 叫d lalc. or 必叫'"剖 nK the lasl limed inci
dent u mo州的ncctl ,.官 ond Indu$ivc or prcvious timesιlnlcr
C'p而 com: \\'utinghou se (\VX) eslingl泌的 Ihls li$t on 句 Phillp i\ lorrl$ ( MOl 的 a doub!e
Aq U<l ri' <j: C h c叫on (C HV) , ,
Pisces. Slill thc f ICt rcmains lhm 1. ror on 皂 $urc wou ldn't
Pjsus: AT&T (γ) , Bethlehem Sleel (8 5) i\l acDonald play Ihe slock m組成el by (0110叫ng a daily horoscopc column
(I\ JC Dl; P hil叫p t\ lorris (1\ 10) NOI if 1 hoped 10 "in 0、 e rlhe 恤Ig term

\la)"be )"OU nOI 帥 some conneclio叫 ma)m ~l)U don.l. ln Th e Asrrologica l 叭'orldvi ew
eilher C1I $e , a quick check or your dall)" ne輪 spaper column
again5t the sun s恥。 r )'OU T 5tock 叫1 的酬)'OU in .hort 0吋" 岫d 削"., ,
加 hin
吋 "ω
。 mp
抖1,耐"抄 d
Ihat such colu mns are nOI ~lipble in .estinK tω15. Co..d"sio u “ the “
肺F昀。 1.
。幫gi.凹.1 恥。,Id 吶 e叭 inc1心

u din
呵 g a phi]o 鉤phic泡叫1 detour.
Th ere is a heck of a 101 more 10 astrology th.a n 5un sign. Clear 現 E由 h油,..仙叫 陶J蚓呻“卅h
b 句)" or a 闖j仰。"巴ω。m.,吼, bUI lhe~'. 帥

、1月hile wc're 91 it. Ihe foll o",、 ng a~ Ihe 50n S培nS of the 30
Do w Jones lnduslrial A'-c rage by firsl listi叭tg date
'pace for thal here. Let"s 51art 州的 11 few phîlosophical points

As lmlogy f"VI四帥IIuno I "咽,酬,,",,間 are (1m闡 leJ 10

Aries: Ea 51man Kod ak 個叫 , "'"削 (XON); J. P. 0\10曙m llae ..nh~. n.. rra/i I
:;D ÌQn ,'''',胸前e 耐田岫ed "",/11間
OP o\I) ,,;1/ iueJf..u陶叫臨時 "'"ω f" 曲帥"叫 /ift c1u",.伊
" C"-'"1" 0-<

Th ere øre 別 bad e,呵悶。"句 '''''''8'叫“ 1)' "seJ ,

2. Afterhirth (""10" , such as en ironmcnt
h … "
Etlcl, Iwn略 ~op<1 <ll "'''qU"可 etlch 11,的 -,WI ;n 1; "," is ""iqu" 3. Th e bi r1 h mOment itsdf
As trology + Co ",,,,ω , S"' 15e '" Cosm;c Se"se
The horoseopc (Gree k: hO rD, hour: skopos , mapl lüerall)
lf ,"0" dQn '1 cI"", se I叫你 ,"011' J'“2“re 1<,;11 he t ), e sam" tlS rders 10 the momenl of birth . It is prima rily from the birth
)~"" "ωt εhart- 明 hether for a human being, animaL orω"0 峙。, "
Learn !o U'Q帳棚的問ιr I,end if, ,1" sky bur J加 r feel pla !l' 5tock 0' a derivati\'e- that 3stro[o~ 臼 5 fOreC3St lhe future
edfirmly On t~ grou叫t Ignore ;t, and 拘u may be miS5Îng a critical factor

U例 ng the horoscope as lhcir primary 1001 , astro ]nge r<

focus on the imporlant is.ues in a client這 ]jfe. Clienl5 disco -er , Thc Fh'官 Quc s tions As tro l ogy C an An swcr
why they are confronling a parti cul~r situation , and what
lessons can be leamed from 鳩 lf their cuπ會nl forms of life F時ijuenlly, people seek out 甜 rologers when they are under
呻 reSS lO n BrC 耐 aligned to Iheir higher purpose , ahemale gomg a person叫 crisis , Th ey wa削 ωknow “U月hen will i I get
possibilities a rt: e.xplor,是 d. Uhimate械制rology hclps a person belterγ'0' “\Vh al 3re m)" cholccs?"' Usually thcy are looking
to answer life'$ mOSI funclamental queslion: Whr u'as I 100m? for a larger conle~\ in which \0 intcrprel Iheir Iife circum
stances. o\I any recogni~e th al astrology can al.o help them gel
in touch 叫 Ih Iheir Own higher purposωan d 旬 open thc door
Th rec PhiJosoph íca l Quic ki 凹 10 a healthier ~molion必 I and spirill叫 life
Of course we may not actuali'l e 311 of our birth potenlial
most of us d 仇 r n fact you muy not even Im ow Wh3t )'o l1 r
1. lf some “accidents" may be forecasted from the horos凹p<
true 伊 tent泊 1 Îs--lI n e.~ccllcnt reason to consult an 3Slro 阿凡
how "accidenta1" were they?
, 'd 叫 Of COu 惜怔叫 re talking ahout fi",,,,cia/ 叫叫呻 '0
2 . 1f aS \f olo g)" works-and it ccrt 制 nl y does in finandal mar- particular,卯 u must ask 、 oursc lf,“Can [ alTord ..01 10 see an
k<,• -w hal 3re the im叫間 tions of Ihm f,蚓、 '"叫oger?" Kcep on 。如 0' 、."ourselfthat , a吋",'entω11)" )"ou' lI
3. If someo ne whom )"Oll ha'、 e ne\"er me\ hefore is able to tell cotne up with \he right anS\時ιAs )'祖訓u read on , )"00凶叫 11 find
you aOOut your life and asp 酬。 ns .imp恃 by 1m刷、 ng )'our many helpf叫 hints to 3id 戶uinthisq岫 I.y
birthtime , birthplace , and birthday, what does Ihat sa)" E..entia 弘 financial astroJog)" ís used ωanswcr five ques
aOOm the worlcl we live in? Th at ;t ;s tolally random 3nd t尬的 s: whe.. , U'M, w here, WMI , and h例,.
chaotid Perhaps in part , bm 3 mOre logic31 condusion is
that there is ~坊 "ite炒,ome ordcr and predic 帥 ility in the 、Vh e n
mate巾 1 world
Th e most CQmm仙肘e of aSlrology by bu 剖 is wi川 h
As lrologers daim that threc ba ic factors in l1 uence your life: regard 10 timing. Onc oftcn hears Ihat "ciming 怕的,erylhing,

1. Prehirth faclors. such as heredity (and possibl)' re inc ama

I;on ) 神﹒叫個岫吋 E他 k 胸呵。岫'. 1< . 叫“…-伽 M可i

" C恥....".0"" ,"u, Amoo.岫
and 10 Indian philosophy 3sIro 呵~ is Hora ShaSlra. 111" sci Baring's Bank hired Nîcholas leC5翩。 n thc a也ιic~ of Ih cîr

, ,

ence of tim" 、\'., Dre all familiar ...llh h. p圓5S age in
El;:cks間 1"5: 可1>e re ;$ a 1m" for a Jl things a lim" 10 50" and a
甜的。gcr, do you? Or der. Peabod叫“eph JCIρ0. [}a州,
Bank of Osa ka Toshihîdc Iguchi? Of cou~c ~ot. and "e 缸會
Ilme 10 rcap. a lim., 10 be born and a 的ne 10 die...." 冊t joklng, bul quilc 鉛rious hcre
B圳、、 hal is i!, e.'電acdy. hPt astrologers lime、 First. the
'"'。巾。闊 Ilon of a hu.ine.s. Thí. d.闕!lI muke a diIT".encc , as 、、-.用
c\"ery financial 叫 rologer"叫II..U you. For the mome叭叭"“
lake my "'ord for ;1. \Vh ilc it doe$n'lg'~肌叫他e $ucce $S, ;1 "as\
Iy improve. Ihc 吋d.. As New Age entrepreneurs rearcd in the
1960. obWin positions of corporale p<l wer, lheir clear choice
is 10 work in cosmic harmony. Relall uore Qwners hire

E cry rcal CSI瓜" agent 間 peats thc samc mantra: "Location.
[ocalion , location!" But ju 到崗位盟問晶11' for Individuals
悶。-calC and e/l叫呵nificant life chll n許 $, $0 tωcan compa
l1 ies. Astrology can be used 10 help choosc th c location of

aSlrologers 10 choos ," their opening day. J\l ark削 mp; companles branch officcs. "here as we lJ as whc'n t。叫 up regional head
hire aSlrologcrs 10 "hoo"" th" launch-dme of Iheir campaigm quart(rs and factorie5 and choose 肌 ppliers, and so 0 1> . Of
H 叫 1 )," ωd p'吋 uctlon 到 udios hire 3slrolop; ers 10 se lecl the ωU I"$C, c<: onomic inccnl i,'cs al so are importanl. But jusl Ihink
dale and t im~ 10 comm~ncc filming. SaJesp~opJe use ho"' much happi前 [}isney sharcholdcrs ""ould h仙、.~ been if
astrologer$ 10 time impOrlanl .alC5 appoinlm~nts. CEOs they h吋岫E 提ft:ted Pa ris wherc and when Ihey did as Ih哩
~mpJoy 15lroI08"" 10 choose the righl 咐nes 10 make pu b[ îc
announccm~nts and businen Ira時 1 plan5. Som~ compa n)'
'"昀I08c., hdp Ihcir fínn dft: id~ wh~n 10 li51 ilu lf on thc
.il" for Ihcir EuroD伽吋山cme park.刊atompLgt 。fastzp
1""" 1 .‘hice alone 叫 uld ha e been ""Q卅 a bi lJ ion French
franc. a lone ωinilial in"e鈍。 rs. O. 的 ink how diff"rcmly
uock e.~c hangc. ,,'hiJe probably ~,"Cn mo~ "ish 岫 had don. Ihings mighl have lumed out if a'lroJogy had been used 10
50. JUSI lake a momenl and Ihißk abou t 11 , and )'o~ 叫Il casilv check OUI Baring's Ba nk and Sing3 開 re , Union Carbide and
ωm(' up 叫 Ih dozens of cas('s 州e .e hcltcr Ilnting "ould be of Bh。阱, l!IndzaExx。 n and valdez Ah ska Get the p cEure3
grcat usc 10 )"O u as you conduct your buωnen u叮當的 ,
Some of Ihc$e disa ler5 couJd Su叫 y ha惚 heen avoideu. othcrs
at lea Jl mit 旬ot~d. !hrough Ih e "SC of fin~nciol astrol句那

、Vh o 、\'hal
Th e second moslωmmon use of a5lm 司~ in bUiine$S is in
F 冒anCÎal a Sl rology h 叫 ps to sharpen the co仔>otale focu宣.<0
the ,
a~a of pcrsonnd hiring. In 昀 iO 1 first met a 'cry suc一
re$l ru ClU re and sct g.ω1. by sludying a co叮>orale c hart. or
四 ssful personnd manager of a large oilωmpany who used
咱en heJpfu l. to .U馳;e5 1 a oosiness reinc O<pO ralion or nam..
a Slrology 惚,γmuch for Ihis puφωe. (HI$ 0的er ose or il ""85
to lime ph"o叫“ ock markel .hifts.) As a r<l rm of 甜。 nd opin change. The qu間tion of whet"n 10 proceed 州的 a pondcred
10ß, man)' fìnd aslrology beller than handwriling analy. is ,
which i used m。時間 Europe Ihaß America. \'ocatio n.a l diag
…制-個月叫阿…呵呵""... ....
n O$ tic IC$ts a rt: ad呵 ualc f,叮 prcdicling many job skills , bUI … l 叫Io.n.M <<向……
Ihey don't even COmC d05e 10 malching aSl rology in terms of \\'. t....-. .M..... 包呻咕,但也凶~~叫"晶石,句司已.-
indicaling how 11 P昀旬>cc!i\"c cmpJoyee wi Jl fit into a group or Ztrzu:11拉拉阮忠位2月1fritzm會立2月2
Org;l nllOlion , mu丈 h le55 in prcdicling thcir probab!c contribu 岫向.. '""'" '"凶甸甸,~敢地", hl. .胸"",,..峙,..;.;~; ~加-胸_.
Zl叫她岫....,"",耐._-帥, _. tJ !"."副司 M ﹒$】 l 凶 m
lion Ih.包,e 10 fh'e ycars hence. Aflcr 811. you do ,, '1 Ihink
自 言
“‘~ ~

P昀.joeCI 恤, ωroJlarγquest;on more oflcn asked of co't的." world's IOp astrologers were the biggest skeptk.-initiall)'
as[rolo~n. Th is question of 、叫削hf, r ls answered by looking Loo king funher a吋 d""per into a.t的I~ not 0111)' ma)' 側,
P.閣)1)U but. gi\達n lhe 間.al benefìll thal fì n.ancial 甜 rology
叭 ..hether the ulrological S旭.,仙 res of 、"、en , \\'ho , and
Where cor呵呵)(md 10 the inlended actlon. lf Ih叮 do, the" go “.b叫 ng, may b<< om.. a highly profhable endω\-or.
ahead; If they don't. then ît's "no 80: 由 coune g'叫 CE曲
、兩";Ih the $uppon either of focus groups. ~mputer studies , 0'
e..ecutj, 'c ESP,叫 11 個rne 10 lhe 5am.. conclusio附 as an aSlro
1",他 nl r(pon-b Ul usu叫 ly a1 much grcOle r e.'、pense and 叫, h T h c T h ree Modern Pe ri ods of FinRncial
a bigger li kelihood of crror. As tro logy
Pcriod 1: l ñ e Ea叫y 、 Ca f'S

"。、、 Wh i1 e financial astro 句y has bee" studied sinc. at least the

Flnalh', th e 1-1 0"'" This is \h( Irue job of Ihe financlal lim. of Ih. ß abylon旭..(叫“ 30曲 I ,C. ) , and has pla)'.d a
aSl rol~r. Uke the ro)'31 "51叫。阱 r of Ilmes p叫. h. 釘恥 m,瞻仰 le5s conlinuous role in many As ian countries and
un help 10 coordinate a IOlal lrslcms-plannin~ approac~ 10 a mar~1S such as Hong Ko ng , Singapore, and Bomba其 moSl
恤siness. De pending llpon the organi姐 tion . of COllrse, finan poinl 10 Ihe J. p. Morgan hiring of anrologer E.-a ngeline
clal aslrologers a ,..,剖且 1 ,..,lali,..,ly ra何 and almost 81..-a)'1 心 Ad am. u pi\"01&1 and became an open '<<:~I on \\划 1 Streel
Iheir work hehind the sccne.. Th ey are pan of a lruiled inner 、,V. D. Cann , on悶。f !he legendary fulures traders , endorsed
cird~ of 叫“,er5. More and more frcqllenlly. h的\"e"cr, Iheir utrology 伯 being "the natural 11"' in the markeu." In his
advice is la ko: n, along w而 th thal of accountant$ and I&w可啥時."' annual forecast for 1929 he 桃,'I"Ole Ih別的釘 Septcmkr 3 !he
often making a crilÎcal di fTcrence market ""ould 10 1' and 、~'ollld Ih軒 "e:<pcriencc the biggest
Cornmon to Ih巴 ancicnt Babyloniatls. Cha ldcons. Chincse , cras h in 115 history." Ye! in da y1 pa $l 的 trology ""宜s , BS tooay,
Egyplion$ , "nd H indlli 、,'a. Ih巴 preemlncnl $l PIUS granted 10 most oflen pracliced khind the JcenCJ. L J. Jensen , one of
the astrologer-pri est. The astrologcr's place in subsequent d vi Ihe three 。句inal foundcrs of B"ri~闊地elt, ""as an aSl昀 oge.
lizal ions has 地ried from one of ho"or ond pre.tige to one ot ,
Seriou tomes on Financial As trology ""ere fcw back in the
mcre tol.間 lce and ridicule, or e,-en of her.tical criminaliry. ,.
1930 wilh Ihrce nOlable c:<ceptlons: Cu"a~e Lambcrt
、'el .ince Ihe pe叫“"的 1969 , and the birth of a New Brah拘 Key 10 Fo,ec.,tÎng 附rld EI.Itnf$ ønd Ec酬。"“.m/
A,,,帥,憎恨 n i" \\提Slcrn $OCÍ et)', IUlrologers h" ,'e fou叫 Iheir S'Ocll M" ,.!tt t 勾當 w, Lo uise McWirther's Ihtrology "nd lhe
而 rk in demand 。間 again. The year 1997 啊 m ~gin an Q( her Stoc lt: M. ,Iut, a n.d L J. Jensen's À51時oC)cles ",", s戶'CtILnh. ...
p ","o旭 1 pcriod fo r aurology in gen. ra\. How come? As an ,\1"γ..!ttIJ.

aSlro 咱們 1 ""o Il M an."..,r 九jue 10 Ihe Unnu Plulo conjunc
lion in 19肘 , the Jupiter~Uranu.ωnjunclion in 1 9的,.d
Ihe upcom ing Jupiter-Neplune and JUI)il. r--.U ':l ~us ~onjunc Period 2: 1987- 1992
tions in 1997 司 H uh ? E.xplanalion 10 be prodded 訕。 rtly. 、.\'hllemany astrologers dabbled in Ihc financial markets in
ASl rology 阻耐。咐 a langlla也e blll a wo r1 d.icw, 1 ask .im Ihe postwar years , Ihey were lprgely 19nored. Ye t many pio
ply that yo";; I' ut any prcjudices ãsidefor ~h~ m~ment and._~ neers kept ali何 the idca Ihat astrolo gy's valldlty Can I>c shown
open 的 the ponibility Ihat Ih~ .tlldy of astrolo~y 的 va lid

H owe附 l 附1come yOll r .keptidsm. Quite a few of Ihe

e 啥 n in the ar~na of the fin anc岫 1 n13rke lJ. The pivotal e 'c n ‘
" ω憫。帽

。fωu時e 咽s the pr..d iction (>f Ihe 1987 crash by a 的 umberof look 10 fìnlndll astrology 101" pωωble guidance. 0' at leasl for
financial nl.o I08., .5 including Charl金 s lI arny and Arch .~曲 nd opinion a. 10ω,fu峙mg ma兩制制",,1,
Cl'1Iwfo叫 Immwialely some on 、自 11 Str~1 18! up and took ,
The first of fì ‘ e annual Ast ologul' Fund conferences
nOlice. Spccializ吋 ωnferences on the 昀 e of ulrol旬IY in the began On May 17 , 1993. in Ncw 尬地 City. thcir goal b叫ng 10
fìnancial marlels were organi""d. Dala became mOre a由 lable make fìnancial astrology 3s acceplnhlc 15 Icch 可 ical ana lysis
thanks 10 rcsearchers .uch as Ca 叫 1\1\1 11 nnd B圳I\ l eridian. Inil旭 1 P蛇"的,.-el1lge ",1$ bemused
aod speeiallzed comp叫 er program$ beg3n 10 appcar thanks (Q For e:‘ample , An drew Zi pser in his B"T!"O" '$ pre叫w column
the emergcnce of aSlrologital oofl的'3rt' houscs. 0 1\ j\ lay 2 。 f i\l ay 8 , 1995 , WrOle
1988 , The ASlrologe r' s Fum! 、地 s inco 呵x)TIued ((J takc ad\'an
tagc of Ihωe cyc1c治 OUTOFTHrs WOBLD
Qne hmpp)' rC$ \l 11 WaS an increascd amounl of fa‘"他 bl ,
preS$ CO'、,~ra~ , A 仰rticular milestonc 油田 Ihe in.ilBtion extend.
、,Vhal ha中"..甘 y創口。n Jt8nne 趴.'On 叫 h I'eter L)'nc h
\0.. pro岫,Iy øel someo闊的。叫 uld allend lhe l10c k m.o r
叫叫his aUlhor by Th e New \i>rk y, me- 怕“,Tile an op -ed pi間 ~I for..,a 制llng confe ", nce hωIHI by the Â$ lroIOStn' Fund
in it.s business St<;: lion, the fìrsl .lIch in,-illllion C\-er 四""",,, ω loday a 、d tomorrow at the lIolel Inle ", ontlnen;'.l. Top 旬
'"'甜叫oger. I 咽, ~ωlhe rll'S l aslrol嚕。t\'er 10 be ..'耐岫 ,“仙也 .' I annonlcs of Pla nelllry p.,持“s'.nd.~t~yc~
叩 in&甜的 for mylim耐心n'C1IS15 of the To旬,閥....." crash. ,h. 昀I~ic Mu吋~O.. 恥d F'nllndal 恥 1.時間,恥"~、
叫阿",Iois up.
lIowe\'t r. n咽, p 四 con'11I~ in Ihis 戶的吋"吋叫 10 foc: us On
側的~,酬,。叫 1 inc臨 nlS as Ihe Gulf \\'nr, lhe minkra.h of
內的叫徊。也 Financial astrol.申 general持。 blllined m祕悔 Ea rlitr. 10me press cr, c 時-s hød gltdully chargtd us w甘h
過"酬酬。時 Ihrough dire forocasts of im pc: nding market “國 仰川叫 igence for 岫個 ng Our fìrsl confercnce at the Vi sla
lers. Othern;~ il 、抱s reser"ed for unusupl Ne",在ar forecasls hoceJ- a few monlhs b哨1l! terror;叫 blew il up! j\ ly other
or for such l1 uff picces as full.moon or cc lip 純 cO\'erage Tl' spon~c 10 tltc crilicl is "1 wasr仇 l∞'"心 If an astro 、",

Not untH later 吶。 uld thc pren CoVeT a m()(!est astrωogicnl werc to 仙 eck n 'e ry chart of c,'明)H: r~on 叫“ ery c"ent ,巳he
forecast of pricc mσ'-ements. Th i 叫)'P" of forecast had typical 。r shMwould have no fpmtme lea to dounytMBS
Iy lleen the spedal prerogati呵。 f the "real" prognosl個 101$, On the other side of Ehe pond!as the Lo"&'"71mnnoted
i.e.. econom Îsls and big mo 、ey managers , pre umably on the In iu fro川 page story of No'電 mber 20, 1995 , that a maior
徊 的 ullding Sociely pUISωfaith mgky Ngh FBnance ehm
grounds of "respe.:: robility fìrsl. lhen ~ccuracy." 、\'el l. who can
re..lly predict lhe mark別 5 , anyway As "ery fe"' financial
, ,
的lrologcrs managed money al thi time e'-e n many of their
~間" 個 foneFtabouE consukmg Truguy rnand叫“ fìnan.
".1 叫叭S<ln 0. City <'"Con。間的恆、惚 should look instead to
forecasts tended 10 be a bit academic and Jacking in real-world the oldesl SOU Tl' e of 叫“om in lhe 胸前Id仙ysAb蚣y Nat ional
usefuJnen 、 he sky 缸seJf.' Many of hî.l0ty'S 間althse mehi訓d 間m,"
ha , 'c had 徊, t ilJ ha , -e) a full.time 砌磚暉. on Iheir 問:rolJ周
I'eriod 3: 1993-1997 刊盯快,開 enlial clienls a 16.p耶岫 klet enti蚵 3個V
Ñlrolo,彎曲 1 G.叫e 10" Secure F"lure, offering fìn 的 ndaJ ach~ce
In February of 1993 the planels Urn間,-Neptuneωnjoined, r"ωch Zod ioc s'gn. Ho\\'c\'er, Ihey puhlicly deny thal thei.
nnd t he 恥arkeu hccame more confused Ihl.n e、叫“An}'lhing
,.ω";. n fa ir trans!ation ofthe Urnr仙,-Ncptune conjun clion
'm'eSCrnent fund managcrs and ac tuarie ~onsuít the Sta ..
w enhmins their SEra t e u e
l\I any mßT kcts beωme c\'en mOre difficu Jt 10 predfcl using Ihe Nonetheleu. my O", n plus many other financîal
tradilionallool蜀,的 much 50 thm nll"'y more traders slarted to astrologcr,' forecas ts continued 10 pour rorth. amazing fJ巾 吋h
18 C..叩""

and foes ali k... Fau,陪bI.. pre詞 ,~.官陷阱 increased at an annu

h … "
s...... 1I1/9.! Cι-明'.,u:. IIt月6
al rale of o\"..r 100 percenl during thîs perioo. ASirological
切mmeniari..s kgan u.> appear more f~u .. nily on radîo and

G.... M國咱啊, 叫 1 l39.6哩 l

TV busîness s hows such as Ih ose on CNN and CN RC C包圍h
他喝e 叫 12~ I.J2‘ $19 2‘1.l
5..ri叫,→ om"lim旬 awesinlck-busin .." pr.. S$ co....rag.. alw
b<' um.. mo ,.. fre(luen l. For e.~ample. \V,且 II 5i'''''i utrolo當前
"""'. 叫 su, .al

Arch C Cm1~fonl P~T$阿岫。"馴的咱間也 rhe nUi !WO ε。 nl..~tan l!
in lin e had Just morf Ihan
i <, r,叫 5 r3icd No. 1 hy many iiming.tracking 5.. 叮 es. Marc 糾 0.0個 profit 吋 ilc 峭的 1 10.1 the limit of J 曲 perccni of
Hulbert ackno、yledged ii a~ onc of ihc i op.~rforming I~uers capl叫 minus $50,冊o. )"e5 , futures iradin g is ~ highly 叫'>
Ofihe l' r側。叫你 e 、 ears. [n his For~ ωUmn of 5Cpiemkr
11 , 199S.he 帆切"
and difficu \t bωinen. RUl il's no wonder , whh re ult. like ,
, h臼已 thPI more and mOre fu lures trad e rJ are inv..到珈山 "'
甜 rotogy.
No , 1 1m nol fellooning my office waU 叫你 ..11"1)10叫“l Rlcha n:l M08" Y, director of th.. Fo undation for ih.. 5仙舟
..horu , nor ''-yinll up 111<' nillht5 w; lh th.. wor k of
。f Cycl..s. has becom.. mo. e public 血 Ui lhe faci 岫 there
N盼岫<b.凶 I .m <>叫h 組叭ng lhal re.uh. are 喃al <'0心的包
.nd Ilncc 槽suh. 缸.. ....hal An: h Cn ...fonl has prod叫“ 1 Ls a h..恤l 叫阿叩 ca l 10 vi nuall)' e1四C}.cle in
叫Jl tak.e him ft"r台。",1,--叫 hate,..,r 1 may ihlnk of a" ro\oay. "'仙 re that th句 ha'... studi..d. Se rious books b)' 包嘻嘻>e.ienced
market profeu ional ha.-.. b" lI un 10 be publishcd b). main
Pe rh~ ps
anOlher coming-of-age mHeuone 珊la5 I祠 ic~iCd in $I h。仙"的 seen in 1.larp “ and RO"、“ Moncy /", d 1M
Marbu and Ihis work by McGra宙間 1 1. Thø \\l.!/ 51red Neu."S
a Forl>lr J magazine $iOry ;n iiS annual Forbω400 iss u.. of
Oc iober 16 , 1995. Th治 anide, cniitl..d, WlI id. Áre Ihe L..dry has helped io JK>l' ularize fìnancial aSiroJogy on ihe Imernel ,
51" 1'1 profcuesωk an .sirological Sl udy of ihe 咧開 riches i compillng ihe for..casl. of a numbcr of fin~nciBI aSlrolog" r.l
Americans. UnforiunmeJy it is ,.ery general , dc~! ing only 、叫, h The Ast roJug ers' Fund ha ~ Ol' fncd brandc d furums On
Sun Signs. Oiherwise it could provlde vc ri ficaiion ~f !he Amcric~ Onlin.. and ihe Micro ~ofl network. a吋 sei u p 肘
maxl"可 tha! success i5 be泊 t ach iC\.叫 by belng i.u.. io ones e1 f as “
。 w n website on the Inter" 110""/ ßusineu Jo" ,,,,,/ ai
discuned in Chapi..r 3. Of more intcrelt ln this inue is http :l.沁內叭叭 id s. netlstarbri dgela fu n d

旬 Irologu Joon Quig\e y' s ariicle refc.cncing BiIl Gaics an d

'\licrosoft . See Chapter 8 、et , ih is doe. dcmonSl rat e how
a$irology is slo,,'ly 扭曲 ming "main5iream" in fìnancial circles. Th e Ne ar Future
S∞ n afte., For旬,他 ran a simil缸 slory.
AnOlh er. more compellin g example. ASlro loge r Greg 1997 + Jupilcr-Neptune (1 /9/97 ) and Ju pi ler- Uranus
{訓帥7 ) conjunctions
M...也 rs is Ih.. hand,-do"明明nner of Ihe Tn:ukr', ç., I"lnf /",d
R鈞。..rç" Cω油岫dinll conte~l . 5i3 r1 ing ....ith D hypol~ 已 tical
扭。!“)(1 on Ja n 岫 ry 1, 1994 , her.. areih.. c且 resuhs as of Forlfusl: Financial ASI.ology conlinu ous ly gains m 制n
1/ 1196 (conle別 rUlls uniil 1月 7 ....i th R.. 1I 1 1內.金 T,adin~ via slream BCC"ptance, a. \\'a !l Sire..t firms and t他ding hous C$, as
AUO ITHACK simulaled fund5). 問 11 al corpo叫他的叫 d '帆叫 e , kgin to 。軒 n ly hirc financial
astrol ogers. ß usiness news informa tion scrvices .uch <l S
m c._間 。電

Bloomb" ,!!, CNHC , CNN , Dow JOII"' , Forh~s, and Forr""c ,

h …
In 1992. I wos ad ;.ing a Merrill Lynch hroker on a .eries
hire 叫 rolog;四 I columnis\s and rel!u 山 Iy fealure financial of currency opliom 叭'" e.~pected a m 盈IJor mo\"" 00 a gl\" en
3sIrological stories Friday. On Thursday he told mc alxωa com"crsation he had
!n case rou're 吶'ondering 00 what grounds J make that pre just had 州 th another hroker on his noor, who said that his
diction. i t' s simple. A1 1 r d 叫時 ally 、"aS 10 translate from a“,,1 c1i en !'s astrologer 恥"3 5 of an 呵',0釗 1" opinion. Th e facl Ihat 1
O~' inlO English tu rt> ed Out 10 he right is nOI the p<J in! here 、的 al waS 叫"
e51;ng 10 me at the lime 、必司85 that Ih;. 凹nversation \ook place
J"戶臨- Gru耐心 al Mcrr i1l Lmch's 叫orld hcadquartcrs. I kn個 Ihen that astrol
oll.ywas 山叫)' heginning t。四 me 叫 t of the closet
Uranus = ASlrolog)o悠Cl cnce
Some )'ears ago , Credit Lyonnais fìm pub!ished a Chinese
Ncplune = ASI呵呵dSpirit a~trology forec的t of the Hong I\ong stock markel , as a spool
It tumed oul 10 be dead -on accuratc. Th e q~tiò explanll lÍ on
Conjunclion - Bringing together is that Ihis was a sclf-fulfilling prophecy. Bccause so many
That is 1。組 y, these aspccts “bring together" a "gro叫h“ of
Chinese belie 'c in astmlo jl;)', it Is under咽 ndahle \ha\ many
"35trology" an.! 叫 31ed "scicnce and spirit" subjecls
NOle the last [wo J"pitcr- Uran l1 s con戶 nction periods

M他ht and sold accordingω." 叫悶。 gica! forecast. ' ét th的
ne of reasoning is in fact fauhy, in that it doesn't e.~抖 aln
a約ray many other forecllSIS such aS thosc in the cu rrency mar-
1968-1969 , and 1983- and the last t\\"o Jupiter- Ne司ptune kets , where finllncial astrolc海ers in f1 ucnce only a few billion
conjunction periods: 1971 a 們 J 1984. 80th lime per泊d , do l! an-o心 en a mere drop in the bucket , as the central
(1 968- 1971 and 1983-1984 ) coindded with grcat public bankers ha\'e !camed.
interesl in a5tro 嘲 It has been said thllt Wall Stτeet tycoons would consult a
ωgcd gm叫 a in th巴 Central Park zoo if they belie間,.j it 四 "ld

、Vh y Fi n ancic rs U sc As t roJogc rs forecast the markets 、'ith rea50nable reliabil呵 1 h.呵 been in
national trading contests aga inst not only SOme of Wa ll
Th e bu 訓僧 ss use of astmlogy gocs far beyond 、回到 ional gu 叫 Stree t's finest but monk約15, chickcr肘, and ( 5∞ ) sexil)' clad
ance for individ l1 als. la叭叭a r, Donald Trump modc the news dan thmwers. Ne惚 r. ho'惚惚 r, against a caged gor圳..
yet again , but this time for a rather different re池 Son: Be i\ ly P訓 nt here 的 that the gorilla 凹 n.111ter i. intere.ted
employed a Feng Shui 、 peciolisl to inspect a p<>tc川 ial bldlding only in immediatc resulU rilth臼 than m 叫吋1010都 and that
s;te. In facl , his Hong Kong partncrs wi鉛 Iy in叫ted on this. Li ,
Ihis rc -eals one striking differcnce between succesdul and
K到 Shing, one of the 10 r;chest men in the world , r<." p<> rtcdly .'el")' Sl1 ccessful indi\'iduals. The latler generally are mo間。,'"
pays his astrologer mi Jl ions of do Jl ars nnnually. Jlldging from to experimentation , and nOI as deterred by com-entional w的
the resu lts , he may 桃叫! be getling a great bargaín dom and p叫 udic的 “ Millionaires don 't use 35tro!。鄒 hillion
Some ,,,a閃lIgo J had a ωn阿rsat lO rl 叫th the head of the lI ires do:' a common 5ayi啥 among financial astrologers , has
london branch of a large Am cricon securities nrm who .Iid not been ascribcd 10 J. P. l\Iorgan. 1 don't Im ow if he actually 鉤M
belic\'e in 3stmlogy and , I darc 5ay, still doe~ 1101. His p<> int , 叭 but Ihc poim ;s valid , Perhaps this is why so many high
how"',, r, was thal SOm也V SOOn 制的logy 叫s gOtngωbecome financ iers use astrology: Th ey wcre simply "'illing t。盯 it. and
a ractur in thc market , simply becausc .0 many people do they found Ihm it works
bclic'-e in it , and inevitably that would influence money flo'叭, Recently a Hong I\ong astrologcr began to ad,電 rtise in Th e
11 is d創刊的 a!read叫 10 thc 仙削。 f many billions of do Ilars EconO?!J叫 a 'lI riation on this thcme. It went som叫 hing lik~
c......... o ,.
" 地…
"An}'one can be a mi [J ionoire. i> ut [f )'O~ 叫 nt 10 be T~tllly rich. 、、酒 cheap ) , a吋心甘 though t t. e market would drop ~O poinls
"5 0: 1151'01(8)"- Personal 句, I' m 001 sure that's 1.11 .,. For 1&01 、,;nually llO'
lnstance、I'm cerlain th.1I neither 叭'arren nurrel nor Bi lJ Cal~S I latc. Jearned IhM this isn '\ ßn uncommon u !,<, rience
made th"ir money that 岫~\ 'ét Chinese a5t rologcrs do possess among nωphyte trade l"l . As trologers are e$~ε凶y prone t。
a ,"e'Y lon& a吋 rich tradition. a吋。"叫劉Iing the high C'S1 "hat SOme call "ll'1l ming how 10 profi[ frorn being a prophcl."
and u rict壓制 sl andards. 1" Lhe ancient imper旭 I cOurt of Those of )'OU "ho are e.'中訓健"'叫 m",由1' 1 pla)"el"l know ". 、",
China. for aample , Ihc faHure of the ro戶 J astrologer 10 1'0'- mean. lf you don't , ta~ J() me timeωleam about in"e呻吟
", cdr predict an edl pse resulled In ;mm dillle behnding and trading in • risk- frH en珊珊 ment , If some IJnd soul had
p",ro 同“你 the wor到 1 ha帽 suffercd for 11 biod forecasl is 1m: i'“叫‘,i se<! me to stickωplay mon 叮 and ø \\'.11 St rec' t boa.d
1.肘 of a client game , it 呵。 uld ha糟Sß,-ed m陣S3S傲)(l. ^,t~m仙"、)~ ,旭n
""0'1.:叫 th an e.~rienced fìnancial profess怕的.1. Remembe r, it
isn't onl)' wh叭 you Imo'" and when 戶 u Imow, b叫 h腳)(1" '151"
Financial Astro logy Is a Dua l S pecia h y ;1 that count$-,,'hether ln the businen ...orId 0. in the ma.,
Mtrol句lCrs 95 a group a時 lnclined to bclico可e they can do any' keu
thing. Mter all. ..... ha"e the 俱Jw..r of Ihe unl"e rs.. bo:o hind us Th ere is also anOlher side ωIhil. I remember well how,
or if we are notωmeta ph)" icall)' indin..d , 91 we ean wme )'ea時 ago, a neollh)'le fìnancial aSI叫可er \'isired me at
forccast the future. It i~ impo.tanl for the read... 10 under Ihe Ne" 、。他 Amology Ct' nter. He brazenly fo re.: a51 Ihat on
sland Ihat pcrformance as a finaneial 個strologer is based on Ihe ncxt weekend Iherc wou!d bc a major eanhquake in
, h,四mmDnd of 仰的 disciplinω Ca hfomia. He then told me how he had diligently researched
The repoMer ...ho fi Tll t ..rote aboul me in ß..rro"'f 問n 仙。SC mSu閥 nce companics wi th Ihe la 富的 1 property e,砂05u res
de rc<l h"... it could bc thn t. ...圳 h my ineredible call 閃閃" 1 Ihere , and 叫 uld ShOM Ihem on Friday afternoon. 1 remember
W隘的lIIolJ ng a fortune. Thcrc 叫肉 sc\'era l rca鈞、 s fo. thi , myself (hinld呵!“i\ ly G吋 can you impgine if he 明wc right
\Yould he exclalm: 'Uoo悶熱 11 majo. en.thquake , 10 ,000 peo
First , caIl ing Ihe murket Is 11 very Jjffcrent skill from acti\'''!y
IraJing In 11. Th is is nne .eason ...hy nOI a Jl financial ple killcd , I' m rich , I' m rlch !小 \';..:It! \\'凶 J , thcre "叫 a maJor
叫 rologcrs 組 re rich. 1',ω 帥、咱可 in thdr emOlional attiludc earthqu ake (hp( weekend , Enrly t\ londay morning his stocks
toward mone)', and Ihis In turn affecls their ability 10 moke dropped , but by the end of the da y they hlld rise n. Why}
money. Th..輪訓 .o nly. a bill10n dollar‘明 'Ih of damage , and ana
lysls rcasoncd that this provided Ihe il\S urance companies
Prophet or I' rofit? wilh a greal excuse 10 ro lsc premiums! Had Ihis fe l10w undcr
stood markcll beuer, hc mlght not ha"c 1051 hi5 moncy.
E、可ery e.'苦X' ricnced ma.kcl paMiω~拘叭 "ill le lJ you Ihat moncy An Olhcr (a~ in poinl , and a g牌d proof of the old m.a"CÍ m
manag..mcnt is the most impo耐 nt skill. 1 IIgree 、Vhcn I fìrsl Ihat "Whal goes around comωa round. " 1 had ht.en holier
began 10 tmde in Ihe markeu , 【 梢。 uld shou t 吶Ih glee “ rm Ihan tho.. in Ihe preceding cøse , but whe 曜帥『岫. 此 came 10 the Gu
righl. I" m rlght!" (Remembcr, 1..". a Le o. One re惜。 n wc Leos 、\\'a
包""凡!、w‘ 恥h、"健ch 1 fore
酹cas l m。倌 than 仙 t 凶芯)'四陌 in ad'呵限e-mea
like 10 ln the ma rt. ell is that"電 get 10 bc right every day culpa. I 輪咽冒刮. rig許ht in O<< ember and ear句 h句叫Jønu
y 恤"耶芋 w
., ro 叫 bel ie\"t'.) My Tau 間,“ JOCiDle 叭,“Id Ihcn ask: "Did 叩e “恤id the wor 、w 呻‘拘。叫uldn
叭0、1 happen ; 間 cølled fo. 9 1200 SP
you make money?" Often 1 叫uld ho.e t。阿 ply 隘恥" For drop on January 9 and al紛尬sued a fì" buy on ~叫“山
帥 mple . I might ha"e bou啥ht a fa"'QUI -of-the.mQn句 pUI (it S)"S lcm f\l ns from one to three 510rs). E,"t'巧r'On.. Ia ughed unûl
Ctwn . o"" r".^
" ....:>tDCY
negOli 叫他 nS broke do"n irre、3嗯ubly 5Qmetime afte r I P. ." 。 tracked bf mone)' manugus and lrad l.' rs "hom J Imo.... of ....ho
"hen Sec~tary of Slole ßakcr 泊、“ked out of the negOliating ,
utililC thc 1001 of financial anrology. Ofω I,l rsc thc actual
mom in S"'itzerland mUltering something IQ Ihe effeCI: ï 10101 must t,., much hlghcr. In add且啪 n , if one includ的 lndia
can'l lolk IQ Ihal man." Suddcnl 、 1 here "'ere "的 bU)'eTS of Singapore. Ilong I\o ng, and much or Asia. whcre astrology has
Slock on the 巴巴 hange. \\'0吋ler "hy? tradilionally been g l"ll nltd ...叫。 cultural acceptance. the fìg.
Now if )'QU rcmember trading at 岫 time. most 間抖e u l1: becom~are [叫 lt?-I ru句“,~啊,叫
who belined there w、ould be no war ‘愣愣 long, and con\"e TS<' ly 1b.翩。M 剛剛 rda\es 10 Ihe astrol甸回 1 ma.~m: }öu
most " .ho belie\'ed Ihal 梢""的 imminent were shor t. (1 F 酬 1) U'Mt 昀 prolll每“ in 'ht IUI叫 fl>ir1hl dUIr1. Tha t 扭曲。
Iurn吋。“ Ihere ""1 11 咽 r. but "ch an "eo均月間r Ihat the 吋y ﹒恨自 ( nOI ,,'uhhy) 叫叫咿r 1$ nOl n~5.ari 恃 a ")1<>01""
IIm ,-eT$C pe阿 ersely re咽叫吋晶。"吋。 had fore惚甜"問 ngty.
I ""5 short. l'lere 閥、嗯 re root;ng fQr the war. 吋eah, oomb
Ihem...make my day.. . make me money"-and whal hap
aSlwlogcr. I f 卵 "W嗯 ".ωbom wilh lhe polential 10 be rich ,
"“吼叫1\01 be rich. lf )'011 are a broker. you Imo..' "lI al
rncan from e:哼~rlcnce 市011 kn。明 ..-h). whcn)"o間,、,"<' thc idcn
pened? Th e markel ralli吋恤.e cra:ty the ne.~ day! Fortunatd也 Ikal market ad ,'ice 10 fc划 r clients九 onc Follow'$ )1) ur 3th;c,", and
my 柵 ding partner 輪 a. Dn exμrlenced lrader. My forecast w"s
.. ma kt: s mone弘 anothcr panicf if Iherc is a lempomry 5e lback
叫o'ar in fOllr hours [il 咽 s elghll. e.~lreme \"olatility, 85 percent a路d loses m。閑事 "h 吋 ta kt:s a small profit and runs , 3nd a
down markel , 15 pe l"<< nl up market.~ If il hadn't be叫 for Ihe founh do u ble ups nnd 、叫 111 blg. Teml"' ".ment , emotions, J>S)"
money managcmcnl skills Qf my pa鬥 ncr, who e.~pertly plo}'吋 晶。 logy, do )'OU 吋 Rcmember tho t 帥。lQg)' C恥的 'mO
on Ihe ,'olali如 ty 1 had pr吋 iCled. "eωuld ha 'c I""t a largc 110M , because ωwe now )mo叫 it is a mathematicoJ psychQ 。
1)3rt of thc 臥,b叫“ ;al p 甜 ts we hod accrued 。、 the pre',可 gy ru. se<l Qn ustronomy.
ous monlh Fin 祖 ncial utrology CQr rela! e! with a Jl known m9rke!
MQ'''] of $10可 If you tmde markeu , be a tradcr. It叫“ n.cchan旭 m.
One 10 Iw叫“ mωlcarn 圳 Ihe bn圳海iτ'0 kSI U5e aSlmlogy, Qf the fi、 e maJor Jl<l tentl all y 1m。、 nble factors that in l1l1
u叫 y aSlrology. It wkes one to threc years 10 learn all the enCC markets- Fundumentnl Analysis , Technicnl Analy帥,
ba5ic5. BOlh are li felong $Ludies. lf you can't b巴 both, work Market Timing , ,\ lnrkel Ps)'chology. nnd Ceopolilical E凹川,­
m仙 romeonc who ha$ the requ!redωmplcmcnlnry skills astrological in仰 t 15 n間cenary for ca)c ulaling and suc旭 essfully
"的側的吼叫$ poínt thal all fimmcial aSlrol<>ge n;帥耐 forec asting ,,/1 fi\"c
, ,
equnl in .ki l1. ability und e:掙的他 nce. Th i fact also accounlS
for Ihe pre吶。u.l}' 到 ILled obse'"明 1;0 1l that nol 叫 1 profcss的,,1
3stmlOl!e n; are ric h. Evcn nnancial aSI陶 logen are not regular J、;l"~叫
Iy 同 puted 10 lravel in pr 官 te jeu and own Rol1s- 11叫 Ices. (Mv

甸甸甸 hh

recent bride ;$ doing her hen to changc this m~rkcdly unha p-
py 創 tual;on!)

Slill here II. re t梢。 more reaso的“ hy all a51rologen arC
nOI rich-and this line of reasoning is lhe 臼scnce Qf financial

M血 P,,,, ho甸
甜 rol嘟 F棚,“個岫帥"旬 ,。棚缸刪呵。nfy recently
have ulrologc昀 begun to monage nnd innuence largc Sum. of
money. Curre訓隊也阱 r SH 倒械制〉。“)() in Ihe United States \Vh ether it b tQ help them chart q-cl臼 and o\"crall m隨時u
and Europe follow Ihe "lI. rtγhi. Is Ih e sum lotal being trendl. disco\'er I'i叫al I;m呻 rlce ma
" Ctw;t, 0" C I- I A P γE R
.Ioch , or just be Icss surprised hy the markels , more and T 、v 0
mOrc lìnancicn are luoking up 10 the heωens for guidancι
刊。 N is i! don e? F.: nroll in Fi nandal Astrology 10 1, by reading
the n e;杭 chaptcr Fi nancial
Astrology 10 1

。,, 11 market 們 r
bear market?
。 Jy gro、"Ih stocks 01 cydical stocks?
ßuy tech sω",ks or 詞 11 tech slocks?

\Vou ldn't Íl be nice 10 lr3d" in the financial markcts with

lomorrow'. ncwspapcr ;0 hand? It would he .0 simple t。
'"'叫 r q l1 estions aMU! the market Ihat 帆冒""叫!O men !ion
how much mOre prolìtabl雀 your portfolio could beeome. As 為n
ahcrna川;c to tomorrow's nC間paper, Finandal Astrology .l1 fC
;,祖伊。.J forec"<ting 1001 , jf not quite as fooJproof a 00". 1
W抑制 rology as being One of the Ihree "sc閃 ens" Or 1a}'crs"
requisite for a succc..ful in間.lmCn! Stralegy. The olher two
Fundamenta l Analpis llnd Tcchnical Ana Ignore
Financ凶 ASlroJogy. ancl you may m崎 s a lhircl o. more of lhe

ThcThrcc L的iCrs o f Stock Markcl Dy可mlffi lC S

Here Ihey are

La ye r One: Fundamenlal Analysis

Laycr 了 "'0: Technical Analysi ‘ Three: Financial ASlrology

Imagine for a moment thal )"00 are consuJting for a largc \Va lJ
5 ,時ettrading hOllse. Sorneone in lhe fìrm has heen trad.i n~

" C....,.. T"" F叫'"…圳
Ihc fo...cans of a numbe. of financial aSlrolog~rs. and som~­ \\'e di 鈍。、 cr similar pa l\ erns "hen companiu bccome
times she finds them 10 be "llh ...ading th~ financial seclion highly profitab!e 恥的叫 timl lü. but 81.0 di fTe.enl patlerns
of tom~π。w 重 n 酬 spapc..呵 You ha呵bt'rn hi...dωrun a pilot " .hen compani..s lose money o. go b.1nkrupt. Many economic
sludy of "hctlK. astrol og,y has 叫., 1 地 lue "h..n itωmes to ,
cyc1 e h~ 惚 aSlrological signalures , a吋 E阱 respond in parl 10
ínu:stíng and tfllding ín the financiøl ma.keu. To ~n ,,;th planetary c)'cles. So t∞ b叫 1 markelS and bea. markeu ha\"e
)'OU 自吋叭叭,個 h,惜恤 sieally twO choices a51ro 叩咽lωnspondences. So mc of thcse pattem. are .im
Choice 11 is to "咽leh øslrol "iJ '的h Ihe ..闕 rlreIS, 10 firsl ple a吋 easy 10 recognllc 戶t many more a同 qutte COmpl <'ll
a吋 a database of sígnificant 1St悶。gieal nrnts and Ihen co.- Dnd hard to discem. ln 3d 帥的 n. real-life mar]..ets are quile
relate them 10 any pe悶悶,d mar]..el .....ents 5uch asωp.oot challen極呵,.d 叫 rologícal for<<叫 ing is 001 aS ....y in pfllC
10m , ch岫 n8e of trend , and ,。“ rlh. Choic哩 '2 is 10 "", Ich tice a. in Ih艙內 Non 叫他1旬 5 , the use of astrology cßn and
IIUlrU I .",即刻 u'il h “ 'ro岫Dl to anall'zc 國 dalabase of sigJ1的 4個 help one to anl峙 ate both markct t~nds and stock.price
eant ma rl<e t ro.-en l$ sueh as the 100 bt' st 0. 則明 t dars of the m.‘老ments. Given todaY'1 f,阿n由 d trndi ng world. 1 ha呵。flen
rna rl<e 15 o. the riselc fII sh of a luperstock and thcn 鍵e whal, if reh tha l 1 might ha>e buome a hea可 ker ;f I hadn't had a
m予“岫Iogi<:al Ceatures DrC prescnt. As細則ng that )"O u fi吋 horoscope to guide me through 50 mDny difficult a吋叫 atile
some correlalíon. )"O u then ,,;11 aucmpt 10 make some Icnta
"糟 markel foreeastJ based upon 精 h.. 仰, h,何 found . If the
.e.ulu of thesc Co時cast5 are cncouraging rou "i Jl look fur甜的
market lracling da)'s
y" mUSl al\\"ays remcm !.>e r that astrology is ilself an obsr.
叫的 nal sclcncι Therefore , whc n \\"e øpply financial 叫叫。電』
into Ihe su划<,CI: íf nOI. It" s back 10 chao省, h巴01}'. neu 祖 1 nCI cal t hω 1}' to the markeu. the ultim 3l e a.bit~r of tru!h here
works , at吋耐的 dal ln叫 ligence 憎 ma;as Ihc market ilSclf. Theoriu th削 don't fìt facls must be
Lct's noW 詞y< h叭 )"0 11 dedde arbilmril l' 10 takc the first re';sed or out.and 咖l叫 abandoncd
ωurSc of ~clion. You dcclde that ;n orderωprocced, you W圳
fìm h~"c to ga i n ωmC understanding of the fu ndmn enlals 01
as trology IJcfo rc )"O u con heg in 10 apply th ~m to the finaneial Kcy C OnccplS
markelS , )ou 叫叫個 u r local b∞ ks t o.e nnd pu.-.;has.. a copy of
'''''eSling !ry Ihe Stars. \V hat do )"ou find ,
Il ri cl1l', 們 nanclal a到 '0 1 08)' fi , sl ind icates th皂 ,的叫 or basic
Astrolo包,crs a. C trulned to look to Ihe sky for guidan間 The s k\'
31 birth or n3tHI birth ch~n indicutcs pot e川 ia l. \\"hile thc pωa
nature of a stock o. slock rn arket. By eornparing !he statc of tions of the planets ín thc sky 31 any g間 n momem. called
th.. cu""nt hca>'cns to a O. slock markcf s bính data , t.9osil.. ind ícalc the II kely COU ' S" of prese nt and futu.e
one Can astrologically 伽 rI and for<<叫, h,凹 mpany o. ma. e、 c nts

kc t'5 changing fonunuι

Pa nem rccognition is the ba is for a附加鴛 aSl of \Vh en SKYAT ß1RTH - NATAL B1RTH C HART
."" H酬 Fasl Sl ock pri僧. .圳 change. For inSlanc~ S""" 1"O DA\' . TRANS ITS
Slockll UP Pa uem 0 1, 血。的 Th e na叫 horf)flCf)pf! or binh chan n: 10 the binh moment
Stoc: k IJ 閩、m l':o nem 51 , 52 , 53 ilsel r. For a company il is the tlme. place, a m! <b t.. of incorpo-
SU>c k 12 UP Pa uem 8 1.肘,的 ,
fII tion thøl i "給d. (St'e Flg. 2-1 for an uample.)
Stock 12 閉、m l"u emS1 , S2.53 It is aJωM戶巾 nt to charl the fi削岫Je horoscope of a
Slock 13 UP
5 ,帥的囚州
Paucm 8 1. 112 , 83
Pa uem 51. 52. S3 .
company (on 恥 stock uchange). (See Figs. 2.2 and 2.) fo.
回 mplc.) Flnanclal aSlmlogers may lro refer 10 manr othc.
" ~,~ F 叫個…..,

FIGUIIE l.l ~l ,.."呻咖,,0( 16 肌

FICIJRE H 1 …… ÎIS ε h osen ' "duSlry, and when , The blrth ehart is subj~t 10
analysis by dm"n! of timing lech 叫 un Ihal a.trologc l'll have

hOTOSωp叫“明 lL
Th cse indude those of djfferenl counlries,
ock mark帥. Dnd c"nlm! hanks , În addilion 10 those of their
U贊à for cenluri凹 s lIch DS Tran$凶 , Prog~s.sions. Directions
5o la. nd Lunar Rcturnl , and D的a 0' Planelary perioos, 10
nam" just. f"叫
dient. and finan.clal ad ,-;蛇 n . A plethora of charts 10 I間k &1 , Th. 時 rm rrtlllsil rcfers 10 the currenl placcrnenl of the
indeed planels. Roughly speaking, If )'0 11 "-e", 10 k陶.1;. up al the sky
τb" binh momenl i. hlghly Impø 租 nl . a. , 1 師"Q Ih.. po- and record whal )'OtI see, 1I would be the tr.msÎlíng planets,
lenlÎal manÎfHlalÎon of the 酬坤"間 11 as Îts 阻晶呻 ffl'" ...可 the cu rn: nt 制 le of 1M sky. It is .h棚 ro",切 nlly changing
bl.. manifeslatkm in IlIM. For a ~1'fOn 11 . hows Ih.. ' 1時n8th • relalio的 hip 10 the na凶J horoscope chan that is the b倡“。f
and polen l山 1 weaknnses assoc ialed 叫“ h chamcter, talen t , almOSI 州叫"。但 I pred 曲。肌
and ab;[;I y. For a company;l.h加.'$ how uccrs.fu[;1 ,,~U bC' in Financlal .'l l' olog" ", nOI trained In d剖血 al as惘。gical
" C叫加

Ihwry generall) 例。p here. 50me indeed dOlù e'-e n U5e the
blnh chans of 51 0C U or markeu but $O lely lhe trnnsits of the

planeu 10 help hem identify and fore鬼甜 5ignilìcanl markel

tuming poinU. ßut 5uch lìnancial utrologc ", who u5e 0吋
transil$, the cu tTe nt 51ate of thc hca、 cn5. lìnd that in many --eH
inilances an a $l rological e叫 nt (transil ) occurs u~lh.:n“ cau~
ing any noticeablc markel effec t. On thc olher hand. "'...η
mojor e\'ent in Ihe ma.1叫“ correlalcd 10 a major planelary
c" ,,- nl , Thc時 fore mllny hdie,、e a wisc astrological approach 10
Ihe mo.kcu al"-,, ys begi的 "1lh tcchnical ana伸到 8

For finllnciaJ 叫 rologe.. Ii ke m)'$elf. howc 叫仙 nsiu are
only onc \001 in 仙"∞Ibm. albd\ a 、 cry hllndy a叫 ε叩開l

Z 屯4m

己 IE 圓 EE
one. Transits lime e""-nI5 , much like Ihe hands of a clock.
Th ey may be lookcd upon as only onc uy I,.;gger of bas且' "'旭l

potentialil), "ile時筒 s a number of int.-rlocking faclon muSI be

P'臼cnl 10 predpilale any gi'-en e,'enl or markel acth 'Î I)'

zz a
rUI anolher w司的 transiling planets aCI俏'a ting Ihe nalal
planCIS represenls a ll<<ess.<I可 bUI not a s,,[fid 4l ..1 c&use of

slock and stock markel action. When uscd in conjunc lÎon

凶dgay% 益 圓圓圓圓 明S EE l

h -
》 目 。D肉包凶包
圳 Ih tlmse other utrological p.edic仙電 lechniques menlionw
p.e"lOu~趴 Ihey act as a limer 0. triggc r. Using a clauical

zad 、uouυHUa
Irlple-lradlng-scrcen mooe l. thc natal ph.nels , d間 cled plan
elS , and Imnsil5 would bc onc screen , and Ihe natal planets
progressed planets , and tmn5its and 50 forth , another,

o.:. n't e,ψeCI to lakc all of thiS In al once , As we go funher
Bnd prescnl uamples. il wilJ begin 10 make scnse. For thc
momcnt , keep in mind that a吼叫略..,∞k 10 Ihe planets of
our 50111' 旬IStems as limers. Th e pri m間,γ I cchnique usw i. s
。開 i
cal lt. d Iransl lJ , "hich indiCll les ‘ h,叫“ ionshJp of the Cu tTe叫
S!ale of !he hea愣的 10 Ihe nalal or inltial Slale. Mlro 。軒" 」
1001. 10 special pauem s of (his rela!ionship !o forecøsl posili''''
8nd negati\',", marke! !rends

用側 面 EE

T",".I.. 岫 0\1.兩叫“"的叫‘
T", ".I.. ...1叫叫 s"... 叫腳,1<<, ".0 '"1 ~~
T..n t.. OM 叫叫 .~~ 5 ,.':\'叫....,1<<.叫

3戶, C....... Twc F叫“…山
Thc prlmor}' bU51neu 1lon <:l 5 3re Jupiter and 5aturn. ln details "iJJ become 0 側, ω)'ou. At 咐 is linle 1 訓 mply want
generaJ th泊 planetary 仰 ir represents thc upansion Uupiter) )"o u 10 3ppr “'" 的me of the comp 1e~ty as 叫 11 al the ele
ond controction (Saturn) of Ihe bu 制 neu cydc. In times of gance of astrological thω 于
c.~ceu we ha ,'e the dynamicl of greed (J upit" r) and fear B釘 Du5e thcre 9rt only nine planets (plul a r"". aSleroids
(Satum). The basic condit切 n of 8 mar 1.e‘ is an up Uup肘r) 0 1' and a number of moons) in our solar 月,slem, there is a lot of
do"n (Sa llJ rn ) mOH: menl. Th e.c 9re uceptions , as 10 an}' muhiple ulignment of rolerships to cach planet. ln ome. 10
rulc , but first le l"l get lome of the balics down before we .m糟 at a s仰cific 呻rrelpondence "'e use a combination of
附rrv about those pl.叩開lIed IlI peets. Taking Jupiler 31 an 個m陣"啥叫
“".風耐叫y Jupiter by itself bm 訓 10 its relalionsh研制的
011 the OIher plane lS. Th il reiteral e$ upωa 100al offour !n''''/s.

