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November 17

Manual 2012
Author: Abhishek Bansal Rev – 02
Revision Sheet

Revision Sheet

Release No. Date Revision Description

1.0 08/04/2012 Initial Revision
2.0 11/17/2012 Panel GA modification user interface
3.0 21/10/2013 Multiple Incomers added

User Manual Page i

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Overview ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Authorized Use Permission.................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Points of Contact ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Information ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Downloading PanelDraw.ZIP from web ............................................................................... 3
2.2 Extracting from the .ZIP archive .......................................................................................... 3
2.3 Running the Application........................................................................................................ 3
3.0 USER INPUT FORMS .............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Form 1: System Data............................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Form 2: Individual Feeder Details ........................................................................................ 7
3.3 Form 3: Incomer / Contactor Ratings ................................................................................... 9
3.4 Form 4: Incomer Types and Metering Required ................................................................ 11
3.5 Form 5: Suggested Panel GA .............................................................................................. 13
3.6 Output Drawing Files Save As Dialog Box ......................................................................... 14

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1.0 General Information


1.1 System Overview

PanelDraw application is intended to assist in electrical cabinet design and drawings preparation.
This is done by taking input from the user through Form interaction, parsing the information for
drawing sheets generation and finally actually generating the drawings in the format chosen by the

The software at present supports two output formats, viz., PDF format and AUTOCAD editable
DXF Format. Platforms Supported: WINDOWS 2000 and later.
The objects and text elements in the DXF Format are always accurately placed. However in PDF
format the text placement may be slightly inaccurate especially on a high scale drawing. For
example for a large cabinet (~8 meters in length) the GA Drawing in PDF format may show
slightly misplaced text elements. The texts in DXF Format shall be in their proper positions.

Following are the types of cabinets supported. Please note that the GA Drawings are generated
assuming compartmentalized feeders.
 Motor Control Center (MCC)
 Power Control / Distribution Center (PCC / PDB)
 APFC Panel (Automatic Power Factor Correction Panel)

The standard 3 Phase starter types supported are:

 Feeder Only (only protective circuit breaker)
 DOL (Direct On Line Starter)
 RDOL (Reversible Direct On Line Starter)
 Star Delta Starter
 DOL for 3 Phase Heater

For any other specific starter type, the user can choose a similar starter option from above and
easily make changes to the respective Control / Power Circuit Drawing Sheet.

1.2 Authorized Use Permission

Usage of this software is limited to its owner via the terms of its development. PanelDraw is
wholly owned by M/S Magnetix & Electronix, and may not be used or referenced without their
express consent.

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1.0 General Information

1.3 Points of Contact

1.3.1 Information
For additional information, please visit our website or send us an email at

User Manual Page 2

2.0 Getting Started


Downloading, Extracting, and Running PanelDraw Application

2.1 Downloading PanelDraw.ZIP from web

The zipped file can be downloaded be downloaded from the link
Make sure you read and agree to the Trial Version License Agreement before downloading the

2.2 Extracting from the .ZIP archive

In addition to user documentation, PanelDraw .ZIP file contains the application PanelDraw.exe
for the Windows service. Extract the contents to a convenient folder. It is recommended that you
create a desktop shortcut for the PanelDraw.exe Application File.

2.3 Running the Application

PanelDraw Application has been designed to keep setup and installation process easy and light-
weight without too much strain on the system. To run the application, simply Double-Click on the
PanelDraw.exe icon and you are good to go!

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3.0 User Input Forms


User Input is got through 4 Forms that come sequentially.

3.1 Form 1: System Data

Figure 3.1: Snapshot of Form 1: System Data

As shown in Figure 3.1, enter the overall System Data in Form 1. A brief description of each of
the Fields is given below.

3.1.1 System Details

Supply Line Voltage

Enter the input Power Line Voltage in volts. Please note that this voltage is phase-to-phase
voltage and not phase-to-neutral voltage.

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3.0 User Input Forms

Supply Frequency
Select the supply frequency whether 50 or 60Hz.

Control Voltage
Enter the desired Control Voltage in volts. A suitably rated control transformer shall
automatically be selected by the software to convert the input Supply Line Voltage to this desired
Control Voltage for supply to control and indication elements.

Panel Type
Select the type of panel that best describes your requirement. You can choose between PCC
Panel, MCC Panel and APFC Panel.

Number of Incomers
Input the number of Incomers in the panel.
 Mains
 Generator 1
 Generator 2, etc.

