Commercial Dispatch Eedition 10-16-18

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Tuesday | October 16, 2018

CLW weighs offering phone, internet service

Board hired broadband feasibilit y
studies for
consulting firm to conduct communities
that are inter-
feasibility study into ested in do-
Columbus Light and
Water has hired Ten-
ing internet, nessee-based Kersey
building broadband network b r o a db a n d , Consulting Services to
t e l e p h o n e , Gale Kersey conduct a feasibility
some form study to gauge wheth-
of communication,” CLW Manager Todd er CLW could provide
Gale said. internet and phone
Columbus Light and Water has part- services to its Colum-
nered with a broadband consulting firm On Friday, CLW mailed a survey to
bus customers. About
to explore whether Columbus business roughly 2,500 businesses in the city lim- 2,500 city businesses
owners are open to the idea of receiving its, Gale said. The survey asks 14 ques- have been sent sur-
phone and internet service from their lo- tions designed to gauge how satisfied the veys from CLW asking
cal public utility company. businesses are with their phone and inter- about their satisfac-
CLW’s board voted in September to net providers and whether there’s a niche tion with current area
hire Tennessee-based Kersey Consulting there that CLW can fill. internet providers. The
It’s the first step in a feasibility assess- survey is the first step
Services, which has been working with in gauging whether
power companies in Tennessee and Ken- ment that Kersey Consulting will use to CLW could break into
tucky for nearly 10 years, to conduct the form a financial model for utility compa- the internet provider
study for $28,000. nies looking to expand their services to business.
“(The company’s) services are to do See CLW, 6A Dispatch file photo

Community Garden to rely on MSU Lowndes Co.

staff, students and ‘farmbots’ sportsplex gets
green light
Project must leave
20-acre buffer for FAA-
regulated equipment
in vicinity

Lowndes County
supervisors voted
unanimously to pro-
ceed with the pur-
chase of 89 acres in
the western part of
the county to build a
sports complex after
receiving clearance Calvert
from the Federal Avi-
ation Authority.
The move came
during Monday’s
regular board meet-
ing after county en-
gineer Bob Calvert
provided documents
from the FA A that
cleared the bulk of
Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff
the property for de-
Mississippi State University Senior Web Designer David Fulton, right, demonstrates one of two “Farmbots” in the MSU com-
munity garden on Monday. The garden has two bots, which can be operated from a computer or phone to water plants in a velopment. Super-
five-foot by 10-foot bed. visors had already
agreed to the terms

New garden allows students, faculty, staff to grow produce

of the purchase of the
land from Jimmy Gra-
ham and Greg Radar, Brigham
contingent upon FA A
By Alex Holloway which water plants in five-foot by 10- University President Mark Keenum approval that any planned facilities
foot beds, can be operated remotely said the garden is an example of urban
would not interfere with naviga-
from a computer or phone app. gardening, which is a growing trend
Mississippi State University kicked The garden also has a compost, in communities around the world. He tional equipment in the area.
off Green Week on Monday with a which is collected from dining halls said urban gardening is becoming in- Golden Triangle Regional Air-
grand opening of its community gar- and Campus Landscape and two creasingly important as a way to help port Director Mike Hainsey said
den. 2,000-gallon cisterns that gather rain- combat hunger and noted that one in the equipment that could be af-
The garden, located off Stone Bou- water and condensation from an air four Mississippians don’t get enough fected, called a VORTAC system,
levard behind the MAFES sales store conditioning unit. food, according to the Mississippi is located in a structure north of
and the Newell-Grissom Building, is About 50 students, faculty and staff Food Network. Highway 82 near the Elm Lake
home to 19 large planters and eight ac- were selected for the first gardeners, Keenum recalled growing up in a subdivision owned by the FA A.
cessible planters. University students, on a first-come, first-served basis ear- family that grew a garden every year. It is used as a navigational aid for
faculty and staff can use the garden to lier this fall, and began growing pro- He said that taught him lessons that planes traveling through the re-
grow produce, and all of the beds have duce in September. he’s carried through to today, includ- gion, Hainsey said.
been reserved for the garden’s first MSU Associate Professor of Land- ing to respect the — literal — fruits of Board president Harry Sand-
season. Two of the beds boast robotic scape Architecture Cory Gallo said the earth. ers said the clearance was needed
“Farmbot” caretakers that are operat- the garden, which can also be used for “It’s a lot different than when you go to make sure any structures built
ed by the Students for a Sustainable classes and research, took about three to the grocery store and buy that food,” on the property — including light
Campus organization. The farmbots, years to build. See Garden, 6A See Sports complex, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What U.S. state was the first to Thursday through Saturday meetings
legalize same-sex marriage? Today: Colum-
■ Eudora Welty Writers Symposium: Mississippi
2 What suit is the Queen in “Al- bus City Council,
ice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? University for Women hosts the 30th annual Welty Sym-
posium featuring keynote author Steve Yarbrough, plus 5 p.m., Munici-
3 What day of the week does a
month begin on to have a Friday best-selling author Brad Meltzer at the Welty Gala Oct. pal Complex
the 13th? 19, plus many more writers during this celebration of Oct. 31:
Mark Leonard 4 Who made history as the first Southern literature. For information, visit Lowndes County
father and son to play together on or call 662-329-7386.
Second grade, Annunciation Board of Super-
the same Major League Baseball

62 Low 53
team? visors, 9 a.m.,
High 5 What animal appears on the Friday and Saturday Courthouse
Rain likely
California state flag? ■ Caledonia Days: Caledonia’s 15th annual festi- Nov. 5: Lowndes
Full forecast on Answers, 6B val opens with a concert Friday by Rodney Atkins and County Board of
page 2A. Hudson Moore at Ola J. Pickett Park. On Saturday, arts, Supervisors, 9
crafts and food vendors, children’s area, antique car and
a.m., Court-
truck show, a 5K color run, pie-eating contest and live
entertainment fill the downtown area. Concert tickets are
Inside $15 (free for children 4 and under) at; Nov. 6: Colum-
gate opens 6 p.m. Lawn chairs welcome; no coolers or Timia Bailey, 13, is a sev- bus City Council,
Classifieds 5B Dear Abby 5B
Comics 5B Obituaries 5A pets. Get information at, enth-grader at Armstrong 5 p.m., Munici-
139th Year, No. 185 Crossword 4B Opinions 4A 662-251-2875 or email Middle School. pal Complex


2A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “Pre-snap penalties are the biggest focus there. I think
Warren accuses Trump of ‘creepy’ we’ve got that good and cleaned up the past few weeks.”
Mississippi State football coach Joe Moorhead, talking

comments about her DNA test about correcting his team’s penchant for committing
penalties on the road. Story, 1B.

In July, Trump offered to donate $1

million to Massachusetts senator’s
favorite charity if a DNA test proved
Trump suggests ‘rogue killers’
her Native American bloodline
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE American ancestry. Trump
murdered Saudi journalist
The Associated Press relishes a good fight, those
Saudis continued
Elizabeth Warren sug-
close to him have said, and
will hit back twice as hard
when he’s been attacked.
to deny they killed the Mike Pompeo meets Saudi king
gested President Donald
Trump’s comment about
him personally adminis-
A sharp critic of Trump,
Warren wasted little time
going after him on Monday.
writer, but there were
indications the story
over Khashoggi’s disappearance
tering a DNA test to her to The Associated Press
She opened the day by
prove her Native American
heritage is “creepy.”
releasing DNA test results could soon change ISTANBUL — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met on Tuesday
that provide some evidence
She tweeted that the The Associated Press with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman over the disappearance and alleged
of a Native American in her
president makes “creepy slaying of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi, who vanished two weeks ago
lineage, though the ances-
physical threats” about WASHINGTON — President during a visit to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
women who scare him, in- tor probably lived six to 10
Donald Trump suggested Monday Pompeo’s arrival came hours after a Turkish forensics team finished
cluding her. generations ago, according
that “rogue killers” could be re- a search inside the consulate. Police planned a second search, this one
“He’s trying to do what to the analysis. Trump has
sponsible for the mysterious disap- of the Saudi consul’s home in Istanbul, a Turkish Foreign Ministry of-
he always does to wom- ridiculed her as “Pocahon- ficial said.
pearance of Saudi journalist Jamal
en who scare him: call us tas” over the ancestry claim. Turkish officials say they fear Khashoggi was killed and dismem-
Khashoggi, an explanation offer-
names, attack us personal- In July, the president of- bered inside the Istanbul consulate. Saudi officials previously have
ing U.S. ally Saudi Arabia a possi-
ly, shrink us down to feel fered to donate $1 million called the allegations “baseless,” but reports in U.S. media on Tuesday
ble path out of a global diplomatic
better about himself,” the to her favorite charity if a suggested the kingdom may acknowledge the writer was killed there.
firestorm. The Saudis continued
Massachusetts Democrat DNA test proved her Native to deny they killed the writer, but Pompeo landed in Riyadh on Tuesday morning and was welcomed
responded on Twitter on American bloodline. there were indications the story by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir on landing. He didn’t make
Monday after Trump made On Monday, he first de- could soon change. any remarks to the media.
the comment during an nied ever making such a While Trump commented at the Soon after, Pompeo arrived at a royal palace, where King Salman
appearance in Georgia. “It promise, then said later that White House, Turkish crime scene greeted him. America’s top diplomat thanked the king “for accepting
may soothe his ego - but it “I’ll only do it if I can test her investigators finally entered the my visit on behalf of President (Donald) Trump” before going into a
won’t work.” personally.” Saudi consulate to comb the build- closed-door meeting.
Warren, who is seen as “That will not be some- ing where Khashoggi was last seen
a potential 2020 challenger thing I enjoy doing either,” alive two weeks ago. Before Monday Trump had fo- could have been rogue killers. I
to Trump, appears to have he added. Trump spoke after a personal cused less on possible explanations mean, who knows? We’re going to
taken a page out of his po- Warren tweeted that 20-minute phone call with Saudi for Khashoggi’s likely demise than try getting to the bottom of it very
litical playbook, striking Trump is a “cowardly elit- King Salman and as the president on possible punishment if the Sau- soon, but his was a flat denial.”
back almost instantly at the ist” and she “won’t sit qui- dispatched his secretary of state to dis were found culpable. Khashoggi, a critic of the Sau-
president who continues to etly for Trump’s racism” so Riyadh for a face-to-face discussion “The king firmly denied any di government and in particular
ridicule her claim of Native she took the test. with the king. Late in the day, there knowledge of it,” Trump told re- Crown Prince Mohammed bin
were published reports that the porters as he left the White House Salman, was last seen entering the
Saudis were preparing to concede for a trip to survey hurricane dam- consulate on Oct. 2 to get paper-
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH that Khashoggi, a U.S.-based Sau- age in Florida and Georgia. Trump work for his upcoming marriage to
di contributor to The Washington said he didn’t “want to get into a Turkish woman. Turkish officials
Office hours: Main line:
Post, had been killed in an interro- (Salman’s) mind,” but he added, have said he was killed and dis-
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Government spends millions to guard Confederate cemeteries
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n 662-328-2424
VA National Cemetery Administration spokeswoman: The agency has not deter-
mined when the security
Submit a birth, wedding
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- Security was needed ‘to ensure the safety of staff, will cease.
Private security was
n 662-328-2471
n n Download forms at www. property and visitors paying respect to those interred’ needed “to ensure the safety of staff, property
By JIM SALTER the Department of Veter- dalized since the security and visitors paying re-
The Associated Press ans Affairs show. was put in place. Records
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 spect to those interred,”
The security effort, obtained by The Associ- Jessica Schiefer, spokes-
ALTON, Ill. — After
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 which runs around the ated Press through the woman for the VA’s
last year’s deadly clash
clock at all but one of those Freedom of Information National Cemetery Ad-
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 between white national-
ists and counter-protest- VA-operated cemeteries, Act show that the VA has ministration, said in a
ers in Charlottesville, was aimed at preventing spent nearly $3 million statement. The agency
SUBSCRIPTIONS Virginia, the federal gov- the kind of damage that on the cemetery security “has a responsibility to
ernment quietly spent befell Confederate memo- since August 2017. Anoth- protect the federal prop-
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE millions of dollars to hire rials across the U.S. in the er $1.6 million is budget- erty it administers and
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 private security guards to aftermath of the Charlot- ed for fiscal 2019 to pay will continue to monitor
Online.......................................... stand watch over at least tesville violence. for security at all Confed- and assess the need for
eight Confederate cem- None of the guarded erate monuments, which enhanced security going
RATES eteries, documents from cemeteries has been van- could include other sites. forward.”
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo.
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1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist Paul Allen dies at 65
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo.
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card.
The Associated Press ed in conservation, space
travel, arts and culture
‘Personal computing would not have
Allen, who co-founded Mi-
and professional sports,
died Monday. He was 65.
existed without him’
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) Bill Gates
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
crosoft with his childhood He died in Seattle from
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: friend Bill Gates before complications of non-Hod- good, then we should do interests, including ocean
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
becoming a billionaire gkin’s lymphoma, his it,’” Gates wrote. health, homelessness and
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
company Vulcan Inc. an- Microsoft CEO Satya advancing scientific re-
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 philanthropist who invest-
nounced. Nadella called Allen’s con- search.
FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE Gates said he was tributions to the company, “Millions of people
heartbroken about the community and industry were touched by his gen-
loss of one of his “oldest “indispensable.” erosity, his persistence in
and dearest friends.” “As co-founder of Mi- pursuit of a better world,
“Personal computing crosoft, in his own quiet and his drive to accom-
TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY would not have existed and persistent way, he plish as much as he could
Occasional rain and A morning shower; Mostly sunny and Pleasant with some sun Showers around in the without him,” Gates said
drizzle some sun, cool pleasant morning; cloudy created magical products, with the time and resourc-
in a statement. experiences and institu- es at his disposal,” Vulcan
52° 64° 49° 69° 52° 73° 57° 68° 44° “But Paul wasn’t con- tions, and in doing so, he CEO Bill Hilf said in a
ALMANAC DATA tent with starting one com- changed the world,” Na- statement.
Columbus Monday pany. He channeled his della wrote on Twitter. Allen was on the list of
Monday 84° 58° intellect and compassion Allen, an avid sports America’s wealthiest peo-
Normal 77° 51° into a second act focused fan, owned the Portland ple who pledged to give
Record 92° (2015) 31° (1978) on improving people’s Trail Blazers and Seattle away the bulk of their for-
Monday 0.00 lives and strengthening Seahawks. tunes to charity. “Those
Month to date 0.03 communities in Seattle Over the course of fortunate to achieve great
Normal month to date 1.90
Year to date 48.05
and around the world. several decades, Allen wealth should put it to
Normal year to date 43.42 He was fond of saying, ‘If gave more than $2 bil- work for the good of hu-
TOMBIGBEE RIVER STAGES it has the potential to do lion to a wide range of manity,” he said.
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Mon. Stage Stage Chng.
Amory 20 11.55 -0.03
Bigbee 14 3.73 none Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Columbus 15 4.34 +0.01 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fulton 20 8.36 -0.25 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
21 1.27 none
Hi/Lo/W City
Hi/Lo/W Trump says climate change not a hoax, not sure of its source
Atlanta 70/52/pc 70/50/s Nashville 67/40/s 61/43/s
In feet as of
7 a.m. Mon.
Capacity Level Chng. Boston 60/37/s 47/34/s Orlando 92/72/pc 89/74/s The Associated Press In an interview with back again,” he said. “I
Aberdeen Dam 188 163.29 none
CBS’ “60 Minutes” that don’t think it’s a hoax. I
Stennis Dam 166 136.81 none Honolulu 86/74/pc 87/74/s Raleigh 68/43/pc 60/39/s WASHINGTON — aired Sunday night, Trump think there’s probably
Bevill Dam 136 136.49 +0.12 Jacksonville
Salt Lake City
President Donald Trump said he doesn’t want to put a difference. But I don’t
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. is backing off his claim the U.S. at a disadvantage know that it’s manmade. I
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES that climate change is a in responding to climate will say this: I don’t want to
Major Minor Major Minor
Tue. 7:24a 1:12a 7:48p 1:36p TUE WED FIRST FULL LAST NEW hoax but says he doesn’t change. give trillions and trillions
Wed. 8:09a 1:57a 8:32p 2:20p Sunrise 6:59 a.m. 7:00 a.m. know if it’s manmade and “I think something’s of dollars. I don’t want to
Sunset 6:19 p.m. 6:18 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 1:53 p.m. 2:36 p.m. suggests that the climate happening. Something’s lose millions and millions
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Moonset none 12:17 a.m. Oct 16 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 7 will “change back again.” changing and it’ll change of jobs.”


