NRC Annual Report - 2007

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Annual Report

Calendar 2007


As a follow up to the The “Handbook on NRC Exit Handbook was published,
influx of Somali refugees Housing and Prop- and became an important tool for
to Kenya due to flooding erty Restitution for countries phasing out.
and escalated conflict, a Refugees and Dis-
multi-sector technical placed Persons:
assessment was under- Implementing the
taken in Dadaab refugee Pinheiro Principles”
camps in Kenya. With was published. The
support from UNHCR, Part
Part of
of NRC
NRC team
team in
in Nepal.
Nepal. Photo: NRC handbook was the
NRC decided to start up result of a collabo-
an extensive shelter pro- rative effort between
gramme in the camps FEBRUARY the UN and NRC/
inhabited mostly by IDMC.
An agreement was signed with the
refugees from South
Nepalese authorities, and NRC could
Central Somalia.
launch its ICLA programme in several
districts in Nepal.
An assessment to Central African Republic
this month resulted in the establishment
of a new NRC programme, focusing on
emergency education and protection issues.
NRC opened field office in Mogadishu,
South Central Somalia.


Programme coordi­ NRC initiated negotiations with authorities NRC made an agreement with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign
nators and controllers in Damascus, Syria, regarding support to Affairs to administer a new standby force for peace mediation.
from the NRC Head Iraqi refugees. The standby force is comprised of a group of peace mediation
Office participated in a A team of NRC shelter trainers held two experts and will be administered by NRC and be at the disposal
USAID Workshop in workshops in Somalia. As members of the of the UN. The group will cover various subject areas including
Brighton, U.K. global Emergency Shelter Cluster, NRC security issues, transitional justice and human rights, via consti-
has taken on the responsibility for developing tutions and formulating peace agreements, to the distribution of
field training modules on cluster coordination wealth and sharing of power.
and shelter solutions. The events gathered Members of NORSTAFF with education background were
25 - 30 local actors, including international trained on recent developments within the field of Education in
and local NGOs, local authorities and Emergencies.
UN bodies. A Global Camp Management Workshop was conducted in Gulu,
Northern Uganda.

Photo: Patrik Ekløf

In response to the escalating IDP crisis, NRC launched a
Camp Management Programme in North Kivu, DR Congo,
including four camps west of Goma.
NRC Country Directors attended a global seminar in Istanbul,
discussing, among other topics, a revision of the Emergency
Food Security and Distribution Policy.
NRC started its camp management capacity building project
in Somali refugee camps in Kenya (Dadaab).
Refugee ambassador Liv Arnesen visited NRC’s activities in
Kenya and Burundi to learn about NRC’s field activities.
Liv Arnesen visiting Kenya The Secretary General of NRC visited DR Congo and Burundi
Photo: NRC together with the other SGs of the five big Norwegian NGOs.
NRC responded to the massive displacement
in the Eastern parts of DR Congo.


The Norwegian Minister
of Development, Erik
Solheim, visited Ivory
Coast and Liberia,
including NRC’s
activities in Liberia.
On the World Refugee
Day, 20 June, a hand­
over ceremony was
organised for 52 families
in the Lachin district of
Azerbaijan. The families
NRC Country Directors seminar at Hadeland. Photo: Astrid Sehl had spent up to 15 years
in dilapidated hostel
rooms with shared facili-
MAY ties, and were now given
The semi-annual NRC Country Director Seminar was held the privacy of their own
at Hadeland, Norway. Distribution of NFIs (non-food dwellings.
items) was undertaken by NRC in Mogadishu.
Liv Arnesen and Pål Anders Ullevålseter
were appointed NRC ambassadors on the
world Refugee Day, 20. June. Photo: NRC

A ceremony was arranged in Luanda to mark the official closing of NRC’s
NRC Azerbaijan Editor-in-chief: Elisabeth Rasmusson
Angola programme. Editor: Linda Våge
officially closed its
The Norwegian Crown Prince visited shelters built by NRC on his visit to Publisher: The Norwegian Refugee Council
activities targeting
Burundi. PO Box 6758
IDPs in the country St. Olavs Plass
NRC was a co-facilitator in a capacity building workshop for trainers
for more than a 0130 Oslo
from English-speaking African countries on the INEE Minimum Standards Tel: 23 10 98 00
decade. Fax: 23 10 98 01
for Education in Emergencies.
On 10 December, E-mail:
NRC took part in discussions with UNICEF in New York on the
NRC’s Camp Man- Internet:
implementation of the Cluster Approach to Education in Emergencies.
agement team and Cover picture: Sujeewa de Silva
NRC sent an assessment team to Chad. Howard&Gotschalksen ­Oversetterservice
hundreds of young Design and layout: Cox Oslo
boys and girls from ©The Norwegian Refugee Council
Amida camp in
Editing completed: July 2008
northern Uganda
celebrated the
Human Rights Day.

Calendar › 2 Europe › 13 Sources of Income › 24
Secretary General’s Note › 4 NRC Brussels › 14 Annual Report for 2007 › 28
Programme › 6 NRC Geneva › 14 Accounts › 34
Africa › 8 Advocacy and Information › 16 Notes › 37
South America › 10 Strategic Management Support › 19 Auditor’s Report › 43
Asia › 11 Human Resources › 20
The Middle East › 12 Emergency Standby Rosters › 22


XXXXXXX general

Elisabeth Rasmusson was heartily welcomed by the internally displaced people in DR Congo, who receive assistance from NRC.
photo: Patrik Ekløf

Most of the world’s refugees and internally At the start of 2007, more than 38 million process. It will require several years to
displaced persons are found in Africa and Asia, people were living as refugees in various rebuild northern Uganda after more
where they are refugees in poor neighbouring parts of the world. Of these, close to two than twenty years of war.
thirds were displaced within their own In 2007, NRC started its operations
countries or displaced in their own home country.
home countries. At the same time, the in the Central African Republic. The
Many have lost almost all their possessions, number of wars and major conflicts are humanitarian situation in this country
but have been able to maintain their dignity increasing. For the first time in many has been defined as one of the world’s
and self‑respect, and not least their hope that years, the number of refugees and dis­ forgotten crises. Investments in infra­
the crisis will one day be over, and that they placed persons has increased. structure and services have been deficient
can go back home. In NRC’s role as a humani‑ Humanitarian organisations often for many years, and a large proportion
find that providing help to people in of the population lives below the poverty
tarian organisation and active advocate it is
need is rendered difficult because we line. Over the last couple of years, the
essential to keep this in mind, and we are often are denied access to a humanitarian humanitarian situation has deteriorated
reminded of this when we are travelling in space, either because the authorities are as a consequence of armed struggle
NRC’s programme countries. Many situations obstructive, or because the security sit­ between insurgent groups. More than
can be painful to observe, but there are also uation is very unsatisfactory. Neverthe­ 200 000 of the country’s population of
glimmers of hope. NRC’s employees are making less, we can see that the effort is worth­ 4.3 million have become displaced, and
while. Many conflicts are settled, and more than 70 000 have fled to the
a formidable effort to help as many as possible,
humanitarian crises are solved. There­ neighbouring countries of Chad,
and many receive such help: new homes are fore, NRC engages not only in humani­ Cameroon and Sudan. NRC has
built, school tents are replaced by school tarian aid, we also act as the refugees’ launched an education programme in
buildings, and women receive free legal advocates towards governments, the UN, the north-eastern part of the country.
counselling. the European Union and other organi­ In the longer term, other activities to
sations. One example of our active protect the displaced population will
advocacy work has been Uganda, where also be initiated.
we now see that displaced persons have Throughout the last fifteen years,
been able to return home in the north, NRC has amassed a depth of experience
and NRC is present to assist in this in recruitment to the emergency stand­


secretary general

Mandate of the Norwegian

Refugee Council
The Norwegian Refugee Council
is to promote and protect the
rights of displaced people,
whether internally or outside
their own country, regardless
of race, religion, nationality
and political opinion. This is to
be done through independent,
fearless advocacy work, both
nationally and internationally,
by providing humani­tarian as-
sistance in emergency situations
and by strengthening UN or-
ganisations’ capacity to provide
and coordinate international
assistance and protection. The
Norwegian Refugee Council is
to have viable, sustainable solu-
tions as objective and guiding
principle for its advocacy work
and emergency relief efforts.

Joyful children in IDP camp in Sri Lanka. photo: Sujeewa de Silva

before, during and after they were driven

away from their homes. The new website
will provide a unique opportunity for
its readers to understand how conflicts
affect those who are directly involved
NRC’s internet shop, established in
the autumn of 2007, represents a further
new initiative. The shop was well visited
during the Christmas period, and will
be available year-round to socially
engaged people who wish to give support
to refugees. With an invitation to visit
these websites.
photo: kristin svorte
2007 was a year of high activity for
by forces. The latest addition to this explorer Liv Arnesen and motorcyclist the Norwegian Refugee Council. We
activity consists of a standby force for Pål Anders Ullevålseter. Both have a are well comfortable with the perform­
peace arbitration, the establishment of strong social engagement, and have ance of the organisation, but we will
which has been commissioned to NRC also proven that they can handle extreme never be satisfied as long there is a
by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign environments, as millions of refugees need for an organisation like NRC.
Affairs. Members of the force will be must do every day. Therefore are we still going to work
seconded to the UN, in the same manner In order to make the voice of the hard for the rights of the world’s refugees
that the other standby forces have refugees heard, NRC’s office in Geneva and internally displaced.
contri­buted to several UN organisations has launched a special website for people
for many years. who have become refugees. The website
NRC is very pleased to have been is called “IDP Voices”, and will function
able to recruit two refugee ambassadors as a platform where displaced persons Elisabeth Rasmusson
during the preceding year, Arctic can tell their own stories from the time Secretary General



Implementing five
core activities
Food Security and Distribution Building shelters and schools
Through its Food Security and Distri­ Refugees and IDPs need shelter during
bution core activity, NRC intends to their displacement. The Norwegian
protect and promote the right to ­Refugee Council assists in providing
­adequate food of refugees, internally shelter and protection from violence,
displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees, whether in a camp or other temporary
and thus to safeguard lives, preserve living quarters. However, it is equally
­nutritional status and contribute to important to provide long term solu­
­livelihoods and recovery. tions, supporting recovery and peace
NRC provides food to refugees, building after conflicts. A major part of
­internally displaced persons (IDPs) and our shelter programs are linked to per­
returnees. Distributions may cover manent housing for refugees and IDPs
100% of a person’s daily food require­ who often return to find their own
ment (2100 kcal/person/day) or less, homes destroyed or occupied.
­depending on the context. Food distri­ The Norwegian Refugee Council
bution may be general – everybody also takes responsibility for the building
­receives food, or targeted – the most and reconstruction of school buildings
vulnerable persons within the popu­ where they have been destroyed or
lation receive food. NRC food distribu­ where the existing schools do not have
tions are often implemented in partner­ the capacity to take on large groups of
ship with World Food Programme new students.  
(WFP). The Norwegian Refugee Council has
NRC also distributes different types implemented shelter projects for more
of non-food items according to the than 20 years in most of the major
needs of the beneficiaries: household conflict affected regions. In 2007 NRC their certificates.
kits (mattress, blanket, plastic sheeting, had about 80 shelter and school con­ National or generic educational
container), kitchen sets, hygiene kits, struction programs running in 17 of ­materials are used, adapted and devel­
clothes, etc. the 21 programme countries. The con­ oped as relevant. NRC has introduced
In order to promote education, struction activity constitutes about a number of education and training
alleviate short-term hunger and improve 50% of the operational budget of the models for rapid adaptation and imple­
cognitive learning, NRC provides food organisation. mentation where needed.
to schools and monitors Food for Good educational programmes
­Education programmes. These projects Education ­depend most of all on well prepared
are often implemented in partnership Because of wars, displacement and exile, trainers and teachers. Planning and
with WFP. millions of children and youth have lost training for an agreed programme are
NRC implements Food Security and out on their education. NRC has made conducted in cooperation with national
Livelihood projects that aim at pro­ this backlog of out-of-school individuals and/or local education officials.
moting self reliance and supporting a special target group hoping that they The education models used by NRC
durable solutions as soon as the situation will be able to enter or return to the are the Teacher Emergency Package
allows. NRC operations are geared school system, or to receive training that (TEP) for 9-12-year-olds, the Youth
towards food accessibility, availability will enable them to secure paid work ­Education Pack (YEP) for 14-18-year-
and utilisation. By supporting agri­ and a livelihood. olds, Accelerated Learning Programmes
cultural production and income gene­ Preparing to respond rapidly to (ALP) for over-age children, and Peer
ration, NRC aims at securing food ­edu­cational needs while ensuring that Education which trains young people to
needs of the ­people in the longer term. ­activities have a longer term perspective act as trainers for their peers.
Furthermore, NRC may consider and impact, NRC always works with
environ­mental ­conservation activities ­edu­cation authorities and communities. Management of ­
as natural ­resource degradation leads – Acceptance by Ministries of Education refugee- and IDP camps
among others – to food insecurity. and cooperation with regional and local Whilst camps do not provide durable
NRC also supports local organisa­ inspectors and other staff entails recog­ solutions to situations of displacement
tions with training and advises on food nition of educational programmes, and caused by conflict or natural disaster,
security and distribution. of teachers and learners receiving they are often the only refuge for com­