Tak ing just one of Ihe comhinations , thal of Jupiter ,,'ith

Neplunc. thi , 旭1 鹽。o.肘 a屆盼伊m 訓句恤 t to ass。“e叫 '0開n
圓"h w

。。例"“耐冊 …
h ﹒圈-

電仙he nine 例
p 1.

M 岫岫岫叫"'恥

.15. 叮 1 r 叫電

..... ..,。“<;恤
飢巴 .jμ"p
a 抖;,耐
e , this 1 once mo.f 吋剖 to nme-ptus 開m
、 阱P'""莒e ,,~t由

ble combin ions. If 'e take 115 association 、.ith Uran u5. ,,'e
h Pl~ω

", h.、 e one 5ignificator of lotterics ond the gaming indust間­

Thi. compl巳xity allo啊 I for an e.~lremdy 10咚~ collection of
o句 eC15. alllmsed on a rel叫“}' few principles. Th ou s.a nds of
Le l ul als 。 ωnslder onc "'c Jl -known facl of aSlrolo J.: ical rulcrships 01' corr的pondc叫“ can bc as呵ned to a comhina
rulcrship' thot Jupiter "rulel" ( i.e . , ωrrelates to) Ihe Im nldng tion of Ihe 10 p[onetnry principlcs. (As tro[ogers use thc Sun
indu 到郎、.vhat happens when Jupiter conjunCled (i$ togelher
叫的 Pluto, BI “ did In Oecemherof 199 4? Did thi. ti耐J<"
and 1\I 00n p ““ ght planetl-no Ea nh. ) Once a principlc has
b,,"叫 ablish叫 it can then be corrclnt吋 to any holislic S)"S
叫 corre.po叫 to nn u叭 urn In banki!γg .tocks? It dicl
tcm , 、,.hcther a p<: r.on , com l泊 ny, 0 1' stock. \\'(加l
Nole: One of 叫 P l叫。帥'. efπr" 帥tsUωe旭 gge 阻 ra le the cffcct of a
削"'臼c thc
e 悶 。t叫扣“呻
'Pμ,,[,。叮,m、a叫"'閏.h 陶y bnnking “ 5t。仗
cks 仇 d "αr叫g ,凶咐hI尬, 酹
蚵 討
ri Planc ta句 “ Bul e rship " or Stoc ks an d
@咀d. Ho ,"" ‘呵粵 ry"叫恥ice. 凶l疋蚓t s tr叮
γ anoth"r li岫"'目甲
pJe e:、.wmple as a te5t Com moclitiC5
Tradi!ionally the sign Le o is 5aid tO rule gold , ....h i1 e Canccr
rulel 創h-er. Il ut does go[d go up 叫 h j川 piter in l. eo. 0 1' .恥w Accordi ng 10 Ihe docl rÎ ne of ~igna!Ures. ellch planel in astrolo-
....ith J upitcr in Cancer? Con 'e rsc: ly. does gold go do 的 n with gy has rulc l"$ hip 。呵 r VPriou~ Iphe時,. ln an cÎenl limes, Mars
50turn in l.eo. 01 訓 I ,'er with Saturn in Cancer? Tradilion 叫. the god of 岫仇揖吋 t吋ay it retuins the lame 閥割xiation
might lugge到 thDt Ihey 00, but the go[d and .il,.., r markets ...ilh 咽Icncc. M odem 叫位叫呵叫 rologers tend to bc psy
d。叭 fuUy 319ft. As‘rologiω1 proclice isn'l t1UI1 easya吋 sim , h.同kalln thcir orientalion , 5pea恆 ng of Ihe "energics" and
ple , n叫“. !n 1M gold and 5i1"er markelS no., unfonunøtely, func啪"恥'"缸 iated 馴的 the p[anetl. .\ lars r叩re.enls Ihe
tn "'ny maβ旭 t. One major re訕。 n for the ωmpl且 ty i. I~凶 I w,宣
are not dealing 圳的 just two planets
l 叫H 11")' not 10 be 桐樹~technlcal ln the disε'" 盼n IMI fol ……………叫叫“…
….但問….t..,~....… -
10"'.' lt is im個巾 nt only to idenl舟 the principles , nOI 10
……岫… M 恤..一"…
memo rÎ ze the delalls. After a few repealed exposures , Ihe 冉一
'。 C......". T.." F,,~叫一間
prindple of sclf'a5sertlon. IndicDtin屆 o~(r relaü"e lendcncy 10 間5 the d anlc le,瓜bαJk of l\rab 恥c aSlrology in Ihe middle ages
3!U'.r<'SS Í\'e ness. in utremcωSC5 to 叫。 ence. 'ét in financial It is notewoTl hy for many 闊的 on5. One reawn th種 book ,、 as .
的trology ....c genendly ~slricl our discunion 10 objecu, c.g. , note ....onhy 咽5 hls list of 2 ~ Lo tS , or Ar.I bic points , to prog-
companies. and 10 literal e\ 'cnts. Thu$ 的 h,"切 e refeT (0 Ihe nrn;lI cate CTOpS
planel !\I s.s ....e aTe Ihinldng about the 5tcel or 、心r/defense
i "d u striω The follO'l、ng are a few t'.um叭 (5 of cla.sical rule r 1, Wheat Suro, j upiter
ships 2. ßa.ley. meal 、 1曲 rl , j upiter
3 . Ric e , r桐 illet j up Í1 cr, Venus
s," Pred仙, IlU' Lal.
M∞n Hcahh 恤..h。“schold produc\S附.'闊別, ~ , Maize J upilcr, Sa lum
;>.I e ..叫 T"帥"'心 Il\In.portlll岫 ;. Pul .., Verous. l\I ..間U叮
她m Appard 旬.~,臨時才剛"們, reta~Len 6 . Lc nlil5 and iron Ma r$, 5:lI um
1\I a.. Sporu, 5tHI. <k fcn ..,. indumial ma.c h且~" i , ßcanl , onions Satum , Ma間
J '帥" B.;o nking , b.-.抽.ge and fìnancial ..,、,1CC$
8 . Chickpeas \'enus ‘ 5 ,"
Sa lurn Ao'時uhu間, .....1 cltaLc
9‘ 5自ame, grapes 53turn, Venus
UN凶" A.tro 句U', C<lmp叫 e.. and Itchnol OjC, ae.帥"“
N種ptunc EntefUllnmen自 由emical.. ph叮 mace,叫 他., 10. 5ugar \'cnus , ,\ l crcu叮
,> ,叫 Minc叫僧Wurc" 11 . Honey Moon , 5 un
12. Oil M a~, " 1個n
Fn. astrologer~ , of COU T$ C, many 叫 uSITies share more
自 3 , Nuu ‘"., M a悶,Ven u$
Ihan one rul~~hip. For In5lsnce, tel~cornm u nica tions is bcs r
describcd as Uran us (1划 的 例 IIS Mercury (Com muni catio n.) 14. 0hes M c時U 句" Moon

Advertising ls beu de5eribed ω "I oo n (科, b l ic). r. lercu可 1 雪, Apricols 5aturn. ~\ I nrs
(Communication) , and I'JutO (manlpu 削 lon). AI 風 a nllmbcr ] 6. Wm~rmelol1 s Jupller, 1\Ic.c ury
of rul cr5 h ips Cll.rcntly a S$ lgncd 10 Ura nus , Nep lU ne , a 吋
自 7. 5alt 1\I 00n , i\! a間
Pluto wcre his torlcally assignedω rhe sc\'cn planets visiblc 10
the nakcd C}'e. Th us mining w帥"“ by anc ien t 3nd medi e咽l 18. 5w<<u 5un. \'enus
astrologeu to be ru led by 5atutn , Ukc\\ise one ωuld Iheore li 19 , As lringcnt i\! crcury, 5alUTn
,,1句 ."凶 ...herherωsinos a rc 叫 ed by Jupilc r or NeplunC , 20. I'unge nl thlngs Mars , 5Dlu.n
。 il compan 肉. by Ncplunc or I' lulo (o il dr; /Ji ng clea. ly is
21 , Raw 5il!.;, cotton M crcu叮" Ven us
Pluto). Please refeT tO Ihe basic 甜的。當 他可啪Xlks li5tcd in
Appcndi~ IV. Th e i n河~n且叫 poinl t。岫盼 here is Ihal ruler. 22 , l' urgat;"C5 M crcu T)~ 5alum
ships or co,", latlonl can bc assigncd 10 \'B rious stocks o. in 23 . ß itte. purgat ;,'es 5alurn. M a~
duSl ry g'閥 'P'“ hich can Ihcn be made thc su句 ecl of lesring 24. Ac id pu啥叫阱, 5.仙鬥罩, jupitc.
Th e pred削 ion of crop prOOuclio恥 。. the lack of ir , has a
Io ng hiSl呵酬。呵叫 ro~伊甸.icu h ure 咽。f~間 \;Ial Ifs li耐岫w 10 cnunciate Ihc I恥ee core p rtn呻試,nd
ro a ll carly ci 、 iliza t ion. , from Ihe ca rl y Egyplians .nd thcn rhe rhree ba$ic rul"" of flnancial aSl ro 呵~. Eac h of the
Ba bylonians on , Albirun l's 1C!llb∞k 1M Ek ", enli 0/ Ai fro /ogy la t c.εhapters 叫 11 dcmo l1!.‘ 13le t hωr appllcat他 n. Agai叫 do"、
"be 。_. - B 川叫“…'"'
conce.ned 叭,; t h memoriung them , j"~l t可 10 gel a "f""l" for "~l hin a到 rolog)' luelf 0. from the cQrrelatlon of astrological 10
them. ' 'o: ",
y ;11 be a阿lied and 晒 pplied thro 啦。 II[ the 岫k Icchnical and rundamcntpl fa叭。"

1ñ e Th ree Core I'rinciples Cross-market Confì rmati on and Family

The firsl çore princi ple of 11 剖開 logical in>"uting ;$ Th eme l-I orosco pC5
lnn: $I Îng. Th il theme ...e selCCI ,,;th the gr翱 IC~I of ca re--- ‘ “
indnd , "Ith h.,a\enly guidance
The second core principle of urological in‘電 $ung 15
T iming. Th 岫 昀 why ~ Be Ih~re firU! - is Ih.. m叭 [0 of thc
τne n.ore one rødes the ma抱回$, Ihe more respecl one de-叫
。~ for them. One
doan).th ing! " 叫 itude . Anothcr is takin刊g
m刮來到叭,~, _ ! "叮叮吋'Y I 叫 11 WIII the
re slgn of a beglnner i hi. or hcr 也 I can
it pc ,.,onDll~" "Th e
marut!" Th crefor.
i\s trologers' Fund i><f,時 placing Jarge beu -o r $hould I ha"c 組 id. making a
啊lelhi叫 ω時 pn~仙。f 甜"甸回I I,,>"e州 ng is PLace
major in,甜 mcnt-one 叫 uire. a rU.'Onoble amount of con
ASlrology maps the" cffec~ of the pland5 IxM h in lim" and in 自 nnation. Un{ortu 、ately. in thc 叫“f 閥 ny tn: hnicalliming
spac". This is why Ihis b∞,,,ω Idi><側 btitled "An ASlrologi indicD lor" by the tlme sufficient c。、 firmatio 、 has bccn
cal Guide 10 the Clobal Mar l.el$: 。 btained il may bc 100 lolCωcatch the major m()\'c , and One
"ill bc le{t 叫 th only tablc 5<:1"11μ Too mDny Ircnd-fo lJ owing
techniquc! 叫他 r {rom t恥, dcfì c! cncy. Th u,叫 all mU'1 leam
The Threc I\ ul cs of Financial Astrology to balunce risks and re “ ards. Natura!l v wc all wish to maxi
n 叫錯 11 1 : You Gct Only Whut b I' rombcd 111 、'our Nutal "';:e re叭:ard and mjnimi::. rl.k! Onc key 叭'ay 10 do this is
Charl through cTOS$-market 的 nfirmation.
For e.~amplc if OnC is trading thc gold market -a personal
Th is rulc CSn bc a阱11i ed in a 、可arÎcly of IIteal. From II'0s who fm'oritc of min c-o nc 1∞ ks to find 3n integrated scenario of
wallllo ~ thc ne.~t Mk rosoft , 10 furecasting Ihc ""p"CI吋 suc. interc 叭 rau" 叫啪"的仙y'n 伽 bility, and ,叩 開則你 a 8en
E間 。 r .ωmpan神創 ~ans;on Int o new markcts. to whClhcr it erally in"cnc corrclatlon 個 I he dollar (5ince thc Gulf \\'a., Ihe
,.. 、iise for an 。“lt1ary consCf\'祖 1;'"C 1m'閃的to. to t叮 10 make a 恤ωric relation of goJd to lhc dollar a吋 10 world cri咽 h"
killin il. In Ihc fuluTCI markcts. Ufc is full of unccrtainly and ,
broken down ). One al50 follow lhe XAU (Gold.Silver Ind e:c)
ris k, bUI 仙"叫'"悶悶的 trology 1 ~lit'\.c wc inc 他啊。'" "hich is 0 leading Indict肘。 gold pricc., Bnd Ihe hO T05C OpeS
chanccs of cncountcring a m8.kel disa Sl u by åcfi叫姆11: dis ,
of indi ;dual goJd slocl.a. One can a150 look 10 Ihe horoscope
m 帥的、W判"“,=“ Iht slars: of Ihc New York Commodity E!c change, COI\IEX. Al l of the
ab o.'c (and morc ) should bc rela lively In .ync beforc onc

Hule 12: Big 1\1 0、嗯s and E 'e n Ul Call for Big 自 nåicalor5 m岫 kes a mojor goJd mc防軍

Ru\e '3 , Qne lnd且 Clltion

15 Þ P<l啊ibility, 1\..0 / "'""' 11
1nl is callcd "the family hO T05<: Opc phenomcnon. - For
~ mpl c if a spousc dlcs. 11 wlll $how up nOI onJr in Ihe
P的babi !i t芋Th ree Are a Cr: rlninly
spouse' chort but al fO in the childtcn's charts. Similatly a ,
\\'e are referring here ωmuhlple horos凹pe indication. , aS major gold m 間精iIl $how up In '"IIri個. gold Sl ocks and glob
an\' major e-"e則叫1 山腳 'P 防ot only 叫 th big indicators 001 ,
aJ goJd ma kets. \\'c 叫 1 talk IT的~.出 ul this principlc under
,,-ith multiplc indicaωr5. The e ind爬叭。 rs Can comc from i\l arktu , as 隨時 a "e可 vitalone
。。 “ ,n" T..。
Rulcrs hips Change (Inl"resli l> gly if w" compare th" horo$cope of 1B \1 叫 th Ih:>.1
of Ih" NYSE 的 e can sec Ihc 1ω50ns fOf this , They oolh ho\"" a
JUSI a. Ihe naturc of \he rnark 開 chang的, 50 do a$l rol句口l 51rong Taurus innuenu , for e><a mple, ) 、" 叫 thin a few sh~ 丙
1lI 1crships or 曲 rre5pondcnce.. Considcr Ihe airplane indu 帥, )-"ars, IBM f" l! from grace as the OJ1A helJ間 Iher. l\I y memor
lnil ially astrologeTS 組 id il ...酒..叫ed by Ih( plancl Uranus "-ho taught me this rule hωn、 n,,, nlion時d ;1 in many )可ears
More recenl峙的的加州 ωnsldcred ilωhe "ruled " by Ihc and may even ha ,"e forgl圳en aoout 11, Today GE, G ì\ L and
planet Neplune , Why? Le t'1 ."spc吋。 ul sU p"..ral Í<)ßal lhink. E:non a ,,", perhaps the best beUwelher OJl'" tlocklõ , bm I don 'l
mg proce貓 rs for a rnomenl. and S:I "C Ihem ω161 Our tcn t.a kno" 帥}"one "ho use$ Ihem in a rashio~ 蚓、ilar to Ihe 01<Ì
U糟 conc1 usions IBM rule
Th.d個例 ne of $i~naIU鬧。r 叩 rrespondenc臼 tcUs uS 10 We ha悟 alrea卻 mennon吋 thlll ma,"""的 ch.a nJ.lf'刊時間
look for alignmcnt of 訓 mUaril)'-fo r Ihc hlghes l d叩ee of <Ì ue largely 10 1"'0 fllclO"' Ihf, ri5e of Ihe mulual funds, and
analOlO, 50 ω $pta~ιIniliall y, a‘妞 I;on ...泊、 e叮 much a scal Ihe enonnous rise in Ihe use of derhlll Í\'es anll Ihe fUlu ,,",S

0' h;.panu , darede vll nClh h y, Hry a!.:in ωIhe typ 口l
unman pers。misty..uen by modem asEmLOUT凶ay. ho"',
markeu. Th en I∞, the 'lIs t! y increased power IInd u錯。 f com
叭此 ers aCI 10 com prf! SS lradiliol、111 C}'de lenglhs. A SIOC!.: cor
e\"cr , Ihe n}'i 、g of moocm 訓rcrafl 的 a much more cj ,-ilized f!X' 酬ion of,“第 20 percen\ ,咐ch mlghl ha,-"帥"n monlhs to
perience , no long"r Ihc 曲酬 ure il once 咽S HEsau。 t? 時­ pllly 扭5elf OUI in pre.iou5 lim ,,$, can now occur rnpidly 小 a
ing.s cue別叫 nalureωcrne鬥ge , Whal is thal nalure: To get P'"吋 of da)"s. BUI 1 3m 5ure you !.:new 1 "'ou 叫“y lhal 叫叫
h 凶, 1 ln aSlrol O2V Ih31 fu n川~tion is ruled by N 巴plune. So ho ", ogy is anolhcr m3具)r faclor. 叭娃"iIl see for example Ihol Ih"
aιul a rc81. [叫刊 (51? P U\l i嚕。 u r moncy where our mO lL lh is , reun 的 ca li on dale of GClmany at midnighl of OClob"r 3 ,
and la!.:ing no chances , 、、 e pic !.:e d ßc曙 i ng stoc!.: as one of Ihe 1990, fore、'cr changed Ih" German nOlional chor t. This is not
choices In a recent long-tcrm Iroding ∞ nlc51. M we appr個,. ,
as $1 range 95 iI sound~. This e 'enl olso changed Ihc ps}'c he of
199i IInd Ihc Jup iler-Uranus 自吋 Jupilcr-NcPlune co吋 ""' Ihc peu阱 , 、‘ ho once again 附悶。t 帥肘。,.吋耐 counlry,
t的 n$. gi\'en cilhcr rul ershl p, tradillonal or mooern , lJ aω". 1口 mers t"nd 10 kecp n close C)'C on ~a5σnalilV-lhe effect
wi1l oUlperform thc markC I of Ih c summcr gro 州 ng SCIIS酬。n thc grain markel l>e in g an
Sirnilm忱 rei n forcemenl 01 inlcrscction Ihcory Iclls us Ihat obviou$ e.~ample , lJ ul one mu到 111$0 considn Ihe monlhly,
吋吶。 thc gaminνcaslno indu 帥γi smled 。r coruldh 'I uall ""弘 and year'cnd cycles , as In 叫S1 menl managcrs are
Jupiler or Ncplune , i\ 叫 11 sh怕,ow strong g increosi nglyωmptnsPltd by markCI μrfonnance 01 Ihe cnd
叩 叭
P i lcr.
←-N 叩t仙une cω。n
‘t ion of 19呻9ï. 喃 T1布his
且時"納h 。叫uld 凹
c 臼 mC as of each of Ihωe , and look 10 thc c lTecl of year'cnd 10.>: ca len
n。仙 rprise 仙 1 ωm舟叫51 markel a附悄a蛤.. 山, .,仙".阱h , Remember 趴t .,訓1 dar issu es-Apri l 15 ln U, S , mar!.:els or April 1 in Ih( Japancse
t伽he TT\l lh 的 t恥恥 t叫 h , and can oflen be 間 n by non 的 t rologi 恥、 r!.:et. Astrologus see!.: 10 chart Ihe$c mornents. bdicving
cal 0,elln5. SOm訓, m,會 I t'$ ob ...ioUl 10 011. som(limes n“ ,.凶,., 帥srnic conditlo n ~I Iht htginning of (ach cydc is
indkal間 of the qdc's cha racter. rinancial aSlro[ogcrs cel(
brale so4lice. and 叫"'"側的 in much 納 C same w"y as inm
、吋凶 1$ do Ihcir binhdp )'S. By Ihe 咽弘 birthd旬,'. are 甜rologi
Do\\' Jonc s Indus lrial A'、;c ragc
caUy 、 ery imponanl timts , and poncnd rnuch of tht tn5uing
As "" 011 "el1 know, "rulcs" nOI only ha\"e f!X'“"的 ns bUI alω )'CII" 戶ssibUi l閻明 is is "hy il is gcnerally good ad,~ce 10
a rf! subjecl 10 change , WMn I lìrsl slan"d 5lud)ing Ih" mar 間凶 51)' cc lcbrale one's birthd你的 It htlps 已。 SCI a 'I "alil)'
k制 mGaeWS7.thmsE mavkanmw m。、世鴨;lhoul IBM ωne fOf Ihe upcoming )"C ar
" " 啊。 恥。 ,,,明他相 可 的 1 H

。t恥 r market ndc. 10 be 、~"'Iched c~l, are th~ 蛤司call~ c吋

yμεcJ es perhaps just mark tÎm
耐e Jike the hands of a clod
January errec t in small-cap 鈍。ck. ; the Summer Ra ll)' Ihe , 油
a hho
h、 p的凶 b
October Crash. aka the Falr. Fall: the Sanla C l3 us Ra lJ\, elC ."伺n。閉"“al cy
戶d跆es that ha訕‘穹 aSlrolog~旭"訓I .釗1唱皂ni r.給ance. 5u.:;:h
T飢J.莎 cs pedall) since the Uranu ' l - Neplune conJunction of .歸$ the dail y r。ω"刮"切。" ,句,戶d怯e臼'趴, mOn、,hJ甘)' and )'e
啥 arly solHunar
1993. aSlrologers are being called u po.l n 10 prcd叫 ans\\ers 10 CRluond ahe Hand eowar juPEterqτle.. \\'e Can also
'"'則 ions u seem i ngl 、。 dd as "叭'ho's buried in G.ant 's rìnd planetarγcorreJations 10 sunS ]l(l t cycles. wh ich in tum
TombγThe market e <J uÎ>'alent i. “ 111 which month 圳 11 the cOlTdateωeεonomic qdes. AJI of Ihese cycJe5 gi ,'電 u﹒ merelv
janullry erfecl tllke pla".. , la!e No\-cmber. December. Janua.y,
"ωrly Februu!)'γ
• h … of the major o"cra Jl eITect ast roJogy 凶" h.何 on the
nmr~e lS

τne fo I1 0\\i l1& 3rt some s l1m抖e 3mological q'cle~ Dozens of more tcchnicaJ factOrl als時) CO ll1 C into play in
Iì nancial Bstrolog那 and a number of them "ilJ be co、電red in
sub$eq.uent c~apte.... A1 J are integrated 叫 h a variely of tim
SUOOlT.1U)I CYC曲 心中一 hg mdtcmohcEominboth ge。eentztc and hk〉centntmfH一
叫“ frames. 80th 總 em 10 ha,~ ....lidity
Daily..,..,剛 凶益,

~- 叫

As trology a nd Tri ple-sc reen I nw則可

自叫山 間~ A啥叫 ~~ The idca that a part icular p<l悶 síb 山 Iy sho附 up across systems
-sonemMappm-ch toasaxoogcaI mnuns For lonarterm
h叫 倒也"
myegtinsl the 44teat is an zmTSEmenz ahaE meets fundamen tal
m 缸"
te<: hnlcal , " ..,j甜的 oj;lical cri悟 ria. Because it isωr 叫ew thal
the aSI昀 ogical i. equa l in impor!ance 10 the Ie<: hnical and
the fundamental the no nap plicatlon d agt ro hgy to 自 nance
切喝叫 …山間
".山$ in &1 IC llS t onC-lhird of market dynumics nOI bein j;l ade

quateJyaccounled for.
Jupt ,....s.'um c。間間lμ, if aSlrologerl 間 re 10 Ignore Ihe f,山
叫 '"~ damenlal and the lechnical , thc; 叫 uld be mí $S in2 out On
'"珈山叫 sof mazkat dynamu£g e

Th,訓 ngle.planet cycle. thal ha、可e b.e en compikd ha嗯 dif

ferent lenglhs accordiog 10 whether I hey a向 geoce川'" Uni q ue E、 ' " " 、'c rsu s Cyclic P a lte rns
(earlh.cenlercd) or helio甜 ntric {sun.cenleredl , ønd other
variables. The rel C\'ancc to the mar恥ts of 叭iII morc complu M叫 fìnancial 甜,。咿 rs ha"e lended 1。岫αntratt'個 m"
orcom以 ned planctary cyde. is beyond the $COpe of this in-tr o- ." 刑 le5. Th ere are 岫 ny rea lO n. for 帥!but the pnmary
ducl。吟、砌成 。ne I S 山則 inve5 tingllrading again~t a m叮叮叮cJ c is Jike
More impor凶 nt than fi.~ed - I ength 句dcs in e<:onomi間。電 ,
mot orbo的 t!ng again SI a .trong ,,;nd \ou may st iIJ rωch yo ur
th e irregubr cyclc. tied 10 planetary movemen l. Pl anelary goa !, but dt e c蚓 川 fud (money)mH be fmr iusher thanuyou
。4 CIW'TI' y..., …
F AJTJI<IoL<>Cr 101 H

had gonc 叫 Ih the no<心i\ nothcr, perhaps, ís IMI a higher Ic , -el Th rcc MC l hocls of Approach
of Iraining and e:~pcricnce 1 called for if unique\ 酌可ents
The inlegratiOn of aSl .ology ,,11h con<'entional market lI na 怕凹
a.e to bc succeufuU}' forecasl. Yct commensurate 側的, h,

的 done b)' 叫 ing I'l nanci818s\rology as

c.~tra cffort 1. the e.\i ro 闊的'N
h 惱。b咐"'的 01 maJo r c"enIJ sh酬 up "ith major indica AAA
ton. Th C$ e Indicaton a~ of cou啊 sho"'n in 甜的 10都 but in

other lechnical s‘'Sto'm~ a$ ",0' 11 , ' o u can usc: an)' combination

of l e吋 niq凹 s that you find 10 be consi Sl ently reliable H
Hopeful句 Ihey "ill be 側恥 ienlly good ad''a nce iml 叫帥"
be pro Fi table. ^slrologers han~ no monopoly on the truth , Whil ., fìnancial 的 Irolog)' ClI n
be used În a uand.alone
alth仙gh I Sl阿 ngJy belie-'e 間 oflcn get fìnt dib.! m吋 e 們叩st .eadc.. 咐11 benefil by s imply 叫仙 nll: it [0 Ihcir
timc and price system$ , Idωlly 10 c realC a "triple.screen-
melhod. S I叫 m 閒 a岫 叩加仙仙 1$ 伊已仰叫
&, n

閉酒 恥11l伽
"0 叫。挑"旬。, 恥 f.CW 叮
Two T heorc lical Approachcs 10 Forecas ling ω。叫,,,ω。 enhance 咐 1 h,開'"叫 肘,附
u r閃

e 圳'm
n 耐冒耐e ‘山
h 吋。叫1。句 8泓 while Ihosc
l ed in a51ro 。啥glca
叫a訓1 阿
叩 叩圳
α t闊c
健間'"叫t仙 "ml卸 l付
y 岫d ω , 。"血妞 more
Th c firsl Iheoretic81 approach 15 that of exaCI mathematical and mOre 、W祖ried !lstro 袍 ca l lechniques
叩 ace (5圳 rn ) . Th is malnlalns Ihat il is po S1 ible [0 chan 帥,
momenl of tim.. , Ihc largest tim" pcr心ds ímagínable Financia l As trology aS a Primary Tool
down 10 the smalle~\ , In Indi.n a訓 rology Ihese peri咽 s range
from a Yuga cycle of 4 32 個() )'ea1$ do"n to thc 8Ve昀'ge length 、\'C do nωsce astroJogy 倒 being a magic bullel, Or 個 mstanl
of 3n individual brealh 0. hcartbeal. (5uch potcnl凶 precl恥 n pu..port to riches , Nonelhclcss , the dcplh and varictv of asl m-
is ho"腎、、er bc)'ond the g asp of Ihis practít間 ner, u飢n~ lhe l句jcal 1∞ S 的,叫什hClher it 略 use<! as a n 時'roscope m
t也 h niquω.eodily .<"3 ilable in thc pu巾 lic domain ,) Th c finan. day Irading 0. a Iclescope in forec3 S1 ing long-range market
cial as\rologic.1 加e~aste內 who suhscribc 10 [his [hcory I可 ω .hiflS, aSlrology has something 10 ofTe. 柵門 ma rket partícip叫
forcca5川 c""ry do y' s aClion in nll of Ih e markds , and J bdie ,.., Aslrology is of gre州l usclnl時 lping one 徊s.e lect ool h the
Ihís rc.叫 ainfartωmany errors in praclicc Whm and thc \V hen , blll addillona l lcchnical and fundamcn
r he ~econd approach h thal of guidcpo~t Iheory ,
1.1 [∞ 5 can be u ed toωnfirm one's choices , Vcry fc ", finan
(Neplune) , and I employ thls morc frec_form l)'pC of markel ~ial a51呵。j!ers usc o../yω Irologica l I∞ s to forecast markct悟,
for <<, asling. In olhe. "'ordl , 1 use IISt悶。gy in order to gain and mos\ likcly these 祖 re Ihe beginners , Of COU TSe if Ihe indi
advancc n帥的cal ion of many ,1吵耐e symbol 時間叭尬, Ihen ,
calOrs a c e.~tremely strong no confirm關開 may bc re<l u 耐d
build 咱 rious scenarios &開 u nd \hem , 1 prefcr 10 nomle those cspedally if il is a market "' urp巾 c" thal is anlici pated
lim側的&1 arC most 叭的ngly indicated. Jf Ihey IIre 跑回nd.,d by
oth"r indi叫間, alll h.. better, but a $umciently robusl 制r。 Fi nancial A孤 rology as a Second Opinion
他gical indicator 叫11 almosl al"'a戶 " manifesl. " 甘妞,但 .kfinitc
n叮妞rs or IIme 悍的吋, h,啥叫"'峙的 f()l" long-term in、、e'l­ Mosl 叫“ enful fund managers who study a.trology dO 50

ing and 品r shor term Inlding horilons ,
aflc I'lcst d C\" eloping a tradl;'g 8nd in憎肘 mg 到ylc that has
.. ,.呵盯峭
…..> "
F,,,-,..:w. A

gon~ 0 1'1 \0 prc何 il~('lf a ~uccess. Not looldr、g 10 replace exiSI 、Vhal
mg I∞ S IInd te.: hniq l1 "s , thry ,,~.h 10 augment Ihem. Initially
pleasan肉 surpn剖叫“恤叫rol曙叫 do for them , Ih呵 L例如 ng fìrsl at planetary themes , "-e ch創>>e ".1.." ldruls of
叫‘白 tments and trades 10 make. Th en we 100也 ωthe hor o--
,岫nωne [ (1 takc I1 for grant nl.. y,,! if both astrology and 1M;'
創 ew agrce. ther are much more likely 10 make 翩翩吋
than "hcn dl咕嚕'"'明巴xist. h is prudent rnonc)' managtment
u。μ$ of Ihe indi,ídual slocks we "'ishωb,吋e1l, as Ihe nat
llral $CC。吋 $Iep in fìnancial utrological analysit
10 set= k confìrmation from astrology 、,Vhe~
or coursc, If a rt1 0們C)' managcr w('rc 10 USt fìnancial a.lml
ogy not 3. a sccon d opinion but as a fi.51. h~/sh" could 凶。ki ng nt mundane horoscop 的 (prima 吋 Iho$C of countrie.
hccome lhe obj削叭。 f a lcgal su it. cspcdally if it wcrc 1'1 01 fully m岫 rkcts) ,咐 dccide 、,'here

di loscd In advance to thc ε Ii ents. NonClhe 峙 n , most

lìnancicn ho mak" use of IIstrology 3re 5[111 in the dosel
and we wi lJ im'CS\ our money.

Th ey may not 5e C any economlc advantage In proclaimlng Ihe
m仙es of lt. as they ha'-" no d"sir(' 10 gi'"C away th"ir ""U i\gain we Iωk 10 each of the abo懼怕m錯。 pes 10 delerm ine
s,c, creU and possibly br .u..d in th.. ba申 m ,
w-I..!"" is the best time 10 bu '/sell

Finand.ll l ^到 rology as a Blackhoard l\I odel lnpu t How

In IM 5 Ihlrd teehnlque , muhlple indep~ndenl kno ", ledge τ"h is 1$ ,,'hcrc th e cospecialry aspcct of fìnDncial aslrology
ω , ro肘, whic h C3n Indude mo阿 than .,me a51rological fore ωmes in. h be間 repealing that il is 酬。nly ...hat 戶U kno ...
casling S ~"$le m , 3re combined togethu 10 painl a m。時,om b叫 Iww )'O u U~ it lhat coun lS in th~ markl$. Ch∞省 ing th~
plele p削 ure Ihan any .ingle foreε351eT or fOreC3$lÍ ng 'Y" tem beSI in$trumen l$ to p!ay is a .."stly importam 咐 U in il$ elf. Th is
could do. 11 i. analoRous 10 3 "1ωm of e 叩erl$" ßpproach , is impo巾 nl nOI on l)' in trading bm "pplie$ to ln、!CSting 8$ 啊 11.
whe reby e3ch per50n communic叫“ h的 or he. t'..\pc rtise 10 3 lf you dorù know when II 's advantageoU$ 10 buy preferred over
grolJp leader/facilitator, who thcn fccds back to the group any ωmmon slock. o' 、vhat markets are be $l for con"ertible bonds
ncw markct conclltion. and d.也凹的明 5 taken , This appr∞眩 h <o 、 ersU$ 5tocks , 0' ...hat as總 t allocation 恥)'O u're probably p],l}
markCI forc旭 asting and I.ading i. highly computeri~陣d , and ing_ the \\ '811 Slreel g3me like a T\ ama!eu.. ' ou may be lucky
,,~叫 ly highly 間間凹的間叫lJy 311e3$I , lt C3n provide Ihe
high叫 d..時間r"ω悶悶 and p間昀沁 0'" 咽 rkct modeling
Now le t's do a qω,k 時cap of Ihe fh'e principal factor苟且R
“a T\ d , <:\'en 、,'hen )'ou're up againsl p ros 州h 出 11 , kno 叫

gc , and e.'叫
酌叫 μ 恤.,.計肉,
.n,咽""吭, bUI 曲
e旭 ""山 h.
d。 叭
o t 隘.d }"O u悶間elf lhal yo也 're on a
昕"愉h.卸n risk I蚓嗯'"、'"必 h,吭
astrologlcal tradlng o r im-e.ling, Ih e Who 、Vhat , 、Vh,間, e副 ilh恥er ch OO$ e 切I 。 s叩pend Ihe Ilme 此 i ‘叫 11 lake 10 Jeam 。“"叫i蛤
W仇e 帥 , and How. 椅 ork ...llh a 釘{j na 訓倘"旭.1句 prof,
悍蟾酬"~哺55 10, or 50"'" kn恤特d)l" of, fìnancial BSlroJogy.

The fim rule of financial astrology is to仰)"1Jr (nf明'''""

jor gu叫a"C~ , Thi. encompa.. not only the psychology of the
tradcr/ln\'estor 趴此尬。 ur recommended 5lart;ng polnt fOT all
叫Jscqu圳叭叭l臨 in fìnancial a,trolo )(J

Kn ow Thyself

T hree primary 岫 of fina叫1 的 'rol嗯y in'-圳

1. 5I I/!:
Finding on e'$ in甘心linll (omfort I~‘ d f,om on,ù

2.1了"';111: \\門hen 10 go for th時 brass ring, 明 hen 10 1ak~ a

\'aC a1ion

3. s,~_咽吋 Ch輔i個g on~'s fìnancial ad\~姆 r. 1rad呵 p.rt

n(..(s), and markets

I' he Îl rS1 rulc of Îl nancial 蚓昀 logy 的 ωlook 10 your QWn

horolco 糟 for gωdance. One common denom inalor of suc
c~s5ful traders and in'-e~lors is lhat each t'.tprnses his or her
0"吶圳 "/11e 51叭ιAS1rology help~ one 10 disco'-er on e's own
po:fS.O naltradinglin '"1!süng style, markel amn!!ies. and timing
cyde,. 1 ha\-( pr",~ou sly m(nt;on 吋 1h~ BSltological m咽 m
吋'ou ge\ only whal i. promi~d in 1he natal chart. ' By b<"in 呵 8
"Irue 1ω 。 00
岫 臼s揖
e 帥elr
叫 On 附他 α 凹E
R 臼賦,吼,
.. but ,恥.- h01 abou1 Ihe 岫b。"。帥m
官n lin\"? Does inner hone “削
'"昀。 m,削E“』蛤

c 叫11句
a y lead 旬t 。 8間a
i 'y
ρ? Is success rea lly
o ,圳
n 1M 岫
5 t恤'n
I'irsl. a slight digr-essio肌As we ...cre going 10 pt叫 .Fo治國
magnine W8S do;ng a 5un 5ign 51udy of the ..00 richest
Amnlcans. This sho.... nol onJy tha1 851101(8)' is 510 Iy be ‘
(ommg mωnSlttam" in Îl nancial circlcs , but allo pro計 d..
,'c rification of thc ma.. im that 5UCCUI is be S1 ach;'e" 吋 by
belng 仙( \() On叫 lf

c"....,... TIw:.
"-_ TItI..",
If the S hoe F i ts , 、Vear h frequenl 阱rlfol i。仙 a. one fealu~ of Ihe qutsl for
Ihe grealesl p。“ îble appreciation of prinCÎr叫
E•.en if )"o u are wilhout the benefit of """ing an aSlrol~r, )"ou ''''糟 in mind here IWO as.odates. Th e firsl 15 a consum
can consciously align 判 urself 、、 ilh an in時Slmenl 到肉。o )"O U 間 le dar.lrader and "ealth 吋,~,ωιWhcn [fi 剛到 aned work
p~fer gro 明 h o. ,,. Iu.,: 5hon.lenn trnding Or long.tcnn 圳、~. ing "ilh him [ e n<:ounlered a ''''.e~ [anguage problem. He
ing? 0 0 )"O U P間 r"ωpurchωe a slock because of 叭 rong fun ,,"O ul <l sa其 forexample, that he ",...5 閥 bull岫 Ihal he ".ould
damen tals or a good lechnical chan? 1)0 )仙且切的 Ide r the be "Iong fore‘明" in Ihe stock marke l. Two day5 la!"r [ was
tr"nd )"O ur friend ," or do )"O U P 曹長 rtobeac。川 rarian? shocked 10 learn that he was .ho" the markel thal day. This
1\1 051 experienced and successful in'.es t。肘 have found happened a fcw limes beforc J realizcd thot ns a dny tmder hi.
their 0叫 umquc卸 satisfactory answe l"$ 10 the prcviou5 恥的 ,
limc horizon general ly was one da興。、 ernlght I ading 叭1鍋
tωn5. \V hen 1 firsl ob !a in a nCw dient. 1 ask Ihcm to fill OUI a '. Iong.tcrm ," and t仇。 days were "forc'.c •."
di~nt profile. (See Appendix If L) i\! uch of this informa {Í on COfl'啥叫你 another associale and 間的自間 nl banker (and
~qucsl 1. Slnn <lard ,巴"叩1 for Ih~ peno nal BSlrology da個'"' closet finandal astrologer) , ....ho bUy5 and sdls "'rge po州 10M
tn'.e州 ng hlslOI字 H er~ [ ask for Ibeir blrth lime , place, an <l
也曲2他eι, as ...ell
“'"叩"附 a旭蚓
e "ω. 叫
“ t山

a 心
(.ω). I am prima 間

s 呵,.喇
ilv 1。開。~"嗯, r.

肘叮 a ,".:I lch be
trades only 切11th the s e<: ular trend. He can ignore an easily
perceptibJe b~t counterlrcnd DJ IA mo..e of 50+ poinl5 ,
.n k也 U$l! his 個 ding horizon i. generol付 monlhs and his inn'SI
Iheir ba蚓$釗甜 ic horosc開。 pe na tu 噎 and 昀 t hei
吋 ir 仙
b u肘""釗
m. “.. 。旬 ec {i,.電 g ment horlton yea時 Nωsurprisingly, Ihe current mlnimum
Whe~ these do nol match , or Iheir pól- SI ma rkt 巳可史而 accounl 鳥r my lrading friend is S;OOO , while for my Im~.1
.oc的'"、.e bcen unfonunate , J look tO Ihcir horo償。pe 10 lìnd ment banker fricnd i t"s 扭 million!
creau惜、惘y' of changing Iheir overall in'.estmenl strateg乎
B釗.'on<l Ihis , 1 a時1 in a fairlv 51間 ightforw羽吋"啊 50ry capaclty.
Jn ad <l itlon to the importan l i 錯ue of In .csting style、 fìn an Ar riving a t Qnc這 True Comfort L..e 間i
cial astrologen also look at the ,.ery same non-astrological fac
tors ony finanda l consu l他nt would. One prim ory consi <l era Through pcr~onal e.'(perie nce I havc discovercd Ih e great
lion i5 risk tole rance. At the one exlreme 、'.e ha'.e the \"ery im pO n (ln ce of clienl comfon Icve l. If a clicnl 帽 comfonab l .
risk-averse. 恥Ich as many reli ren for whom a Sleady, ufe 、問Ih a pωilion , he or she 啊111 S! ick "'th it e、 en in Ihe face 01
lncome 15 thc considerotio 、. At the othcr exlreme .,叩itr. rf It "'115 sim ply Ihrusl upon hi叫Jt"r. il ;S likely to he
we ho\"e Ihe aggreu Î\.e risk.take r, he or shc who 000時,(1 abandoncd all 100 easily.
lωkl for growth of principle a s an upwardly mobile )"O ung Th ere are sc'.eral dimensions to 四 mforl le糟1. \\話 h ,~
側eculi,~ might. B的"'"恥a 恤g, I lisl my dients under one .h訓ly 5poken about risk tolcronce. In astrology Ihe pri刷W
of t"'"O hudings: \\娃 31th Pr臼."剖ton, or 、、.'cahh Creatlon. i吋蛤atQr$ a~ the planels Man and 5alurn. A μnon "11h a
Clicnts al闊地dy in possess ion of co的 “ derable "ealth are 封閉g t\l a時 l 恥""' risk , wh恥 a slrong S別 urn lan 時 genero lly
m011 concerncd 恥,.Ìl h Ìl s maintenance , as 鴨.(1帥、們th prot e<: mOft risk.a'.ene
lion from infb tion, exc的創 \"e laxat ion , Ihe th rea t of e:<p mpria A 盼曲吋 dimcn訓。 " ..ωmfon 1",.,,] has to do w叫h 仰 . .
lion of properties , and simila' issues. Th甜 ln'<estmenl de<: i own pcrsonal 叫 ew of the economy. If you be lie,.e ;1 will he
5ions generally are consen'ali嗨, and taken from a )ong-Ierm robust , then an inveslmenl in an aggr"nive gm叫 hf.叫 m的
pe rspeclive. C加時間I弘 when wc alth creMion i5 the para be su itable. If you belie'.e 叫 are headed for a re'eUio Jl, thcn
mOunlωnsideration , trading issucs dominatc Investing 到 rale I' urchusing a 岫" d pon folio may b" the rno時叫m叫 I\'e alter
gies Ihat ore aggre..h.., by naturc. Usua lly this resu lu in more nnt;,.e
" 。關t!. T.... '、嘲 ,.~ B

FinBII)~ 耐 1001.
10 \bms u the prime B$lrol叩,,1 副研描
CBlor of com for t. It rep e."nn what "呵 r)'bod y likes

$mce 、晴尚呵電 d “。削 ha~e 叫 u n lin


ited r凹 u
el. R",. 開‘
n、羽",.: yo
啥U叫"齡 “..刮t a lJ 。闊c叫
s 刮t“
a 叫t胎。 n 皂n可穹.,吋}' '1 Uω"叫附
ler 証
I r )1) u 叮
a re an
""叫。gt:1"$ $1>個 Id 1001< 10 甸甸n and aspecl placemem for “"創l、w
a 、嗆e in.'惚
e“"ω。,叭J角'trnder and each year if )lI U a~ 憎'n。“‘ A 必s艙蚓t尬s 電m
dilionally are allocated among cash. bondl , and $Iocks. an <l
broken dO"'ß inω "income-oriented" and .', ro nh.oriented" ‘
po.“IiωOth" , fìnancial planners add a calegoγ by includ
Whcn to Sc ll Stod•.s
Th e slock market i. a m缸 hanism for Ihc bu}ing and lling of

ing langihle or real as鍵 u suçh as rcaJ lote. pr位尬的 metal.
andω lI eCliblu . I al50 se l'aratcly inclucle commodi tíes , 10
.tock.. Yet J fjnd Ih叫 most people spend far too little time bring the CD t<:'gOry totalω fi'-e.' [11 a consc/'\'別叫 purtfol io
1"叫lering \V hß\ and \V hen to .ell. Oftcn thcy feellhat Iheir ωmm 吋"肘 would b., us吋 mOre for he句 ing thßn spec叫a
...ork has been done oncc Ihey ha問 dClerr啊 ined \V hat and
u司hen 10 bu)"- That is why 1 "ísh 10 habnce Ihe 叫"啪n b
suggcsting tha咚 )'ou 時間e ‘'/evaluate ~'our ponfolio each month
, r,.
11011 purposes. 0. not al alt dcpen <l ing on level of die~l COm

A final iuue is that of Di'""rsit)' "e吋 us ConCenlr別的n

orqunner. h呵,別呵間岫 ns. [ perso抽 Uy fìnd my ideal numher to
t ha ...e th re.. nttes fOl Ihi$ process. HOWC'''Cf, I must point bo"、:e. For in糟仙 ng purpωes , my p陪同。 naJ comfon 110"'. ,] 5t ip
Olll Ihal (明 JI be leaving the (a..凹的呵 uenccs of M' Uing to , 1,回 thal I di\'ers舟 into no less lhon 6 and no more lhon 12
。 ne side,甸的e.... a rt' best add間 sed indi~id 叫 1)\ B凶 m any diITerent ioou吋s1markel恥sitions. I ca的[ adequatcly keep
case, if a slock is dcarlv head e<l 10 Ihe hasement it is fa. bet-. I.ack a吋 be kno...ledgeable about mo 穹的 an 12. Se ek (and
te. 10 sell it at once. re伊 .dle,s of il$ CU lT enl p間的 t 0' 105' 到a find) )"OIJ r o...n ideal mlnimum and m甜 m'm
\u. an d lhe 開銷 ible la~ consequences
RuJe 削 Se /l i......ed叫ely ,,-he.. }'叫叫“ Id 叫 lo ..ger
/''' y
“ In i n糟 sting, a million.dollar po阿 fol io is of cou.鷺 aJ]oc叫
diITe.entlr than a S \0故>0 one. Tu l..e the 5 percenl ntlc ,
叫“ ch stipuJat的 thal one should 峭的 risk more than 5 per.
/he s/ock ,,/ /he e" ....e fll priee. You ar~ anuming that o\her
ω則。 thc 凹 rtfolio on any single tradi吟 P"岫n 、Vhile this
l'eo l'lc nre not as smnn 0. perceplÍ\啥的 )'ou if \hc)' bll}' at the
makcs pe.fcct s...ns地 for big in時 stors, applying illo n $10 ,000
'"昀 n! 0. higher príce, and oftcn that's 11 咱可 dangerom
a鉛 umption. AI!crnali\吧 1" 苦。U can plnce n close.sell “" 臨的 unl-Ihal is , hmiling exposure to 扭。 o inve "'g po釗
uon←-的巾 inly doc.n'\. J u叫 ωao}', on the Inte.nel , 5o meone

RuJe 12 制叫,
5e叫..../1 附.""叫"
i" a.ked me "How ,,'ould rou in" 削 $10 ,000 ,的suming Ihal is 011

a ob峙,,,腳,"'",,,啤
'g .. 51.恤

o<:10. For 間m
呻咿le , 叮
i f )'0
吋叫。Id se'-eral )'~r 3nelS呵Be fore amwcrin g, 1 indicalcd Ihal I n~ed 恥,~
冉p。帕'圳州"“2盼。 叫
n s and t】恥.鷥閉
e s 。叫y One lho 祖.. 霄 ~"闢"惚

e 削叫"恃, bo‘ '" 昀 >"'恥
n ι
;nlormalion aboul
剖11 ;1. Wh
m 句 y be uncomforw. bl c? Alloωdi館。mfon 他 mlmt",、d_
alcn )"OIJ 10 a fulu ", proble m, ralher than goad )'ou into crro.. 明、e S , luat甸、 of Ihe dienl: cctired. juSt slarting 0叫 m ..
ofJudgm酬 ri",、"llh childrcn?

RuJe 13 , &:/1 u'I..",en,r .. stoc k's I.orvs曲戶"“lic 叫“間叫一 Future lìnancial pro'pec lS: st3Mc , improved. diminished?
ble 1.酬。b1.. al'eud. Afler all, if 的 e don'( follo ", 3strol句O"."h'1 Jnve st ment objecti,'e , and risk \oleranc..?
am 1 \\Ti ting, and 戶 11 rcading , Ihi. 00。帥、\'e mn '1 k "=nl(,
but the 吋ds are in Ollf favor. r ll ~ providing sc、 crßI examr甘心
。 f this in Iatcr chaptc的 "n.... ... … mω <10.....…』叫…'岫啥
The market is continlla lly pr仙;ding "ew oppo.tu酬地 s. but 叫叫叫 ﹒且 ,心…"點"",.,.…>O<kMaI.o.
.. - .
" "喘口."'
K.__T m>rU 弓實

Of COu "", if t如此 ad bccn my dic帆 l 叫 uld alωha,'c asked

Th in kirog LÎke anA剖開 10l(Cf
f叫 horosω.JH= data. B叫叫阿Înl is that 卯 u should ha 'd.""k ,
Jots of ans 10 101$ of qucstions btoforc 戶u )ump m 訕訕 h Now le白 apply the pl桐eu di re.:: tly 10 some pω5ible 加 e5ting
mn'到 ment advice
"yl".. Aslro[oge 時 know thal an in,'e$tor 帆,ith a slrong Mars
, “
likes actÎon. Helshe 1$ 11 natural ri k-Iaker ho likes to play
Plane lary In\"eSlmCn l Sryles hOI ~Ioeks . Ahern側 .l明 hel.he c 叫 Jd e.>: pren this aClion in
p!a)'i~g opli')M s , fUlure ,. or emerging ma;""t.s τne Mars [rJ>e
H .間 a~ a few ample pJanelary 叫他 sling s[)1es f,帥 you 10 .lω10\-es a chaU"nge. In li兩位。 f ~cess they are f,盼lhardy-一
penl$ e. Can )"OU fìnd )",的rown?Ofc叫 rse nOne of U$ 崎 jusl 閥 rriors on horseback charging again'l Ih~ cannon ! 叫,."
mu pla""lary I)"pe , and 戶 u may ha\"(~ mQn' IMh One pla ",,' grealesl nernesis is imp~lli"nce
,0..,路,'cry $Irong in )'OU T horosc。但 l . 岫 m$ of combi叫 ng plancts , 前叫 in'-eslmenl has ooth
Mars and J uplter 晰"Ong, aro aggressi\"e growlh fund 叫】l b.
5un: Indu S!ry !eaders, blue chi J>$ approprÎat". 51ro,、Jl N句 lunians 間 ed 10 be careful 10 副'oid
M∞n: Trend.folJo的'ing ,
the kirod of .cam 50 悶、/alenl in the p" nny stock ma加1, rel
becau iH! c'-ery coin has t""O lides, theÎr i n仙 100 11 o. nalin~ psy-
M ....c..吵。吋 lrading; primary ruler of slocks
chic ability can 叫 50 heJp 電 hem 10 antic ipatc lrends far ;nlo the
1倒叫 Primary rulcr of bonds futu re-a qualily highJy valued on \\'all Str"et! Th is is also a
MIlf'S; 1-1 01 stOCQ , deals , oplions; keyword i. <lclω"ω心 伊吋 combiro3l 1on 心 r a "e川 ure capi talist , as it aJl ows her 0.
trarian (Iiku 10 flght). startups him to foresce p<!51 恥 i Ji ties far in advance
jupifc r: Gro"'1h inve Sl ing
5111""" Strai唱hl arro 吭 Value 1m'叫 ing, Shorting
Sun Signs and Investîng
Urmms; IPQs; keyword ;s "cw
N叩hme: 51nry s\ocks , rumor I' loys, venlure capita l r am Sure m、'y .e3de" are more “ fl.m,刊山
即r 圳 t咐
h their 叫
s un Sl l/: n
E山h.叩. ,即
n g削
γ 咿
伊 Perhap. h is 岫“叫." 叫l 枷-昀
h. e 昀 吋嘲 8呆
PI..I 防 Mecgers 3nð acq叫別tωn5 , lurnaround cand 恥dales ,
insil]cr troding
缸rlook the 、沛油l仙ue of these 釗s 』啥
e gns in in嗨s“tlßg
CUMInlyastronause cm k mak for a number of p。"tbk
Hc ", 3re a few combinalions of planets
"π叫“怕n$ , such u bet明en Arlc and st artup companies , or
Vi rgo arod techn間 I anaJysi$. Rcmcmber pl"85-" that- )-our SUn
\'é.."s-M OOtI: Trcnd-follo,,"如嗨, wha t's popular
sign is jusl one of 帕啥叫 important factors in your huros四~.
^,,,rs-)"pil,佇句gress間 gro"1h
and tMI )'O U. t\I∞ n 51gn a 時d t\l ercury 制d Ven 山到gns ,, [s 白
^,"rs-U叫“ c.削 mnans a . " ímporla nt . J have indud ed a large ."rerral list of
Søt"....-Pl"甸、明,.喝, and orpharo" turnaround candi aSlroJogen In Appendíx J 叫他‘ hen )"O U "'ould Jike to check
dalc. Oul you . h oro$cope 阱rsonaUy. 1nc foUo \Ving enmple 3' " ,
M"",,,砂司、妞'pl'" 信心。句 'Ioeks províded only \\i th the rese ....-a ll棚'J'叫“..吋, and
fee<l back and 呵:>eriero<< 叫"b.們的例 \\"elcome hell巳
c… T血
何 T...w
M" St8nup' G_,剛開=~
山 ''''UTU也
G,m 叫 """'"
T,叫且 o.
~4...h 1、叮 S枷

已"閣,甸側尬,-" OUO......I.......""b
C."".,r R...J n個" ""旬,岫叫晴, 阻

u。 La rge ".1" 恥".~I"" 耐 h抄附 B...,.Ioo<...U h~枷

例.......叫啊" 們........蜘s., '.m
、丹嗯, Teclmical analy';'
Ubr. Rclntion.hip 圳、 uting
Scorp 。 "。耐心m \ou 叭.'i ll
IIQtice that in thc casc of I'cter Lynch. Jupitcr is
Sagittu “ Intunalional Ihe ))1 1I nωmOSI clc,.,. ted. at the h自ghcsl poin l. h 的問 II)UnCI
Caprlcorn ß\ uc chips , tavi嗯, hclween Ihe 仇 lidhean'n and Ihe Nodes 、,Vhat doe. t hat
Aq uariul Contrarian meDntγhat he i. ø growth in\'.. Sl or par 郎 cellence. I'cte r
Piseω SRI: lOCiall~ 間 pon.ihlc in'~Llng Lynch's approach 10 in,-ut;ng, 'B \I)' "hM you Imowand like ,"
, h。泊., up \'e ry clearly in his I袍的賞。"“悍的 g. 3- 1). Note thc
^..昀咿 rs aJso hu.-e trad ílionally auigned certain indus叮 promincnl configu剛剛。.f Moon (A叫 uire ) in as p<<1 10 his
蛤吼。 rs to Ihe sig肘, such as hanking 10 Taurus or mediø tO Sun (..hat you know) and Venus (....hat )'00 I泌的
Gemini. ln theory Ihese 的。 uld corrfipond to rø,"Orite 艙。"" 00 叭,;何 cn Buffe['. binhday, thc Sun is In d。但 utne 10
\\'e \\'、IJ deaJ "ith this 10pic in Chapter S Satum (~ Fig. 3.2 ) 叭扭 .1組提e IhaL Mcrc“你 the planet of
For dcmonstration purposes 閥、叫 1 now 1ωk brie l1y at the 別叫惘也呵呵e. .. Jn "O ‘,d 叫 h bolh Murs .吋 Salurn
horoscopes of two of Ihe m051 famou s name ín in時叫吟 , 1ñi. 的。恥 s his interesl in ''a lue in啥叫 ing. 1\1.呵。 lωmay be
、、'arr., n l3 uITel and l'eler Ly明"b 到 ro"g, . s it 晶。'" up '"鍵時ra l c on lmrla 、“ rutegics, one of
Pelcr Lynch is pcrhaps the De st-kno\\'n a戶stle of g阿"h "hich is Volue Im.(.t;ng or buying out.of.f:趴 or st仗Iu, Also ,
M何 5ting. 71 ,;, apprω,ch prdc的 10 buy fa sl'growing compa thc fuct thω .\ l ars-Saturn arC togethcr shows D 51rong relen.
n,.,s 0吋 thlnlu lhol high price./.凶 rntng ra\Jω ( PIE) are fìnc , 50 I;" C tendency. You 叫U note that Buffel usually does nOI scH
long u the com pa ny mainlains higher-Ihan-a惚rage growth ““ ks as they approach 100 perccnl \IlI luatio~ 。“ called for bv
and 細 les. Th e main po叫 is 10 alwa)'$ buy thc best ωmpan ,es , the 'textbook" Graham \'aluc apþroach
oflcn rcgardω , of price 守" '、 cry Ihing Ihere 旬 ø season. and a tlme to ('\'、ery pur
il<吋amin Graham and hi. d i銬,旭、的問 n BuITel 3re the pωe under he8.-.:n.. . .. Th at famous linc from Ihe third chøp.
o, m暉 , mO$ I often 吋entified "ith the Valuc l n嗨 51ing school ler of Ecclesiastcs , rcgarding liming, is oflen qUOl ed by
l"h e ldea here is to buy oul -of-fa、四"“ ks. "Buy 3 com (Xl ny at auro logers , ønd for good re350n. Cleø r1俱 lraders and
a subslanlial d隅。unl rrom ""O rking capi tal, and ~ 11 it when 11 j ß\'eston go through ~good ' and 'bad~ perlods. \喃喃 .h" 肘
n時間 a \1I 1ue of I 曲 pe rt:ent of 叫 rking capi l ll. l." IHpending 。 n a hOI strcak il seemS as if almost onylhlng Ih cy touεh
upon the market cyde Ihcr~ can be less 叫 sk 10 Ihls approach turns 旬 goJd. and. com'crsely. when Ihey feel Jike Ihcy are
aJi the Slock is 叫ready s~lI ing 到 a disc 叫川 ønd "ilh a lo,.- u 、相 lklng 叭叭 h a JlCrpt' tual ra;n doud o"er the lr h金 3d ., almo S\
Ihan a\'erage p,厄i nothing seems ωhelp. Ast叫"1lY d帥 s hclp in timing Ihcse
He ,吋 3 brief compari ωn of thc Lync h a"d the Grahaml ,
cycles. It bdng ofparticular 'olu c in bolh thcse cu~csω kno\\'
ßuffct app rω由" when llH~y 論叫 1 cnd!
‘ ,,_ T.....u
" C"""oT_" "

國 間"嘲﹒

+ "11'" 9

.. ,....


