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Mobile platform for regional publishers

The VSZV-cooperation model

presented by C. Bertheau (Airweb) and

A.Kratzer (SIR)

05/10/2010 1

• Introduction

• Platform Description

• Project Status

• SIR project showcase

• Conclusion

05/10/2010 2
The Environment

• On the migration path from paper to digital „Mobile“ is of

rapidly growing importance to the complete publishing industry

• Mobile access to the Internet is in sharp increase

• Mobile opens new dimensions in accessing the audience
• Localisation
• Permanent availability
• High degree of interactivity

• Mobile as a medium is complex to adress

• How to extend online to all mobile devices ?

• How to adress the multiple app platform environment?
• What‘s the role of Mobile in the tablet PC environment?

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The Motivation

• OPPORTUNITY: Regional publishers are in a good position to

fully exploit the mobile opportunites
• Exclusive content in the relevant area of coverage
• Strong brand
• BUDGET: Regional publishers cannot afford to „try it all“
• Total customer base is limited compared to national publishers
• Internal ressources are limited as well
• COMPETITION: Regional publishers have a bigger common
interest than fear of competition among themselves
• Competition is entering from other sectors rather than from the
geographical neighbours

There is a common interest to join forces for implementing a

successful mobile strategy!

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VSZV Cooperation Model

• The idea was born to propose a common basic solution for mobile
activities to all members of the VSZV

• Designed for the specific needs of regional publishers, by regional


• including the ongoing adaptation to the fast changing market and

technological environment

• at the same time affordable for all participating members

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Mobile Services and Applications
Platform Description

Mobile Sites &


Ad Serving

Rendering Content
Statistics/ Messaging

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Browser-based Mobile Sites
Feature Overview

• Content types
• Ordinary articles
• Image galleries
• Video
• Live-Ticker
• Multi-device Rendering
• Local guide / event calendar
• SEO optimisation
• Send-to-a-friend
• Ad Serving
• Reporting

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iPhone App
Feature Overview

• Content types
• Ordinary articles
• Image galleries
• Video
• Live-Ticker
• Regional personalisation
• 2 different options
• Local Guide
• Google maps integration
• Push-Alert notifications
• Feedback and Send-to-a-friend
• Off-line reading
• Ad Serving
• Premium Billing
• Reporting

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Feature evolutions

Multi-channel distribution Feature evolution

• Adaptation to other app platform • Community Feature enhancements
environments • Increased interactivity (2011)
• Android Market (in 2010) • Augmented reality integration
• Blackberry App World (in 2010) (2011/2012)
• Samsung Bada (in 2011) • Ad Serving
• Windows Mobile (in 2011) • Location-based ad serving (2011)
• Voucher system (2011)
• Nokia Ovi (in 2011)
• Premium Billing
• Integrated tablet PC concept • Customer Database integration (in
• iPad (in 2010) and other tablets (in 2010)
2011) • Direct Debiting (2011)
• Browser-based Mobile Sites • Reporting
• Location-based services (in 2011) • Detailed analysis of user behaviour
• Personalisation (in 2011) (2011)

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VSZV Cooperation
Project Status

• Very good response rate among the VSZV members

• 20 iPhone apps
• 18 mobile sites
• Longer than expected initial implementation phase
• it has proven to be rather challenging to manage the optimum trade-off
between flexibility for individual add-on features and scalability for fast
roll-out for all participating members
• Founding members (3 Mobile Sites, 6 iPhone apps) will be able to
launch within the next two weeks
• 4-6 weeks later than planned
• The other participating members will follow now and benefit from the
industrial approach to the project
• next members are about to terminate their system adaptations along the
common set of requirements and to deliver the needed element input
• Kick-Off Meetings with almost all participating members have been held (4

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SIR Project Showcase
Mobile Sites

• Mobile extension of the existing

websites with a focus on
• Live information
• VfB-Ticker
• Regional Traffic information (Antenne 1)
• Event calendar
• Rich database on regional events

• Automatic Re-Direct for mobile device

access on web-URL to the mobile site
• Ad Serving as unique source of revenue
• Launched in Q3/2009

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SIR Project Showcase
iPhone Apps

• iPhone Apps as a premium version of

the mobile site with the following feature
• Location-Based event calendar
• Google maps integration
• ergonomic presentation and intuitve
• Push Alerts
• 4 Kanäle
• Off-line navigation
• will be provided after first launch inside an
ammended version
• App Store Submission imminent
• this week
• Revenue model as a mix of Ad Serving
and premium subscription for the
premium feature set

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• The VSZV-cooperation model for the operation of mobile


• is designed for the specific needs of regional publishers and by

the regional publishers themselves

• is based on a modular core feature set and open to individual

enhancements as well as to the requirements of a fast changing
market and technological environment

• remains affordable even for smaller regional publishers

• is scalable in view of an even broader roll-out for the other

regional associations, even though the project start has proven to
be rather ambitious concerning the realisation schedule for the
founding partners

05/10/2010 13

Thank you! For questions or further infomation,

please contact:

Alexander Kratzer Claudius Bertheau

Stuttgart Internet Regional Airweb AG
Geschäftsführer CEO
+49 711 7205 8400 +49 2161 54987 10

05/10/2010 14

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