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GOP Sen. Hyde-Smith, Democrat Board approves 2 new

Espy each top $1M in 3 months Mississippi charter
The Associated Press
ers in Mississippi and is one of the
many reasons why I don’t doubt our
schools, rejects 1
and in path to victory.”
JACKSON — A Republican ap- 1 9 9 3 Hyde-Smith received a fundrais- Charter School Authorizer Board
pointed to the U.S. Senate in Mis- he was
sissippi and one of her Democratic named
ing boost when President Donald
Trump endorsed her on Twitter
approved plans for a group that
challengers both report raising U . S .
more than $1 million from July agri-
in August and spoke for her at a
rally this month in northern Mis-
runs three charter schools in
through September. culture Hyde-Smith Espy
Under Monday’s campaign fi- secretary by President Bill Clinton.
sissippi’s DeSoto County, said her Jackson to open two more there
nance reporting deadline, Repub- campaign spokeswoman, Melissa
“If anyone doubts that an Afri-
lican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith said can-American can win in Mississip- Scallan. By JEFF AMY
she collected just over $1 million pi, that a Democrat can win in Mis- “We have received great sup- The Associated Press
during the three months and Dem- sissippi, then they need to look at port in Mississippi and across the
country,” Scallan said in a news JACKSON — Mississippi’s Charter School Au-
ocrat Mike Espy said he raised these fundraising numbers,” Espy
release Monday. “Conservatives thorizer Board on Monday approved plans for a
nearly $1.2 million. campaign manager Oleta Fitzger-
group that runs three charter schools in Jackson
Espy in 1986 became the first Af- ald said in a news release Monday. appreciate her work in Washington
to open two more there.
rican-American since Reconstruc- “This is part of the overwhelming and the way she supports President
Meanwhile a group that wanted to open a
tion to win a U.S. House seat in support we’ve received from vot- Trump’s agenda.” school near Greenwood has been rejected, based
on concerns about its educational program and
The state’s Charter School Authorizer Board
approved plans for RePublic Schools to open a

Oktibbeha to pave all of Longview Road

high school and a school serving grades K-8. Re-
Public already runs two middle schools and a K-8
school in Jackson.
The board rejected an application by MS Delta
Academies to open a school serving grades 6-8 in
State Aid office reclassifies roadway spill settlement money
the Legislature approved
were thrilled to see that
the road will be paved in Leflore County.
Action on both applications was delayed last
to relax project restrictions for the project during a
special session in August.
its entirety.
“With the hard work month. Board members were waiting to see the
Pritchard said he ex- from Clyde Pritchard — state ratings for RePublic’s existing schools,
By Alex Holloway Pritchard said. “It had pects plans for the project I mean, he just went over while they wanted to further examine MS Delta’s
very stringent design re-
to be complete by Christ- and above what he was re- application after outside reviewers recommended
quirements for width and
Oktibbeha County will mas 2019, with it going to quired to do — and with it be rejected.
shoulders and paving. It’s
soon pave Longview Road bid in the spring. Work, the Office of State Aid The grade for RePublic’s oldest Mississippi
been reclassified, basical-
in its entirety, thanks to he said, should start in school, Reimagine Prep, rose to a C, while newer
ly to a rural roadway that changing some of the re-
permission the county late spring or early sum- Smilow Prep was rated a D. Board member Kar-
relaxed a lot of that.” quirements, it’s allowed
received from the Office mer. en Elam of Oxford said the C rating justifies the
Pritchard, who has us to pave the whole road,”
of State Aid to expand the State Aid roads are board’s decision to give RePublic more charters,
been in regular contact Miller said. “Nobody will
scope of the planned proj- those that come off of including one for the state’s first charter high
with the State Aid office be more excited than I
ect. state highways and act as school.
about Longview Road, am to see this project
County Engineer thoroughfares for their “RePublic knows what they’re doing,” Elam
said representatives visit- completed, other than, of
Clyde Pritchard told su- area. The Office of State said. “They know how hard they have to push
ed the county about two course, the citizens who
pervisors during Mon- Aid deems whether a road these kids to get them to where they need to be.”
weeks ago. He’s gone to live on Longview Road
day’s meeting that an en- qualifies for that desig- By contrast, board members said they ulti-
Jackson to discuss the and drive it.”
gineer with the Office of nation. Those that do are mately agreed that MS Delta wasn’t ready to go
project twice. Montgomery said he
State Aid Road Construc- built to certain standards, forward. Outside reviewers had cited concern
Monday’s meeting saw is grateful to the State
tion has reclassified the based on width, crown- about the school’s curriculum, including a heavy
supervisors approve two Aid office and commend-
road, which will allow the ing, signage and other focus on college test preparation and college coun-
items related to Longview ed Pritchard for his per-
county to stretch its $1.8 requirements from the seling in middle school, as well as concerns about
Road. With the first, sistence in pushing to
million for the project into state. how the school would help students performing
the board re-obligated get the whole project
paving the full road, rath- Artesia Road, Old West below grade level. Reviewers had also questioned
$886,000 in State Aid done. Montgomery also
Point Road, Craig Springs whether MS Delta Academies could raise enough
er than just a portion at funds that were awaiting noted the project, which
Road and Maben-Sturgis money to successfully run the school.
each end. matching federal Surface has been in the works
“They reclassified the Transportation Program Road are other examples for years couldn’t have
road to what they call a (STP) funding to be used of State Aid roads in Ok- been completed without
3R design, which relaxes for the project. With the tibbeha County. the groundwork of earlier
some of the design re- second, supervisors re- county officials, such as
quirements,” Pritchard A years-long process former administrator Don
Bankrupt company
approved the project to
said. “That lets us extend pave all of Longview Road Monday’s news was Posey and former District
our dollars further so that using the re-obligated a far cry from where the 4 Supervisor Daniel Jack-
we can do the entire 3.77
Both measures passed
project stood in June when
supervisors de-obligated
“It’s been, at times, a says it could close
Prior to Monday’s
meeting, the county’s plan
to partially pave the road,
by a 3-0 margin. District 3
Supervisor Marvell How-
ard was absent from Mon-
the State Aid funds from
the Longview Road proj-
ect because federal fund-
painful process, but it’s
been a rewarding one,”
Montgomery said. “Even
Mississippi hospital
which connects highways day’s meeting and District ing to support the work before tonight, I’ve seen By JEFF AMY
12 and 25, included about The Associated Press
5 Supervisor Joe Williams hadn’t come through. some victories. But to say
two total miles, working had not yet arrived at the Supervisors John that we can finally get this
JACKSON — A bankrupt company warned on
in from each end with an time of the vote. Montgomery and Brick- road paved all the way
Friday that it might close a hospital in the Mis-
unpaved stretch remain- In addition to the lee Miller, of districts 1 through — I mean, ulti-
sissippi Delta if it can’t transfer ownership within
ing in the center. $886,000 in State Aid, and 4, respectively, both mately the people are go-
“The job original- the county is also using have part Longview Road ing to be the ones to ben-
Curae Health filed papers Friday in U.S. Bank-
ly started as a feder- $250,000 of its own mon- in their jurisdiction. Both efit from it. That’s what
ruptcy Court in Nashville, Tennessee, saying
ally-funded project,” ey and $750,000 in BP oil supervisors said they we’re here to do.”
Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center
in Clarksdale is losing so much money that it
could pull down the bankrupt company before it
can sell hospitals in Amory and Batesville. Curae

Sports complex
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in
August, saying it would sell all three hospitals.
The company cites $57 million in liabilities
Continued from Page 1A against $12.6 million in assets, saying revenues
fell below levels needed to make debt payments.
poles, buildings and fenc- as county
The Knoxville, Tennessee, company sent a let-
ing — would not interfere judge, for
ter to the 484 employees of the Clarksdale hospi-
with that FA A equipment. which she
tal on Friday warning of possible closure in De-
Calvert said the FA A is running cember.
report confirmed that unopposed
none of the planned facil- next month.
ities would exceed height At its
restrictions, but that a Oct. 1 meet-
roughly 20-acre buffer Brooks
ing, super-
area between the naviga- visors debated whether
tional equipment and any to restrict applicants to
metal structure would serve out the remaining
have to be maintained, year of Kizer’s unexpired
leaving 69 acres for any term to those who would
planned structures. Lowndes County is executing a purchase of 89 acres of agree not to run for the
“That’s more than property west of Columbus it hopes to convert to a re- position in November
enough land for what we gional sports complex. The purchase price of $840,000 2019.
want to do,” Sanders said, is $50,000 less than the land’s appraised value.
With a split among
“so I think we can go for-
viously agreed to pay “The system out there the board on that matter,
ward with this.”
$840,000 for the land to is going to be obsolete supervisors ultimately
There was some dis-
be paid over eight years one of these days and that agreed to let that play
cussion of renegotiating
the purchase to include with no interest. The pur- part of the property will out when they make their
only the 69 acres that chase price is $50,000 be usable,” he said. “Let’s choice.
could be developed, but less than the property’s go ahead as we planned.” “It could be that for
District 2 Supervisor Bill appraised value ($10,000 The board agreed, some of us, whether or
Brigham urged the board an acre). voting to execute the con- not the person wants to
to commit to the original “I’m just afraid if we tract and make its first run again is OK, and for
purchase. start tampering with this, $100,000 payment on Nov. others it might not be,”
“We got a good we run a risk,” Brigham 15. District 5 Supervisor Le-
price on this property,” said. “As far as that part In other board busi- roy Brooks said. “I think
Brigham said. “If we drop of the property, there still ness, supervisors agreed we should just let that
that (part) out of the pur- may be something we to post notice for the play out and see how the
chase, the price is going could use it for that the county prosecutor po- votes go. There’s no need
to go up. I think it would FA A would approve, may- sition that will become to do anything else.”
be a mistake still not to be a walking path.” open in January. Current Supervisors set the
buy the whole piece of Brigham also said the county prosecutor Allison deadline to apply for the
property.” current restrictions might Kizer will leave that posi- county prosecutor posi-
The supervisors pre- not always exist. tion after being sworn in tion for Dec. 3.
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Mississippi voices

Two ways to go with local special sales tax levies

OXFORD my. But then there was a compromise, lature has become covetous of the shows what happens when neighbor-
— For Mis- of sorts. Certain cities — Natchez, nearly $100 million collected and paid ing towns are neighborly.
sissippi’s first Vicksburg, Tupelo and towns on the to cities and towns via these taxes just So wouldn’t it make sense for state
155 years, the Gulf Coast — were, in sequence, in the last budget year. development and tourism staffs to at
power to tax granted legislative permission to add The report by the Joint Legisla- least have a coordinating role, some
was jealously “tourism taxes.” These were, after all, tive Committee on Performance and semblance of authority when it comes
guarded by the painless to locals because they fit the Expenditure Review doesn’t say that, to how locally collected special taxes
Legislature. maxim, “Tax man, tax man don’t tax at least not explicitly. But it must be are spent? Or is it better to let cities
It still is, but me; tax the man behind that tree.” remembered that the very profession- and counties decide what’s in their
there was a The special local sales taxes autho- al crew that staffs PEER only studies interest without requiring any consul-
lapse. rized by the Legislature starting in what the Legislature says to study. tation?
Counties 1972 were 1, 2 or 3 percent added to And on top of that it must be observed That’s the question the PEER re-
could collect Charlie Mitchell the state general sales tax and collect- that since Republican supermajori- port seems to pose.
property taxes, ed only at hotels and/or restaurants ties took control in both chambers of There is no mistaking that the
subject to state limits. Cities could col- and/or bars. Travelers know many the Legislature, the trend has been Legislature is both money hungry and
lect those, too, and for about 90 years states have these taxes. Some are to amass and centralize power. This power hungry. If given control over
cities have shared in general sales tax hefty. state is not governed by conversation these special funds, there’s no guaran-
revenue collected within their munici- In turn, the money collected was and consensus; it’s governed by “my tee lawmakers wouldn’t forget why the
pal limits. to be used as leverage to enhance lo- way or the highway.” money was collected and redirect it.
That was it, though. Localities were calities. Tourism development people The report makes several points: Their history is clear on that point.
otherwise forbidden to tread on the were hired to plan and coordinate n There are few, if any, official PEER indicates it’s less than
Legislature’s taxation turf. events and improvements. Flowers metrics by which to measure if a spe- perfect to have 82 — soon to be 88
It was 46 years ago when the lapse were planted, brochures printed, sig- cial local sales tax has produced the — special local sales taxes and each
began. There was a national trend and nage and attractions added. intended results. city, county or commission spending
a lot of talk about something called After the initial trickle of authori- n There is little state oversight the revenue independently. But would
“home rule.” Local governments were zations, there came a flood. Today, 82 of whether the money was spent as state lawmakers do better?
becoming free of state control and different local taxes are being col- intended. After all these years, it still comes
could impose special taxes for parks, lected. Some have been renewed and n There is no or very little coor- down to the same consideration in
for capital improvements such as renewed again long after the intended dination or consolidation of efforts play for a long, long time. Do we trust
convention centers — and they didn’t purpose (a park or industrial site) was locality to locality. locals to make the best decisions for
have to ask anybody for permission funded; some had no repealers. Six The $1.5 billion Toyota plant at themselves? In the past and perhaps
except local voters. The theory was more were approved by the Legisla- Blue Springs is evidence of what can in the future, the answer from the
locals knew best. ture this year but are not yet being happen when area communities (three Capitol has been, “No.”
In Mississippi, the Legislature collected. towns and three counties) decide to Charlie Mitchell is an associate
fought the trend. No way were coun- Here’s where a decision looms. pool resources to attract development. dean of journalism at the University
ties and towns across Mississippi go- Reading between the lines of a new The nation’s top-rated car collector of Mississippi. Email reaches him at
ing to receive any measure of autono- PEER report, it appears the Legis- event, “Cruisin’ The Coast,” also


A time for
optimism in Columbus
At first glance, there is little to indicate that a
sense of optimism may be taking hold in Columbus.
Aside from signs on properties that will be part of
the Columbus Redevelopment Authorities plans near
the Columbus Soccer complex, many properties vi-
tal to the city’s future remain in much the state they
have been in for years now – either abandoned or in
a steady decline.
But beneath the surface, there is a sense that
Columbus is possibly on the cusp of real change.
The potential for large-scale improvements exist
for properties such as Leigh Mall, the Magnolia
Bowl/Columbus Inn and Suites corner, Lee Middle
School, the K-Mart Shopping Center and the Burns
Bottom land.
Individually, a viable plan for any of these prop-
erties would be considered a major step forward for
our city’s major commercial and residential corri- THE NATION
Collectively, redevelopment of these properties
could be truly transformational.
Plans for the CR A’s redevelopment of the five-
On Wall Street, Us R Toys
block area between Third and Fourth streets from As America emerged Here’s the kicker — or shall we call it “the kick”?
Second Avenue to Seventh Avenue North include ac- from World War II, the The investors now talk about reviving Toys R Us.
quiring all the properties and preparing the site for a public generally agreed that They’re keeping its brand names and web domains.
developer. That project is already moving forward. the ordinary people who And they’ve trotted out the Toys R Us mascot, Geof-
Meanwhile, the sale of Lee Middle School to had endured the sacrifice frey the Giraffe.
Columbus businessman Scott Berry in June means should share in the good “Guess who’s back?” Toys R Us recently tweeted.
the property will be put to use, seven years after the times ahead. A golden age “He’s been traveling across the globe for the past
school closed. Berry’s plans include a mixed-use for the American worker few months but now #GeoffreysBack and once again
residential/retail development on the 15-acre site at commenced as business, ready to set play free for children.”
the corner of Military Road and 18th Avenue. That labor and government stood The brand clearly still has value. If the owners
development will be a bookend to the development together on the stage. can dump the company’s debt and legacy wages for
along 18th Avenue that has become an expansion of Labor has since fallen off. employees, they could go back into business, worker
the city’s Highway 45 retail corridor. Behold the spectacle at Toys Froma Harrop advocates speculate. New people could be hired at
It is along that corridor that three key properties R Us. lower wages.
have created the greatest speculation. Now that About a year ago, the company filed for a Chapter The resurfacing of Geoffrey has enraged laid-off
Columbus Municipal School District has sold the 11 bankruptcy. Its private-equity owners closed 800 employees. Toys R Us sells touchy-feely products,
former Lee Middle campus, perhaps its attention stores and laid off 33,000 employees — skipping out and abused workers picketing its properties might
can be turned to Magnolia Bowl, which is in steady on $75 million in severance pay. not be good for sales.
decline. The Bowl’s neighbor, Columbus Inn and Toys R Us had its challenges, but it wasn’t a dying Facing noxious publicity, Bain and KKR set up a
Suites, went on the market this week. Those two business. It was cannibalized by a private-equity $20 million “hardship” fund to help the laid-off work-
properties represent a major opportunity to redevel- culture that sees workers not as stakeholders but as ers, nowhere near what’s owed them. Vornado didn’t
op one of the key entry points to our historic down- part of the plunder. participate.
town and could conceivably be incorporated into More than 40 percent of the major retail or Meanwhile, Solus Alternative Asset Management,
the Burns Bottom project. Toward the north end of supermarket companies that have gone bankrupt a hedge fund that holds some Toys R Us debt, ac-
Highway 45 sits the soon-to-be-vacant K-Mart, a big since 2015 were owned by private-equity companies, cused the workers’-rights groups of trying to extort
box site that could be perfect for a large retailer or Newsday found. investment companies.
grocery store. Toys R Us offers a vivid example of how they oper- Other countries have significant private-equity
Smack in the middle of those two areas is Leigh ate. In their 2005 leveraged buyout, two private-equi- investment but more rules of the road. In Germany,
Mall, which has limped along for more than a ty firms, Bain Capital and KKR, and Vornado Realty for example, most workers are guaranteed severance
decade under ownership that was either unwilling Trust immediately piled on over $3 billion of new payments. It seems highly unlikely that the current
or unable to maintain and enhance the sprawling debt. leadership in Washington will do anything to dis-
mall complex located in the heart of the city’s retail With 97 percent of its operating profits now going please Wall Street.
corridor. to pay interest, the company had little left to fix up But some state-run public pension funds that
Last month, the property was placed under public the stores. How could it compete with Walmart, invest in private-equity and hedge funds are ask-
notice that it would be sold at auction in December much less Amazon? There was no cushion when the ing sharp questions about their role. After all, they
as a part of the owner’s bankruptcy settlement. Great Recession hit. represent public employees, many unhappy at how
Obviously, the fate of the property remains in the Basically, the investors had put the company in these companies victimize other workers and hurt
balance, but given the recent history of the mall, handcuffs, seized its life vest and thrown it in the communities.
there is a feeling that any change is preferable to the ocean. If Toys R Us survived, the investors would It’s understood that in our economic system,
continued down-ward spiral that we have seen there. declare themselves geniuses. If it didn’t, they’d walk companies sometimes fail and workers lose their
The right developer, well capitalized and with the away after collecting $470 million in interest and jobs. But this belief that workers are nobodies, mere
right concept, could truly change the landscape of “advisory fees.” pieces the investors can flick off the Monopoly board
our retail area in a way that few properties could. The worker advocacy group Rise Up Retail wants with no consequences, is a mark of our toxic times. It
There are likely to be ups and down, delays and that money to go to the laid-off employees. But in the wasn’t always like that.
frustrations as development of these properties bankruptcy proceeding, they stand in line behind Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for
proceed, but we are encouraged by the possibilities other creditors. “They may end up getting nothing,” the Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail
these opportunities present. according to a Bloomberg report. address is
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Ms. Rice was born home. Welch Funeral Home is in charge of She is survived by Memorials may be
OBITUARY POLICY Aug. 15, 1947, in Clay Home is in charge of arrangements. her daughters, Ruth made to the Missions
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
County, to Ladie B. arrangements. Mrs. Thompson was Thompson-Klein of Program of First Unit-
service times, are provided Eacholes and the late Mrs. Thompson was born June 20, 1928, Lopez Island, Washing- ed Methodist Church,
free of charge. Extended Charles Eacholes. born April 28, 1928, in Crystal Springs, to ton, Lydia Boutwell of 200 W. Lampkin St.,
obituaries with a photograph, In addition to her in Calhoun County, the late Velma McCoy Meridian and Martha Starkville, MS 39759,
detailed biographical informa- mother, she is survived West Virginia, to the Burney and Ben Ike Underhill of Mt. Juliet, the Christian World
tion and other details families by her son, Tracy late Charles Spurgeon Burney. She was a Tennessee; son, John Missions, P.O. Box 985,
may wish to include, are avail-
Johnson; daughter, and Viola Parsons. She graduate of Co-Lin Thompson of Idaho Starkville, MS 39760
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Dorothy Rice; sisters, attended Meadowview Junior College and was
be submitted through funeral Springs, Colorado; or to the Mississippi’s
homes unless the deceased’s Carrie M. Eacholes, Baptist Church. formerly employed with
Sherry A. Eacholes and brother, Ben Burney Toughest Kids Foun-
body has been donated to In addition to her the Baptist Women’s
Tammy J. Eacholes, all of Crystal Springs; six dation, P.O. Box 520,
science. If the deceased’s parents, she was Association at Missis-
body was donated to science, of West Point; broth- grandchildren; and one Crystal Springs, MS
preceded in death by sippi State University
the family must provide official ers, Johnny Eacholes her husband, Arthur and the Starkville great-grandchild. 39059.
proof of death. Please submit