Asthe natumof the markets malwayachansins1we must

'"叫咱ry of being the general 山附 prcparing 叫gNT F1CUIIE !.l W....n 8~ff.t'. bo.oo呻岫岫h<uu.. lIuff.,'.叫
,,,'訕訕1'o 1arut ad 啪的 gcnerally 9r t' required 10 inue a dis “....1. u伺,,,,,,,,",, , ø u風-~嗯.恥,“ ".nd咽.,,'"旬$1..1
“ ,1.'1". •...w
1.. 叫
daim時 r aJong the lines ofω Past performance ls nO gu間 ranlee .hart ro.甜"的凰"叫J,...., _ In<l自食.""~儡d 品“工
of fulure 咽 ..h.o" How Înlereslin的, n 呻 uld be if theγwere ω
開 I thelr 啊。叫叭"四pe indîcat叫叫飢m tTz ."筒 .ible 10 1"'" pub 1ic record ,. A '~ry go吋 idc:a, if 戶 u ..üh
performance his!orie量 Thîs ~ould 311 <)1.00' for tbe r"neSI possi 10 k<< p y。即恤ding po酬。""提cn:tl
ble disd的M時 , I belic九零 白 Ignoring I dien t's astrological cy叫“ 1. ma吋 a n: wonl 1。
A surprising number of 3d.,."",s and ωm~ny presiden lS do. can lead 10 .urprising 間 ult.. \\吭ile I few highly .ucr臼S
aT t' be∞m 呵 mo"" and 帥"“咐。叫可叫th thw bwth
data This Mmpeually tme d newertgmall c。mpantumat
叫 11 間 Icome any.訓~d' ilwe.tor. On the olher .Idc of the coin,
h 叫恥酬叫岫岫』司 h
h 臼向"血叫叫岫-酬側"…一一
叫‘ h 岫街 M 咱吋叫曹柚, •

…. . _. : I'-~

some of Ihe mo別叫'"鉛ful fUl ures t咱ders like Gωrge S帥的

_, 17'•"
… L 吋d1.
_.1 …呵 h吋.吋間…-吋叫一呻_.-凋個… 昀
t岫"恥&叫 M 叫.圳仙…岫叫岫叫……… M 哼
IInd l' u..1 Tutor Jon".. bO lh of whom nr t' rumor~d 10 use •恥恤
…叫 3 叫…枷叫刮、向呻……間~.叫崎叫叫剛吋“.組.叫岫 ι岫
可』回岫抽帥蛤♂~咖.吋尚‘包.'計,-~阻.且 ,酬‘ '仲


aSlrology, do nOI seem 10 ha'-c e , 'cn thcir blrlh 飢 le readily -叫回呵呵..-由 ....) ~ 100' jut<酬圓的~ " ,

““1 fìnancial amolog"'" disagre". 1 personøllr do nOI "_T"'..... 。,

that on" 的。 uld ,.01 lrode undcr Ih"ωcalled bad aSpeCI5

bt>1耐e The re is 0間 eu~mcly imp陷包 nl cak油切恥n 10 ma"". a
Ih i5 is Ih.. Onc fOl Ihc "fa t.a l naw" polnl nωonh- in ,~抽r

H酬的仰叫。"他叫 u吋..r Ihem? Cau 啪 usly! Tndt同晶。"Id ch.a n , but .1... in 1M cha l"l' of 1M Sl ock or clecl盼伯 chan.
nOI only be more conser\'alh'e bUI should n~'<!f 80 耶 in$1 Th妞 poinl i. call Nl "Ihe ,\Ia ...爪 eplUM midpoinl" and refcß
Iheir 叮嚀 lem at theSC'血""5. D駝背t 的.,ηlraders should 1∞k 10 Ih.1 .~ ln e""h ~M'" I.M'" i. likcly 10 be "".1 di...p
for more confìrmolion and 糟W 帥'Ong signals before aCling poinlmcnt becau"" of misc.lculalion Or unruli.i也呵~"
t沁附 85 wdl •• inhe .., n, .usc"Plibility 10 e lTlM". ,.. If this mid
Th is ;$ Ime for sy宙間 matic tradc... a150 , 80th must kcep ,..,r莎
poínl i. upceted in )'our chart by currcn! lunation or
糟". Ii ghl money man agemem conlrols at these times. which

of course ren't the hest to gamble on a highly spccula仙可e
'"嗯, tm...nt of any 50rt
,,'阱5. it i. n warning to )"U to CJ<~rci ,e 個Iltmc CRUl1 0n in
ro凶 r .ffalß during the 開事 叮叮 I"'riod. If Ihi. mldp。叫"
aCl i,'ated in Ihc foundalion chart of .ome company .恰, k
G;惚 n a choice. il mighl ],., klt~r at thesc limcs to lie On )'ou urcωn s!dering, }"ou 5hould m.kc • "eryωrefu l ana加"
the heaeh thøn 10 be slaughtered br Ihe markets. 51i l1, 0間 。 f curr('nt markCI aC livit)" and rcnt Slock holder rtpO'IS
阻的 hlde under thc bC<I from on,,'. ho 叫 ωpe. Afle. 011 , Ih" before risking )"OUI'叮叮
c..ôling CDn sliU fall in on l可ou! Caulion cenωnly ls we Jl ad-.ised
under 11 5aturn tran側 , and Neptunc transits suggcsl Ihat a 1\ly personaJ fawrite e.u mpJ" of Ih" Mars-Neplu ne e。也
slrong reølily check is in oM"r. But are jusl gen"rol 叫咱...酬 rem.. prominenct in the Ilorosc附 of Ihe Jor-•
guid..lîncs, mcanl to gi'''' you a n訕。r of how fìnanc凶1 astrol o.. .....,. republic of 50uth V; " tnam. Enough 組 ;d
gy works 可.,π ,~ωmany exceplio悶 悶的“e 州 1", that 1 J kn_ that many of)加明 uld [ikc 10 Slop reading al thi.
re<<l rn llll:' nd you see your Io<: al astrolog'" in order to benefit momcnl , and imm"d ial c1 r call an utrolog..r 10 ha"" th ..
from deløiled. pe略mUlI timing ad'叮 E 已 "lars戶 NeplU nc midpoinl calcu lated. B叫 plcaSC' ~eep in mind
So melimes Ihe auempt 10 cheat one's fatc can bc almost Ihal lhis 旬 only one Oul of 78 midpoln \S that finandal
comkal in its dfe<: ts , r recall 、~~i dlv OnC lrndcr 、vho is 們阱 astrologers u.e in their calcu Jation s. Accordi咚" 、'ohnek on"
c;a l1 y mindful of ominous h忱。 sco!>" indi~alions. Unde r 0 par .hould ølso look at th" J\l ars- Ncplu ne su"" ~ gl..;咚 you slm
licularly poor aspcc! in wh ich he feh thol he 叫 uld 10'" anolher 78 íactor5ωωnsidcr!
mon"y. he dedded tO go against his own ma.kct instincts and In nst昀。 gy. (3ch trad.. il5clfωn be chorted , E間ry trnde
],., t agaimt him秘lf. He reasoned Ihat al this 叭 nicula. junc has a "birth司'-t hc timc, d31院 and place it 咽 s iniliatcd -a nd 3
叫你 iS appr。叫叫 cenain 10 makc him a winne., 叭恤 d “ de.llh ", th" time , dale , a吋 place ;1 惘.s c1 osed. h il reaUv
ωU r5C, his ma 的kcl instÍncl5 had been righl. AU hc did by fighl possible to kno",凶 helh"r a trnde "~JI be succes.rul. just b)'
'"'句,a inst them 咽 S 10 creale a sdf-fulfi ll ing p昀phCC)l and """叫ng "'hen it l>ega n? Yes and no.
105e h陪 m..句 Tooa)也 ". d 凹 引 mila. astrological circurn εrercise': i\1 akc a list oí )'O u. bcst a恥d WGrS I tradω'"'四t
Slan<:<!5 , he oft..n simply 旭1<". mini唱 cations , "-hich h.. can m帥 15. NOle the dat.. and, if possible, Ihe time of day " ,hen
啊 11 atT。他 ,
the decision 間 s made , P..rha阱)'Ot.I "ill disc..rn 8 lmpl" pal
L測" now !um 10 an example of just one fìnandal ulrolog- ,
lem , uc h as Ihat 戶""吋 to makc money in Ihe mornlngs or
ical íactor. initiaUy populariz吋 in Ih.. P蚓、峙, 阱,吋 by Mary to tradc poorly in chc lasl wt'C k of op岫n t'Xpl ra巾的 Perhaps
\'oh n.ek, one of Ihe unsung p的們 eers in Ih.. fl..ld , 11'1 hcr inl10 )"011 tradc certain SIOC ~ O. induu". groUp5 叫 11, but nOI ol hc n
duction 10 the 1\1c\\"tTf h"r c1 a..ic AstrolQGY 的,d Stoclt M~rkct
Forec sh e 精m lcs “ lf )"ou fìnd Ihls 10 be Ihe cas-",- )"ou. alread)' I< no ", 的 hat 1。
If 110 paltern 時 discernib le , Ih e ncxl recommtnded stcp 陷
10 present your Iisl to an as trolog"', Bul in ∞ king into Ih;5 ,
也2 C.. . ,...T_. 何,.~

~ith~r pe r$ ona l1 y or thro l.I gh yo l.I r astrologer, 1 bdic--c you 叫H astroloR乎 1 therefore dedded 10 buy 5000 sharcl at ]ess lh an
di5co\"er a high degrcc of correlation bel 帆lecn your mO~1 多 o cents a sha時. and it 川ipJed 間的 in lhree momh!
(I"ast ) 'l1 ccessfullrade and the cosmos , l\m<-e--er. this mantic
bample 12 , i\l y lrading p、 rtnc r once ca Jl w me 10 ~uggest
(prophelic) fìnandal aSlrological approoch is far from infalli
ble , and wme fìnancial 甜 rologers wou ld ε'" 臼 d"r ;1 10 岫n!" Ihal I sell 剝1、嗆r fUlurc con lracts. 1\1)' o"-n a Sl ro!ogical and
lechnical 咽 rk su唱ge$l W Ihal Ihe play was 100 ~arly. I look吋
on Iheωpersliti。ω
81 the A.u rodock on m)' dnk alld il sh趴.ed a prominenl
1\'eplune. Th i rt'p間 enlJ a big qu帥的IIma", inh冊 ry astrol
啊le Secrels of H orary As trology ,
句~y. Th at i 10 sa訓 h,,"側 erls 訓 U a ques抽 n. and 1101 readv
10 be ans悶悶d , 50 I dedined. Sil,.."叫 lied. and (hen later 石
On e '"可 useful financilll-astrologicøl 甜甜的 10 lime d ", uact 油 e monlh feU ,閻明 both had belie、."ed it "-0叫 d
"紗,僧111 ",-hen )"(l U' broker 0. an)"O ne dse off~n you a market
t.p, O. 拆lUr trnding pannen ,"51. for )"our ad,ice on 叫回 h" 切
也 a 吵開 trade. 111e gul血nce ~'叫 ar!: seeking is o&en found

、ou may be thillking 且we 're gening 3"fu Jl y magica! and
h,仙 "pocus here." 1\'ext )"0 1 be wondering ..-helh釘 I .rn
K:Ðm~ 10 SU輝 SI thal )'OU 岫k ln1 0 Ihe ~ntrails of sheep mark
by aSlml~n in 1M charts of such m個間 nu. Numerou. rulo the nighl migration paths of bird,. .CωIdn 'l 1 jusl a. ea剝h
perlaÎn 10 Ihe bra nc 、 of Ilslrology called ho.,,'1 ( from 帥,當 use a dartb。ardw ehrsrd ce3. pwhapsauzaszmlogy has
time). :t lld we 的ωld take nOle of 帆U of them here. First, if ~'(划 tnp叫 ced for 伽岫 nds of years , "ith usulls. Speaking
are liming a qucstion Ihal has been asked. it must be 11. 'f',] m pe T$Onal 呻剖 encc , 1 CDn 。吋叫I )"O u that;1 uwks
qucsl且 on. One can't chC a1 the uni"erse by asking a qu~slÎon idl y; Agωn. as a ponible exerdse , wrile down the signifi眩."
凹 if you do叭 like the Ant an側統的'"川 g .t agalll a吋 agam. ,
momenu when uch questlo 月 S Il re asked. After comp山 ng a li.t
Secolld , you mus. a!wa拘 1001. nt Ihe chart of Ihe i叫 uorer '" of time.. )'叫“們 't ha\'e tO do 3n )'lhing. Simply note which
re/Mjou 10 the horary chart. 1市 is imp。即 nt information , wO l1 ld hm 1: TeS叫ted in 側 ccessful tradcs Or poor in\'esllr憎""
叫 t onl)' 的 tO thc vnlidily of the quest知 n itself but as 10 E .p<<圳 1)' note Ihose Ihat wc rt' Ihe mostlleast successfu l. Thcn
whethct II. n app 叫川 atc an~wer has been gcneraled present all of Ihe timed qu叫 Ilonl, \dlhoU l “ ", meut , 10 a pr。一
fω到onaJ a~lrologcr, 1 bel糟糟 thot mon)' of you 叫 U b<: ~hocked
Two Ex amp les by the resuh ,. Un lc~s ofω "'間 I" m talki吻 to somcone who
already consulu 11 IrUJted fllmily 甜 ro!ogcr on a rcguJar ba間
Examplc 訓 L
gcnernlly Q\'oid μnny Sl慌ks. which trade on
T,仙og 戶.. Ihat a~trology 恥。rks is jusl bringing you õld new.
the Bullelin B咽吋 or Ihe Vanωu,'Cr Stock Ex change , The pri
mary teason is thut they II. re gcnera lly lcss 1叫 uid and more s,可naslry (Syn ,. ".、 Ih ; As lres '" the $1抽,, )
limilCd in .erms of disclosu.e Ihan largcr cøp uocks. (Of
course there are e.~cepl ions.) 111 ndditi。吭 吭可 F開de a ñne ,
Sp aslry o. 時 lationship charting co\'吧"
test of astrol叫腎、、'hell 0 1"1(' clienl cull e<l me 10 cheá up on a
帥ssibk hωCanad Lan stoc k callw 、Iidalron a f.棚 )"ears. bac k, 1. People
1m 蛤耐 rcawn 1 hecame pc咽nally inlerested. 1"h c SIO')' 蠅S 2. Markeu

阻eptably go吋: Theωmpany 呵 'gom噶 10 pn:划 uce c05I.....'.-
ing medical ‘吋酌, r doctors. Th is w苗s during the Clinton
reign of lerror on drug slocks , Th e ho 剛開JM:' of the calJ had
J upiter ri訓缸g, generally a l"l 3utoma lic }".! oig l"l al in horary 1+ 1- 3
“Cowrto T_. C I-I A PT E R
People. Chemil 叮 or perhap. alchem弘 makes life not onlv F 0 U R

more inleresting bul. from a r. nancial a51ro1旬,叫阿nt of fnct TAU

前 dp



咐札 m,閃 profìtab1e 、1月hat I" m asking nere is " [)。的\'Qur b~
k.仇 fìnan.c個] aSlrologer. o. trading panner complement )uu?
Ar e }uur differenl weaknesses canceled out-()r aUllmented?

1 h,、 e my i\I oon in Li bra. which is an astrologîcal-short

hand way of Ja)ing that 1 like to work 州 Ih a partneι] frnd
that when rm focusing 開 Ihc d到 Iy pic ture if best for my
partner 10 focus on the long- Ierm pictu間, and 叫ce "ersa , 1f he
。 r shc enters a trading posit的n , ifs often more pro r. table f,凹
me t<.> ch∞ Se the 叫 t paramelers , and ,ice 、 '"ω I f he or she
i5 good 梢。"“".叫 th certain markelS and technica1 pattems
irs us凶lI y bcst that I concen trate on othcr things.
Onc leams from bitter experi個 ce nOI to 19noreη.,.,asl'); Å PJNI.rently. an absur訕。b'i叫 p". 叫個“ J predict Ihal
the branch of aSlrology Ihal deals 叫 Ih chart (阱。 ple) compari r:la t 3 P..'、~. a plane 、,;11 I.,a\'e NC\耐 Y<.>ri;'s LaGuanl個..",。代
盼自 I n my earlier da)"s. e‘明啊,h ,時lath..,持 poor chan ωn ond ht吋包 r \\'ashingωn , D.C.~

, ,
tact 1 訕。 uld t∞ oftcn o\'crride a poor hart compariωn in thc ln fact. 1 could ma k.: the 53m., p時dictlon ",,'ery day and be
namc offree 叫 11, Or 蛤cause I fe Jt 1 had HuJe tO lose , Rare1 ,; if right o"er 帥 perceßt of Ihe lime. I 間, id叭 achie'o'建 1帥 ,.."
e、rer, profìlably, Thωe "great" deals offered at a questionab1e CCnt uccu 個月" though. because 。間開 me days Ihc 、~..,ather
time , or by a 耶叫 ionable chart or chart conlacl haw alm叫 .,叫d pr C\ 'cnl the 3 p. Jl. shuttle from lea們ing on lime and
always ended up adding [Q the debil c01umn. occasionaIJ)' Iher ., would be ß labor dlspute Or some olher
i\I arke ts , Industrie s , and Stocks. 0、 er Ihe years , trad.... “
in\crference ilh the rcJ( uJar schedu lc
slowly discover which ma rkets Ihey are most comfort able 、vilh. Now Ihe Inleresti ng poinl here i. that much of astrolo !l icaJ
1nitia l你 beginners imitale the trading 叫..Ic of Iheir menlor or p 叫 iclion wor k.s in \'ery much Ihe .ame 帥y 、\'e ref曰 :oa
thelr fa 'orite a叭 h<.>r. It takes limc to r. nd Ih:1I one pers朋叫 lim帥 ble. which inslead of the OAG (0恥 la l Air1 ine Gu泌的
51)'le, mark剖 , induSlrγgroup , or indi 抗 dual wilh "hom one is lisllng is a mOre uni\啥的,1 伊 ide, I削 ing daily plnn蝴 rypo叫
in tune , \\li th strongly favo咽Lb1e horoscop啥 indicalions , lechni Mngknounua n ephemertiute l。。k up thevIamury
,,1 叫s hard]y sc: em neces叫5om,間ple lradc p叫ular Kh曲h可or Ihe day in qu 臼加 0'吋 make a fo耐 asl
stocks with gr-e at success. \\全 may speciali/.e in co"'ering cer '"嘶叫叫 uen l 1m舟。f eWntS 咖, h,糟阻 u rred when
lain induslri 的 , partially du ., 10 lif., cireumslancωFor exam Ihe planelary 阱sitions 間re in Ihe 53me or slmilar posilions
抖" 1 崎tch tlle ωmp叫“ indust ry quite close年 as l ran a 酬。"時 latioßships in 血 past. Th is table 的。 u1d beJp )'O u to
u 吋entand. ' ,
ωmp叫。 ωmpllny for ma附y )'ears. There 旭崗Irol句)"al v電 rifl
ω加叭心r th is. Of 四 urse if )UU only u 時 comp叫en and 吟,
他 matic \rading , you may nOI agree. Un leS$ of course you
make a list of your gr四 t"st .uccus .,. and f,ωJurel and
thcm 10 8n ast ro10咆"州的 ul comme n la 那Their matching up
of thc wlnncrs ond loscrs may b" a grea t eye.opene r.

6 ‘ C..."... F"". M 由T TI>""'~'D 叫...…
Sõm, l;u… E叫 To acε呵quir~ SOm~ kno恤‘"‘ 1.
吋d揖. .
。 the ef
仗cts ofε。.mic
E,V,T 0_,... M.'呵呵

Nel岫~酬 on 叫...甜
.... oR。臥‘ s蛇εm酬ti叫a副叫 W
吋 h岫。&“。昕呻
w 盯r吋旬nificωa恥凹m
凹的,~, 1ω 問巴恥 _1曙)' 凶E帥
h a昀。 向椅$ bet ...‘可官~叩
' n the 側
a 0"
阱:ular ha 佇
=00 ε r愣t

a 耐
1甘ship of the plan
lI ü" ....
.1 E< L.... --.b< t 1 , t 9'N '00 問 叫"-伽叫 ets and those 凹 o '1'"山 thal affect 500rt 咽惚 radio tmn.m;.
nüu恥.~身 Aprll t~2吼叫 '00 問叫"-神) S怕 n5. This disco,'cry made it possible for him to forecast
.",~ -......岫闕間也 .h 師01.Il00 o<~ ..扭曲"﹒帥01" 1"­
futurc radio disturbanccs witb a bigh degree of accur3cy,
H 呵.,-叫凶~pIoo. ..‘ 一… M 叫帥,... ",IIPO< 01. based upon ''B riou. plandary barmonic alignme n! s
叫…._~白日 21 tho "..,...叫的帥間向~
叫叫"恤,叫做的目-_ .。由個叫 M 恥~"如
For 仰3mple , the " jdely h叫 ed AU !l (uI 1987 Harmonic
間叫柚慨,..J t ri< U. 個叫叫珊, 110 .,.,..",曲"叫咱晰岫時 Coo惚惚cnce (~ee Neu'SU 'cek, AugU.l 17. 1987) 叫 s a maUer
叫 '''T ω~肌
of.閃閃 1 plancts coming imo co的,junction (s:lI ne longitude)
This powerful congregation or planetary influcnc但 s al.o
forn'刊 3 gr 叫 lrine (multi l' le 120. barmonic alignmen t) w:i th
the O!J ter planeu, “'hicb culminated in tbe Augu$t Hth n ......
Gann and t h e Plane ts
moon at thc top of thc 198 bull market , which in tum was
8y Creg Mea ùm foll酬叫 by the Oc tober 198 crash!
Another planetary cycle that occurred at Ih的 IImc

、νD. Gann , the legendary W月all Street trdder, used man)" e 50-
;n~o 、ed the plancts jupitcr and Salurn 恥 hlch are considered
缸osmlc uppo側個 ;n a 5l rological :i川 ~rpret酬。 n. Satllrn ;5 said
leric \ech 、 Lques to predict future market direction' and pricc to go ,'em time and depressio瓜,“ hile j upiler 帽 said to gO\ '."n
\arg'帥叫 Ih amazing accuracy. In thc prcscnt context the \\'0叫 t叩an5ion , On August 19 , !9Si , JuP 時,精 ent retrograde (a
“ Qte l"ic means “understood by only a chosen fcw' (\\~bster) condilion ill whkh a plallct appω I"'S tobemo叫 ng back“,,"
Th,揖 technlques wcre ne\'cr re\'calcd In any 51'S ma! ic w吋“
and man)' of thc principle宣 th at G3nn dfew upon :i n his fore
吋"、社附 d from Earth). l bi. ~ondition. s~lid to decrease
Jupiters 開 ~ it ,,'e innuen~e , lasted until Decc叫 CT, a markCI
ca.ting syS\em 仰".明白it your disco.-cry. Some of them can be 10'札 At the 5ame time Satum turncd in dircct mOlion ,菁、..hich
d吋 uced from some of Gann's fictiona[ w討 tings , which on the incrcased iu dcpr“你可e in f1 ucncc. Students of pricc 3cti叭"
.urface don't ap中ea.r to ha、"much {Q do ....、 Ih the markel
One such OOok i. T,帥 ""γ'h ru the Air, in which Gann
should notc that in L of th ~ 13S1 20 }'caTS the ])ow Jone.
A\erage ha$ tended 10 mO"" 創d.的這)'S or 10、時 r during thc 3條
m祉5 50me of Ihe methoos he employed to galn his SucceS5 month C)'血 M 咐他 h jupiter 時間E 呵11Ide. (Se e Fig. ~ -I for
TM esotcri cL sm of Gan 也 fo.四asting i5 ....1.'11 kr四川可" b叫 lc.. M 咽m帥 )
"尬 the an .,;ent body of c50lc,; c scÎence. up。自恥 hich he Ano ther n3cuml-law e何'ect in"ol、:es the sensiti\'軍 d",間, 0'
d""", IncludÎng numerol~挑甜 rooo叫“1 C)'l: les, a5tro 可,.1 ecllpses and the electromagnctic di$IUrbancu Ihat oflcn
:i ntcrpretations. time cycl"., Riblical s開油。1判斷"'時 dgeon冒e occur. on Scptc前 ber 22 , 1987 , a solar ed 伊e occurred in the
盯" and Gann's La w of Vì bratÎon. Thn~ methoos ωmprise the Earlh $Ign Virgo , a portcnt of future mark訓 direction. On
keys tO slock market timing. For exam例 e in 7i.....,,1 了古 ro'''' û<,心er 6 , Man ( act帥, ) passcd O\'"r thi , $olar ec lipse degree
A;r Gann ad明白 reading the Rible 10 Icam aOOul cydes and a. C\Î Vl\ ling 3 negative Mars ed研e 訓叫P', Venus al~o pass叫
aOOul the manner in which the Crcalor r帥 cal. natur e"s uni 。,'cr thc prc\ious eclips" degrec , alld It叭 , h.悼會 that th~ mar
、'"且 11aws kCI sl (<r lcd its rccord-brcaking 13-day drop 可 h 揭珊珊" ,缸"

ω....F.... 心.T TI叫柚叫 .~…

book asltological e、 ent [5ee the Eneycl~d抽。>/ 1\11.0108)

間咽=~,叩 1792 … (1 9-17), by Ik、:o.e. on p\aner. passing 恥、 r eclipse poinlS]
Mar,的 en fo日ned the negal Ì\'e 叫 ua.e (90 0 aspect) 圳的

_..... N~ptune (ωnfusion, ddusion. iHusion ) e.QC tl)' on Oc tobo: r 16

.. ..--
呵呵 ._ -

司,. 圖 1 “
z 唱“ In addition 他nus entered the bcar sign S的恥o and forrn 吋 a

" . . .. ..
po""erful conjunc肘。n 、"ith the deSITucti\e planel Plulo
。. .呵
‘ '"
~ D (叭叭。 nium). Tht “』由"'... droppcd “ hen th揭 ωnjllnclion
﹒時 間
'" " ." "
心u .,

"樹",.., ..
.曲 曲

•.'- "息
•..... ...
"'-11. exact. on Qctober 19, 1987!
During the October 1987 crash. l\l ercury (trading) wa s

...., w

.. .. u
, also conjuncl Pluto at 8 0 Sco可 o at the time of the 13. ltmar

“... "
“ .............
- ". .
eclipse 酬。ctober 6. Ar叫 nd O<.tobcr 13. I\! ercllry 1urned
rctrograde at 1 少, in Scorpio. 、.,-hich presides 。嗨 r Iha1 cighth
"“... ,,... house of the horc獻。pc which i. said 10 go>'ern olher pcop1e's

- ..
呵 .,.

•• - .… ..
F 圓圓圓

﹒' ...- mone)'. d組成 and deslruction. Mercury abo 岫$ harmonica \l v

aligned ""ilh Ihe edipse. Th e advane,叫 sl udenl al50 should


.醋,. -
nOle the deg r<< of the April 1987 \una. edip總 Ihe position of

.. ..."
the fJ;(ed $tar Arclurus (the bea.."'..tcher). and the Ol her p\an
- "

0'. .. .關

曲 ry alignmen lS州 h this (bear 崎 Ic beT eclipse degree) du.-
ing Ihe Oc tober 1987 crash
Th e number 13 is a po、,-crful numbcr in lI ncienl 旬'1Jlbolo
" ....,'"

'‘帆 ,包
gy. Th e Do-、N hi吵叫s2722(2+7+7φ2 = 13) In 1987. and
"、的 . ..

.'''''' ,
this number ;bratinn ("';th the planeu) 的 o provideò an indi

a cation of 11 change in market direction. TI1ese and Ihe other

‘.. ..
岫a .." " 益, ω
.,,,... "., ,
lechnicnl indicators ga -c ad\'a nce wamlng of the lidHl 、,'a\'e of
@。 ,.....吋.",
.恥,a.,ae 間""閃開 w
.eHin!! pressurc in October 1987. whkh came Ihlrleen ycars

te.. after the Oc tober 1974 10"".

Anolh肘5Iock ma.ket planetary cyde Ihat has been of ωe
in predicling $hon'lerm trend changes involves Ihe 51andard

12 h.a rmonic aspects between lhe p\anel \'enu$ and Uranus
一一... 叫 ………'一…
…一個…---… 血可 叫
The most accurale i5 thc tri 闊的 pect (a 120. geocenlric
angle) 、.Vhen Olher p[an"tary i吋katOr$ are not negali'-e, the

~~向.. 圖峙. .呵呵闢叫呵呵叫“衛 slQck markcl tends 10 mO\-e up 1":0 or mOrC ,,'eeks prior 10 Ih"
complClion of the Vtnus lrine Uranus aspecl
…的叫叩-一凹1l :1 到
A;枕r. Th e Ga
ic a '"岫6 0 of 1011
Center is localed 齡 呵呻 砂l仙!Ude (2
8 泌 '0
FJGUIIE 叫 s.... Ib.k St<><k, nF 11~1 bI "h ch." s.首ψ
啊嘲巾叫t閒.,吋). b
‘ 叫ine any &'盼c 叩 t甘'"熄"P叭"祂.m.開ris Qnd no 。“'"岫 t
th e mnrket Cra的.h.叫J On OClober 24 , 1929 (ßlack Th ursday) ,
when lhe planel Satllrn (d$E,ression) 、咽的 I Ihe Galaclic
Center (26 0 22' Sagilta rÍ u, ). Salurn has a 29-)'car cycle
訊問 . f. ﹒

\\'ould it not m~le se的 c to be prcpnred for a p。“ ible drop in Cylin"" 1, 。叫 ~r planelf Uupit飢 Salum. Unl Il UJ. Nepllme
the morlel when SalU rn 8gain reac h"s Ihc 18 m種 location in
the hca,'cns? 、\'ould h not 0110 be of $igniflconce if 圳s dal" Cylind~r '2. Inn~, plantl' “ 1.悶"'水、有,11"'.. M.n)
、~'ere lhe second Salurnian ann ;,'ersary of the 1929 crash , C抖, 3
oecurring on January 8 , 1986; For Ihe markel did 企t>p drn Cyl ino.J tt ~ '""
m帥~any on Janu的 ry 8. 1988,吋tcn Satum "1lS again at Ihe Cylindu 5 As.: en d.o m and ,\lI dhe. ,.., n
Galactic Center!
P!aneutry relums. c戶 l風 and cmmÎC e"ents that ha"eωE Unrortunattl)'. the app lJ c"ion of this Ih .,o吋 is a litde
", iated hislorlcally 叫Ih pr e'l ious major luming points p l'O\ide be)'ond th ., scope of this inlroduc loηwork. h i. meanl 10
information imporlw川 10 stock market liming. Fo r exam ple sho"' Ihol U'I'#1:1 J ISlrologicaJ (1前 lors 1M"," be p間I'm in order
the Oc tober 19 , 198; c 前 h cam" Clt actiy 50 )"e油 rs after the 10 ICli''a le an ("..,111. In mOSI of Ih(' examples 的 at follow w('
crash of Oc lober 19 , 19 3i. \Vhen 卵" h.憶自 nish吋)"Our re- m叫 I k demonstrating jusl one C)'linder 個 makr Ihe •.,11'\111\1
斑arch and disc o> crcd thcse hi$IOrkøl relation吭 ips, you ,,;11 ,..,川Thl , I.,ad. 10 an imponanl queslion: 5ince 酬enu hap

thc n ha,'c Ih e knowlcdge 10 forecast mnrk eu wit h a high
dcgree of IICc uracy.
pen all the lim .,. how do 間 diff., .('lltiate among them añd
fìnd the 柵戶"叫 I onesr
Th is i. why we n<<d 10 rf! fer 10 the pre吋ously menti。回“
It i. in dctermining ewetly 、‘ hen e., peetcd ne nt. 則 11 tsh Rul ., 112 in our a到 .rologicaJ forecD Sl ing; Big 飢習研 tJ SMw up
place Ih31 the “ craft" ospect of astrologyωmωinto i尬。蚓 u~, " big Ind比訓。..﹒The coro Jl ary aJSQ is lrue: Big indica盼倚
、Vh i!e the時 a"" numerous ruJcI in Ihis a r<: o, thc l' should be show "P with big ""'tm tJ
taken on1y as guidelinu, n叫“ P附 ise formu las 他 copy. As a A~ pre\'iously mentioncd 吶. hen aurologer .efcr 10 big ,
generaJ 叫 Ic une must look 昀 any co nflu cnce uf efTects as th巴 ind icator. they nre talkin g abo 叫 th e ino恤咖 ent of the slow
mosllikely I; mc of munifeμation , '1孔m Is to 501'. "e astrulogers er, OUlcr 抖 aneu Oupltcr \0 Pluto), Thesc t)阱"f 計'c nts haD
Iry 10 fl吋 o tlme(l) when se"era! importa' lI influencing fac pe n more mfrrqu mtW than MSSer ewms Th ue outer danez
切阿 are presen t. 'l1-.e major factor' in 351ro 句y arc lhc slower. lran ~i t s show up whh th" blggc r Sl ock market mO"C$. The
movmg 山 Icr planel!. Jupil er I仙。啥 h Pluto , Astrolog “ 1 ln也 f05ter p!anet$-J\[ crcur字 、.'enu I , and Mars-whcn not backcd
gers are in gcnc l'lI l the faSler inncr planeu, th e Sun (Earth) up hy th e 仙 ter plancu, cor叫阿 nd to th e e\"cryday trading
and 1\1∞ n. On<llhe Ascendant and 1\I idhea、"l: n (time and place &叫 ivit 僧S of th e marht. Another big indicator of "間 nts are
of 也1'). How"""r, lrigger e"crtts happen frequcntly. planetary eluste rs , andlor 、‘ hen multiple 。凶。 plancl confìgu
ralion$ are in‘叫I 'ed
I'ickin~:, Lock
Charlu JD}'ne, one of the 間rly pion<<n of Rnanc區J aSlrology in
this cenlury ønd ø persona1 friend and Lcnchcr, taug"llhal plan
e叫 M呵 b som C\\'hal like picking an old 吋c Iock. Firsl}'叫
click OfT one cy!inder, tl哺育}"OU plek 1M ne.>.1 cylinder, and final
Iv and only 、~Mn 1M lasl has ~n 叫iea.sed w; l! lhe Jock 。俱". 1
"~計齡ked Cha r1 es on "hal Iife啥有,.,riences hc had m咀"00
Ihis t悔。, b叫 it makes an 3pl analogy 時",.d肘, …--~…… a
" 0........ roo:. M \OoZr 'r,~"",… w . ..一

S叫"… 岫咽fUQO.;t...c. l 吋咀
T llC Cy叫 i c Natu re of C hange
神吋間的 ~可 IO ,u n MllCh of life is predictabl". Th., rarliesl 8! lrologers nOled
M凶叮叮蛤崢.. h 呵,~" rhythmic paUems in na!urc. Ea ch da)' 1M Sun co;., and ""1
恤,叫 2_~ 1'""'-'
lu... ..,岫 2_~ 1'"" 1_
Each monlh thc i\1 oon waxed from n~ 10 full , thcn 向 ..dω
論 l 叫叫 ncw ag;山 n. E,'c可 )""a. thcrc 、~erc $casonal cyd l'5 r,昀" spnng
Su....~ t""" h."'...-' ,,-﹒叫 ωsumm~r 10 fall 10 winler _a nd bac k again tó spring. 0 ,-,,'. 1";
γ仇..帽"、 0. , CQursc 01 1imc numcro us I俯首ger.tcrm planclary C)叫es wer時e
noled anð 伺c 。 mpiled. 郎
Aτ sω “
。 m , 戶 n叫"山h,“s c c.,.c1 ess 、‘恃嗆r璁"ωG 附 h

Hcre'$ a tCi:hnic叫叭 叭 that may seem 、:cry 到 ran l(e to the

, d恥叫圳 h ""叫已釗"岫'
truth in 叫t仙"'降 令-,趴刻 rth.de呵叫lopmenl.de剖ath 哼 . reblrth_but 盪'ome
non -asuologically trained , E •."ηp/''''eI "''';'11(1;>1. ifS ow~ how in the d吧叫 o f man's his \ory thu e c)'cles in nalure
,闕 rtgri 吵 became part of a5 lrological practict. Astro 。前峙 s t hus 岫h
an 1"'3 rtness of man' p[ace in the c借用。sandat∞I for COn
"切us participatÎon in it


‘ ,
A commonly notnl Jeaω咽 1 p到 l em i the tendc附)' of the
U.5. SlOC~ markel 10 fall during hc fal l. Seplcmber and
Oclo~r of,('" are "d酬可n monlh ,." T he fìnancial p~nic , of
險m,削" 、甸吋
1929 and 1987 both OCCurr吋 in Oc lober. Qlher notable 布]] "
U," nu. ""
o. Ó"'" times "'ere 1873 , 19~i , and 19 i4. ln 時間 nl yellrs Ih major
$Iock markel declincs all ha時間 curred in Oclober. in Ihe
i\ lari and NC l' tune aspects COme e a rl弘 5ut urn aspccu yep rs 1989 , J 間 0, 1992 , Il nd 1994 的..,且 4 .2 for mOre
comc latc , Uranus aspccls prec泌ely on time. lt Is th i. type of infonnal間的 。 n the cras h of Ocro b.: r J 987. ) Gi~'c n the inc rea.
lI$ tro logical thinking that differentiatcs a elossic旭Il y trnined ing lendcncy of the mllrket to self-relnforce、白,d ,戶;,
a.trologer .uch u myse!f from a purely "sdentific , " ωm 凹 ter­ panern$ , they arc 叮叮 like ly 10 conrinu(
basoo modeler. 1 typically dm..... upon Ihis t)'pe of rcasoning
",hen making my specifìc market fo r<< a.tJ 吋岫 11m e It"s O ;/Tere n t,~ Or C)叫“ a叫 I n"e , t in~
So me fìnancial 甜 rologers '"。“ ld malnlain Iha t onc rea切n
".勾灣“ ed" ma瓜('1 declines oflcn come laler Ih蚓、司提Ctoo" 1. Fina耐 ial astrology C3n be a teles間>e andlor a mic呵scope. In
Ihat a$1 1"O句inl rulership of bear ma~ 1.lI is under Sa lum. Of olher words. financia l astrologe刊 chart bOlh C) cles and
course , Ihe facl Ihal financial aslrologers also not企 t he puúcall un'qu~ 叫 m i0 erre!trial CWnt$, inlermediate- and long.range
ratiω;$ anothe r! If )"O U art' unfan.jliar ";Ih Ih拾 ωncept , 1'0間 Irends , as well as roreca Sl . hOrt' lcr m ~nd intraday 7nark'制
lider one poplar markel mooel, the gambling eSlabl ishme川 mo嗨,

、 h ,吋 ds pre with Ihc house. Wh cn e\"c l")"One 治 bett i ng Ihe J upiter and 50turn are kno 州的s "Ihe bu. inc $J planets.-
SIImc ,,'ay not only do Ihe payo /Ts decrca.e , but cυorious ly. that 叫 ey2mr j up叫 cydc a叫 27')'ea r 5仙'" 眼 I c pluy a role
W棚 ;S ofl cn wrong , ;.1'., thc house loscs money u nt刊 I hc pre .n tnc economy. The re are mnny more such nstronomical
pondcra川 di r~ct;on of be tt ing chonges. pcle亂 s uch as the 1 9 . y甜 nodal c)'cle. \\'e astroloJo: crs a lω
kccp our cyc on an 加portant 60'year C}d c. based 0 1\ Chinese
M." "" 計划l海 …, ^"or …
r ..
昌E s, astrology. Each 12-)'"ar peri吋 Uupiter cyde) 的 associated in

8 自 E 自 自

t山 n wilh each of th.... fiv~ eI凹 ents of Chinese ast呵。 gy: Fire ,
E3rth , i\l etaL \、'aler, and 、\'Ood

X千 世

Not surprisingly. according 10 cyclic theory it 時 net'er dif

mvdEE 也可
WA. 且已圖 ferent Ih;s time. Yes , there afC ooth e、叫叭的岫ηand disrup
, 剖開 chan)!;es in the markelS. But whether in 1929 or 1987

M Egz 叫 ntually market 地 luation approaches SOme semblance of
《umv附叫W nhd的

lοng Cycles and
th e Mas t e r Ti m e Factor

訊心柳州- By Richard 九10gey


唱 E HHgi 姆的苦峙,FiRdHdZ 位“

Two of the ....arly researchers 川 long cycles Were N. D

Kondratio已~fT and \V. D. Gann. Kondratieff d的:crihed a cycle of

between 48 aηd 60 Y 泊的 (See F嗯 4.3 , which show屯 thc 60
E nQHUu圓

year cycle plott吋 bclow )"(!3flyωrporate AAA bond prices. )

This qde , known as "thc Long Wa\'e" or "the K開d別扭 ff [Kj

\\,,,\-可e," has become one of the prcmier cycl的 in market c\ 'C le

rescarch. 1I also has ht: come one of the most interpret吋, od
ztd 、uo


popularized of all cyc 的, \\'i!h every amhor 心eeming 10 make

grea!er aml 、dlder claim 可 ahout i!.S e lTffts than another, with
facts playing as small a role a , is po鉛 ible. Good resear,μh has
bccn 由 ne On thisι ,j也, although as is generally lhc case , it

hasn正 foun d its way into the popular press. Th e "K.Wa悟" is

← 目圓圓圓圓圓圓

凶 UHUa

not what many Ihink, bUl it is an important cycle

Another author who has referred tO a cycle of similar

length is \V. D. Gann. Hi. work and the commentary 011 it

i make the populari7.ers of Kondrdtie fJ look like the mo.t rigor

i ous scientists ", ho have ever published. Apparently Gann him


self 明," deliberately enigmatic , as wcre thos t: " -ho carried on



his tradit ion . As fa r as Can be demonstrated 10 unbiased

res但 archers , Gann nevcr stalcd absolutcly just what his
Masler Timc Factor is , although apparently he referred to it as


M.'-'UT n .,,,c '"''0'"'' ^"T CO' P.... i7

being Ihree cycles of the jupiter-S alurn c、,cle of 19.589 years

This 吟 th e time it takes for jupiter and Satum 10 form a con
J" 可 clion. E .c..... Ihree C 叫“ thcy make a conjunction in thc
.ame pa rt of the .ky. i\.I any haveωn.idered Ihisωbe a tota Jl y
irrcle 'anl bit of planetary Jore. After aJt what could jupitcr
and Saturn have 10 do with markelS or the economy? The

answer is "more than many c 'er thought ," a吋 morc a叫 more
, e\" idcnce in support of that statemcnt is COm 且可 in a Jl Ihe

Th e E\'ide n c c

Prior to the ad"en! of sale Jl itcs, few scientislS had an\" co nfi
dcnce in the idea Ihat an、1hing extraterrestrial cou ld ha"e any
efTecl upon human or animal 缸長在 t since the first sateHile
went into orbit , data has continued 10 piJe up in support of a
plaMtary-solar-terrestrial connection. First it l;iecame clear
that solar char、ges are Jependent upon the 13均持叫 ter p!anct嗯,
primarily jupiter and Saturn. The Sun ís no[ the center of the
mass of the solar system but is l' ushed and pu Jl cd by the large
ijjE outer pJanets abo叭 the true center of ma.. known as the

hη cenler. This pushing 3nd pu l1i ng can be measured through

-〉 E 晶

the co月 unclion of the two larg的 t bodies. jU l' iter and S也 turn.
ssaber-4 、叭.en thev are 閏月 uncl thcy are oolh On thε 姐 me side of the
s Sun , pu恥 ng the Sun farther from the centcr of mass. When
they are on opp<細 te sides of the Sun the ce川 er of ma臼 tends
宮 "色

to be near the αntcr of the Sun , dcpending u l'on the align

ri R咒 nt of thc olher important planets. What is rcmarkabJc

about thcse pla 叫“ ary. solar changes is that they havc a sign 的


cant errect on the clitnate of Ihe Earth . These climalic

chang.的圳 tum affect commodity p間的 ComwoduV PEEdr



z e • • drive interest rates and int~re , t rat的""叫 the stock m訂,,,

叫 !he economy.
[f lh治叫 s the 吋""。那 江 間 uld be interesting cnough ,
but thcre is an e\'en mOTe 呵nifícant corre1ation. Vì rl ua山y
c\'ery signifiωnt cycle in stoch , commodilies. and interest
rates is eithcr a mult iple or a harmonic of the jupilcr- Sat urn
cy cI e. T he Gre eks ca l1 ed this cy cJ e "l he Great l\l arker of
" c … fo....

TIme: for e.絢 mple th~ most im戶,怕別Iong cycles in ('Om

m呵州c's Il nd in lnterest I1I tes 11."' Ih" (雪 9.5ii .. ).19 肘 9). Ihe
Lï8 ( li8 月 1 ,, 9-19.859) and the 536(536.193 " 27-19.859)
帆布肘 15 cuno叫 about Ihωe C)"d 凹的 t uch ;, Ih~ IÎm"
the OIhc民
Equa Jl)' remarkable is Ihe divi!.ion of Ih; qcle in 剖 ocb
Stocks that are drin.n h)' int" l'C st raleS don'[ sho\‘ long 均可dcs
because rhey clln respond pos i! h'ely Il nd ncgut h-e! y 10 both
祠的 of 11 lon ll; Intcrest 削e cvcle 刊 emω t doml叫nl c)'clc 個
“ ocks il rhe dece川 i al patlern or IO -year cycle (9.9295 "
19.85912). The n也~1 lmportanl C判 1" is the ..Q-month cycle
(39 .;18 .. 19 , 859/6). Of leuer imp.;m ance 3re the 5-)'ur
(59.5 i7 .. 19.859.必 ) . .,-year (4 7.662.. 19.859/5), and 2'rear
( 23.831 ﹒ 19.859的 0). Th is cyde also rrnl'ks 11..: 78. , 39- , and
m卅"ffk qdes "1lhln jun a few 1(' lI th. of a mo削 h . There a rt'
no sin Jtl e numben that domina!r in !hc 叫Y !ha! 3 docs in
muhip 咚'a!ion. A1! or !hese cyclc Icngth ha、 r b<< n dOOuccd
b)' Fouriu analysls as well as ;nduced by 叫 ual În$ pec!ion
The) are unÎ\'cr ally con引 dered !o be !hc mOSI imponan!
cycles. The")' also make .., nse from an aSlronom ical po;nt of

111 addi!lon 10 !hcse cycl" thcre is an C\'CII more .., urious

U z-‘
rch.llonsh;p bc!ween 1、~'o of the mos! dominam short 的,'cles ,
!hr 73.762 and the 16. IH. Fuurier anulysi. 凹 n tillu ally

- ω奮學習
"、 cals oolh of !hrse at work in Ih" slock market , pnd they a",
uact d ,,'isi'ms 10 lhree digils of Ihis cycle ( 1 9.8 59月 o .
73.i日 and 19 , 8591320 :016.135). Th esc of course ar~ !es5

Sign 自 canl. especia!1y 5incc thc di\~si帥,但 flner, al!hough il
..憎吋 CUriOU5 thal Ihc kngths are e!ta“
Clearly Ihe \\"ork of Gann in\-ol‘叫 ω 1\" knω叫“阱。f thc
plan悍的 and the e叫 dence sho哨" Ihal he successfu l1y υ時ed thc

]upitcr-S a!um cycle 11$ a master !;mer, (帆布的cr Ih; "11' h防
"“ 1100 j\I3, ter 1ìm巴 Faclor ls 0 糟 n 10 debóltc. ) Ko ndrnlidT
• • R
"涓細鈍。"。柚! used 10 s lU d}ing dal3 , Dnd his 瞞你"'"叫“ '、
!o !hls im~的同 Qnl cycle. Had he h"d more information on !he
errecl of lhe pL1nC!S On solar activity &1、d of solur nc!hity On
Ih" Earth's climalc he 腔的 t have lH: en bcuer ablc !O undcr
s!and lhe lon8 ",a、哈

h mUSI be ødded that all CJ可d~ 、“ k together aS Il n organ
ic ,,'OOle. and 111" ...,fore this c l'de , no matler hωνimportant
simply plays one 叫e in the whole drama and d個 ~d陡..,
mine e'\"ery c hang" ei ther in pri<: es or in inlereSI "'le5. (5.: e
司-s>""',., _&01 Figs. ".3. " -,,. and -1 -5.).
•a a g I I E

S h ortc r-te rm Rhythms and Trading

Mark Li eoo州 IZ, aUlhor of Th e l叫“"'B RBI'e T$a l, Iclls of how
he !ì rSI mel astro log臼 Norman'、 ski on lhe f1 00r of the

Chlcago i\ le rcam L1 e nchange. Th" <tock market was up 15
間 n15. Nonn pointed 10 the dock and 5a 1h01 the markt
明 ld reo,"ene in 帥ctly 10 mi刷的\Vithln 加..眠。咄 d
the dnignal 吋 momenl the market started 心情叫 10 dose a1 a
then.unusual eighl-poinl 1055 on the day. From that point 0肌
Mark bega n 10 take note of astrologklll cydes
The m。“ watched cyde is the lunaliQn cycle , Or th.
M∞ n S mo 的 h ly change from ne ,,' 10 full thUt lakes appro:u
maldy 28 days. Full l\l oons are weU 閥 led 1101 ollly by bar
OWlle l1l, who rcgularly sce a markcd increa$c In bu incss , but
.,ωby Irndcrs , who regularly find illcre的ed l1 mrkct ,..,lat刊 ity.
If I had a dime for e、它可 occasion on whk h a trad"r hH' .aid

to mc 叮n c ì\l orkets 3rC 叫出 for cra~yl within w day ofthe Full

一一三玄寸 ,' , , ti M∞ n ! " I " .., uld ha啥 叫的cient money 10 buy a small yacht
In g~n~rol. aSlrology breaks up Ihe lunatlon cycJ e into fo Ul
wce k/ y S側的 n': New 1\1∞ n , Quarter I\ 100n, Full l\loon , and
三 間‘ -、
11川 rd Quarter. Th" New l\l oon i. the beginning of the cycle

and is generally Con 創 dered a good timcωenler 叫o a ""'"


:“ po5JUOI肌甘'\e fml and third quartc l1I are 1叫“甜甜伊 inlS,

、 -一 、

旬 ,

i whilc the FuH 1\1∞ n not only eJ<a曲~crate$ c.~劍 tcd marl咱
們的嗨 s but oftcn can bc accompani吋 by a short-tcnn changc
。 r !rcnd. Thi.ωrresponds 10 a peri吋 of changc from incrcas
ing light with the first half of thc ì\loon \0 dccreasing ligh! in
th" second holf of th" hmar month. 50m" lradc l1I si mply add
the lim" of the New t\l oon and F叫 l ì\l∞ n 10 thcir lcc hnical
c h~ rt ing methods 揭 potcnlialturning po lnts , cspecia lJ y when
corrclated 叫 h similar lechnical indicato昀

" ..
C~ ..,... Fo
A w~ lI -known "snologicaJ 53)';ng gO<!‘ " \V、 a! th.. N.."" jult before thc big 叫你 Had 1 bouglu in Se ptcmber inllud
A岫n promises. th.. Full Moon ddi.-.n: Financial 甜m峙悶

of urly Jul) , 1 ,,'ould ha c madc half I mlllion ;n 的,. .
。ften brcak up th.. mOß{hl~' q -d es into New-Io- F,叫,. ,吋 F"岫
to- N制 compon..nls. T,,'o “P" 旭lIy OOIe>崎nhy lunations are
BUI lhen , If 1 did的 get ,hrow咽 off thal hone. I m吵>, nOl
h憎 lωk“山。 a<lro 句!y for Ihc 、吼叫 1 flHJ nd
th.. Solar and 1.<",ar eclip間, whichωr 間 pond 10 certain new
corrrlalh c 叫帥. 1 叫1制 bdj..,.~ 1\. 1 酬。“8 個曲
3nd full Moons. Th..... can co間 spond 10 dr" ..uuk chang..s p"", 'e it. H 阱'(1.'cr, , he d""戶, "ω扭d . tM more 也gcm.﹒ l
An example he闊的 the Ja nuary 15. 1991 , 50]..' ", dipse , corre f O\l nd
sponding 10 Ih.. Gulf \\'8', and the subsequcnl 114-point mar
k<,目Ily th.. next d 盒 子 From Chlnese calendar astrology 、惚 havc four important
叫'"個 re many inlermediate-1Crm cycles ln 3$1 rolo都
Am'呵 Ihe rnost popular ar.. th.. retrogradc cyclcs of the pl an
and \'ery ll seful imc divisions consisting of d叫你 day. monthly,
and yearly cydes. Th ere are many "恥。問 such cy注 les worthy of
叫“吋 ch !i me Ihey appearω'" m'叫 ng bllckward. This 的 '"、 cstigalion. To gain furt hcr informalion on thc $ubjcct 1
a purely g開叫 1.. ..ffec丸,的 the planels n..'-'" aClua l1 y mo\'.. wou ld -suggest tha l the intereste o.l rea o.l er conta C: 1 th e
b~k明 rd. Th lnk of 吋ding a local train wh..n an e:tp川的 S Imin Foundation for Ibe Sludy of Cyde! 恥 hich 喝 the leading re )'OU. You øppo!Qrω b< m開呵 back'明 rd in relation 10

Ih.. train hal ls moving fast... than you. The most crilieal
limes a閥、“len Ihe planels m()\ 'e from Di re.:1 10 RCln呼百d,
search O'l8nlulion On C)-cln

{叫“c:alled ~Slaliona r\' RX可 and from Relrog l'8 dc 10 Direcl

Hi g hfLo w !\I arkct C ha rts
(.Iso ca[]ω~SUl lionary RD可E..,h 側的p' o吋 can be ωnsid
ered 10 be one llnit of an in!e rmediale markCI mo .cmcnt , Anolhe r I<<:hn耶Je astro\ogers h a時 in their grab bag is to
Frequ 金nlly !here i~ also a short-tcrm markel r肘'ersal at OnC of computc a chart for Ihe uacl timc a markel has mωdc thc last
Ihcse limc! 19nore these pcrioos , if ~叫 wish. Pe rsonally, 叫nifica川 high nr lnw. JUS! as p/ace ho\ds impor胸前巴 in !ech
"fter losing almosl $30,000 00 one !llch pcrl吋[ ha\'e vowed nical anlllysis~ so \00 this li",elplace has significance for some
峭 ωIgnore Ihcm in the fulllre finoncial astrolo2ers 、Vh ile I generally don'l chart this myself
^ similar Slory 、必'"址d 10 me by Gr~g ,\ leudors , onc of Ihe (on e must make choices in thc number of lechniques one
acknowlcdgcd ri$ing slars in fìnancia\ 叫 rotogy. usn) ,側的 a chart can snmetimC$ provide one w;th intere Sl
ing informati。此
' es. I ha呵。nc. my 0..-11 SIOty aoou\ how I 10$1 • mall for. F" 間 mplc , if thcy had lookcd at Ihe hi吵 of Ihe Tokyo
IUne in Ih耐帥。 nth. in 回ding option凹 [before dJsc O\...ring chort of Occcmber 29 , 1 9肘,叫 rol~n 珊(l uld ha , 'c nOled
Clnn/ A. suolog)' i11di~alarsl 、Vhal I dummy 1 wa叫 IWO im開巾""削fìgul'8tions. Fi rsl , a Mω恥-Satum-Ncptune
臼吋帥'"帥"自c ma rlu: l. .nd 1 伽啪, 1 '"'叫岫 I
conjunct 盼。 thal lranslales 10: Moon (publicity) for a Sa tum
咽 s do;nø. h otar吋 in 198雪 I was aweui,'c ly 10吋 m
(rock) on a doud (Neplune) 叭.'C alωha,'e a Sun- Uranus
Se ptcmber on call 叩開"'吋C11 )wyi /t"r ,,'啊』削呵鴨tU ;11
July 1985. Nalurally they all c:q> ir ..d ,,"orthlfts in seμember. J upilcr opposilioll. which many fìnancilll 叫 rologers wOllld
m 叭 alllly recogni :ee as a possi ble o"eTulended conditio n of
巴巴 ce55;\'它喇, m..m
rhe big queSlion after the Tok)'o mar心 el Cnl 你叫、Vhcn
s..""","..J~山山 OE N...- M "",,,.oJ F.U 叫 .001 f<< RX 叫..~
w仙 il rcco\'cr?" Lct'. look 10 50me astrological clues. Qllr goal
p 叫個吽抽 l is 10 See Ihc lrue 001ωm ";thin thc "falsc" onc. Our proce
" C..,",,, Foc. 心 TT[~ ,-",品。n<' ""岫…

dure i 10 calculate a horo~c ope çhart for each of fi ve went nO 晶ere for t hree years , exccpt for 戶 n app 間 iation 叭ε
insta阿 ces, then 凹 pa re
il 10 the market-top h 閥 scope , "ωnmended Japanesc Bonds as a much bctter 以lV at thnt
The 3strological definit ion of Fa lse (Neptunc) Bottom , ,
lime for )'en pri ncipal apprcciation al帥的門gh our ad ice fcll
(Sat ur川的 the Samrn- Neptune midpoim. Th ere is ,,[ c帥 的e on deaf cars
a plethora of informa !ion in Ih的ie charts Ihm C3n be gleaned
hy astrology. but hcrc I "i$h 10 stress princip les am! guiddines Fal,~ oot叫“ ,
Saturn- Ncp!une = 6 Aq附加 s = Venu in TO~
叫你 three of them bein ,o: thesl 岫"oonom 115' Saturn- Ncptune =24 Aq uariu. ~O =,\ \C in

Fa] e bot帥" SatUTn_ Neptun~.. 19 Capricorn = ~loon in
To ,
Top Chart A, 缸..1 glanCC this point 呵uals the MC . a吋 so \\'e might
F~ls~ l:>忱的 m" Salur n--Nep lU ne'" 15 C.阱。m "' Salurn in condude lhat it is another false bottom. I-I o\\'e"er. what is
TQP Chart m 。“ inleres ti ng is the ex~ct reversal of lhe Midhea\"e n<
F如岫帥的 S"tum-N~plune '" 0 Aquariu , bel\\"een this and the 19 89 marht top. T hercfore , thi s m "J
hold , although a third retest of 1 5 ,000 滔 qUJte 戶的 ible. (See
In an Augu 5t 20 , 1995 , anicle in n ,e New York TImes On Fig. 4.6 for a fal史 bottom graph.) Given lhe fu 吋amcntals of
the japanesc markel , Ken Brown 叫泌的 "An d the N可kkei has Japanese banking , there 凶 50me çhance the markel could fall
louchcd four false b011oms , in April 1990. Septemher 1 9冊, 10 a final support le\"d of 戶51 ab。、電 12 ,開o. In any c的e 、九e
, ,
Augu悶 t 1992 and No .ember 1993. Ralher than soaring from stíll e.~eel to see 22 ,000+ in 1997 , and thus we reçommend
those 5pOts , each time the ma.kel ro.~ j ust a few 1housand 叫 a possible fì C!l t en川 Appropriale hedge5 for 戶 n al50 were
points on ly to fall ag剖 n ." T he anicle queslioncd whethcr the sugg'但到吋 (shorting 120-- 125 , unhed他ed around 戶"的\00)
m051 recent low of Junc 20 , 19 肘, at 14 ,485 was lhe bcgin Remembe r, in global markets lhe m051 money is madc by
ning of a lurnaround. keeping çurrency 、叫""的 n in mind. For example , those whc
P lea 必 note the fo l1 owing 6 pi\otal poi附 playcd Ihe long side of lhe U.$. markel in l he first half of
1995 made more money by a150 shorting the U.$. dollar at the

same time 、1月e belie\"e the most mOncy 、叫J! be madc after
AJt ,im. h ,許 o..c. mb. r 29. 1989 1996 by sc J! ing t he yen above 120 an d buying the Nikkei
f.l.. bottom '"卅日時翎

hl.. 岫 ' .~ S< pt. 28. 1 輛 below 15,000

F.Io. bouom 仙也叫 1 私帥 Like the r<l ce car dri\"er who turns to the camera before
h J.. bott O<n 、'"... 26 , 1993 performit可 g a high-risk stunt for n: 間 cauli刷刷Ir reade.s
hlo. 阿 J 叫<30, 199S thal this st.ategy definitely is not for e\"cryonc , fo. if you a.e
wrong you 叫11 be Jo uhly penal間 d. C山間 ncy trad叫的 diffì
Th i5 Pα m 的 not a5 5峙閃的 ca nt in l he 10p horoscopc,訕訕d cuJt C\"en 側 h the help of financial astrology. ì\ Iarket5 have a
could 1hcrefore be a polential bottom. AS1rologers "功 d ,詢 、~",y of dcfying grav i! y andlor rea !i ty for '''''y long periods of
問 le lhc Sun- Pluto Square presenl , which could al50 indicate lÍ me. 50 be ω refuJ
a possible re\可ersa l. Thi5 ocçu 的 in time jusI below a nalural By the way. if you're checking fOf False (Neptune) Tops
major te ch nical 5upport leve l of 1 ;.000. \\'e thou gh1 thi5 (J upile.) , look ωthe jupitcr- Neptunc configuration
might hold , but 吋Y buy? At thc lime 、呵呵w no cornpel1 in~ \V hen [血時 t be !!,an 51,叫ying lhe Slock market r 叫 5 oflen
.ea50n 10 buy inlO japan. Subsequen t! y 1he Japanese market gh'cn a simple e.' pl analion for a marl剖 rnow , such as ".丘地'Y
M叫 Tbut'G """ γ"' M"ro.-…
the market wu up because the bonds were 叩," whilc Ihc nCXl
附心“ Ihe marke川的 down and thc honds were up [i n a fl嗆M
10 quality]." Later there came rnore elaborat巴 explananons
吋E ders took the mM asan eycose totake PEontfLBke most
EiE過 of the fac i!e e 叩""叫DnS offered us 011 the 1v nc吶, Ihcse
explan曲曲 s wcre hy and 13 申明 Iy a c d'lwen ient face-sa\'ing
g的!llrC for analysts
Profi t-t aking probably wa a good "r~ason" 的 at day. but
v hy that puticuhr dayl atthat partucuhr pnce level?One
mnght just as well say that the markm was up because the
market mrued toso up ln fad theuthe a間的 and one
that makes perfec\-sen;c from an astrological point of 叭cw
lust like mdtw』duals, the van。 us markttzand their cgmp o
knudUKKS!htumdhhm homu悍的 These horo
scopes show "good"' am! “bad" dars just 的 P個 ple'1 do
One kn的 ty prob emBS mLSInfom auon what fbr emmple
hould be donc 叫 th a repon that waS “mac個 rate" (且 e ., the
叫 m叫 h', re叫吋 report pro咄'" '"叫 bstan回ily dfEZ
E川)? Financial astrologers often w叫 poinl to Neptunc as the
cuIpnt That th repons issued und er the mhmceof Neptune
這是 seem 10 ha凹 a great tendency to be in eπQf or at least h 也hly
unclear. Another example is when the bondπlark叫“incorrect
lv" calls for an interen.rate cut by the Fed that does not occur.
血 isn'l 恥 t h 岫蚵?“ t伽 h"岫。of all 削叫1岫 1
勵、. 1悅叫a)"S ngl
吵h 勻 Th'岫s recalls the old 戶
p hil岫
a叫1 pro必bl尪em: "可If

;iE s--z
"悄時皂 falls in the for 凹閻e叫
u s泌t and 附開, ,怯s the 叮"個 h 恥e個a缸"吭
make a sound?叭" Of course , if}'可O l1 know the answer to that
one. or 1。山地Ze n koan "、Vhat is the sound of onc hand clap
ping? ," yO l1 probably have 1' 0 need of a酬。俺Y to help you
tι. d 愣.s it

t叫de the markets!