Building temporary shelters in Sri Lanka. photo: Sujeewa de Silva

munities who have been forced to flee and services within one camp. place to settle. ICLA provides them with
their homes and are seeking safety, The Camp Management Agency accurate and credible information to
­shelter and material assistance. ­actively promotes the participation of make such a decision. The ­focus is on
It is estimated that around a quarter camp residents in the daily activities of the conditions in their areas of origin,
of all displaced communities live in the camp; developing self-management resettlement or integration and on the
camps or camp-like settings. With a and effective governance through camp legal or other obstacles they might face.
wide range of stakeholders involved in committees, with the aim of reducing Refugees and IDPs face legal
the life of a camp, it is important that dependency and harnessing the skills ­obstruction, abuse, discrimination or
camps are managed effectively, as part and capacities of the women and men, ­simply lack of action by governments
of a comprehensive humanitarian relief girls and boys affected by displacement. that hinder return or local integration.
response. Camp management aims to Often they do not have access to pro­
ensure that gaps in assistance and pro­ Information, counselling tection mechanisms such as admini­
tection are identified, that standards are and legal assistance strative bodies, law enforcement officials
maintained, and that the fundamental NRC assists persons displaced due to or courts. Lack of access to housing and
human right to life with dignity is upheld conflict to achieve durable solutions and property, to legal identity, or discrimi­
for the camp community. to fulfil their rights. Within this broader nation in accessing labour or education
NRC as the Camp Management framework, NRC’s activities on infor­ rights, constitute frequent legal ob­stacles
Agency, coordinates closely with a wide mation, counselling and legal assistance to durable solutions. ICLA ­programmes
range of stakeholders working in camps (ICLA) are designed to provide assistance assist them in obtaining an adequate
and camp-like settings, including to IDPs, refugees and returnees to make response from the authorities regarding
humani­tarian actors, governments and free and informed decisions. This is their rights.
authorities, camp communities and achieved through the provision of
members of the host community, ­information and free legal assistance to
amongst others. NRC collects data and remove legal and other obstacles. 
disseminates information, which Displaced persons lack basic informa­
­ensures provision in key sectors, like tion that enables them to make informed
water, food, health and shelter, through decisions on whether to return, stay in
on-site ­coordination of all activities the location of refuge, or find a third


›› Africa Sudan
Capital: Khartoum
Population: 38.6 million
Refugees from other countries: 222 720
Africa remains the continent with Internally displaced persons: 6 000 000
the highest numbers of people Refugees in other countries: 523 030

who have been displaced by NRC activities: Provided education for a total
of 4847 students. Supported recent returnees
conflicts in South Sudan and the Transitional Areas by
providing Accelerated Learning Programmes
to 3954 students. Provided Youth Education
Programmes (YEP) to 893 students to help both
At the beginning of the year 11.8 million youths and young adults achieve basic education
of the world’s 24.5 million internally dis- standards and critical life skills through occu-
pational training. Built large permanent school
placed persons (IDPs) were found on the infrastructure in central and southern Sudan
African continent. In addition, UNHCR to increase the very limited capacity. Provided
figures show that African countries host information, counselling and legal assistance
(ICLA) to 30 930 returning IDPs and refugees,
2.4 million refugees. linking areas of displacement with areas of
While the year 2007 witnessed the return in South Sudan. Formal return counsel-
ling and production of video documentaries as
consolidation of peace in several African well as information sheets on living conditions
countries and an improvement in some in areas of planned return, were used.
ongoing conflict situations, notably in
Uganda, Ivory Coast and Liberia where
thousands of IDPs and refugees have
been able to start or continue to return Ivory Coast
Capital: Yamoussoukro
home, a significant deterioration has
Population: 19.3 million
been recorded in other countries. Refugees from other countries: 24 650
Intensified conflict and crisis in Internally displaced persons: 709 000
Refugees in other countries: 22 230
Somalia, DR Congo and Chad, already
listed among the ten worst IDP situations NRC activities: Became operational in
Abidjan, the west and the north of the
in the world at the end of 2006, produced country on both sides of the line of
fresh flows of IDPs and refugees. In these control. Provided education for 1649
three countries alone, hundreds of thou- students. The educational programme
covered both catch-up classes and Angola
sands more were forced to flee their vocational training. This has been Capital: Luanda
homes in 2007. In less than a year the complimented by school construction Population: 17.0 million
and rehabilitation. Constructed ten Refugees from other countries: 12 070
number of IDPs in Chad more than dou- new classrooms and rehabilitated 15 Internally displaced persons: 20 000
bled and more than 300 000 people had classrooms. Provided information, Refugees in other countries: 186 160
been forced to flee as a result of the esca- counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
to 345 persons. Established eight ICLA NRC activities: Educated teachers: 28 000
lating conflict in North Kivu in north- centres and held 25 workshops on the students are being taught by 1 100 teachers.
eastern DR Congo. The situations in the Guiding Principles with a total of 644 Distributed seeds and equipment for food
people trained. Focus was on obtaining production to 45 000 refugees and IDPs.
Darfur areas of Sudan, Chad and in south identity documents as well as address- Constructed schools for children and young
and central Somalia were particularly ing property issues related to return. adults. Provided human rights education to
Provided protection monitoring, visit- 30 000 returnees, local leaders and officials.
alarming because of the severe access
ing 33 sites in the West and Centre/
problems for humanitarian organisations. North and conducting 525 interviews.
These escalating crises situations cast a Democratic Republic of the Congo
Capital: Kinshasa
dark shadow over any prospects for IDP Population: 62.6 million
and refugee returns and peaceful solutions Refugees from other countries: 177 390   
to the conflicts in the short term. Liberia Internally displaced persons: 1 400 00
Capital: Monrovia Refugees in other countries: 370 370
The Norwegian Refugee Council had Population: 3.8 million
Refugees from other countries: 10 470 NRC activities: Managed five camps with
operations in ten African countries during
Internally displaced persons: Unknown more than 54 000 IDPs in North Kivu, in
2007: Angola, Burundi, the Central Refugees in other countries: 91 540 cooperation with UNHCR. Educated internally
African Republic, DR Congo, Ivory Coast, displaced teachers and provided basic educa-
NRC activities: Provided literacy and tion for returnee children between the age of
Kenya, Liberia, Somalia, Sudan and numeracy training for 7 200 children and 2 10 - 13 and young adults between the ages of
Uganda. A new programme was estab- 200 adults. Gave 300 teachers instruction in 14 – 22 who have never attended school as a
child-friendly teaching methods. Monitored result of the war. Constructed and equipped
lished in the Central African Republic classrooms and school buildings. Provided
the implementation of school feeding activities
during the year, and at the end of 2007 in more than 700 schools. Provided vocational support for house reconstruction. Monitored
an assessment mission visited war-torn and literacy training to 350 youths. Dug wells return and displacement, provided information,
and latrines and constructed and rebuilt counselling and legal assistance (ICLA) to
Chad to determine whether NRC should schools. Built more than 3 000 houses for IDPs, and informed local authorities and
establish a programme in the east of vulnerable returned IDPs and refugees. Moni- military personnel about the Guiding Principles
tored the situation for returning refugees and on Internal Displacement. Mapped the lack
the country. of infrastructure in local communities in North
IDPs and mapped lack of infrastructure and
basic social services. Reported on protection Kivu in collaboration with UNICEF. Distributed
incidents. Provided information, counselling non-food items and constructed schools in
and legal assistance (ICLA) to returned refu- these communities, and sensitized the local
gees and IDPs, focusing on resolving land and population on the right to education.
property disputes.


Central African Republic
Capital: Bangui
Population: 4.3 million  
Refugees from other countries: 7 540
Internally displaced persons: 197 000
Refugees in other countries: 98 000

NRC activities: Established a country office in

the summer of 2007. Opened 36 schools and
provided primary education for 11 300 students
between the age of 6-13 years through the Emer-
gency Education Programme. Conducted seminars
introducing humanitarian law, refugee law and
IDP guiding principles for members of the police,
the army, the parent teachers associations and
NRC’s national staff.

Capital: Mogadishu
Population: 8.7 million
Refugees from other countries: 457 360
Internally displaced persons: 1 000 000
Refugees in other countries: 900

NRC activities: Distributed non food items

to nearly 100 000 people and gave hygiene
and sanitary assistance to more than 80 000
people in Mogadishue and surroundings.
Assisted 34 000 people in Somaliland. 3400
children received Alternative Basic Education
(ABE) and 146 teachers were trained. 400
adults received literacy and numeracy educa-
tion. Three YEP centres were opened with
180 students. National Strategy and Plan of
Action on Female Participation in Education
was developed for the Ministry of Education
in Somaliland, and a Core Team of Gender
Resources was established. 50 classrooms, 14
offices, 20 latrines and10 canteens were built
for schools in Somaliland.

Burundi Kenya
Capital: Bujumbura Capital: Nairobi
Population: 8.5 million Population: 37.5 Million
Refugees from other countries: 24 480 Refugees from other countries: 265 730
Internally displaced persons: 100 000 Internally displaced persons: 300 000
Refugees in other countries: 375 730 Refugees in other countries: 7500

NRC activities: Managed and provided services NRC activities: Assisted more than 30 000
to 18 000 Congolese refugees in two refugee Somali refugees in Dadaab refugee camps.
Uganda camps and a temporary centre for refugees, Distributed non-food items to 8000 internally
Capital: Kampala in collaboration with UNHCR. Services pro- displaced people in Nairobi slums. Two YEP
Population: 30.9 Million vided in the camps and the centre included centres were established in Dadaab and 240
Refugees from other countries: 228 960 primary education, water supply, mainte- youth got education. Classrooms, latrines and
Internally displaced persons: 1 119 000   nance and construction of houses and social admin block were constructed in the schools.
Refugees in other countries: 21 000 infrastructure, distribution of food and non- Shelter were built for 2585 beneficiaries. A
food items. Provided education for 23 767 camp management training for UN agencies
NRC activities: Carried out monthly food children and young adults (for the school and NOGs was undertaken.
distribution to 755 000 IDPs, of which 66 years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008). Trained
000 were schoolchildren and youth, in 131 25 teachers on participatory methodologies
camps and return sites. Delivered emergency and child-oriented approach. Trained 225
non-food items in 35 locations. Provided primary school teachers, school directors,
teacher training and ran educational pro- communal and provincial State inspectors on
grammes for vulnerable young adults. Reha- child-oriented/participatory methodology.
bilitated and built classrooms. Ran pro- Provided information, counselling and legal
grammes for better, safer access to food and assistance (ICLA) to 665 IDPs, returned
livelihoods reaching 8 500 households. Pro- refugees, expelled persons and the members
vided information, counselling and legal of the residing population. Organised 44
assistance (ICLA) to IDPs and refugees. training workshops on family law on the
Provided camp management and monitored local level and 62 sensitisation campaigns.
return in 15 camps and 50 return sites, Conducted protection monitoring and
covering a population of 160 000. advocacy work.