Grace Sanders
all obituaries on the form pro-
of Homboldt, Tennes- Thompson; and broth- Chamber of Commerce.
vided by The Commercial Dis- see, CW Eacholes of ers, Richard, Calvin, In addition to her
patch. Free notices must be Jackson, Tennessee, John, Emmons and an parents, she was
submitted to the newspaper Jessie Eacholes, infant. preceded in death by
James Eacholes, Grace Burchfield Sanders, 90, surrounded by
no later than 3 p.m. the day She is survived by her husband, Warren her family, passed away on October 12, 2018, at
prior for publication Tuesday Gregory Eacholes, her daughter, Joyce Thompson.
through Friday; no later than 4 David Eacholes and Windsor Nursing Home.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Simmons of Phoenix, The visitation was held on Monday, October
GW Eacholes, all of Arizona; stepdaughters,
edition; and no later than 7:30
West Point; 14 grand- 15, 2018 at 9:30 AM at Mortimer Funeral Home,
a.m. for the Monday edition. Nancy and Charlotte; 711 Hwy. 82 East, Greenville, MS, with the
Incomplete notices must be re- children; and eight stepson, John; brothers,
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. great-grandchildren. service starting at 11:00 AM. Mortimer Funeral
Edwin Lowell of Mis- Home was in charge of arrangements.
for the Monday through Friday
souri and Jack of Ohio; Grace was born on December 5, 1927, to
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
Larry Watkins sisters, Dormal Meeks Thomas D. Burchfield and Carrie McDaniel
the next day Monday through MILLPORT, Ala. — of Florida and Patricia Burchfield in Sunflower County. She attended
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Larry Ronald “Runt” Debow of Missouri; and Wade Schools. She married J.B. Sanders on April
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Watkins, 70, died Oct. a host of grandchildren, 28,1945. She worked for Greenville Mills, Atkins
publication. For more informa- 13, 2018, at his resi- step-grandchildren and Saw and retired after 20 years from First National
tion, call 662-328-2471. dence. great-grandchildren. Bank. She was a member of Second Baptist in
A private memorial Memorials may be Greenville, MS prior to moving to Columbus,
Debra Byrd service will be an- made to Meadowview Dr. Saul Vydas Mississippi, where she became a member of
REFORM, Ala. — nounced by his family. Baptist Church, Visitation: Fairview Baptist Church.
Debra Ann Byrd, 55, Mr. Watkins was 300 Linden Circle, Saturday, Oct. 20 • 10-11 AM
She was predeceased by her husband, J.B.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
died Oct. 10, 2018, at born Sept. 21, 1948, in Starkville, MS 39759. Services: Sanders; son, James Allen Sanders; parents,
UAB Medical Center in Millport, Alabama, to Saturday, Oct. 20 • 11 AM Thomas and Carrie Burchfield; stepmother,
the late Mr. William St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Birmingham, Alabama. Markcus Pate Memorial Gunter Peel Vivian Burchfield; brothers, Dewitt Burchfield,
Graveside Home Lawrence and Mrs. Ha- Funeral Home Robert Burchfield and Jessie Burchfield; and
Going Celebration ser- zel Marie Aldridge Wat- 2nd Ave. North Location sisters, Bessie Self and Ida Boykin.
Markcus Maurice Pate,
vices will be Wednes- kins. He was formerly She will be missed by her daughter, Deborah
34, died Oct. 13, 2018,
day at Baptist Home employed in the main- Agnes Ponds Sanders Crenshaw and her husband, Bill
in Columbus. Visitation:
Memorial Gardens tenance department at Crenshaw of Columbus, Mississippi. She will
Arrangements are Tuesday Oct. 16 • 1-2 PM
Cemetery. Lavender’s United Technology. be missed by her grandchildren, Christian
incomplete and will be Pine Grove U.M. Church
Funeral Service is in In addition to his par- Ethelsville, Alabama Sanders of New York, Allen Sanders (Erin) of
announced by Carter’s Services:
charge of arrange- ents, he was preceded Greenville, MS, Landon Sanders of Starkville,
Funeral Services. Tuesday, Oct. 16 • 2 PM
ments. in death by his brother, MS, Grant Crenshaw of Winona, MS and Mary
Pine Grove U.M. Church
Mr. Rodger Watkins. Burial: Grace Crenshaw of Columbus, MS; and great-
Bob Redwood He is survived by Marilyn Thompson Pine Grove U.M. Church Cemetery
grandchildren, Avery Hunter, Lannie and Tripp
STARKVILLE — Memorial Gunter Peel
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. his wife, Kay Watkins; Funeral Home Sanders of Greenville, MS. She will also be
sons, Jerry Watkins and Marilyn Ruth Burney
— Robert Martin “Bob” 2nd Ave. North Location missed by her brothers, William “T” Burchfield
Shane Watkins; sister, Thompson, 90, died
Redwood, 87, died Oct. and David Burchfield; and sisters, Peggy
16, 2018, at Grandview Lane Motes; three Oct. 14, 2018, at her Bob Redwood Coleman, Alice Landrum, Sue Allen, Charlene
grandchildren; and two residence. Incomplete Fox, Stella Garrison and Shirley Sewell; and a
Medical Center in Bir-
mingham, Alabama. great-grandchildren. Services will be at Memorial Gunter Peel
host of nieces and nephews.
Funeral Home
Arrangements are 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Memorial donations may be made to Fairview
2nd Ave. North Location
incomplete and will be Icey McBride First United Methodist Baptist Church, Baptist Children’s Village or
announced by Memori- COLUMBUS — Icey Church. Burial will Gideons International.
al Gunter Peel Funeral Bell McBride, 97, died follow at Oktibbeha Me-
Oct. 15, 2018, at Bap- morial Gardens Ceme- Paid Obituary - Mortimer Funeral Home
Home and Crematory,
Second Avenue North tist Memorial Hospi- tery. Visitation will be

Agnes Wright Ponds

location. tal-Golden Triangle. from noon-1:30 p.m.
Arrangements are prior to services at the
church. Welch Funeral
Charlie Rice incomplete and will be
Mrs. Agnes Wright Ponds,
WEST POINT — announced by Carter’s
Charlie Ann Rice, 71,
died Oct. 8, 2018, at her
Funeral Services.
Do your kids a favor. age 93, died Thursday, October
11, 2018, at Glen Haven Health
and Rehab in Northport, AL.
residence. Ruby Thompson Make your funeral/cremations plans in advance.
Funeral arrangements have
Services will be at 11 STARKVILLE —
a.m. Wednesday at Si- Ruby Thompson, 90, When Caring Counts... been entrusted to Memorial
loam M.B. Church with died Oct. 13, 2018, at Gunter Peel Funeral Home &
the Rev. David Eacholes OCH Regional Medical Crematory, 2nd Avenue North
officiating. Burial will Center. FUNERAL HOME location. Visitation was Mon-
follow at Siloam-Mhoon A memorial service 1131 N. Lehmberg Rd.
day, October 15, 2018, from 6:00
Valley Cemetery. will be at 10 a.m. Thurs- Columbus, MS 39702 PM to 8:00 PM at Memorial Gunter Peel Funer-
Visitation will be from day at Welch Funeral (662) 328-1808 al Home, 2nd Avenue North location and will be
3-6 p.m. Tuesday at Home. A graveside ser- 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Tuesday, October 16, 2018,
Carter’s Mortuary Ser- vice will follow at 3 p.m. at Pine Grove United Methodist Church, Ethels-

Henry Myers
vices Chapel. Carter’s at Oakman Cemetery ville, AL. Services will follow at 2:00 PM with the
Mortuary Services is in Oakman, Alabama. Rev. Dale Clem officiating. Interment will be in
in charge of arrange- Visitation will be from the Pine Grove UMC cemetery.
ments. 10-11 a.m. at the funeral The daughter of the late Milford and Lockey
Mr. Henry Blue Myers, 69, passed away on Samford Wright, Mrs. Ponds was born Decem-
October 14, 2018, at his home in West Point. ber 30, 1924, in the Pine Grove Community, near
Funeral services will be Wednesday, October Ethelsville, AL. She was the last surviving of sev-
17, 2018, at 2:00 P.M. from Calvert Funeral Home en Wright children. Mrs. Ponds was employed by
Chapel with Reverend Jim Sallee officiating. the US Army Missile Command at Redstone Ar-
Visitation will be Wednesday 12:00-2:00 P.M. at
AP-NORC Poll: Many caregivers Calvert Funeral Home. Calvert Funeral Home of
West Point is honored to be entrusted with the
senal, in Huntsville, AL, as a clerk in the motion
pictures division. She was a longtime member of
Monte Sano United Methodist Church in Hunts-
neglecting their own health arrangements.
Henry was born on July 8, 1949, in West
Mrs. Ponds unconditionally loved the Monte
Point, to Henry Oben and the late Olivia Blue
Four in 10 have provided long-term Myers. Henry was a self-employed carpenter,
Sano Mountain community in Huntsville, where
she and Charles lived for 55 years. She also loved
owning and operating Henry’s Remodeling and
care to an older relative or friend Home Repair for 25 years, having retired in
and cared dearly for her many close and extend-
ed family and friends. And Agnes made no doubt
By LAURAN NEERGA ARD programs or other ser- 2013. Henry was a Veteran of the United States of her staunch support for the University of Ala-
AP Medical Writer vices during those visits Army having served in the Vietnam War with bama and all Crimson Tide sports.
than if they make time to the 101st Airborne. Henry was a member of In addition to her parents, she was prede-
WASHINGTON — see their own physicians Calvary Baptist Church in West Point. He was ceased by three brothers; three sisters; her in-
Skipping your checkup for advice. also a member of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars fant son, Michael Derwood Ponds; and her hus-
but not grandma’s? Car- “We have a long, long and the American Legion in West Point. Henry band, Charles Derwood “Charlie” Ponds.
ing for an older loved one way to go until this is a enjoyed yard work, fishing, and being a master She is survived by her son and daughter- in-
is a balancing act, and a routine part of practice,” wood crafter. Henry simply enjoyed work. Henry
new poll shows that too
law, Ricky D. and Annette S. (Sissy) Ponds of Tus-
said AARP long-term married Vickie Pruitt on July 23, 1967, in Gretna, caloosa, AL; her grandchildren, KaiCee Ponds
often it’s the caregivers’ care specialist Lynn Fein- LA and they were married for 51 years. He was
health that’s neglected. Richardson, M.D. (Seth) and Charles Zachary
berg. “This survey really a loving husband, father, grandfather, great- Ponds (Lena); and her great-granddaughter, Eli-
The survey, by The points out the need to look grandfather, brother, son, and friend.
Associated Press-NORC za Ponds.
at both the person and the In addition to his mother, he was preceded in The pallbearers will be Loyd Wright, Larry
Center for Public Affairs family.” death by a brother, Eddie Myers.
Research, found about a Wright, Setve Wright, Zachary Ponds, Seth Rich-
Four in 10 Americans Survivors include his wife, Vickie Pruitt Myers
third of caregivers have have provided long-term
ardson and Herbert Blakeney.
of West Point; two sons, Billy Myers of Corinth The family sincerely thanks those who cared
gone without a routine care to an older relative or and Joey Myers (Terri) of West Point; three
physical or dental care, friend, a volunteer work- for her in the past few years, including FirstLight
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; his Home Care in Franklin, TN; Brookdale Assisted
skipped or didn’t schedule force that’s growing as the father and step-mother, Oben and Robbie Myers
a test or treatment or even population ages. The AP- Living in Northport, AL; Glen Haven Health and
of West Point; two sisters, Ruth Nevil of Grand Rehab in Northport, AL and West Alabama Hos-
forgot to fill a prescription NORC survey released Prairie, TX and Patsy West of Mineral Wells,
or failed to see a doctor for Monday found that for pice in Tuscaloosa, AL
TX; and two brothers, Tommy Myers of Mineral Memorials may be made to the Monte Sano
their own illness or injury nearly a quarter of them, Wells, TX and Bill Crowder (Cindy) of Fritch, TX. United Methodist Church, 601 Monte Sano Blvd.
because they were too especially caregivers who Honorary Pallbearers will be the Open Door SE, Huntsville, AL 35801 or the West Alabama
busy with their caregiving are over 40, the amount of
Sunday School Class at Calvary Baptist Church, Hospice, 3851 Loop Rd., Tuscaloosa, AL 35404.
duties. time spent on caregiving
Doctors miss oppor-
Jerry Frazure, Lynn Johnson and Billy Harris.
duties is equivalent to a
tunities to help. Most Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
full-time job.
caregivers go to medical Most informal caregiv-
Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
appointments with the ers view their role as key TN 38105 or to Feed the Children, 333 North
seniors they care for, yet to their identity. But it can Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73107.
Friends may leave an online condolence at Sign the online guest book at
the poll found they’re less be difficult to meet their
likely to get information own physical and mental
about self-care, support health needs. Paid Obituary - Calvert Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 The Dispatch •

Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff

Mississippi State University Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences Tongyin Li, left, works with Assistant
Professor of Philosophy Alicia Hall in one of the planters in MSU’s new community garden. The university held a
ribbon cutting for the garden on Monday.

Continued from Page 1A
he said. “You’ve actually learn about planting and munity garden can make is the result of a student,
grown it. You’ve actually harvesting and nurtur- an impact. Eddie White, who ap-
produced it. A lot of our ing your crops,” he said. “Things like this are proached the Student As-
students who come to “That’s a valuable lesson going to make a differ- sociation three years ago
Mississippi State — they for our students to learn ence, in small ways, but to lobby for the project.
didn’t grow up in families for the rest of their lives.” every little bit helps to She said it was thanks to
that have gardens or ag- Keenum also said that address challenges we all his work that the garden
riculture. This is a new the global population is are facing in the future,”
came to fruition.
phenomenon. expected to grow from Keenum said. “...This is
“I was told earlier 7.5 billion now to more something that’s really “You all are standing
there’s a waiting list of than 10 billion people a showpiece for us and in the middle of a stu-
students who want to be within the next 30 years. something for us all to dent-led initiative,” Emer-
part of this, and that’s That will present new take great pride in.” son said. “A student sub-
a great thing — to give challenges for fighting MSU Student Asso- mitted their idea for this
them a chance to learn hunger, and he said even ciation President Myah community garden, and
about gardening, to small steps like the com- Emerson said the garden now we’re here today.”