An yway,“'cntually I deeid eJ to choose a thωreticalline as

jtt rcpresenting "rcality" or “ full ., valuation 句 with the m3rket

p'n吋kally agreeing 喇叭。r 叫 lersectin ll. this correct or fu !l
中 ZE

valuauonImeMmt re aders MWu id argue the rmtrse that

periooica!l y my model catches up to "rcality," i 巴 the m叫'"
NOnethdFisl 1 agree that it 的 moSt profitable to 恤 Je the
E h

exlreme of a trading market , shOrling C'唱 lrcme 研e .....ah!3tions

and buying undc ","'羽仙 alÍon. Note however Ihal Ihis slrategy

o...rmo F"u
" .\I.....:r T'… 棚,…
c~n fai[ miu:rab恥巾en One 15 ,,- 珊,.~叫做 marlelS. i. e., being La unled by some ImdeH ,‘、.-ho were kid吋 ing mc about my
if il Is in 11. trending nuhu than a trading mode. i\lore on th i. exl~me fore<: ast. Th ry laugb.吋 unli! abo凶 an hour and a half
later, Jaler in the ωrlyaflern∞n when il aCluaUy ~叫"""

I叫 tially. my astrological training 5ugge5 ed thut it 咽. mO'l t
lmportanlωforecast ...間的 E, ent 岫l均 1 ruli 7.e d that it's
Yct Ihe ma戶 riry of people who heJ啥呢d aHe 咽 r would 1101
lakc placc were long. and ';ce "ersa. 1 ha糟 already gi -en the,
more important , or at least far more profilable , 10 forecast a咽 mple of one fìnancial 9Strol嗯er who p間 d削 ed a Califomia
",,, rlte15 , and 10 訕。1T'i les. aoout which e.u use is g; "en by the carthquoke yet lost money by shorling- insurance stocks. It
media , 50 we ma}' be e:~pecting a cri叫 i n Mc~lco or 50mh could be 、,'ell argued thm he should have studicd Ihe horoν
Africa but In St cad il occurs in 50mh Kor個, a c叫 mtry I usual “。 pes of Ihc insurance stocks as 、,.clL ßu t Ih則 isn 't Ihe poin!
1)' do叭 ω"'仇"、al si t5 fine ,,~th me ωJong as J get tlte right ‘
1 、叫你 10 make here. 1 am no recommending thal )'OUι:On
market re叫叫 cenlmle on the mark"t reaClions them.帥的,,'耐 on what
At an e.l.ample , one Sunday e、電 ning we ,,'ere On Watch for "PI'f"r'$ 10 cause them. l\ ly early carecr ls loaded 叫,h 凹=,
缸]>CCled major tr(t ubJe in Japan. It IUrned out Ihal Ihe origi Jy limcd 也nega!l ve ne叫 storie." thal Ihe ma rkel 到 ubbomly
natmg cauu:咱也 5 ingapore, and Ihe Baring B.a nk crisis. No .hru 倡“。Iff and chosc 10 igno~
matter. Our I.ade r, ".ho usually doesn'l co\'cr Ihat mark疋'.
叫吋 up lale (p甜 11 MI. Nt'\\ York time), IInd 叫“ 1 1)" pre
pared and quite happy with the profitable trading re5ul" P l aying 、lo l a tili ty
oblalned. Do remember tMt lrading in commodili個 and .k而
at;, unli妞"。眩 ks , i. a u ro- sum game. Th e f3C1 tMI Barings Early in my Ca reer 1 was surprised to lurn Iltal 10 certain
Bank Jost hundrcds of mill的 n of doUa同 mellns th叭 ot hers l rade的, Ihis is mOre imponant Ihan markωdi~"tion : " Hen耶
n叫e hund~s of mi仙ons of do lJ ars becau 施 ()f the Díd if you can te l1 Us how much Ihe market 、叫1mω,'C. tha t' s all we
Ihe)' 凶 e 351ro 句~, Gi、-en lhc striking darilY of Ihe ca妞, and m叫 lf )'OU ha\'e Ihe dirt,ction 1間 thafs nlce , but not nece.
Ihe popuJarilY of aslrology in Ih" Far Eost , 1 belic\'c it is a fair .m莎" Th~. i. bl"Ç_3Use tltey made mosl of thcir money 鉛Hing
仿制 mpl íon Ihal al leasl some of the 叫nninsr. traders did. oplion \'o 1alility. Thcse pe riods a rt: best re\'calcd by monitori ng
One of our landmark forecasts 叫 s Ihe Gulf 叭'ar, firsl pre a scquence of rapidly 31lemaling cosmic pallerns 3nd by nOI
dicled Ihe day after Bush wa心 inaugu raled in 1989 on the ing any subperiod tha t is sharply defined 叫 thin a coun
basls of his inauguralion time. Aurologcrs "harl the exact lertrend of a major cycle. T he f,且 "e primary indicato rs of
momenl a p ~$ide nt lakes hi. oa lh or office U onc prim訂Y 叫“ ilily that mo Sl flnanc 抽1 a'l l"Ologers 岫k 訓 a~ lhese
indicalor for his adminis tration. Mo re Ihan IWO years in
ad ,,. nce We Corecast a U.5. militaryωnnict Cor mid.Janoary of 1. The lunalion and e<: lip St q-c1es
叩句 1 , eventua[]y refìned to only fr闕 r ho..n offi (Not 2. The sunspot cycle
"",呵 mi l ilary aslrologe rs , w" did nOt Include 吋 usting Ihe
3. l' lanetary groupings of contra Sl ing planel$
limc of Ihc strikc launch 10 aJ[ o,," 此'P仇ch blac k acrial combal
concealmcnl in our fo間 cast. ) How"v~r, on Ihal particular bet 4. Th c alternat in包 infl u"nce of contrasling planelary pairs
we I。“圳。 nc)", "..en Ihou gh pr閻"圳IOU$訓"、祕‘ e hod made 1""0 (c.g. , Jupiler and Saturn)
“凶叫11 n
吋 8戶胎翎 use of it (J anuary 9 , ou山'"酬叫吋 ω 叫11. and also
。 5. Th e plonct Uranul
in laLc 恥 0"“ 師," 忱
e be
臼r). 1 間
E 油 b,叮r well
阻 lI ed for a 1200.5 P (l imi川 t吋) drop on Jan叫uω'"'句, 9 自肘
y nQOn 1 was Bccause astrology charts not on ly 句 cles bUL 01'0 叫'"'
" F.ωm

e'"ents , thi , doe地 help one to make moncy i們 the market. Th.
叭。可。 f twO famous forecasts. of the U.S. and Japan 的e stock
market crashes , follow , . The 自 r5t, as 1 ha ,'e a 1ready men
tioned , had much to do 叫 th moving me From being a GP
(general prac !i tioner) astrologcr 10 ~ financial astrologer. Th e
second 帆.~ the forecast that was destined tO establish my rep
utati冊的 a financial astrologer of some 時plltc
Fo recas t in g
the Crash of 1987 e

By Char Ws Han'e其 D. F. As troJ. S

It has often been re)悶悶 d ,h到 Michael Hardin刊g and 1 “fore-
已到仙也 1 987 ,
cra 5h to the day. - Thi is true and yel also π'" 有
leading, for it giv~s a disto"ed picture of the_kin.d of projec 自身
tions astrolO ]l; v can makc and the kinds of inferences an

astrologer can reasonably make from a stlldy of 3strological
cyc1 es. Fo 、你 ilst astrology oftcn can be remarkably accurate
at identi旬 g the 0、'erall direction and trend and the p時 cise
turning points in markets , il is , unaid~d by othcr leehniqu肘, 主
","叫lv much less pre叫“ 300m the likely magnitudc of any
pa" icular mo\"~ , and may somelimes 址M舟 a single turning
point that marks a high in One m 可 rket and a low in anoth 目 t
叫lC unvarnished story of what we forecast almosl a )'ear earli
." for Octoher 1987 is ShO WIl in Fi jl;. 4-7 , which is an exact
時 production of the rdna n1 pagc of a market that w吧
prepared for the specialist company Chartseareh in November -

1986 g
Th is fìgure originally 、叫 part of a Chartseareh Fi nancial ‘

"'、^'sleller, issued to its clients in December of 1986. As Can

k seen , 'H' P叫 ected that the Lo ndon market as measured by
the FTSE 100 index {which usually but not always ru fiS c1 0se
, :空

ly parallel to the New York S肘)叫uld rise strongly during

" c…. h
………… "
the year inωAugu", and 0<:(01).,., !M'ak OUI Oc lokr 19-24 je.:: llng a dominantly bullish year ";Ih a strong uptnmd into thc
IMn make lts 到eepe~t fall of the 恨自 r 10 Nc間 mbcr 11 bcfo同 "ωm ,啊e \\cre a!read)' stkki 、g OOr ncd.s 。“
時co\"cring. ^t Ih31 poÎnt "嗆組w the m3 r\.; et runnÎng On up 10 ‘
Th e olhcr faclor 'ou should kee p in mind here is tha1
end I~ )'. .a higher. In fact the markets in London and Ne"' 、巾;[訓 \he major plancta旬的'clcs that scem 10 regulate o-.e也 11
帖rk made seconda l')' J>" aks ear句 in Oc tober. and of course 。 Pl im的 m and peuimism as well as s p& in c ""d$ of confi
endcd the )'ur more 0. le5' 01 Ihe 1"、叫s at which 111訂 h,d dence and anxi ., ty for in‘四 10'" and business decision ma J,:., rs
begun are comm 開個 the world as a \\ hole. each stock market does
A" 叩側的 n bel叫en Ollr p叫““加,,' 的 hat actua lJ v b、電肘。Wn idio. yncratic way of respondi咚 10 these cyclu
happcned In London 3nJ New 、'o ,k sho\\'s that we 叫 re eS5en Like叫se each c山川叮 has its 飢怖 poli\ico .economic agenda
lially correcl aoout thc main Irend of the market and various and mechanis 閱(叫 h as inlerest rat的 and cu rrcn cy policω)
key 1U rning 開 nl> , and that our tim" deslg n:uion of what 叫 th3t h3\'e thelr impac! on !hc exten1ω"hlch a giwn rnarket
“ wtohethem附,jor fa l1 of the ye訂的ias almo臥自3CI. h Slart eJ will follow particular 抖削etary crc1.,1. In this respec t New
m earnes! 訕訕 h thc ma..i\"e plunge down on OclOOC' 凹 , and York and IAndon. as relali"elr -free markelS: tend o"cr Ihe
oouomed OUI On N。‘ ember iO叭.'e did no! foresee the magni )'ea ", to run in cl rn; e 5)"nch rooy.
lude of the Fall , and did nol 扭身 in 1986 岫 this m咖 I..e t" s lurn 00"" 10 the ra l抽 nale behind the proj.,clion
ωntt'切o.個 Id lake 00 元的你自 pmJ>OrtÎons. runhermore , Michael Hardjng and ] made for Chartscareh in 1M 訓," m 悶
we en訓saged th e market running up Into Octob.,. 19一24 , 。 r 1986. Th i$ ""司s tM re.uh of 鍵時開 t ..咒ars of inten斑 <om
whHst in realîty ÎI ran 001 of "., am a叫 nd Oc lober 2- ;. ret În p叫 cr 5! ud ,' Dnd an3恥的 of the N",,,, \Qrk and l.o ndoo slock
pracllcal terms Ihe chan o fTered a \-a luabl.e guide 10 wha1 ,..31 ,
and p r蚣ious mC 1a1 m間 rkels. Th e Chart ea n: h projeclion WlI S
going on. In fact , a. the market began ils fìnal ru n-up through an attem l' t 10 symhe.iz~ our undCl"lò tandi 嚕。 f how the \'ariou$
S., plcmbe.. I 帆.1IS able , in the light of my Im~ 叫 edge. to alen different phasc5 a吋 interaction. of thc planetary cycle. that
clients to the fact \hal in view of Ihe o"crex\ended 5\O \e of Ihe wc and pionec昀 like 、\'. D. Gann. D~叫 d \V illiams , Clifford
marke\ it would be prudent \0 expecI a '\'ery ma如. correction' 1I 13tlock , Hn d olher. had identin ed 叭叭, Id be likcly 10 express
arou 叫 OClobcr 19-凶 and cru< 凶 10 be 0 凶。 f t he market bv Ihcmsel\'es in Ihc marke!
mid.October. Likcwise , on No\"ember 11. 1 叫5 able 10 3d 咱~ 111c Ihr~ dominant c\叫“ that !leemωd 帥rmin", the ris~
cllenU with a reasonabl ., degree of confidence Iha1 it "'as and fall ωf Ihe market in general are those of Jupil l: r, Satum
pro b., hly now safe 10 g'" back into th ., markel. Ihc wont bdng and Uran凶 (Ihoug}. Ihe Sa仙 m一Pluto cyc! e. as ] ha 電 .hown
o、電 t elSe"" he呵 , ccrtainly pla戶均 pan as \\-e ll). Jupher rdates I。
1 叫 ll e:ψain in a mom., m lhe main astro \ogical h<泊 is for oc]mnsion, opportunÎl); aod op1imism. h is thc Grced ractor in

削 r reaso ng on \he 198; m,的el. bUI fìrst 1 Ihink 桐 's lmpo.
\anl to poinl OUI Ihal in Ihe 1a1e 叫帥, n of 1986. ,..h.,~閥
the markel õ Salurn by compariωn is Ihe haro.nosed 且 mth
griuy." \'aluμe-for-money; and ultimalely Fear rae10r in Ihe mar-
、時間 prep陪"嚕。 ur 1986 forecas lS, markeu both În Ihe Uniled kCI; Uranul by contra'l i. 1he Promelhean. "fir .,-u.,aling"
Ki ngdom 叫 Ihe Uni吋加岫明時間 side叫 ωbe a!readv principle, which rela岫 i l eψ~ially 10 new 間 ho。同 E的 '0'
.elati\-e ly 0、 erextended and at 且 pla!eau , and probably h.,ading Inn o...allon$. Combining thcse three cyc!e仇 and Slud叭 ng Ih~
for a cor r<< lion. Th e gencral cOnsensus 肉 mongst non.aslrologi way thcy are ITÌ泌曰'ed by the ene 曙þ:ing, ., nlrcpr., ncurlal cncr
cal financial an可怕 t5 at tha\ lim" was thal 1987 附uld b~ gy of 1\1 311 , can open one upωa good bil of thc major markel
叩 likely tO show much i mpro開 ment o ,'e. 1986. Thus in pro Irends or any givcn perioo
,. c.. ..... f岫 心n",,.;..... "'" Aar 00 … "
Technlcally the 510,,""51 of thne cyde is the ~ 5 .3 5-year 納悶哨'5 a 'Irong faU in the aUlumn (as in 1917. 1937 , 1957 ,
s“ um- Uranus q>::悟 "hkh 揖 ms 10 mark OUI the m.a in pulse 叩d ]967). \et in 1987 the critical autumn 阱,提咽 s prec.,d
of lhe ebb ﹒吋 now of ~appljed l t'C hnology," I nd~d, a ca認錯n ..
JI". ﹒仙"副間 d peri的d ,,-hen Jupiter, in Ihe m側'"惚 rpri.
be madc for 1M ass t' nion thot the geoc: enlric conju ru: tion of ing and enthusiattic of Ihe Fire 到 gns. i、巾. . ‘'ÕlS app 拆 ng 10
thc $e pla聞U On May 3.1942, a. w、orld indu Slry gea時d up for the normally buoyanl and opti';:'inic t rin ., of S~t~r; i l1
101:1 1 、~'ar, marked Ihe beginn íng of Ihe major. technology Sagiuorius 悅明明d [h is as boosling the markel Ihro\也ho叫
fueled Induflrial cycle that has drÍ\電 n Ih~ nmrket e"er since. In much of Ihe year. 間 1 onlv because ;1 明, ilsdf a , 'ery cla必K
1987 this cyde was nn ring iu close , "il l> Ih~ nc:收 cOnjUnClmn -岫可 pauern but beca明 j叩帕叫“ muhane叫 Iy form
due on Fcbruary 13 , 1988. which polnl , like May 3 , 1942 ing n 10ng'lcrm Irine 10 UranωωIhul Jupller、-Smurn and
would be n the。問 ical 1"", poinl for I岫 cycle. Taken by iucl f, Uranul wc.t all excepliona lly pO"'u fu l! y link"d 0" 1.'. a n
Ihis C)叫 εpoin tcd 10 a .ignifìcam low in carly 1988 unusuplly 5u!taincd period.
)<:1 Ihe Satu m- Uranu$ cydc appean 10 "ork 11司el her 叫, h τhe Jupile r- Uranu .l q叫" of appro.u mnt e1 y 13.81 )'ears 惱
in the O\-e rall constraints of a lriplc, 59 到~..,ar Ju plt t' Matum 。 ne Ihat h個 long been as""ciated 叫山。 ptimlsm. il1 no' "3 tion ,
cycle , which makes what 、.v. D. Gønn punningly callcd 圳 Icchno loglcal breakth. oughs, and a Promethean sense of
市 13stc. 1ì耐 Cycl.,~ (aft前 th., foct that ]O\~ω 吋的 i f'lCa[Or of 。 mnipotence. In 1扯到叫岫岫』阻lally 'pp.ωchi嗯,h.
Kings and Mau ., u , and Sa[urn i$ [h ., Roman nam ., for lrine pha,.,“ normally is marked by 切的地., rable con自dence
Chron05, [he G叫。r lìme) 呵 5 cyde 間 m5 [0 nunit om [he b叩y,"呵,限制,..酬 , and "part)ing." Durin喝 1987 Jupilcr.
danee of op的 mism a吋 penimism, of gr電'td and fl.' 3r, of in" e$ t from February 12 ,.. hen ;11.,& Ih~ 呵 uare to Uranus in ~Iready
~叫 ω ,"恤 ne., and 1ac::J.: of confì <k nce. Th is roughly 曲 }~ar cnlhω 旬stic Ar i.,s , was mo\'ing loward [he fint exact trine
cyc le is usω lIy measured from j[s peak pe叫吋 of ente啊SI.'. in Uranus on Junc 2 1 and Ih開到的“珊 ithin ri岫 1 Ihrough
the yl.'ar ,吋 ich occur around the lime 吋 en J upitcr and ils station On August 19 until il agaln trintd Uranus on
Satum 3rt ln coniunc tωn in Caprkom (us in thc y.,ars 割肉。",d Oc [obe r 24. It杭 ob, ;ous Ihat once Ihl , aspeCI was ",mc!
1901 nnd 1961) , and from the troughs , when J 叩 i lcr is in its "!he pnr[y was O\""f,“ T岫\1"",咱 s rdn forccd by thc fac t tl叫
叫 on~SI 句n (Cancer) opposlng Salu rn in It s 剖開啥叫 5tgn
( Capriω叫“ in Ihe po:ri吋 saroun<l 1930and 1990
“Il owing the close of jollifications. Jupiter W8$ Ihen due to
run back、‘四 rd toward Ihe opposition of MOIli on No 'ember 11
, ,
、、晶晶 in th is 6Q -ycar cyde Jupite r-S PIUm' singl., cyclc of whi帥 so oflen ;n such conlex lS marks a key bumout oouom
almosl ~也ctly 20 y.,an (an a、.,rage of 19.86) puls徊。 UI a sub
rhythm of cxpans胸n and conlraclion
in Ihe ma.kt\. of cou 間間 Ihen con' idercd tMt “ Jupilcr
mo\"ed 10 the lrine of Salum in N()\,., mkr and 5tHt;。同 cd in
Th i5 2G- y.,ar c) d ., i5 , coincid.,n叫l換句.nchron 世d 闕,隨h 的e Decem~r, Ihen s \an ed 10 ma 增 again to the lrin ., of saωm
dccad鶴fO [MI ]upiler and Salum tend to be conjuncl in I},., and Ura恥且 I in Febru3'現 Ihe party would plck up again. h
nnt )ur of one dccade and in op伊“自''" ‘ h., n阱,它ar of gradually d泊 b l1l from 3 '"D sdy mOTe帕研制 hack than ,.."
the nt.u . Bcc aus ., of this pallcm , Ihe samc. number y個~'" had 3n ti呻ated in 1986.
帥的 decade often lend 10 h的 e ~ similar na"o叩 and ma rkl.' l s。 w hy dBd w-tMEEk that October wuould k a key daze
pallern. Th is is mOSI 1.'0 凡 sislcntly the C3M!叫Ih Ihe flfth yea r Dnd Ihe Ilart of a major Sl.' lbac k? \\'e had IWO 悶asonl. Thc
of e3ch de<: nde , which is usually clo個 10 thc J UpilN 叫 uare n 間 I am n刮到 liberty 10 re"e31, but 1 can t eJl判 U Ihat , in叫到
Sawrn when , lrue 10 form , as we SllW in 1995 and as 附 P" ble to mos t 的巴 rologcrs , Ihe t\l asler TI n) e Cyde was &1 th is
dicled In 1\1 0)" 1994 , Ihe market norm n lly 巾的“ cr 30 per polnl in one important rcspecl Jn an ülenl吟唱, "曰“旬 i rs posJ
c., n\. 111 \hil cycle the se"en\h )"ear is lcss COnSblent bu t oflen .ion on th" d.句。)1 t/u 1929 crash. The sccond reason ".,.;Ihal
c......... r"".
“ the 191h
。n Ih~Sun which is so
, ofl訓 Ihe finaltriggrr for Ihe
心 Y………
Back in 1961-196.. 1 挑 al Ihc 軒 r$l -e‘ cr assiSlanl 10 Robert
manifestation of a planetary pallern , çamc into Ihe opposition Farrell ,的 ho has for Ihc lasl .nany yean bet, n considered the
of Jupitcr and Ihe lrine of Uranus , complcting the "circuil" of best l<"C hnlcian on \\'a !1 Streel , AI IlIal lime 1 、'1IS 5pendin啥
Ihis ene咽 pallem. This is a clauic Irigger pallem nOrm 冉 mω1 nigh" "ntil miclnighl in IlI e M.L Ii b,.,IIY, calc"lal呵 10
明 uired 10 release a 110峙r c\'C I.. , and iI ~u唱的 tcd \'C ry ,'hi恥 day mo\'ing a‘ cragC$ on i\d'1I ncC J-Dcdinc5, New Iligh s- New
的,al Ih.. 191h would b.. Ih.. da)' On "hich it "-ould b.. com .. Lo ws , and j"51 aOOul e叫吟。 th..r fìgure Ihat was generall、 Ihal Ihe pa 吋咄 ind叫“ ..r. Wrongl)', ".. conj <"C tured ,
叫 ilable in B~ 冊 "j or ~ \\hll 51 eel Joumal 叫en onc day
Ihal Ih.. remaining da )'s of th.. Jupil軒 Uranu5 Irine would in Ap耐 of 19日 an artide cam~ out on lhe fronl page of n,..,
bounc.. lhe markl back u刊p before a ÎLnal 1051 of enlhu$iasm ,
\\ &-11 51 eel Jo....叫 aOOul a man .....ho had be明 predicling Ihe
。 n t tH, 24th , ln r,閥的輛自 nal dayl of j叫lit)' sho ,,'ed J O\-.. I1 marhl 肘 ing aSlrol og), and doing '...ry well al il!
his m051 開, hωiasticaU)' d..$tructi、.., expanding lhe panic 缸吋 Th e $101}'帥 J aOO"1 Da,id \\"llI iam5 , for 舟。)...ars head of
、叫帥 lity and nuking h間X on th OSf: ,,'ho had had Ih.. hubris the purehaslng deparlm創刊。 f Ihe Consolidated Edis O<l
to imagin ", that “ , h時 mark.叭 i$ diff", renl Ihi5 limr 間 Compan)' of 1\制 \ork lt "115 Da>id "-ho 0吋們吋 Ihe fìrsl ωm
[n concludinR 1 would 仙ggesl IlIat the abo、可e-mentioned mercial nuclear po啊 r ptanl from 泌的 lin吵側 se for Con Ed
cycles, \(羽gether ";Ih JQmc othen ind"ding PI"IO, Man , and H. '"個m金 intCt'<"Sled in 呻吟 a51rology 10 P 吋 ct the pricc of

Ihe annual and the lunalio leclip$e c戶1. 關,m1 0 凶 1 a hiddcn
music which in Ia rge measure call the IUn ., the morke t.s .n"51
copper and Ih"5 obta!n oplim叫 bu)' poin lJ fOT his empl O) er. He
was also a lieUlcnanl commandu in tllc U.S. Naγduring
dance 10. At l' reile川的me ÎLnoncial altrolog間 ~an 絢 mctlmes \\'orld \\'ar [[, Il e h叫 "TÍllcn a pamplllct called !Ul rot'co.吻"
pick oUllhe main luncs ,,;Ih remorkablc precision , 50melimes 缸$ back in tllc mid-195。也 wlliell he e.xpandrd in thc 1980 ,
wilh far IC51 c~rtai川)', In duc course , and aflcr f"rtller s... nsi into a m~Ljor boo~ 衍,“悶悶1 1\51陶 ogy. As I 咽 S young and
tive lislening 10 Ihe ce l c 5I旭 1 5)'mphony and ils lI ormonic imprcuionable、 ond opcn 10 a 的 \hing ond c"cr}'lhing Ihal
struClUrc~ , the wal !l:i 呵, )I"lnll' \(t呀。 ing, and rock.and. n;山時 mighl hclp me in p叫 iCling nmrk叫[ ran 0,, 1 ωa New Ag e
of the market sllould become 間 10Ih'e l)' pred叫able. Presum booknore and boughl his pa叫山 Ic t. On thc same sllelf was
ably 削 t hal point Ihe mflrket will cncer a pcriod of self.con anolhcr, cnlitled 510ck Mnrkel Prediclion (l 9~i) by Donald
scious cri5e5 , nOI lrnowing how toω,.圳 111 10 gt叫 1 a threal ll radl旬的 1 picked Ihol onc u中 100, and of cou..c a book lisl
10 lIer 臼 sen!叫 my5lery. BUI for '1 "II( a "-h i! c )'CI, she i5 cer ing the planelDry 帥silion5 (叩 hemeris) sincc 1890 o.ω
lain 10 kcep "5 guu5ing.. ,
Checking O '"r the planelary 個 ligηmcnu and comparing
, h 間可圳 Ih Ihe ])ow l\、“峭的 I WØ$ ama~cd 10 find a "cry
noticc且, Ie eonncclion. E\...n from Jusl a cursory examinalion
11".剖 11> 31 large mo"cmen lJ In Ihc marh l$ w,,'" c叫""
Pred icting denl 叫 Ih particularly la憎'.的 "ping5 of hannonic "as戶dS" of
the 1987 Market C rash Ihc møjor o"lcr planets!
γhe ßradle)' book contained a mcthod of compiling a
B)' ArcJ t Crauford modcl prτ)j<"Clion for Ihe m惱rkel , la \J ng inlo accounl øll or the
planela旬的I"'CIS Ihro"gh a ...eighling formula. It WllS based
on many 祖, m 阱酬 5 of dauical UI阿logical mcanîngs , pl"s
When J fìrsl lIeard abo叫“1峙的t阿 logy 10 pred叫 lhe 51 0C k ob宣 ervalion by some of 111.. beller modcrn re5carehers
markel , 1 咽 s a lechniclll markcl an31)'51 for Merrill L戶d 缸 rpri5ing句 Ihe slock 耐 rkCI '"個 Id often follow Ihi5 "sÎdereal
" ……….......,、 "
potentlal proJ ", etion lîne." Then for SC\"e ral months at a time it Th e ne>: t time 啊'e came upon s lI ch a ft'O附"叫“ception
""叫d go astra}'. onJy to come back 10 Iht' projeçtion some 、峙$ the Harmonic Convergence of Ihe ,\I ayan Calendar
"here d 趴,vn the road. 1 woooe間 d what it would do if. ínslead AU lI.uSI 24. 1987. and "e were read)' forlhls one!
of al$旭ning a thcoretical '"3I lIeωeach Ø5p<<1 輪嗆 ω 1I 1d com I nl987mvA酬。 nomic C~d..,. 5um lin時 peakcd in Ap ril ,
pllte and enter inlO Ih is formula an aCCll r1l1 e 岫 lorkal ,.,.Jue then be~ n 10 drop off fairl)' b3 dly during Ihe summer and fall
for wh~1 h(l d (l clua lJ)' happened in th~ pasl. i.c.. the a,'erage Once剛啊, as in 1979 做到吋間叭叭 conlinued to work
perccnl ch制ge in Ihe Dow Jone! 間1)' lime Ihi5 amologkal highcr a吋 high倒閉 th lilll~ or nor planet間 的阻 I corrooo
occurrence had been rcpeal吋訓 nce Ihc fìrSI recording of 1 、e ralion. Thi$ lime we 1∞ ked ahead and $3\\ a dramalic sight
O恥" Jndllltrial A\'erage Ihe I-I ormonic Con 、 ergcnce! i\1r. Jose Argu巾的帆 rote abom
1 kept the Bradle}' original.formula f' rojec li on Line fOI 喇叭 imc , and Ihe change. prcd 叫 ed for thl$ point by the
m山l}' }"e ar~ , and in 1974 1 began 10 compule a numbcr of th~ i\1a)'a n Colendar. He had someho、.. comc up 、'11h the da1~ of
"actual司 cycles. It !ook abouf a week to compu te eath one August 17 as !he most signifìcant to the astronomers of tha!
uslng large accounling sheeu and sma]] ....rlllng. Adding ,
for;;'e. lUea! ci 'ilizalion. An anide about his work appeared
tog~ther se 'eral of the~e ~df.generated cydes Jed to a 、可''Y on thc front page ofτ1:.e \\DU 5lreel )0" "", 1 a monlh or 50
accllrate projecuon 、 et Ihere slilJ悶悶 lim的論 hen the m叫 ko, before ‘ h"叫“
間 nl iu o....n way and igno 電d all p呵呵已。n5 , planel 呵。rOlh Th~re didn'l seem 10 be any 'p間ial qual酬的 t O the day
e""i St'. One of Ihose aberration. ap pc: ared "hcn the C)'cle chosen for Ihe celebralion_ Y~I 皆'-.,n d~ys 101cr. on Augusl 2-4
5um pea J.ed in Ap吋 I of 1979 aoo slaned a long p 岫 g'" mto ,""~ 峙 S 10 be a conjunc1Íon 叫 h fh啥叫ible b吋咽 (indud
the p 酒 ecled Iow of NO\駕 mber 7 , 1979γhe markel ωnTin ing the 5un and M∞ n) in 2 V,0 of a嗯 , ~.haps Ihe lighlest
ued to work it5 \\'月a}' higher, consolidalcd ,“I",,,is(', Ihen \\'o rk" d su~h 3rc for at leaSl Ihe pas! 800 ycars. h "'a 5 clear 10 me that
hlghcr once more 的。 UghOUl lhe enlire 叫 mmer, the 1\I a戶" “們 c pointing to t"i. spc: cwcular e、 ent . With Ih~
Fruslraled , 1 sou ght to underswnd the p!anelal)' pattern5 simllar type of experiencc of 1979 under my hclt , 1 boldly
that were developlng. L∞ kin.o: ahcad 旬 the 5eptember .k其 I .....01" ln my A~gusl 8 n ewslcltcr (titled H~rmo ,, ;c
nOliced a mlISS Í\"~. mulliple 的pect conllgura t1 0n 恥。]"ing the ,
Com 't! rgence) .Our long-terrn scll 釗 gnal is se! in $Ione , Be
fì,'~ outennott plan帥 'P'伺 d like the fingers of a glan! ha吋 。 UI of 1111 s!ocks by AuguSl 2 -1, after which 叫 wiJI ha時 a hor-
at 30' lnten'羽 15. Th at mea附 [hat cach W8$ 5~m j 馳~lÍle (30.) "odω.m油"Th e \\åll S付'",,,,1 jω.,.,.,,1 dated Augusl qU01ed
((l Ihe n酬。 ne; Ihal th~ 晶宮 1 and thi rd. second and founh C~ 吶 rd PnspeC Ii"'''1 的 lookin阱r a "decli nc " in Ihe 叫 m=
and thlrd and fìft h 叫 re se.~til~ (帥。 apan ); Ihat the fìrst and bot the more nambo~'a nl OTC Sloc.l: }ounll.J of Au刊gu Sl 2 -1
founh and second and fìfth were sq削階 (90 ): and [Ml the prinled Ihis fronl-page headline: ARc n C仙 \\TORD SE的 Lo.心 '
firu and fiflh 間 re trine (120. apart ). E,'e昀 one of Ihese TER.\I UUJI 1\1.'明1'1."1'_ The fìnalline of !hat aniclc rcad: "Hi. rec-
a pecu bec池 me exacl between 5eplember 2 and 23. Th e 糟吋 。 mmended i n.'嗯 nmenlS. for the lime being,﹒時間的回y bills ,
, ,
00)' of the WI of Ihc c connec[ion tM markel made il~ 旬• • gold. and put oplions.~
Ihen proceeded to di\"e imo whal became I< nO"'n as Ihe ,
洞le 1)0". Jone. A 'erage made 山 fìnnl lunge up\\'a rd (10
5,ωnd Oc lober Massacre (1 978 and 1979), maldng its low 2732) 10 12 noon of Augus[ 2" only hours after Ihe last of lhe
叫“向 as 0" 1".. " ....dkled 血e o[ No,",,,,,b<! r 71 muhiple conjunctions. From there i! "'o.~ed its way ueadily
Th地[$ a primc eJ也 mple of how a un叫 ue pJunelU I)' ali砂m lower un!il Sepleml>e r 8. rallied for aboul a w~ek. Ihen ~ank to
menl can interfere wi!h the sm開 th fun州的 ning of my Cycle nC.... low grou 叫 on lhe morning of 5eplember 日, 3 mosl
5om , 0' of I3 rad le y's siderea! polentialline uηu5uol day ma r~叫 bya solar ~dipse on thc fall equino~
''''' '"呵.>0<.
……叫 .. ...一
After scarÎng a"-ay rnany traders that morning. th ., market AhhouSh Ihe t\l ercu f)' 到alîon and Sun opposing Jupîler
re\"ersed ';olently and do~d "p a ruord 70 polntll! It rallîed (wer Ihe 帆-.:e l.end prio. to the εrash m的 h.啥也越快舟ated tbe
for ,w。哨位J; n~ar 1M rall) p組k. the largest eanhquale in ernOIÎon al Ihe 10叭 "e belie.'" thal the delermining faclo ,"
0\"", ,e, en )"ea rs hit So uthem California. cenlered in Whîlùer. 叫 re to be found in the 甜 ronomic pallcm 81 lbe 坤 ratber
T he market 吋1I able 10 slabiliz., for IWO 10 Ihrec da ,-s before than 你叫“ Ihe bOllom. AJan Abelson , edilor of B"rron'$
resuming its slide "-ith a T""om <l rop of 96 叭〉侃 U 00 the day of Fl ".....:iaJ \\~ekl); wrole of the crash in hi5ωlumn of October
thc lunar cdipse (October 6). Frorn there it ne~er looked 26:
back. 1n., Oc tober 10 Craujor,必 p,向 ptCI Ìl"e, WDS titled “ No
s"、 OF A ß昕阿凡 but suggested pω 剝削 e Lurnin川西 date. of 、、'ell. thesc 3n31...ts oaid il ".-ao 快"“ C of. "lhis .nd tho..
around Octoher 21 - 22 ann1)'S!i s~ i d It was kcause of. . .that. Thcse E的 Mm 呦 .ai d
Frid ,吵 October 16 , "四 a lriple opt 他們 s-upiration datc , ,
it "1I....lhi and tho.c Eεonomi.u blamcd...lhal 叭'c'll just
叫 Iho.~ 的 ho had 叫 ten (sold ) Opl;OO Coolmc!s 間re de.~r ha,-c 10 chalk it upω'" “ .Mrnω."c eon憎啥..,“ ﹒
at eJ y u'}ing 10 le"cn the damage 10 their po側的的 by 叫P,,","
íng the market u nti l those cOoftaC!. 帆 ere finaliu.d {on
50"叫你 "F的day's c lo. ing pri間。The 00.... had dipped 10 a
loss of 1 1;凹 111$ du 巾g ,,,,血與 a吋恥"P"咱也可m~nl The J apanese
...a$ IIble 10 Slem Ih ., tide 10 ollly a 108.poinl dttlinc. 011 Slock Market Crash
R岫 llcial Ne叫他胸前益 (Ih., P"'<'u閉r of CNßC)叫“îd on
Frida與 In Ihls almosphere,帆四e would nOI be 側 rprised 10 sc. e a By Henry \\缸,也urtetl
150'poÎnl d(恥n 也弘 follo ...世 by a 2oo. [>O înl d刷品也y." Tha l
was Ihe mOSI IIC Il3Iî.-e stalernenl ...e 間 membe. hearing from all
Ihc ßII~lysl$ "ho spoke up during Ihis falcful period , bul a. i! To bej(in 帆 ith , 1 ...a附ed lQ establish my r~p叫“切n by pr.,dict
IUIT 叫'"'此間盤問1 lI earJy ncgatîvc cnough! 0叭的 11$ peopJc ing Ihe Tokyo i\1a巾 1 crash. Clca卅 e、, ~O 的 k..ew il was
的 d on i\l onday alJ Ihat they had accumulõted on Frid~y. ~叫 coming, only no One knew exacrly wlle.. , t\ lnny t附d.阿 wcre
much mo.e. Th e Dow lndustrial Average slumped an all'lîrr總 lo~ing their shirts shorling. As J 鴨 ould for a personnl client, [
hisloric. ",<,ord 多 08 points in a singl ., s.,ssion drew up a Ihrff.year forecasl for lhe Japanese .lock markel
T而e n e:o: t momill皂, Tues 缸 y. Ihe $laughter began ane楓'" hOTOSCOpe. of Ihe TSE (Tokyo Slock E.~change) and the
m,~ 叫 IA stocks beganωopcn trading , it appeared Ihal the Japanese nalion 岫 de this a rdati\'dy e叫 fO"'<'9$1. (See figs
marl:el 珊珊 Jd be do、'"11 anolhe. 2岫凹的 U 0' ωby 10 A..\I ".8, ".9 , and 4. 10.)
Before thal hou.. news (or rumo.) 、心'lIS circulallng on the Lct", s凶 n by la lking about why mQS l U1Iders '"啥時間。".
e~chan.ges lhal the Federal Rcse r>-e ,,-a. making cridil lillt話 First , Ihc rundamenlals. Th ere ...a$ 11()、拘y'" 甘E 帥 o gomg
訕訕 lableωbrokerage. and 恤金xchange spcc旭 lim, and by 10 10 crash 111 lhe same way as the U.s. markel did. Th e ';"lin~
thc Do" actually W3S 肌 i n Ihe pJu
山' 凹,Iumn 肌. Th ere 間 r間穹 huge
e LDP or Uberal 0電 mocratic Party 峙S 100 much in control of
SWln、 gs 0"叫er Ih ., n 凹 1 fcw davs and it w8 “5 1-.-
梢 ωmore weeks the .ltuatωn , Th e LOP rnonolith had 10 crnck fìr仗, which it
伽,,~ 叫
1 he m a、 r .ubωquelltly did. Now 叫 Ih Ihe Satum- Ncptune conjunclωn
。" [)“ ember 4 , 1987. Some 圳i ndîce“s made 10""肘, k圳刊 in ear!抄
y (rock on a cloud) conjunction in J 989. li fe 附s gClling mOre
D包 "m
冒可 ber and rnany d id nOI , seuing up a Tcchnical lIItc rc別 ing for the TSE bears. The U.S. real 的 late mn rket stil1
Oi ..crgence Ihat pro.'吋 Ihe bu lJ ish (posith叫“" \\'3. 仙作“ lng from the aftereffects of the 1987 crash. Earlier,
10 0604 In dex GPO
2 . "峙>
for tab le (10 P9S Hax >
",. 個 (V-N)
,,"- ,-削E Ill!l PER 10回


Fl GU H E 叫 司法)" S'OC~ M..k.. 位“仇 (Cmo.-.y of ßω......']1.)



RO宮 ,耳,Z


H" C...".. F",,"

) ldez1.gee when satum tsstTonsly

t 詩喘叫:即
加。 rs astro ' ''W ~~''l'

F1 CUIIE 4.10 11 …峭的恥

the real eSlale boom's manlra had becn 可 uv. b吋 buy! Prkts
""側Jy gQ up!" BUI 10 To甸、o rea! “t.1te p凹的叫 "ωBSlro
nomical 11. 31 even 9 small mllgujne S( Ore would K Il for rnore
, h愉悅 11 million dollars! $o rnelhinK had 怕自阱,
Now Iet's try \0 rCßsoo as a good IlS tro[ogcr .....ould ha、 e
bock in J nn帥 ry 1985. "E'-C')1hing 1 cr叫 .m句。,"叫叫"
crash 昀開闊、.;t.a blc, and many. mftny pla >,'C n in Japan art going
10 be hurt rlllllr hadJy." 、喃at is Ih" main i咕,“旬 r we 叫 nl 10
/ì nd? Saturn. V.但" 5a!urn should hc presenl fo. a rall , bUI
531urn Clln rcp
F I 、, E

a Selecting Markets

I npemL I mfer 恥圳OU~, a呻吟帥 ω 吼叫 p 也 og.

Thal ÎS, r Rrsl make a general asscssmcn! of the 0時 rall m3r
ket , Ir"~11 choos l' the more fa\'orahJe induury groups , and
fi""lly M: lcct nocks 叫 thin Ihe S<:': groups Lhalω何“ pond wdl
10 the o,-era lJ planc tal)' them附
I-I ere's 8n '"祖 mple

S roa'.關叫 c-w當.


Indu' 旬,“P "", mbt ,., hlp
zz •
叫1".1 叫

J agree 叫 th tho.e marl也t <tl1 dies Ih31 anrihulc al leasl 50

percenl of a slock's mO\"e ment to 0、電 ....11 rnarket conditions , 25
pereenl !o Ihe industry grou刊p. and 25 per<:enlωthe indi、id
uaJ stock ÎI 5<:': lf. or course there are I間的 ..hen 、總 use the
bouom-up approa品, con""ntrating primarîly u阿甲cial sil
叫“。 "5 occurring For cenain .Ioch (lh;5 "'i Jl be discuued in
Chapler 7) , bul 11')' 10 unde時個nd 1m, am-a n Ul ge of top -d O\nl
lf ...e are Înco "..,.,' a岫凶 the unique desirability of a partkuJar
stock but righl on the market and ind 山的,,""p 叫“ ill Can
benefìt from 75 percenl ( 叩+25 ) of;u m~. [ f 。的 Ihe OIher
halld 叫咱 re 10 d"cide 10 huy a Sl ock JUSI before a major
markel correc l;on. [e.5 would k gained. Th is argumcnt oflcn
地 made by rnarket timers , of whom fìnancla l 酬的 logcro are
among Ihe biggμ1 fans. Othe rs claim it is impoS!ible 10 rcl i

C 風叩. .電

ably and cO n$ Îslcnl l) limc markets. ND~Ura~I)'. 1 ,strongl.y di. oao 。 • '、 • ' • •

啥叫 Markcl lîrnÎng ís a 101 like h ., oft-debatw queslion of

Fale 凹 nU5 Frecwill: E -en if 、~-c reall. CQ州、晶<m酬 1)' act 00

the a$S umpl盼 n Ihal 叭:c """

、、 alkíng up th c Dmm Esc alat or

Try 10 kccp thi~ id"a in mind whcn )'o.u a闖到叫中 idcing and

lsnorms a d。 un secu aw markzHEend:Stock"時的。 f c\'官 n the

besl compnnies ín the beSl sec tors 圳 11 gl/ner~ lI,. do some叫"'
poorly ín a slrong down markct
Fcw emample-m matter h whndammtaliygolld tha t stock
wa. that you resea叫 ed in J\ luico in 1 995 ,的 had linle

c h.o nce of going up. Why? B<<au叫 heM閉can madæt 叫 m
a Slale of pank 3nd )'OU gol hil ,,~Ih a doubl.,恥 hamm)' al the 2次 ze

coUapse oi the pc $O. (&c Figs. ; -1 Dnd 雪 2. ) U owe'o"Cr,附 .re

followin j\ M....~kanτV "~Ih greal inlereSI “;,、“ 11 benefìt

from lhe u阱。 ming planeta可 , h.,me of emertainm('nl 州 Ih th.,
Jupiler-收eplune conjunclion of 1997. For Ihe '3me reason

EdE 婦訓時h1JF ﹒講話首位缸

§墨、OAES吏Z。品 -
\\'e a閥晒 tching ßr阻J'. Globo and olher 創 mHar .Ioc\.$.
One of 仙r cleaT as a beH warnings on the wm debate
came from thc national horo包co~ of i\ 1 c.~ico. I sometimcs 1ike
to ima iV ne the outcomc of the debatc between Ross I'erot and
uωffrest‘jen t Gore , if Perot had <l isplafcd as 開 e of his

"hart. the horoscope of i\lexico,叫 th the u ]1C oming transits of

一 zz-
PlutolS u nli\ la阿 ln 199;. An astrolOReT would transl..le Ih均
planelary confìgu r:l tion as .polenlial cris('s , ITlln.formalional

changes, and possibl.,叫。 lenc".~ 、\'ou ld Gore .tm h a糟 won
Ihe debalef Who kno叫 bUl Ih ., joumlllis!S 5ure 訕。 uld h..,-.,
had a fìeld day 叫Ih that ooe. If;1 /UEd happened. fìnancial

酬的logy would ha'" been ,,, I;daled bγ t he up棚ning e--e nu
in i\le.'Ilco. and become an im伊即川 part of fUl ure po1itical
debal (,. 1 know mOSl of my read".. Ihink I' m dreaming here
but many re、叫 U l ions h的'e Slartoo 的Ih jusl sllc h a drellm
!"''''.I in Mex泌o j" !99;? JU SI U the 1957ε ra .h wa. a
""釘 . h ed even for ñnancial astrologe rs. .0 100 the i\\ exiω
crisis opene d the eyes of e -en more WaH 51reelcrs 10 th.,
polcnt的 \ of aSlrologý. Th e stock markct crash of \987 , 0' 仙e
S"' CT>'" ^I叩
Toho markct crash. 叫泊的 a吋 h 申 not l1ne.~pected evcm ,
êl E 自
§ !o luc in\'cst。他 AlI that waS in doubl 、\'a, the timin l/; and , in
the forπlcr Ca5 C, the se,'erity and quickness of the crash. Thc
宇E "剖 can crisis. On thc oth 叮 hand , took many more im -e slors

X追 • b,叫 rprise duc 10 thc highly pr叩 gandistic prO'~T^ cam


paign that falscly said all was .0 句、,'-;Ih thc Mcxkan eCOllOm Y.

想與 ERS
星 豈有 ,

rhl misinform'ation didn'[ fool rinancia l astrolo j1; crs for a

minule. Qf course, the warning signs 、~-ere dear 10 many Sa、、3
單 M、、eslon even w、thout the henefit of horoscope analysi:ιy"
單 要 .
amalJ吟詠 as I 、 rite lhis in I\ugust of 1995 , mo川, eem obli叫
ou. 10 the upcoming second i\'i exicoε'" 的After selling at any
M cost earlíer in the )'ear. invcstors ollce again are buying
W Mexico

、性 at the As trologers Fund took the firs! crisis 10 be a bri eJ

b叩呵。pportun峙的 p叫ally in other parts of the Soulh
百貝】 Z
Z I。izl2 a 】固 自OHU

American market 可討論 e quickly rec汗Dmmended taking ea rl~

站長 5.時EU啥叫搞社
profits. Th e ri5k of a second i\lexican crisis 、vas simply 10G

APA --§ 三-vstadvtEH

greui o"er ihe summer and fall of 1995 , beginning wilh
PIUlo-i\l ars again aClivating i\ 1 個 co's Sun. A fear of anarchy
LOW Za 《 U O

and the possibi lily that thc c仙 rmy is on the brink of political
laaEIze--:gv and cconomic d血nlegrniion gi\"es this in,'es tment a 凹 ryp曲r ,'、 "dτalio. \V h\' .hould in\'es tor confidence retum
when 1\I叫“ n 5tabilit\' is .0 thrcatcned , al leasl in Ihe .hort


From a con\'entional in 'esting viev叩 oint. i\'lexico had a

poor risk-r巴ward ratio , in comparison "'1lh the re51 of South
Am"臼 If Ihe :\Iexkan economy did 叫 11, the fundamental.
凶 υHUa


were SlrOn ll. er in the reSI of La ün Amer Íç a. lf Ihe i\ lexican

market colfapscd again , ihe re51 of La tin Arn erica would fal川

le55 far and hard. In addition Telem蝕,、、, hich i5 often the sur

F 圓圓圓圓圓

竭 -ESt-d


rogate fOf i\le..tico for forcign in\'estor‘ h以J serious problems

Profíts were poor, and in less than IWO yea悶i\ l exico 、.vas
schedu lcd 10 liberallze ;15 telecommunic at ion industry,

. Telcm c.~凹uld pro,'e to be a "e,y weakωmpct; toT, As for th.

",凶 Z OZ

EZE peso itself, 1 often joked ín lale 199~ and early 1995 thal

、、 hile the dollar w叫 ld SOOn weaken against "real currenci 的 "

lt ,,'oulJ 間main preferable 10 Ihc Russian ruble and i\ lexican
~] “
阱 50, at lea for thc foresceable fulure!

C H.\I'f1' F,..,
Having decid地 d in l hc autumo of 1992 that 叭 e were qu ile
oa:EEU" , ,


buUish on g叫d. we \ookcd 10 make a number of ecommenda

tiQns. Li terall~' almost any gold stoεk looked &ood 10 U< , a.

, ,
gold bu ll ion was .eUing at $3 -10 "hich sccmed -ery cheap 10 zfgaEZDS

us mdeednhe ad ded dm recommmda tmn d oveNeighing

Au.t ralia. O ur gold stock u nÍ\"佐 rse consislcd of th" United
Swtes , Canada. Austra\ia. and South Afric a. \\'e 、t:ry much

liked Austra !ia because the c urrcncy was far uode,.""luεd in
O肘。 plnt恤 NOI only fundamcntaH)' but al.o lechnically and
aSlrolOll.icall抗日山 trading 到 gnals werc in rnajor al也nmenl . At
$.65 10 lhe U.S. dollar, we npeçted a be!t er than j percent

curr凹 cyapp惚惚"'悶 n that vear. That meant that if w而e were
right, and e凹 n if gold slocks wcre flal , we would Ín crease the
value of our holdings i percenl
111 latc 1994 and 1995 we 3gain li ked the gold se別的 b,
ωuse of an e:<p cctedly great 叫akening of the U , S. doUar -er
sus other maior currcncie" Thc l\Ie:cican baik川 t disaster only
led u. to strengthcn thesc cOrl ictions. This time Ollr prefcrred
counl ry was Canada , a resource.r ich cou ntry 、\'e S3\\' the
polit ical problcms aS being minimal , spedfically the Quebec
separatist threat , and 、~'e forecast at least a 5 percent currcncy
apprcc叫肌 0",惘。的 America man恤“ for 1995 \\'as: "Buy
Canada , sell M已電 c 叫, So \\'可e \\'ent hunting for Canadian golJ
stocks aml frequcntlv reωmmcndcd selling Tdcrne.~, the P<l P
ular bellwcther of the 1\ 1訊官an bolsa _(See Fi j;l" ;.3 and 5-4.)
\V hilc currenωwork invulves quite a number of faιtors
t hat we have omitted here, One of the most important is of
course the o ,'era ll heahh of t hc country, a primc ind icator
being a counl ry' s birth horosc句也 (""m抖的 are giwn in Fig.
;; .5.)

Family H oroscopes
ln choosing which markets to in\'cst in , you have a cornucopia

of choiccs to draw upo,叭咄en h e峙呵戶 U to choose a coun

w 』' "叭


try we look at its foun ding hO IQ< cope. the chart of its prime

minislerlprcsidcnt. the chart of its stock market(s) or the cur

renq'. and .0 forth. We can find further corroboration in th.