No. of Feeders / No. of Steps.

Enter the total number of outgoing feeders in the panel. For APFC, this will be No. of Steps.

Save Settings as Default

Check this checkbox if you want the present Folio settings to be set as default to avoid
unnecessary repeat typing in the future.

3.1.2 Drawing Details

Enter the drawing folio details in this section.

Enter the name of cabinet.

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3.0 User Input Forms

Drawing No.
Enter the drawing number as per your convention. This drawing number shall appear in the Folio
Section of each drawing sheet.

Enter the name of the author of this drawing.

Enter your company name.

Enter the name of customer for whom the panel is to be made.

Color Format
Select whether you want the output drawings to be colored or in greyscale (black & white).

Ferrul Prefix (0-9,A-Z)

All the feeder ferrul numbers generated in the drawings get prefixed by this digit. For example if
you enter ‘2’ in this field, all the feeder ferruls shall begin with ‘2’. This is helpful if you want to
designate panel number in the drawings. If you do not require any prefix, you can leave it blank.

3.1.3 Component Makes

Enter the desired makes of various components in this section.

SFUs / MCCBs / ACBs / MPCBs / Contactors

Select the desired make of component. The make of each component can be set independent of
others. For example, the SFUs can be of Siemens make and ACBs can be of say ABB make. The
different make of these components possible are:
 Siemens
 L&T
 Schneider

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3.0 User Input Forms

Meters / Pilot Devices / Capacitors

Enter the desired make of each type of components. There is no restriction on the makes for these

3.2 Form 2 & 3: Individual Incomer and Feeder Details

Figure 3.2: Snapshot of Form 2: Individual Incomer and Feeder Details

As shown in Figure 3.2, enter the individual feeder details in Form 2. A brief description of each
of the Fields is given below.

Incomer Details:

Incomer Name
Enter the name of the Incomer. The 1st incomer should be your main incomer. Rest should be
back-ups like generators etc.

Incomer Rating
The Current rating required for the particular incomer.

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3.0 User Input Forms

Feeder Details

Feeder Name
Enter the name of the feeder.

Starter Type
Select the starter type for the feeder. Following options are available:
 Feeder Only (only protective circuit breaker)
 DOL (Direct On Line Starter)
 RDOL (Reversible Direct On Line Starter)
 Star Delta Starter
 DOL for 3 Phase Heater

Feeder Amps / Starter KW

If the starter type is “Feeder Only”, then enter the required amperage of the feeder. If starter type
is not “Feeder Only”, then enter the KW rating of the motor starter.

For APFC Panel, only KVAR Rating shall have to be entered for each “Step”.

Connected to Incomer:
This field comes into play if you have multiple incomers. In that case you will have to specify the
default incomer from which supply shall have to be given to this feeder. For example in the case
of a heavy starter like “Blower” you may want to give supply from MAINS, whereas for small
lighting loads or emergency loads, you may want to give supply from the Generator section

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3.0 User Input Forms

3.3 Forms 4 & 5: Incomer / Contactor Ratings

Figure 3.3: Snapshot of Forms 4 and 5: Incomer / Contactor Ratings

As shown in Figure 3.3, enter the incomer and contactor ratings in Form 3. A brief description of
each of the Fields is given below.

3.3.1 Mains Incomer

Current Rating
The software suggests a suitable current rating for the incomer based on the Panel
KW/KVA/KVAR rating entered in Form 1. You can change this suggested rating through the
drop down menu as per your requirement.

Wiring Material
Select the wiring material for the incomer connection. You can choose between copper and

Incoming Cables / Bus Bars

Select the type of connection for incomer. If the connection is made through cables, select
“Cables”. If the connection is made through Bus Duct / Bus Bars, select “Bus Bars” in this drop-
down menu.

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3.0 User Input Forms

3.3.2 Feeders Incomer and Contactor Ratings

Select the required ratings for feeder-wise incomers and contactors.

Incomer Rating
The software suggests a suitable current rating for the incomer based on the Starter
KW/KVAR/Amps rating entered in Form 2. You can change this suggested rating through the
drop down menu as per your requirement.

Contactor Rating
This field is not present for “Feeder Only” type feeders. The software suggests a suitable current
rating for the contactor based on the Starter KW/KVAR rating entered in Form 2. You can
change this suggested rating through the drop down menu as per your requirement.

Wiring Material
Select the wiring material for the starter wiring. You can choose between copper and aluminum.