Around the state

Mississippi agency to stop witnesses or officers while the case derneath a woman’s dress as she
is pending. shopped at a Dollar General in Bi-
probing police shootings in city However, Mayor Chokwe Antar loxi.
JACKSON — The Mississippi Lumumba recently announced of- The Sun Herald reported Thurs-
Bureau of Investigation says it is no ficer names will be released with- day that Frankie Denor McClendon
longer going to investigate police in 72 hours if there’s no credible Jr. has been arrested and charged
shootings in the city of Jackson, threat per a recommendation by a with photographing for lewd pur-
citing issues with a recent move by mayor-appointed police transparen- poses. The practice is known as
the mayor’s office. cy task force. DPS says it refuses “upskirting.”
The Clarion Ledger reports the to compromise an investigation or Biloxi police say the woman
Mississippi Department of Public endanger the lives of witnesses and called officers, who then found
Safety confirmed Monday that it officers. McClendon outside and got per-
has ended an agreement regarding mission to search his phone. Police
police shooting investigations be- Man accused of ‘upskirting’ Maj. Christopher De Back says in
tween it and Jackson police. A DPS woman at Dollar General a release that officers then found
statement says it’s the Bureau’s BILOXI — Police in Mississip- a video of the woman from under-
protocol not to release the names of pi say a man recorded a video un- neath her dress.

Continued from Page 1A
phone or internet, found- veys and feasibility study the electric department Kersey Consulting be-
er Kim Kersey said. start out looking at busi- would help generate ad- gan working with Union
“We want to find out ness and industry be- ditional income and help City Energy Authority in
how well the current in- cause businesses today offset any future rate in- Union City, Tennessee
ternet and telephone pro- rely so heavily on internet creases,” Gale said. “Say in 2016, said Jerry Bai-
viders are serving their for communication. for instance, when the ley, the authority’s CEO.
customers,” Kersey said. “We think this has the utilities started selling After receiving the feasi-
“We want to measure cus- most bang for the buck for recyclable waste water to bility study, Bailey said
tomer satisfaction with the community as a whole TVA, that additional rev- his company began pro-
their current provider, we to be able to put this type enue helped offset future viding internet services
want to explain the pro- of robust business net- water rate increases. So to commercial customers
posed services that Co- work in place,” Kersey we’re kind of exploring in their coverage area in
lumbus Light and Water said. “We’ll have kind of a any avenue of revenue to, March 2017. Now, he said,
would offer for internet spillover effect for every- for lack of a better term, they’re in the process of
and telephone, and then body.” prop up the rates.” providing those services
finally ... we ask about If CLW decides to offer Kersey said it’s often to residential customers.
the surveyed customer’s phone and internet ser- a “boon” to economic Bailey said Kersey
likelihood to switch to Co- vices, Gale said the utility and retail development in “knows what he’s talking
lumbus Light and Water company would basically communities. about.”
for their gigabyte internet have to go out and create “Many communities “I couldn’t ask for
and telephone service.” a new company. with these types of net- somebody to head us in a
The results of the sur- “Right now, we have works have been more better direction,” he said.
veys, which are due Nov. the water side of the house successful in attracting While Kersey Consult-
2, will be entered into the and the electric side of the the types of industries ing has done feasibility
Kersey financial model, house, and each has their and businesses that are studies both with munici-
which also includes oper- separate books for ac- looking for good commu- palities and with more ru-
ating costs and all other counting,” he said. “(Ten- nication,” he said. “It’s a ral communities, munic-
revenues and expenses nessee Valley Authority, good support for the local ipalities often have more
required for creating and where CLW purchases businesses. And it also experience with the type
maintaining that kind of power) would require the helps recruit new jobs,
network, he said. of work Kersey Consult-
same thing here, so you new industries and things ing does, Kersey said.
“All that goes together would be creating a third like that to the market.” “I enjoy working with
to tell us whether that’s a company.” He added it’s also just municipal utilities like
feasible project or not,” he He added the services more convenient for a cus- Columbus Light and Wa-
said. offered to customers in tomer to have one office ter because they’re in
While both Gale and Columbus would be in di- which handles power, wa- the infrastructure busi-
Kersey estimated the fi- rect competition with pri- ter and phone and inter- ness,” he said. “They
nancial model would be vate companies already net service. understand how to build
complete and ready to providing phone and in-
present to CLW’s board networks — electric net-
ternet in the area.
in January, most of the Kersey Consulting works, water (systems),
details about the poten- Kersey said his compa- whatever it may be — so
tial network are still to be Benefits to the ny has worked with utility they have some expertise
determined — including community companies all over TVA’s that they bring to the (ta-
how much the proposed Gale said if there is coverage area to conduct ble) to begin with. And
services would cost, how enough interest from the similar studies, including then we look about hir-
many customers those community, implement- with Union City Electric ing specifically trained
services would be avail- ing phone and internet Systems, Erwin Utilities technical employees for
able to and even whether could help save costs on and Johnson City Power the fiber operations and
CLW would offer the ser- electric power down the Board, all in Tennessee. broadband. It depends on
vices to both business and road. Columbus is the first Mis- what the opportunities
residential customers. “This new compa- sissippi community he are, what the skill sets are
Kersey said the sur- ny leasing fiber from has worked with. presently with the client.”
Sports Purple Madness Takes Over Columbus High
Adam Minichino

662-241-5000 B


No. 22 Bulldogs
know what they’ll
face vs. No. 5 Tigers
By Brett Hudson

STARKVILLE — Joe Moorhead has nev-

er coached against LSU defensive coordinator
Dave Aranda, but he knows what he’s up against.
Mississippi State’s coach and primary
play-caller knows he won’t have
an easy task at 6 p.m. Saturday Notebook
(ESPN) when the No. 22 Bulldogs
take on the No. 5 Tigers. LSU 6-1,
3-1 Southeastern Conference) is 17th in the na-
tion in scoring defense. It also allows 3.45 yards
per carry, which is fourth in the Southeastern
Moorhead saw the remnants of Aranda’s work
when he was Penn State’s offensive coordinator
for the Big Ten Championship Game in 2016, the
year after Aranda left Wisconsin for LSU. Moor-
head’s Nittany Lions ran for 1.8 yards per carry
but threw for 384 yards in a win.
Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch See MSU, 5B
ABOVE: Columbus High School’s Jerome Sherrod flies through the air on his way to winning the Slam Dunk
Contest Championship on Monday night at the annual Purple Madness, which is the official kickoff for the 2018- Game 7
19 Columbus High girls and boys basketball seasons. BOTTOM, LEFT: Greg King, who won the 3-Point Contest, n No. 22 Mississippi State at No. 5 LSU,
stands with Columbus High boys coach Phillip Morris. BOTTOM, RIGHT: Danyjhia Jackson, who won the Skills 6 p.m. Saturday (ESPN; WKBB-FM 100.9,
Contest, stands with Morris. WFCA-FM 107.9).

received a scare Saturday when quarterback Tua
Tagovailoa had to leave the game against Missouri.
But Jalen Hurts reminded the Crimson Tide they
have a pretty good backup plan.
Page 3B

Follow MSU on podcast

n The Dispatch and WCBI have come together to
launch the Straight Sippin’ podcast. The Dispatch’s
Brett Hudson will join Tom Eble and Courtney Robb
twice a week during football season, Wednesday and
Sunday, to preview and to recap the Mississippi State
and Ole Miss football. Follow Brett Hudson on Twitter,
@Brett_Hudson, to get the latest episode. The podcast
will be on iTunes and Google Play soon.

Former Falcons
have key roles for
Miss. Delta C.C.

To avid followers of the Mississippi Associa-

WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL tion of Community and Junior Colleges, a three-
game winning streak by Mississippi Delta Com-

Redshirt sophomore guard Allen leaves MSU munity College might be a rather surprising turn
of events.
However, MDCC freshman defensive back
By Adam Minichino guard from Pom- offseason and in in 14.7 minutes in MSU’s Isaiah Karriem saw it coming from his first week pano Beach, Flor- the preseason and three games in August in on campus.
ida (Dillard High was a contender Italy. Schaefer said Allen “We have been working hard since May 28th,”
Mississippi State wom- School), sat out for a starting spot played well at times on the
en’s basketball coach Vic Karriem said. “There has not been a day off. A lot
the 2017-18 season in the lineup a year three-game trip.
Schaefer confirmed Mon- See MISS. DELTA, 4B
after tearing an an- ago. He declined to As a freshman, Allen
day night that redshirt terior cruciate liga- comment on Allen’s averaged 2.7 points in 20
sophomore guard Jacaira ment in the presea- Allen decision to leave games, including three in
“Iggy” Allen is no longer son. Schaefer said MSU. the Southeastern Confer-
with the program. numerous times Allen averaged ence.
Allen, a 5-foot-10 Allen looked great in the 5.0 points and 5.3 rebounds See ALLEN, 4B


Pruitt will be threat
at QB for Tigers
By Adam Minichino Class 4A, Region 4 rival Louisville, Pruitt asked
Noxubee County coach
MACON — Kyziah Tyrone Shorter if he had
Pruitt doesn’t feel the considered moving him to
pressure. quarterback.
Instead of seeing a Shorter had thought
position change as an about making a change,
undue burden, the Noxu- even though he contin-
bee County High School ues to believe in junior
standout views his move quarterback Khristopher
from wide receiver to White. But Shorter has
Contributed Former Columbus High School standouts Patrick
Noxubee County High School senior Kyziah Pruitt had quarterback as his re- opted to take a page from Jackson, left, and Isaiah Kariem have teamed
four touchdowns Friday night in a victory against sponsibility. other coaches in the state up to help lead the Mississippi Delta Community
Kosciusko. Pruitt logged time at quarterback to give the In fact, early last week, and to put the football in College football team to a three-game winning
Tigers a different look. following a 27-26 loss to See PRUITT, 4B streak.
2B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 The Dispatch •


Major League Baseball
Buckley, Wyatt will speak at Starkville Quarterback Club
The Starkville Quarterback Club will hold its seventh meeting of the
Prep Football
Columbus at Oxford, 7 p.m.
New Hope at Jackson Prep, 7 p.m.
Crosby hits FG as Playoffs
(Best-of-seven, x-if necessary)
American League
Houston 1, Boston 1

time expires to lift

season Thursday night at the Starkville Country Club. All Games on TBS
Noxapater at West Lowndes, 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13
Social hour will begin at 6 p.m. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m., followed Houston 7, Boston 2
by the program at 7 p.m. Murrah at Starkville, 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14
Boston 7, Houston 5
Terrell Buckley, Mississippi State assistant coach and cornerbacks West Point at Grenada, 7 p.m. Today’s Game
coach, will give the scouting report for No. 5 LSU, the No. 22 Mississippi Boston (Eovaldi 6-7) at Houston (Keuchel
Noxubee County at Leake Central, 7 p.m.

Packers past 49ers

12-11), 4:09 p.m.
State football team’s next opponent at 6 p.m. Saturday in Baton Rouge, Hamilton at French Camp Academy, 7 p.m. Wednesday’s Game
Louisiana. oston (Porcello 17-7) at Houston (Morton 15-3),
Matt Wyatt, former MSU quarterback and current color commen- Louisville at Kosciusko, 7 p.m. 7:39 p.m.
Thursday’s Game
tator for the MSU football team’s radio broadcasts, will be the guest Amory at Caledonia, 7 p.m. Boston at Houston, 7:09 p.m.
x-Saturday’s Game
speaker. Aberdeen at Houston, 7 p.m. By GENARO C. ARMAS Houston at Boston, 4:09 p.m.
The menu will include craw fish etouffe or red beans and rice, x-Sunday, Oct. 21
Shaw at East Webster, 7 p.m. The Associated Press Houston at Boston, 6:39 p.m.
bread, salad, and dessert.. The sponsor will be Clark Beverage Canton Academy at Heritage Academy, 7 p.m.
Company. Visitors and non-members are welcome at a cost of $25 National League
per person. You don’t have to be a member of the Starkville Country Starkville Academy at Leake Academy, 7 p.m. GREEN BAY, Wis. — An interception, a bene- Game 2 Fox; All others FS1
Milwaukee 2, Los Angeles 1
Club to attend. Marshall Academy at Oak Hill Academy, 7 p.m. ficial penalty, and a game-winning kick. Friday, Oct. 12
Milwaukee 6, Los Angeles 5
Deer Creek at Columbus Christian, 7 p.m. It was quite a final minute for the Green Bay Saturday, Oct. 13
Los Angeles 4, Milwaukee 3
Junior golf event in Louisiana Manchester Academy at Hebron Christian, 7 p.m. Packers. Monday’s Game
Milewaukee 4, Los Angeles 0
Columbus junior golfers ages 11-18 are invited to compete in the Winston Academy at Winona Christian, 7 p.m. Mason Crosby kicked a 27-yard field goal as Today’s Game
Arrowhead Junior Golf Tour Beaver Creek Junior Classic on Nov. 10-11 Sumiton Christian at Aliceville, 7 p.m. time expired to cap an
Milwaukee (Gonzalez 10-11) at Los Angeles
(Hill 11-5), 8:09 p.m.
in Zachary, Louisiana.
The 36-hole tournament at the Beaver Creek Golf Club is ranked
Gordo at Carbon Hill, 7 p.m. 81-yard drive set up by Green Bay 33, Wednesday’s Game
Milwaukee (Miley 5-2) at Los Angeles (Kershaw
Holt at Lamar County, 7 p.m. Kevin King’s intercep- 9-5), 4:05 p.m.
by the Junior Golf Scoreboard and hosted. The tournament entry fee is
$195 and includes two days of green fees, tee gifts, and trophies in four Pickens County at Berry, 7 p.m. tion with 1 minute, 7 San Francisco 30 x-Friday’s Game
Los Angeles at Milwaukee, 7:39 p.m.
x-Saturday’s Game
age divisions. Lynn at South Lamar, 7 p.m. seconds left, and the Los Angeles at Milwaukee, 8:09 p.m.
Recommended accommodations are available at the Holiday Southern Academy at Pickens Academy, 7 p.m.
Inn & Suites. Call 225-654-1402 for reservations and group rate. The
Packers outlasted the San Francisco 49ers for a Basketball
tournament extended registration deadline is noon Wednesday Nov. Prep Volleyball 33-30 win on Monday night. NBA
7. To enter, call Diane Ford at 985-630-3066 or enter online at www. Mississippi High School Activities Association The final drive was extended after 49ers cor- Today’s Games
Philadelphia at Boston, 7 p.m.
Class II Playoffs nerback Richard Sherman was flagged for illegal Oklahoma City at Golden State, 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday’s Games
Thursday’s Match contact on third-and-15 that wiped out a sack of Brooklyn at Detroit, 6 p.m.
Mississippi State Lewisburg at Caledonia, 6 p.m. Aaron Rodgers with 43 seconds left. Memphis at Indiana, 6 p.m.
Miami at Orlando, 6 p.m.
Men’s tennis team’s Borges a top-five seed at USTA Rodgers rushed up the middle for a 21-yard Milwaukee at Charlotte, 6 p.m.