問叫 惱~ u雪



;iii -mT A

Fl CU R E 賀, “叫 0"", <h. rI of Ca nad.1

ee向a g a

i區 chart. of country funds. For cxamp lc if more than one

Z 旬到

j\le.'<iω 的 ω." 叮 f. 吋 .hows potemiaJ trouhlc in carly 19唱)


that is mOSl likcly tdling U5 something. In the following three

C35CS , 別 m。、 Uranus , anJ Neplune Were prominent during the

J 。 -E

first j\1e.~ican markel crash. whilc N叩1Une and Plu !O ho\'ered

about throu吵 the cnd of 1995 and carJy 1996

i 恥1 朋 çanFund ( l\IX的 u日:18 1 ßaltimore. i\1D

,. .., i Mexican Equity and lnωme (MXE):

Em~rging l\I exico ( l\I E的
5124.秒 o ßaltimore , i\ lD
6/2 5190 ßal!i more , MD

Thi. principle 叫“familγhorosωp的'"叫阿 mely hclpf,叫

'" C...........F"... ,.…… '"
Jw. re. I ma郎 ne for a mom~nt 1M! an ~-., nt occurs such a. th ., Using the fam向 ho,的心。 pe model. \\e al.o look 10 receh'c
death of one's禍..ik Ficsl of al l. it should $h。“ u p In ~'our confirma啪n , rrom the gold and .ih-er markeu , and rro'四,h,
\\ife's horo償。1"'" 8 ,,( a. a ma.戶 r ~-ent ;1 w圳訓 50 appear in CRß inde.~es for intermediate-ten四"。心.,. Some 5mart money
~"(lur chan. Ihe chan of your children. and the horos叫1""5 of t 昀ders al開 follow Ihe cenlml bank horoscope charts dO'lelJι
hcr mOlhcr and f3th".. Th is shared e.-e,叭,,'ould show up 川 along "ilh FO ì\l C meeting data for shon. 10 i!,~ermed且'"
"3ch affcclcd horo賞。1><'. In fmancialωlrology 間 ha\"c many ICrm mo"u. This 叫 b,削 is quile com抖c:< and bcrond the
choiccs. One can simply u鉛 one hO TO$ CQpe. $uch as the m3r scope of 喇叭叫 \\'C menlion il here 蚓、ply for t he 叫.e of
b仆的時忱冷1"". o. 5C悶悶1 horosc句“, for beuer confirmation complctcncss and 10 guide the more 皂、.perienccd cader to ,
。f significanl mark到 move. fruitful 自cld.
Unlikc the successful buy-and-hol <l SIOε k market SI 的 "gy
\\'ide甘 seen 0"(' the 叭叭 l"'e川、 fí\"c )'cars 111 恥any dc、 eloped
countnC$ , undcrdc\'cloped country markets can rep肉 ~ent tic k Th c Four Types o f M arket Vi cws
ing limc bombs. [ cer lainly can'( imaψne ln、 esting in ""y I-Iere they are
cmerging ma.ket 叫他的 UI checking al IC8St onc and preferohly
se.eral h徊。$cope char l$. T hc ri.k olh..rwisc is 臥 mply 100 自 Confusi們18 .~""←-Confusing .icw
~al for my penonal la 5l e.. If J"OU a ,.., unfamiliar \\"ith Ihem
Ihe.e Indude a uníque sel of risb such 11$ currency nUClua 2. No ,;e_吋No 、.;,w

Ilon5 , lîmilcd liqu 叫“ y, [e55 reHaling fìnanCÎal reporling 3. M i.~ed 叫_ì\l~吋,,~

阿甲間 menl$. and "unprnlictable" 伊拉 lical d t"-.:lopmenIS. In ~. Clear 吋叭叭-Clear 明,w
a pui咽。 f change , One e 疋peclSωrecei 糟的。.'e-avuage

return5. In"estors "ho rcstrict their aClivlti to thc Unit c.:! ^final polnt: /'\01 all markels are 50 dearly defined. There
SIatc5 do nOI ha,'e Ihese \\"OTTÍes. Thi宣 i5 why an increasing art many C仰 fU5ing lime period5 when the astrologi呵呵MI,
number of money managers do 50. or else conlrflCI OUI this arC mi.""d and confusi" J.: as well. AI OIhcr times thcrc may bc no
function In fina nc 凶 aSlrolog.ωs. Clearly Ihe ea5蚣 51 sih\ation ,
maJor a 仰。logical signals , Th is lack of 位。smic di ec !ion oflen
ωforecast is whe n there is an e:<pected eve川 5uch as an conespondl 心。 a mcandering or slu圓i5h murket wil h , n Ol sur
important polilkal el~ctinn. Othcr limn i t'. more difficuh , prtSlß帥、剛 hing happening." Mixed a到叫ogical 5ig:r曲 ωm
cs peclally when confusing politicaVeCO llO , nic signal. are 5pond to 徊 .idewu)'s markel , bUI 馴 Ih more sha叩 ly defincrl
promlnenl-the horo鈍。 pes somelimes .im ply r~necl this COn al\emalingshon-Ierm Irends. Howc,'er, there are alw muny
fusion ,剛 her IMn easily and simply rewl , 'e it "mωWMn Ihey are quile ckar d""pÎ\e apparen\ confω"'"
Upon Iheir fìrsl 也?“ Ure \0 fina“關 I astrology, many lìr吋
it 5U 呵 thut its technical 5ignals aCI like Ol her technical
In fl a t ion or c hP ning $)"S tem5. Why 品。"ld的,h<戶 Financla l a51rology
FunhermOl電 depending upon one's .ie"' of impending inn. iS ..QI magic , ah hough to Ihe uninilìa\ed ;1$ praCIÎCe may
lion , there i5 thc relative nú,凹 n'-~川的 nø l1y mad" helween ωmelimel se~m like il. Funher, lechnique$ among fì nancial
bonds. 5\ock5 , anrl cash,的心ch in my ,iew should be e.>: lend c.:! aSlrologc昀泊"'~副 ly, which h fìne 50 long as they give eon.
10 he bond$ , stocks , cuh , eommodities , and real e51a te 釗 stently re帶ealerl and rcliablc "'$叫1-5. One can U5e many di[.
Normolly 0 內 c Inok宣 10 thc thirty-)'ear bond markel for the fercnl 間hni叫 ues as well 的 diITcrcnt charts, c"en borro叫"'
bui Jt .in ml"ktt vicw of forthcoming longer-term innation. 1"叫 ly from the Icchnicians' gmb ba@
,.. C..........FM
Selec ti ng Indus try G roups Uranul- Ncplune: February 2, 1993; AlI gult 20 , 1993;
^ B叫, '0、可"明<=". of Pla ne Ul ry Th e mes, 1971 10 201 1 。“ober 24 , 1993 An )1hing gocs
叩 叭忱恤
p 軒
e F 叭u
叫10 : De
[ Il ttribute be'''"ff n 25 and 30 percenl 01 a slock's prke mo\"e 金“ati恥
ng ,,'hal"
n糟 nl 10 indu$lry-group membrnhip. Thi s ìs 叫nr [ 1ikC' 10 UR
planelary themes 10 h<"l p me anliciJXIle ..inning and 100Îng mar Loo king 10 lhc upco
ket cho時輯 、Vhi!e one can hack.test financia! markelω~.,,"
for hundred. ftnd in some cases Ihousands of )'ears. [恤aω “ e
concentmle on the (>t' riod from 1911 on-Ihc Slatl of the mod- J'叭 ter-Ncptune: January 9 , 1991
em period of the New York Stock E.:.chan 研(、Vhil" founded on jupiler- Uranus , Fcbruary 16, 1997
i\lay 口 , 179自, 11 was 時 ncorpordled on Febru l1l)' 18. 19i J.}
Intereslingly. ther.啥 is a Moon-Jupiter-Neplune conjunc Here IIr t' some of the recent limes these conjunαions ha\"e
lion which 1 believe hel pcJ [0 阱,它 the way for the inctca.ed OCCU fT(: d
s p<< ubni\'叫'gambl ing ca.ino qualily of 1 98伽 IInd 1990s m3r
ut5. I granl Ihal thi. may be a somc ,,-hal arbîtrary choice Jupiter- Uranus: Oecember 11 , 1968; i\Il1 rch 11 , 1969
Olhers 闕ouJd endorse April 26. 1973. U Ihe establishrr可, m

dale of he C80E (Chicago Boa吋Opl ions時間, h
iU 5ubseque削 launch of the SPX fUluresω""當1 Ih31 f,臼軒w
july 20, 1969
j upiter-Neptune: February 1, 1971 ; Mlly 22 , 1971;
changecllhe onc t' comparolh-e ly leisu rdy pace of r、NSE. Oo" Seplcmber 16, 1971
咽Icher渴 can also po川 10 No\"emk , 14 , 1972 , Ihe day when juplter- Uranus: Feb ruary 18 , 1983 ; i\ hy 14 , 1983
Ihe OJIA reached 1000 for the firsl !;me. In 3ny case ,附 September 25 , 1983
h恥"from f~mily h阱。scope theory Iha必"'1' can dlsco惚, 釗m jupiler- Neptune: January 19, 1984
lar mlllt;plc confi rmations from a family of horo~ωm
Often lhere 組 rC three (o these m句。 r 叫 ter'planN And fo叫叩開1呵, agam
conjunclions. Th e firsl naturally corresponds 10 lhe beginning,
bUI not 11叫 1 the last pau has occum d 1. Ihe innuence 也<O m j upiter-Ne叭叫 M av2 7 , 2個 9; j uly 10, 2帥 i De cember
plctι. Fllrther. w、e can allow 必 r orbs of up to 1. 102. , i. e. , one 21 , 2009
to tWO )'ean in ad'凹 nce 0 1' after. Remcmber. 的時間urul doesn't jupiter- Uranus: J lI ne 8 , 2010 ; SeplembeT 19 , 2010;
lum on a din i<', and n(){ only i. an ;nnuence fe !t in ad\'ance January4, 2011
(afler 1111 , lhe markcl is suppo質d to be a kading indicat Of' of
eω冊mJC :蛇1M吶。 bm a its e fTect l;n8戶 ". 11 '$ 11. 1扭I Ie Iike 11. Th, J叩 ler-Satum gde 叫 nicely describecl by Richard
fad making lhe c Q\'er of Ti me magazine. It certainJy d,時:s nOl Mogey on p且ges 鬥-81. Comparing Ihe IUI cyde p凹陷d 0'
represenl lhe beginning of interest , and il "ill contÎnlle On 198 0- 198 1, wc p 吋ecl the next one for 2000. Remember th.
after that point , bllt the fad is probably ncar lt. maximllm eighlies real estate boom亨、,\'e belicve Ih油lIpcom'ng pe r>吋
impacl at øro"'ul that time. Here are Ihrecω均已羽 mplcs øflcr 1997 will be anoth釘&∞d time 10 invest in real estate 0 1'


SNCnnu H3 u n A9 hl 3n 9-c Hhlb eM 2"

4t 8l RE1T (R叫 Estate 1 ,附 stment Trusu)



也 9u


l 8n

( -Bu u
v jupiler-Sa!U m: Oecember 31 , 1980; /\Iø叫h<,的啊; juJy
24 , 1981
C..........h'< ""=<叫
'" '"
JlI pitc r-S aturn: l\I a)' 泊 , 2做沁 Pol it ica l and Pla ncla f\' Fortunes

For thc sakc of complctencu 間 11150 p rm咱de )'O u ..ith the Amol。哩。。 “""何e. U5 ....m" in5ighl inlo changing poli t血Ifor
follo叫ng Ilmc J>f: rioo.
tunes, in$ight Ihal may ha'地 imponllnt markct 的n快<J "ences
For &a mple , f,,", knowledge of the Clim On pr的 ident阻l 叫<'"可
J .們cr-Pl lI ωNo\"cmbcr 2. 1981 in 1992 "'&5 a grea t trading .ign..l 10 ShO M pharmaceu tical
Sloc k$. ' h "''lIS a.[so cη,slal-c!ear 31 the IÌme that a greal re\'er
JlI piICr- Pl lI to: Deccmber 11 , 2田7 sal of poli 岫 1 fortun". 、叫 1d lakc place in 1 酬This f3d]i
Satu rn-P I叫 0: No'包而ember 8 , 1982 tlUed the relat i\嗆 ly easy forec ast of a longer-term dru~ 到 ock
Satllrn旬 Uranll': Febr 1l 3ry 13 , 1988 Ju ne 26 , 1988; rally, espcc的lJy when tak:i ng 圳。 ωn$ kl 悄悄 n Ihc forthcom
Octob釘 18 , 的叫 ing jupit c r-Neptuneωnjunction of 1997 , which al.o fu呵呵
this industry group
Clea r! y, forc kn o帆 led ge of political <:\""1\ 1$ has cnormOu.
I nd u$l rγGroups
market c 關鍵quences. Th is is .....hy thc~ i5 11 full branch of
Th is discussion i. not intend e<l to be ωmølelc 叭.'e slart at thc financi叫“ trolog混血11吋 m."""甜甜"甸事 Ihatω\'Crs ,""orld
conjuncllon or beginning of the q c.l c of each pair of ou tcr e\'cnωand g'個伊litical trc吋5. Th crc are manr tc<: hniqu臼 a吋
pta~t cy電Ic grollping.. uù take lhe planct Jupi棚" q -d es 115 hcurlUic tTi c l< s u sedω predict U.S. clcctions. Of course
叫 ill lI stl"ll t Ì\'c c:xa mple 甜 rolog'間 look first at thc chll肘。f thc pres恤 n山 1 candi
dates. They also study .....hcthcf similar 個仗css aspccts are !O
jupitM-Sa lU m Rcal司E制c , "onuructlon "'"仙吋 i n Ihc charts of thc ,icc-p~sidenl lal candidal的、h
Jupite r- Ur:l nu l High technol <>g)' ,
岫 k BI daily cha悶。 n the fjrst Tucsday in No 'cmber and on
J upi! er-Neptune Entenainmcm , pharmaceutlca l! m咽U唱u rntion day in J anuar乎 t Some 11$1悶。 gicallr 5a'....)' p僧"
Juplter-Pl ut。 01 1. biotech. . ba付\u ng dents , s 1Ich a5 formcr President Reagan , slightly 叫Ijustcd the
的 m e of Ihc swe ccrcmon y to jibe with the rll le. of
Outer'p1a net aspccts in astrology havc th c most elcctlonal llslrolo gy. F lI nher confirmallons 9rc possible
w叭ght , i.e. , a陪 long-tcrm and im l'ortant τñeJe q" c1 e. can be , h向1Igh a check of 均可""到句: chart com p.1T i$on of Ihe pωiden
slI bdi叫 ded ln a number of 冊ys. Qne pri mary dhis ion is by 4 lial nomlne的 to the horoscoJ>f: of thc Unit e<l SUil tes , monlhlr
Ihe 90 , 180, and 2;0 a.specu 、\'c al.o C8n eonsldcr thc entirc 11I nation charu in Jan1l 3可 for the "fo:d ing" tonc at 山at time ,
hard 的J>f:el series (mllhiplcs of 22 ~, and ca n find signifi and 50 forth . A larg但 nllmber of tc<: hniqlles m吋 be us e<l
cpnee m 前開紛<.11吋 mmOf aspecl 提 rie. of muhiples of 7 泊
。 r 11 \1.. For uample , ...hcn Satllrn wu 270' Pluto on
3 位。只93. 10109193 , an d 自 12/9 ~ , al m(]略t 臥可ery day thc ncw5pa
pers were f,叫 I Qf storie. aoollt one company 9fter anotheT lay '"'"仙"嗎..臨.~缸亂恥--吧t.........,<明﹒
…~吋 F啥叫……呵…-­
ing off pcrsonnc l. Be臼 use it becamc ' 0 pT閉 射w嗨帥
e 叫旭叫曲
e "'叫,
'-n,,~In 叫 A由此而}…『間佩叫… h 叫
was Ten 晶3med 齣叮n啥ghu阻叫in j;\'呻 m or,叫d,臼r ω
‘。 help 州 y unpTcc,
j u 釗叫"砂 開……叫一
d ed defensivc bd 仙t-tightening必, even by 四rporations that 倆月 ﹒ 叫 d …可' 10........ ….叫叫“..
we re hlghly profitable. Af te r thc Ínnllcnce of th c 3spect
passed , .omc la)"o仔‘ εonlinlled, albeit no longer in a fe惚 rish
開棚..,.…… ('0 !......bIO ..間}胸叫獻 " """_ ""'do略
…圳ho bUth …"'.叫“ s,..... Thlo C'"叫 h
叫"“吶 1.""" 01<. Uoi",, "叫 t, .....叫 durinl '"" l1000 ...10

“訕旬,別岫呵,加~ ~' ?" Iooc:n
~ , ...曲'".闕,明甸做~"徊,別叫
fi r5t-page-ne叫 fashion 一..叫岫叫咱岫i
'" C......u

Sclec ti" g S tocks


Se lecting 51 0C ks by looking al Ihe incorporation tlm". co rre-

fyp同dict thol it ""ould r..ach or exc <<d Ihe prke of t 曲 by
1\I ay 1995 oosed on the 針 rong Jupiler confìguration to Its

‘ponds 10 fu吋amen叫 analysis. Th" inco 啊酬。 n is Ih~ binh

.f 的eωm p' o那 '0' 倒閉的 human beings 他 IJs us of iu basic
binh horolCopo:o側的 .5 11m"
Aslro/,申n p/"IIU nQf,,: When analyzing non'OEX 1 曲 a吋
.1~ngth5 and w~akn臼 51'S. It al.o is Ih" key r.. fcrencc poinl fo. SP 5曲 IIOCks , you will not run in lo thi. lnltrfercnce from
prcdicting Itl fUlu e. I nteresl叫“ udic, by indu funds c1 aim p 。伊 m trading

thatωmony 的 79 perccnt of p咽 fcssionally manngcd .Iock

funds "叫a研恤rm th~ 5肘, 5個 I ndu. Astrologcrs like 10 As tro logy a s a Te lesçop e
belie惚 that Ihey nOI on ly can time morkets but are g""" sω, k
pickcu. ßU I can the fund managerl who empJoy financial As a former owner of a computer company. ! still "'lrtth the
甜 rology rnlly do 出 th , 叫lustry clω-e l)". Digiwl Equipment Cv 叮lOralion it a personal
FinanclaJ astrol句e阿 first ch e<: k to I~ if the slgnatu r.. is f.m吋 te of mine. and not only because of It$ 叫他 mcly high
叫“刊咐 the , Uranus the planel of techno 略 i. .tronø bcta ( \"O latility)."s岫k bricny at DEC at its a lJ.time h扭 h in
in a technology s回k. If Ih的 pLanel il n叫“的咕 they highly 1987 (Flg. 5-6) 的啊!lUBEgan ume tow-n WH TEe d-ev
,.臼 tion iu fulU r.. in the technology se<: tor. For ntw issues 間,制 idul time 胸前Il .a 同 d Ihe lauer a good .hon'lerrn buy
Ihis can be utremely im悶悶 nt , a. 悅目m 仰 ny may nOI ha\"e Pleuse nOle thes種 kev astrol嗯;cal faclon as seen in Figs
吋 at Ît takes 10 lu“別恤 its busin祖 field. Simil吶 fìnan S.ï and S.8
cla[ a51昀l筍Ð' pl"O\~des one "ith an inte 隔'"噶科研妙。f the COn
sequencu of m~ rg~r and acqu isilion act ivlty. Flnancial
制的loge l1l anal )'l e the potential henefil of the fit by rrfrrri咕
10 the horOSCOI~的 of the acquiring and acqulred comψamn
Th ere ore ru[cs for good syn"rgy ond whet h~r i!"s a g.ωd lim時
10 aC'luÎr~ the εompany. Being natura lJyωulious , [ a[ ,," o)"I
prefer 1<.> buy proSpeC I 的電 M &A ca的“ datel 、兩11 t h slrong hO'<l
scope fundamenlnls , as this prornises 10吋 Icrm profìu 間.."
leu of whelher a proposed lakem'er succ~ds 0. not
Th ere a.嗯 ad\lI ntages to studying Ihe horo.c。阱 .ofthe30
OJ IA Itocks , a 1""" a出."山 es to general marltt‘由~
IÍon. Unfonunatel)" for this 憎ry reason they do not a[wa)' ,
gÎ\'e th" c1 ea r.. st, m011 p悶。 se indicltions. Thl. Î. because
,h帥"“ ks Orl/~n a r.. bought and 叫d to m酬Ú'""rall market
叩叫 n pla)"S. 1.1 0 村,'u. a slrong individual indication almost
always ,,1n峙。uI. So even in a case liltt [B 1\I In 1994 , whe ,,,
the market 珊珊 d th~ stock negath'e1J此 we could ωn fìdenlial

岫峙 d'………叫做 一
……"血 ~M間的"'叫……
峙恥叫叫叫咱 u_._ . t. 叫<'-缸… h
~ . . . . .血~~叫 -.ol ,_ ol ,Ioo_ …0. , 叫
F1 G lJ t l~ J -6 [)EC ...,.1 <h. 成
G向 以:;0" [~ult \l GPO
•• Ent.r ﹒ 伊閹b P II. I'1Io xl
GRAPH f or DEC us S
""'- "-,有'" iBI'晶晶。的
骨肉呢萃 P( RIOD -Q-Y
> ""'-
B醋-(削IÕlE C~關 T m( B-C)

1)1;C hll h <h.o叫 “ 987). (“....ðlyo! 1U.街棚街叫

GPO 岫" hull \l GPO
St.rt f or ubl. (9 Pgs l1.e麓,
us '"
""'- "一 份,"

前 一

出 F 1 CUH眩, .~ OI:Ck,,"< h.orl ( l 9'i/你{臼叫削'1øf 削酬-“曙J

S 叮叮<: M 叩

“ 咱 . .電
自 Gi\"esyou accen to a profe..ional money manager
YO" 叭U no!e the promÎnence of the plan~t (High
T斜 h) in the Mid hf, a\"f: n. In 19肘, T,的 n51!ing So uth N~ con 2. A1 lo"'S for dh'ersificat;on of slock risk
junct juptten plus Pluto in hard aspecttothe u,anusand 3. ^lI o、‘ 5 for lhe playing of planelar)' Ihemel with low
Midhea、電吼 .mωngahem In 19941 ,n c。 ntmstwe had mω" c(l5th仇。COSI induslry-group 仙"品'"'

ltt:bitbzo巴拉lJATEZZtzltczl 4. ûsyacc酬 ω g1 0bal and emerg呵 markets

zquaredle natalMars Tonon astruiogers1realEU ENs may

wund 叫山 μmnse But JUSt mmuaon Eh-e wwsaso f aspects
Another ""50n mutu al fund. are pop叫 ar is Ihal Ihey ñl
糟 ry weU 、\ith a dollar-cos\-"veraging Slratc,砂 Adding $100 a
10 Bn aSlrology fricnrl an d 叫 which is consirlered 伽 m 。可 monlh whcn bu 叭 ng an expensive stock cou ld ßel yo u one
and lcasl fuvnrable 可帥 you guessed it. the firsl 恥 as a !OP and sharc .flcrωmm 嗨 5;011 , IInd a poor exccution. Yet bu 判 ng into
Ih" seωl吋個岫 110m' ,
a mUl ual fund (am;ly can gi 'e you Qwne 阿hi p of blue chip
Slocks , whic h lend 10 enhance longer. term growlh and Ihe
slabillly of one's pOrlfolio 別 an accepl able CO Sl. An Ol her
Lu c ky Stars or Star-crossed Stocks? important benefìl is ["$ work. One d~峭的岫嗯旬,戶 nd lime
"'"可 Ih '0 many sta,-.cr前提<1 de曲。,f Ihe 19805 belween Ihe ,h∞sing the be Sl indiridual stocks to own. It also 時叭 neces
AmeriωMami the Japwrge the Rodefdkr Center 組 1. 胡田 sary 10 ha他 lhe sk.ill 僧 indinalion '.0 sludy how t' conomic
built on grcal arrogancc Bnd an innaled ‘,ieW of ,..Iuc. I like 10 forcn and financial markeu may affecl speclfic sloc ks

h叫咚 )'our favorile s吟,le{s卜~ caps , small ca阱, grm<th ,
\1I lue , inlemalionalωnt r3rian. bond rund --c an be sumdent

greal ωmpan抗 1" 叭的 RC P (R;'kefellu Ccnlcr PropenÎes) \Vilh 0、,,'岫o mutual funds in 個 slence. one CBn easily
has a greal 10也嵐的 n , bm il can be o\'erpriced , as we 祕 Id 31 Ihe he lailored 10 a gcographic region,個 divld u a l counlry, an d/o
umeMany who t-o ugiht reai estate m the 198os hav單位圳"" indus閃 group choice , lney 0 恥 r the ind 而伽 ~l investor many
"ω u pcd the r m tial mwstment Soloc k towhe as 吼叫J as 10 of Ihe benefìlS pre叫“叫 y available onl)' 10 large monc)' man
whether Ihe compan)" i~ g'∞ <1--<1.1 somc poinl I1 is o\'en'alucι agers , Where possible ch缸 k oul Ihe hor的ε。pe Incorpornlion
See "Netsca pe" in Cha巾 Icr 8 for a f"nhcr discussion of this 。f a fund , listing da la , an d/or Ihe birlh dOl3 of Ihe curre nt
fllnd ma nage r{.).
Such a wide \'sriNy of c hoices is possib lc 馴 Ih mulual
[\'l utua1 Funds runds thal some in\'CS lOlS nO longer .ee Ihe need to buy 刷品
、~dual Sl ocks, bUI simply 仙Iy and se[] rund s. Fo r t'.'IlI mple if
00.. of the ne間 r facto時 affecling market behaviorω..,且, 0"' 剖lanled 10 in\'eSI 間ry consen"' li,-e! y or defensivt'、' "'
the Drolife l'1l lion oc mutual funds . for 帥"阱, in 1 酬 .h.時 ωuld ch∞ se belween numeroU$ 句ipeS of boncl fund5 : munici
咐,J 平叮 3600 fu吋盔, while by .."向 1995 the re ""e rf: 0\,(" pal and governmen l , corporale , inl ern ationa l. CIC. , Bnd if
HOO-more than therE am Stub lIMdon the New hrk deemcd appropriBle , Blso melaJ and u叫ily fu nds
Stod: Ex changd ln addilion 10 long岫m performanc.... 1 abo find il valu
Th ere are many 時',""吋 .easons fo r Ihe pop叫ar;ty of ahl e 10 nOIC Ihc up. and down -market performance of a fund
mutuol fu nds tooay. τ'h ey 3110"' small inveslors son"~ of the This may he rcla led 10 ils Jllpilcr (up) a nd Sal"rn (do ,,'n)
bencfilS previously a油 able 0111 1' 10 a l,rI叫 leged fe 肌 In ,'eSling astrologic訓 pl accmenls
帥!ll utual funds
'" CK""" s""."""" M一 '"
One picce of advicc probobJy different from who t you the f"叫 managcr. lt can also bc a rnore "pure閃叫 rological
might e.~pec( , Rather than being 0、 'er-concerocd \\ith the hi~ p'"μas the chart of the doscd fund is of mOre rdati\'e impor
lorical pcrformance of a mUlual fu 吋 you may prefer 旬 1m".! tance than that of an open fund , " .hich Can theoret ically bc
in a new onc that has a fayorable horoscope. A1 so , since per morc greptly affeclcd hy the g叫個 1 markc t. lntcres!ing枷
forrnance varies greatly with di恥 rcnt market 凹吋 itions , I doscd fllnd s may represent a premium or discount tO Ihe NAV
rccommend i m可esting in 0 fund spec ial也m區 tn an oppropnale (net asset value) , if li quidated. Genera l1 y this pr的 ents a n
"l'"仰仰 "g planetarγtheme. Pas! performance may be based on opportunily for e~tra pronl , hy bu、 ing a fund at a discOllnt or
atlunement 10 pOSl p1a netary themes. Rernember that t吋呵, sclling it a! a premium. Ho'、呵呵 r. this isn'l ah"''3 )"5 the case. 1
叫 nners Con easily l urn into tomorrow's laggards. if your do recommend the first procedure o>l ly when the時 are clear
investmcnts are not fincl.. otluned 10 the cosmos! po5 J111"e ast叫 ogical forec 叫 s for the group or country. E、它們
Un fortunatel弘 nooe of the m呵。 r ranking servk 的 includ e thi ‘ more so I recommcnd shoning thc latlcr. hut only whcn therc
Infonnation 恨t are cle ar. 、 ery ,Irong n句a t i開呵n als, 訕。t herwise you could
1 would ]ike 10 poim 。叫 there is 0150 an a訓 rologic a l basis be fighting a \'ery !>o pu lar trend
for the vi<: wpoint that One shou Jü lJWCSl in funds \\叫 1 long Ag ain , if one is a 1。可 -tcrm in 明 lor, One can simply huy
血nding positj ,-" records. The Sl<l ndard reason is that the fund one ofωch type of m~戶 r fund: onc largc cap , one small cap ,
m3n3)o: cr has heen tC<l cd 0問 r morc than One market cyde. One bond , OnC gro\叫 池lue , onc inlernationa l. to j"dex
Astrologic ally, funds 、叫 h o\"er a sc\'cn.)'ear tmck record ha、 e the nwrket just as an indι電 flln d would <1 0. This is a con !i"'"門。
been Icstcd hy at least One 5aturn 5quare-[ refer 10 the 叭噓 approach, hut onc that 1 belie\'e Ignu 時 S SOme of the hene
f3mous scven-year itch. [f il has outpcrformcd during Ihis filS of employing financial astrology. Next one ωuld choose
Ilmc lt 的闊的。 n ah[e 10 3ssume that is becaυ,se íl has a stron~ from a larger uni ,-e TSe by including, when aSlrological indica
M叫 hirth chan and wou[d be 3n app叫pnate 刊, hicle for [ong tors arc fa\'ordble , such spedal山.d funds as scicnce and tech.
lerm I 們屯可eSlmcn! nology or gold
AstrologicalJ、 o附 could di ,'crsify hy bu)ing into 12 fu nds ,
A Gol d Fund Exa mp[e cach incorpo ratcd in a diffcrent month. Theoretically onc
could buy !ho e wi! h Jupitcr in the 閥 me sign and trine 剝gns ,
Go[d Fllnds generally are defensi\'電 in natllre , and can be used and reduce c句。仙 re tO th。但 for 5atum in the same Or trine
10 hedge a ilO rlfolio. Fnr e~amp[e !h叮 tend to do well ín times s恥、咐 ile this app間 ch is a little sim刑 iSlic it may ha叩
of innation , whic h is con ! ra可 10 most ot her stock gro ups “
開 erit, and .;11 be 可 roduce d in a sl udy duc out this ne:咒I year
Often Ihis is 3 be u er S!rdtegy for rnany inveslors than buying on our 附 hsite. In lhe mc antime here are thrcc first-listing
na kcd pll tS groups of mu tual funds. in casc )'OU \\'o \l ld like 10 i m'est也'"
Th us in 1996 an d 1997 , whe ne\"cr the DJ 隘的品。呵呵。0, an d/or l'叫 rchase )'our 恥~n-sign mmual fu吋l
b,叭 ng gotd , gnld s!ocks , and gold fund !i will be part of our
hcdging strategy for mos! Ì!1\"es!ors. Tb e / ....叫“ors ßusi .川崎 O" i/y 1'I1utual Fu nd I nde屯 Lis t

A ,;uj"nd , Franklin Gro"th , 3f3 1/~8

C losed 'e rs u s Ope n Funds Gaklli Grow.h , ~/ 1 Of8 7
A dosed fund does >101 allow fnr the innow of n開 ωpiwl L\ 1er耐 l)"n~h Gro叫屁。甜甜7

Th us il may >1 01 bc affcc!ed by markel dú 何 l urns ín the same Tau叫 fimd Aim Aggre.. i也可" Crowlh 叫

way as open fund ‘9 呻 ch \\"hcn redeemed can force 吋 ling by Fi de! ;ty C 前風釘 17/67
"0 C""". h~ S."cr 帽 ~I.""""
J帥s Twe刑事啃岫$ ßrilnd戶、ne (1 2112怨"
Sk)'line Sl'ed.1 E'I ui{弘 4/23187 臼pricom fomd. ["\'e斑。 S l1'叫 Lcilure (1 1刊/制)
Fiddity Magellan 5121,ω i\ lfS [mcrging G開叫 h n (1 2129泊的
Gntli"i {u吋 缸。 m Fund. 61 lonO FiddityC昀叫 h Company (1117.跑到 HRS
Putnam 油Y3i",, 6I 1 /69 "關叫“ j.""
品前'... fi. nd CGM Ca pilal ~'elopme 則 6122161 Pi.oc", f"..d 趴 m'。蚓、 。?伊刷 nityC (21N 個, )
Scudtkr Ca pital Gro、“比 6126156
c..j.叫 Berger 100,岫叫“ Mom ingst ør Fh'e-$IIl ' I' unds and IAwe r.risk Slocks and
IDS N_ Di men.ion. 7130.必S l\I utual funds
的""j.祉 Fo unden 5pecial , 9n彪, A 帽 j.'"' F伺 nklin Ba lance Sheet [n"關 menl (;4,闊的袖}
L伽.J切"" h叫長叫 Robertωn Ste阱種附 VlI lue &: Cro州h (Sl 12I9 2)
&0帶個戶"" 叫ger Small Cap, 11111186 T.R O>I'e pr咱ce Mid Cap Cro胡志 h ( Sfl翔的
T.信'entleth Cenlury Uhra , 1112181 TGunn 、娃0"閱 (4126185 )
'"你illanU$ fu ru1:
Cø prico"'fu ru1 Slrong Opportυmlty. 1213118 雪 下 R. 總 Price Mid C.p C昀叫h(oI3ω")
A句“"“ j."" John Hancod: S pe<: Equi你 214185 。akmark (的神 1)
h咽 fo nJ.: Pl"佑。 0"制u耐y 巳泊4刷 Fidelily Eq uily I neoIT、I~ lJ (8121 "-10)
Fiddity Se lect F∞d &: ^gri~ul,u,.., {i12到悟到
NQle:Rather inleresring that the Qlde$t , i. e. , fìrst , fund li sl
Pioneer C叩 il41 C l'O\< lh ^ (7f罰'>0)
ed is an Ar i.,.. No surprise 10 IISI昀 loge叫
間rgo fim <l 仇1 叫 ual Q".lifìed (圳"''''
Li hrg fu.ul:
Morningstar Fi 間 star Funds and t-l igher-risk SωT切戶,,..;1: l.a2a rd Sma lJ Cap (1 0130秒 1 1

Stocks and Mulual Funds s"gitla ,.; us f"叫


c“W叫 Fiddily UI"e Ch1 1' Cro叫 h (l2l31旭 71

51"!t 51",el R~scarch Capltal C (312 5184)
Fidelily L伽~. Priced SI""k (1 2127危的
Slrong Common Sto時 k (l2l31 /69)
Putnam \"的幟~r A (6fJ/69)
R句cc Premlet (1 213119 1)
Fiddity~IEα D.!velop Commun (612曳旬0)
R峙的'"尬ro-C.p (1 2131191)
仇delity ~Iecl Health Care (71且也" )
山戶叫 Qu~ntilal i>'e Nume叫Ic Ord (&1 1192) "爛"“ J.""
Pilu5 þ叫:
Vi'X" þ ...J, Putnam New OppA (8.旭'^袖}
Li&r窗戶"" τ RO\O'e I'rke Sde rn: e &: Tecl、001筍,但I3Mi7) Nωe Ihe unuluall)' high pe rcentage of lo.....isk sloc k
S間,切j."" Qu antiIGI i>'e Nu耐ric Ord (1仙 m, ) mutual funds lh別 3rt earth 別gns (Taurus,啊rgo, Ca pricom) ,
"惚'"、.5刮到 I Coψ 1 0,曲目(1 0131188) U 恤 h as a 叫e are mort conscrvati \l:. Again. no su叩 n"ω
A1&er Cro偏th (1 1月 l 洶地,) astrologers
"''''妞"則戶"", 20t h Century Ci仇 .Tru.t ]n~ (I 112Sf遭到
S 1 X

As trological Guidelines
for Trading

M o n cy l\'la nageme n t
In Ihe days "hen 1 "'司的 a neoph)'t(' tnlder, 1 n叭 er left oome
喇叭。 ut my QuoTrel , my portable Sl oc k markel info rmalion
q"叫~ mac hine. Th l盒 is a pracliec 1 131er regreued. T.吋 ..1
be 1ie,'e 3n aCI Ì\'e day \rader shou ld ei the. walch a Irading
~~"時 ligiously 0' simply 附 I t.ade , pcri吋 M arket watch
ing toke5 conce泊lration , which ;5 IM:~I lert undi咐此This is
nol to $a}', howc\"cr, \h以 cntering 0 Short-I~.m tradc hy price
limit eannot olso 1M: 0 $uecessful strategy, and w叫 ching il only
end"ith 也 modes\ 訓仰 自 UI [ digrc泊g
Whi[c starlng a\ my Quo'[γ ek in an clc\"ator, a j;l, e.
;nquired,“ [ $ that a compule. game ~'ou 're playingγ 1 lhoughl
about this fo. a moment 吋(es,"' [ . eplied. 'il i.:' Indeed, and
wh宮內 o game! It ;$ pla戶 d by millions and mil! ioos of peop[e ,
and at tim鈞、叫 ched by hill 的 "'ι11 is played by hotb amateu l"'l
and professionals on an app3 n! n Ll y bm nOl "'Ðlly quite le\"d
向.ing fìeld. Tbere are no handicaps for poor p[耶路 as tn
gol f. Th~ main e、:ent bcgins at 9:30 A.M. Ea s\ern 1門 me , e\'嚕 ry
Monday morning in Ncw York. In\ermission \akes p[祖.ce at 4
P. \l. and thcn procceds each weekday moming umil F.iday.
when all lhe players la Le 0 1T for a "、eekend holida)". Of cou l"'l e
Iha t"s just onc conlest. Othe. gamts hegin and end al differcnt
times around the ....orld. So me. [ike cummd四 trading. are vir
tually 2-1-hour. 開'en.da悶悶 ek game, ",ith na叮 a 間 , " "
00. So me of Ihe games , like the fUIU~5 gam~εenler唾d prima.
iJy in Ch帥80, Are ze ro- sum 11ρm~s: lhat is. ror ",.~可叫nner

^,nau>coc.L Culllt叭"剛 Y…
'" C亂叫""
there is a loser. Others , like the New York game , are more RE1T (Real Estate [n、,''''lmenl Trust). , .. l plan on selling the
egalilarian ,的 11 S P 伯伯 ible there to have both 叫 and shares ve可 ch"ap. but y叫 must wa;1 if you w> sh 10 in\'"叫 m
lo.e-Iose scenari05. Th e main poi n它的 that aS in e'.ery game , this offering. h can be ffiade by prospcct l1 S ooly, and for SOme
what 圳的 is a combination of /uck ~nd ,也 11. The more you reason the SEC wam. 10 see my 。“可"'間 hip papers bef,衍e thev
knowabo Ul the game, thc bctler your chances are of 帆."inning 叭叫 allow me 10 scll shares 10 the public
An d as in all contests, whelher sport】n唱 contests , horse racing , Skill andω~erience are lWQ major n on-astrologi肘 1 faclors
or markel 伊 mes, we note the starting time(sl to get asrrulogi that in f1 uence the oUl come of trading. I hope yOl1吼叫 bcncfü
cal c1 u的 aoout the ,,;nne...l from my experienαm 帆 ha! f0 l1 ow5, as sOme of the rnistakes 1
Th e singlc mosl important resource i. mone于 Thc game describe were made more th3n onCe before the [eS5on 、~'aS
called Wall 5treel is a much easier game to play "ith a lot of leamed
money than with a littlc. It is quite interesting that wh 刊e
almo'l all prof,肘sional players belie叫“ is difficuh to play and An As tr o logical T ra ding Prog ra m
lakcs a !例。f hard 悅。 rk 10 "in , they a 1so competιagamst
many amateur. who believe it is rcla lÍ'.cly ea.y 10 play and Amology is defined as "8 mathematical psychology ba時d 開
make mone\'. How? The answer i, sim抖e, of coucse , S;mpl~. 回 tronomy." Astrology,少..,叮 ps)'chology and timing,昀 >iewed by
huy Iow ~fUl se J/ high! Th e mOre e;叩erienced may havc a fe" an astrolo j;l ical analysl as a third force , along "ilh the funda
cXl ra gu臨 nes like , Lel profits mn , cut ~凹的"好。似的,'" memal and technical fac10rs that Influence market beha叫"
to ~ Imer, Never mn r1γ a 101< 月""叫 let ~ profil lum ;n紛“'=. h 甜叫ogical analysl smdies macket beha叫“ primarily by
etc. One can ewn buîld up a simple mechanica! trading sys correlating planelary cyc1es 叭叭 h hislorical fumres , oplions
tem with 5uch rules. While following them will n Ol enSll 電 and eqllities pricing. In forecasting o\'erall 口 arket trends , Ihe
thal you make a l1 the money in thc world , they wi日1 al le泊" aSlrological analyst st刮目 p rimarily Ihe geocent血 and helio
allow you to k"ep pla叭 ng thc game longer-s omething your cenlric planctary pat lerns and their 時 !ations巾 ip to lhe horo
broker 吋1 appre叫d scopes of various equily and fUl ures market horoscopes
Of co~ 附 if it 間 ce so simple to 、,in the game kno、,\"0 as 1 ca n nol say 100 oflen Ihal wh ile astrological factors
Wall Streel, almost all brokers 訓, d professional fìnancial COn shouJd inlluence Irading dec 帥的。 I 到 rong1y ad\'ocale thal
suhant s would bc ric h, and 間Im,w 伽t isn.1 the case. How othcr factors such as market fundamentals and 1位 hnical price
come: mo\'ements 訕。 be taken into account in forecasting markel
Fi rs!, bccause you need \ots of money 10 make lots of Il uct帥 tions. \ Vh en delermining overall markel trcnds , 1 also
money. $ecand, because you need the right horoscope. Th ird, recommc nd Ih at youεheck the 51alc of your 0 凶 n personal
because 、Vall Strect is nOI an easy. simple game chart. The timing of specific transac lÍons uli!血的 astrologic al
Of course it 的 po時沾iblc 10 make a 101 of money " ilh a lillle , liming as a major factor in d叫“m 刷 ng the beSI time of day 1。
bu t usually Ihis in ,'ol'.es 'nuch greater risk. Using aSlrology makc purchases and sa!es for Irading purposes. Kn owledge of
can reduce thal risk s 、 llewhat , bm if you belie,.e ~nyone who Ihe horoscopes of \'arious cOllntries , world bourses , and cur
tells 抑u they can repeatedly ";n at trad 呵 , conslantly pyra rency charts should a 1. o play a major ro!e in bu 向 g and se l1
miding small c 仙 tal into incredible hei;!:hts , ask yoursel f ing stocks , oonds , fu ture丸 and options. Non-aslrological fac
呵呵wdoes he [sheJ 、~.,mt my 55000 Or $10 ,曲。?" Ahruism? Of tors such as one's knowled峙。 f the 5tock market and one'.
cou...c , if you h郎、, ""此戶 t hecn burned by a bad experien仗 ability 10 analyze the reports of \'ariou s market analysts , aS
,也 u may 叫 sh to in問到 in my prospective Broo kI yn Bridge well 鈍。 ne's '.markel sense and feel" will al50 play a m窗戶 r role
目 ,。 a....rn.s" 叫“祖 G ell'.u 祖 國向 13;

in determ ining which financial inururnenU are to ~ pur. lines_ He suggcned pUlling togecher a group of lop r. nancial Th at being uid , 1 pcrsonally rdy prîmarily on rny ."叫togc..,. and puuing Ihe onc "ilh Ihc besl ho咽。pc cyde
expertlse in Fì nancial astrology when for蝴 Sling trading for each day in charge of m瓜 in~ 1他 ding dec給她的 for that
Create rnOre profif"bl~ 叫 u tions 10 some or )'our toughe ", do)'. Th昀 has }'et 10 be done , bul [ fully 5upport the con川eepc
fo.ecasting problerns 州 th Financial Astrolo !W? Onc mistak~ 岫 beginning I\""dders oflen make [S \0 ovcr
I.ade. Ralher Ihan 咽 Iting p 3l lemly for the 呵ht momenl to
肘ike, they feel Ihcy new 10 be in the markel a!mOSI al all
Astrology Trading Rules "m “ My advicc ‘ Be IIkc a cat wa iling for a mOuse
、、,'alch-waît-and po....C <l . " ASlrologically speaking il im、
One of thc imereSl ing proptnics of 、\'all Slrcel and sirnilar
rna. I..CI gam的 is Ihe racl Ihal Ihey constantly change and “叫叫 bl.ωlrade e呵呵 minUle of the da)'. be-位 use of ,.咱可00'
e、.'()II'e. Th is has 10 do noc only 叫 th the use of .upcrcomput intraday Il5lrol<司g<可al indic訓。"
ers, mutual funds , hedgc funds , dcrivati,'e. , incrcased g1 0bal
i~ation of markets , and 50 forth. but also w悄的岫10膨Th. Rule 12: Choose the Ri吵 Ilnll.llmenlS
sky isωnstanlly changing, ßnd this correspomls 10 clmnging
markeh IJclng right aoom the markct's d 時 ε \lon 、\'on t guaru 川e皂 )'OU
κ IWW )1:"" horosω1'f' is the f 悶 t rule of aSlrol筍~'. h app];u profìtable Irading. Nalurally [t hclp. , in that il i. a necessary
10 all Ihe horoscopcs )'()u 、的)rk "~Ih , staning with the most bUI nω"叫>/fi<蛤nl CluSC of "-ca lth building. AlmOS1 cqual in
m帥n.anl 0閣, you. 。情可悶 、CI Ihe first rule of finance is .1:_ im p<>n ance is tne choice of the proper lrading [nslrumenl.
>"什伊拉蚣,;∞丸f.ach pcrson muslεombine 恥~ ,明""" ß ,ηing 11 fa.-o ut -of-1he-money put or call 。阱 Îon requires a Iñg
of financ叫叫m 申 inlo a uniquc combinalion of the " ri恥" markd mo"e in order 10 ma l..e moncy. Th us an accurale mar
惘 ding rulcs and beSI mon e)' managemenl 且 dea$. Th ls must be kel call about dire咚 1ion can 10個 moo句 if th凹,且,叭 5ufficient
dlsc訕。cd for yoursdf , IlS We notw in Chapter 3. Dlffcrcnt preci 岫恥 Don'\ u吋吋 h吋間 p Y'凹rself. Too oflen you gcl
"別 em. work for differen\ psychologlcal (aslrologicnl) types what you pay fo., in Ihnt chcap oplion5 may bccome much
h 叫 use and develop dO lC ns 0' c 'en hundrcds of trading m。同 ω:pensi,.., 10 own in the long run because thcy 10 oftcn
.ulc.. My pcrsona l fa\'o.iteS follow. 、,Vh ile they a.e al挑可')' 105e rnuney. As lrology hclps , of course , bUI ra時 ly do the mar
uppcrmosl in my mind , they ,h個Id nOI be ωnsidere<l UhallS kets mo糟 ωdramalically.
"憾。r cornplele, by any meanS
An Împonant corollary 10 Rule 12 ÎS di楠"Sify "nd u 呵 h,
On a pu.dy astrological bn叫“電 can expec1 10 ~ righl beuer
Rule 削 Choose the Right 11me IMn 7 out of 10 lime,. (Of course , when cωnbioed 叫Ih lech
nical and other faclors , theωds may împr'O'. e somewhat.) We
As a d的."叫他"'可 aSlrological lroder and in、哪怕r, rule num have found Ihat t.ading fì糟 markclS a \l ows us 仙的cienl di"er
b" 仰c ;$ fllndamcntal 10 aS1ro lo~ωI trading 可 岫 'pp 臼" sifìca1ion and profitabillty. Also, nOI all markcl calls are cqual
p<咽 nal horoscope cy c\ es , aS 咽 havc frequenll y cmpha臨“ Th crefore we wcighl our calls In a onc- to thrce , u l1 it fashion.
as well aS 10 Ihe horo間州 S) of your prospccti\'瞻仰 rc hascs This allows diffcrentiation bel"-een a 10 戶"' 叫 1" muve (P l
and 5al.,s. call) and a limit mo\'e of 50 poin l5 ( P3). Each markct has its
When )'OU 're hOI , )'OU.'" hOI. \Vh en )'ou'.., n01 , crade kss , own paramcler毯, as do olher trading syslems. Th e impo民""'
蛇se8 rch , andfor take a 唱calÎon from trading. One rnoney R桐 is 10 differenliale among calls by ""'ighling 1M 個 .of
manager made an inlere51ing proposal la51 yea. along lhesc Ihe lrade placed
M叫“c.. •• lL".. ''''' To叫
'" C叫'" '"
may j~μbe m)' natural 帥 ntrarian n~ture al "o k. but d;鉤51.,. ,
C旭L ‘uω何獨 。'j lA (DOW、 " 雪悔。 could othe 、~is(' follo..-. I':x treme 個叫他的山 called fo.. un[('..
',-az l lJ.-l~ 剛剛 自仙"
one is backed up b) g'似地 techn時:al Irading ,地nal5. ~Ie rt" s
Dn Q( her corolla ry:
l~~O poin" "心咽
F 50+ poinU ,恥
。0" 、 trade "h凶, ,、OU \0' 0"" i"'..,51

NOle that these number. change wi! h diffe. ., nl market 、.Vh lch has it !i 0'\1'" corollary:
cond泊 ion5. Th e important poinu !O remember a~ thal nOI all
calls ha 'e equ叫 w('ighl. and to play Slronger caUs "ith more D"仇 confuse day trading ,,;th posil昀n tr1l ding
.m ,巾的"
u.. 的 11 rule. , Ihis One has SOme nOlltb]e e.~ceptions. But
Rule 13 Choo S<! the Right l\I oney l\I anagement when lrading Slocks shon . ler肌 1 rarely recommend buying or
shoning a nock e...en for an intraday Irnde, unless it"s a posi
Th ls rule. concemcd with how !O take profìu and losses , is a tion r d be "illin粵宜。 hold lor呱er).lenn
, "b 閣 importllnl enough 10 take up ﹒吋 01. 峙。k b,山elf. Put anωher w宜興 1 prefer direclional connrmatlon from
Th暐 follo叫 ng points 1 haH' found 旭lid through personal
t甲巾 nCe. U 伽 U刷冉但pite h.';ng read 血u 伽n in
either m)" Intermediate- or long-Ierm trading 叫 ow m "“, ,
sbon-term tmðe. \'e<, one can I", de bo山明)""S, and 1 used 10
油rious books, 1 lear附d them all the ha n:l way. from penonal
自mnemee Stii11.uoMng BOtheoIdum"Onh M makfs

do more of this when I first started r..ding. Now I mo r<: ofl=
U 認 the e.'、cpected eountertrend m納電 in the 叭:ay m)" menlors
th~ same mistake twice , while a wise man leams from the 005 n !1 1 lried 10 teaeh me 10 do , simply as an entry po川t
takes of others." corollary here 到別的 1

、,vhen in doubt , don、、,vhen in , and in dou心, gel out or

,el a lighl S! op
'"'肘曲~四 I間.....'''"也有祖四~ H甜O~"'-'\)[D """""

T,..., b.nJ岫 dupHR o. 也吋

One of Ihe ma戶 r ad\"3 nlages of lIsing nnandal aslrology i.
that It can pro、.. ide }"OlI叫th a road map of Ð: pecltd market
aellon. Th u5 when aeling as a po.itional 抽血仇 I am nOI ωn
T間- ,世』

T_ho,吋』 a
、、.~;ι ,.咀揖H
恤4間. ,.祖』呵

cemed if a small e。“悶悶 trend is forecaSI. I am ,.e吵曲n

eerned when ( 1) il lasu I。可ge r Ihan il should , or (2) il i.
slron l!.er lhan il 凶"aS forecastωk i\n here 、,.ould be if 1 am a slrong market hear b叫
t'XI mple
Of Ihe greal回 ωncem a r<: lhose li "",, "hen lhe markel .m 也可ωting a two.han d.l e (200 poin lJ SP) upslde mo、."t fint
M 叫甜 Ing as 1 had belie\"ed {fo間叫 “你。 uld . 1ñis period Rather Ihan auωmatically pla)"ing the ups叫c , 1 wail unlil Ihe
。f doubling sho 叫d nev" be an acl;\"嗆 perlod. I belie...e in mo'"t;. nea....complete and ~horl what I believe is the top. Th~
planned lrades. Thi. e:.:pl訓., h。啊., ,,'.en in the m划 .1 of a 叫 d reason for Ihls caulion is dcar. Somctimcs a largcr 制趴啥叫 11
marketi I can act md dentIFBUremember if yO U h耐." ωmc and destroy a minor tountcrtrend tradc. Nothing hurts
de.i.e 1。即吋 In fTont of a f. eigh t Irain , thal Ihese trade. f間,也 。叫l ionally and fìnancially, lh3n 10 be righl abo叫, h,
should not go conlrary 10 Ihe apparent seeulor trend. I also big mωc and 訓 ill lo.e money on a baby countertrend trade. I
use a rule of Ihumb IMl Ihe}. mu Sl be planned In advance. 1I
1 喝。
fìnd the ma rkets a sl恥 lently worthy 叩poncnt "i!hoUl ha'
\;m,"" bUI, los t' 51700 In the e;ghlh lrade , [am broke. Trading
ing !o pJay ag訓 n5! .. >w /f in the b. 叩'" ", ;Ih100 liuJe capiluJ is a losing game. It's flne if you 巾w the
Of course if thc coun tertrend m。惚惚咱可 large , such a5 ,
markeu a an enlerlalnmenl iubuilule for Las Ve23重
Ihrff or four ha吋lel 0. morc , the 個dc. in me oflcn 吋J ""3m αherwise , consider cll~fully Ihe IÌme you mu民 in'-esl in trad
\0 pla)" !he up到de fìrst. AI 唱).. !his depends on the ~中<<... ,
ing' h hould comp帥"雄 )'011 mort' lhan 拘 Ur pre使 nt li"" of
m嗯Ih of Ihe m()1.'e. For 蝴m恤 , a hrief inlraday mo\.., may ", ork. Ot her鴨昀e, why t'3d ,,? Bcuer 切 work ";Ih a prof.哩 間。"
be ignored. while a eountenrcnd day may oot. Again , id個 11, 制 money manager,

thc~ indicatioo' hould come from 00'" as! rol筍IY D"J !echni , ,?
How do [ -iew JIOp As the point in play 31 ,,-h時 h I Qm
自 IsignaJs. Aωrollary: u呻吟 10 CQnt;nue hold ing my cuπ'"' 闕 ';1昀n. If Ih.. markct
reaches 叫 510p 闕1m. ;1 is likly 10 go much fr," ~r a伊間t
Watch t M. rislJrc咽..J ro.州 carefu l你 mr. Now 0"" muSI al $O cllkulale ", h叫-.e. one can affo叫 .h.
510p po; ,,1 Ihm in...lida回 the lrading posit酬 If nOl, pmdent
'n.erc are many diffcring approaches !o the risklrc 晶">Ird ralio mone)'帥"的Igement 53)" do叭t>./er jtlω 11.. ,.w,' in 1M 兵剛 ,
As a general rul e of thumb , a 1:3 ra!lo is delirable. This ploc叫
means Iha! I am 州Jli ng to ri.k a $100 10叫“ r a potcntial 50""" moSl impo巾川恥,,' 1I0n5ω 的 k in professionalt rad
$3 00 gain. BUI Ihi. as叫 mes 8\ Icasl a 50.50 cMn ", of 5U( ing 8rt'叫,Vhat happens if I' m wr酬g? Can J a fTo叫 thc 100St
cen. e"en 叩 !o 80 percen1 righ l. I u給 this for 們臼 lls. For Can I slill make money?" A 他 ffìcit'ntJy astul~ IllI dcr {i n con
p2 個 115 , 2: 1, and for 呵 , 1:1. Th al l5!0 5ay,、叫 !h incre池 IIng !ras! !o a mark..! ca !l c rl! im叫 ha$ !he kno ‘ edgeωhedge
c..r\ai nty 1 am 州lli ng to daY' lmde smull bct5 if 1hc 的惘。g認,1 posi! ions by buyiog io叫叫 mC n! S !ha! 叫11".鈍,糟Jy (mrperfonn
odds arc highl y fa\"umble. Aga in, \he principle is mOre impor whcn correc! and be hedgcd mos! of !he !ime 叫 !h onJy rcla
tan! Ih3n Ihe numb..ring sySlem , whic h can be adj uslcd 10 1h-ely smalllo1S的 when 001. A$ Bn e-".amp胎, be Inng oond. by
individu aJ last t'i and sp<< lfic mllrkets a key zuPFBnhwellan d short the Si-near a Strong vegisMncE
area . Cun you Follow why !hl. ma!egy wiIJ 、,'ork in differen!
marke!s? By breaking cven 0. of!cn 105ing a littlc when WTona

…… 輛“....,..
7 闕,棚,
s一個 C心

!hi allow5 for grea!er O'Ierall pmfì!s when ∞ rrect. (f you do晶
晶!low mc hcrc , i! 叫"'.叫 good idea 叫 nd a hmker Or
trad ing paMncr who doel

Pro fits a n d LOSSC5

0 ", 、'e l)' important paM of the c。的“ emtion is thc u ~ 01

stops 、,'oJ umet: could be wriucn On he , ubjecl , bUl leù jusl
Ru l..
帆:iIl jusl
, 1:goProtccl
a" "1I)'
p陶 fiu ; if )'0.. 19nore )"O ur profiu, Ihey

.,. y I di蛤gree ";1 1'0 thc pte\"IIlcn t 叫ew of !h.. ule of 鈍。p5 a~
being primørily a mon句 management 1ω1. SlOp5 m酬。ften ' Playing for th.. big score " is more Ihan a dream for sma Jl
.~ "但.. 10 help 10 presc f'可e
prindpal in lrading. n珊的 Iheir pJa)'、間, il ls I"" 'r fll叫做n! nemcs隨 I n my earl i..t da~ J often
sccondaηfunct ion. For c.'咽 m ple, if I Ix:gin 、州1'0 $1000, trad .. liked 10 play .op!ions -t'.' piration Fri旬y." Th ere wcre nO rea l
profilably ,e"種 n lime. and mak.. an ﹒時間 geofSI 曲 uch lim.. premiuml , and for a few hundred doJlan 1 had a uniquc
,., CIW'fl' Sr., … cλ凹,…
。 pportu 川 1)' 10 make money that 、,'a5 a、 ailable only oncc a b..",提山的 rccl Ihat lhe pricc in Ihe futurc "'啊1I be greatcr
monlh. Ofum 1 would become cQn叫 nced the marke ,,-ould , Ihan al the prcscnl lim~. The rc should t.e no com promise
b~ak m) wa手 IInd I ,,-ωM的 accepl the doublc Ihe mω 成.. hcre , Th c c(ω1 of commission s 昀俯臥‘ .0 retal叭可cly 10", thal
offcrtd mC for a fe"' momenlS. 吼叫1., m)' IrD ding panner Iωk )'(l U ca n al"-")'$ reemer if you red )'00 madc a miSlakc , 0. if
hls profìts. 1 held. Not .呻 risingl). I 叫 uld frequentl) then )'OU. ancssmcnt of mar~冶 t condilions changcs , 11 d,他.n ', .....,
105., ;1 ..11 hy Ihe end of the dll)'. (Nol"" pla)ing OUI of the /... ,t' ,。“戶叫 1 don '( carc if "ou ha咱 a profìl 0. are hold
附。""Y 0ιX putslca Jl s. ) lng a tosing 仰 .ilion. }U51 <l c t. The famous 叫 it , 10 "al Ica5t
Li ke almoSI a l1 of my le必on5 , this 0 '1(' Wp! brought homc JUSt g('1 c\'en 肉 i5 th ", "mateur's "呵。f not admilling 10 a mi5
10 me hy an e.-;pcriencc 可 OU w加 Id think Ih31 by dlnt of fre
‘luent 1055"0 1 、,,"Ou ld leam. NOl 50-一l'm a fi間cd s池n in 115lrolo
la li: C

gy. BUI again , I had 圳的lrological edgt Ihal .110附.! me 10 ,

恥I[C #3: I-Iold day lradin g !>OS ilionl o 'c.n lght

play 1伽嚕脾 T. as the fìrsl cnlry mosl often was ri8hl
re lU mcd a Europ妞"、'-llca !ion Ihe day before OnC
opliOnl 包責pirallon Frida)'. Europe is of cou 吋 e much more
Onc gTUI probtem 、.ith d 河 Il1Iding in uccu is thal po itions
must bc doud by the end of thc markel , regardlcn ~f bow it
1ong-lcnn -o ricnled than Am開個 m 陶 thlnking. By rating the wilt opcn Ihe follo ..;ng d那 IdeaUy there 伽 u[d bc $U恥 ienl
food and brealhing Ih~ 3í., I 側 m~how 3cqui .w 3 10ngeNerm
.;ew, 1 cnle.w a 戶側的間, the market quickly doubl吋. I ,∞k

equl l)' 10 hold all p il Îo ns 0\~m;8ht if But dOl>'l con
fuse day t閥d1ng and posit;on trading. If you a時 day Ira d1 ng
my p'O白 t" l.ooicl lI俱 "hal happcned? Unlike thc p.e..'尬的 a l\d )'(l U don'l ~CI 10 gain on)' 叩 p~ciabJc .d施 nlage by
nine opt旭n cxpi l1l tions , Ihi. 、'1Ii a hiS One , Thc initial posilion sta)ing ",~mighl 個巴 )'our 伊sition , If)'o山 h.刊 no idea of thc
..'ould hnve inC I'I:'3驛d tcn (im~.! 1 .ωn ruli f. cd this and reen ,
opcning, duc 10 a nc"'S ~p。院 , or ~啥)u fect Ihere J signifìcant
tCTcd lhe posit沁 n , and by market clo'e had doubl~d my rhk lhal the markel mayφ'" 喀則 nSI you-<io 的 hC$itale , just
moneya seco nd lime that day. Th c follo ..in8 reuJi酬的n 附g a副主。 ur po$ition. 'OU clln al 泊)1 rcentcr ln thc morning
b.oughl 1I0me: 1 附. able 10 quad作uplc 叫 moncy 。“ 0' , TO 1"'""1<";:'" \V hen thc horoscopc( 的
m仇也 mum tcn fold l .ofìt-day. B叫個 Icnfold profì i. ' aTC of the openlng market(s) seem (的 fa'...rablc to your posi tlon,
i rl{!~cd , and pcrhaψ5 lIappe肘。n!y 1 timc in 10 , Had l laken hold it o\'cmlght. \Vhcn 卯 u are unsu.t , have no ldea, or fee [
, ‘
my double c~cry lime , [ would ha e bccn ra. b~nc. off Ihere ;5 s~gnific~nl ri5k Ihe . lIl arkel may open agaln Sl your
PI,們 níi: likc an amateu., [、'115 afraid of miulng Ihe bíg One F圳。 n , close il by Ihe end of Ihe 血與
But I learncd Ihal 1 w仙 Id nOI lo:sc oul if I playcd p仇血叫你
Th.. 咽s a real cye "Ü pcncr fo. me. This is 、~'hy iI is oflen said:
q 帥甸的....... ,.,..閣 q 間11, t l.ø間 rht '''''' be "叫“帥