Colombia Afghanistan
Capital: Bogotá Capital: Kabul
Population: 46.2 million Population: 27.1 million
Refugees from other countries: 170 Refugees from other countries: 40
Internally displaced persons: Internally displaced persons:
2.4 – 4 million 161 000
Refugees in other countries: 551 000 Refugees in other countries: 3 057 400

NRC activities: Provided legal and psycho- NRC activities: Provided information, counsel-
social assistance (ICLA) through legal ling and legal assistance (ICLA) to returnees
clinics of three universities and public and IDPs seeking access to the civil justice
attention units for IDPs. Provided follow-up system on land and/or property issues or in
and advice to the students responsible for need of assistance to recover legal status docu-
legal assistance, improving capacity and ments. Facilitated teacher training programme
coordination between public institutions for approximately 1 800 uncertified teachers
responsible for IDP protection and assist- and more than 1 000 certified teachers on best
ance. Litigated so-called “landmark cases” practices in education. Trained more than 400
on internal displacement, and projects teachers in conflict resolution and peace educa-
that aim at improving public policies tion. Trained more than 300 community leaders
related to displacement. Ran educational and elders on confli ct resolution. Performed
programmes for out-of-school IDP children outreach campaigns on the right to education,
and adolescents. Targeting Colombians meeting with more than 800 community leaders
displaced to Panama, Ecuador and and parents, and resulting in 260 children
Venezuela, expanded its regional refugee (among whom 145 were girls) returning to
programme to provide legal and psycho- school. Constructed and rehabilitated eight
social assistance through capacity-building schools, with ten additional schools to be finalised
and advocacy, focusing on improved edu- in the next year. Provided family dwellings to
cation for Colombian children. approximately 2 000 families among the most
vulnerable Afghan returnees.

The conflict in Colombia continues to displace
around 200 000 people every year. Capital: Islamabad
Population: 163.9 million
Refugees from other countries:
2 034 760
In 2007 NRC had projects in the areas victims of forced displacement, and Internally displaced persons: Unknown
of Magdalena, Nariño and Norte de improvement of the Colombian state’s Refugees in other countries: 31 860
Santander, all heavily affected by the response to the IDP situation in terms
NRC activities: Provided information and
conflict. The conflict hit the department of assistance and protection. legal assistance (ICLA) concerning legal
of Nariño particularly hard this year, The Norwegian Refugee Council obstacles to the return of Afghan refugees,
with particular emphasis on ownership, finan-
and NRC is in the process of expanding has offices in Bogotá, Pasto, Santa cial issues and family law. In total, 23 275
its programmes in this region in resp­ Marta and Cucuta in Colombia. The cases were handled. In collaboration with the
onse to the deteriorating situation. Venezuelan office is situated in San Government of Pakistan, assisted with legal
advice and information counselling to those
NRC is placing particular emphasis on Cristobal; the Ecuadorian in Quito; internally displaced as a consequence of the
advocacy, with a focus on the state of and the Panamanian in Panama City. October 2005 earthquake and July 2007
impunity in Colombia regarding the
crime of displacement, reparation to


A gradual worsening of the
security situation in the Asian
countries where the Norwegian
Refugee Council works.
Capital: Kathmandu
Population: 28.2 million
The restrictions on humanitarian space
Refugees from other countries:
130 680 led to reduced access to large groups
Internally displaced persons: of IDPs and refugees, particularly in
50 000 – 70 000
Refugees in other countries: 3 360
Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In Sri Lanka access to IDPs became
NRC activities: Provided information, more difficult by the day in the north,
counselling and legal assistance (ICLA),
thus supporting the return and integra- while access slightly improved towards
tion of IDPs after the peace process the end of the year in the resettlement
following the 10-year civil war developed communities in the east. However,
in a positive direction. Developed ICLA
programmes in a large number of dis- significant challenges remain for the
tricts covering urban, rural, displacement IDPs who have returned to their
and return areas, in order to support villages and for the humanitarian
the most vulnerable IDPs willing to
integrate or return. Collaborated with organi­sations assisting them, due to the
the new Nepalese government to develop continuing activities of armed groups.
durable solutions for IDPs. Worked In Afghanistan, humanitarian organi­
closely with the Peace and Reconstruc-
tion Ministry to get IDP policy and IDP sations’ access to large groups of IDPs
directives approved and implemented. deteriorated, especially in the southern
Launched an advocacy campaign target-
part of the country. The blurring of the
ing Bhutanese refugees with the aim of
facilitating their access to durable distinctions between humanitarian and
solutions. military activities raised serious humani­
tarian and operational concerns. In
Afghanistan the Norwegian Refugee
Council played an active role in estab-
lishing civil-military guidelines between
Sri Lanka the humanitarian community and ISAF.
Capital: Colombo
Population: 19.3 million Many refugees returned home from
Refugees from other countries: 180 Iran and Pakistan during 2007. This
Internally displaced persons: 460 000
Refugees in other countries:
included forced returns because of the
more than 134 950 closure of camps in Pakistan, putting
heavy pressure on an already exhausted
NRC activities: Continued activities in response
to the need for protection and assistance response community in Afghanistan.
caused by the tsunami disaster and the esca- The Norwegian Refugee Council has
lating ethnic conflict. Provided 7538 new offices in five Asian countries: Timor-
shelters and repaired 419 shelters for IDPs.
Built eight Temporary Learning Centres and Leste, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
reconstructed two schools and two community and Nepal.
centres. Built and upgraded latrines and Timor Leste
sanitary facilities in IDP sites. In total, 73 Capital: Dili
817 people benefited from NRC’s shelter Population: 1.2 million
programme activities. Improved conditions in Refugees from other countries: 0
IDP sites through capacity-building and care Internally displaced persons: 100 000
and maintenance activities. Conducted 72 Refugees in other countries: 10
camp management trainings in four districts
with 1482 trainee beneficiaries. Advocated NRC activities: Constructed 432 temporary
for equitable treatment, protection, and distri­ homes for IDPs in the area surrounding Dili.
bution to conflict-affected and tsunami-affected Advised the Government of Timor-Leste on
IDPs and communities. Provided information, the rehabilitation of damaged houses. (Ap-
counselling and legal assistance (ICLA) to proximately 6 000 houses were destroyed in
IDPs and vulnerable populations and handled Dili during a few days of violence in April-
a total of 6820 individual cases. May 2006). Managed five camps for inter-
nally displaced in and around Dili and pro-
vided protection for 2453 IDPs living in these




In 2007, the Iraqi displace‑ Lebanon
Capital: Beirut
ment crisis reached a peak Population: 4.1 million
Refugees from other countries:
with 2.2 million IDPs and two 464 300
million refugees in the neigh‑ Internally displaced persons:
90 000 – 390 000
bouring countries, primarily Refugees in other countries: 13 090
Syria and Jordan. NRC activities: Reconstructed houses
damaged in the war between Hizbollah
and Israel, preparing the ground for
The crisis placed a heavy burden the return of approximately 1000 IDP
families. Secured water proofing for
on host countries and communities, 1650 additional houses. Refurbished
and is likely to require international the Gaza compound, supporting over
900 residents from 242 Palestinian
attention and aid for years ahead. refugee families in Beirut. Through a
NRC started projects to assist Iraqi project aimed at facilitating enrol-
refugees in Lebanon, and will expand ment of Iraqi refugee children in
Lebanese schools, catch-up learning
these in 2008. programmes and psycho-social support
The protracted plight of the was provided to 50 Iraqi refugee
Palestinian refugees is another main children. Provided teacher training
to help the local community meet the
concern for NRC in the Middle East. needs of children affected by conflict
In Lebanon, NRC started improving and displacement. Provided commu-
the housing conditions of some of the nity outreach components, such as
parent’s advisory and support groups
poorest Palestinian refugees, while at and an adult learning programme.
the same time contributing to the PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES
reconstruction of Nahr al-Bared Population: 4.0 million
Refugees from other countries:
refugee camp which was razed to 1 793 900
the ground during fighting last Internally displaced persons:
spring and summer. Furthermore, 25 000 – 115 000
Refugees in other countries:
NRC helped repair more than 2 000 4 904 000
homes of Lebanese returnees after
the July 2006 war between Hizbollah NRC activities: Created 63 000 work
days in the Gaza municipalities of Rafah
and Israel. In the same period, NRC and Deir al-Balah in 2006-07, as a part
provided 63 000 work days to resi- of a job creation project. Sent an assess-
dents of two Gaza municipalities. ment team to the Palestinian Territories
in December to explore the possibilities
NRC has Country Offices in Beirut, of the continued development of NRC’s
and Jerusalem. programme activities.



In the Caucasus, the yet-to-
be-resolved conflicts in the
self-proclaimed republics of
South Ossetia and Abkhazia in
Georgia and the conflicts be‑
tween Armenia and Azerbaijan
regarding the province of
Ngorno Karabakh, continued
to be the main challenges.

In 2007 the Norwegian Refugee

Council was a central actor in the
Georgian authorities’ efforts to
develop a comprehensive strategy
for the country’s internally dis-
placed population. For the first
time, local integration is becoming GEORGIA
an alternative solution to return. This Capital: Tbilisi
Population: 4.4 million
has given NRC the opportunity to Refugees from other countries:
invest in more long-term, individual 2 500
shelter solutions. The privatisation Internally displaced persons:
Capital: Yerevan
220 000
of collective centres, housing approxi­ Population: 3.0 million Azerbaijan
Refugees in other countries:
Refugees from other countries: Capital: Baku
mately 50 % of the IDPs, resulted 23 100
4 570 Population: 8.5 million
in the need for legal assistance to Internally displaced persons: Refugees from other countries:
NRC activities: Provided IDPs
the residents in order to protect 8 400 2 350
and returnees with information,
Refugees in other countries: Internally displaced persons:
their rights during the process of counselling and legal assistance
15 440
(ICLA) in obtaining personal 690 000
moving out. Refugees in other countries:
documents, confirming owner-
NRC activities: Built houses and 15 910
In Azerbaijan, the Chechen refu- ship rights and pension entitle-
flats, rehabilitated community
ment, and gaining access to
gees’ continued need for humani­ public services. A total of 3000
centres, built and reconstructed NRC activities: Built and reha-
schools and carried out water bilitated houses for IDPs. Repaired
tarian assistance and their lack of individual IDPs in Georgia proper
projects. In October 2007, NRC
and more than 17 000 in groups infrastructure and organised
status has been a challenge. So have phased out its activities in communities to promote self-
benefited from the assistance.
the efforts to promote sustainable Armenia. During its 12 years sufficient livelihoods. Provided
Was involved in 2 500 legal
of presence in the country, NRC IDPs and returnees with counsel-
solutions for the hundreds of thou- cases, with 60% favourably
built 1 214 family shelters: ling and legal assistance (ICLA)
resolved. Initiated legal assist-
sands of IDPs who, due to their ance to returnees in Abkhazia.
741 individual houses and 68 in obtaining personal documents,
new apartments. 305 families confirming ownership rights and
economic plight, are still dependent Built individual houses for IDPs
were accommodated in two
in Georgia proper and in South pension entitlement, and gaining
upon external assistance. hostels. In addition, NRC access to public services. Trained
Ossetia on privately owned land
After 12 years of activities in assisted with 28 water projects, and instructed 2 000 local repre-
plots. Rehabilitated war-affected
constructed and rehabilitated sentatives in the protection of
Armenia, the Norwegian Refugee houses for returnees in Abkhazia.
53 schools, constructed four refugees and IDPs. Distributed
Rehabilitated schools for IDPs
Council completed its efforts to community centres and con- food each month to 2 000
and returnees. Trained 800 IDPs
structed five playgrounds for Chechen refugees and assisted
secure permanent dwellings for all and local teachers in new teach-
children. NRC will continue to
ing methods and provided HIV/ 300 Chechen schoolchildren in
the refugees who lived in railroad AIDS information to 3 000
monitor the situation for refu- accessing education. Organised
cars and other temporary housing. gees and IDPs from its office vocational and skills training for
young people. Provided 2 000
in Georgia. 250 Chechen youth. NRC phased
At the end of 2007 NRC concluded children with after-school activi-
ties. Cooperated with NGO part- out its programmes in the
their programmes in Armenia and ners in Central Asia and sup- Azerbaijan in 2007,: having pre-
viously secured the future of the
Azerbaijan. NRC’s regional office ported their work for refugees
human rights education project
and IDPs.
in Georgia will continue to monitor and micro credit programme
the situation in the two countries. under the umbrella of other organi­
sations, the legal assistance and
Chechen refugee assistance pro­
jects was handed over to partner
organisations to ensure continued
assistance to the most vulnerable.
NRC will maintain a small office
in Azerbaijan until medio 2008.