Harlingen Futures
College Football gain on the next play. The two-time NFL MVP
Atlanta at New York, 6:30 p.m.
Cleveland at Toronto, 6:30 p.m.
New Orleans at Houston, 7 p.m.
Saturday’s Games completed two more passes for 19 yards to set Minnesota at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m.
HARLINGEN, Texas — Mississippi State men’s tennis player Nuno Utah at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
Borges will open play Tuesday in the singles main draw at the USTA Auburn at Ole Miss, 11 a.m. up Crosby’s game-winner for Green Bay (3-2-1). Dallas at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m.
Denver at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m.
Harlingen Futures. Alabama at Tennessee, 2:30 p.m. The veteran kicker was perfect a week after Thursday’s Games
Borges, a two-time All-American, currently has an ATP ranking of Mississippi State at LSU, 6 p.m. missing four field goals in a loss at Detroit. Chicago at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
Miami at Washington, 7 p.m.
506, is the No. 4 seed in the 32-player singles draw. The Maia, Porto, UTSA at Southern Miss, 6 p.m.
Portugal, senior will look to improve on last season’s second-round
“It’s very appropriate, what he went through L.A. Lakers at Portland, 9:30 p.m.

finish at the same event. Women’s College Basketball last week, (for) the team to stick with him,” Rod- Football
In the main draw, Borges is the highest seed of a host of current Sunday’s Game gers said. “And then he responded.” NFL
collegiate players, including a familiar foe in Texas A&M’s 12th-seeded
Faulkner University at Alabama, 3 p.m. Rodgers threw for 425 yards and two scores, Thursday, Oct. 11
Philadelphia 34, N.Y. Giants 13
Patrick Kypson (ATP 695). Florida’s Sam Riffice (ATP 714) also earned
both to Adams. The second came with 1:55 left Sunday, Oct. 14
a spot in the main draw as the No. 14 seed.
The rest of the Bulldogs are preparing for the Intercollegiate Tennis
Men’s College Golf from 16 yards to tie the score at 30.
Seattle 27, Oakland 3
Houston 20, Buffalo 13
Washington 23, Carolina 17
Association (ITA) Southern Regional Championships on Oct. 18-23 at Today’s Match C.J. Beathard threw for 245 yards and two Minnesota 27, Arizona 17
L.A. Chargers 38, Cleveland 14
the Alabama Tennis Complex. Southern Mississippi at Jim Rivers Intercollegiate long touchdowns to speedy receiver Marquise Pittsburgh 28, Cincinnati 21
(Ruston, Louisiana) Goodwin for the 49ers (1-5). Atlanta 34, Tampa Bay 29
N.Y. Jets 42, Indianapolis 34
Ole Miss Friday’s Match For a while it looked like the 49ers might hold Miami 31, Chicago 28, OT
Dallas 40, Jacksonville 7
Ta’amu earns weekly SEC honor Alabama at U.S. Collegiate Championships on for their first victory since quarterback Jimmy Baltimore 21, Tennessee 0
L.A. Rams 23, Denver 20
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — After helping lead the Ole Miss football (Alpharetta, Georgia) Garoppolo was lost for the year in Week 3 with a New England 43, Kansas City 40
Open: Detroit, New Orleans
team to a come-from-behind 37-33 road victory against Arkansas Saturday’s Match torn anterior cruciate ligament. Monday’s Game
this past weekend, senior quarterback Jordan Ta’amu was named Alabama at U.S. Collegiate Championships Turnovers hurt them again — three more on
Green Bay 33, San Francisco 30
Thursday’s Game
Southeastern Conference co-Offensive Player of the Week by the (Alpharetta, Georgia) Denver at Arizona, 7:20 p.m.
league office Monday. Monday night, but none bigger than King’s pick Sunday’s Games
Ta’amu accounted for 528 offensive yards and three touchdowns Sunday’s Match at the Packers 10. Tennessee vs L.A. Chargers at London, UK,
8:30 a.m.
and engineered the game-winning, 97-yard touchdown drive with 2 Alabama at U.S. Collegiate Championships “Very disappointed. We had a chance to win Minnesota at N.Y. Jets, Noon
Cleveland at Tampa Bay, Noon
minutes, 2 seconds left in the fourth quarter to help the Rebels earn (Alpharetta, Georgia) that game,” coach Kyle Shanahan said. “It hurts.” Detroit at Miami, Noon
their fifth win. His 528 total yards were the second-most in school Houston at Jacksonville, Noon
history, only behind Archie Manning’s history 540-yard performance Women’s College Golf The second-year cornerback was locked in Carolina at Philadelphia, Noon
New England at Chicago, Noon
against Alabama in 1969. Today’s Match 1-on-1 coverage with Goodwin, who had burned Buffalo at Indianapolis, Noon
New Orleans at Baltimore, 3:05 p.m.
Ta’amu, who also was named one of eight Manning Award Stars Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Southern Miss at the secondary all night. This time, King kept up L.A. Rams at San Francisco, 3:25 p.m.
of the Week, was 26-for-35 for 387 yards and two touchdowns. He also Magnolia Invitational (Old Waverly) and pulled in a ball that looked slightly under- Dallas at Washington, 3:25 p.m.
Cincinnati at Kansas City, 7:20 p.m.
rushed for a career-high 141 yards and one score. Friday’s Match thrown by Beathard. Open: Seattle, Green Bay, Oakland, Pittsburgh
Ole Miss will play host to Auburn at 11 a.m. Saturday (ESPN). Monday, Oct. 22
Alabama at Betsy Rawls Longhorn Invitational Then Rodgers went to work, aided by the pen- N.Y. Giants at Atlanta, 7:15 p.m.
n Softball team announces 2019 schedule: At Oxford, the soft-
ball team announced Monday a 55-game schedule for the 2019 season (Austin, Texas) alty on Sherman, who was covering Davante Ad- Canadian Football League
Friday, Oct. 12
that features 16 opponents that earned a 2018 NCAA tournament bid,
Men’s College Soccer ams. Hamilton 34, Toronto 20
including three that advanced to the Women’s College World Series. Rodgers was 25-for-46. Adams had 10 catches Saturday, Oct. 13
Coach Mike Smith enters his fifth year at the helm of the program. Saturday’s Match Winnipeg 31, Saskatchewan 0

He has led the Rebels to three-straight NCAA Tournaments, the Mississippi University for Women at Pensacola for 132 yards, one of three Packers receivers to Edmonton 34, Ottawa 16
BC 26, Calgary 21
program’s first SEC tournament Championship, and its first visit to the Christian, 7 p.m. go over 100 yards. Friday’s Game
Hamilton at Ottawa, 6 p.m.
NCAA Super Regionals. Edmonton at BC, 9 p.m.
The Rebels will host 26 games at the Ole Miss Softball Complex, Women’s College Soccer MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Saturday’s Games
Montreal at Toronto, 3 p.m.
while playing on the road 18 times and competing in 11 neutral-site Thursday’s Matches Saskatchewan at Calgary, 6 p.m.

Strong pitching gives

games. Ole Miss will take part in four tournaments, three away from Texas A&M at Alabama, 6 p.m.
home and one in Oxford. Schedule
Ole Miss at Kentucky, 6:30 p.m. Thursday’s Games
Ole Miss will kick off the campaign Feb. 7-10 at the Friends of SOUTHWEST
Arkansas at Mississippi State, 7 p.m. Georgia State at Arkansas State, 6:30 p.m.
Jaclyn Tournament, hosted by UCF, in Orlando, Florida. Ole Miss will FAR WEST
Friday’s Match

Brewers series lead

play UCF, Ohio State, Minnesota, George Mason, and Ohio State. Stanford at Arizona State, 8 p.m.
The Rebels will then take a trip way out west, beginning with a road Southern Mississippi at Middle Tennessee State, Friday’s Games
matchup against Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles, California Feb. 14 7 p.m. EAST
Yale at Penn, 6 p.m.
before competing in the Stacey Winsbery Memorial Invitational (Feb.
15-17) co-hosted by UCLA and Long Beach State. Ole Miss opens Men’s College Tennis By BETH HARRIS
Colorado State at Boise State, 8 p.m.
Air Force at UNLV, 9 p.m.
up the event on Friday in Westwood with a pair of games against UC Wednesday’s Matches
The Associated Press Saturday’s Games
Riverside and Cal Poly. Saturday will include a matchup against Oregon ITA Southern Regional Championships EAST
State and an afternoon battle against UCLA. The Rebels finish things (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) Miami University at Army, 11 a.m.
off by travelling to Long Beach, facing Boise State. Thursday’s Matches LOS ANGELES — The Milwaukee Brewers Lafayette at Bucknell, 11 a.m.
Princeton at Harvard, 11 a.m.
Ole Miss will return to Oxford to play host to the Ole Miss Classic ITA Southern Regional Championships know they can count on their intimidating bull- Central State (Ohio) at Robert Morris, 11 a.m.
Northwestern at Rutgers, 11 a.m.
on March 1-3. It will welcome Pittsburgh and Nicholls State to the pen to get outs. They may not have been expect-
Magnolia State. (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) Duquesne at State Francis (Pa.), 11 a.m.
Cincinnati at Temple, 11 a.m.
ing a twice-demoted shortstop to generate so
College Volleyball
North Carolina at Syracuse, 11:20 a.m.
Ole Miss will open the SEC portion of its schedule with a three- Cornell at Brown, Noon
game series Mar. 8-10 battling Arkansas in Oxford. much offense. Sacred Heart at CCSU, Noon
Tuesday’s Match Bryant at Fordham, Noon
Ole Miss will go right down the road to face Mississippi State on Jhoulys Chacin combined with four relievers Davidson at Marist, Noon
April 18-20 in Starkville. It will conclude its non-conference schedule Southern Miss at Alabama State, 7 p.m.
on a five-hitter and Orlando Campbell at Monmouth (NJ), Noon

Arcia hit a two-run homer in Milwaukee 4,

against Southern Mississippi on April 24 in Oxford. Wednesday’s Matches Dartmouth at Columbia, 12:30 p.m.
Lehigh at Georgetown, 1 p.m.
Mississippi State at Alabama, 6 p.m. Towson at Albany (NY), 2:30 p.m.

Colleges Judson (Alabama) at Mississippi University for a 4-0 victory against the Los L.A. 0 Houston at Navy, 2:30 p.m.
Delaware at New Hampshire, 2:30 p.m.
Women, 6 p.m. Angeles Dodgers on Monday Coastal Carolina at Massachusetts, 2:30 p.m.
Rhode Island at Stony Brook, 5 p.m.
Witness grilled over texts to Kansas coach Friday’s Matches that gave Milwaukee a 2-1 SOUTH
Auburn at Ole Miss, 11 a.m.
NEW YORK — Lawyers for a former Adidas executive who’s a Southern Mississippi at Florida Atlantic, 6 p.m. lead in the National League Inside Virginia at Duke, 11:30 p.m.
defendant at a college basketball corruption trial zeroed in on Monday Florida at Ole Miss, 7:30 p.m. Richmond at Elon, 12:30 p.m.
on communications between a recruiting fixer and the head coach at Championship Series. n MORE Delaware State at South Carolina State,
12:30 p.m.
Kansas. Los Angeles loaded the BASEBALL:
on the air
The Citadel at VMI, 12:30 p.m.
ETSU at Wofford, 12:30 p.m.
On cross-examination in federal court in Manhattan, a key gov- bases against Jeremy Jeffress Houston Samford at Furman, 1 p.m.
ernment witness, ex-Adidas consultant Thomas “T.J.” Gassnola, was in the ninth inning, but the manager A.J. Idaho State at Liberty, 1 p.m.
confronted with a record logging a call with Coach Bill Self, as well as Today struggling closer shut the door. Hinch wants
Valparaiso at Morehead State, 1 p.m.
North Carolina Central at Norfolk State, 1 p.m.
texts he exchanged with Self. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL FAU at Marshall, 1:30 p.m.
The communications occurred amid what prosecutors say was 4 p.m. — American League Championship He struck out Yasmani Grandal Alex Bregman to Grambling State at Alcorn State, 2 p.m.
Murray State at Eastern Kentucky, 2 p.m.
a scheme by Gassnola, former Adidas executive James Gatto and Series, Game 3, Boston at Houston, TBS and pinch-hitter Brian Dozier back up his talk North Alabama at Jackson State, 2 p.m.
two other defendants to funnel secret cash payments to the families against Boston Arkansas-Pine Bluff at MVSU, 2 p.m.
8 p.m. — National League Championship Series, to complete Milwaukee’s third pitcher Nathan Charlotte at Middle Tennessee, 2 p.m.
Louisiana-Lafayette at Appalachian State,
of top-flight prospects to steer them toward programs sponsored by
the sportswear company. While Gassnola has testified that wanted to
Game 4, Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, FS1 shutout in six playoff games Eovaldi in Game 2:30 p.m.
North Carolina State at Clemson, 2:30 p.m.
keep coaching staffs in the dark about the prohibited payments to keep NBA this year. 3 tonight. Wake Forest at Florida State, 2:30 p.m.
UTEP at Louisiana Tech, 2:30 p.m.
them out of trouble with the NCAA, the defense has sought to show the 7 p.m. — Philadelphia at Boston, TNT “We feel like we’re in really Page 3B Alabama at Tennessee, 2:30 p.m.
programs were aware of what was going on behind the scenes because 9:30 p.m. — Oklahoma City at Golden State, good shape,” manager Craig
SMU at Tulane, 2:30 p.m.
Maine at William & Mary, 2:30 p.m.
of cozy relationships with fixers like the witness. TNT North Carolina A&T at Bethune-Cookman, 3 p.m.
Counsell said. Western Carolina at Mercer, 3 p.m.
In the texts last year, Gassnola told Self he was in the touch with NHL
the guardian of Jayhawks recruit Silvio De Sousa. Prosecutors say De 7 p.m. — Arizona at Minnesota, NBC Sports Game 4 in the best-of-seven series is Tuesday Tennessee Tech at Tennessee State, 3:30 p.m.
Presbyterian at Charleston Southern, 5 p.m.
Sousa was among recruits whose families were offered payments of up Network night at Dodger Stadium, with Rich Hill starting for Jacksonville at Stetson, 5 p.m.
UCF at East Carolina, 6 p.m.
to $100,000 in covert deals financed by Adidas. SOCCER Los Angeles against fellow lefty Gio Gonzalez. Mississippi State at LSU, 6 p.m.
Texas State at Louisiana-Monroe, 6 p.m.
Self responded: “We good,” according to a defense exhibit of the
1:30 p.m. — UEFA Nations League, Ukraine vs. Ryan Braun had an early RBI double off rook- Howard at Morgan State, 6 p.m.
communication. Connecticut at South Florida, 6 p.m.
Gassnola said: “Always. That was light work. The ball is in his court Czech Republic, at Kharkiv, Ukraine, ESPNEWS ie Walker Buehler, who struck out eight in seven UTSA at Southern Mississippi, 6 p.m.
Rice at FIU, 6:30 p.m.
now.” 6:30 p.m. — Men, International friendly, United innings. Travis Shaw tripled and scored on a wild Vanderbilt at Kentucky, 6:30 p.m.
That same day, Gassnola asked Self to call him when he had five States vs. Peru, at East Hartford, Connecticut, pitch in the sixth.
North Texas at Alabama-Birmingham, 6:30 p.m.
Old Dominion at Western Kentucky, 6:30 p.m.
minutes. Defense attorney Michael Schachter told jurors records show ESPN2 Arcia connected for his third postseason ho-
Abilene Christian at Southeast Louisiana,
7 p.m.
there later was a conversation between Self’s phone and Gassnola
lasting almost exactly five minutes.
Wednesday mer in the seventh, his second in two games. MIDWEST
San Diego at Butler, 11 a.m.
GOLF “It’s a different guy every single day and we’ve Maryland at Iowa, 11 a.m.
“Do you recall what you wanted to discuss with Coach Self alone?” Michigan at Michigan State, 11 a.m.
9 p.m. — PGA Tour, The CJ Cup at Nine Bridges,
Schachter asked. got contributions up and down the roster,” Shaw Buffalo at Toledo, 11 a.m.
“I don’t,” Gassnola responded. first round, at Jeju Island, South Korea, TGC Illinois at Wisconsin, 11 a.m.

MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL said. “It’s been the story of our season.” Drake at Dayton, Noon
Bowling Green at Ohio, 1 p.m.
In testimony that concluded Monday, Gassnola suggested the
exchanges were mostly about efforts to extend the Adidas contract with 4 p.m. — National League Championship Chacin scattered three hits in 5 1/3 innings be- Jacksonville State at Southeast Missouri,
1 p.m.
Kansas and to arrange for uniforms for Angola’s national basketball Series, Game 5, Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, FS1 fore giving way to Corey Knebel, who worked 1 2/3 Eastern Michigan at Ball State, 2 p.m.
Western Michigan at Central Michigan, 2 p.m.
team. De Sousa is from Angola. 7:30 p.m. — American League Championship perfect innings and struck out his last four batters. Tennessee-Martin at Eastern Illinois, 2 p.m.
Western Illinois at Missouri State, 2 p.m.
In one text exchange, Gassnola thanked Self “for the help in getting Series, Game 4, Boston at Houston, TBS With a runner on second and the Brewers Indiana State at Southern Illinois, 2 p.m.
the extension done.” NBA Penn State at Indiana, 2:30 p.m.
The coach answered by saying he was happy with Adidas and
nursing a 2-0 lead, Knebel got Manny Machado Akron at Kent State, 2:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. — Memphis at Indiana, Fox Sports to ground out before whiffing Cody Bellinger to Illinois State at North Dakota State, 2:30 p.m.
added: “Just got to get a couple real guys.” Minnesota at Nebraska, 2:30 p.m.
Self has declined to comment on the testimony.
South end the sixth. The right-hander then fanned Yasi- Memphis at Missouri, 3 p.m.
South Dakota State at Northern Iowa, 4 p.m.
6:30 p.m. — Atlanta at New York Knicks, Fox
Gatto, aspiring sports agent Christian Dawkins and former amateur
Sports Southeast
el Puig, Grandal and Enrique Hernandez in the South Dakota at Youngstown State, 5 p.m.
Ohio State at Purdue, 6:30 p.m.
league director Merle Code have pleaded not guilty to defrauding the
schools and NCAA by hiding the payments. Their lawyers say the 7 p.m. — New Orleans at Houston, ESPN seventh. SOUTHWEST
Tulsa at Arkansas, 11 a.m.
schools and NCAA never suffered any harm. 9:30 p.m. — Dallas at Phoenix, ESPN Joakim Soria retired Chris Taylor on a foul Oklahoma at TCU, 11 a.m.
Southern U. vs. Texas Southern at Dallas,
NHL popup for the first out of the eighth. Josh Hader, 2 p.m.
Kansas at Texas Tech, 2:30 p.m.
Peck leaves Vanderbilt staff, returning to broadcasting 6 p.m. — N.Y. Rangers at Washington, NBC who didn’t pitch in Game 2 after tossing three Sam Houston State at Lamar, 3 p.m.
McNeese State at Incarnate Word, 4 p.m.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Carolyn Peck is leaving the Vanderbilt Sports Network scoreless innings in the opener, needed only Northwestern State at Central Arkansas, 6 p.m.
women’s basketball staff to return to broadcasting. 8:30 p.m. — Boston at Calgary, NBC Sports eight pitches to strike out pinch-hitters David
Stephen F. Austin at Houston Baptist, 6 p.m.
Vanderbilt coach Stephanie White announced Friday that Peck is Network Freese and Matt Kemp to end the eighth. Northern Arizona at Northern Colorado, 1 p.m.
Utah State at Wyoming, 1:30 p.m.
stepping down to resume her broadcasting career at ESPN. SOCCER
Peck said in a statement that “the decision to go back to ESPN is “It was good that we only used Hader for two Colorado at Washington, 2:30 p.m.
Georgia Southern at New Mexico State, 3 p.m.
7 p.m. — 2018 CONCACAF Women’s
not an easy one, but it’s the right one.” Championship, final, at Frisco, Texas, FS1 outs,” Shaw said. “I know we’ve got three in a California at Oregon State, 3 p.m.
Southern Utah at Idaho, 4 p.m.
Peck, who played for Vanderbilt from 1984-88, had spent the last WOMEN’S COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL row, so he’ll be good to go tomorrow and that’s a Montana State at Weber State, 5 p.m.
UC Davis at Cal Poly, 6:05 p.m.
two seasons as an assistant coach on White’s staff. Peck previously big thing for us.” Fresno State at New Mexico, 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m. — Mississippi State at Alabama, ESPNU Oregon at Washington State, 6:30 p.m.
was head coach at Purdue (1997-99) and Florida (2002-07) as well
as with the WNBA’s Orlando Miracle. She also spent nine years as an 7 p.m. — South Carolina at Arkansas, SEC Hader rarely pitches on consecutive days, but Southern California at Utah, 7 p.m.
North Dakota at Sacramento State, 8 p.m.
ESPN college basketball analyst. Network his light workload Monday could give Counsell San Jose State at San Diego State, 9:30 p.m.
Arizona at UCLA, 9:30 p.m.
— From Staff and Wire Reports some options. Nevada at Hawaii, 10:59 p.m.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 3B