Rulc 1 C.all the la5t ol'lc~_ighlh , da)" ll"l de Ihc J.鈍。,..
rou" h , and pos;tion-tradc the
[a51 o~c.ha [r,
sit 'll plaωω.'m
凹的剛ica tJy, it 妞'-"'1')"剛結巧inR cmotÎonal紗帽吋 to ca Jt the
Rulc 12: Heas僧5!i co ns lanlJ~
top 0. OOllom of markel mo 嗨 1. Fil\llnclall那 lt ls ''eI')' un吋~
T∞ ffilny lrad"s are 105t by II');nlllo Sta)' 10 the \'cry end or a
4 Thc m川omen t you would 00 lon阱r f~shly cnler Ihe $B mc po釗 , ,
mo 'e. Th e famou 、\'all Streel lrader Bcma叫 ßaruch was said
tion 叫 immed 副 cly, OT place 3 t地 nt ~I Op ord臼 Hope is a to be happy 10 gi\'c the fim and last 10 pc rccn t to olhefli
IIre~1 en~rn)' ()f lmders. lr ,...,.. wouldn'\ buy Ihe sam ", itoc k 01 "DORy lry aobuy at the bottom or uil at the topRHe was
this currcnt price , why .hould anybody clscr l'eople buy q叫他 happy 叫 th 80 percen l of an)' maTkel mo"e. Th is senti
c...... Sa …c-、“… '晶 ,

ment is .har叫 by almost a lJ succen I traders. 0" the othcr
hand 明 ha,-c Pa ul Tudor j o" .,.. one of the \\orkl '. II\Oli I 'UC一
One of Ihe "、“, pro伽 able indicalors in"昀 lrading s~'Slem
is "hen it d 間叭"。而已 1f 色。t'Cting a blg uJ>S ide mO\"<:'
間 ssful f,叫 ures traders , who r恨。gniZH that immcn u: pro(;u and thc mar J..e t is s19唱" th o:o re.s a major chance Ihat a hig
can be made if onc k冊的 h" 叭~[ beli..'"e the 、<:'1) bcst money
j made al the ma turns." Such can be the polenlial 油,,,
of a.lm 句jcal trading

ger. undisco愣愣d , or uncharted C)'、c1e il a出 ul 10 ~~[ode. 1
mil I" m not ah..窗戶 fa.t o:o nough 切巴中 oi\ Ihis. l t"s one of Ihe
fe" aren where I" m "illing 10 concede Ih31 aωmpule ri~ed
1" Ja間的 1989 叫自問 month of 1111dl峙。,I;oll. , loflen trading program con outperform me . Some of the bigge'l
wa. ablc 10 !Ì mc the day a complller 釗ock" 酬 ld jump. [ kepl mo'.emcnI5 , and most prolì!a blc Irades 那 cm from such fail
refinin啥叫 work. Iryi呵 10 precisel)' lime the ....'UCI ", ;nm., of υ付"<:'5 of r電 linbJc indicators. Of ωurse if lhe 1叫 icator< are叭
"'恥0\'.,. Onc pa川 cular 。叭酬 pl ay 帆 as f,ω \Vys巴 co mp叫". wcll tC5te" or ap抖 ied , we're not lalking Ihc same 110耶
、、 hic h al the l im.. 、 selhng for a ]iulc more 的 an $6 , 1 had a
Sl opwDu:h hundy and my brok金 r on the phone , Dnd ( kep\ him
的raiting for a minulc alld a half. Thcn I said , 叮叮 . R叫 beforc H ot Stocks
the Ilme the oplion order could be fillcd Ihe mark..t had In Chapter 7 , 峙"蛤"←-along"訂 ho酬,→ lock splits, ωn
.,~叫y rn<)\'吋 and \\)'Se "'liS 58! (1" Iho,," days the oro..r 畸重 p~n)" 5叭 ilS or 5p 棚他 a吋 mergers and acq山,岫 ns Ihat can
們叩開 up by hand , then 提 nllOlhen∞ r-a tOf al tumarrn帥d be hOI. Rou “ 0'做到ocks oftcn h盔、電 ri S<:'n on a $tock .plil , fo1
time of aoout 3 個" min叫的 Tod酬。 f COU fSC. 1 hu"e comput 知wed by a ra Jl. Aω'mpany S抖;1 usuaJ Iy occurs b<<仙S<:' sharo:o
訂<~叫剛 ) Mt~r li\~ng Ihrough Je\.eral such scenari O$, I no holders do叭 bel;e\'e they' re getting full 叫uc , and oCten ;1 is
long~r pL句 Ih~ 1酬。n~-e ighth of any mo\e , nh hough I f... accompanied by an 叫 ;al rise 間的 m叫開 the acquired
quently doω11 it Compan). uJual甘 rises, ", hereas the acq 叫 ring one may falL In
PJ~)ing againsl )'ourseJf is a ~e間>-sum gamc. At t;mcs , like , h, 限制 ChaselChemical merger. 叫 11 for帥 st by Bill Eng In
a lJ IrodC Il. we aSlmloge向,~鹽 urpriscd b)' Ihe m:trkcts. Th is his B.w 5toc恥 to Tr時戶1" 1995, both stocks ro$~. as the pro
cou Jd bc duc u) an ermr in calculation , judllmenl. or data , or posed deal made sense from the 叫e的1>Oinl of oolh companíC$
for any olher 時“。n. It dω 蚓、 maltu. The fact 15 , we are 5el o:o cling stocks b)' looking al the e.~ch a.n ge listlng líme
"-rong 削 times. As s∞ n as a mislake 姆冊.:ognized. acknowl c。問 spond5 10 lechn 臨 1 ana恥 i$. \V hile. theoretically. price
o:o dge It a叫“ 1. An)" d c1 ay usually isω"、 ßnd 0、'er th o:o Jon~ aClio~ 叭。uld renttl a stock'. fun cl.a menlals. oflcn Ihis 帽 0"'
h,叫 }'ou "'叫,- Ihe CDse. Bi lJ Meridian populari~ed Ihe concept of the first
trade to accoullt for much o.、哈 r. 9nd under...aluatíon. My
nul e 15 , l!r飽 k an}. ruJe 帥,也full琴 and "'" ωre to ha向
r,、'orohle horosco p., îndications "hcn )'OU do! undenlanding is that BiI1 uses the finl lrade as a primory
M間 lor, Ih o:o n ba由 ÎI up Ih剛ι 凶 h ,間
e 岫."叫 t伽 he inc曲。,-

恥!ω~; Fo r ad唱 nced trad 開, what d峙 '0 ,叫 rk. r,卸的叫“ 『仰
岫。 cha
'0 岫岫k PL",,,吋 510dc T....J呵,制 1 pl'O\'叫的 us "';Ih
Ihe S<:' ~i.. rule.
S叩叫細跡 N...,. ...叮叩
S叫 …"一 1. Sdecl H small grou p of stocks 10 ,,-ork ,向h
的‘ 叩 Flot. .Ii~h ,峙". 峙的
2. Selecl hor05copes Ih則 make 50fl or posit仇'e COlll1 t CtlOns to
01 dovo" 恥 . I i吵 " ,叫 ,
81 "F your 0 州
,-π. ..
'" ……叭的

3. Un k l'$ land 1M 四 ncepl oi relali"c ilrength
... T,泊 d. 則 Ih the trend: the lrend Is )'our',叫lend
5. Di lTerenl groups of slocks ha、:e di恥 renl charact..rislic ,
6. Conlìrm seleclion. Ihrough technkal ana])'sls.

I work Ih~ othcr way round , Jooking primarily PI Ihe incor

p<>rn自1\ chart and Ihen backing I1 up by t<<:hn間 Is and Ihe
firsl trade char t. Rcmember, I !1 c\'er like 10 Irnd~ a s臨 kI明m
10 irwe !t in. ln " slm;lar ve叫 I ulually "-00" play 1\1街A gam"s
unleu 1 bclic"e Ihe pcquired slock ;.1 undervaJucd and would in
"m間 be "o11h the pu n: hase price. C蚓、'cndy, h酬。可肘" 1 am
mOSI h appyω.hort lh" a呵叫ring company if I d。的 "aft' fOl
the dellJ 00 fundamental and a ~(rologicaJ grounds. AIω J'm
圳lI ing 10 ShOM the company 10 be acqu lred if iu hOTOKOJ><'
喃喃帥 sugges妞 a rallnl. acquisition 0. me曙".

Shorting S tocks 、Vh e n It's Raining thc ,

Farmcrs Ar e Happy
Shorting or , elling a slock fIrS I, Ihen b叩 n8 ;1 back laler, can
be vcry ris句 especialJy in bull markeu. Tw。問 n.aslro logical
rule~ 10 keep In mind: Be 叩門 of 向rtin& ø 帥 "mr s 叫(I. e. ,
的。 rt with Ihe 州 nds with 刊州 nol againsl you) and be waη 'f
, ,
$"0'1;"& ø popum short 0. )"OU cou ld end up crus hed in a
o r. c
short 叫 ,uu 的。 the. point to remembe. If).加 州叫“。c k is F I G U P.恥 I n.. . 叫恤

that you ar" 'elponsible fo r p帥 ing OUI any dividends

How,,"e叫個回叭 likt-ly to 5hort a high-dl\;dend-)"i"ldi呵
stock, u it is unlikt- ly 10 be cOnliidered 0間rvalued
、\'e will now look al DEC at IWO p; 叫“ mo'-eme nu in
li~ : itl P的ce action before the 1987 cras h at ;USI Un叫“ 200, for 1987 Sun and Satum a時 prominc nt , indicatlng a strong
and its late5t bOllom 叭.'e ca n agai n 叫 e u' the 13me data dose of 1m叫,..“你 In tft., 199-1 chart. the Sun is at the 10、,'- ~
through Ihe len1 of the DEC first trade cha rt (Fig. 6- 1). l\l ars e51 point of the chart, showing the potcnliality for a neu' cyclic
8nd Uranu s are Ihe ast rol。 包 ; c al rule r$ of what is /'01 Qnd u l}Su~ng. [n Fig. 6-3 w" al50 提 e Ihc n c.' t yeur's cho 凡 ond see
q"idt, respecti,'ely. th e favo rable l\l oon -Jupi ter 叭 ulo on th c ^sc~ndant a nd
In Fig. 6-2 , [ ha,'e used another popul ar Icchnique that Saturn at t h~ lowest point ofl he chart , hOlh a伊 in indicating a
amologers ~ m l' l。其 that of the solar rcturn ch!lfI . In the charl new cyClic up 恥Nlng
1拍 c."..,.... S,.,
……… '"

'"叫“ OEC fI.., tr血 ~a, ( t99S) 曲“

F1GURE 6. l ÐEC 11.., ,rad< }-'u ( 1 喇<1..,..

Options and Futures ……

叫,,,. ürn 啥 M 帥,閻明

J\[ Hny new opcion pla)"crs 3re espcc ially p阿 n e 10 the belief P r<< i.. 叫, 叫岫吋叫吋

that the markets are de晦"吋個 purposely frustr3te the great

e~t number of pl are問 F" 巴x.a mplc, ha"c you C\'er noticed th al
when )'OU ..." h to buy an 。仙似。 n, th也 pnce 的 alwa)'S a bit on 1'he key point aoou t pl叩呵。ptions and f,叫州的時 not onJy
Ih c high side; sell ""句,帥", the price is alm的 t alw3 )'S on the 10 be righ\ ,仙 1 to be right in ,;",ι 1'0 S3y t hat the markct 吼叫 l
'ow 恤 and when you fìnally 仰叩開 " m"r/w PÙl)! 伽 risc s!rongly in Iwo Or three momhs but be wrong by One day,
Slock markel act酬伽 keep 叫,吋 to happen fìnally lakes Cart be tota l\ y devasta tinMι This premimn 叭 eXl remely precise
place? timing is why there are numerOUS successful traders 叫m
c.....n. S"
'" “……… '"
incorporatc aSlfflloglcaJ eJemen lJ ;nl0 their trading sys!crn 0. four key quarlerly opt Jon-e;哼);on cydu. \\'e 01.0 ha'-、e the
個'ho cOrlsult aSlrologers monlhly Lunar Cyde , "1th the New 1\1∞n-Full M∞n-New
A 肺功 nd ~qω lIy impon叫個nl is Ihal astro 嘲 s capa O\ loon cyde , punclualed by Solpr and Lu....r Edi p5(' s at the
bility 10 precisely time roreca~u facilitatet onl) a little IÎrr糟­ time of the New Moon and the Full 1\loo 罔 聞戶<:I;\'ely. l\I ar-
premium lon for the Thc時 art (..。凹,“。f bu)ing 0' kel ....Lat山句“"“ n in.c rease during changes in these cycl緝
selling an option: the irminsic value and the tirne prcmium 的、~...II,的“...岫 ling funher confìnnations or Ih悟 Slronger P2
E,~n ,,-hen 抓甜 rologlc叫 fore<:aSI is wTQn g. ;1 can be 50 craft- 個 d , inωme cas筍, P3 u lI ding signals ﹒吋 rules, A1 J of these
ed as 10 con' only the ery s ma Jl est selecl~ segmen l5 of
li~. 1'hese cumulothe me winoo明 COnililUle an e.~tremely
diffe ..., nt monthJ)'/quarter l)' cy這k軒-Options, CaJendar, Solar,
Lunar-<an be used ωidenlify IUming 伊叫s in markeu by
…, .d呵呵 岫細 ng øl the 剛叫。gic:aJ condilion øt 珊.-k duri嗯峙 parts O' f
Ihe c)'du. 11.e Important 個 int 10 k<<p in mind is that the
co nf1 uence of these O\-e rlapping cydes requires Ih.. $lrongesl
,~. 阿叩""
possible indical O' rs before a posili O'n play C8 n be reωmmended
恥~. -阿甜甜h 鬧"', M 叫他S<pt. . Oe.;.
or course if one is bu}ing 徊。"的 n O' r futu ..., 加 hedging
n", of.he """, lh ~ L J 舟山申 1;)... .1
P"'Pωes , In conlra叭 10' speculalion , Ihal Is a horse of D diffe r
""""'" ~.

Zl -l j ol 曲吋 h M 叫 Ju ..., S<pt.. Oe.;. '"'切O'r. Th en we don '1 W(lrry 的 much abou! !he pena !t y for
叫吶 M 開血跡叫叫“ '"悔- , ...,.,.,. being W拍ng In dramatic markcts , as our purchue 閥 i' 別 fm
Ims ...,涓細,. ^'叫 th co、.-ered call writing , whkh is a CQn 鍵~
tive way tO h..dgc .g.inst temporary markel d O' wndrafls ,
1 fìnd thc markel pric且可 10 be mOSI realislic On Opl 的叫 。plions and fUlu時s ar.. p 句吋 differemly for h..dging O' r spec
“ piralion day. On Ihat dlly morkct parlicipants mUSI exchange ul3lion. ln general 叫 need stronger In dicalions 10 play P 2
p的呵。 .t for derivntl\"e pro 划 tions. Qf COUTSC thc price of and P3, bccall! e th.. penalty for being wrong is gre“a“ 叫t臼
certain stocks nmy bc skcwed and round..d up or down to a A,伊 β in. 1 can'、t 。恥、 e肘r昀"仰
啥叫'"山h,叭t Irading O'P
ons an(
Slrike price. 10' as 10' e 1i mina le the needω pay O' ul 10 a number like all h 包吵h ris仙e 酬吶"叫 d ,糟'"叫'"re
附,仇, .吭岫。。‘u
h 耐』
of playen. 50 we hu 、 e mnny cycles to c O' nsidcr. During 吋 sk capila 訓1. 1 defìne risk capil 岫 叫1 ,“s monq thal )"0白uε“'"何o 吋
O' ptiO' ns , c:<p iration wcek 、、 e Il ccd Sl ronger indical O' rs t O' play t切0' I O'S聽
e 叫t山 hO'ut any mlljor change in your lifeslyle
our 1'2 and 1'3 lndiu!ors. Th is ;$ be抽 use Ih.. ..., is a !Irong
tcnd..ncy 怡 shake OUI the weaker playcrs at Ihis tim巴 M arket
volalility inc reases dram削 lcally. Jn add 川O' n the mO' nlhly Integrating As tro logy 、叫 th Tec hni cal Trad ing
。 pllon 巴叩開 tion cyclcs. "hkh 9re strong'唔'St '1 uanerly. require
ou r P3 indicatO'n 叭.'e tu,向 monthl)' and quart..rlyεQle ndar Many lechnical lraders are 10'. large u t..nt o !", n tO the 剖
C)" d.... preceded by ..indo..-dr的 sing mO' ney managen. A1 sO'. 開 Ce or 蚓 rol。那喃自由 Ihey vi間..,創 mply 徊。 ther form O' f
as fìscal compcnsalion lncr“創 ngly is 加 d 10 markel perfO' I chartin ll.. On.. Insldtr 的 timal... Ihal al lcasl 30 perce叫 of the
man<< , th 飽£的官., '"四 me inC ...,Qslngly Impo由"' ,
mO' SI successful markel lechnlclan inωrpo>ratc (in secrel) al
U全 alw hQ、-e 1""0 primQry 3slrological c)'desωchart: 1M least some element O' f astr O' logy inl O' their liming synem
monlhly So lar cycl~ “ hen Ihe Sun goes inu.> Ar眩5. Taurn., Pe rh.a ps he ...ugge閥 tes, but øn)......y 叫 bolh agr前 I h.a t Ihcy
Gem i叫 elC ., and the f(l ur m(l SI Imp O' rtanl 501到 ice and certaînly Jhould e'o-e n îf they do的
E'I uinω .ho舟 1 ntereslingly 冊。 ugh , thesc 開『間 pond to Ihe Traders check astrol O' gical dala b..fore trading because
M ………
menl , much like betting Ihe race. or pla們咚 roulette in La s
ñnanciaJ 甜的""
\'egas. Th時 is flne as long a. 1扭扭e of Ihe bttting 1. re.lricl
B 叫m 岫叫
n 耶引l嗯
ecl 10 ,,-h.;1I the pla)'er can easil) afToro 10 1的e
Because Ihe markel is a combination of Ihe two faclon of
TIme and Prict , I ose a propri 帥 ηpricing model. 11 was
2. Gh'<<earl哼.. trading signals de,'eJoped 0時 r a IWO 戶 ar p""吋 by slaring 81 a screen and
), lnlcgrates 州 h inl關 day, dail~; or longc r-t erm 111Idir海 tM吶曲ω呵呵呵e 叫 rlying 酬。抖的 Thls i. what
appened 10 me. One morning J awoke early wilh h “, ,
The poinl ()f integrating nluhiple uading Sys\em5 0' traders '"叭"cr," rU$hed 10 my office , and ,vrol e up my "dream" di5
"ωincrellSc profimhi \il乎 This is done prim~ri\y by increasing ω、叮叮 "的 a k1 nd of mixlure of class咽 I numerology. W. 0
the re 1i abil i! y of trading si伊 als. When 郎、。 reliahle sy~tems G. 的 n , and candleslick charting, althou咐 independ~ 川 ly dis
agTee , there is the greale51 likelihc 叫“仰自 US. Il ul what '0' 間 d. M tet all Ihe Iruth is the trulh ,制dd“你 any fresh
,00叫吋開 they Th is can be trid:予 "n.."'" $)'$Iem 叫 I show correspondences 10 pr酬。 us ones. 1
l ne I!iek 咚 10 fiher OUI th" losing 抽血,、~'ilhout al$o fìlter- .1ω 1i ke 10 inlegra te my work 圳的 Ihal of a few key a 嚕。從別的
M且 0 1l 1 1l n 呵 ui\'alent total of win'ning trade5. îotal" here ,,'hose opinion I ha時 COme 10 \'8 lue ~的、“ Ilme. For e旭mple ,
~fers t。附加bilily. 關 a numerical ωunl. 50 if by adding a “
why duplic e the work of a 自rM:' markel lechnician if 1 can
-金 lement or rule 10 a trnding 勾ISlern I eliminate Ihr咽叫n gain limely access to il, in e:æ hange fot granling him or her
nin~ and 1\0'0 loslng trades. hal's tmeωlong as \he n叭 resull k池,ns 10 '"Y work?
1. ~曙 profh. In g., neral , what ,,'orb heSl is 10 trade when Again 1 ,,'(mld 1ike 10 .tre55 Ihal a $I rong po~i~i ,'e cha_rt
both syslem! 嗎阿 E\'en then I fìnd it beSI 10 叫他。吋 m. conn e<: l;on 10 a tr4ding ]Xl rtner is highly desirable. lf It" s weak,
到 rongcsl signab or recommend_ ~O a lechnl~al.lrade r thal Ihen make 仙悟 )'ou in c1 udc other demenls (c harts) in Ihe pk
hushetmdeon y the suwnpstIf both stmnsly d關gree 11 IS ^
Ime. weak chart con tact 包 houldn 'l be your primary partner,
best 10 he 5 恥dcHncd , íf your cgo can ha'叫 e iL If they di詞grce, ,
for c 'en if g'ωd by hi叫hm巴r. helshc 叫 n'l ~upply you with
r of coune prefer a.tro 郁 ω1 Irading, while m)' Ie<: hnical trad whal y叫 need. Eve可 lim~ 1 broke Ihis ru le , 1 lost money Ot
ing partnen prefen Iheir .ignals. H恥、 e、肌 if Ihe nalure of Ihe c! ic川s
釗gnal Is B mark..t-surpri5e 5啥叫, evcn my Imding partnets
h憎 learn..d how 到iff is the penally for nol Slepping ou lS叫, 0'
Ihei r own lrading system and hm.ingω Ihc "ill of Ihe COSrl'酬1 Trcndin皂 , or Trading the l\'la rkets
A claim can Ix made IMI Ie<: hnkal analysis Is merely a
One of Ihe more useful thing. onc CBn do is 10 determine
srlf-fulfllling proph 鉛字 Cenainly in Ihe futu時. m.械制"P" ,
w 回 her a market i. in a t~end;ns or a 1rødinS mo k A trend
cially,闊的y-I~hnical trade_" are '."acle ~y anlici p;i ling , ~Ih~r
mgma時et i$ one IMtωnlmues ﹒ large up or d肺、, m<叭叭-"'
叫 nicallradtn, But a. 喇叭 a5tro 略 there is a natural 岫m
4 W il , Fo r t..a mple the nalural tendency of many amaleu昂的怕
O嗯 r lime. ^ lrading market mO\-e. sidc'"宜》氓。flen "".電 rsmg
dir e<: lion 31 key .upport and resiSlance areas. ln ø lrending
‘研制 n." To nOI take it p咽。 nally means 山&1 e\"cn in tht aCI
markel ,仙 c h 3te3S are penetrated
01 lO$lng money you can adm il Ihal you wcre wrong Wh l1 e 1 don'l ha、.... a smgte 甜的。 gical tool that accom
Profeuio;'als have litt \e problem doing Ihis , 'lñcy jusl ",ant 10 pli$hes thiS, 3 number of background indicslors oflcn are pre
be righl more often. i.,九 make money. Th is is one key differ '"川 For e.肌 mple , a large numbcr of ahcrnating mi:ced s叫gnal5
cnce belween ama teurs and professlonals. i\hny ama teur oflcn can appωr in lrading markets , whlle mu ltiplc ind 血 10rs
fulures playen simp ly c吋 oy the game and play i\ for enjo)
C H A I' T E R
。 the $11
"""" "
m/:' direction "山 Mω....,.pond 10 D t~nding markel
Co n$ider the 愉快 primary planets of price lllO\"cment in both
markel.. Ju pilcr, Satum , and PhJl o. Ob~切,,~Iy a Salum time
。, d.啊啊 ~i~a[ al resittance 0' Jupiter lim., 0. up $îgnal 01
News and Geopolitical
$Upport , wil1 lend 口吋ence 10 a trading markel. Co n,'cndy 'S urprises"
Jupiler at resiSlance , 0' Satum 01 仙 PI'"吼叫 11 facil i! ate the
b,ω岫 凶 I of a trend,且 e. , if the lrend ;$ a sufficiently 帥。".
(P2 0' P3) indicator.

"且也可 B",...,." down
PI" o
Pl" ",



Tr< ndlni "

也叫., c:叫 Iy anlicipalcd market "Sl1 rprl~e$" are 3m叫, h.
加 Rn l....... γ內曲唱 mo Sl lucrative endeavou for financial ast rologers
Dramalic profiUεan be accrued when one anlicipales an
1'1.ω."伺 ""ωmewhal different , and ilCts ωmewhat like unanllclpaled economic report numb蜘 Bul remember: TIU
iIstochastlc indicaior. ln a trending m凶rktl . Plulo "ill break maru l$ M Ie $"叩n-. Finanεial ma~U can lum on a dime
。“。f both 5Upporl and r6 i5l ance.ln • tl"ll ding mar~t, Plu lO whcn surpri.ed 臼n'..,~年前 p.,,"o戶戶悶悶 ly. 1M marut
re .er5es market dire<:IÎon al 5Upporl ilnd resi酬 nce po nl5 , oflen will shrug off a horrible neWI reporl if il had been
Hence Ihe grea刊 mponance of de\ ermining 。‘ e rall ma.kel e砂eeled. An alrsls al問你 had fa<:lor叫iI lnlO lheir <:alcula
ωndi肘。恥 t 泌的也

岫~I<IT W't CTI叫 Su...". uncnω ^""'"

Po. l'.... h
N.,.M h
Earnlng surpri覽 5 , when the profiu or losses differ 訓gnifì
cantly from what brokerage h個錯, '"阻1. are of IWO ~霄,
阱:>t iti'"e and negali\"e. Th e n悟到I\"e eammg 側",n~ “" h.糟
a d e<."a slafing impaCI on Ihe pri<: e of a "ock. Co n .ersely. a pos
il;..e new su叩 rise usually resuhs in an incr唔 ase in slock prke
H o 剛 er, when highly positivc carnings are expecfed. Ihis may
trigger 啊 idespreBd se Hi ng. The key quenion 10 ask before
.,叫 ng a scheduled J"lew這 reporl ;5 '. Is thc a .ailnble news 1
foresee buih ;nlo thc market pric"?"
Equnlly dramntic in effeCI , cs 問 ally in the c山"'"<:y mar

'" c ...""'. s" ...~ N,~~"," G.… s,_ ...
kets , can be surprise imerest-rate shifts by the Rig F.叫Ir cen An other 俐)c of news st。可 occurs when a company hold ,
tral banks: the Federal Reser\'e Bank , ß ank of England , iu annual m<, ctin l( or schedules a nC啊's conference , suc h as
German Bundcsbank, and lhe Uank of Japan. Corporate eam for th e release of a produ叭, or reJcases ;1 Guarterly earn;ng
'"' “ ~Urpfl~帥,“ surpn蛇" takeo\'er bids. an d corporate disas 時 suhs . Again wc try to f可吋'" 臼trcmc clh'ergence. whe ne ,'cr
lers a 1s o a re nOI always surprise events 10 financial pOHihle. Onl y in these cas C$ 、何 3rc relating the time (as
a~trOloge rs 、、旭 e~limale that financial astrologeu arc truly
'"叩 ri,ed by market "s urp riscs" only 000叫 haIf of the lime

h 開叫 of thc meel川g or press reJease to Ihe horo ope or th 巴
compan)' 、Ve do know of a fcw com panie泊 that payal 臼 o loge拘
News reporu consisl of IwO types , sc heduled and uluchcd. to chωe the limc of news confcrcnces. \V hy bother? Is n't
ulcd. i\l ost sc heduled reports tend 10 be rdeased al dth盯 b.~d ne明 h3d news? Not necessari年 How somclhing is laken
8:30or 10 ^.M. 0ηe can do a horoscope for the lime 3 repon is , 10 a surprising extent , ren eçted in the horoscope tim e. To
i. to be released. Accordingly On e Jook~ 10 chcck the "Iook a吋 m 叭 the ABCs of corporale damage control are
f~e l" of the chart. Doe s it agrec with the anal}"t. con~n~u~?
From a tracling pe的 PCC\l呵, does it rd1ect what the market is A. Admit the problcm quic kJ y.
antic珈山 ng at the do~e of the duy l>e fore? For if th e ne叫岫 B. Ou!line steps 10 be wken to rem也 dy thc prohlcm
are expe<: !ing is also wh at olhers are e呵>cc!Íng, little prolì! ís t~
C. ReJease this n相當 to thc press at an aSlroJogica lly appropri
I>e hoped for. If on the other hancl 附 helic 吧 the cOnSCnSu S a!e mom 叫
叫 ew to he wrong On fundamcntal "rounds , ancl the news
report horos凹 pe agrees with us , it is generally wonhwh 恥"
take a contrarian 間圳 on. Additionally. hecause a contrarian IBM
'1ew is al readyω.'εted, e\"en if we are wron" , thcrc may he
little penahy for overn ight e川 ry. This is cspeεiaIl y thc casc ^, ωle tim e , 1BI\1 WllS 他ng of the moun!ain. To make a m題。 r
when the news rep酬的 anticipated to he stron也 y posllJ\"e 。 market mo\"e 吼叫 h,叫 co nsidcring IBM was unt hinkable. \ e l
叩 ti,'e due to a nu mber of strategic errors , e旭 pecially ;n the PC
Another type of 闊的當 s!ory is a scheduJed mecting of the arena , it fell from gracι 'This blu es l of blue chips not only
Big Four central banks, sue h as at a F0 1\."C mec ting. Our broke 100 in Ju妙 92 , hut then brokc 50 10 go 10 a low of 40~
mos! celeb叫 ed forecasl in 1994 waS of the Fe<l cral Rcsen-e in August of 1993. (Sec alro Fig , 7- 1.) Somewhe 時, sup刊port
Board's reversal of int erest rates in ca rly February. From an had 10 be fOlL叫、\'e strongly belie"ed Iha! it wou ld aga in
as trologkal 凹 nt of view, that 叫“附加 iner. 1 rememher 山nb up to abo" e 100. \Vhy? 自 ecause a lJ of the bad nc 圳、“
l>e ing called hy one of Ihe news SC l'\1Ces se\'cral mon!hs later, al ready bu ih in: mainframe sales 哨位 re declinin!;, operat ing
reg arding a rumor that Orange County Treas urer Robert costs 的 ere highcr than the indu stry 卸臼age, the IB1\.1 trade
Citron 附S 叩ng astro!og乎“Nωvery likely," 1 slalcd “An d if mark was no longcr a m3llic namc , ctc. Ther<'for吧。 ne looked
he was ," 1 addcd 市的 astrologer 晶。 uld I>e fir吋 for incompe for positive news , for posÎli\"e news 叫中riscs. Loo kin j;l at the
lence or sloppy work in !ranspos汀'g the U , S. and Japancse So lar Return (yea rly bi nhday hor的ωJ>Cs) in 1994 , 1995 (see
horos c opes! (I n case ~'ou don 't remember this disasteT, Fig. 7-2), and 1996 , we saw a ehange lowaro an upswing
Trcasurer Citron was agg時蚓、叫y usin j;l derivat扒.eS in his man 、Vhr wcrcn、 many other a nal ysts surpri sed? '\'hen we stm
agement of that conservatÎ\"eωu叫y's la~ funds. He was l>e t- e<I on CNN January 1, 1995 , that Jßi\I "叫 ld climb l'ast 100

ting that intere rates not only w可 Jld May low but get lower. by midrcar, the newsc aste r"s fa咽", nect ed shock and disbe
In 1994 , this hellost Orange Count那 California , $2 b山On of lie仁Iß M 3gain at 凹的 Im poss山 le , Later , IB i\l" s quarterly
its $7 .4 billion in、'c5tment portfoJio.) earmr、gs were more than double what m051 analysts hod been
……… c '"
oao 眉目吋過

." gz


已 lg
回 HZEωdvau壘益 」圓圓圓圓圓
o lzl31aug oDHU凶&圓圓圓圓圓圓口

za 《 UOMυHUa


F1 GURE '.2 IB.\I "'"咄咄叫,~.

--ZZ EE SE- zd

expecung 刊 i. surprise h 耐red 10 fuej 3n 峙.'ard movc. So


且 0 倍巳陡

I BM 附 5n'! de叫 aft"r all! ßut whJ 間 re 50 ma叮 people sur-

prised? Wh y Weren'\ Ihey checking lB i\l's horwcope? Didn't
Ihey See thc angular Mars- Jupiter success aSpL'C t promine川
z as we did?
e \\'e ha>'、e already discussed the fact that l)olilicaI e‘'ents ,
- hE

such as e1cc血n5 , inllucnce markelS , Geopolitical events such


as cns 的 caused by military coups , political shakeouts. and


eanhquakes and olher n瓜 ural disasters al切 ínl1uence market


beha\'哇。 r. As you would expe<:t. there 的 an astrologicaJω間 h

1ω c....... S<>V' ,.~岫…~ . ,..

lion 10 such crisn. Th~ Chincse chamcter for cri5 is mad~
up of IWO pklogram ,: one for dan~r, Ihe othcr for opponuni
My working hypolhnls 15 Ihat the planelS act a. a Irigger
tjf'C I. A ce r1 aln amou 川 of energy or fO I"C e applied al ju.t Ihe
Iy. A 心lCuuion of a f"w world CriSCI IInd the s l10s cquent mar right lime or place (l ike a fulc仙 m) grutly magnifìe5 an omi
...叩伊 nunitiu followl oal)' effec t. 1 卸的"'"悟,.c Ihal Ihe planets 、'"蛇"“ enlS, bul
Jn]anua l}' of 1991 1 咐J infomled b}" one of Ru制的 lead 伽 n the proper bac悟"'"吋 eondilions are p 睡川 , Ihcy can
ing astrol咿昀怕呻甜甜'ere pol附 al problems in the for I ,.;gger Ihem. Thus when j) rcdicling a markel su巾 !I .e, one
mer SO\iel Union in the thi叫“ founh "'eek of AU J.\u.t. He needs 10 .,,"' a grωt amou nl of in.deplh and 個rren l infor
mtimat吋 Ihat ﹒ m申r go>'e mment 5hake.up and ω'P 明"" malion ahou\ economi“,.'山 c.. CtC 、“ il is possible 10
the offering. ^' time 峙削。n , 1 simply forgot aoouc his predic forccasl in asuology bllndl) , I.e. ,叫你。 UI kno ,,'ledge of the
啪n. But on ^ugu Sl 24 Ihe n""" p.a per headlines scream~ of p.articula時 bu l 1岫 gÎ\~' 1e5' preci提問 ulu
.ho 四l1 p attempt on Gorbachcv. One markcl effecl Wln $ff n Remember, finandala Sl rology i. a co'.pecialty 的.Id
in the grain markcts. Th c}" rcaclcd 10 the nc咱們。 lcnlly, as Ihe Clearl)' "hen ﹒叫 uDlion 1. pOlenllally expecled , as Ihe
胸前 lcaden of Russ附 "'cre hard.lincn and not Ihoughl 10 be ]apanne markCI cruh was , and one ju肘,釗1 "'anI5 1ω 。1: now
friendly 10 the 、跑到^' , P時吶。 u51}" .也"""ωntmct. "ith Ihe .wh開 f 岫 b 恤<<0

e 曲。酬
m 盯吋 II'~ 刊間呵吋粵
y 叫叫附h 位吋 .. h 闢E吋
d 茵
'"間mm 個 t of Ru ssla mighl 、叫 1 bc reneg~ upon. Ha'ing in t 叫@叫
柵 rot峙。嗯g間
ical chart
咐'"吋 g, E~嗯岫枷 "P 仰昀何 u 叫s rig
冒訟t 。釘r 執吋"呵 A 缸"
my PO$鈍 nlon a copy 。而 Gotbachcv's horoscopc , ".c did a h且 M‘m
、噎. oFte
蚓副 a小制t祠sed: " 仟
1 f ,.。恤
u don 、 h.卸‘糟唾 the rc
quick 5tudy and 、.,'ere oblc 10 send 0叫 p間 IS releucs .Ialing 。 ulsource it." Find a lroding l,artner 馴山 Ihc required exper
ca tegonca旬,哨"叫P 圳 11 bc O\~r in I hree 帥" \\'e alSQ li5e , or dc ..clop $ourccs of in formalion Ihm help 10 su pple
recommend~ la祕ng posili加s ln thc gruin fulures market for menl you 時
the finl lime. Th岫戶恥 ed 10 be 削階 mel}" pro們ilahle rocom Of coune, mrul of Ihc Ilmc 九urprisc" “ en1S 3re by dc Îl ni
mendatio的 Quite Dgood ω叩, if 判 u'll e.~C l1se Ihe p l1 n, a吋 a tion not anlicip 3l ed. lI ow Ihe n can 柚 e prcdic l them? FOJ
relatively simp!e one for a'l rologers. That l5 , lf }"ou had the example , if i\l exiω 凶 h.、~n[! a 九 l a r5- Plmo aS p<! ct 10 its Sun ,
n吵I chart , and if川?叫叫r昀 叫'00'
e 耐&制恥仙'" 、叫1 il re.υIt 1" 討阱'"'明 olcnce? 、的 11 il correspond to a lar[!e
叭悅娃 hD\'e 酬酬.叫 .d 枷伽“t “叫t 昀峙帥 a
a 叫,.叩。 a
叫" .仙
u 叩肘吋 b句y "olcanic eruplio甜苦、明 11 il be 抽 no n'e"ena Or will a lìnancial
markelS , if IC55 freque mly Ihon Olhen. ßu}" why are Ihey Sur. a'lrologcr working for the Mexican go rn menl miligate ils

pri. cd 31 叫 I jl Th erc are many rcaSQns for Ihis. FirSI, Ihey may e lTect 3nd work wilh Ihc cosmos? Jn the fulure Ihis 叫, "0
nol h帥、c bcen 1∞ ki n J.\. 50 far 叫 ha'~ only lalked ahoUI anlic
ipated su 叩 rise5. I'ute川 ially Ihere art thou5and. of horosco p<! s

morC bc a farfc ched concept Ihan an ßllempl by go"emmcnt
ecunomists 10 smOOlh OU\ lhe bU5incn C)'clc. Today thi. i.
thalωuld be studi叫 Hemember that Ihcre art hor os<: opes wher~ Ihe .kill and c:c perience of a fìnancial a.tro!oger can
for C\-~ry c個叫作" world leadcr, 51oc1: m.a rkel , 51ock, elC 、“ 的 \mly make a crilical difference
國go 011 this would ha"e been an ÎmpOI 制 ble tuk. Tod ay it Aga in , e-'en gh'en c,'e可 p。“ ihlt 側門的圓心、en l. Ihe markel
mighl bc possible 10 間 mine all Ih05e horosc恥 by empl O} m旬,叫 lurn 個 a dime , A5 訓 analog部 consider a pe"on suf.
ing the nut必ively high.s戶~ lupercompulen, running para l1 el fering from ill heahh and p曲 r utrologieal aspects. The
processing. B叫“明 wilh all “".'"“ 1" tech 冒 iques, Ihere ,,;11 momenl 州 '" m。甩開.lli,..., healing “
lrological influences
b..,叩n闊的個 m ing ample comp 帥'"ω'"“, one Il iII is are feh d。“ nOI UIU.lIy bring on "in.lanl" h.- aling. h 旭k倡
lefl with Ihe problem of dala \"eradl y: Al l horoscope date.
恥。 uM ha\~ 10 be lesl~ so 1$ to be 、:alid. Th is problem of bad
“ me 10 reco嗯 r full health
And here. nnal你間怕、電 a unique auro甸回1 呻r.=
w.m 凹 dealt 軌~Ih in t\ ppendix 11 lion for "hy 甜 rolog,帥 ..m 叫耐,帥'"叩n 鉛d by markets
1'.... 咽……-
'" c… h、
UranU$ in astrol崎~' is the planel (旬'"'P恥es." ßy defìnition , N>be quake that arri\-ed later, bUI a pol;tie,,] urthquake that
ít u.U 蚓巾的e. Th U$ an asrrologrr quic kJ y Itams ìn practi c.. 你叫 up the rul呵 LDP pa閃' and grea !l)' unseuled the po削
,h缸 "he" Uran 凶"帥、Dng, he 0. she 5h。“ Id ad泊se clienLS 岫 r Japanese political o ro.,
r. h could be 呵",d 師 I a ITlOre
that forthcoming e間川 5 are"' likl) 10 be what 0"" might thorough enmination of the j apanese charts , and g'電al c r
"P"" e:< pt: rtlse on the JXIM of the 3mho.. would 1>0'"" pr吋 uc"d a
For e組 m叭 e ,,"hen Uranus , the planet of 仙叩 rises and more aUlhen tk re叫 h. Perhaps in an ldeaJ wo r1 d it would
earthquakes 仇也 nt 0'-". the Midheavcn of the Japanese ch3n , h,、 e. but 、~.... got the market 時 .ull 、河‘嗯,,[∞ kin8 for a! the
we wer啥也可阻 ting an "expe<; led" eanhquake. (See Fig. 7-3.) rlRhl !i me , a吋 "ωrdingly 附 re 53t;的.d
、1旭、時 re .omcwhat surpri甜 d , for what cam t' "臼 not the bi~

1 間

h E叫 ~ 圓。回

M闖 M -州
闖佩 M "州

... --

""開 M

.n ,間



服側 “
lU' ... "陶
叫。.... 可. ..
陸 k 珊 M削
lU'_ 可
.. 珊 "組
“叭" ,祖 a削



.>- ..
間開 M "削


1~" ", 可...

M M翩

"且隨團 M M州

削" ' 守. M


~'­ M “
....... ... ". M

.>- ... ... -



1桐柏 凶~
• •趟,
...‘• M

-- ... .- --
閉眉'­ 斜.

""" .‘..
w _.“

. .抱

M間 .f."".1I0'"
'E. "hq~.k阻 C均 rt fo. J句肌
IPlu'..) of ,1.. ",1." Uu 仙 .1. AIω00"
N... 'he Plu.o .侃 n<'Jurh<r,
U叫“ ....nd.叫﹒
呦,““州州. "p<<"
E 1 G H T

Special Situations

'T、he seleclion of 糟 nture (;I pi lal and IPO candidates are

1 among Ihe m051 profìtable \"en lle5 for fìnancial a 5l rology.
Quite a number of ne...l)' issued sha.-.:. ha、 e had 聞叫“el1ar
由巾, gaining more Ihan 1 個 percent in price 1M 槽}" fi r$ 1
'"乎Th is gro叫 o. 恥 51 in cJ udes NC l$ capc Communica !ions
Bo.ton Chicken , Home Shopping Nct ...ork, 1可吻l i S)'slem. ,
Q恥 C , ~ Gear, and Nct ...orth. On Ihe OIher hand the.-.: a.-.:
myriads of losers , and 純~,'era l reasons for Iheir price rise Or
口 early, 5a、'y、 cntu.-.: capitalists can bencfit 趴 m the use
of nnanc旭 1 astro!ogy. First , Ihere 15 a largc X or unknown fac
tor. E.timales \-a ry from onl)' 1 in 10102 in 10 'e ntures being
,u c<'essful O\" er the long Icrm. How then should a prudcnl
in\'eSlor choose? SI Bndard market anal)'.is i. not possible , and
Iherc is 0IW8}'S Wω1 unccrtal川 y prcscnl. Enlcr the financial
astrolo !1; er. l1 eh亦eωn Improve Ihe 耐 ds eonsidcrably; ...啥的U
叫 e by a factor of 1""0 10 three limes! Even normally skeplical inlertsts 3rt 、~;IUng 10 gi"e aSlrology a 叫 for this
P" 啊啊, 01 leasl once. Someday. astrological ana悄 is of [nilial
Public 0恥 rings ma)' 旭、 e kcome a part of profess泊的 al due
diligenec. ln fact we are 010叫)' developing Ihe concept of
h叫"'"εally cc附加 g" IPOs 叫 h a rating of 1 10 5, .imilar
10 a \1I lue line. ln thc meanlime we 閃電。 mmend Ihe a的 king of
,..你.11 1 queslions
F四 1 , is IIu: rulro峙才叫 $iS>Ul I..ra \.,d前 I f Ibe ent呵."呵
。 f business is仇 promlncnt , il is far leu Ii hl)' 10 succeed
Simply sludy the hOroKOpeS of a numher of failed busines宣
entitl eJ as P'蚓、..,rlficalion of this hypot恥, i.. Yes , th句~,

'" c....... """'" ....~- 自"

ha ,'c lacked n~d.,d capila l. lcad~rshrp t."JX' nise, or st r:negic

";,;on , 0' fallen .iε11m 10 a changing markelplacr. BUl mOSl
certai 吋 111,,)' alw had inappropriate 0' '~ry di恥 ult ho. o-

Stt。吋帥 rM fi叫 ,"""5 ØitrQ 叩",,1 r".叫“ 1m. 到""'? h

怕, kcn tstimated that as man)' 3S 50 10 80 percenl of nc ....
"訓 nesses fD il wilhin thc first year. E叮叮Onc .....可ould 8g'te th瓜
, h , 口 ." ycar of a n巴“ b,飢n"S5 的 crilical. Th is il 帆+w H.tro
'''''同 study thc trnnsiting plancls , “ peciaUy f,伽 thc firsl one
!o IhfC" ,帥的 in 8n attempt 10 detect 1>o1<: n1 i31 di /Ti cuhiu. A
company may n01 ha、:e sufficic叫“ renglh 10 0、 ercome a diffi
cuh aspecl during iu ea什 y formati\'c )'cau , "hil" the same
aspect "ilJ pro,-c far Icss de ,.,.slating in ils late. }'e3 n

Some H 的 t orica l Examples


AlmOsl e cry in'.estor 州shes 10 find the nUl Microsofl. It
。 pened 91 undcr 扭曲 a 血 re , adjusted for 5plit5. One Ihou
sand dollars in,'"sl..d on lhal day wou 1J hl"''' becn WOTlh o~er
$90, 0曲 in 199引 So J.. t"s take a b 叫 IOQk aL Lhc Ch~Lrts of Bill
Gnt..s and l\I icrosofl (5.... Figs. 8-1 ancl 8-2).
For , utrologcrs would nOIC Ihc conj unctions of
J' 叭 er-l'lulo Ihe no咄 n 吋.. and Part of Forlunc, indicatin~
'"酬 E8. 1 M ic叫曲地
the pos訓 bility of great ,,'..alth. Olher 阱忱的的 of nOI<' are the
d05e 、可enus-Saturn conjunclion , and Ihe U ra .凹 5 Focusτ
Square 閉晶晶 loon and Mercu 可1-,\ l prsωnjunct. On the r. nt
Irade date of M Ic .050fl ,,'e see Jupller in aspecl 10 Ihe ^'.ωmputo:r user and amologer, I fell Ihat \\1nd酬.'S 95
AKe ndanl. Neplune and l' lulo ghing u poten恥 1 f(K unlimited "'O uld ha ,... been bc, t腿 ras \\~md酬.'S 96. Bωt 峙 S 001 consuJt
sucuu , and Ih o: Sun "' ; Ih 恥 , .阿 Uranus fOT a Icchnical ed., in 伽肉相 of Oct ober 16. 1995, J08n Qu ig[句
focus . ,
Ualed "Henry Bill Galu 111 叫 JJ , 1叫p from Ihe top of Ihe
FOrWS 1isl next )"ear, as t\Jicro切[,、州1 suffer I~,e, related 10
....nl叫“ lnlO enlcTtain menl and may eve n ha憎 to reSl ru屯
成甘情;各部草至1謊言能Ei站在告 ,,,已司 QuigJcy bdic,'es Ihat "an astrologer consulted for the
launch on m!dn 吵 I of August .2 4, in Auc kJ and N"w Ze aland:
的“…可"~.…﹒勘 M …… d
。"恥!耐心 M嘲 . ~………岫川
k ~ t恥
Yet if this 1 thc casc. most aSlffllogers 叫加 Jd agree 的.1lh me
Ihal he/shc should be fìred for incompelence

'"""… '"
almoll SiS during hectic trading btfo rt' sculing at 5)8.25 by
the end of Ihe 5a m., 缸子,,, 叫 d 1DT311on! 0\'('. man)' ~nsuing
d.,.附 re equal 10 the thrill. of 1m: fu(ures mark“你 .h,
lime of 啊iting (Fall '95), Netscape's slod has be"n wowing
Ih(' marktt for month. 、“ thi. 19-mOnlh判。ld company 的"'
t哼.ecled 10 make a real profit for some Ilme
Th is is 0 .51。可"凹"'叩t " slock in the 酬 reme. 0" the
Internet , Il ke Interacl Ì>"c lV and i\l uhlmedia before. i\ larc
Aodre錯cn , 0"" of the in山al founders , paid $10 ,860 for th.
mill 附 n sha res he owns. He can'l lose , nor cun Jim Clar k, who
5aW his 9. 4 mlllion .hares top $1 billion dollo 時 in \'aluc for
the fitst lim ., on Nωembe r li. 1995. The insidus who
bought at the opening price and 50ld the 18m ., day for 150
percenl profit oh叫 ously were happ弘 bUI what about the
in\"es lÌ ng publ眩,怖。 00"吵 t this IPQ on AUIIωt 9. 1995?
、約 11 they e>'er s~ ,",-"n $i5 in tMi. Hfelime? ^t the time , I
w祖"'"憎組 id n ,",-'".. Yet th的咱S 臨兩個卅 a fal Sl:' conclu
.~副\Vhal does astrol句;:y ha糟 ω 組y abøul DtJ IhÎs ,
、\,,, ""O n'l refeT 10 Ihe incorporaliol、 chart , and show ho ..
pre. IPQ participants mad" 150 p"rcent pr。心 u in Ih" fint
hour. \\'e 州"訓 mply not" that tho.e who buy momcnlum , not
value. Dre happy 10 “buy al any pri曲 "Th is modcm.d"y South
5,別 Bubb 吼叫 Tulipmania in Ho l1 and , attilude p" rhaps even
started the "nd of on" leg of thc cu付的" b叫 nm in
technology stOCks. Lc ù look at th~ calculated at thc time of
o 佇'"ring 11 A.M. , August 9 , 1995

nc明E …‘"… 、、吭吭 for rxample , did othc r 帆 nners on the first day of
tradin g, Sll悶氣 as Bo ston Chicken ot Home Shopping NeI擒。 "
曲 ntinlle IIp 明叫? COllld il be that these mml st"llar .larU
Mi缸~舵"。帥 price "" ...."g,ωtN %她 h3d an 制睜眼 ious horoscope 13u rw: h? Y"I. A1 so, "'hil.. technol
Mic間,已叫 priaon 扭曲 r 16 8甜 ,
句p' $Iocks are a winning sector, prices imply gone t∞ far,
100 fast , Sp)W鈍 s , wh岫 offers ill O"'tl曲 mpetiti\"c browSf' r
Ne l5 cape went public at I? on June 26 , 19啊, immediatdy 伊拉" d at
吋~ untll fall of 1995 , wh..n it w..nt O""r I 間!s叫L. 到他 Icgy
AUBUSt919951is a dau tmMOmarent HkeW1ofoset Tha此 of buying on the fi叫 day made money. bul not for Netscape
時 the day Netscape Communica1Îons Corp , w"nt publ i<:. h public ~tockho1ders , at le3$t not initially. Ar e th"rc astrological
offcred 5 million .hares at $28 , thcn the price shot up to rω50n. for this?
叮 叮

N ,、:e r S!l)' Ne‘會 r

主 iz
AI Ihc IÎm峙。r the NetKa~ launch I would ha曙S8id that Ihe

戶。plc who in\"eSled în NelSC3pt ....ould ne、W 間 lhe; . in""51


自 dE
menl come b;. ck 10 +0. \\'e fore組 w seriou5 p 吋 .eml I肘。, h,


$econd monl h (see Figs. 8-3 Il nd 8- 4). Th ere WaS a seriolls


security breach , bul this did not h i ngω 叭。 P Ih l' stodι 叭"
“ ,
fo reca utrolo p; ica Vn umerology faClors pre enl from mid

Janu ary 10 f.εbruary 1996 that woul <.l "cut the price alleas{ in
在 :
half." Then they announced Ih剖 they w叫Id.州 t the . tock at






FI CURE 8.) 師,....d. <"'rt ,加-~.

'" ....