NRC Brussels
NRC’s presence in Brussels is aiming to put Uganda, were not forgotten. These issues, cooperation between NRC and the EU.
refugee- and IDP related issues high on the amongst others, were highlighted The European Union remains one
through activities like awareness-raising of NRC’s main partners in carrying out
political agenda of the EU’s external assistance
events in the Parliament, recommen­ humanitarian aid work. The European
dimension. dations for parliamentary resolutions, Commission, together with its Member
In 2007 NRC Europe continued to and the provision of information to States, contributes with more than half
work closely with the European Union, parliamentary delegations on field of the entire humanitarian and devel­
ensuring that refugee- and IDP related missions. In addition, NRC Europe opment assistance in the world and is a
issues, such as the displacement crisis worked closely with the Council of the key player in setting the political agenda
in North Kivu in DR Congo, the increase European Union and the European that has an influence on refugees and
in Iraqi refugee populations in Syria Commission both regarding advocacy IDPs around the world.
and the continuing crisis in Northern issues and to further enhance financial

NRC Geneva
The Norwegian Refugee Council’s Geneva office
had a productive and exciting year, working
closely with NRC field offices and Head Office
to ensure that NRC’s overarching objectives
are met.

The focus of the Geneva office in 2007

has been to continue to draw national
and international attention to the
plight of 25 million IDPs whose specif­
ic protection needs fall outside of the
conventional protection standards pro­
vided to refugees. As the international “Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in
community continues to work towards 2006” in April 2007. Photo: nrc
an improved response to IDPs, NRC’s
Geneva office worked alongside key making policy recommendations. The humanitarian and civil society
partners, specifically UNHCR, OCHA’s Geneva office continued to partake in organisations.
Displacement and Protection Support efforts to improve the framework of A new website was developed and
Section and the UN Representative on protection provided to IDPs, including launched by IDMC in June 2007. “IDP
the Human Rights of IDPs, to develop authoring chapters of the IDP Protection Voices” lets people who have been up­
a framework for improved response Handbook and the Property Handbook, rooted within their own country’s bor­
mechanisms. working to develop guidelines on how ders tell their life stories, in their own
Through the Internal Displacement to identify and quantify displaced pop­ words, providing a platform for authen­
Monitoring Centre (IDMC), the Geneva ulations, and undertaking field studies tic oral testimony. The stories give visi­
office continued to strengthen its posi­ on IDPs displaced in urban areas. IDMC tors a chance to grasp the impact of the
tion as the primary source of informa­ has also commissioned a study on non- conflict at first hand, and appreciate
tion and analysis on internal displace­ conflict displacement, a topic which is the extraordinary courage of people
ment. The yearly report on trends and becoming of growing importance to determined to let the world know what
developments with regard to internal the international community. happened to them. This project com­
displacement worldwide was successfully NRC’s Geneva office has been plements the more analytical and
launched in Geneva, Brussels, New involved in the Protection Cluster quantitative information usually pro­
York and Washington in the spring. Working Group, and actively partici­ duced by IDMC. Developed in collabo­
The IDMC published over 30 country pating in the inter-agency task force on ration with NRC and the London-
profile updates during the year, as well training. Matching this, the IDMC has based Panos development media
as a number of special country reports, continued to provide training to field- agency, the project has got under way
drawing attention to IDP situations based actors such as national human in Colombia and in Georgia.
requiring improved responses and rights institutions, governments, and


NRC’s ICLA-teams
visit IDPs in Kabul,
­Maryam, 10, is one
of many returning
refugees from Paki-
stan, who now are
­internally displaced.
Photo: Astrid Sehl



Advocacy and information

More than 40 million people are currently displaced worldwide. Stricter asylum regulations and
hostility towards refugees have made it increasingly difficult for the displaced to reach safety
and get the protection they are entitled to by international law. In 2007 the Norwegian Refugee
Council increased its efforts to put displacement, protection and refugee and IDP rights on the
national and international agenda.

As part of the overall reorganisation The main tasks of the Advocacy The main tasks of the Information
of NRC’s Head Office, a new Advocacy Section are: Section are:
and Information Department was • Policy-making and implementation • External communication (including
established in June 2007. The new • Advocacy activities media, website and publications)
department consists of the former • Providing legal expertise on refu- • Internal communication (including
Advocacy Department, Communi­ gee and IDP related issues intranet)
cations Department and Programme • Research and analysis • Community outreach (seminars and
Norway. • Monitoring and highlighting ne- lectures)
The Advocacy and Information glected refugee/IDP situations • Trainings
Department is divided into two sections: • Information and Counselling on
the Advocacy Section and the Infor- Return and Repatriation (INCOR)
mation Section.

Protection at the core

Protecting the rights of displaced persons was In order to improve the flow of infor­ Ministry of Foreign Affairs with regard
central when NRC was founded, and still remains mation between the field and Head Office to IDP rights, UNHCR reform and the
and to enhance NRC’s advocacy role in situation for displaced people in the
at the core of all its activities. Refugee law,
the field, NRC has developed the posi­ DR Congo, Bhutan and Western Sahara.
human rights and international humanitarian tion of Protection and Advocacy Advisers The same input was provided to the
law are thus the main reference tools used by within the various country programmes. international umbrella organisation
NRC, at both field and international levels. By increasing and professionalising the ICVA (International Council of Volun­
advocacy work in the field, NRC is able tary Agencies) who incorporated many
Advocacy work is one of main pillars to put the rights of refugees and inter­ of the views in their statement to the
of NRC, and includes - among other nally displaced persons at the top of the UNHCR Executive Committee. NRC’s
things - applying political pressure to political agenda, both on a national and recommendations were also adopted
promote the rights of refugees and international basis. and mirrored in the statements of several
IDPs. As a field-based organisation, The countries that received the national missions to the UN in Geneva.
NRC has first-hand knowledge of the most international attention in 2007 NRC also participated at the sixth session
situation for displaced persons: why were Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and of the UN Human Rights Council in
they are fleeing and who the perpetrators Iraq, and the Advocacy and Information Geneva in October.
are. NRC uses this knowledge to address Department has closely followed the NRC worked closely with several
the relevant authorities to protect the developments in these countries. The Norwegian political parties, both in
rights of the displaced. In addition, advocacy section has focused on government and in opposition, to
NRC targets local and national authori­ Afghanistan, Somalia and the Demo­ develop input on both refugee and
ties, the UN, other organisations and cratic Republic of Congo in particular. country-specific policies. Moreover,
regional bodies such as the African Massive displacement is taking place in NRC has been in regular contact with
Union (AU) and the European Union all three countries and NRC has raised foreign embassies and governments
(EU), when displaced people do not its concern within the countries them­ throughout the year in order to promote
receive the humanitarian assistance selves, and with both the EU and the UN. the rights of refugees and internally
they need, when they are the direct In preparation for the annual meeting displaced persons. In 2007 the Advocacy
victims of human rights violations or of the UNHCR Executive Committee Section also participated in a parlia­
when they are denied durable solutions in Geneva in October, NRC provided mentary hearing on proposed new immi­
to their displacement. extensive input to the Norwegian gration legislation, which, so far, looks


NRC gives information, counselling and legal assistance to returnees and IDPs in Afghanistan, among others from
this Kabul office. Photo: Astrid Sehl

encouraging for those in need of pro­ attention to the plight of these refugees, and breadth of Norway.
tection. NRC also participated at the and to lobby for change. Meetings were INCOR visited Afghanistan and
EU hearing regarding the future of the held with embassies, refugee organi­ Pakistan this year, in order to gain further
Common European Asylum System. sations, the Norwegian authorities, information and knowledge about the
and UN agencies in the region and repatriation process from Pakistan to
Neglected refugee crises in Geneva. Afghanistan and knowledge about the
Not all refugee crises receive international experiences faced by Afghan returnees.
attention. NRC monitors the so-called Information and Counselling on INCOR was further strengthened
neglected refugee crises, and in 2007 Return and Repatriation (INCOR) by the recruitment of a specialist in
the Advocacy Section had a particular As part of the Head Office reorgani­ working with problems involving chil­
focus on the Saharawi refugees in Algeria sation, the INCOR project was incor­ dren. This competence was much appre­
and the Bhutanese refugees in Nepal. porated into the Advocacy Section in ciated by many local communities,
In February, NRC participated in a 2007. INCOR was established in 1995 reception centres and individuals that
humanitarian assessment mission to to provide information and counselling contacted INCOR for a variety of reasons
the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria, about return and repatriation to asylum related to return involving children, be
together with the Norwegian MFA. seekers and refugees. they unaccompanied minors or families
NRC has subsequently carried out an For INCOR the main focus in 2007 with children.
extensive advocacy campaign for the was on the Afghanistan project, which Furthermore, INCOR published
rights of the Saharawi refugees, ad­ was implemented as part of the tripartite infor­mation on NRC’s web pages, in
dressing, amongst others, the Norwegian agreement between the UNHCR and addition to the publication Veien videre
authorities and political parties, UNH­ the Norwegian and Afghan govern­ and newsletters related to Afghanistan.
CR and other international organisations. ments in 2006. An Afghan lawyer,
In August NRC sent an assessment working for NRC in Afghanistan, was
mission to Nepal and Bhutan, to study engaged by INCOR to provide detailed
both the situation of the ethnic Nepali answers to a variety of legal problems
refugees from Bhutan living in Nepal, that could be encountered by asylum
and the situation in Bhutan itself. As a seekers returning to Afghanistan from
result, an advocacy campaign was Norway. The project team visited
designed to draw greater international reception centres spanning the length



Afghanistan in focus
Afghanistan was the country that attracted efforts have been made in 2007 to both in the international and
most media attention of all NRC programme make NRC more visible – and accessible Norwegian media.
– to a wider audience through the During the autumn, NRC partici­
countries in 2007. In addition to the focus on
Internet. NRC’s English language web­ pated in a UNHCR-initiated campaign
the forced return of rejected Afghan asylum site has been improved for the benefit where independent organisations in
seekers, the media coverage also included the of an international audience, and in the Nordic countries joined together to
situation on the ground in Afghanistan and March, NRC won the “Farmand prize” advocate for the safe return of asylum
Norway’s military presence in the country. for the best website in the category for seekers. The Keep Them Safe campaign
NRC has participated in debate programmes small and medium-sized enterprises in urged the governments of the Nordic
Norway. countries to follow the UNHCR guide­
on TV and radio, written comment articles
NRC intranet was launched in lines on protecting people fleeing from
and given numerous interviews on the humani‑ May. It is available for all NRC staff violence, and not to send asylum seekers
tarian situation in Afghanistan. throughout the world, and gives access back to places where their lives might
to information, toolkits, policies and be in danger.
In the first half of 2007, NRC also other important documents.
drew the media’s attention to increased On World Refugee Day, 20 June, Community outreach
displacement in Somalia and Iraq. In NRC released its fourth annual report During 2007, NRC’s Information Team
addition, the media have covered NRC on the state of the world’s refugees and – totalling 50 volunteers – gave more
advocacy campaigns on neglected crises internally displaced persons – than 70 lectures throughout Norway to
such as in Nepal, Bhutan and Western “Flyktningregnskapet 2007”. This businesses, schools and community
Sahara. This advocacy work and the unique reference tool is widely distri­ groups on the global refugee situation
result­ing media attention have contri­ buted to politicians, asylum centres, and the work of international organi­
buted to politicians taking action on journalists and universities, amongst sations. All members have worked
these issues. NRC has facilitated field others. abroad through NRC’s standby forces,
visits in 2007 for journalists and photo­ The report: Internal Displacement: and are thus able to draw upon their
graphers in programme countries such Global Overview of Trends and Dis­ own field experiences in their lectures.
as Colombia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, placement in 2006, launched by NRC’s The team members also contributed to
Liberia, Burundi and DR Congo. Internal Displaced Monitoring Centre several campaigns, such as World Refugee
In addition to addressing the media, (IDMC) also received extensive coverage, Day, Walk the World, and the Scouts’