Football coaches names eight players of the week
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The Alabama coaching staff selected eight
players to represent nine spots on their weekly player of the week list
following a 39-10 victory against Missouri on Saturday.
Josh Jacobs, Jerry Jeudy, and Jedrick Wills Jr. were recognized
on offense. Christian Miller, Saivion Smith, Quinnen Williams, and Mack
Wilson were honored on defense. Joseph Bulovas and Jacobs were
recognized on special teams.
Jacobs, a junior, led all backs with a 5.8 yards per carry average
scare good
thanks to his 52 yards on nine rushes. Four of Jacobs’ nine carries went
for a first down.
Jeudy led Alabama’s wide receivers with three passes for a
career-high 147 yards and a touchdown. He scored on an 81-yard
of Plan B
touchdown grab on the second play from scrimmage.
Wills graded out at a career-best 91 percent to continue his trend
of 90-plus grades in each of the last two weeks. The sophomore right
tackle didn’t surrender a sack or a pressure with just one missed assign-
ment while accounting for four knockdown blocks.
Miller led the Crimson Tide with three quarterback pressures. The
redshirt senior added three tackles, including one-and-a-half for loss The Associated Press
and a pass breakup off the edge.
In the defensive backfield, Smith set a new season-high mark for TUSCALOOSA, Ala.
Alabama with two interceptions. The junior added four tackles. — The No. 1 Alabama
Williams helped Alabama earn its first safety since 2015. He had football team received
a team-leading two tackles for loss, which included the safety-sack
combo. The redshirt sophomore added two quarterback pressures and quite a scare at the sight of
seven tackles. starting quarterback Tua
Wilson led all defenders with 11 tackles, including one-and-a-half Tagovailoa on the ground
tackles for loss and one sack. The sack was the junior’s first of his clutching his right knee.
career, while his tackle output was a season-high total.
Bulovas kicked a career-high three field goals in his four attempts
But the situation could
and added four PATs for 13 points. The redshirt freshman also kicked have been worse — on
off eight times for 428 yards to average 53.5 yards per boot with three multiple levels.
touchbacks. Alabama Athletic Media Relations The Crimson Tide got a
Jacobs had three kick returns for 88 yards. Alabama’s Kira Lewis Jr. goes up for a shot as Alex Reese defends Monday in their scrimmage break, Tagovailoa was able
n In related news, Jedrick Wills Jr. was selected as the SEC’s
Offensive Lineman of the Week, the league office announced Monday
as part of the fourth-annual Tide Tipoff at Coleman Coliseum. to trot off the field and ap-
parently won’t miss a prac-

Alabama kicks off season in Tide Tipoff

n Baseball team will play exhibition game at Tennessee: tice, much less Saturday’s
At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the baseball team will travel to Knoxville, game with Tennessee .
Tennessee, this weekend for a fall exhibition game against SEC rival
But if the injury was more
Week five of fall practice begins Tuesday and will run through
From Special Reports Johnson thanked the fans for coming out to serious, top-ranked Ala-
Saturday’s exhibition with the Volunteers. The SEC foes will meet at support both programs. bama has 28-game start-
9:30 a.m. Saturday at Lindsey Nelson Stadium. TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The Alabama “We appreciate everybody that came out. er and 2016 Southeastern
The fall exhibition is the first of two for Alabama. It will square off men’s and women’s basketball teams offi- They were really into it,” Johnson said. “We Conference offensive play-
against Florida State on Friday, Oct. 26, in Tallahassee, Florida. cially opened the 2018-19 campaign Monday had some good moments throughout the er of the year Jalen Hurts
Admission to the exhibition between the Crimson Tide and Volun-
teers is free to the public. Due to Saturday’s football game, parking for
night with the fourth-annual Tide Tipoff at scrimmage, and it was very strategic for us in relief.
all lots surrounding Neyland Stadium and most other lots on campus will Coleman Coliseum. to play a 30-minute scrimmage. We are not It’s a comforting notion.
be reserved to pass holders only. Limited $25 public parking is available “We had a great crowd,” Alabama women’s a finished product, but the main thing was “He led us to the nation-
on-campus at the UT Visitor’s Center, Old Sports Bubble on Andy Holt basketball coach Kristy Curry said. “I’m real- trying to get our team some live reps in front al championship (game)
Avenue and Lot S12 on Lake Avenue. ly excited to see so many folks in the stands.
Prior to the trip to Knoxville, Alabama will have practice-scrimmage of an audience. When we asked the fans to two years in a row, shat-
splits on Tuesday and Thursday. There will be a full practice session There was a lot of excitement. Tonight was get on their feet they were really fired up, tered all kind of records,
Friday prior to the trip to Tennessee. great for our team and for the fact we got to so I would say mission accomplished on that and his resume speaks for
The split sessions Tuesday and Thursday will begin practice at 1:45 put our uniforms on and lace our shoes up front. I think we have some experience this itself,” Alabama tailback
p.m., followed by a 3 p.m. first pitch in the scrimmage. Friday’s practice to play in a real game-like environment. We
is set for a 1 p.m. start.
year and some quality depth and hopefully Damien Harris said of
All scrimmages are subject to change. The length will be deter- have a big freshmen class, which is always a that will play out positively for us throughout Hurts. “There’s never any
mined on a game-to-game basis. Spaced out between scrimmages are positive. I saw a little bit of jitters and nerves, the course of the season.” doubt in our minds when
the team’s regularly scheduled practice sessions. Dates and times of but I absolutely love the energy of this team. The teams signed autographs for an hour he has to go in and play
all practices and scrimmages for the upcoming week can be found on I love our veterans and I love our newcomers. and then hit the court. The women’s team each Monday. quarterback or any other
n Bama Gymnastics Kickoff will be at 5 p.m. Sunday: At
We just have a great mix of the old and the played a 12-minute intrasquad scrimmage. position. Jalen’s a pretty
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the gymnastics team will hold a meet the team new that brings an awful lot of energy. This Following the introduction of the men’s team, special talent, a guy that
event at 5 p.m. Sunday in the men’s basketball practice gym at Coleman is the most energetic team I have had at Ala- there were two 15-minute periods of an in- you only get to play with
Coliseum. bama, and I’m excited about their potential.” trasquad scrimmage. The night concluded once in a lifetime.
The event will begin immediately after the women’s basketball
team’s exhibition game against Faulkner.
Alabama men’s basketball coach Avery with a dunk exhibition by select men’s players. “I’m thankful to have
“We’re so excited to welcome everyone and have the chance for lined up in the backfield
Crimson Tide fans to meet this year’s team as we continue getting
ready for the season,” Alabama coach Dana Duckworth said. “This is a
BASKETBALL: NBA with him and see him do
all these kind of things.”
new event for us this year and we know it’s going to be a lot of fun. This
team has shown incredible daily discipline and a commitment to the
small things and their energy and effort is contagious. We want to share
that spirit with everyone.”
Golden State appears to be favorite again Tagovailoa aggravated
a sprained right knee in
the third quarter against
Admission is free to the event that will include food and drinks By TIM REYNOLDS “None of us are ready for “If they don’t win, it’s a fail- Missouri Saturday night.
as well as giveaways and prizes. In addition to meeting this year’s The Associated Press
gymnasts and coaching staff, fans will also have the opportunity to take
this run to come to an end,” ure,” Memphis guard Mike He didn’t return but coach
pictures with the iconic “BAMA” letters as well as the Circle A, that the said Golden State’s Dray- Conley Jr. said. “I know that’s Nick Saban said he could
gymnasts are introduced on prior to meets. The gymnasts will signing
NBA Commissioner Adam mond Green, part of all three how they feel as well. For us, have. The Heisman Trophy
autographs and Big Al will be on hand. Silver will be at Oracle Arena Warriors’ titles in this four- for the other 29 teams, we’re favorite didn’t miss practice
This year’s team features three seniors, three juniors, five sopho- on Tuesday night, handing the leading up to that game and
year run of dominance. “So the underdog. We’re trying to
mores, and five freshmen. Golden State Warriors what Saban said Monday he is
Fans will also be able to the join The Medalist Club (www. we’ve got to continue to ap- take what they have. It’s a lot
will be their third set of cham- “probably better this week, Alabama gymnastics’ booster organization. proach it like we’ve got zero. easier playing from the under-
Alabama will open its season Jan. 4, 2019, at home in a quad meet pionship rings from the last than he was last week.”
And that’s cliche and impos- dog perspective than coming
against Southeast Missouri State, Northern Illinois, and Temple. four seasons. “We’ll just see how he
sible to do, but you want to try in with a lot of expectation.”
A banner will be displayed. does in practice and con-
to get as close to that as you In this NBA, everybody
Golf Highlights will be shown.
possibly can. And that’s my else is an underdog. tinue to evaluate,” Saban
Miller retiring after three decades at NBC Sports And then the Warriors will said.
have to start all over again. mindset always entering the That even applies to Hous-
Johnny Miller is retiring after three decades of calling the shots the
season.” ton — which won 65 games More questionable is
way he sees them. The NBA’s 73rd season wide receiver DeVonta
Miller said Monday he will make his last call from the Phoenix Open starts Tuesday night, begin- They will be the over- last season, has the reigning
the first weekend in February, ending a career as the lead golf analyst whelming favorites, with good MVP in James Harden, an Smith, who pulled a ham-
ning a year where LeBron string on a long catch and
for NBC Sports that made him as famous as the 63 he shot at Oakmont reason. elite point guard in Chris Paul
to win the 1973 U.S. Open or his flag-seeking style that carried him to James will play for the Los An- didn’t return. Saban says
geles Lakers, where Carmelo The Warriors still have who re-signed for $160 million
25 PGA Tour victories and a place in the Hall of Fame. he is “day to day.”
Miller said his 24th grandchild was born on Sunday and he wants to Anthony will aim to push the Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, this summer, a deep-pocketed
There’s no doubt Ala-
spend more time with his family. Houston Rockets over the top, Klay Thompson and Green, owner in Tilman Fertitta and
“I’ve been on the road for 50 years,” said Miller, 71. bama’s offense isn’t the
where Dwyane Wade will take plus added All-Star big man an always-tinkering GM in
A person with knowledge of the move told The Associated Press same without Tagovailoa,
that Paul Azinger will replace him at NBC and still be in the tower for his 16th and final lap around DeMarcus Cousins — coming Daryl Morey. The Rockets who’s leading the nation in
Fox Sports for the U.S. Open and U.S. Women’s Open. The person the league. A new arena is off an injury — on a bargain had the Warriors against the passing efficiency and has
spoke on condition of anonymity because NBC has not announced the opening in Milwaukee, eight $5.3 million deal. And calling ropes in last season’s Western thrown for 21 touchdowns
decision. all the shots is coach Steve Conference finals, leading
teams will have new coaches, without an interception.
Golfweek first reported Azinger would take over at NBC.
Miller figures to be a tough act to follow, in part because of his and everyone will be looking Kerr, who won five rings as a that series 3-2 yet falling after But Alabama’s Plan B
longevity, mainly because no other golf announcer said what he saw to see if the Warriors can win player and now three more as Paul was lost to a hamstring isn’t bad either. Hurts,
without worrying what the players might think of him. It was Miller a third straight title. a coach. injury. who also caught a pass,
who first talked about “choking,” a word that had been taboo in golf
has played a significant
Will Warriors-Celtics be left at end?
He thrived on talking about pressure. number of snaps in every
“I get this every time I go through the gallery: ‘Keep telling it like it game and finished off the
is,’” Miller said in a telephone interview. “I think people are starving for 39-10 victory.
honesty and the real deal. I don’t do it on purpose. That’s the way I view By BRIAN MAHONEY juries in their backcourt during the preseason after losing Kawhi Leonard,
golf. I was always tough on my own game. I was tough on myself when I The Associated Press Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili in the offseason, the Spurs are no lock for His passing rating would
choked or had the yips. That’s just the way I viewed it.” a 22nd straight playoff appearance that would equal the NBA record set by be third nationally but he
Miller was the voice in the 18th tower at every U.S. Open from Opening night last year delivered a good fore- the Syracuse Nationals/Philadelphia 76ers from 1949-71. But figure on San doesn’t have enough at-
Antonio starting fast, as the Spurs are 19-2 in season openers under Gregg
1995 at Shinnecock Hills until 2014 at Pinehurst No. 2 until the USGA
cast of how the NBA season would turn out. tempts. Plus, Alabama has
awarded the rights to Fox Sports in a 10-year deal worth an estimated Popovich, who begins his 23rd season to tie Utah’s Jerry Sloan for the most
$1 billion. He also called 14 Ryder Cups, starting with Kiawah Island in Cleveland edged Boston in the opening game seasons coaching one team. won 26 of the 28 games
1991 and ending three weeks ago outside Paris. before Houston ruined Golden State’s champi- n OFFSEASON OVERSHADOWING?: Perhaps the Warriors’ domi- Hurts has started.
onship ring celebration with a victory over the nance makes it feel like a foregone conclusion, but there’s already so much Hurts wound up com-
Soccer Warriors in the nightcap.
talk about the summer of 2019 free agency, when players such as Kawhi
Leonard, Jimmy Butler and Kyrie Irving could be available, that it already
pleting 7 of 8 passes for
115 yards in Tagovailoa’s
Rapinoe sees disparity as World Cup approaches Those teams ended up as the last four stand- threatens to overshadow the games themselves. Even Golden State isn’t
FRISCO, Texas — With the Women’s World Cup less than ing in the 2017-18 season, with both conference immune, with Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson able to become free agents absence.
eight months away, U.S. national team midfielder Megan Rapinoe is finals going seven games. Golden State and and sparking talk that this could be the Warriors’ last run. “It wasn’t much of a big
dismayed by what she sees as ongoing issues of inequality in soccer. Cleveland won Game 7s on the road before the n FOR THOSE WHO DO CARE ABOUT THE GAMES: This season, deal because we know Ja-
From uncertainty about the use of video review and the amount of fans can for the first time purchase games in progress on NBA League Pass. len will come in and han-
Warriors swept the Cavaliers for their second The option is available from the end of the third quarter to the end of the
prize money, to scheduling other tournament finals on the same day as dle business,” wide receiv-
the championship game, equity issues are getting more attention as the straight title. game for $1.99. Details are available at
World Cup looms. The matchups this time in the doubleheader n “MVP! MVP!”: James led a record nine players who received votes er Jerry Jeudy said.
From Rapinoe’s standpoint, that’s symptomatic of the short shrift Tuesday night on TNT feature the Celtics host- as the MVP favorite in the GM Survey, garnering 30 percent of the Hurts, who is sched-
paid to the women’s game by FIFA, soccer’s governing body. ing Philadelphia, and the Warriors welcoming vote among those who responded. Durant, Irving, Leonard, Stephen Curry, uled to graduate in De-
“And that’s not to say they (FIFA) don’t do anything. They obviously Anthony Davis, Russell Westbrook, Giannis Antetokounmpo also received
Oklahoma City. Golden State remains the team cember, opted to stick
do things for the women’s game. But in the way that they truly care votes along with reigning MVP James Harden, who should put up big num-
about the men’s game, they don’t truly care about the women’s game,” to beat and the Celtics are a good bet to inherit bers again in Houston’s high-powered offense. around instead of taking
she said. that role in the East with LeBron James gone, n SPEAKING OF THE ROCKETS: They added a likely future Hall of advantage of the NCAA’s
The United States qualified for the World Cup on Sunday night with so it’s very possible a couple teams playing on Famer to a team that just won a league-high 65 games, but it’s hard to know new transfer rule.
a victory over Jamaica in the semifinals of the CONCACAF women’s just how much Carmelo Anthony will help the Rockets — or if he will help at It further endured him to
the first night of the season will also be playing all. He comes off his worst season in Oklahoma City and didn’t thrive playing
championship tournament. The top three finishers earn spots in the Alabama fans, as evidenced
World Cup, so the U.S. and Canada secured berths with semifinal on the last. for Mike D’Antoni in New York. But his outside shooting seems a natural fit
victories. The two teams will play each other in the championship match Particularly the Warriors. with the Rockets, especially with the open looks Harden and close friend by the reaction when Hurts
Wednesday night. “I think as far as Golden State, if you gave me, Chris Paul should set up for him. caught a 7-yard pass from
Rapinoe has always been one of the most vocal players on the hey, you can take the field or you can bet Golden n TANKING TALK: New draft lottery odds debut this season. The Tagovailoa. Harris brought
team. She was among a chorus of voices that criticized FIFA in the teams with the three worst regular-season records will each have a 14 per- up that support without
run-up to the 2015 World Cup in Canada because the tournament was
State, I would bet Golden State,” ESPN analyst cent chance of winning the lottery, replacing the system that gave the team
played on artificial turf, which was considered a slight to the women, Jeff Van Gundy said. with the worst record a 25 percent chance of the top pick. The league hopes prompting.
so it’s understandable the 33-year-old national team vet would call out Most teams don’t begin until Wednesday, that will reduce some of the incentive to lose on purpose, but Commissioner “I appreciate looking
FIFA for more recent issues. and James’ first regular-season game with the Adam Silver has said there’s still work to do to completely eliminate tanking. and seeing how much our
FIFA has been criticized for scheduling the Women’s World Lakers doesn’t come until Thursday, when they n WHO WINS?: After a record four years of the same NBA Finals fan base supports him
Cup final on the same day as the men’s Copa America final and the matchup with Golden State and Cleveland, the NBA seems headed for
visit Portland. something new. The Warriors remain the class of the league, but Boston
and how much they’ve
CONCACAF Gold Cup final.
There have been calls for FIFA to use VAR, or Video Assistant Some things to know about the upcoming matches up with them better than the Cavaliers did, even with James. So embraced him through-
Referees, at the tournament in France. VAR was used at the men’s season: Golden State should win a third straight title, but not without a much tougher out this whole entire sit-
World Cup for the first time in Russia. n LEBRON, FOR STARTERS: James starts what could be a chal- fight than the last couple of seasons. uation,” the Tide tailback
Prize money has been an issue since 2015, when the U.S. wom- lenging first season with his new team by trying to snap a record winning “I do think in this league anything can happen so there’s some teams said after the Missouri
en’s team received $2 million for winning the World Cup, out of a pool streak. The Trail Blazers have won 17 consecutive home openers, a streak in the Western Conference, if clicking right, if healthy — injuries play a role
of $15 million. By comparison, the prize pool for the men’s World Cup in that began in October 2001 — two years before James made his NBA debut. not just for the Warriors but throughout this league — so that can play a part game.” I definitely want to
Russia was $400 million. n STILL THE SPURS?: San Antonio usually enters the season as a in it,” former Warriors coach Mark Jackson said. “But the Warriors are the say thanks to our fans for
— From Staff and Wire Reports sure thing, but the Spurs this time are a question mark. Decimated by in- clear-cut favorite.” the way they support him.”
4B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 The Dispatch •