Ih~ end of January! 50...e 閑時 al.eady half.right. bUI 吋】間

....… '"
k ω悶。 n an adjusted b帥,、\~U Ih,,~
1)' 10 the 叫司 rtual l 山p' pndng m吋 e? f>f: rhaps ,,",,11 bc. WTOII8
again , but that isn' the lik"liesl scena的。“ IUSI 叫 hav" a
.sa!" time" ω 的。rI. Somdimts tha t' s all ..-e gCI from OUr
charting. Whil" this doesn' fu lly 怕自砂. long.'"nn in\'eslor,
ifs 51圳'-"1)' \"aluable 10 traders
、 \!hcn the J姐 panne 戶n wa$ 105.m its 叫yω125 附e.~lt.
ed be\ween 115 and 120. and [ said 11 ,,"ould "研時r reaεh 125
、CI mnrke15 ha\'" 9 IIlIst)' 岫y of gClling )'011 , $0 be附 re of "e1'-
~I'J bUI do remember them. Doing 50 can bring you
叩開 rtunil恤, as "11h a ye" o. Neucape short placed 31 th.
rijtht Ilme
\ \'e $e e 1\1 8悶悶ing-a kcy signifìcator for a 市帥 . 'IOC k.
,\I oon (public ) Nodes (connecu ) U..nus (uchno logy)
Neplune (In}1hing goes). as wcll as M..rcu吟-Jupiter-Pluto
for polenllals of gr制t 恥,,,alth

8illionai re for a Day

0 , Nω~mber 29. 1995. St~,.~ 1ob! becam~ IIn instant t~ch
nology bl l1 ionaire. On paper. Along wlth NC lS cape found~r
1ameJ Clurk he 悶悶 bricnya member of the technology bil
Jio l1 Dlrc c1 ub. pro、.1ng 、,'i!hou此 dou bt lhat lhere 1$ moncyωk
made on the Intem Cl. His ωmpany. Ptur An im nlion Slodio, 的G叫It 8.' Fl.., tr由 d...n. Piu•.
made the bJockbuner mo,ic TO)' S叫 Invc, t肘, 00,吶柚..ildlv
in order 10 sha間 in Ihc suc 的事。f the film
BUI Iheir joy •.-a. shorl -Ji,'cd. Hød lhey checked P LU內 的al fahe.... rarely if C\'e r recupera t役 s. Mo~ 附關,,......,,咽
r. rsl-1isling h。問甜。pe, they would ha惜 nOIW 1M prominenl 。 ne's most Imponanl acthity. Se lling 50 perc~nl "'h;n a slock
M∞n-$alumωnjuncl ion 、1月e forecøsl public ( 1\ 1ωn ) disa睜一 doubles. ønd ahing when 2 5 10 30 pe呵呵enl do"-n, are 1"'0

個 nlment (Satum) in the lPO. and Ihal lhe stoc \,; would fh
like 1. d balloon. An easy fo reca Sl th at øny financiøl
酬。峙, ωuld ha''e made (s~ Figs. 8.5 Dnd 8 的
common。叫“ ually irondad rules ror lhese hOI IIOCQ.. H也h
呵, 巴ilily i$ 切mmon. Th is puts the grea l Cll t p~mium on lim

、!anco u ve r and Penny SIOcks 'Ir )'OU~!""."",﹒酬岫峙,問時間崗"叫,-輸呵,.,. locv.z S

rLEf-Eh 押--.叫咱呵,叫.-啊. 100 ,...酬.~
叫… m …間也叫吼叫做酬...........間
Similnr 10 eme咕咕 markcts a l1 d 11'05, so.cnllcd penny 剖ock. 間_..申枷呵--吶岫叫--肉刷品伽mmdJ:M 峙
art eJ( lrem c1 y h唱h-risk ""nt u ~$. Unli ke bluc chips , a noc k zt品出2221且:巳r P 叫.............t.."..旬叫喵惘,凶,
'"恤 S仇叫 m

ing. C凹抖叫叫 lh extremely lo\\' sharc prices , lh惱 is a rre

s a, :iEhi quent fa ,w ;te of beginnin刊& astrological spec叫“。阿

o a

詩話 E

" .2 R

.• Fo llow t hc H orosco p e R oad

', 過
"'直 壘, +

-F One clienl frequently liked 10 dabble in Vancou惜 "du e toa
r.、可 rable churt comparison with thal 也可change/part of the
JZ z
worl .:l. MOSI of the time. [訓 mply 璁n 時 d these pla)-S and reC
: 司 , . .. . 圖 ,. • o 羽 rnendatωns, e~cepl when p a叫 10 <1 0 astrological 功。rk. One


phone call 00 a pa r1 icu 1ar slock W8S di fTerent. r noticcd the

p持 語 μFJF
horoscσpe-moment Ihm the calJ、地 s mad •--!ò omclhi ng spec ial
刊 ,
wa' in the a肌 While taking do m the horosc何pe clata of the

2 company, 1 immediately placcd an order for 000 sha,,,.,

C I竺 囝 z eZ UJQEaeω 」圖阻回固 自己 EFM 阻

whiçh were executed at ]ess than $, 50 CD

After completing Ihe astro[ogical 附rk and 時 portmg \0 !Il)'
月〉iolzl2n u 自 OOMu

dient , 1 took a much larger position , b..!ieving that the slock

團 would triple in 1的 s than 1"0 monlhs and thcn slowly tailo

揖IEns zt 錯話 k1
iiii d開祖訓he stock 附則 ω $1凹 CD , 即 向 when I had pre
LO- Z 且‘ uu

dicted it would. 1 didn't sdl, ho"e\"e乳 My client 叫S 給,0"

:1lzz l '"可e the stock "ould go 10 S軒 5hort!y, that he strongly advised

Lsisii e戶
m< ,的 t to 5ell. He 帆:as 50 enthusiastk that 1 listencd 10 hi.
- .. .'. •
峙, 8Ev--

advice. Th c stock fe \J below $1 CD the ne.~t m的 n!h. just as 1

had ini巾 lly forecasted
I lcarned !悅。 lessons &om this experience
a 悶悶關

句話 R! 斗 •, One, e,'cn if my 甜 rological forccasts aren't always rig恥!

o 'er the long run they pro吋 dc me ,,;th the b啥叫咱yω 忌。
凶 υHUa

Two, the rea,on the S10c k tripl e<l was that people bought at


E that pricc , thinking the stock "ould m肌肉e mllch higher. lf that
E qi

r bc !i ef hadn't been in the air , thc slock n叮叮 "ould have


4 reached my target price


By almost alwa~'5 51岫 ng with my ori穆 nal gamc ptan , r

fjnd thal o\"cr the long run 1
4 , 叫i ii Interna t io nal Hi.Tcc h I n du stri es



"L ﹒斜"


In November of 1994 we were challenged by a 1" rcporler to


重 “provc" financial astrology. We 研 elllually an時間 red hcr c hal

E..... S也…
'" '"

len e as fQ o....
ll. lI 草包 S"P帥u l 恥的d a company IMt currenlly has (fa 5l er. ch個 per, and better) 的協 n the e.,j甜". 凹mpetit ion. W娃
ωule.. [f I correctly forecωI that it wiU J,., a b ll1 ion-doUar Ihen I∞ked 10 Ihe "h3n. of I~ 凹mp'呵 !ntema. !ional Hi
company and induslry '.ead"r 、愉 hi ll 3 years , wou ld thal 妞 Te<: h Industries, and Í\ S C EO. \Vh y the CEQ? While the re is
good enough for 戶叭 " Sh~ ωI d that it 吶。"Id gen eral恃啥時ement belw~n thc fortune of a company and iu
By se rcndipity, 叫 wc re 10 31tend 3 sma]] anal}'.!'. presen CEO, thi s isn't 叫W叫‘ t he case. Rcmemher Ih m! when Ihe for
IO lÌon of $uch a company shordy there淘 ftcr. Ou r i n'-c.ligat叩 n mcr ch airman of ElI瓜 mlln Kodak was forced 0111 , th c slock
procedure is illumal;"宅。 r ou r slanJa rd mClh咽。 log)'. soared. H o輪 ewr, Ihls is aJmosl n.,.,可er th ., case for a slartup
Fi l'lt we heard a '-"1')' ~ nory. one about a 山 n"pωm company. If the CEQ ;5 ;n troubJe , Ihere is an aJmost 100 per
P'"'、吋, h. 陀、:oluliona1)' ne渦 product. 11 "官S p<l len lÌ ally FC B cenl c., rtainty IMI Ihe company "ill follo". him Ihe l'f!. 50 we
look a careful Iook I1 Ihe horoscopo of the company and 山
防-esident (5<'e Figs. 8.7 and 8.8)
Nul , indu ", ry rundamenl~ls looked hi ghl y promis ing
Il ere was a high. lech company Ihal cO l,l ld revoJ I,l!的 niu the


., H﹒叫“J>C ,..
..r 110 11.拘 .d. p.. .td.叫“
flCURE U 呵..,.. oI ln ..……….
". C泊-~
construc !ion inrlustry juSI a. Microsofl had the cornpul~r
indus 甘于 Ob.iou .ly there ;5 a huge worldwicle demand for
bulldings a吋 housing. Plus , these bulldings 附 re said 10 br
earthquake-. 11,..,-, 110吋, ,吋 hu rri<: ane. ",, 51 51an t! 悅的時訓 C reating Your
gated the ωm~ny rurther hy ha啊 '8 $Om的ne knowledgeahle
in the indusny \-j訓 t it5 headquartcrs in Vancou、'er. B.C. , 10
Fina ncial Future:
inspect thc s}'slem firnhand. We spoke with the
P 'ωi‘lent , not once but many lime~ι
A Five-Step Progra m
\1051 1m開.Iam rrom a purely a Sl rological point of 吋叫
thc company cou ld potentia lJ y tak" a也會 ntage of the up叩m

ing planetal)' themes: the 1997 Jup lte Uranus conJunc tion of
hlgh technology, 35 we lJ as the 2α)0 Jupite r-S aturn conjunc
tion of C。叭 structlOn
For all of the aoo.導,..,a5ons and more , " 'C reeommended S tep 1: Rea li7. e th a t \Vt凹 Ith Is M o re t h a n
Int emat ional Hi-Tech Induslries as one of Ihe besl neW SRJ M oney
in\'e Slmen l$ for tm, second h.a lf of the 19峙,
"..叫。8eß w刊,,,ωly n Ole Ihe elghth house Virgo sldlium Mωrding to l\I ark T".訕 n. there are I梢。 ~al trag.吋咽 in life
in Rogn Rac hed's c h.a n , and the fì間 house Scorpio slellium O~ 帽-..叫 ng ,,-lull )'O U desire in Ilfe. and t~ second is
in the Bermuda cha rt. Upcoming Iran訓 U include the geu ing Whal 判" d."閥,
Jupll叫J ranus conjunction of February 16, 199i ,由 c t!)' On l\I any 阱。 plc bclic.-e Ihal if onl)' Ihey had j凶'"""叫 One­
the IC of th e IHI Berm u<la chan th ird m。可~ money, th句 wou ld be -happ)'." 詣 1 if and when they
、.Vh ile nO single forecast or prediction c an “ pro\'e~ “ trolO m.皂ically ob tain Ihat eX 1ra mOne弘 Ihelr desires simply
gy, If 仙“ euful this forecast 叫 II demOnS lrate some of the incrensc , s.o thal Ihey 關 II "r e<j uire" about onc-third morc in
potentlnl p伽 rer of fìnancial astrology. Crltic$, plcBse notc that otder 10 be happy. Not su 可nsmgl似的 1., !readmill of monc)' is
if it is 甜甜ccessful,尬。n炒 demonstrates thatω'" 咖 " jUS! tha! , a trcadmilL
fo reca的 ng is 00\ perfect! l\I uch of life's preciOl的 enecgy i~ 5"", nl in !he pursuit of
叫 alth. 'el countless personal histori的 attes!ωhow !he sin
gle-minded pu 昀 u it of money resu h ed in emp!y, unfu lfill cd ,
Ind unhappy !i.-,"s. I am not pm po" ing !ha! the lack of money
bring戶 happiness, any more Ihan ;IS p時sence guaranlees ;1. As
a role of !humb 1 would ah.司ys go ,,;Ih Ihe majorily opin酬,
and prefer the problcms Ih31 80 "'ilh money 10 Ihose Ih31
accompany Ihc !ack of it. BUI Ihc pursuil of money in itself is
\,. in. Leaming how to connecl money "ilh your inncr, spirit u
al self 、兩制1 allow )'OU 10 o.-.crcome a ru: iety and lead ωa happi
cr, hcalt hi~民 and mor~ prosper凹的 Ij fe , one Ihm is connec!ed
m如 h higher purposes
h Is ofωurse ob\'Í ous t h3 t 卵 u won、 becomc 3n inSl3nt

閃電~N , ... c.... n..叫“關心山 的l

miIHonai !l: jU$! \hrough reading \h;5 甘甜閣制甜 5S of cou 阿e Ten Fear/G n:ed E.u rcises
1M! wa5 promi~d 10 )"OlI in your horoscope!). H O\、阱,'~r. cach
1. Ask)帥 rsel r, 且 Fear of "'M'? Greedy f.忱的 haû"
~adcr u5ing as\rolc喀icalωols can become u'eahh>, I defin他 a
叫ahhy penon as one ..-ho has ad'""luale 悶。 urcesω.0凹m 2 . Plllaf,“ e on thcm. \Vho~ face 惱 ,。
plish hls or her l ife-pu rpo史The trick 的 ωfìrsl disc O\'er on e's 3. Gi、、e a 'vke 10 them. Wh個 e 'vke is i!?
life-pu咚l'Ose. Th erdore , spend .(l me time dedding "'h31 ~、u 4 . Ho,,' d時-s your fear/greed keep you 側缸? What dα帥'""
rc""i), nced , ", h81 is of most importance 10 yOll.. By all me?ns h , ‘ e 10 do 10 remain fcarful and greedy?
see Bn aSlrologer for a hc 前 "'"ω0'叫Imion i{ you like,趴"
Ihere are 31$0 many simple psychol嗯jca l e..erd艙$ (hat 1 have ,
5 、VhM elsc would Y明 ha\'e 10 gh-e up. if you ga 'e up fear
used in rny nstrological practice, "-hich can hclp ω facilitate and grcedr
thsducowrypmcess Four of these are cemeredMround a 6. \Vhal 恤ld of animal is the fcar Or gTced7 \\'hat does it
search for \h~ 帥,wer 10 a question ealf What kind of animal are )'0", ...-hcn faιing your Fear and
1. If you won the lo\tery I吋ay. "ha\ life...:hanges w....ld you 7. Can 拘 u allow your Fear and Crccd !o 叫“ in )'O u, )'e! ac!
m~ke? (Firsl in the short lerm , then for Ihe Io nger tenn.) 3$ if !hey d泌叭刊喃a! "ill b., Ihc r胞 I .world con s叫ue nCes of
2. If )"O u W電re lold )'00 had only ooe )es rω 1;嗨, how 、的"" Iha! app時隘的
)'OU decide 10 spend y凶 T \Îmû 8 、Vha! 昀 Ihc op伊~ite of Fcar and Grccd? Imaglnc holding
3. H 恥~ do )"OU ‘,,, nl 10 be rern~mber飢J? (The ans" "C r 10 this “
thc opposiles in yo right and Icft palms 、Vhm happens?
qur$lion can be found hy 恥叫 mg )'our 。當 n ohituary.) 9. ßring !hnc opposi!E.'S ωgethcr. \vhDI hap門pcn5?
4 . Le, 's .ay 戶 u ha ...,戶的 t fouI叫 a magic lomp, and a genie has 10. Imaglnc holding Fcar and Greed in your lef! and right
granted y<l u three 、~ishes 、.vhal IIr t' you going 10 ,,1s h for? palms. ßring them 10酹 !her. What happen5、 ( See Fig. 9.1.)
(H!"t lf you amat a l。"because you cun emaka up your
mind righ t 3WII)', wish 10 be “ healthy. weahh弘 and wise"
姐 nd lct thc ~eni~ fi j1; ure Ollt ", hat ;1 011 mcan s. ln other
wo曲 sceap 位“ ional astrologer! ) l1!7h eß !lOU work for '1 011
。。 、t'o u 叭.'a n l 10 Become 、\'ealthy?
dle pA !I 1S \1笠, little...
I" m v.illing !o "四It"'r a large sum Ihal l1lU answc~ 、四"可 在t
finandal planners 鉤y that man)' of U$ 5pend mo~ timc dec叫
同 lng w愉 h car !o bu y. ωpl.凶nnin~ a 、到alio肌 Ihan dcfìning ou r
nn~l nc岫1.關 1 , τñe firsl Iwo greal obstadcs 10 b., σ\"ercome 品ut tIJe fr1ß6e beßefits
are grecd-and fear. Th e follo、叫 ng suies of gC帆 ah e;惚惚 Ises
may mo"c 判 u forward !O叭.'ard your goals, if )'ou rcally de.ire
10 reach !hcm
Are out of tll1S worlll!
叫 R f. 9.1 心血叫伽.,..,
'" !'>N Oa抽 y"... F."、四加-
S le p #2: De、!c l o p a 、.Vinni ng S trategy change and eager 10 inlegrate ~oney ,,~t~ 叫“ 5. SRl guide
h臼 ~r "scree':;-s" CO '"r a -broad range of factors. SRl analysts
One thin g's for surc: thcre a間 mhnv [",;.啥叫 rategies in life study thc corporate impacu On Iheirωmmunitie. , Ctnp\oy"的?
a 吋 in the ma如此 As thc clasoic saying goes. "For Ihos t' who customers , sha.ehold".. , and the en\'i閃 nmenl. The g031 is
don'( Imow them seh'u. the market ls a '-"1')'制叭 n5;"" place 10 one of ωund management ønd bringiog 、叫 ucs w thc mar kr:1
leam . ,
Th e t'輪 '0 worst si u a ..., Ii、ing in 1M paSI and lj';ng ;n the ooes SRI in'<esting plus aS1rology 騙取如 Can high princi
fum ...,. Am ateurs lik" 10 tlI lk aboul all lhe mon e)' they could ole. he brou lI. ht down 10 earth: 、C$, lheH恥、e Iha1 adding an
have made ;f" , .ln our 叭'"stcrn , goal-orien!ed SOciCI}'. the SRl .creen of soclal performance to aSI昀 logícal in惜別 1ng can
mind usua l1 y is focusw 0 1\ thc 80a\ rmher than "叫 the jour- b"oωsy way 10 help you hold onωOOlh your pocket b∞ k
0'乎 Tomommw maycomeor u znaw noE but themssmrelyan? 叫叫 rcon帥叫
tatidaction [0 be gained in 1ife 削他歸 納~t Jh'eS ;n lhe p't$CI l R"membeιwhen 戶 u'"" buying Slock you'"" bu)ing not an
From a purely financial 叫制問1\1 . this meanS plannlng 酬 8b.trnct entity bUI a compan y. M a 訓健岫叫der )'OU are 重 0"
the basi. of Ihe r帥QUfCd one has i>l I..mJ. ge lically connecling 叫 111 the company 8nd Ihertfore mun
u ,吋 astro 叩 for gambling pu加咽 Caß ind叫 increa于 ta kr: some r剖開 nsibiHty for its 8ctlons. Does 1hal make yo~
onc's ch;nccs oCwinning up 10 tenfold. Yet [ still agr<<叫, h comfortable o. uncomfortablû If Ihe former, then SRI in"esl
thc comedian who quippe<i“Th,叫“ of winning the lottcry in !l; should maximi~e your comforl level
a"" ,~rtuall\' idenlical ,、巾eth~. o. not one buys a ticket."
" " ,忱。ng Sptum typ吧, 1 endo~ the SalUmine 叫rtue 01
s impli l}ing one's 1ife and sticking 10 the esse~t~a~. ~?t~er S t e p 3: C h oose a n As trolog ica l Co n$uha nt
penon, true to hls or her 酬 n horo當:ope,吶。 u ld defìne his/he r 1 wishωmake Ihree buic poinls aboul Step n. Fi rst, I
comfort kwi dffereMIV Unna h Ehe pzesenf 且 Being lrue belie"e it 旭 beSI to choose an &slrologer in Ihe same way 戶u
to onese “ Easy t。 "Mnozmealsym da T hMz why consult would selecl 鴨rtually any profen他na1. l d的 lly, through a per
ing an aSlrologer is oflcn an imporl?nl ~"I stcp ww~ 叫 reach sonal re池。 mmcndation of friends 。川 colleagun. Otherwisc,
ing hoth you. peno阻 1 and financial g'ω1, '00個 CI a IOC&1 8$個 ogical Joc iety or melaph~ical 出okstore
for Ihcir 時<:ommendalωn 、Vh lle membership in a p昀缸 ss\on
As trology a nd S RI I n間 $ Ii ng al astrologic81 sociely do們 n 't ensu~ penonal q關lity, al l"ul
Ihe pe悶。n cartS enough 10 be 帥,“ lated "ilh profenionals in
10ωse Ihe foregoing sections ha鴨 been 100 metaphysical 必r th" field
your tastc. hcre's a simpler W~)' t。目nnect 判 "'ωn$ctence s,ωod ,、"hen calling for an appointmem , ask for n basic
and your pocke1book: SRI In\'uting profile of the astrolo包:er. Many "ill send )'制I an informalion
、V h il~ the modern era of SRI (Socially Respons且 bl , sh~t 800叫 themsel憎 s. Some good quesli。“ 10 ask follow:
In\'"slin的 be23n "ith Ihe Vl dnam War and 1h.,岫抖。 11 oflhe '" M or s"e 11 spe<:u. list in fi ....前前 I~ro旬? Note lha! for
raci Sl s;.th Ãrrican SY"I"m of apanh .,id, il!i origins go back 10 p'咽 0.1 叫汰。0'加r generaJ 自nancial h .,alth , liming cyd筒,
th" Quakers at nround lhe 1um of the century. Th cir ma戶E polenlial panne的 hips,的 is 15的 nccusaηßUI if you h帥、e
concern waS 10 align th"ir in 'es tments wil h Iheir elhlcs specific questions 閃garding the financ叫 mark宅 ts. this may be

Somc Quaker c怕的"品。 se 1101 101m... in companic$ that
made a 1c ohol or tobacco produclS. T~ 時 aclion spawned
~,時 mely imponam. perh aps cssentia!
lJOe, h~ ot' sh~ lun習。 h", jì "mcu. l qMI枷nlions? Just 8<
toda戶 .ocial in、 estm~nl mo,'ement , commi l1 ed 10 SO<:Í 81 many couns.-l ing astrolog~n al50 hold deg""'. , .uch as an 1\凶
'"' 0 """, ",... C他,""'YOIJ.F…叫
in counseling 0. 3n i\l S、叭 50 øn increa~ing numher of finan you. perronal tasles. Almω1 any g.盼d financial consuhant wil1
cial astrolog,闊的<) 8rt registered D5的 IAs , 凹的, etc .g~ 、~íth this principle. Ke eping Ihal principlc in mind , sub
Hou. many ye"" has ,"筒阱 rsoll Io un j.. l' .aclicû 帆布的 mil Ih tef: items 10 y啊,自 na ncial 削 rologer.
咖酬岫岫 he<!d? \Vhat 刷 h叫昕 p呵u甜甜1 offilÚJ
''''惜? As k "hal hislher basic orientation 10 a.trology is , 0. if 1. )0山 ho即民。 pe dala ; )'啥叫 birthda批 birt 坤lace , and binh
h戶 he has any lI rca of spedali祖 tion. Get a sense of the basic lirne (as kn仙吋
也 ues of the ast 昀1 句cr. and makeωrt 10 ad: what ...u can , 2. A lisl of YOU ' fìnancial “~"
u戶<:1 flOm ﹒僧5sion
3. \'。妞. fìscaJ and <M her Jifc g.岫 1.
imponanl of aJl: If 戶, h.憎 som" 5戶ciflC gool s, fi.
>1 0帽 I
cal or mher....ise, ask in a‘h-ance how the financ咽 1 astrologer
\\Ihe.e aSlrology can be o( 臼p<<凶 u錯 '5 In noting any
"ill hdp you 10 reach Ihem
unusual cydes in you r life. Are new fìnancial cydes about 1。
An d p~1 again: UI ,""
Vu)"# "創'Ø.e, [0 mOSI COU 間ies of
begio山 To whal 凹 cnl should you In嗨51 in )"OU rscl f?- 1"Ile h口,
, h. 帆布,“ ωday, lI.trology ls largely 3n unregu lated fie!d. If scopeS or 5uecessful busincss ownen , r:x ccutin'5, and enlre
)'OU are rcalistic in your e..~pe“叫005 , and approach 8sIrology
preneu t5 ha糟 diS linct as t.叫ogicaJ 創gnalurn. Doe. thc cur
with an atlÎlude both open ond critical , I b<.' lie'''' you 料刮 find
renl period suggest ragHo.riches , or fìnanc 阻 110n‘And s.o 0且
it 10 he equal if 001 $uperior 10 ol her forms of financialω'"
τbinl ,吋刊1" high f~s don'[ ne.: essarily g岫闊的 lee quality,
Step 5 : I mplemen t Con tinu o u s Re\'is ion
minimal fees 0' frec 同 adin8$ usu ally are a lip-off thal 切 m.
O閃 doe, "Qr ha惜 profcssional skills. Somcone who under \Vh en one is lra"clil叫g 10 a diSlam location , rn個 ny plansπ~y
, h.唱;es , un妞55 brand-ncw on Ihc sccne and 1月.;111( 10 cSlablish ha\"e to bc chang<叫 cn rOUIC. Fo. cXlI mple , if we wished 10
a repulalion ,的 a叫。 mM悶1I 11y su叩CCI , especißUy in financial ,
Ira 'd 10 Ihe planet jupiter in a spaceship. 間 would have 10
“ 'ro 都 Priccs vary from communi ty 10ωmmunity, but 叭。 u
ωn cxpecI 10 pay f,的 m $150 個扭曲“ r p solid , bask astm-
prO)eCI 的仇ete Ju pl ter 、吟 uld he in rc 曲。 n.hip 10 Ihe earth ,
taking i川。 3ccount Ihc spced of our spaceship , i. c. , the time it
lo~ical consuhat切, "自 n urban a時 a , and fmm $100 10 $2雪o takes 101m、電1 、\'c would need 10 conslantly reposilion t:.e
an hour, or $250 10 $ 1000 fì.\ "d fec , for a fmancialspeεialisl “
coursc of our Irajeclory wc wem
Those ....orking as co 吵。 rale consuhanu usually cha 唱. b. , ,
J I1 51 10 onc' lifc can hene f, t from frequenl repositioning
Iween $5000 and $25 ,000 annua 1!y, 0. $1000 10 $2000 a "甜的問,,.啊, 1ikc m O!i I d叫 ors and dcntists , heli 叫 Ihal
monlh for detailed ma rkel ad,;so叫“ Iheir dienls should 的 mc in for rcgula r c hecku阱, b叫“,h.
lf you don't fc e1 仰 u re(luirc I'c l"$ onal allenl ion. Ihe mOSI 、可ery Jcasl each ncw )"可ca. and on thcir birthday. If we ha\"e
popu l.a r ne叫 letter ad';sories inωrporal ing financial 制 ro1呵, “bru, hed regu larJy. and had "good dcmal habits ," t bc visit may
rangc from $.H to $500 In thω. annual suhscription fe C$ be quick and l'alnle霉, . Ifon Ihe 叫"lCr hand we are 側 I of C05
mic harmon)", more 、A'ork 圳 11 need 10 be done. ASlrology
reflecls un ;,'ersal 個m側ions , and 個rωnscious participalion
Ste p 4 : M a ke 、'o ur Fi n ancial Ufc- pl a n in Ihem can Jcad u. 10 more jo)1ul and prosl"".o",' 1 閥,
Toge t her 明種 decpe. pU I]姆總 of astrologr i. somelhing much more
than planning a吋 '0耐a.ting. It ;, Cftøl;ng 1M Ju lu Te. It has
One of my fa" QrÎ lc pieces uf 吋\'Íce 1, ω"'-.,arω",, 's portfolio
1.<"圓 id Ihal "Ihc ordinary ait叫t>ger predicls Ihe future , the
aS o n.e does dOlhing: 1t should be comFonab J.e, and suiteil 10
,.. C"..",.. NL"" A I' P EN DI X

'0附 d 帥 trQloger helps plnn for Ihe fU lU re , whil~ the great

;strologer heips 10 creale the fulure: .Exll<: ll"
Unfortunatel)', most of tooay' mundane and fin叩 cial Q&A
叫 rol"!l~rs d。叭叭 eld enough po、,,'erf,叫 innuence 00 a gJ obal
sule. ßut as W~ approach and pass thro 啪 199;. "ilh its
J.p肘r_Ura.nU$ and Jupltcr-Neptu ne conjuncl ion. , it 叭mr
h申岫甜 rol咿時訓 U in冊的 ingly becorn~ empowered 10
ani到 humanity i'; 115 nexl su~p of wo祠d ~..,lulion. Abo、可~ all , I
h恥 that /m'Ø tj"g Iry fhe SIaI'S ,,;]1 help ,.,... 10 do the sam也

P 間阿
e個叫a剖】k‘叫 h 闢叫f 恥仙
0 叮
仙r 咖",r,咐他 ns I am 呵
ularly asked , 'lI ria啪ns 00 ï.. 1J me Iww it 昀 done: 叫,,,
shou kl 1 huy/scU in order 10 make mon..}\~ "[( con'l j>O'lsibly
work. can il ?~, and miKellaneous olhers. I ha'憎'"判官 red only

tho... $~,'e n that 3re of the broad I ge neral in te rest he闊
別e8se b閻明緝的 rough those that 側重"叭 }VU a吋 f""" free 10
submit olh..防胸 01': for indus切n in fUlure edilion~ hy 、'T1 nn~
~ith~r to me dlrec lly or 10 one of the Ast的logcr~ Funds
lnternet sltes

1. Does the in\'estois OWn m't~t1 chart h3、 e 3ny rdc'、rance?

2. ls the na叫 chart of the In\'~Slorls]le叫“叫 imrortan的'"
detcrr叫ning Ihe timin!! of lm'cstmcn叫
3. Whiçh 附 Inl charl{S) ßre im p<) rtnnt: Thc foundlng of tht
nalion , the exchang~ , Ihe company whose stock is being
considcrcd , or the inlroduclion of th他 Instrumcnt?
4. Can the incorp。剛lon chnrl be timed by the stamp On the
articles of incorporation 0嗯 r whlch th e ;ncorporator had
nn cnnlml 徊。 knowJedge 0仔
雪 PI個 se explain thc m051 C(l mmo nly u 鉛d cyd ic pattem , and
demo 叫 rate 115 嗨!叫ity.

6. Can)'O凶 prcdict the daY-lo-day di僧"的 n of stocks?

;. Can 戶 u predict Ihe da)'-Io-day directions of the major mar
ket indice5 and the major commoditie. for the n e.>: t few

。 How and why did yωk咽1M a financial 甜rologer?

'" 一E '" '"
A: \Vh ile thi. 的 quite a 1。呵叭"字l'lI keep ;1 rdali、耐,hort up I boo k (fourth shelf from Ihe 10p), Then , leu than 14
As I im nOI a karmiç 8SI r() loger per $~, my lIory ...ill begin 81 ‘
lnches a油、3)\ I had a UrJnωn lightning fla.h realita ion: I w,帥
age si~, and n Ol 81 its probable origins in Atlantis 0. Ph""nida "01 rel lJ y imerested in a.t開 nomy. mathematics , or p.)"chology.
Up 10 that age [ manifeSlcd B 、 ery strong inlerCSt in aslrono per se , but 甜叫ogy, It s commu '1 grou '1 d. Astro 句Y is propeTly
叫 bo' \hen .oon 的 cr learning 51a! 血 nlific8lion. fu 的叮 d~n l\ cd as " 1I,,,tI'e ,,,,, ti,,~I ps).çhology b"sed 011 的"帥。"其
s\udies 5uch 85 .\ellar physlCS left mC qoile cold γhcre a '1 d the '1, at that early age , I k """, what my life'. ,"0ω
lion ( "calI in的 ""ωbe. 1 h\"e n,,'.er <J uest岫 ned my Ji fe-palh
[ Ihen exhibiled an onu5081 talenl in malhcmalics. [ "'IH c hoic~ 引 nce. Occuio '1 ally my roule , b叫聞時 r Ihe g03I. 1'1
.lm個 t aJways 81 the IOp of my malh cl8OS , with an 800 51、T typical Pluton;(' fashion , I de"oured t\'ety aSlrology b曲, ;帥
and the like. I oflen used 10 menlion my malhemalics lraining sight , and then some. 1 "'ould choosc t。如 pamealifit
in Ihc Ca句 days of rny career, 10 h卅 counlerhalan<< 1M then mea '1 t being able 10 buy a '1 othcr book at th到 moment
popolar misconception thal aSlrology "'". a popular SU~T5li
Ilon. only for the aωlemically u l'l rained and crcdulous mass

To quiddy conde nse Ihe n ",, 1 25 , 1 se up Ihe i\'Y
À Sl rology Ccntcr 0 1\ Ihe ~pring equinox of 1968 , as a ce '1 ter
C5 , Im3gin" lhat! AII during my teen age yea T5 my love of wh erc pcoplc could fjnd qu泌的cd a Sl roloRcrs . Thcn. a. '10\叫
"pure" mathemalics 帥, mi~cd with 3n interest in ps卅 ology. this is a gr~at problen、 espeda lIy i'1 the U'1Ìl ed Sln!eS ,叫, h
'的plc, nωjost absu3cI idea5 , such a5 lI ilbetl Space , al50 many earnc Sl bUl undenrained praclit 仙 ncrs. I sel up A51
阻 med impo巾 nt 10 me Publishcrs and Ihe NY School of Astrolog.v. We înlr吋 uced
Now 騙、~ come 10 a pi \"U lol momenl. 1 had beton 閥的doc<<l manyofthe 恥。 rld's 10P 3Slrol句crs 10 the U'1 iled States. a "Ct
10 astro 峙;y by a girlrriend. 1 took 10 il I;ke a duclωwater. îtable wh.。三 who. I feel ωpedally lucky a吋 blessed to have
Flrsl , I am a te划b∞, ...。州 mω1 t\'''I}1hing t\-er 盯1II..n ,n caught many of Ihe gre帥 i'1 Ihcir 1蚓、iears On Ihe plo '1 el , a '1d
Il ny sun sign book aooul Ihe sign Le o {e:ccepting or cou~ , feel sorrow for t吋呵, astrologcrs ".仇。 nc"cr had aCα.s to
mo 5t of the negal Ì\'e cha racler tr制的。 fits me like a glo,'~ $uch a stcllar g閥 up. I 的 rote tcxtbooks. leCIυ明 d around the
Second , after devouring the classic works of 、快51ern civiliza 叫 rkl. etc
tlon (my 刷 cr slartcd me 開 Tolstov's H旬,你,d Pe~ce al Ihc 1 0150 bccan惚惚 ry involved withωmpute rs , becausc
ase 。f l0), l came tofeel mweof a natural df1mtywuh astrology i. a very Ja b-oT-lnlen.i糟的eld. \V hen J $Iarted the
Eutcr '1 philosophy and 7.,('n , 賀。阱, Medilatio '1, Gurdj ieff, 部'~11'甜rologer spent almOSI half of his or her time caku
AstrolOID~all 餌"'" r,吋叫“ for i\'YC Gr嗯~'1"ich 明l1agc c。訂~ Ist;ng h.orω.copes. not interpreti '1 g them. T,吋ay, Ihe ratio is
Mωe discus.ions. A.trology 、峙S nal凹陷 11)' a purt of India '1 ~lIer lhan 1; 旬 1 , a '1 d i. one of the major reaSQns for thc
and Chinese ci,il曲 lion , thc Iwo ('ulture海 I fell m蟬 affinity r\ se of a prof凹 .ional dass from thc latc 19帥"$ on. AI50 the
for. But I sl iIl had a 叭,~stcm mindset. The a5trolo~ω1 world facl that thousand. of charts Can now k calculal吋 and .Iud.
, 'iew appeared to be nO '1 rationa l. After all. why should a gh嗆n ied , i5 s!ow!y ehanging the way aslrologen prac!ice. 5!owly
momen! , wheth巴 r for a per~on or a co'1沁 ration , ha時~,,)1"圳8 mlsconccptions and medleval 叫 persl1!的ns arc \"anishi '1 g, bUl
ωsay aboul its dc.tiny Ì' Even today I am μill consla ntly not fa.t c '1 ough for I岫 mathcmOIÎcally traincd a.lrologcT.
.m 的ed , after e'啥,γreading and succ的 sful forccÞst , that it Fa'l.for姚月ard to the OClober 198; NYSE crøsh. I had
,",,'Orks SQ 間 11 k '1 Ow '1 about it more I h個 a ~'car 川 ad\"ance (to Ihc day),
l 精剖 sitl凶~ in the old Samuel Wcise.s bookslore on 131h Ihanks 10 Charl臼 Ha[\'官y. He alo '1g "ith a hO'1 of other lìnan
Slreel and Br03d 岫y in New York Ci ty. Thcre wøs a couch dal 15lro峙rs, Arc h Cra"ford, and a few Wall Slreel in叫
叩開 ile a 到"g1'趾凶kcase d",'ot叫 10 ast叫Dg)\ I we 的I 10 pick menl b.a'1k.. rs and traclers who ch∞聽'1ot 10 "" '''llth廿 aher

l伺 帆明 l Q'^ "自

呵。 al t h. al time , made this forecul , which naturdUy made a irnpro\"ing my app l'Of, ch. sornelhlng that worked perfcell凱 f"
greal im preuion 00 mc. Th e second parl of this SIOry was one mark叫 cyc\e need o:d adjustmenl h)' anothcr. Gradually I
時且 ding aoout Andy Krieg.舟 r. ~I " was a currency trader ...-hu ,
also de 'e loped quile a unlque Bnd preci~ pricing syslem-
r"cei,..~d much pu 划 icl ty al Ihal time bec8use he had made oflcn catthlng thc la Sl lick in SP f-u lures. 50 rnuch 50 Ihal
hund red$ of 叫lI ions of dollars for Bankeu 1 叫“ bul was
unhappy w科 h his meagc r reimbu 時emcnl for his e lToru. In the
middle of the artide I had tlle 眠。 nd lighlll呵 nash in tu;tion

when [ first began 10 p1ay f,叭 U時., 1 峙, onen the tum poinl
La ler [ leam 10 gi"" more lee咽乎 Of course I ωntinue 10
leam, bm toda)' 1 beliC\'e 1 ha'"e a lufficiently rohu Sl 5y Sl em
of my Uf,,: I could do Ih~ SDmø or Mflm Mter all , 1 made p 陪
dictions as an 351ml唔 r ,, \'ery day of my lifeτ'his Imns!al
inl。叫i rt'<:lh~ , &旬-.fi關 M叫“ .ro峙飢叫ρ B<<ause
“ 的'"叭.-el me a considerahJeωge in c \l lling a吋 trad ing Ihe
fìnanc姐,1 markets

:ulrology will galn Ît s mains eam acce plance through the
markts. E,'entually 闕ople 、胡1 reali~ 001 only that finanCÎal
Q: Do you 包 "的 trology only for f(。時也a5l ing rnarkcls?
^: lr One d僧S 001 u~ astrology, one i5 missing at Ie酬。"'
削的l叩 bUI aJso I" trology 10 general 帥rks , and thereby help third or Ihe markcl. If 1 ωa fìnancbl 關閉I08..r don't U~ fun
10 spirilually 間volut ion l1.e SOCicIY, damental o. technlcal anal)'$ls , [ may min Iw<r thirds of the
I thcn s(><'nt thousands of houn in rront of rny comp叫n market! F自 nanclal astrologers generally afe quite confident
screen ca 1c utating and re$ea rchlng th~ su bject of financial aboul the da!e5 on which b igπl\lrkel movements "ill occu r,
“trolo盼[ purpos~ ly dld n OI rc:uJ an)'on~ ~1 5C'5 叫你 M , but les5 confìdent 尬。叫 whlc h dlrect開 n 一叩。 r dO""n - the
lrammg m 悶 'rology 岫s superior, but my knowlcdgc of mar partlcular m。咱 mem "ill go in unless they take inlO acc。山"
kCl5 、何 I ~C r(趴Th is has alloww me 10 mak~ SOme inc redible 。.h叮~"。“
di .sc o,'erics but a l 鉤, i nmyca句》啥叫“ pecial句 some equally
in crcdiblc hlunders. E,'e川岫 ll y 1 madc Ihc aC 'l uainlance of a As an e.\ omple , if therc 1$ a mod甜 poSI1附 Jupiter influ
num l>e r of markel profcss ionßI~ 10 whOt n 1 am indehl cd 10 for 制 cc. at a te<:hnω1 $upport IcveJ th e m州 rkel almo Sl certainly
f圳i呵 in rnany of the gaps in my Imo、,'Iedge. "叫 rise. Howc,'c r, it mUSI Ix: a slrong one in 0叫er 10 hreak a
民 l y finl lask walωch"'l thc poslt仇當 and neg同 ive peri飢" technical resiSlance Ic.叫, Bnd may resu lt in a flat morkct
of eac h tr叫 ing day. I\ ly hroker lold me they 帆啥時間 ndom, and
1 w,u certain hc wnS wrong. \\.可Ihin 51., months he 、.'IIS asking Q , I 附 nt 10 11 pl y.:: hic , and Ihe 肘。ck she rccommended lost a
me: "[s t岫, ""“仍可e or negalive rn個 rkCI tirne?" lot or mon e那
1 fìm rndcd "'叫 h myo刊啊 rn on巴y. As I owned a small Com ,
A: The re arc relllly t渦。 paru 10 thl qu叫他 n. Th e question of
putcr ωrnp:lny, I knew the compUler indUSl 1")' inside ou t horror 細 pe I tOrlCS or bad recommendations made h}" 開

Pla叭 ng call opt泌的 on t e.: hnology Slocks in January of 1988
W \l S like 州曲ting fi~h in barre l. Orten I ..ωM 的 accept I 個
pe n: ent profìll in 1",,, than one 叫 ek- I wa叫“ 200 or 3個
chics and BSl ro 呼"“ unfo.tuna電 elyaJl個 common 時間
rern emher Ihol finanε他1 aSLrolog)' is a dual spcdalt弘 ""d
unless your advl s.e r is kn。叫o:dgeahle about the markets. trrat

pe n: enl. How fool措 h . In relrospee 1 playrd 5, 5 , 5 and Ihen
10,自 o and Ihcn 20 , 20 conlra惜的 nally I p)T3 mided my"in strange r'_"il h I /,ω or cautlon

hls o. her I旬s and ad吋ce the same aS )l) U muld any other

nmgs 10 的 o cont也叫 1. [ fìgured Ihat ir I rnade rnore Ihan

SIOO,個o in the firsl 曲 曲>, 1 、 l"O\'o:d" astrol ogr. 1 allowed Sec ond , I5I ro坤"間刪 p5~hicl. Astro 哺羽 om 到 h,
Ihem 10 expire wort hless! m到眩al pl)~hology ha $C d On a Sl ronom)'. As trologen u組 .h,
Need 1 111)' more? I ‘ h"音 .penl se 訂 al yea時曲 n51antly positions of the plan則5 ønd lhe horoscope5 (time, place , and
Q ,^
'" '"

dale) of companie. and stock markCIS as the basis of lheir pre- the theory of rCSOnUnCC. For examplc, a nM川、e "ith a 5t ron~
diclio l'l. 恥"“cs use thejr 戶 ychic abilit予 Thcir fOTecaS1S can Salurn won'l gcnera Jl y su fTer as much diffic uhy 、叫 Ih a Sω"'"
be wonderfully acçuratc or woe f,υ lI y absurd , depcnωng 0 1'1 a 怕 nsit (or may indeed bc more likely to aClually bencfit) than
numher of factors such as whether o. not they are ha ing a , 5ava n31lve \\心 h a Slrong Uranus. This is because thc ind 叫
g 盼d day. A warnins' \Vh ile many psych恥CS 3rc "'putab 也 SOme 的 1 "甘 th a st昀I1g Uranuslfrecdom urge wi1J feel h ighly reslricl
gypsies and con arti u masquerad e as p句'chics whcn thcir cd hy Saturn , which may bcslOw .吋 ility an d reward on 自
true interest lies in making mone)' nQt for 判 u but for thcm natl地 s. ì\l any U.s, pr的 idem" for exam抖 e , attained their life
剖開 5. 1\ 1明"“ercise cau\ion and take heed of the 仰lice gool undcr $aturn's Iransil -a re叫 rd for hard work anJ per
warnm~ 恥 lf it sounds 100 good 10 be \cue , tha t' s probably sistcnc<
because it Ì.5 \00 good 10 be Ime."

Q: \V hy dQn't all astrologers agree in their markN forecas叫

。 [sn't a到叫 olO\Y unscicntific,
A: Academics oftcn de !i ght in rid 山 ling aS !rology as b 創刊
A: You are presuming Ihm ,, 11 astrologers shuuld think and 3Ct llnscientific. 50me ycan a辭) 186 scienti 啦, induding sc凹 rnl
alike. NOl a lJ markct techn icians arc idcnlical in their m 叫 hod Nobel prize 叫 n",rs , signed a pctition agaimt aSlrology. Yct 95
O 嘲 a 吋 teehniqu紙 and .0 叫 h 3.lm 句.C '5 . Uke pS)'cholo perccnl of Ihcm had nc,'Cr invesligated Ihe subjecl. ,\ Iore hon
gi ,u , th e practice of astrology varies greatly depe l1 di 峙。n '"時scarchen , howe刊 r, who h帥、ein、啥叫咖 led aSlrology, ha\'e
wherc , whc l1, 311d 、\'ith whom OI1 C has sluuieu. You would l1 't often cndcd up verifying Ihe astrologωI h)ll othesis: that man
e:<pe<: t Ihe .ame COUI1S也 li l1 g styl ., s from a Freuuian , Jungia l1, uω""叫 cd to the cosmos
or Ge Sl a11 lh~ 同piSI , woulu you、
Th erc are threc primary clusses of c叫 icism againsl 35trol。那
Of course there are ma l1 y common elemenls. \\'e aJl刷 dy
Ihe stars , bU! may chart them diffcrcl1t1μ Th眩rC are al , o ma l1 V 1. ASl ro削 mica l

diff enl s~'stems of astrology: Chi l1 ese , ]'ldian , German , New
Tropi個 I/Sidc real Zodiac. Astrologcrs supp05edly ignore
York , 10 n3me 3 fe 叫 311d among these there are many ,-a ria
!Ì OI1 S as wel 1. Furthermore , il is 10 a very large eXlenl sti Jl the prccc紛 ion of the equinoxcs and confuse Ihe 訓 gn. of Ihe
based 011 an oral tradilωn , Like acupu nClure until recently in wdiac with Ihe conslcllalions. 1、hcrcfore Ihe cO l1 stellalion of
China , thcre are mal1V 吋'amily secrets 呵 F urthermc 間 , il1 finan ""的 no longer correspollds 10 Ihe .ig l1 Aries
E 叫 aSlIology in partícubr, 01\C is nω3pt tu &'開 awny oncs
He liocen tric/G四c enlric. ASlrologers put the eart h at the
Oe st secrdS. Finally, Oe cause aSlrology ha. nOI been as "-ell centc r of their solar syslcm instead of 1he Sun.
studicd in Ihe la5t 1吶。 hundred years as othcr s叫 ences , Ihere Astrologers arc 叫 II aware of bOlh of thcsc aSlronomical
is much disc。間內叫 rk .li l1 lo oeuonc. )ct it can oe
a 時 ry fact. 叭巾il. most \\"的lern astrologers us. a tropical framc of
戶W釘 ful t∞1 , even "ith toda戶 relatively prim山村 mcth吋
refere nc e , this c ril icism ignores Ihe majorily of Easlern
ologics ..trologcrs who do u.e th e . idercal zodiac. Funhermore , ma l1 y
甜 rologers use hoth Or multiple reference poi nts. For examplc,
Q:Do 叩 rious markets respondωthe .ame a' pe<: t diffcrently?
the author is nOI 0叫 y bi.zodiacal , but uses hoth heliocenlric
A: Somctimcs. For example , the FT 100 may fjnd a and gcocc叫 ric horoscopes. Th e sccond critjcism was firsl 1,,>,
Mars-J叩itcr SG 山 re poSili\'c fashion , whi怯 Ihe 5 1' 500 may
d吋啥叫“ aslrology al Ihe lime of Ihe Copernican revol11
not. Th is is due 10 the astro!ogical doclrine of sign凶 llrCS and ,
lion , hut l05t validily after Einstein' the叫 of relativitv


Q ,^
'" ^,"-,,,,-, 1 '"
bleued any frame of reference. Ikcause we happen 10 ["哩。n in pr~dictlng human (and marut) beha , ior? In m} 0"''' work
the earlh. a geocentric (earth.centered ) frame of reference Ih.‘'e found Iha! iI is.
make. good ~n~ nOI 0帥的n>reue吶 but "here ;1 叫岫
岫圳 in practice Q: hn'c aslrol句IY fatalist虹、
A: Bec帥~ manyaSlro 晦 ers are qune 阱。d 到 foreca~lin岱"
2 τñe re Are ,
Many Systems a nd Approllches NOI One 帥8)' sccm eilher Ihol they p" s.en spcdal po"er~ , or thal
a訓 rology i. fnlaliuic. Both 帥ertio ns B.e unl rue 哨 won',
Because aSlro\ogy has been i:屆 nored by mainslream science , $01>-" the fa\ eIfree 明叫“ Jemmp in onC paragraph , bUI the fol
Ihere is jess codificat ion Ihan wou\J olh~",'間 be Ihe ca .. lowing pαnu may be helpfuL
Inc rcased worldwide ∞ mmunicalion among aSlrologers 凹 i 盟

11m!! 咐
1 his si仙
i 1. o\I an docs nOI ha問 unlimitcd potcnlia l. If y叫 hav.. the
‘W n 心 h..
咀 s缸
耽C 臼 '"叫
Ich 刮
a 'p
戶 h,凹
s 臼. "刊, h,朋
c m.削
n d 叭 )"sical ca戶 bility of being a great jock郎 )'OU can'l in the
仇t 駝蚓'惚ences
$uch 酹
a .w
叫。叫logy or ps句)cho叫1。句
枷予 In facI 剖
g a
刮苟叫I~ 組 mC lifclime ha咱 the poten !ial 10 bc a champion! ball

都評.叫 m
8 帥athem剖 ical ps)'chology based on 叩 ronomy, IS a player 0. ωmo wru t1 er. The aCI of being bom 山 elf e恥εu
much "harder" sclence Ihan mosl non.physica l.based psy c..rtain limltalion.
, hol句,~ 2. Analogous 10 ""eather fore c8 S1 ing, 11 forccast could be
ln my \\~hslD"'. dic凶 nary, science i5 defln甜的(1 ) kn叫1 made Ih111 it will rain lornorro ,,", but 1'101 Ihe prwiclion Ihal
吋峙。btain吋 by sludy and praclice and (2) any departmem of )'OU ,,;11 get WCI. The choice 10 mkc a rainC081 or urnbrella 阻
5)'$'lemali ze.:l kno ,,"\cdge. Th ere i. 關 question in m)' mind Ihal
aSlrology is a science
3. A ωmm'的 analogy is rn3de bc'wcen Ihe birth charl of a
ASl rol02V deals wilh Ihe obser'a lion of facls , financial
E吋叫 ual an 而 Ihe blueprinl of a building. BOlh show 3 polen
倒位。'"'計hI "ωr間 1"切n 10 !he lìnancial markels. ln prac
tice il Is much likeπodem medicine , an ürt a$ 闊"的 a SCI tial rnnnlfc51al悶 1. nOI a CCrtalll onι
ence. ln facl financial astrolog)' is le~ 呵 Ihe way loward a 4. i\ luch of organi~d rdigion'5 oppositlonω 的 Irolo","' is due
more scientlficaHy 、:eri lìablc unified aslro 。叫“ 1 praclice toucrudal mtgunierstandirms The lbweoppo ges faωlislic
Ln le叩 elal;on5 ,酹 do L God rnade Ihe h~a、'ensωa 5ign for
3. The n: Is No Salisfaclo可Exp lana tion of Il ow Astrol句~ m," ωu腿 'ï he hca,'ens prod aim Ihe glory of God , and Ihe
Works firmament showelh hi. handiwor k."

Î1le 51ars a r<: so far awa)~ how cou\d Ih t')' possibly influe前e
S. l'la';n l/. Ihe Mωn in Lí bra, 1 can casi\y ee bolh sides of an
岫 ue. 1 belie珊 Ihal man ha. free ,,;11 but lhat il is le.. than he
us?司 Belie,~ it oc nOl山隨叫s aClually a crillcism Je..-e led by
Ihinks he has. and Ihal oflen he d僧蚓、。它 n u~ Ihal! ~r
ωlronoml'rs 31 aslrology ]""fo r<: Ih但 a<h-e川。 f Ihe Space Ag<巳
tainly we appear 10 ha、,e many chuices , but nOI unlimited
Th e l'<: are many m""hanisms in nalu l'<: IMI ""、e h8''<: no 妞" 。 nes. Anywa 此 illusion or nOI 、~'e QCt as if 叫 hD\"e frN,叫11.
faclory t'.<p lanalion foι or else Ihe explanatlon changωf" E,-en If DSlrol句~ is faml闕 ic , no a5lro\唸盯 is good enough 10
4 quenl掉 As for an adequale explanation for ostrol ogy's influ
伊dict 1':\'<:圳呵,,=吋 So e"ery predicl 酬 has a poten
ence. Ihere 8re a few lenlali 1le Iheories. It 's 100 bad mosl lia\ 10 be 的.TQng. Still , one should al輪南省 盯 10 bc preparcd,
仗時附則盯..切 naHy boyc冷11 ;!,曰,,'e would hlwe beller expla
~pccially in f"~ markefs
nallol油 Th e big que Sl ion is: Do<o s astro\ogy uw k? h il helpful
。 I
… l

ha.'c found a "umber ()f aSlrologlcal for~ca 間" '"咐。咆 Q: Whcn e.\öl ctly d~s a m~rk制研制 I laM placd
ood A: Th is rerut to Ihe 的!UCS of orbs. [,'cry astroJ嗯jcal elemenl
^, Why a..., )"ou t~cting 的 tro[Oicrs 10 "8•.., ptrfecl r<<。叫 d comeS into play b} aspecl 叭 pn exact moment in Ii me
Li ke slockbroken. economislS叫 m,帥。。酬'.甜的申 n lIowe"er the orb or innuc nce , Ih.1l is. its efftct , is reh 岫h
...闕I ~rf<<t. [n the paSI the p ...,., (l ft"'n l1.., d 10 lak ", a 叫“ before and afler. De pcnding on Ihe anrologi個1 P'吋口問吟 s
。ωddight in pointing 。ωany bad fo re<: as lS. ^ s叩開種<1 baJ
ancw 0. “objecli\"e~ .;cw w剖 n<<Öcd. \é: 1 such a supposedly
tem and the number of limlng ..Iements used. Ihis C3 n
from leu thlln four minutes of timeωas much as a )..,a Or
balancrd 仰 'obj<'Cli憾"叫<w輪到 ml叫 ng in similar stori的'" mo~

stockbrokcrs. e.: onomis!s , or meleorol嗯jsts


" 岫"肘
u血le abo
。ω“, ,h岫‘
N(l a51叫叫~r dain" 10 bc 戶 dK' 帆'e Bre righl oftcn , bUI A: Our 訓 g lobal an蚓刮I a l1。儷
e cω.
del 昀i . based primar 叩iJy on
"M 叫“宮"、vhρSimply be<: ause we are human , make mî. "",山 ,"" 叫叮 ...d 岫
h ω bo. 昀, m. 缸"蛤
"h伽@鉛0 吵 p“ T甘'"‘糟.~ .幽甜氫釗"昀。'0
U1 keS , and a ..., conslantl)' 1"'11'叫 ng. \\'e may base our forecaS15 “If.盔眩
.. “tou軍 h,訓卅
E 1 , ω d,刮"叮rmine deslred rclat ;,'e 軌電 ighling of
On bad o. ;ncomp]"t" dal a (Se e Appendix 11). Fina卅 110 single fund. among the ßig Th ree trading block. of New 、。 rk ,
indi叫 dual can know II l1 there is 10 know aboUI a51ml咱也.,d Lo叫on. and Tok).v 、,\"oth inC l"el5ed 叫 obal帥 li on , wc also are
the sc他 nce of 制"叫Ð' ilself is aJro 恥。 king. Hence ""C may m削easingly I"e曲 mmending opp。叫叫,“'"。‘快 r pans of Ihe
k 仙 rprised by mllr~elS, ahhough 1 would ut;matc less Ihan 叫ld. both in secondary and cmcrging markets. Howcve r,
half as oft"n 8S non-financial.astro[ogical analysls 8r t' givcn Ihe 但川同1I1C nauvt ,'0 叫 ility or emcrging markets , and
10 concl usion , 1 3m rcmindcd of thc quip: "\\,司hy did God the se、ccre penahy fOT being wrong , Le.. 咱 nttng to 曲 t in the
C叫“ e meleorologiSUt 10 make econorni5ts fcel beucrl company of Olhers , the grealc S1 P。借此Jle care should be taken
in the 叫 cCl10n procen
Q: How about n g∞d hO rTOr-sω" ‘ tory?
A: Forgetting ahout D吋 light Sa ings 1月 rne and watching your
great ,“precisc" futures play lose rnoney, benuse it's 0何 00'
hour l

Q: Is there 11 dawlmse of signiflc lI nt astrological e,'enUt

A, Diffcrent astrol。酹 n have different opinions ahout what is
significar、 1. A good S1 art is Nell Michehen's Tables o f
Planetary Ph..閻耐 na. Se.. Appendix IV,

Q: Doe s afìn~ncialωlrologer look j凶 t at cu~nl tm悶悶,0<

",ork 峨山 t闊別 1 1.$ IInd pr句,esSl0 叫
A: Th is depends on their Il'l1 inlng. Pe nona lJ y I ernploy quite a
1.鬥ge vanely of techniquu. My choice depends on ( 1) the
nature of the query Ind (2) how irnporta則 the query i5_ i.e. ,
how rnuch Yovrk I am 、的Il ing 10 do and 11m I being ", dl paid to
do il

Bad Data , Chart Data ,

Eclipses , and
onemmmt 叫 In any fore個 I lIIg 曲eipline is Ihe

quesllon of dala \"eradl y. Anolher is he facl thal one is
ah•.呵,翰:orking "ilh incomp[ele dala 、\'e ha."e menlioned ear-
lier Ihe ωncept of fomlly h。盼“。戶均 11“‘σw of no rmandal
“‘ ,
rologcr 111 tM t i me 訓 th access to enough sup啥也。 mpuI凶S
rnouKe to take in Ihe fu l1 range of astro[ogical dala of t"師
countr那 world leadcr, stock market , 51OC k, dc. Abo Iherc is
的時 inte~sling inue of how Ihe aCI of predicling thc fu lu~
itsdf changes t hc forccast. Ccrtainly in the markets , a心
aSlroJogers get access to the media. some of Iheir prophecies
州 11 become self-fulfi Jl ing. Others w仙 be l~t to profit. Th i. is
。 e ~a.on why many la啥c fund manager. kcep the汀 。 pmJons
c1 0sc 10 the呵呵 51 , 111 least until they ha、、e 3ccumulat eJ their
Astrologkal meth吋lology ca l1 s for Ihc chec king of dala
through IWO procedures known as charl verifiω2的n and charl
耐 lificat酬 The lattcr is used when a lime of b 的 JS com
plet吋 unknown, the fonner when a tenlal;."e lime i. g附 m
T加e prindple 1. Ihe ame: Anuming Ihal aSlrology works , Ihen
lhe C\'唯 n lS of life are ordcred in 11 pa l1 icul缸 sequence. lf on陀
、時 re bom 111 a dHferenl Ilme , e凹 n wilhln a fcw mín UlC$, Ihe
limi ng 膽<iuenε e woul d be different or thcre wo uld be a differ-
<" '甜 of C\..,岫Th erefo 槽 "“惘。F 叫間 a few ma知r
C\.., n lS of a life and works back'帆:lI rd 10 see if lhe chan i. \...Iid
UnfonunateJy Ih l$ Is not only a difflC Uh , bul aJso a not ∞ m
plelely rel岫le procedu時..,.Only 渦 hcn onc either gets Ihe sa. me
rectifìcation resuhs through more thlln one qualified as
lrologe r Or 15 abteωpredict lhe fUlure with accuracy from the
糟 rified t;me , hould one ."ume thal Ihe time 峙 adequ3le. l n

"。 … H

lìnandal 8$lrology.ω 。 ppos~d 10 the II,i咚p"opleεhm'l n'ri

岫 "^'ω,,0..... tcu剖開叫呵呵

tion charl. although ea叫ier ChOf!1 sl lU operate and may bc

fication is a somewhøl 訓 mple. praclice , given the ]imiled u sc: d whcn need叫 when more confinn酬。n 1. req 山,吋
""m峙 rof pon且 bl" cholces for Ihe liFe h i$1。可 of a sloc k. Fortu 的 atel)比 the data of corpora!ions is public record
Probably my mOSI famou s 、Hong foreca宣 t wlS the 1992 Unlike Hollywood lturlets and a few fu 仙'res Iraders, CE Os
p ,開 dential ele制拘n. I fore<:a宣 led urly on Ihol Busb ,",'叫 Id gene閥 JJy do 呵'! Iry!O hide their hinh dala
win easily. AI 1.,9ft I “]\-a ged 10m他 dignity by having also pre-
dicted. 31 the 組 me 11m." the 間 e k.!: ,,-hen Ro lS Pe rol would
Jea\~ the P~sidential race and thcn recnler I1 Chart Data ror Fi gu res
Whcn I fì l'$1 made the Bush 心K'Casl. IWO hOT05CO pt 11m"
叫re published for ßill C1inIOn. One "". dearly w抽ngjudg Chaptcr 2
ing from 山...叫ogiC叫“gnalu.喝 ; the othcr 錯emed okay as
far 115 his known p酬。n8111y characterist間 1 didn' spc 恥d Ihe Figure 2-1, Incorp。叫 ion chart of IB'\I, 9:00 a.m. , May 1,
hm地開討如 ng his chart by checki ng thc C'-C叭 sofhisl恥的 1958 , A1 bany, !'I.'Y.
this 呵s nOI an im l'ortanl enough rO rtÇ ast for mC 10 間~"' Figu..., 2-2 ,的r$! trade chart of 18 ,\1, 10丈lO.廂, Fe bruary
lhe lim., requiroo. By th.c early fall I had begun 10 SUSpecl Ihal 14, 阻函4 , Wall 5! ...,剖,附
切 melhin啥恥"lIS am閥,. Candida!e Bill Clinton's campaign and
popularily werc far too strong, gi\'en wha! 1 bdieved his ho ro- Chapter 3
蛇 ope . hould hll"c indic!cd. Sh~ 閃 1 ,的 er, a !hird (and accu
叫e ) horoscope !ime for BiJ1 Clin!on became publ間 record. h Fig'He 3- 1, Pe ter Lync h'$ pe , 10:51 a.m
had a c1 assic w可nnmgεomblnation→ ransiting jupiler on Ihe September 7, 1943, ßoslon. Mi\
Ascendant一句n! thc !ime of Ihe No ,'cmher election , anlO ng
othcr fa、,'orablc augurl
Figure 3-2 , 、Vnrrcn Buffe t'. ho roscopc Birth ti me ,
unkno 帆~' , Augω1 30 , 1930, Omaha , NE
Howe、'er, 1 ~! 圳 fclt !hal Bush couW win少 although cenain
Iy no! a5 的“ Iyas ( fi附 bclie,'ed , 10 1 le! Ihe forecaSI ride Chapt~r 4
I nlCres!in仙 enough ,明 did P叫 iCI !ha! whiche"er pany won
the 1992 President圳 cle.:: ! ion would lose d"""凶 kal妙 in !he Figurc 唔 9, T~kyo S!ock E>:chang~ horo缸。阱 , 9均o a.m.,
1994 Congreulonal elec tions. [ lome times muse whelhcr
i\l ay 16 , 1949 , Tok)'o, Jal , an.
Republ此:an campalgn managcrs kncw this as well , perhaps
accounling for how p∞ rly thc ωmpaign 畸重 a lJ o,,'ed !o be Figure 4.10 , Japanesc horoscope , 12 :00 a.m. , i\l ay 3 ,
run (i n my 旬inion) 1947 , Tok)'o, J apa恥
Going back !o !he !heory of family ho l"OK ope.. using II\O re

than one ho rotC ope 10 forc st it possible. G附 n limi!ed lime
, od 鬧個問“ 1 ahnos! alw司ys OP! for the mOSI 時eenl. Th e
Chaplrr 5

reaSOn 15 悅。fold . Fim , it is alnl051 alwa)'s mOre ac個 ratdy 110耐間 pe chan
Figure 5-5 , of C.nada, 日曲 a.m..July 1,
timed. For mDny olde r charu lueh as 心r Ihe United S!ales , 1 師7, Dua咽 Canada
Ihere is .l iI1 ωnlldenble disagreemen l as 10 lhe <"XaC1 lime of Figu 體 5-6 , DEC nalalεhart, 1 1 :30 圖 阻 , Augus! 23.1957,
day the Deelanllion of I ndepcndenee 畸重 signed. se曲nd. il " ". .刷刷

re.neclS Ihe c urn 削 ωn帥 on , ud僧s Ihe c" rman reunifiC8

OAD DIL<. C姐 , 11".、 E口M回 ...p fI=OC耳_.
間 叫“

Chaple r 6 Eclipscs , 1996- 200 1

Figu"" 6-1 , DEC nrs! !rade ehan , 10:00 a 肌 IHcemher 山… ...恤,組 山…

1, 1970, \Vall 5lreel , ì\'Y. ...一
S<p'......, 27
t剛 旬.‘ 叫他
F;gure 6.2 , DEC fìrSI trade ( 198 7) cha r! , 7:24 3.m
Decembe刊。 1986,、\'all 5!ree!. NY. Man: hH Man: h 9 S司動冒冒.."‘


Figure 6-3 , DEC fìrs l \ude ( 1995) charl , 5:46 3.m. , h n
1剛 長勘凶"" 叫~,

IHcemher 1. 1994 , Wall 5lreel , NY.