Fariha Wakil Zada, information counsellor in Herat, Afghanistan, on one of her many community visits. Photo: Astrid Sehl


Strategic management support

New strategic
annual charity collection.
A number of lectures and seminars
on the world refugee situation were
unit established
also given by NRC staff. Universities, The Strategic Management Support Unit (SMS) was established in
schools, businesses and journalists were June 2007. The purpose and role of SMS, on behalf of NRC Manage‑
amongst the groups attending NRC
ment Group, are to ensure organisational alignment and learning
lectures. In addition, lectures and semi­
nars were offered to partners with whom through strategic quality implementation, strategy and policy
NRC has cooperation agreements, such monitoring, evaluation, coordination and facilitation.
as the Norwegian Scout Association and
The Confederation of Unions for Planning and monitoring to collaborate with other NRC manage­
Professionals (Unio). This year NRC has continued to ment information systems, such as the
strengthen its focus on strategic plan­ financial system, to produce holistic
Courses ning and reporting. At the Head Office reporting.
With its internationally recognised online electronic reporting related to
expertise on refugees and internally strategy and the Annual Plan of Action Evaluation work
displaced people, NRC has developed a has been introduced. All NRC staff, SMS is responsible for the follow-up of
variety of courses aimed at those work­ through NRC Intranet strategy module, NRC’s evaluation policy. Evaluations of
ing with refugees in Norway. In total, can now follow the organisational ability varying scope have been completed, with
200 government and municipal emplo­ to achieve its strategic objectives, per­ corresponding management responses
yees took part in NRC courses formance targets and to meet initiative produced. In 2006 the Norwegian Ministry
throughout 2007. deadlines. The Management Group con­ of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian
Each course, attended by 30-40 ducts monthly strategy meetings to discuss Agency for Development Cooperation
partici­pants, is specifically designed progress and decide on corrective actions (Norad) examined NRC’s ability to deliver
for the particular needs and wishes of to be taken, if necessary. in accordance with its mandate. The report
the diffe­rent groups. Usually, the course At the field level, the balanced score­ confirmed that measures implemented
includes a general introduction to the card strategic planning methodology was to strengthen the organisation’s internal
global refugee situation, followed by introduced to a number of Country Offices. processes are both relevant and necessary.
topics tailored to the participants’ work NRC Colombia, Liberia, Afghanistan/ SMS coordinated the follow-up of the
with refugees in Norway. Coping mecha­ Pakistan, Uganda, DR Congo, Kenya/ management response. NRC is a full
nisms and information about return Somalia, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Caucasus, member of the Active Learning Network
and repa­triation are two of the topics Timor Leste and Europe all hosted strategic for Accountability and Performance in
that partici­pants find most useful in workshops with participation from the Humanitarian Action (ALNAP). SMS
relation to their work. Head Office, focusing on holistic pro­ represented NRC at ALNAP’s biannual
Reception centre staff is another gramme planning and balancing external meetings.
important target group for NRC. Indeed, and internal strategies. Through the
NRC has projects in many of the coun­ workshops, valuable experience from NRC Youth
tries from which refugees and asylum strategic planning has been obtained. Other large Norwegian humanitarian
seekers come to Norway, and knowledge Planning processes will continuously organisations have for many years
about these countries is valuable in order improve as lessons learned are benefited from the support of enthusiastic
to understand their backgrounds. The implemented. and dedicated youth organisations. In
Counselling Service (Veilednings­ November, NRC Youth was formally
tjenesten) was therefore fully booked Core activity database established. By the end of the year the
in 2007. Nine reception centres signed The SMS Unit has been working closely new youth organisation numbered
up for the service, and 20 courses were with Head Office departments and the approximately 50 members. Through
arranged in total. country offices to develop a global data­ involving themselves in NRC’s activities,
NRC also offers an in-depth course, base which can store key project data. members of NRC Youth will work actively
which includes a field trip, to key indi­ This process has effectively started the with humanitarian issues, advocacy and
viduals working with refugees in Norway. performance and indicator development dissemination of information. Much of
The course included an introductory discussion which will also facilitate selec­ the responsibility is decentralised to the
seminar, a two week field trip and a tion of key performance indicators in the local groups, who will each work on a
post-return debriefing session. strategic management process. Further­ specific issue, and independently handle
more, the system will be accessible via everything from political development
the existing intranet and is also envisioned to planning and execution of their work.


Human resources

Strengthening Human Resources

The Human Resources function was strengthened
by the formation of the new Human R­ esources
Department in June 2007. The ­department
includes the Recruitment Section and the
Personnel Section which covers the Salary
Unit and the Training Unit.

With the new organisation model in

place, NRC will be better able to timely
serve both field and Head Office staff,
increase efficiency and streamline
processes. HR is thus placed high on
NRC’s agenda as a strategic focus area.
The individual and organisational
human resources competency, both at
field and Head Office level, is a key
­criterion for NRC’s operational success.
Optimising the resources of NRC
staff, needs a systematic approach to
enhance the performance and develop­
ment of the organisation and for develop­
ing our institutional competence in a
sustainable manner. A number of tools
and methodologies are in the process
of being introduced throughout the
organisation towards this end.

Introducing Web-based r­ ecruitment system

In 2007 the HR recruitment section imple­ to various standby forces and special recruitment issues. Field trips gave the
mented a web-based recruitment system. assign­ments, like; NORAFRIC, NORDEM, ­section essential knowledge in order be
The system, WebCruiter, was implemented ­GenCap, ProCap, and MSU (for further able to support the International Programme
in November 2007. WebCruiter enables ­information see paragraph about the Department with recruitments of interna­
NRC to recruit in a more systematic and Standby Forces). As an initiative to strengthen tional staff to our different country offices.
professional way. Furthermore the system the international experience for Norwegians, In 2007 the recruitment section has also
will strengthen the communication and NRC continued its trainee program. focused on using more professional test
involve­ment from the Country Directors ­Further­more the section supported the tools in our recruitment processes and
for the recruitments to their Country Offices. Ministry of Foreign Affairs with recruitment started the use of OPQ32 (Occupational
of Junior Expert Officers. Personality Questionnaire) in a more
Variation of recruitments systematic way. Furthermore, the section
HR has in 2007 recruited to a variation of Field visits and use has developed more professional guides
different positions and rosters. In addition of recruitment tools and design for different types of recruitment
to regular recruitments to NORSTAFF, the In 2007, members of the section were able processes. A recruitment toolkit will be
section has supported the Emergency to visit NRC’s Country offices, to give ­finalized in early 2008.
­Response Department with recruitment ­general HR-support and more specific on


Human resources

Key activities
Field support
The section has during 2007 performed
several field visits, both planned and
on request. Subjects have been manage­
ment support, revision and provision
of processes and ­routines, and conflict
management support.

Management support
In September 2007, the Management
Group approved the mandate for the
project Organisational Culture and
leadership in NRC. The aim of this
project is to develop and implement
a professional and well reasoned Manage­
ment Support and Development System.

Revised Code of Conduct

The revised NRC Code of Conduct was
presented to the organisation in October
2007, and a workshop was subsequently
conducted at the Country ­Director
seminar in Istanbul. During 2008 the
Code of Conduct will be ­implemented
in NRC country programmes.

From a rather balanced nationality of
the NRC staff (expatriates), we have
photo: Sujeewa de Silva ­today more than 70% of our staff being
non-Norwegian. Also in the Head Office
the number of non-Norwegians has

The training unit

increased. This creates a lot of challenges
related to both tax and other employer
related tasks and responsibilities. The
The NRC Induction Course aims at  Global Displacement, Introduction to section was reinforced in 2007, and will
providing NRC staff with an overview NRC Protection, Code of Conduct for be further strengthened in 2008 in order
of NRC’s framework and activities and Humanitarian Agencies, The Humanitarian to be able to comply with the demands,
is specially targeted to meet the learning Principles and NRC Core Activities. in particular related to legal subjects.
needs of field staff. Experts from relevant The NRC Trainer Pool consists of 16
Head Office ­departments are involved as individuals representing 15 NRC Country Employee Survey 2007
course instructors. 85 employees partici­ Offices. Their main task is to facilitate The Head Office survey for 2007 shows
pated in the Induction Course in 2007, training of national staff in the modules an overall score slightly higher than
and the participants assessed the course presented in the NRC training package. 2006, but there are still several important
as “time well spent”. Training is ongoing in their respective areas to be improved. A trend from
The NRC Training Package in English Programme Countries. . 2006 is the potential of a better inter-
and French is available though NRC’s organisational communication.
intranet. The package consists of tools
for planning and facilitating basic training
to national staff and includes the following
modules: NRC’s Mandate and Values,


Standby Capacity

Operating one of the worlds

largest Emergency rosters
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) operates one of the world’s largest emergency rosters,
with over 800 men and women ready to deploy anywhere in the world within 72 hours.

Through the emergency rosters, NRC acquired solid experience within the and power- sharing. The group will
offers personnel at the disposal of UN field of emergency rosters, and is today support the UN’s mediation endeavours,
agencies that work with emergency aid one of the most important contributors and will represent a considerable
and the protection of refugees and to many of the UN’s organisations. Great strengthening of the UN. Establishing
internally displaced persons, (IDPs). trust has also been placed in NRC, with a standby team of mediation experts
The organisation also deploys personnel three special rosters being administered is part of a long-term strategy of
to international monitoring missions. by the organisation. strengthened good offices capacity
The emergency rosters are composed within mediation of disputes, and
of lawyers, social scientists, teachers, Peace Negotiation Experts for the the standby-team will be a part of the
logistics personnel, communications Mediation Support Unit, MSU Department of ­Political Affair’s newly
technicians, co-ordinators and other In 2006 NRC accepted an assignment established unit for mediation support
specialists. NRC’s Emergency Response from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign – the Mediation Support Unit, (MSU).
Department works to ­rapidly second Affairs, to administer a new standby
personnel to the UN in connection team for mediation support. Norway Protection Capasity – PROCAP
with acute crises and disasters, in addi­ finances a full-time Standby Team of PROCAP is a partnership project
tion to longer-running problems. In international mediation experts, admini­ ­between OCHA, UNHCR, OHCHR
2007, around 400 people were on assign­ stered by NRC, and at the UN’s disposal. and UNICEF, which specifically aims
ment with the UN, many secondments The first experts were recruited during to strengthen the protection and rights
supporting humani­tarian work with the course of 2007. of IDPs. By seconding senior protection
the massive numbers of refugees fleeing The Standby Team will be composed experts to UN operations, the project
Iraq. Indeed, in 2007, NRC ­seconded of a team-leader and five international contributes to improving the UN’s
personnel to most of the UN organi­ mediation experts with technical exper­ preparation for protecting IDPs in
sations in countries neighbouring Iraq. tise on security arrangements, transi­ ­humanitarian crises. The project also
tional justice and human rights, consti­ involves a training component of UNs
Special Assignments tution-making in the context of Standby partners, as well as an internet
During the past 16 years, NRC has comprehensive peace, wealth-sharing library of resources.