LSU prepares for physical challenge vs. MSU
By BRYAN LAZARE career-rushing leader. The Tigers were reminded two
The Associated Press Following an off week, the Ti- weeks ago what can happen when
gers will then attempt to stop Tua they lose at the line of scrimmage.
BATON ROUGE, La. — The Tagovailoa and top-ranked Ala- Florida rushed for 215 yards in
LSU football team’s defense is get- bama on Nov. 3. Tagovailoa, who handing LSU its only defeat of the
ting mentally prepared for the phys- has yet to play a complete game this season, 27-19. The Tigers turned
ical challenges ahead of it. season, has passed for 1,760 yards the tables on Georgia, holding Bull-
Yes, the fifth-ranked Tigers and 21 touchdowns — and no inter- dogs to 113 yards on the ground in
were able to celebrate shutting ceptions. a dominating 36-16 victory.
down then-No. 2 Georgia. But now Right now, LSU’s focus isn’t on “I would not say we were em-
LSU will be tested by in its next two Alabama. Mississippi State is re- barrassed against Florida,” defen-
games by teams with quarterbacks ceiving all of the Tigers’ attention. sive end Breiden Fehoko said. “It
who have dominated opponents Last season, MSU hammered LSU was that we were disappointed in
with different strengths. 37-7 in Starkville. the way we played. We know what
On Saturday, The Tigers will be “We still have that taste in our we are capable of doing. Last week
challenged by Mississippi State’s Yesterday’sANSWER
Nick Fitzgerald, who is the South-
mouth from last year,” LSU coach Ed
Orgeron said. “They out-physicaled
against Florida, we got beat in the
trenches. Florida won the game on Sudoku
7 4 2 5 9 1 8 6 3
eastern Conference quarterback us on both sides of the football.” both sides of the ball.” Sudoku is a number-
Sudoku is a number- 4 7 9
placing puzzle based on 5 1 8 6 3 2

2018 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 grid with several 9 6 3 4 8 7 2 5 1
a 9x9 grid with several
given numbers. The object
given numbers. The object
is to place the numbers
2 3 9 7 1 6 5 4 8
Continued from Page 1B is to place the numbers 6 8 7 9 5 4 1 3 2
1 to 9 in the empty spaces
1 to 9 in the empty spaces
the hands of his best play- more than wide receiver Louisville to take on the defenses likely will key on so that each row, each 4 5 1 8 2 3 7 9 6
so that each row, each
ers as much as possible. because the ball is in his Wildcats to advance to Pruitt when he is on the column and each 3x3 box
column and each 3x3 box 8 7 5 1 6 9 3 2 4
It’s hard to dispute the hands all of the time. the Class 4A State title contains the same number
field or under center. contains the same number 1 2 6 3 4 5 9 8 7
immediate results Pruitt Still, though, Pruitt game. only once. The difficulty
Pruitt said he won’t get only once. The difficulty
level increases from
delivered Friday night. said he didn’t want to Shorter admitted he level increases from 3 9 4 2 7 8 6 1 5
on his teammates every Monday to Sunday.
Pruitt, a Mississippi come across as selfish, was a little “disappoint-
Difficulty Level 10/15
Monday to Sunday.
play, but he will hold his
State commitment, had which is why he wants ed” Pruitt didn’t touch the
teammates accountable.
12 carries for 123 yards. to help rally everyone football more in the game
He also caught a 60-yard behind him. He said his against Louisville. He He said remembers what
touchdown pass from teammates did their jobs said the package Pruitt former West Point High
White as part of a 62-27 and were blocking on the ran last season already School standout Marcus
victory against Kosciusko. edge and up front to send was in place and he decid- Murphy, former Starkville
For his accomplish- the Tigers to their highest ed to go with it against the High standout Willie Gay,
ments, Pruitt is The Dis- scoring game dating back Whippets. and former Clinton High
patch’s Prep Player of the through at least the 1994 “Everybody was do- standout Cam Akers did
Week. season. ing their job. They were at quarterback for their
“I just felt like that was “With my energy, I am blocking, catching, and teams. Pruitt said he can
the best way I could help always trying to pick ev- having fun,” Shorter said. do the same things and
the team win at that time,” erybody up,” Pruitt said. “For him to come back keep defenses honest by
Pruitt said. “I just feel like “I am one of the leaders and to do what he did at
throwing the ball, too.
with the ball in my hands on this team, so when we the quarterback position
He said he welcomes that
we always have a chance are going good, every- is just a plus for us. When
to win.” thing is going good and you have a game-breaker pressure and never con-
Pruitt said a move to everybody wants to block like that, you have to put templated not speaking
quarterback has been on better, catch better, snap the ball in his hands.” up coming off an injury.
his mind for a while. He better. When we are win- Noxubee County has “It is bigger than foot-
said he played quarter- ning, there are no prob- regular-season games ball,” Pruitt said. “I under-
back a little last season in lems, so I just hope when remaining against Leake stand some of the guys
the team’s victory against I am back there we are Central and New Hope I am playing probably
East Central in the Mis- always winning so we can to help Pruitt grow more won’t play football after
sissippi High School keep it going.” comfortable in his dual this year, so I want them
Activities Association The win helped Nox- role. Shorter believes to go out with a bang and
(MHSAA) Class 4A State ubee County (4-5, 1-1 forcing opponents to them to have memories of
title game. Pruitt said he Region 4) erase some of game plan for another
us giving it our all and try-
always has “played” with the sting from the loss to wrinkle will take the
the coaches and joked Louisville, which ended pressure off players like ing to make it. I also want
that he needs to play the program’s 30-game White and senior running to help Noxubee County
quarterback. But he said winning streak in the re- back Ja’Qualyn Smith. keep the tradition going.”
he liked taking charge of gion. It also means there He feels it also will open Follow Dispatch sports
the team and that he en- is a possibility the Tigers opportunities for other editor Adam Minichino on
joyed playing quarterback would have to return to players and looks because Twitter @ctsportseditor

Continued from Page 1B
Coming out of Dillard High, Al- blocked shots per game last season. the Mize Pavilion entrance, and the
len was ranked 77th nationally by White appeared in all three clear bag policy and walk-through
ESPN and Collegiate Girls Report, games in MSU’s overseas trip. metal detector security screening
No. 60 by Blue Star Basketball, and She averaged 3.3 points and 4.0 re- policies will be in place.
66th by All-Star Girls Report. She bounds in 7.3 minutes per game. Schaefer’s squad will divide into
was nominated to be a McDonald’s Allen is the fourth player to trans- teams and challenge each other
All-American. fer from MSU in the past two sea- before coming together to take on
Last week, freshman Daphane sons. Prior to the 2017-18 season, the men’s practice squad in the two- ACROSS
White, a 6-5 post player from Ocean forward Ameshya Williams left the hour event. 1 Deep cut
Springs (St. Martin High) left the program. Following a program-re- MSU will play host to NCAA Divi- 5 Temple scroll
program to transfer to Mississippi cord 37-win season, forward Jonika sion II national champion Central Mis- 10 Inventor Howe
Gulf Coast Community College in Garvin left the program to transfer souri in an exhibition game at 6 p.m. 12 Stand
Perkinston. Schaefer declined to to Palm Beach Atlantic. Friday, Nov. 2, at Humphrey Coliseum. 13 Fix
comment on White’s decision to n In related news, MSU will hold It will open the season against South- 15 Roadhouse
leave MSU. its annual Maroon-White Scrim- east Missouri State at 7 p.m. Tuesday, 16 2016 Olympics
White, a five-star prospect and mage at 6 p.m. Tuesday Oct. 23, at The Hump Nov. 6, at the Hump. host
the No. 45 player in the Class of Humphrey Coliseum. Follow Dispatch sports editor 17 Up to, briefly
2018 according to espnW, averaged Admission is free. Doors will open Adam Minichino on Twitter @ 18 Brewing item
25.8 points, 14.7 rebounds, and 5.7 at 5:30 p.m. Fans can enter through ctsportseditor 20 Naked

Miss. Delta
21 Sleepy mammal
22 Previously
Continued from Page 1B 23 Well-dressed
25 Forbidden
of young players on this come in here, work hard, on to move the sticks. prove.” 28 Very thin
team, but a great attitude. and hope for the best. “This chance is what Karriem and Jackson 31 Rams’ mates
It was just a matter of From the beginning, I you make of it,” Jackson had a point to prove when 3 Wave or wink 27 Snoopy, for one
32 Made money 4 Derisive cry 29 Concert bonus
time before we put things knew we had some tal- said. “The coaches have they signed their scholar- 34 Teachers’ org.
5 Folded food 30 Rest
together. Even in the loss- ented players. (Jackson) been great. They believed ships. 35 Ready to go6 Hockey’s Bobby 33 Valleys
es early, you saw a team and I talked about it after in the both of us. Our job “We just wanted to be 36 1040 filer’s asst.
7 Lassos 35 Terminate
getting better each week. the first week of practice. was to come in and make in that group that helped 37 Some adult 8 Have hopes 38 Garden tool
I just had been waiting for It’s like we have too many an impact.” turn this thing around,” education 9 Was an obedient 39 Scorching
that big breakthrough.” good players to lose a lot Jackson has rushed for Karriem said. “I know 40 Dome-shapeddog
Karriem and Patrick of games.” 411 yards and four touch- those are big expecta- home 11 Layers
Jackson, his fellow former Karriem said his final downs as the Trojans’ tions. As an athlete, you 41 Neigh sayer14 Acts the tourist
Columbus High School season at Columbus High primary ball carrier. His always believe you can 42 Flock members
19 Worker’s reward
teammate, have made ma- gave him a new outlook first 100-yard game (128 do anything. After some 43 Golf pegs 20 Store patron
jor contributions on one on football. After playing yards) came against ICC. early practices, I felt a 24 Fix a roof
of the best MDCC teams a pair of seasons on Mis- Karriem has 21 tackles, lot better in that predic- DOWN 25 Court sport
1 “Understand?” 26 “Anchors —”
this decade. sissippi High School Ac- two sacks, and a forced tion. With so many fresh-
2 Flared dresses
MDCC improved to tivities Association (MH- fumble. men, the buy-in has been
3-4 and 3-2 in the MAC- SAA) Class 6A playoff “After the first couple strong.”
JC North Division with teams, Karriem and Jack- of games, it all became MDCC has a chance to
a 34-28 victory against son saw Columbus finish human nature, you just continue winning. It plays
Itawamba C.C. on Satur- 2-9 in coach Randal Mont- have to realize you belong Saturday at Holmes C.C.
day on Homecoming in gomery’s final season. in this league,” Karriem (3-4) this week and closes
Moorhead. The winning “Just learned a lot said. “Once you figure the season against Pearl
streak includes victories about adversity,” Kar- that out, it all becomes River C.C. (0-7) at home.
against Coahoma C.C. riem said. “I think that natural. Each week, you If MDCC beats Holmes
(27-26) and Northeast kind of put me in the right are going against some C.C. and ICC beats North-
Mississippi C.C. (41-11). mind-set for coming here. great offensive players. west Mississippi C.C. the
It is the program’s longest Football was still fun and Some of these players following week, it also
in more than 10 seasons. (losing games) had not have played (NCAA Divi- would be in the tiebreak-
The Trojans had lost 21 broken me. This was a sion I) ball at big schools. er discussion for a playoff
straight games before the chance at a new start. The Now, it’s your job to go berth.
resurgence. goal was to come in and against them. “A winning season
“This team only has make plays and try to help “In (high school) Class would be unreal,” Kar-
10 or 11 sophomores on the team win.” 6A ball, you go against riem said. “Then we can
it (out of 55 total play- Jackson struggled to some premier players. come back as sophomores
ers),” Karriem said. “I gain his footing as Co- The only difference here and show the younger
think that is the biggest lumbus’ leading rusher in is there are so many more guys the way of doing
advantage we had. Most his final prep season. The of them. You can’t take things around here.”
of these players had not move to junior college ball any player lightly, any Follow Dispatch sports
been around here for all has given Jackson anoth- team lightly. Everybody writer Scott Walters on WHATZIT
of that losing, so it was er chance to be counted out here has a point to Twitter @dispatchscott Log cabin
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 5B

Continued from Page 1B
“I think a thing a lot of top- Moorhead said. cluding 27 in two road games. ter a couple of practices that prospects to play against LSU,
notch defensive coordinators MSU is averaging 3.25 penal- focused on special teams, tech- but now he is more optimistic.
across the country like Dave ties per home game and 13.5 nique, and developing young- Safety Stephen Adegoke (low-
Aranda, in a scheme like his,
Sweat named Sporting News per road game. er players, the coaches hit the er body), defensive back Brian
they understand how the of- Midseason All-American “Pre-snap penalties are the road recruiting. Cole (upper body), and wide re-
fense is trying to attack them Defensive end Montez Sweat biggest focus there. I think “We visited 108 schools and ceiver Keith Mixon (ankle) are
and why and (they) work to take was named Monday to Sporting we’ve got that good and cleaned 20 games over nine states,” day to day.
those things away,” Moorhead News’ midseason All-American up the past few weeks,” Moor- Moorhead said. “The recruit- Of Mixon, Moorhead said
said. “They know based on how team. head said. “With the crowd ing staff did a good job putting he is “completely optimistic
people run how they’re going to Sweat, the SEC leader in noise, the atmosphere and the a plan together, got all of us out that he’ll be ready to go for the
attack them and they have coun- sacks a year ago and a candi- snap count, that’s certainly there, saw a lot of grate players, game.”
terpunches. It’s a combination date for virtually every nation- something we’re going to be a lot of great football in-state,
of aggressiveness, scheme, and al defensive player of the year mindful of. in our footprint, and in our na-
in-game adjustments, which he award this season, has seven- “I think we’ve got the post- tional areas. We’re real fired up
Another night game
does a really nice job of.” and-a-half sacks in six games snap nonsense addressed and For the fifth-straight time
about that from the recruiting
Moorhead cautions against and is tied for the SEC lead. cleaned up.” this season, MSU will have a
using the film from MSU’s 37-7 Of Sweat’s 24 tackles, 10 home game at night.
victory last season in Starkville have been for lost yardage, Open week accomplishments Injury update On Monday, the SEC an-
too much. which is second in the SEC and MSU’s week without a game nounced MSU will play host to
MSU doesn’t have any play-
“We always look at the per- tied for 19th nationally. began Sunday with a practice ers it knows won’t play its next Texas A&M at 6 p.m. Saturday,
sonnel matchups and things designed to correct mistakes game. Oct. 27 (ESPN).
like that, but you take it all with Penalties away from home from the previous game. A reg- In the open week, Moor- Follow Dispatch sports
a grain of salt because it’s a dif- No. 22 MSU (4-2, 1-2 SEC) ular off day for players Monday head was cautiously optimistic writer Brett Hudson on Twitter
ferent year and different team,” has committed 40 penalties, in- was spent on self-scouting. Af- about cornerback Jamal Peters’ @Brett_Hudson