Cables / Bus Bars

Select the type of wiring for starter. If the wiring is done through cables, select “Cables”. If the
wiring is done through Bus Bars, select “Bus Bars” in this drop-down menu.

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3.0 User Input Forms

3.4 Forms 6 & 7: Incomer Types and Metering Required

Figure 3.4: Snapshot of Forms 6 & 7: Incomer Types and Metering Required

As shown in Figure 3.4, enter the incomer types and metering required in Form 4. A brief
description of each of the Fields is given below.

3.4.1 Mains Incomer

Select the Mains Incomer, Bus-Coupler type and incomer metering required.

Incomer Type
Select the type of incomer.
And number of poles
 3 Pole
 4 Pole

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3.0 User Input Forms

Metering Required
Check the meters that are required in the Mains Incomer section:
 Amp (Ammeter)
 Volt (Voltmeter)
 KWH (Energy Meter)
 LM (Load Manager)

Cable Size / Bus Bar (sq mm)

Enter the cable / bus bar size for incomer connection. The software suggests a default sq mm size
according to the incomer amperage and the material selected for incomer connection (copper or

Bus-Coupler Type
This field does not appear in the 1st incomer and it only starts appearing 2nd incomer onwards.
This is the bus coupler between current incomer and previous incomer.
For example for bus coupler for 2nd incomer, it means the coupler between incomer 1 and
incomer 2. Select the type of this bus coupler.
 C/O Switch
 None (Direct short)

Maximum Height of Feeders Section

When you submit this form, the software automatically builds the GA drawing for your panel. For
that you have to speficify the maximum height of panel (excluding base channel and top bus
bar chamber).

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3.0 User Input Forms

3.4.2 Individual Feeders

Select the incomer type for each feeder and metering required.

Incomer Type
Select the type of incomer (MCB, SFU, MCCB, MPCB, ACB) and number of poles (3P / 4P).

Meter Required
Check if Ammeter is required in the particular feeder.

Cable Size / Bus Bar (sq mm)

Enter the cable / bus bar size for wiring. The software suggests a default sq mm size according to
the starter KW rating and the material selected for wiring (copper or aluminum).

3.5 Form 8: Suggested Panel GA

Figure 3.5: Form 8: Edit Panel GA

In this sheet the software builds the proposed GA for the panel and displays it on the screen. The user is
free to modify this GA as required. Following features are supported:
 Change the dimensions of any feeder / vertical column simply by editing the dimension text. The panel
automatically gets re-sized.
 Delete any unwanted feeder or column by making its dimension zero.

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3.0 User Input Forms

 Drag and drop individual feeders to relocate.

 Drag and drop entire columns of feeders, cable alleys, bus bar chambers to re-position.
 Add as many “Space Only” feeders as required in each vertical column.
 Add new Column of Space Only feeders.
 Add new Cable Alley.
 Add new Bus Bar Chamber.
 Optionally partition the Metering and Incomer Section if required.
 UNDO / REDO any changes you made to the drawing

3.6 Output Drawing Files Save As Dialog Box

Figure 3.6: Save As Dialog Box: appears when you click Form 5 “FINISH” Button

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3.0 User Input Forms

When you click the final “SUBMIT” Button in Form 4, the File Save As dialog box appears as
shown in Figure 3.5.
1. Choose any convenient folder to save your output file.
2. Name your output file as required.
3. Save As type DXF or PDF format as required.

If you choose PDF file format, then only one file shall be generated. This file shall have multiple
pages with one Drawing Sheet on each page.
If you choose DXF file format, then multiple files shall be generated. Each file shall have one
Drawing Sheet. The files shall be named as filename_XY.dxf. XY is the two-digit sheet number of
the drawing. For example if the file name is myfile and the number of sheets are 20, then the files
shall be named as myfile_01.dxf, myfile_02.dxf, …, myfile_20.dxf.
After you click the “Save” button, please wait for some time till you get the following prompt:

You can now check and open your DXF / PDF files in AUTOCAD / PDF Reader respectively. If
you want you can Save the DXF file as a DWG file from your AUTOCAD application.
Important Note:
When you open your DXF file in AUTOCAD application, you will see a blank screen.
Do a [ZOOM ALL] or a [ZOOM EXTENTS] and your drawing will appear.

Hope you have found this manual helpful. For more information please visit
our website or contact us at
Thank you and Happy Designing!

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