NRC has five emergency rosters: NOR- The roster is used for the same type NORDEM has around 300 members who
STAFF, NORAFRIC, MORMIDEAST, of ­assignment as NORSTAFF cover areas of work such as observing
NORASIA and NORDEM – the last of elections, monitoring human rights, pro-
these in partnership with the Centre for NORMIDEAST has 37 members from the viding advice regarding ­elections, inves-
Human Rights. Middle East and neighbouring countries. tigations into serious breaches of human
The roster gives the UN access to quali- rights, development of democratic insti-
NORSTAFF is an emergency roster of fied personnel who also have knowledge tutions, and democratisation work in
around 500 men and women with vari- of the region, including language and general.
ous professional backgrounds. The ros- religion.
ter is mostly used for UN assignments, The Emergency Response Department
though members are also sent on special NORASIA was founded in 2007 to expand also administers several special projects
assignment with other organisations. the field of recruitment to humanitarian for the seconding of experts to the UN.
operations. The roster provides the UN
NORAFRIC is composed of 54 African with access to 21 qualified personnel
members from various professions. from Afghanistan and Pakistan.


The project started in 2005, and
NRC recruits, employs and deploys
members of the PROCAP team. In
2006-7, a total of 15 senior protection
experts have undertaken 33 assignments
in 17 countries. At the same time, 107
members of UN standby partner organi­
sations have completed a course in
protection and rights.

Gender Capacity – GENCAP

The aim of GENCAP is to both support
and increase the focus on gender equality
and gender mainstreaming in the UN’s
humanitarian assistance, as outlined in
UN Security Council resolution 1325
on women, peace and security. The
GENCAP project was developed out
of work in the Inter Agency Standing
Committee, (IASC), in which both UN
and voluntary organisations coordinate
humanitarian activities and e­ xchange
On behalf of the IASC, NRC has
been given the responsibility of estab­
lishing and maintaining an international
emergency roster of seinior gender-
At short notice members of this
rosterforce can be deployed to emergency
operations with acute need, and will
­operate as advisors to UN humanitarian
coordinators and teams in the field.
The roster was established in 2007 and
consists of 15 persons from around the
world who are ready for assignment,
and two full-time advisors on a continual
rotation with various UN missions. In
the second half of 2007, the members
of the roster were seconded to eight
assign­ments. New recruitment is Food distribution
planned for 2008. in Goldhap Refugee
Camp, Nepal.
photo: UNHCR/B. Rauniar



Depending on a wide range

of donors and partners
The Norwegian Refugee Council provides rapid, effective assistance to
displaced persons worldwide. To be able to do this, NRC depends on a
wide range of donors and partners.

NRC has gained knowledge and capacity mainly due to large Grant Agreements
over the years to implement projects for in Lebanon and Pakistan.  NRC signed
refugees, IDPs and returnees through its an agreement with EuropeAid (EU’s
core activities. It is a challenge to secure development fund) for the first time
project funding, and ­requires continuous in 2007.
efforts. The more funding NRC is able
to obtain, the more people can be assisted.  UN Agencies
NRC’s ­donor base has increased over the The third largest donor in 2006 was
last years, and by the end of 2007, NRC UNHCR. In 2007 the Strategic Partner­
projects inter­nationally, including ship Agreement with UNHCR was
IDMC in Geneva, were funded by 31 ­renewed, and the number of contracts
different donors. with UNHCR increased in the field. 
Other major UN agencies to fund NRC
Norwegian Partners were UNICEF, mainly on education
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign projects, and the World Food Programme
­Affairs is still the greatest contributor (WFP) on food distribution projects. 
to NRC projects, and during 2007 has Separate humanitarian funds have been
funded one or more projects in all NRC implemented by the UN, and NRC has
programme countries.  The Norwegian received funding through these, i.e. to
Agency for Development Cooperation projects in Sudan. 
(Norad) is another major donor, mainly Norwegian external relations
to projects in Africa. Statoil co-funded USA Attracting new and loyal private ­donors
some projects in the Caucasus region NRC signed one additional contract has top priority in NRC’s fundraising
and in Angola in 2007. with the United States Agency for Inter­ work, and NRC puts great ­effort and
national Development (USAID) in resources into its Customer Relations
European Union ­Nepal this year, and the first contract Management. A special ­adviser was
The second largest European donor was has been signed with the Bureau for ­employed and a new database set up
the Directorate General for Humanitarian Population, Refugees and Migration in 2007.
Aid (DG ECHO), which doubled its (BPRM) in Afghanistan. In addition to Cooperation with Norwegian
funding to NRC in 2007. This was funding through the US Government, ­organisations and the corporate sector
NRC also received funding from the provides NRC with important financial
Tides Foundation in 2007. As a member and professional support. Cooperation
of the Clinton Global Initiative, NRC with Statoil in particular has been
participated in the Annual Meeting of strengthened in the course of the year.
the Initiative in New York. In addition to their support in
Azerbaijan, Georgia and Angola, Statoil’s
Other international donors contributions to earthquake disaster
Apart from the above mentioned inter­ victims in Pakistan were of considerable
national donors, the Swedish Interna­ importance to NRC ­operation. NRC is
tional Development Agency (SIDA) is also grateful for all smaller and larger
Pål Anders
NRC’s fourth largest donor. In addition contributions from the corporate sector
taking part in the funding is received from a number of that enable the ­organisation to provide
”Fight Hunger” different countries, including Denmark, assistance to an increasing number of
campaign. the Netherlands and Switzerland. beneficiaries.


From the Refugee Race in March 2007 which raised ­income for NRC. phOTO: NRC

NRC is also prioritising the development which benefit refugees and IDPs in our known in Norway and abroad for their
and maintenance of a network of organi­ project countries. The web-shop attracted achievements within polar expeditions
sations. The Norwegian Scout Associa­ much media attention before Christmas, and off-road motorcycle competitions
tion is a key partner. Once again the and has proved to be a great success. respectively. Arnesen visited NRC
Association mobilised thousands of projects in Burundi and Kenya in
members for the annual collecting Awareness and income ­October 2007, with Ullevålseter’s field
campaign in April, which this year Finding new markets and points of trip scheduled for 2008.
was in aid of the humanitarian crisis contact has been a particular focus for In addition, NRC collaborated with
in Sri Lanka. the External Relations department. the World Food Programme (WFP) on
Over the last year, the organisation has the international event “Walk the World”,
New products and channels entered new arenas, whilst strengthening a part of the worldwide ”Fight Hunger”
In 2007 NRC has increased its efforts already existing ones. One of the new campaign, which Ullevålseter helped
in product development and finding arenas NRC joined in 2007 was one of to promote.
new channels to market these products. Norway’s biggest ski races, NRC continued to receive income
The new NRC website has added great ­Flyktningrennet (the Refugee Race), from gaming machines in 2007,
value to these efforts. which took place in March,. NRC’s ­although to a lesser extent than in
In November NRC launched a web­ participation in the event resulted in previous years due to new government
shop to create new opportunities for the raised income and awareness for the regulations. NRC’s goal is to replace
public to support NRC projects and for organisation. these funds with more reliable sources
NRC to generate income. Through the On World Refugee Day 2007, NRC of income. The greatest support in this
online marketplace, proudly announced its first Refugee regard comes from the organisaton’s, conscientious Ambassadors. At a public event in Oslo, regular donors, who choose the most
consumers can choose from a variety Mrs Liv Arnesen and Mr Pål ­Anders cost-efficient way of supporting
of products, including goats, chickens, ­Ullevålseter, were congratulated on NRC’s work.
kitchen tools and school desks – products their appointments. Both are well


The Organisation

Organisational Chart 2007


Secretary General

Finance and Administration

Strategic Management Support

Human Resources

Emergency Response International Programme Advocacy & Information External Relations

Country Offices
Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Ivory Coast, Liberia,
Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Lebanon, Palestinian areas, Afganistan/Pakistan,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, East Timor, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Colombia

Sources: IDMC, The Annual Refugee Account 2006 (Flyktningregnskapet 2006), The World
­Factbook. The figures for internally diplaced persons are taken from the IDMC’s website.

The Norwegian Refugee Council

PO Box 6758 St. Olavs plass, NO-0130 E-mail:
Switchboard: +47 23 10 98 00 Internet:
Fax: +47 23 10 98 01 Co. Reg. no.: 977 538 319
Office address: Grensen 17

Annual Report for 2007 › 28
Accounts › 34
Notes › 37
Auditor’s Report › 43
phOTO: Roald høvring, NRC

The Norwegian Refugee Council’s

Annual Report for 2007
2007 was a busy year for the Norwegian Refugee Council, with the main focus on establishing programmes in new
countries, active advocacy work both in Norway and internationally, vital assignments for the organisation’s
emergency forces and an increased focus on the organisation’s marketing work.

The NRC’s mandate states that the In Pakistan and Sri Lanka, aid to the countries will be finished in 2008. In
foundation “is to promote and protect victims of the earthquake and tsunami, addition, a range of programmes in the
the rights of displaced people, whether respectively, was phased out, except from field have been evaluated, and projects
internally or outside their own country, a smaller component in Pakistan which have been carried out to make the organi­
regardless of race, religion, nationality will finish in November 2008. sation more professional and efficient.
and political opinion.” Throughout The biggest challenge and risk-factor
2007 the organisation’s staff of almost in 2007 was the steadily worsening Active Advocacy Work
2000 employees in 20 countries has security situation, particularly in NRC completely reorganised its advocacy
worked effectively towards the goal of Afghanistan, Somalia, DR Congo and work in 2007 by merging the Advocacy
giving refugees the support they need. Sri Lanka. In spite of this, NRC managed Unit, Norwegian Department and
The past year has contributed to estab­ to deliver extensive humanitarian assis­ Communication Department into one
lishing NRC as a leading international tance in extremely demanding and in­ department, the Advocacy and Infor­
organisation concerned with providing accessible areas. The increased risk has mation Department. By uniting the
emergency aid to refugees and internally forced the organisation to prioritise three departments previously involved
displaced persons. human and economic resources to a in advocacy and information work into
greater extent than previously, both in one large and powerful department,
Programme Activity order to protect our personnel to the the organisation has professionalised
NRC’s assistance to refugees and inter­ highest possible degree, and to make its advocacy work, and has further
nally displaced people in conflict areas our operations possible in the most pushed the rights of refugees and inter­
around the world increased in 2007 by hazardous areas. nally displaced persons onto the political
13 percent. NRC had field offices in 18 In 2007, NRC strengthened its coope­ agenda, both nationally and
countries, liaison offices in Geneva and ration with the UN, both by actively internationally.
Brussels, and additional project activity participating in policy and coordination Continuing to be central to this
in Chechnya, Chad, Syria, Ecuador, processes on global and local plans, work are the Protection and Advocacy
Panama and Venezuela. The strategy and as a partner at project level. The Advisors that, to date, NRC now employs
for 2007 was to lay the groundwork for greatest increase in financial support at twelve field offices. Their role is to
more controlled growth than in previous at project level came from UNDP and strengthen the field office’s ability to
years, by giving both the headquarters UNICEF, with a small increase from collect information and produce analyses
and field offices the opportunity to UNHCR. related to the most pressing protection
develop administrative procedures and Of NRC’s five core activities, the issues faced by the displaced. In the
technical support mechanisms to handle building of schools and shelter was the past year, NRC has had a particular focus
the increased amount of work. largest, making up 39 percent of pro­ on Colombia, and the dramatically
The Central African Republic was gramme operations; education consti­ worsening situations in DR Congo,
established as a new programme country, tuted 22 percent, information and legal Somalia and Afghanistan.
whilst the organization phased out its assistance 18 percent, camp management Furthermore, NRC distinguished
operations in Armenia in autumn 8 percent, distribution 4 percent, and itself in the Norwegian debate regarding
2007. In Azerbaijan and Angola, pro­ other items 9 percent. the government’s use of the UNHCR’s
gramme activity was phased out at the The organisation is constantly recommendations.
turn of the year, and the administrative working to develop its quality within The Norwegian Refugee Council
work is to be concluded in the first half the profession. In 2007 a handbook on acknowledges that the guidelines are
of 2008. The main programme countries phasing out operations in programme nonbinding, but believes the state
were Uganda, DR Congo, Afghanistan, countries was completed, and a hand­ should adhere to them unless it can
Lebanon, Sudan, Sri Lanka and Somalia. book on establishing programme justify diverging from them.