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: if I should kick full time and go to college
I have been him to the curb. full time. I take care of the
dating my Advice? — MAT- cooking and cleaning around
boyfriend just TER OF SPACE IN the house. She has gained
over a year. We FLORIDA a tremendous amount of
live and work DEAR MAT- weight, and I am no longer
together, which TER OF SPACE: physically attracted to her.
I enjoy. He, on A man whose I’m also beginning to feel like
the other hand, idea of a good her illnesses are an excuse
expressed from time is going to take advantage of me. If I
day one that all out drinking with hear, “You promised to love
he asks for out of his buddies to me ‘in sickness and in health”’
our relationship the point that one more time, I’ll explode.
ZITS is “space.” I’m he can’t make it I feel trapped and I want to
fine with that, but home isn’t ready run. What do I do? — FEELING
now it seems he for an exclusive DOWN IN DELAWARE
needs more and relationship. DEAR FEELING DOWN: You
more space. (An
Dear Abby While I don’t are carrying a heavy load. But
example: Spend- advise “kicking as tempting as it may seem,
ing nights at friends’ because him to the curb,” if your idea running away won’t make
they go out drinking on the of a satisfying relationship is your problems disappear. You
weekends.) spending weekends enjoying have a child who needs you
I have told him I think it’s each other’s company, tell and a wife who is legitimately
selfish because weekends are him you need more than he’s sick. It’s time to explore what
the only free time both of us prepared to give you and it services may be available to
have together. And lately, it would be better if one of you you and your family through
has become a few weekends moved out. the military. A good place to
out of the month. My friends DEAR ABBY: My wife has start would be www.military-
GARFIELD and family think it’s bordering fibromyalgia and Behcet’s It is a 24/7
on inappropriate because disease, an autoimmune disor- support resource for the
when you’re in a relationship, der. We also have a 5-year-old military community that offers,
you want to spend time with daughter with special needs. among other things, face-to-
the person you love. My wife constantly complains face non-medical counseling.
I’m at a crossroads. Part about how much pain she’s Dear Abby is written by
of me understands where he’s in as she spends most of her Abigail Van Buren, also known
coming from; another part days smoking and playing on as Jeanne Phillips, and was
of me thinks it’s a cop-out. her phone. She refuses to ex- founded by her mother, Pauline
I’m wondering if I should put ercise and flits from doctor to Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
up with it for now until we doctor trying different pills and at or P.O.
find separate jobs (if that will homeopathic remedies. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
even solve the problem) or I’m in the military. I work 90069.


TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. It turns out that a few of your response will be correct. Set
16). You’ll gain greater control tangents were unnecessary, limits.
over your own mental state this but no regrets. Your story is LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
solar return and often be able to better for journey, even though, lion heart will lead you around
change it to suit the opportunity as Glinda the Good Witch once today. You’ll give generously of
at hand. Other exciting events said, “You’ve always had the yourself. Also notable is your ac-
include attending a party that power.” cess to excellent teachers. Take
will be legendary, the cele- GEMINI (May 21-June 21). advantage of the opportunity
bration of your growing family When everyone does the as- to learn.
and being entrusted with an signed job, things go smoothly. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
honorable responsibility. Aries The trouble occurs when jobs Explore the nature of a problem,
BABY BLUES and Aquarius adore you. Your haven’t been assigned. Who goal or objective. Analyze
lucky numbers are: 5, 50, 14, isn’t working and could be a what has been tried, what
20 and 11. great asset to the cause? Put worked and what didn’t. Take a
ARIES (March 21-April 19). everyone to work. straight-forward, scientific ap-
Melodramatic people will avoid CANCER (June 22-July proach to making things better
you (they thrive on theatrics and 22). While you’d love to help and you’ll succeed.
therefore don’t want problems everyone who asks, some of LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
to end), freeing your time for the requests you’ll get are out When you concern yourself with
maximum positive productivity. of your jurisdiction or just don’t getting to higher levels of rap-
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). feel right to you. Your intuitive port and trust with the people
around you, you’ll skip over a lot
of other kinds of problems that
could arise to engage with what
really matters.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). You have a holistic view
that allows you to see the
entirety of people to whatever
extent is actually possible.
You’ll be appreciated for your
clear, honest feedback.
21). You’re sensitive to a wide
range of social styles, and you
will match your approach ac-
cordingly as a gesture of good-
will. This also happens to be an
excellent way to build rapport
that will serve you well later.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
MALLARD FILLMORE 19). Don’t get snared into the
myth of confidence. Any fool
can be confident, and many are,
while the wiser and smarter
may be riddled with doubt. Take
confidence out of the equation.
Strive to do what’s right.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). People will support what
they create, not necessarily
what they are paid to support,
and of course not what’s been
forced upon them. Co-creations
will be much easier to float than
solitary plans.
20). To form the bonds of
loyalty, humans need to connect
on many levels including the
emotional, intellectual and phys-
ical. Usually that is complicated,
but today it will seem to happen
naturally and effortlessly.

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more, Executor Golden Triangle Area!! lic and be able to multi- A/C. Skirting, delivery,
Call 662.343.8386 or task. Work week is resume to 662-492- 662-352-4776. set-up & tie down in-
PUBLISH: 10/16, 662.813.3672. 4490 or email to Lost & Found Pets 5160
Tuesday through Sat- DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA, cluded. Only $37,900.
10/23, & 10/30/2018 jm.sitemasters

Serious Inquiries Only, LOCAL, FAST-paced, pro- urday. Competitive pay, Columbus Home Center
Please!! CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
fessional company is according to work exper- historic district, 1 block 662-570-1375
looking for a Bookkeep- ience. Background and from downtown, $625/
Booze Legal Notices 0020 General Services 1360 ing Assistant to help in drug testing required. THE MARVEL

I, Ledrico Isaac,
of Yo' Bar, LLC
handling day-to-day ac-
counting and finance
Send resume to
Blind Box 658 c/o The
Commercial Dispatch
Antiques 4060
mo. + $625 dep. NO
PETS. 662-574-8789.
Peaceful & Quiet area.
In 4BR/2BA, Central A/C.
Skirting, delivery, set-up
& tie down incl.
$25 per hour PO Box 511 buffet & china cabinet. Only $51,900.
intend to make Excellent condition. FIRST FULL MONTH Columbus Home Center
Chords, Scales, Modes Responsibilities include Columbus, MS 39703
$500. 662-605-0187. RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- 662-570-1375
application for & more! Call Jimbo @
Posting daily receipts Noweta's Green Thumb room Apts/Townhomes.
On-Premise Re- If no answer leave
and electronic funds
transfers, processing
is accepting applica-
tions for 2 positions:
Stove & refrigerator.
$335-$600 Monthly.
Bargain Column 4180 4BR/2BA, Central A/C.
tailer permit. voicemail or text. credit card payments, delivery personnel & Credit check & deposit. Skirting, delivery, set-up
RETAINER WALL, drive- reconciling bank state- general help. Driver Coleman Realty, & tie down included.
ments and credit card OLD SCHOOL desk,
must know the area & LOST GERMAN Shep- 662-329-2323.
As provided by way, foundation, con-
crete, masonry restora- statements as well as have good driving his-
$50. Small bath bench,
herd female, IdlewildRd. Houses For Rent: South 7140 Only $59,900.
Columbus Home Center
$25. Twenty watches,
the Local Option tion, remodeling, base- filing and processing Tan (red)/ black color-
tory. Apply in person @ good shape, need bat- 662-570-1375
outgoing mail. 1325 Main St. ing w/ black face, Red 3BR HOUSE for rent.
Alcoholic Bever- ment foundation, re-
M-F, 3-5 & SAT, 9-1.
teries, $25. 662-327-
collar! Side shaved rec. 2006 4th Ave. S.
age Control pairs, small dump truck
Required Skills include No phone calls.
5480, leave msg.
662-386-0773 any info! RENTALS $550/mo.+550/dep.
hauling (5-6 yd) load & TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS 662-889-4864 or
Laws, Section demolition/lot cleaning. accounts payable and PRICE PEST CONTROL 662-242-7627. If no
receivable, general
Burr Masonry is looking to hire a New 1 BEDROOM
67-1-1, et seq. 662-242-0259. ledger and balance Technician ASAP. Must OLD SCHOOL sewing
REWARD OFFERED. Blk answer leave message.
It’s a classified
of the Missis- sheet working know- have good social skills machine, $100. 662-
lab mixed male w/ blue 2 BEDROOMS
sippi Code of WORK WANTED: ledge; experience with and be self motivated. 327-5480, leave msg.
collar. Missing from
Bale Rd., Caledonia 3 BEDROOMS Houses For Rent: Caledonia rule-of-thumb:
Licensed & Bonded-car- data entry, record keep- No exp. req. Benefits 7160
1972, Annot- pentry, painting, & de- ing and computer opera- available. Serious in- since last Wed. Very
skiddish. 364-0188. LEASE,
We tell readers
© The Dispatch

molition. Landscaping, tions

ated. If granted quiries. Call Brad Price Farm Equipment & Supplies 3BR/2BA, 811 Main St.
what they need
such permit, I or
gutters cleaned, bush
hogging, clean-up work, Must be proficient with
@ 662-251-6463. 4420 DEPOSIT CH/A, appl incl. $850/
Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 mo + $850 dep w/ 1
We propose to pressure washing, mov- Microsoft Excel, have
good customer rela- 2016 JOHN Deere AND year lease. No pets. to know to buy
ing help & furniture FOX RUN COMPANY LLC
operate as a repair. 662-242-3608 tions skills and ability to 5100E Tractor, 210
1 & 2 BR near hospital. CREDIT CHECK 662-329-2917 or
662-574-9708. what they
Limited Liability multi task. Let your hours. $46,500.
$550-600/mo. Military
Company under
Lawn Care / Landscaping
Competitive salary, re-
fingers do the
Also, 2016 15ft
Kubota Bush hog avail. discount offered, pet
662-329-2323 need.
1470 205-329-1790. area, pet friendly, and Houses For Rent: Other 7180
the trade name tirement and health- walking. furnished corporate
care benefits available. TWO PROPERTIES, COL:
of Yo' Bar, LLC JESSE & BEVERLY'S Find your apartments available.
2411 HWY 45 N 2BR/1BA, 7th St.S. @
located at 1920- ing, cleanup, landscap- Please forward your re- dream job in Firewood / Fuel 4450 SITE MAINTENANCE. ON COLUMBUS, MS 15th Ave.S. $500/mo.
ing, sodding, & tree cut- sume to Accounting Di- $500 dep. Nice home, Wanted To Buy 8850
2 Highway 45 vision, P.O. Box 7648, the classifieds! FIREWOOD FOR Sale.
quiet area. WD hookup.
ting. 356-6525. HOUR CAMERA SUR-
North, Colum- Columbus, MS 39705 Various lengths.
VEILLANCE. Benji @ Commercial Property For 2BR/1BA, 12th Ave.N. FORD 3910, 3930,
662-295-2274 4630 or 5030 diesel.
bus, Lowndes TERRA CARE
Landscaping L.L.C.
662-386-4446 Rent 7100 @ 15th St.N. $575/mo.
$575 dep. Nice home, Must be rock solid &
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm.
County. Phone: 662-549-1878 General Help Wanted 3200 Auctions 4120 Sat/Sun by appt only. COMMERCIAL PROPER- quiet area. WD hookup. still looking good. 662-
Landscaping, Property 713-291-0996. 328-5248. Lv msg &
Clean Up, Plant Care, CONSTRUCTION FORE- phone # if I am out.
The name(s), Bush Hogging, MAN: 10 years heavy Spaces starting @
1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- $285/mo. Downtown &
title(s), and ad- Herbicide Spraying field experience, med.
to large earthwork,
ments & townhouses. East Columbus loca- 2BR/1BA, office, new Auto Access Parts 9050
Call for more info. appliances, washer &
dress(es) of the Painting & Papering 1620 water, sewer, storm 662-328-8254.
tions. 662-435-4188.
dryer, 2 car garage, FLOORMATS FOR Toyota
owner(s)/part- drain and asphalt pav- OFFICE SPACE: 2,000 storage, deck, no pets. Camry, Two sets. Both
SULLIVAN'S PAINT ing projects - local. Re- App., ref., & lease reqd. for the 2015-2017
ner(s)/corporate SERVICE sponsible for site super- 1BR UPSTAIRS Apt.
square feet. 294
Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- Close to Columbus, Camry. $100. Cash
officer(s) and/or Certified in lead vision, manage cost, $450/mth rent & dep ing terms. Available Starkville, & West Point. only! 662-570-4341. If
removal. Offering spe- capable of getting top req. Convenient to town now. 662-328-8254. no answer, leave msg.
majority stock- cial prices on interior & production and perform- & CAFB. No hud. No
Water, garbage, & lawn
maintenance included.
holder(s)/mem- exterior painting, pres- ance from site person- pets. 662-328-2340. Houses For Rent: Northside $600/mo. $500 dep. Autos For Sale 9150
ber(s)/trustee of sure washing & sheet nel, and take a project
rock repairs. from start up through 7110 662-242-2923.
2002 VOLVO S80 T6, 4
the above Apts For Rent: South 7040
Free Estimates completion meeting 1706 RIDGE Rd. Like door sedan. Good AC,
named busi- Call 435-6528 deadlines. Fax resume DOWNTOWN 1BR - This new, 3BR/2BA. New ap- STEENS: QUIET Living, Michelin radials.
to 662-492-4490 or custom home, big mas- $3950. 662-889-8914.
ness are: Stump Removal 1790 email to jm.sitemasters
large 1 bedroom apart-
ment has been recently
pl, 22 ac w/ pond,
ter BR, 1 reg. BR, 1 big
woods & wildlife. Close renovated. It features to CAFB. $1100/mo or BA, walk in closet,
Ledrico Isaac, great natural light, hard- possible Rent to Own. CH&A, 20x20 covered
wood floors, tall ceil- patio, 2 car garage,
Military discount avail-
Owner CONTRACTOR SEEKING ings and access to a able. 662-418-8077. 20x30 bonus room, Ap-
2305 Bitter- experienced carpenter shared laundry room. pls Furnished. $750/
mo + $600 damage
with lots of experience. $750 rent and $750 de- 2BR COTTAGE on Hwy 2015 CHEVROLET Equi-
sweet Dr. Apt. 7 Please call: posit. Utilities included. 45 N. 3 miles South of dep. New Hope School nox, tan, 1 owner, 89k
Columbus, MS 662-570-9464 for info. No pets please. Call CAFB. No pets. No HUD. District. 662-574-9472. mi, mostly highway.
39705 ALLSTUMP GRINDING Peter, 662-574-1561. Call 662-549-0149. Bluetooth, backup cam-
SERVICE era, cloth seats, 25.8
GET 'ER DONE! Electricians & Helpers Apts For Rent: Other 7080 MPG average of life of
If any person We can grind all your needed in Golden Tri- vehicle. Clean & excel-
stumps. Hard to reach angle area for multiple lent condition.
wishes to re- places, blown over projects. Competitive Asking $13,495.
quest a hearing roots, hillsides, back- pay, health insurance & 662-574-7481.
yards, pastures. Free retirement benefits.
to object to the estimates. You find it, Apply on line at
Campers & RVs 9300
in Hamilton. Direct ac-
issuance of this we'll grind it! cess to the TENN-TOM.
permit a re- 662-361-8379 or call 601-626-0200. Community boat ramp. TOMBIGBEE RV Park,
quest for a hear- Large deck overlooking located on Wilkins Wise
General Help Wanted 3200 water. Updated home Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
ing must be 1200 sqft. CH/A. Hookups available.
made in writing $650/mo + $650 dep. $300/mo. 662-328-
Call 662-425-0250 for 8655 or 662-574-7879.
and received by more info.
the Department Five Questions:
of Revenue with- Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
in (15) fifteen
days from the
125 BECK Dr.
Located off Old 82 E. 1 Massachu-
first date this no- 1.5BR/1BA. $450/mo.
$450 dep. No pets. No setts
tice was pub- HUD. 662-574-7614.
RENT A fully equipped 2 Hearts
Requests shall camper w/utilities &
cable from $145/wk -
be sent to: $535/month. Colum-
bus & County School 3 Sunday
locations. 662-242-
Chief Council, 7653 or 601-940-1397.
Legal Division
Department of Rooms For Rent 7450
4 Ken Griffey
Revenue WEST POINT: 1 Room,
Sr. and Ken
P.O. Box 2282 $450/mo. Studio Apt, Griffey Jr.
Jackson, MS $575/mo. Both com-
pletely furnished w/
39225 furn, appl, utils & cable.
662-295-4701. 5 Bear

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