,- 凹" “如山"" July18 峙-"
Ch3 p !臼 7 岫
叫" 間~. ,...,. 16 j喝 1
』叫,,, -國b回"

Figu"" ;.2. IBM horoscope chan, 1995 , ;:47 a.m. , May 1, ~, 凹, 』國四"
1995 ,Annonk,附
'凶" -帽~"

Cho阱。 8
Ncw a n d Fu ll 1\ loon 5, Eclipses 199 6-2 00 1
Figure 8.1 , J\l kroloft ehan, 9:30 I.m. , J\larch 13 , 1986 ,
Wall 5t""et, NY. Ntw Fu u. N•.w F~"U NEW Fuu. N..... Fu u. N..... ,,"
Figure 8-2 , 6ill Gales' horoscope , 9:10 p.m. , Octoher 28 ,
"好, 5eøltle WA.


:“ "'" 的

的7 的

'" 11110
糾6 ?γ"
." 7月岫 岫 間 的7
Figure 8-3 , Firsl !rade ehart, Ne!scape , 11:00 a.m. , August lOI U 10116 11/11 "且, 1212.
9 , 1995 , \、句 11 5 1feet , NY. 的
問3 m 的2 的
的. ~

制 的

Figu間 8-5. Flrst trade chllrt, P帥 r, 10:50 a.m. , N。、 emher 帥"。 m
'" INI6

!11 18 9/1 ~/16 1011
訝, 19時, \Vall Streel , NY. lMI l J/ H 1( 1)0 1111 < 1 1且,

Figure 8- i , Roge r Rached's ho rosc ope , 3:55 p.m. , lI ll 1I28

"" 1111. MI
1/11 岫 的。

'"' IMO
. 徊。

5eplemher 9 , 1960, Beirut , Le banon .m

的。 的4

風旬 的Z ""
吶 '巾。"肺

Figure 8.8, Internationa l l-l i.Tech lndustries horoscope,

,- 1M
'" ""
的l 訓。 的』

9 曲 a.m. , O<:IObe阱, 1994 , Hamilton , Be nnuda 叭, 蝴 的, 的8
訓, ""凶"" 帥。" “" "事
l的 ,.宜 4 Jt1團 Il/n IlI1" ,~,
PLEASE NOTE: 1 ha嗯 posted a numher of other charts and
horo帥"清 referenced in 山 s book on my web site underIN
VE STl NG BY THE STARTS Addil胸n 訓 Dala 苗。 u may find ;1 一
on Ihe web in !he Inlernalional Business Journal at
hup:l"'w、ω Ids.netlsl1l rbridgeJafuncl
s..n 0....... c...... [)..,.. ecu....~ .抽 R回- '0;


u:u... Venus and Ma rs P lanetary RX and Stations ,

""'"… . .岫 E叩開Z "惜.
""-"- 199 6- 2001

'"' m711 S 12111

"‘ 11111 ,m
'". llln
2叭, 泌 間的 吶S

9l2, ."
." ""
的 的e
宙間"" 叭, LOo' B V E.W$ 此可 、仙 。 ~~咽間
l\ t..... 0
t晶甩 1 I1Il
說, 的 ,- ~t.r lO J.峙 2

的4 訓 ~.


I 100

1 1Il~ I••
帥, 啊'"。但 ,~


l\'I ercuη, RClfo gmd e and P lanetarγ5tatlo肘,

,- July J(/ 訟~曲-"
恥~ .自 E 】凶種 ﹒

1996- 200 1 剛

M 國E研"" M[ OCUJn' 0 -, M...h9 你咽 m 此-''' JuIy 19


JM5M.旬"岫z,m哼M, 4

J1u9p9iter and satum Planet RX and Stations ,
Stpt,mbtr 26 6- 2001

April 14
J-個. "
J'"祖明此可 )umuO S,"""" RX s..n RN D

A1hUHSM-t1 7 s..p..mb< r 10
恥咀 mber2?
恥, 。 . .關. , Ju1r 18 0<<. ]
.",1><. 7
,w, ,.間 9 0< .. 8 ~且"ot 1 D哩<. 16
l嘲 已..間".
July J I
Apti l20
A"II"" 23
,w. lulylS r-:"" jj A<ll"" I ! D唾 c.29

問,曙 mbt r 21 OK.mbe 11 , 1輛 ~.凶 "n 。前.'" . . .,"', .10

l閉 M..., h 10 句. , M J. n. 12
Au ru" 6 悔." 5<pI. U
JNUHWUmws 肘。呵喃 "". 2 S
蝴 j圓圓." J-山."

間 h恤~" ~l><<h 14 N.,. 2 t 仙K h 1.2前"

Sopt .26 ,
(F<b. 8 2曲"
Ju..H }叫γ"
i\: ...

叫 l﹒

-, jvue伽eu﹒q
叫 l
‘ 岫叫"
1.... 28

'M 恤咽 H
Uranus , Neptune, Pl u to Pl a n CI RX and
SWlions , 199 6-200 I
l糊 Plu'" R且lι I . r<~哩 Plu, o 01耳目. ^"I"'" 10 Astrological
且LM句帥d,IZ9 N.pcu,," D. 0.叫‘
u.." .,. O. 0.間, Financial Profile
1閉 們.,.且X. M.rch 8 Pl uto 0......咀 ..
N'ptc",.llX, M叮 l N"", u"" D. 0.:,. S
U間""丸 M叮 . . u..". , O. (k. . 1<
a嘲 PI_ R.'\, .\1.0.π. " "“.,. 也司,,,
I'<ptunr I\X. M叮 4 此,但-口,O<t .ll
lJ,.,.u. 且.~. ~I阿" ,..凶,日. 0< . .18 NAME DATE
1輛 們u 阻R.'\, Morch ]) PI.,.D. At唱“ AODRESS PHONE (D)
個..,.""" R.'(, ~~呵島 缸.,. .....o. Ott. u C I1Y/S TATE PHONE (日
u....u. RX. M呵" ,-仙 .0, oct.. H COU~、可"RYIZIP FAX -一
2蝴 P l u ' o 且.'t ~I 風聞"" PI.,. 0 , Au ,. 20
N' p' une IIX. M.y 8 NUe
閻F明 -,‘0<.. 15 anSwe. as fully u po鉛 ib le Ihe following que~!iOn5. Feel
U""'... 11:<. M.,. lS 閻明回 0 , Od. 2‘
, ~ωcommunleate any 吋Iditional informal iOn 戶u consider
'00' 開叫 o R.'t Ma且 "" Pluto o.,N.哩" ~"叫
;>1..,.""" RX. M.y 10 Nep'une D. 0<;.. 17 Il.~ . M 可" "_.﹒ D‘~,品。
1. If you are in e.~perienced in>'C51叫 how long have )"O U heen
m嗯Sling? 帥 rs. [n\'ulme間,叫 ha"c made. Ch~k a[]
!hal ap~ 、π
-U.S. Stock , MutuaJ Funds 一-Ta....ble Bonds
一-Ta~-fref: Bonds 一-Foreign Stocks 一一-Short S.l 的
-一〈軒ptioru 一-一一一-Futures _一一一-Pa rtnershi戶
一一-Commooit ie←----Qthfrs(S}

2 、Vh 岫 beSt describes )'our overa Jl auimde 仙'-ard in"est-

闊別 ri,k?
-S lro ..g/y 他It-In'f!rsf'. 1 W3m only "ny afe im-eSlrnent.
Rislt 凱,由 I do not fcd ωm fortabl~ 叫 h risk
-M他d risltωlerø..ce. I am 叫lling 10 take 翩。回 asional 巾k
fora心(>\"f-a、會rage gain
R訕 la1ter. I am 切卅 ng to take risks 叫 h Q fa\orable risk
rewlI rd ratio
-S'ro吟附, '"岫 r. 1 3m wi l!i ng to lo.e a sllbstant叫戶 " iOo
of principal in onIcr 個 8叫砂,~間~,..、百 l ue of m~ io\-e st

…'" …一
3 、Vh~1 are }'ou r primar~.. in何 .Im"nt 。句e.: ti\'u; Check all be )UU an 3"1;\",, co' part且cipanl in rnanaging? If so, COm
\\~ II
that apply: plete the following p" ..onal as trological dat8 alld p" rsonal
-C aphal p時間".個n - [ncome -Ta~ S3\ings -C ro叫 h in~e$ling hi$lo l')' forms
If )'OU 岫 nl US 10 ~rform a full lìnancial 僧view, please com
-1 . Wh 、 I are ~、"' m創 n financial goals苦 pl ele Ihe reques led informotion 011 1111 Ihe foll。叫 ng pages
一To be able 10 reli ", conúonably ,
lñis 叫 11 a l1 o ", us to des咚J1 an ill -e.tmcnt 5間 tegy to hclp y叫
To pro叫 de for the higher et! ucation costs of my child{ren} 訓開 your 卅一 term 0均'"叫
一To ha\'e . dc<luate funds if 1 should become disabled
-To p ro叫 de sufficient income for my ~u""i\'ors in th c c\'ent PERSONALASTROLOGICAL DATA
。 f my dC3th
Birth date -1 -1 - Time ﹒ 一一-A. t\l J1'.i\1. Place:

- Li st sourcc: ( ) Rirth Cettilìcale ( ) Othe r

,.for fll nds 10 be managedannual
P ω 組 de,cribe 抑 ur
by uS
profit goals and "51. loleran""
此 10lhcr'$ bJrth date: -1-1 _ Father'l bi耐心 te: -1-1

CUlnnt 明翩。你

們 ease list 缸ve to seven major lifc 釘 Crlt 5 such a 5 births

6. How di d }'O u hear of us? dealhs , importanl ~rsonal relalionships , marriages , din)rces
山ness, foreign trm'el , relocation , ch~ 峙的 at work or an叭 hing
7. Any commenU or addilional in恥。 mlllt lon you 吶'ish 10 p ro- clse hoving a major impaCI on your !i re. This informat的 n ,,~ll
vide hc help U5 to bettcr serve ~our n""d. and 札.; 11 8150 be used 10

泊 lidatc your birth ti mc 刊 e accurdcy of this da\a is sen tial ,
ω ; , 戶u arc not Su re of a date , please indicale Ihal

Dale E..., nt and pcrsonal sign且 lìcarn:e

8 仔"、e rcach 0. exceed our agreed.upon targets, may w穹的e
35 a reference?
-一、le. No If 間,一吋 ff the re<:叫。, - -puhlicly? ---1---1.

Please ind l1<.1 eωpies of recent s late ment (的 of 3n)' Clll{Cn!

Sloc k, bond , mutual funds , and r,叫 ureS accounl S 仰U 叫你"' ---1---1
10 rc'、.;ew.
'" ^"'<., oαm

一--1----' 2 } Anypa到 experien ce 叫 Ih

If ye. , dωcribe briefly;
fìnnnclal iSlTO 句戶 () 、的 (
) No


3) Primary lim" hOrU: on: -5 1>開 lerm - I nlenned泊 te.term

----' ----'- Lo ng-term

Plea蛇 fill 恤"h跨耐叫 .h 帥 tement 仰鈔 d 咽 .re d。呵 a

----'----' full fìnancial ~ie.... and )"0 \1 d。白"' h茵河 a cu "", nt "''' "-onh
“ aternent 10 .upply. R~member 10 indude recenl stalemenl.
of any stock , bond. mutual fund , oplLons. and fUlures

們姐 Se lis' your tWO best and "'Orsl market trades or in'-eSl NET 、VORTH FORi\l
menlS , [ndicale whether you made the d e<: ision inde~ndently;
joindy with an 3d啊 .or/broke爪 or on the advice of an心I her. ASSETS SELF SPOUSE JOIN叮
E "盯但"' Nature of Trad eII n"e5lment Taxable in\"estmenl

Enter -1-1_ Tu.f,呵。".情 $lmCnl



&i, 一~--I- IRNSEP

Enler -1-1 Primary residcnce

Exi t -1-1 一 Secondary 時, idcncc

Olher real eSl ale
Enler -1-1 - 恥 ""叫 properly
一 vM

Exi l -1-1 An nuities

吋 W D吋

Ufc inωrance
En!er -1-1_ Businus interCSI'
Exi t -1-1 "尬ε

1) Ha ,.., )'司 " "但d I money manager for olher than mutua[ LlA B1L1T IES
funds in the plI str ( ) 、“ ()l“ Mortgage
[f yes , briefly ind時 ate your ...,[e>1I nl recenl ""sul u; "ith IT旭n Loo.,
agM fund. T.品的
…'" AP I' END I X
t.a" Y、ear.s gross ;ncome: - - - -
Eslimale 。川 )"aro
l間 'm. Resources
An nuoJ upenses
Annual 'avin唱S

As lro logy ßooks

G叫 queHn. Dr. Francoise . PsycholQgy ol'h e Pla"e l5 (Sa n
Die恥臼 ACS , 1982). Rigoroul紗 ,甜'Ilrched I訓。if cm. .ac
""m喝喝帥、官砂 ωrreJ.. led wilh ead. pla闡
G..uq四 lin , Dr. Michd. Cos mic l..jluencft 棚 H"棚""'''''吋
(53nl" Fe. NM: Aurora Press , 1 呵 5 ) . Th" lter pioneeri ng
"叫!y cO m!u. ling p缸,你I<Iry 4(";'';1)' ω ,"" mQ1
Hand , Robf, rt . H~ S)... OO1s (\\'esl(hes l er,附 \Vhîtford
P~ss, 198 1). 0.." 0/ 1/", c/a.u間戶,“"“""md;ng lke plø吟
'"ry 旬~"""
5<""的 u r, Dr. Percy. Ast ro /ogy: 111" E叫MltCe o/Scien旬, 2d吋
(London: Ar k.a na , 1990). fairly ted...iωJ . repe ,,',,"ce" Qf"
酬 ce prejudiced <l, t TQtIQ "'er.
\Vein喝3 rtc吶, H e n耶 η.e SI U<Ì y 0/ Astro甸事 5th ed. (New)ork
ASI Publishers , 1988). A deor .."d cQ>,c iso! u帥 us approach
IQ lhe subj個

Fintmci a l As trology Books

8al"" Graham , and B個恤 , Jane C. "、 10tU')' Il nd 1"11 l\f,血,,,"

(Lo noon: Aquarian, 199 4). ^信耐叫 8蟬I~∞吋岫ι
McWhirt er, 【A山5e. Aslro均")' Il nd Ihe Slock M銜,拙, 2d ., d
此York, AS I. I 叫 A 咖叭"削叫 a

i\ l agi
砂; S。蛤<.蛤削

掏s岫句y R“ M
仰y 叭包伽,b
追 (ωc.
間 昀。n
肌,CJ\: Hay Hous."
1995). I1 looks like ""e d",叫 fi"lmcù. l a$肘。'&Y gro叩“

'" … w
J自叫秒咖叫 h 師叫H 叫fesli ns 叫升到 ho押咽ch io

Sherno, Michael. Sl o.:: lt M"dU! 1 R..l.s (Chlcago: P阿 bu . ,
甜"岫 "'; 1" .. 峙e 雌 ,~~帥., ns “'ro旬, '''."", '' 1M
.....r ts 1994)
i\1 uidian . BilI. Pw....I.. 'Y Slodt Trøding (N..w York C)'cl es
Th eK bωks help youωundentand the bene恥。f ga;ning a
Re~arc h PubJÎCati o曰 s. 1994). 1α)() firsHrud悔 ,ho附
sl' parate understamling of seJf....orth and nel ...o"h
i\1 ull , Caro l. S ,,,nJ., rà &- Poo r 'J 500 (Ternpc , I'\l.: AmerÎCan
Fedcration of Astrologe l'5. 1 啤4 ) . 5帥Hlcorporøt酬 d''' rI$.
Mul l. Caro l. 750 Ov ",., ",,, rer S loclu {T.. mp e. AZ Nudleham , Jucob. ^, on"Y ""d 1M Mt棚;.習 ofL徘徊ewYork:
Do ublcday, 199 1}
Americlln Fcderation of Astrolog肘 1 986) .750 inωη.,"
lio" cltarlS ,
Ji arrlnglon John. '"v(' j" !i"g wid
John 、\~ley. 1992)
, \""' “
COIIsdetl (New \ork

Finally, the ultimate 自 nandal s)"i tem , perha p$ Uk幢幢 11 others ,

M arkC I 800b
,~b甸、nd any .)"S lem
In my opinion, thc ideal 、祠y 10 lcam 昀 Ihrough app....ntice
咐P 10 $(1 m" fìnancial gurv. Unfonunalrly this 叮,ve oi KCrs. Toppel, Edward. zen i.. ,'''' Ma ,1ru (New l oric 1992)
10 a finandal mcntor is nOI a油ilable 10 all. Sð: ond.besl m凶y
be 10 s lU cly Ih methods of \\'all 51....'" ";nncn. Th e four das At thω 凹"' , 咽n t to 肘。 mmend readlng a few 恥glnn聞
S 時 s ar .. 出。,ks on lradin唱 and in.'esting. Thr的祖rrent ra \'O rites are:

Schwager, J叫""相間:.:.rd.i (New York: Harper &恥 m Bal5 o , Th oma, F. P""ie. Proof fm'nl;'羽 ( New 、lork, John 、叭'."
1989) & 50n. , 1994)
- - -. N ew Marlte t V的 :ards (New York : Harpcr & Row, Canidy, DonBld L. 1均 已俑"" YOU Se Il Th af COII" t$ (New York
J 99 1) lrwin , 1 9刊94'
Tra in , John. Moner ^, ..slers (Ne'" York: Perunial library. 5latter, John. Straight Tallt ahout S toc: lt Im -es ti"R (New York
1994) M cGra.... Ji圳, 1995)
---.. '"'" New Money Mas U' n (New ' or k: I、crennJal library,
自 989 ) To And (urnnt planetary position" use a n ephemcri$ or
cal l' ndar. F,肘 Kn酬 S 悟Karc h, h恤,明 ICCe55 to
lS \roJogicaJ

Ne., I, 1 (ann叭叭;c,rslre.. Ih ., .~rtu., of sou nd mon 句 man. I computer p 句旭m IS ne<:帥"'乎Co.凶 c\:
agf: ml'叫Thl'refore 1 pro叫 11' here 仙10 1;111'$ or IWO b∞ks that
sayal間)St Ihe same thing, but it is ...orth" ,hile 10 rtad both to Ro , lcruciln Ephemeridu , 1900. 2000 , 2000.2100 ,
ha 'e the poinu gCI hamm .,red home Rωicruclan , Û<: eanside
Tablc, of Planetary Phenomena, Neil 1I l icheJJon , AC5 , 5an
E ng,叫lI ia仇 Tmdi"g Rules , Sfraugies for S ..cc間 ( Chicago, Diego, 1 99。
De'lrbom , 1990)
... h明叭

^ ,",uhh of maleriallo r~earch News lc u e rs

已 叫叫叫忠心
C~,如. .,ημ". 恤. ed. Ar cn Cra"fo叫 Oflcn roted I by

m 帆J
們 如此 川 咖


Ilmc 則 'I rack趁 rs. 1382 Th ird A...:nllc心 '403. Ne、, Yor k. NY



I 開21-00403. (212) 144-6973



Th. Ñl ro- l "''t'.IIOπed. Carol M叫1. Gi\"<,;' <':0可XlTa IC cnarts 10


開 MU 叫
", M in the ncw,. P.Q. Bo~ 1! 133 【吋 ianapuU" 11\' 46201

WW Lm 陷

UJ 訓



A 叫 F

0133. (311) 3B-6855. Fa~ (317) 35HH6



M~r"'" S}lJ em5, ed. Greg ,\ I <':adon 叫 nner of Trade rs Cata阿

M 臼州h

mfr k


iCBd Trnding C開lesl. 2761 ~ l an5fieJd 0 ,., a uroonk , CA 91504


(8 18) 247一 1133. Ernail: meadors@ i..>:, ne



叫叫 m





F inanc ia l Astrology 、\'eb訓'"

T,“組 ry ,
Con u l! llnts D到 Iy Stock 1\I a地<':1 Report , Treasury
Co ns lI hants I.. ld. , P.Q. Box 10 G吋..Imlng, Surrq GU8 4YW
Co nfc r會 n Ct: s
England. Phon e/Fu 44 (0) 1428-68 ..j) 25. Email: t時燭'"可
Th,., An nual As trology & Th e 510å Murket Conference , spon @油 iaJ. pi UR L: hup:lldspace.dia l. pipex 曲的胸wo/
“ red b)' Th e i\strologe rs F u飢1, 350 Lc.~ington t\'-e. , New 5q uar e/cd61
、、'orl<l Moncy and Market Trends、ll.e~C(Ø Nolan , 2M Pe eJ
、。 rk 10016
Amology 199516. The Free 、'earbook of \\'orld 恥.;de A51阿l勾勒 SlreCI G 中 C('nlml , Hong Ko ng. Fax: 8學2-2850.5雪 02
Th e Ura nla TruSI , 396 Caledonian Road. l,o",Jon Nl 10 1' 、\'a ll-Slreet.NeW5.CornlForecasts. Dir<<:lo" P削 1 Farrcll
En glund (0 171) 700 0639. htt p:// A叭 ro l oger~ Fund Forum , Dire c tor: I-Ienry 、V創 ngarten ,
叫 -gulde/i nde:o: . h t叫 ww ‘ Ids.nctl叭 arbr i dge/afund: Or Astrologus Fund 00
lnternatlonal Congress Programs Li sling Arcnode “A51.。 AO L. com or MSN.c。肌
Kri可g.~ em岫刊 le<:s.reÎlsma@astronet.idn.n l 80th ab到 ract . num b.. r of di fT"rt' ot Iì川an(Ïal “悶。醉"

M agazi n es Finding an ASlrologe r

c"岫 IInd 8us;"個 ,...<1 Im'..slm棚, Cyc /n, Foundation of h.

Sludy of Cydcs. 900 \\悟到、、I!ey Rd. ,、、!ayne.

PA 19087
Direc l ori 的

阱 5196 /"'emati阿 I Dirtc附)" 0/ A<fro句t,." ed. Su~i" C w<.

(6 10) 995-2 120 , foun.:I3
1'. 0.43877 , Tucso n , AZ 8費 733-3877. (520 ) 321.[11 斗!
Trader'$ \\1>>也1 MIIS":i" ,., often incJ udcsωIml ,,!!傀儡1 conlrihu .usiec。兩rld ,c[)m
tions. ]-la l1 iker' s lnc. , 2 琴。5 、V. Crayroc k Drh'e. Springfìeld ,
MO 658 10 . ( 417 ) 882-9697. l nlernel: puhlishcr@
trude$world ,com
... 岫咽 W 叩開

l\I ela loll F,‘ ur.,1
、\'orldwide on- 1i ne dircC lO ry oF asttologers. http:// Audil .....,k. 309 SE M;wer Bl\'<L Suite '62. Boc:;l Ra too. FL
"""'......'1叫。ger.comlmelalog 3 3-1 32 . (407 ) 393.3876. A吋的自叫h 晒 Q profns酬,,1 sim' 巾a
, “
ed hrourQS' thul provi tÙ: s trQders 叭 Ih th opport ";11 10
d...... 1ov ~.吟,開., frud, ruonls 阱 Ih h,poI ~t;"QI þ",di"S
As tro lo gica l Organizations
AfA: Am crican Federation of An rologe rs, P.Q , ß o~ 22040 , Olhcr InformatÎon Resource~
653550叫 h Rural Road , Tcmpc, AZ85285-1040. (602) 838
1751. SAFTl: 5 0c ic ty of A崎1'1 Alloc a to呵 pnd Fund Timcn , lnc. ,
AFAN: Anociation for iÙtrolc到gk酒 I NelwoT旭 ng, 8036 、,Vì lshir~ 11275 East Mississippi A\,., nuc , Suile 2.E3 , Auro ra. CO
Boulcvard, Sulle 日 7. !k'-erly Hills, CA 9021 1. (8曲) 雪" S田間 (7 1 4) 476.2799

A到 rological ÑlodalÎon , Secretaη396 C !edoniøn Rd. ,
London ft1ION Englan d {O H I)70037 46hupJJd
51F, 5 0c lal ln、....slment Forum , P.O. ßω57216 . Wa$hin~ω 0,
DC 20037. (202) 872 曰"
Srb Intcmct Socially R臼ponsiblc Muiling LI訓 Discussion
w'WW.utrol句~r.comlaanel Croup. Subscribe SRB Ustproc@mail 的
APA: Auociation of Profusional A51<0108e ,,, d o Annelle Email: SR B@ bristlecon f: .logethf: r.nct
PlaUs , 22 Ru lh Clo鏈, CO\-C , Farnborough , lI anll , GU 14 Foundalion for th f: Study of Cycles, 900 We.t \'a l1 ey Road ,
9UX. England Suite 502 ,、\'aple, PA 190昕一 182 1. (6 10) 995.2120. foun
r、ICGR: National Council for Ge償。smic Rc~areh , do r. lary d側的 o.句也
Do wninll, ßω1220, Ounkir k, 1\10 20754. (4 10) 257-2824 Nf: W York A$trology Center, 350 Lcxin也ton Avenue. '''02
ncgr@alf",苟昀 com . http:爪!''Ww. allwa 時"叫附 w NYC 10016.0909. (212) 949.7211. Fa.~: (212) 949.7274
PH OS IG: Profenional Conccrns , clo Monlcp Dlmi no, 195 Email: A Fund 飢 O L. com. h ttp://www.I DS.NET/S tarbridge
Ead ., nfi .,ld A,'.,.,岫組成 OWTI , MA 021 72. (617 ) 923.6424 IAFUND C" n'en即恥 5; 帕 t WQTldwitU 酬n:e of 10.:治'",
..枷祖 re, lmd c細問"'吋們叫 i偏偏 J伽 ..ciøl asl叫叩開d
甜d句:r i.. ge".....J
、Va ll S tre e t Cames
p~叫<<"會d;ng and in呵呵 1;og ",ith pllly m的 ney. h can be fun ,
and mωt often w叫祖糟,叫 moo吋 in the Io ng run

5tock Ga mu on th ., Nel
IFB G Stoc k l\I a rk et Sim ulationl Gamu , hup: fI
山明喊叫純伊甸 ddi他g1stoc k4 . h tml
So..rc:, of" nu ",ber of \- 叫 1 Sr reel si'叫""的, Nel

^'甘ulogìc a. 1 Tcrms

A5c mdallt: Rere~nces jhe mom~nl IIn enlity ;5 bom. Onc of

jhe four personlll poinn in astrO]ogy. 訓。".蚓、 h the 5un ,
l\l oon. and Mid hea\'en. Al I of thern a~ ke}' indicators of indi
叫 duaJ '"腎Jression
As ptcl: The 叫ular relationsh ip am叫 plan帥、叫側 阱 n
ets are in "a5pect" they are in and affect eω ,h
",h的間$ib 呻 robable manifeslation~
^,'ro句 A mathemDlical 阱,它 h ology ba~d on 剛ronomy.
COllj""cl的。'" Two or more pløncts nre said 10 be “conjunc t"
whcn th ., y are 111 the s lI me part oF the sky.
Di$ll Jler: Dis • IIway; Uflre唱.. jhe Ilars. D昀的 ters are mQre
likely 10 occur when One ls 1101 align~d 叫 th one's horoscope.
i. c" 札..hcn onc tries 10 fit a Tound ~lI lnlo a square hole
EkCI w. ull: Th e bl1l nch of 叫 rology that deals 、叫h “electinll"
or ch ∞ sing a favo T'll ble time 10 commence aclivilies , 5uth as
marriagc , incorporating a company. or arranging a business
F.τ'g shui: Ulerally. wind and WlI ler. Rde吋宜。 one of a num.
ber of Chinese p I"8C liees 10 align human aClivily wilh Ihe earlh
ønd cqsrno.
Ho,,"1' Horos rneanS ho叫 and Ihe~rore Ihis is Ihe branch of
aSlrol司!y lhal In,間 ."ωlions by referring 10 Ihe 1;"'" ", h"n
lhe quesl盼R 恥苗時的"'"
H,~ω~: From Ihe Greek-horol: hou r; skopωmap. A
bîrlh chart ~re~ncel I uniquc timelplace """nl , compan恥"


'" ,- G 凶~ m

Midh巴.,,'.....:Hefercnces the moment an cntÎty is oom. \Vh ir~ Fa lse 10.:.11旬m: A tcchn 臼 15U]>戶"問 int that i. broken bv sob-
the ascendonl ol;g,,' 10 the e3 $lern hOrizon , the m 叫 hea"en is sequcnt markcl action
the second dime的 ion allgni ng 10 the high...! point a p[anet ""'"紗1': A tcchnical resi$tancc point thDt is broke的 by 5ub.陣
reaches in iUl daily motion. qocnt markcl 剛剛
M" ,.J,,~甜 rologr- Th e branch of 甜 rology Ihol deals with G~叫 h ;,n四1;"8: A ma甘甜 appr<凶ch that 1ωks 10 stocks 、川h
恥mundane~ ol'叫咐 Iy maUen. hs prima可 ωncerns a rt' politi abm"C-a\"Cra伊 P叫甜甜 eamings
.,al ,帥 1omic, fìnancia l. and gcoph戶 ical e'-en l.S and trends , Rdat間,,~ηglh: Pcrfonnance relat;,.cωa bcnchma rl<, such
co~laling 10 pJanelary acti、可 ues a. thc S&P 500
NtUlll horoscope: Anωher nalT健 for the binh h。闊前<>p< Shortî"8 Jloclc Sclling stock i.. 叫......u of iu purcha~. In
, ,
Orb Refer 10 tht e.'Ul clnesslrn V: 8clness of 3n aurological conttast 10 Ihc u50al practlcc 0( bu)ing 5tock in antîci咽 Ilon
.,悶。 r e\"(!nt of il. increa$C:閻明 !ue. a slock Is shoncd 叫開M 自rst"吋h., n
Relrogrode: Reren 10 the ø Pfl'U ffln' backward mo 妞 n. of t~ 3mi口pati 加ng a price dc 酹電 HM 、油叫 叫t訂
A ith thc 俯"'"由
t個. .恤沁 n of 戶
p urehas
planets. Purely a geocentric phenomena , as Ihe pland' are inglt atal岫afer datc 刮
且 a t a 10。
01"11\"5 dircct in their motions. SRl: Soc咀 凶訓
m 卅
y 闇阱n 吋耐$圳l恥

b e in'"C、糟嘲、電剖.,到Imcn圳u
Rωlershi l''' Correspondenc.. of the planels and signs of 制M 間csli"g' A markct app ro.a ch thal looks for 1"",. plc, 0.
astrology 10 vario 凶 phenomena pnce 司eam l ngs , ratios

SI"I;O""句: Refers 10 the apparent Sl al ionary o. nopped 凡r\ V: An inde.~ of Icading gold and sil"cr stocks
mntion of planels. P U 間 Iy a geocentric I)hcnom~na. as the v,削弱你 Onc ind c;( of 仰的 mo\'emcnt of S\ ock and 叩 tion
plancts are alwa戶 moving forward in th o:i r orbiu. H 叫 ωtions

SpUl St1}': 5叭叭.ifh; 的t悶,: the stars. Th~ branch of ~.trololO'

th at de81s 、叫 h rcl個 lion shlps bet wcen p 凹 plc , companies ,
countries , etc
Trans;ts: Thc prima1}' tooJ of pred 眩 t i\'e aSlroJog乎 Rcfe向 10 the
corrent state of the I'lone ts ~t the birth mO' l1 ent o. n8t81 horo

F in ancial Term s
A地 ilrU8e: Making a prolìt by sim ohan~ou 均 buying and sdl
ing relat t'd四ntracts that are oul of 叮 nchron且 tion, bu\in l/;
thc chcaper 0. undc"''a lu t'd instrumcnt and sclling thc mor;
也有>cnsi\'c0' O\"C.....Jocd onc
lPO: Initial pobl ic: offcring of 針。4
C~,間,切"的‘.,,",lÌ n8' A marl叫 'PP的ach that 重 contrary to
markct action: bO)1ßg 、~hen othcrs 叫l 蛇仙'.吋 en othcrs

"電Iton. Al.肌'"'
~.凶 .1 , lon. Ind , 122

A rology (C,仰 t.),
and f,間e 叫 11 . 195
卸的、...ngcllne. !5 向拾的咿hk﹒".幟9- "
地'anO," Inform咽 Uon. J--.4 p ﹒們"',.ry rule...hip. 拍
A時時...“ lndu ,'l'); pla 向凶的'" and ptycho lozy. 6 , 2 S-26 , 3 多-"
ru ,*", 36. .H) B 6- L17 , 194
t\&riC ull叫牌.neuory ruk同 3 6.--3; '"叫 d 叫 8叫
(Sn.IJoComm樽d 缸.) ....,10""..193- 195
卻別叫 '''''uW}\戶I~wy ,u1.,.. (Sn.uo Fl nancial UtrOICV)
咐1', 36 hs tJOnOm loll Cycleo Su m. 98一."
Aψ別提<1 'ttltnolocl; 94 ""'"也.., .""ω押,前, ...怯‘j
叫“叫“,..".,帽,;.",. i n, 8-9 他
U o- Bl '"
hu.umn. and 叫剛em., i3
h油勘 l 陣~.可", k... 諷
如‘叫 I.... Jω>. "
叫吋 m 帥 in. 8, 56.
1 恥'" BIonlúnilln ,仙Slr)\ plan時,ury ruI.n
""1'<<1$, plan.'.ry, 35, 55. 60, 89
192-193 3‘ . ,‘
h呵 Uankc酬0, 88
俗... 01 ,.. i...!i,;J“d ,,1.....包) '".時h. "叫'"
", 1oc.,
A.. .1
h tr0 1oae'
lon , 53 , 197
叫帥". 01', 20- 2 I
國 "h..,q•....,r. k. 187_191 (“.., ..J", S治 lf. fuJfilli nc ~)
叫M 帽. .o>m pute r- ba Kd 間 nh clwon <- N.. oJ ho<ooε呵.)
個“d.r. 72 叫叫 78 , 11 6- 1 口
.. “'"棚.. f", ohoooln l- 18 3-- 185
岫帥 ﹒ l 削--'叫,
Buff... 咐~n, 56- 59
Busin翩翩 of ..'rOIOCr "".
明血… f前… 22-26 ".冊..1.011'010酬
31. B B甜甜甜時喊叫吋甸回。"叫1 m •,
'... poyclllc. 191斗"

…01', 1%, 1
fO'-<<1 叫間叫! 叫7
… "
Ca lJ., tradl啥 m.n.S"m.n, 01.
131_138.14 3-- 1 制


". I祖 3咽 '"

Canad:o, in、,--洞. !n.I I 3- 1IS , c=間 EZT-EZ2dmL 肘,"舟 , 112, kμ~ (曲1<1. ): 軒"叫 rnn.ulton. 訕 。氏的
m 15 5- 156 a. indk..咽。f m.rke. m時 IS治..1.. ",帥峙。)
C.ncr" e<>rpOr:a.Jo n. i~. 串_9, 3 4 , C)'C lu ‘",,,, I<>gi cal .nd m. ,I<o.. 29 ,
“ Flnoncl.1 plaMi og ""'''' 810'

56 , 13 0-- 131 41--'3 and luna伽利申 1...82 179_ 18.
Capltal , imporu""" ln , rodinio calc r.da r C)<: k. 1SO Ind Qc,啦,叫7 CJ'lI .h. 67 Fln.nclol...";.,,,,., p1a......'Y ....10 ..
201- 25 .nd Ind~.trlol gr四戶司 9恥.95 , d 泌

tseedso MOM7Em
1l6- 131
. 56. '"
'" '''''''''''''"'甜甜~ ,弘~,
luna. IQn.82
叫。pCions tnod;n.. 151
回吋叫at~Íl y pr祠酬恥"
E側的m;., cyda (開N S"",k mar-
F叫凶 r"""", S'ock 叫咿
(m助。 91 _91
F駒1 ll..inK <10,,,副閩、耐心", ...
Cu-r Ehicez+aMM。 FW聞
zmr Ea4 and Qc .obn 1987 cr:a阱, 93-9 6 kot.. cycω'0) 29. J“
CEO (Chi.f l:Mcu.j唱),

c "nnWFzTkE,aE叮
ho呻HodpFeT, 177
plantEetahrnTzmEUEEEEEOn434- ZF
呵剖, , 哩0-- 151
間"恥n.. U. S.. I"rologlcol in.igh.
M 吼叫

Emot;.",.1 \if.. ."10坤"

Fl... p."..:~n' rulo , 51
o mnnth qd". in IIock 穹的﹒是.el, 81
Tho Foundol晰、 for 'M 5,叫, of
C~mõcaI ind"" ", pla... , ...γN"間, 仙., of. 11 Crcles. 19. 83
渺叫 En..ruinmo< nl Inclü.tr下戶"倒可 '"蛤叫11. and...tr由哪附

c,",唱e ."間l叫D' 20--22. 口, ,壘,
N" 始 叩開叫 UrneI S. ock
""0懈), ,卜.,
C lI cn. p間file, W,'ι4舟, 20 5-210
C..d 唱 open fundl , 12 8- 129
D.t. 呵radly, ond ..,'"曲草帽If,間a
En,.;~'. ..Iif. in~ 四nce, 11
EpMm"恥 d.fl叫做叭" '"曲 ""'~lal ana1ysl弘“"峙叫
rQle in , 25- 27 , 122. l lS
CS(Z0HZ,l哺EnIlSM2F l99- 204 Equi罰。'" ch. ,,,. 4no 叩開. lr"d.
CommodltlMehd 3• 37 , 1• " ‘ " DEC l Eql4u4p-H1H4ant C呻), hι'" 177_178
Co mpu...r In du lU)I pl.....ory 123- 126
Dfl.nse [.吋 u.try, plo間祖吋""剖.
E...o'... marke predic';."" 89 FU1U 時~ trading, 1 8一 19. ~ I
NI,風" E且,-血 matloall~ f"""""M 1 ~ S- 1 日

mb"gv“ ""k
_ b)0 ....恥扭, “
akhds, 4I
I ng. 44

Dhatma. .. gukle 10 fu血'0祖吭, Gllactk c..ntor, 吋耐心叫

C曲'IC~nU剖閥、吋, d間 ..i'yol DilJl tal Equlpmer、, c呻 ID'間, 制祖 son. and 耐岫",, "om. ~'. 69- 70
irw,"..mentt. 53 12 3- 126. 1 ~ 6-- 1 4B ,
G.minjjlco ino induII 'Y. plon個可
Co nnu ,"", of .ff<<to. . . Indlca'or Div壇.,叮叮. concentnotlon of "
F.l... OOtlO ml , p叫 ;."log.8凶 rule..hip of. .w

Cc個。mudAUaSURm dp個nzuhumpp尬mh。aM叫倒L姐lU"?但私
,bq 。I
1的時SI "", n lS, 53 Fal ", t咽的 。叫‘、,....0.. 15 “今-69. 7S一沌 ..

InduIwEaω " " " ' ....蛇~,'贈缸,到 G.a t...
8111. I 峰1 紛
112- 1 叫 18.2叫 l c﹒耶.>elin, Miche l. ~
h曲回 M 叫陶醉'" ""咐叫 corpora'ions in. 8-9 , 56
l6s4tapl區9EZURIh93Eg.IZ2 , 巴間智-.1. .nal}'tit。亂 的I "制訂

'" D叫l.o.,. Can.di帥. ttthnlcallnaly. 5hul. 20 C甜…、.~ _ hcl;"".nl ri< \IIeW.
Finandala'lrol ",e r (~“^"陶l"8"r) 1 9~194
"ι" 且 Fin....ial 1m" 嗎?π “研Ij !lc.I.'-.nl吼叫別咿,, 1

DoIIaN:O叫-1anvdeu『Ws甘祖nzi AMHvHL'"Ul峙2E2,•-l27 cycl.. in. 29. ~ 1 -4 3. 7 3--8 3. ...1.1...23---26. 叫山

1A). 0I(I.-43, 自'" "一佩 l 劫, ,悴的 1
I""'.h 01'. 19-22
6。“阿ks. 112, 128
""""'"叫‘恤haU. Iω
R吋Z6tmanse I E事- ,捕, 恤 ω" 拭目,.目,
.nd principωof In' 'CS'' ' ' '' Cra 1>o m. llenjamin. 峙 ..
"叫nll .u中ris<!. 15'i Cra;n ma曲" , ω
c..叫',-。m吋ap也heιtcho l t l alS9
Ec llpo."
PU '1"'...of. 11- 15 a> i. of. 181
Cro...m. rl.:e. connm、IlI on.39 dal.. for. 201_202 (包~ a i>o T.chnkal .n.lys划 C ..,." h in‘四""晦 .lyl.. '6- '9

'" b "DE>

Guid恥O! !heor批判 Market t 叫 (-可nmi ng ofm. ,..

1,,,,,, Z羽" info"".'ion , 3 ,\Iund.n金 a“ro',><現'"

1",.",., ,.., e. , 76一?7, 155- 156 妞 ..1 ,\I "'u.1 fund.. 4 1. 1 2 叫 l
l咐耐心叫怖 .T""h 1叭 d u •,間 ,
Ma k." (.u S' o<k 叫“)
I!uding , I> lich ..d , g.o, 93 175_ 178 Mars
H…叭叭叫 I 向 t e... 討。n 愉""I}\ 40 o. ky i nfluence 叫“ock ma ket , 叫 ( North Am erican Ftff
Octob. r 1987 cra.h. 67- 70 , 99 '"'句' 肉也.~詔" .,九" T..dc Ag re.m. nt). 108 , 111
Ha !Vey, Ch 3rl.. , 16. 189 56- 59 .nd N叩 '0間 m;dpoin t 必 l N叫 ho"'''咐
Heal , hca時 ; ndu..ry. plan <t ary IPO. {l ni'i.l Publk 恤n恥 and Oct o1>e r 1987 ora.h , 67 , 69 birtn d , 叫咱恤,叫9
rul" ,", 36 "事-178 時 rograde 0'吋 p L. netary .18toon. '" currency t叫'"
Hedge.fu nu "'肌肉'go"" fin.n信到 of, 203 酷的“1帥。f, 28-31
"悄1080" a.. 3 叫血"自.nO'.51 ,"Ó 川p"'.nt凶 1 1. 2S
Heàl(i nM 崎 .pecula';on in opt帥,
t吶8, [51
Jayne , Ch. r1.., 70-- 71
Jonoo, l\叫 Tudor, 59. 144
恥 0"' …
. nd value in,,,,"rn.nt 11抖e, 57
29-3 1. 3
;n m. kel timing, 33
Heliocentric V $ … Vl ew, Jo啊" M.... , 1口 m. Cyc l<, 94_96 N.1Kl n , J 凡的
193 - 19~ characteri 恥. uf. 14-3 5 M. "er lìme Factor, 7間 N'ptun ,
",吋咚 innueoce , ]0-- 11 and indu,吋恥ps.1 1 9- 120 心ro , Gr. ", 18, 8 2-S 3 andin叫tm'nt .t如"
H叫 K叫“ trologic al influence . nd in 叫 m 耐吋 . . ss 事? Moaning of ~f., 10 , 180 and J啊 .. ,問紙 1 9-20.'的
d 羽 . nd Nept une a' re<" 仰的 M. di. i叫叫他 .,
Horary 的'm'句1)'.61 -63 "'tro&,叫~ and plan.t.句“ .110n. 1 恥'" and ~恥的 .tmid pO int. 6 1
"0.“"“,_.戶口珈呻.) of. 203 此l ,ccU I)\…吋 ;nflu.n<.., 恥 rograde and p恤阻可 ota,;oru
H仙的 old produ肘"抖anetary rul."hip' 01, 36 36.202 of. 204
rul.....3é 叫 SBtum “re<". 67. 73_78 Me '1len . nd 叫 ;.; t;on<, 122 rule..~Ip' of, 36
Hu l bcrt 岫凡" 的 94 - 9~ M. rid ;an , 肌 11 . 1 4 雪 _ 146 叫 S.tum a ,p"<". 84- 85. 101
Me兩1I Lynch , u >e of a<1",旬,,, l 叫的

……凹,也 108- 111 叫".叫 a'p"<to. I 6-17

!B M (l nterno ional K.a rm.. in rrnanc 凶 l..trology, 23
Machin.. Corp.),女'"
叫 l 品 123 , 1 57- 1 59
Kondrati.ff 桃 D刊刊 '"
Micm<σ , c呻,, 16← l彷
~linera】 ""OUCC" . pL.n.ta可 ru1.",
N 啪啪 Communications Co'1'可

New Age m"", men' , ..trology'.

8, 12 , 2弘'"

38_39, l H-l~5
da e , 1m!" 切 ßce QI ,

rul.. for 叫呵!

Indu 5tri叫 machine'l的 planetary

c.。個巾。 ratiom
悶。- 131
Ub..α 恥",io",
悶。- 131
in. 8-9. 3凶%

in , 8•.9.56
.motlonal.ttilud.. to. 22
..... ,,'句allh ,
^loney m.nage 叫
1 7 9- 182 Nillei
a叫 h.nd.14
N 仰 Yorx
Stock Enhange (師,日

ln曲 (S u
To l:yo Stock

rul. ", 10', 36 ur..pu rpo.. , i,阿拉 叫~nc<: 01. 10. 181。 a叫fl.nanci.l .,,'"勾勒 2 2-26 1'.1 87 IIock m. ,kct cr..h , 1 5--- 16,
'"ó 叫,",'戶 扭曲, f~ω)t. 5. 13 gen.ral guicle ~n.., 1 性的習 的-,"丸90-- 101
,"Ó 叫 ual fun d., 12 ó--i3 1 London 叫 market, 91 - 93 ln m.rut tnoding , 13 8- 14 1 1929 It ock m.rket c,.., h, 15
plan...'Y叫e....36-37 umg cy穹的 i n ,
.tock ma ket. 75- 79 in p<: nny S! ock ;n'"仇 m Numerol og:.', 69-70. 77
andpo叫…'" u、 e , ast",tQj叭,"'肘 hutic 爪~, m l\'Y SE (New York Stock E.>:<,
…廬山 d.line. , 118- 1 泊 Lu nalion cy電戰 79 , 82 , 1 雪。- 151 M∞n. r<'SLI,on' 叫 ln"u.n".. 她 叫 l 純''"
_ighting 0(, 107 坤lC h, p.,,,,,, 雪~" 79. 82
l 心叫刺刺川 ,
Momingsl. fj"e 酬 '0呻
11 6- 117 :悔'" ü< 'o 1>e r 1閉 rn.rket 呻~, 15- 16.
I叫 Public Off<r呵. (TPO.) M.rk.t ..I""tion (... S叫 . 01.0 M叫“ple troding ')lS t.m. , 33, 43 的-70 , 74 ,恥 ' "
165- 178 Eω,1 4 雪'" "'""、'5. do贊dfund., 12 8- 129


。peÎOn. uadln a. 99 “島的 1 ~會恥.... ......1., plaMUIη"'- Saail~尉UI, corpo<冒側,. In. 8-一'
56, I 去J-Ill
<~個 凶 -械h<dginl în 悔。~,
Option.~勾,;..,帥"旬y, 141_142, 3-\ .36 叫 ....UI
s",,,,,,, <,制"叫Iif., ..C 1o切ty.. enhanc前
........叫 1 叫泌的制"

h叫自, ..叫 cI. 11

恤,,, C側向CaIlfOrnia. J J6 岫叫l唔,自 (PIE),叫
岫叫… ﹒吋側rpot1Itc CICrWmUi嗎 Sp~CI af 0t0<:k. 145
10.56- 51
們rofiu. ha拘dhnaol.141 _ 1吋
們嗯,.m .radln g. .nd lt<Xk.附加"、
S防.....plo 帽"."悟rs. 36
'"的。"1Io11y Ra ponolble
""nom rec句阱旭 In mar k< t f"", 4 1. 123 and Jupll'f ..閃電,>.67 ,
73-78。 '"嚕,“嗯), 182_181
~..dna. 28- 29. H 恥可冊,訓。 n. ,,", lran吭,圖阻加白, 倒."句“ SCHl. plo 曙\.01'1' rule風"
I'e""y "00,,".耐心<1. .112_ 1 73.
胎帥 CulfWar. 山山
re..onnol hlring....'珀啦訓間,
17墮 件'"
P.ych k: •.•. aO!ro峙訊 191 - 192
P.ycho 句!)' and ..1間同跡。, 2~26.
10 1. 1 “
叫 N.".叫鷗1'<<10, 84-85
""。伊<1. and planet.ry ".,岫附
Scock _han.ll"趴仙的 .I.IIn. fo ,. 7-8
(S... .1.., r..divUi關 l_h."S'叫
St ö< k mor l:e c.
1.. , 12_ 1$ 的 6.13 6- 137. 1 9 4 。.r, 203 c)'<le. In , 2 8-29. 41 -4 3. 75 -8 1
P悟"',1\1啤佩'" M 叫自。岫"". , 51 150- 151
and...l凶 h唱,~叫“慎" 甸回...悟 men <l.27. 吋

PN.rmac...,但alt Ind ..胞'}\ pla fl<'l2Jy
恥"叫'Ô(JnJ În
Qu ògky. )oon. 1ω Sc le""". ..."吋睹...“~
19:1- 195
,--圳'1 ..1ch ..概也郎"
191 _ 192
1 件'" S棚...帥,剛剛01...8戶-9, 56,
叫n8 Il0l 1...-. 1 ‘,..,%
,-叫岫叫 l耳'" Rach<d. R句餌 176- 177 2函,她,... ~hart """加...8 1-8 5
Planetary Inß"".駕" Ra l escace marktt. 叫喊. . . SeI(.fuIftUh司I prop l>eqr, 21 , 199 """"阿巴耐心間
~也..enc.or dTecu, 7, 7 0- 71
daily .....1,..恥.,....
- ...旬 36.10喝, ,目 9.126
Rec:....tlon. 抖aneu'1' rulers 蛤
蚓帥 rnakinlo (0
76- 77 , 15 5- 15
,,,,、etary ",Loc旬 .hlp ‘-"

"恤 ncc for. 7 6- 79 ,
Rec: llfkacl m of ~han, 1件'" S.Ul"嚕 IIOCk. clmlnl af. 52 .....,.個In I"c.....c恤al.93
岫.'ors (or, 12 …川 146- 151 _Iah 啥。t. 11)7-112
開帥的仰和仙詞 叫叫 ch叫咱 恥。n oycln. cradlna吼 (Seo ./.00 前mlnl af rrwkeu)
叫3 叫叫“m
。 n In"'lm. 叫“yl., S4 RE ITo (R.. l E.toce ln憎 .Cm."C
。“ r ,,". In... , plane ,o, 70-71 Tru".) (ft. R叫“at. ma k.c) , Shonlng of .cocu. fo"
146- 151
""d Indultry"馳 p..117_121
岫岫 conlldttatlon..
"ω R.lacion.h聊, ch.nlna of , 4-- 5
叫,ra...I,., 33 4 9- 52 , 61~4. 121 _ 12主 S他叫 poc.ncilllin..9B 11 6- 117
tri llltO reff<<I , 16l S臨時叫 W 呻k.'也'" ..,叫 fund..126-1l 1
(SH.IsoAs戶也ts, pla ndar) '"
...,唱JOn , "I'PÐ'“剛、'" ...c""句那 Slgnacu...., ..t1O蝴..,董事 ' "
165- 1“, 191_191
.c .." ..個 h 付 1 1)7_116

C)'O&.., ...凶呼叫""'­

駝的。nance. C恥<<y cl.19l
'0 凶惘'. pLo netary rule叫“
U坤"申 10, II anJfl< anc. of, 94
蜘蝴 h間雌'"-呵
的Rl), 18 2-- 181
by.un ﹒句:n,8-9, !6
關knolom' .t個,lu , 122_126
s 旬" .tn他""" .鉤lj. 140- 141
....""'"岫a 嗯10 138戶 139.175 RwîU.... 抖_ ..吵.......,‘ SUII , Inn...nc風泌 76.89
"岫阱l啪",...d In Ruenc.. , 3-1, Re c,..,...& oycles ﹒叫開局恤,、" Sun oI p ..trol嘲S-9, SS- 56
"刷刷 202-:抽 {Seo .... Sun. lnfI...敢回<­ S 帥"", .....u t. 1H
PoIII k:al ..-e叫.. ..1rOIop:a1 insiKh , 恥h 曲"""'''. .""lysl. of, 50- 51 “..-叫) Synøt ry; 4叫‘凶 121-1 22,
1..,,,, 23-26. 叫 121 , …間,風 l 仿'" solar fkcum 1>0.....,申'" 且"
的.., ω2ω Rul.rsllipo , pl.""ca '1' Sol.cl蛤.. .han.. ﹒叫 嘲_.扭曲那 S)"S te"'l plonninl ~", 1+-15
“你姆吶 VI, day 甜甜凶 &, 13 8-- 139, bu.i..... app Uc .cion. 1←到
叫 Unlon. Gorbact.... c叫
Po t...d.l , lmporllnce
29- 31 , 18
of 叫",
changing nature af,嚕。
'"'‘咽.110 叫 ~hol,趴'-ó "健mpc. 1ω
即向 叫"
Tauru. , corpol1l伽 ln , 8_9. 56,
(Se.4切咽c~ 戶"“} 1 恥'"
'" 旭、 h副 m
T~ 伽 n...ncc
on "'"帥._ 41 T陪<linl.I..,.吵.. (C仰a 恥
…'. BC. I...n<mcnlln. 1i5 恤啪IJ' In ma叫叫
\'<ntu",呻恥m. 55. I叫" l 棒的..,月'"
. .岫. . . .剖開Ic in , 2s←訕訕 “m呵....唔 U.112 、.....u.. p'叫“... ancI lnllue時茵.16.
Ul-IH l ' S- I S6 叭。 67.6戰初 3
..~“1Ý1.lmllari<)'ω117 daily.... po:酬的棚 U8- U9
、由 11on. <hon. 19叫自
In """fl.......叫咕"
"叫 fl"" !i..ln﹒缸u. l45

muJoJ戶﹒恤金耐)). 43 “
of Clpltal , 24- H \""",. ~O<啊.. 11on. In. 8-9
3 啊"
指! "叭.., ,品"
、h啪..間,四 1 酬"
h哼",,'"""" of. 135
Te<hno 司W “~k.
0戶酬,巴叫略". ,吽'"
出 .~na叫“-l>4 . 1H
咖吼叫叫 l 、 ~111 i.o間. 1)..甜"

心,呻1叫<M< 叫 lh. 190 (5.. 嘲 Fu.y_ 叫 nR, .\10 句

。,e. 關 y叫亂 123 - 126 ","no,佳 mcnL)
l刷 刷 l 但1. 122-123 γ的“".州. '", ndlnø ""'''''*1 modH
."一".'咕"過I IU.T,“ h Indu...喝 T..n.ill , 1 9-33 , I 佩 l恥'"
口S-1? 8 T..nsporu叫側, plancuory rukro ,
M Icrooof. C紗'1'., 1 6&- 168
Ne\K'~ Co<p.. 168- 112
岫 anl.....ion "由'"
T ", ndl ", ....個創刊.-沌.~站佩
pIo....,al)' ",Ie.., l6. 122回 T"尬Itt .ffca. in plancuty innu.
種耐...76-7 自 '‘ ",
Triple.,抽d:I"..lC'fftn mc油 1. ll. 41.
可r. ",mn. 111
~..... In"..., lnllo 到
45. 152
T.荐自 1 .... .Ido","l Zod l"". 191
, "..
11..... ,nuk仇'" 2 1).l"'I ' <)'電". 01",10蛤.~. 試

llmlnK of 耐 rko ..
1m " . 1 <0 1" In. 11_12
"一切"“ 13 '1--11 1

Im l>O<l l"'" of , 38 """叫cvcioptd COIIn uia. rI .ks of

In f1 uenllal.le "", nu of, ~ 1 "嘲 'm.肌'"
. ....叫 I )'OU ....lf, 49- 52
00向,叫他 1 49- 150
U副iverH. Inl...,,,,,J>eC、計, .,
"。“ 戶尬'i .1剛曙3比 101-1ω "-凶
叫的,"!ooI f.... 叫 叫…訓. .、,'mu亂"
Tokyo S_k ú< ha..,.. c...h 01", ..句 Inn......* .... ..""k mIrIr.瓜,
8 J..-86.101_105
T. .也..... a PP"'*' h 10'WC‘ " ,k
Ind N<p'叫“阱,山,

T…, 』可J. 107_ 108

S oek E.xcho咿."
T.-.dn....枷.', 1 叫
M闕,留學勘叫叭anetary ...1<闕,

叫個 111",. lS一指,,,
Tradina ....10111.. “ on<i、."叫Ity prcdkllon. 89
Clll ml陶醉 m'"' , 61413
137-138 , lH_14 ~
"桐 pu'.r radlnll. 4 1. I n V.luc In、明, In& ")妞,ι"

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