Afghanistan remains high on the NRC Agenda. In June 2008, Secretary General Elisabeth Rasmusson travelled with UN Emergency
Relief Coordinator John Holmes to look at the humanitarian situation in the country. PHoto: Silje Vik Pedersen

Focussing on forgotten or neglected with regards to information work. emergency aid, election monitoring
conflicts is an important part of NRC’s The organisation maintained a monthly and peace operations.
advocacy work. Proposals from NRC average of between 15 and 20 million The establishment of NORASIA,
after a visit to Saharawi refugees in potential recipients to NRC related an emergency standby force to which
Algeria led to wide media coverage and news items. NRC is on average the fourth members were recruited primarily
interest from the Norwegian Ministry most cited humanitarian organisation from Afghanistan and Pakistan, was a
of Foreign Affairs. NRC also instigated in Norway. NRC’s Informer Group, new initiative in 2007 to further greater
advocacy work for Bhutanese refugees comprised of members of the emergency diversity in global emergency response.
in 2007. A combination of media initi­ standby force, also has a role to play in The force is built upon the same principle
atives, network building, and multi- information work. The group’s aim is as NORAFRIC and NORMIDEAST,
channel political lobbying helped push to create awareness about the inter­ whereby personnel from the region
Bhutan – and the situation for Bhutanese national refugee and internally displaced will contribute their regional, cultural
refugees – up the political agenda, both persons situation, and about the work and linguistic expertise in a variety of
in Norway and internationally. of NRC in their local communities. In international assignments.
In 2007, the information and coun­ order to increase capacity, the Informer During 2007, there was also a drive to
selling project, INCOR, had a primary Group was extended to 60 members recruit new members for the NORAFRIC
focus on the return to Afghanistan. A in 2007. emergency standby force. A total of 19
programme of information and advice, new members, with backgrounds in
with Afghans living in Norway as the Growth of the Emergency social studies, political science and
target audience, was an important link Standby Forces protection, were appointed to the force.
in the tripartite agreement between At the end of 2007, the emergency The need for French-speaking personnel
Norway, Afghanistan and the UNHCR. standby forces, (NORSTAFF, NORAFRIC, has also increased over the past few
The Norwegian government and UN­ MORMIDEAST, NORASIA and NOR­ years, and it has been important to recruit
HCR have committed themselves to DEM), had a total of 800 members. members who can use French at a
providing information, and both partners These are ready to be deployed anywhere profess­ional level. Of the 19 who were
chose NRC’s INCOR project to carry in the world at 72 hours notice to help recruited, 17 were French-speakers.
out the work. the UN and other international organi­ The Emergency Response Depart­
2007 was also a good year for NRC sations with humanitarian assistance, ment was also asked to recruit for, and


PHoto: Silje Vik Pedersen

to administer, a new special force, to higher positions in the UN system, negative annual result, liquidity was 15
the Mediation Support Unit, (MSU). particularly as Humanitarian- and million kroner better at the end of the
The aim of this project is to establish Resident Coordinators. year than at the beginning. This is due
a group comprised of six experts in NRC’s experts are in great demand, to a net increase in (financial) advances
peace negotiations. The experts will and the organisation’s quality and exper­ for projects from donors. The foundation
be at the disposal of the UN and will tise has led it to constantly increase its has no long term liabilities.
be able to deploy worldwide on short activities. The foundation’s financial situation
notice. Other special assignments from is exposed to changes in the currency
the UN and the Norwegian Ministry of Financial Position and Sources markets, due to the fact that a significant
Foreign Affairs that are administered by of Income amount of both income and expenditure
the Emergency Response Department, NRC’s economic growth continued in is in foreign currencies. Donors carry
are the PROCAP and GENCAP forces. 2007. Total operating revenue was 792 most of the currency risks, but the
These forces are comprised of experts million Norwegian kroner, compared foundation agrees to forward contracts
who are seconded to the UN under to 715 million in 2006. Short term assets to reduce these risks. Because the foun­
special agreements. In 2007, after agree­ were 388 million kroner at the end of dation has no interest-carrying debt,
ment with the Norwegian Ministry of the year, against short term liabilities an increase in interest rates will bring
Foreign Affairs, the project HC/RC was of 253 million kroner, a relation of 1.5. improved results.
initiated, which aims to identify, recruit This is regarded as satisfactory, and The foundation’s efforts to diversify
and qualify top Norwegian candidates liquidity is also good. Despite the its donor-base also made a positive


annual report

9.9 million kroner is covered by addi­ Working Environment: In 2007, NRC

tional equity. The change in result from also carried out an employee survey for
2006 must be viewed in the context that those working at the head office in
the remaining funds from the television Oslo. To provide a genuine basis for
fundraising event in 1998 have been comparison, the survey was structured
spent, and that the revenue from slot according to that of 2006. The response
machines was discontinued from 1st rate increased from 92 percent in 2006
July 2007. to 93.5 percent in 2007, and the ‘worker
In 2007 the foundation received satisfaction’ score also increased, from
financial support from private indi­ 4.23 in 2006 to 4.52 in 2007, out of a
viduals, organisations, and the business possible 6. The results from 2007 show
community. The annual result shows that employees score particularly high
that an increase in such support is a on motivation and job satisfaction,
condition for the foundation to continue with questions relating to the employee’s
to grow - and to maintain the necessary own tasks, responsibilities, and sense
independence when working for the that the job is valuable, also get high
world’s refugees and internally displaced scores. Areas for improvement include
persons. The board stresses the need to cooperation between departments,
increase NRC’s non-earmarked funds, sufficient time to complete work
and several initiatives have been launched assign­ments, and the management
to achieve this. The accounts are built committee’s handling of change and
upon the assumption of continued overall perspective. As a result of the
operation, and the board confirms survey departmental strategy plans
this condition to be in place. have been produced, and the manage­
ment committee has its own priorities
Organisational Initiatives in 2007 and an overarching strategy plan for
Organisational Adjustments: Several the entire organisation.
internal and external evaluations/ The Working Environment Com­
investigations/analyses revealed circum­ mittee, (AMU), was continued, with
stances which indicated that NRC had the Secretary General and heads of the
the potential for improvement with International- and Human Resources
regards to the way in which the organi­ Departments representing management,
sation was structured. To action these and a staff safety officer and the unions
discoveries and improve the organisation representing the employees.
required several strategies. One of these In addition, management carried out
strategies was to carry out an organi­ the annual employee dialogues for 2007.
sational adjustment such that the head The Secretary General and the head
office was optimally organised in relation of the HR Department held regular
to the strategic goals. A project group meetings with the unions, and the
with representatives from all depart­ former also held general staff meetings.
impact in 2007. Consequently, the ments in the head office was reduced, The agreement with Atlas Medical
dependence on the Norwegian govern­ and a new organisational model was Centre as the organisation’s medical
ment has been further reduced. In 2007 initiated on the 1st June. The model provider is to be continued. The organi­
we received significant grants from consists of four line departments, two sation co-operates with the Centre for
foreign donors in the vast majority staff departments, and a small staff Trauma Psychology, in cases where
of programme countries. The biggest unit. The new model involved the setting individual employees require psycho­
foreign contributors were the UN, the up of a separate Human Resource, logical follow-up and care both during
EU, (through ECHO), and the Swedish (HR), Department, the merging of the and after field trips. Field staff experience
Agency for International Development Advocacy Unit, Norwegian Department challenging living conditions, and are
Cooperation (SIDA). Alongside this, and Communication Department into exposed to dangerous diseases. The
the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs one department, the Advocacy and Infor­ organi­sation is constantly focussed on
continues to be our most important mation Department, and the creation this. No work injuries were reported at
contributor and strategic partner in the of the staff unit Strategic Management the headquarters during 2007.
majority of programme countries, as Support, (SMS). The six heads of depart­
well as with regards seconding personnel ments, together with the head of the staff Sick-Leave: The total number of work
to the UN. Great importance is placed unit and the Secretary General comprise days at the head office lost to illness in
on the continuing development of this NRC’s management group. 2007 was 1471, which corresponds to
excellent partnership. 5.1 percent, and is a reduction from 5.6
The year’s negative result of percent the previous year. The level



represents a slight increase in sick-leave Environment: With regards to the 2007. The board agreed to appoint a
with a doctor’s note, and a decrease in external environment, NRC tries to new Secretary General after Tomas Colin
self-attested sick-leave. The organisation minimise its use of planes and other Archer’s departure at the end of 2007.
does not have a particularly high rate types of transportation. NRC is also Elisabeth Rasmussen became the new
of sick-leave in comparison with other aware that refugee camps operations Secretary General of NRC on 14th
businesses, and further aims to reduce can have consequences for the environ­ January 2008.
sick-leave to around 4 percent. The ment, and attempts to conduct its work
oppor­tunities and commitments con­ in the least damaging manner. In 2007, Board Member Elections: Mads Henrik
tained in the document Inclusive Work­ NRC began an extensive climate analysis Almaas has been elected to the board as
place, [Inkluderende Arbeidsliv], were which will be completed in spring 2008. a staff representative replacing Kine
continued, something which entails a One of the main conclusions in this will Brox Brodtkorb, and Jannicke Storm
continual focus on following up those be regarding the implementation of was elected vice-staff representative
on sick-leave, with the goal of taking climate initiatives. replacing Espen Ruud. Mads Henrik
care of and helping the long-term sick Almaas joined the board 10th
back to work. Continual Improvement: NRC is September 2007.
constantly working to improve its Board members Arne Pran and Jan
Gender Ratio and Employees with operations. In this task the Strategic A. Erichsen left the board 5th December
Non-Western Backgrounds: NRC has Management Support unit plays an 2007 after having served for the maxi­
an overall gender ratio of 47 percent important role, as it works to ensure mum duration of three terms. At board
women and 53 percent men. At the that NRC has a continual focus on the meeting 01/08 on 17th January 2008
head office, the breakdown is 61 per­ bigger picture, on targets, on quality Vidar Helgesen and Skjoldvor Fjeldvær
cent women and 39 percent men. At assurance and improvement; together were elected to serve as new external
the country director level the balance with coordinating the organisation’s board members. They joined the board
is 50 percent women and 50 percent strategy and targeting processes. Balanced 25th February 2008, and replaced Arne
men, whilst in the management com­ targets were introduced in 2006 as a Pran and Jan A. Erichsen.
mittee at the head office the breakdown strategy and monitoring tool, and were Skjoldvor Fjeldvær has almost 30
is 43 percent women and 57 percent extended to a range of country offices years experience with migration, refugees,
men. Board members in 2007 were 30 in 2007. A project to prepare a core activ­ asylum seekers and immigrants. She is
percent women and 70 percent men – ity database with corresponding indi­ currently the assistant director of the
something that the board will take into cators was initiated, and several organi­ Directorate for Integration and Diversity
consideration when electing new board sational evaluations were completed to [Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet].
members in 2008. Men earn on average secure learning and continual Fjeldvær has ten years experience from
1.8 percent more than women at the improvement. NRC as head of the strategy department
head office. 16 percent of employees at and INCOR project, as well as having
the head office have a non-Norwegian The Work of the Board been Country Director in Uganda and
background, of whom 6 percent are Board Meetings: The board has under­ project leader in Vietnam.
non-Western. taken eight meetings, (including one to Throughout his carrier, Vidar
plan strategy), and handled 73 cases in Helgesen has displayed a visible

Marianne E. Johnsen Kai Gjesdal Henriksen Vidar Helgesen Ronald Craig Grete Brochmann
Acting Chairman Acting Vice Chairman Board Member Board Member Board Member


engagement for refugee issues, democracy, summed up as being extremely useful. refugees and internally displaced people.
peace and reconciliation processes, and In Geneva, chairperson of the board Yet there remains a great need for addi­
UN-policies. Since 2006, Helgesen has Marianne Elisabeth Johnsen, and tional help and support to the world’s
been the Secretary General of the Inter­ board members Bernt Bull, Jan A. displaced. In the years to come, there
national Institute for Democracy and Erichsen, Marit Backe and Mads Henrik will be enormous challenges connected
Electoral Assistance (IDEA) in Stockholm. Almaas, received information on NRC’s to the increasing number of civil wars,
Helgesen was State Secretary of the cooperation with the UN on different the particularly difficult situation of
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs levels, and met various UN organisations. internally displaced persons, and UN
from 2001 to 2005, and he has previously In addition, the field trip visited NRC reforms.
been Special Advisor to the President Geneva’s Internal Displacement Moni­ It is the board’s conviction that
of the International Red Cross. Today toring Centre, (IDMC), the visit being NRC is well equipped to meet the
he sits in the advisory group of the an important initiative in strengthening challenges ahead.
UN’s Peace Building Fund. the bonds between Oslo and Geneva.
In addition, Grethe Brochmann Oslo, 08.05.2008
who has had leave from the board from Board Work: In 2007, the board was
the second half of 2007, will resume in particularly engaged in beginning a
autumn 2008. process to consolidate the organisation
and manage the priorities for NRC’s
Field Trips: As in previous years, board total resources. Amongst other things,
members undertook field trips in 2007. this led to the organisational adjustments
In 2007, board members took part that were completed in 2007.
in one of the following two trips: The work of the board is characterised
Middle-East; 4th-11th February by good teamwork, and a good compo­
2007: Kai Gjesdal Henriksen, Ronald sition in relation to the professionalism,
Craig and Kine Brox Brodtkorb visited knowledge, experience and competence
the Middle-East from the 4th to the of its members. The year has also seen
11th February. The main impression good cooperation between the board
left on the delegation was the prevailing and the administration. The board
pessimistic atmosphere amongst the wishes to express its sincere thanks to
local population, characterised by little all co-workers in the organisation for
hope for the future. The delegation the tremendous efforts they made
concluded the visit by affirming that it in 2007.
is important NRC retains its presence
in the area. We Will Continue to Make a Difference:
Geneva; 18th-20th September 2007: In 2006 we marked 60 years of NRC.
From the 18th-20th September a field 2007 proved that NRC continues to be
trip to Geneva was undertaken, which a vital organisation, with steady growth,
the board members themselves and which continues to help numerous

Harald Stabell Bernt Bull Skjoldvor Fjellvær Marit Backe Mads Almaas Elisabeth Rasmusson
Board Member Board Member Board Member Staff representative Staff representative Secretary General



Profit and loss statement

(All figures in NOK 1 000) Notes 2007 2006

Operating revenue
Project revenue from external donors 2,5 754 564 650 421
Collected funds, for restricted usage 1,3,5 5 768 26 730
Collected funds, for general usage 4 31 688 37 215
Other income 95 465
Total operating revenue 792 115 714 831

Operating costs
Project materials etc 437 638 384 562
Salaries and social costs 6 339 444 292 895
Other operating costs 31 771 28 722
Depreciation of fixed assets 7 1 225 319
Total operating costs 810 078 706 498

Operating result -17 963 8 333

Financial items
Interest income 7 614 3 251
allocated as restricted funds 3 0 - 159
Income from shares and bonds 8 1 422 3 172
Foreign exchange gains / (losses) -1 002 - 167
Financial costs 0 - 80
Net financial items 8 034 6 017

Net result -9 929 14 350

Appropriation of net result:

Transfer (from) / to emergency fund 11 0 - 82 527
Transfer to other equity -9 929 96 877
Sum appropriation of net result -9 929 14 350


Balance sheet as per 31 December
(All figures in NOK 1 000) Notes 2007 2006

Long term assets
Long term receivables 9 35 35
Fixed assets 7 2 279 1 593
Total long term assets 2 314 1 628

Short term assets

Short term receivables, donors 1 55 520 41 640
Short term receivables 8 995 14 426
Shares and bonds 8 56 699 55 277
Bank deposits and cash 1,10 267 080 251 962
Total short term assets 388 294 363 305

Total assets 390 608 364 933


Foundation capital 1 000 1 000
Contingency fund 49 000 49 000
Total paid-in capital 50 000 50 000
Other equity 86 948 96 877
Total earned equity 11 86 948 96 877

Total equity 136 948 146 877

Short term liabilities

Trade accounts payable 5 892 4 291
Government fees 14 081 13 542
Project funds received as advancements 2 201 631 163 629
Collected funds, with restriction on usage 1,3 806 5 948
Other short term liabilities 31 250 30 646
Total short term liabilities 253 660 218 056

Total equity and liabilities 390 608 364 933

Oslo, May 8th 2008

Marianne E. Johnsen Kai Gjesdal Henriksen Vidar Helgesen Ronald Craig Harald Stabell
Acting Chairman Acting Vice Chairman Board Member Board Member Board Member

Mads Almaas Bernt Bull Skjoldvor Fjeldvær Marit Backe Elisabeth K. Rasmusson
Staff representative Board Member Board Member Staff representative Secretary General



Cash flow analysis

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006

Cash flow generated by operations

Net result -9 929 14 350
Depreciation of fixed assets 1 225 319
Increase(+) / Decrease(-) of project advancements 24 122 39 638
Change in other short term receivables & liabilities 3 033 -15 817
(A) Net cash flow from operations 18 451 38 490

Cash flow spent on investments in fixed assets

Investments in fixed assets(-) -1 911 -1 912
(B) Cash spent on investments in fixed assets -3 333 -5 084

Cash flow from long term financing

Increase(-) / Decrease(+) in long-term receivables 0 0
(C) Net cash effect of long term financing 0 0

A+B+C Net changes in cash flow during the year 15 118 33 406
Bank deposits and Cash Jan 1st * 251 962 218 556
Bank deposits and Cash Dec 31st 267 080 251 962



Notes to the 2007 Financial Statements

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-profit humanitarian acts of war or robbery, provided appropriate security measures have
foundation. Its activities are financed through project contributions been taken. All NRC-employees in Norway and abroad are insured,
from donors such as the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), removing all liability of the foundation in the event of war, other unrest
NORAD, the UN system and EU, and also with own funds collected or accidents. Similarly, all material is insured.
through fundraising. On March 13th 1997, NRC was organized as a foundation, with a
In 2007, NRC-projects were conducted in 20 countries, some of which foundation capital of NOK 1 mill. Being a foundation, NRC›s financial
experience considerable lack of stability. Consequently, a relatively high statements must be submitted to Regnskapsregisteret in Brønnøysund,
risk applies to human resources and finances alike. The financial risk, Norway. The foundation is tax-exempt. The financial statement adheres
however, is rarely the responsibility of NRC. to the 1998 accounting regulations and accepted accounting principles.
The donors will normally carry the risk of financial loss caused by

Note 1 Accounting principles are reversed when the basis for write-downs no longer exists. Long-term
liabilities are included in the balance sheet at fair value on the balance
Principles of revenue-recognition sheet day.
Project funds are often received from donor early in the project-phase
and are recorded as received advancements in the balance sheet. Recog­ Fixed assets
nition of revenue is done concurrently with the progress of each project. Fixed assets with an expected economic useful life of more than three
Income from marketing activities (fundraising from individuals, years and a cost of more than NOK 15 000, are capitalized in the balance
organizations and companies, plus lotteries etc) are recognized as revenue sheet and depreciated over their economic useful life. Maintenance of
when received, except funds with specific restrictions on usage. These fixed assets are charged directly to p&l, while additional investments
are capitalized in the balance sheet when received and recognized as and/or improvements are added to the purchase price of the fixed asset
revenue when used. and depreciated accordingly with the same. Fixed assets procured for
usage in the field are charged directly to p&l at the time of procurement.
Classification and evaluation of balance sheet items
Short term assets and liabilities include items which are due for payment Receivables
within one year from the balance sheet day, and items connected to Receivables are included in the balance sheet at face value less deduction
operation of the projects. From 2007 receivables from donors are classified of provisions for expected loss. Provisions for bad debts are based upon
as short term assets. These were in previous years classified as advance­ individual assessments of each receivable.
ments, together with project funds received. The balance of 2006 is
therefore re-classified to make the two years comparable. Foreign exchange
Other items are classified as fixed assets/long-term liabilities. Shares Balance sheet items in foreign currencies are converted at the exchange
and bonds are measured at their actual value on the balance sheet day rate at the day of balance, except bank deposits and cash acquired for
Long-term assets are valued at the lowest of acquisition cost and fair usage in donorfinanced projects. These are maintained at the rate of
value. Write-downs to fair value are carried out when the decrease in acquisition, because this is the rate used when the donors approve and
value can not be considered temporary, and must be considered necessary compensate for costs paid in foreign currencies. Foreign exchange gains
according to generally accepted accounting principles. The write-downs and losses are included as financial items in the p&l.



Note 2 Project revenue from external donors

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006
Received in cash from Norwegian Government sources 506 299 428 777
Received in cash from UNHCR 76 250 77 922
Received in cash from ECHO 63 357 45 002
Received in cash from other donors 132 780 138 358
Gross received project funds from external donors 778 686 690 059

Increase (-) of net project funds received as advancement -24 122 -39 638

Project revenue from external donors 754 564 650 421

Note 3 Collected funds, with restriction on usage

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006
Telethon funds as per Jan 1st 0 9 319
Telethon funds spent on projects * 0 - 9 478
Interest income on Telethon funds 0 159
Telethon funds as per Dec 31st 0 0

Other collected funds with restriction on usage, as per Jan 1st 5 948 9 053
Other collected funds with restriction on usage, received 626 14 147
Other collected funds with restriction on usage, spent on projects * -5 768 -17 252
Other collected funds with restriction on usage, as per Dec 31st 806 5 948

Total collected funds with restriction on usage, as per Dec 31st 806 5 948

* Total spent on projects, e.g. recognized revenue in the p&l. 5 768 26 730

Note 4 Collected funds, for general usage

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006
Gross income 31 688 37 215
Operating expenses -20 143 -17 991
Net income from collected funds, for general usage 11 545 19 224


Note 5 Project revenue split on donors, countries and regions
(All figures in NOK 1 000)
Financed by
Norway EU Sweden Norway UN UN UN EU Holland Denmark Switzerl. USA Norway

ASIA Afghanistan 38 523 3 251 5 014 991 2 187 597 50 562

Armenia 11 866 79 11 944
Azerbaijan 13 745 3 973 1 262 631 717 20 328
Georgia 18 092 3 164 1 330 802 120 23 508
Indonesia 538 249 787
Lebanon 589 5 717 40 635 2 918 49 859
Nepal 261 1 427 1 022 44 2 062 49 4 865
Pakistan 2 831 5 659 25 875 2 627 2 605 445 2 942 42 983
Palestine Territories 873 9 525 10 399
Russia / Central Asia 12 158 12 158
Sri Lanka 3 125 16 609 8 588 4 190 4 074 3 691 2 840 43 116
Syria 1 539 1 539
Timor Leste 12 298 328 12 626
Secondments 61 318 1 803 63 121
Sum 5 387 205 645 63 377 42 467 1 330 4 074 0 0 0 2 627 3 691 3 597 2 187 2 062 1 879 9 475 347 797
AFRICA Angola 12 945 1 657 865 15 467
Burundi 328 13 311 5 849 4 410 5 437 3 178 205 146 32 864
Ivory Coast 11 008 1 224 2 627 97 140 15 096
Congo D.R. 25 076 4 755 3 987 8 806 5 358 6 622 395 54 998
Liberia 19 798 9 747 4 031 941 1 532 36 048
Central African Republic 3 277 662 902 4 841
Somalia 21 132 12 610 2 189 457 2 246 3 352 41 985
Sudan 2 058 24 145 1 328 2 548 12 921 2 292 66 839 46 199
Uganda 1 35 633 2 909 2 935 5 043 860 5 937 853 1 261 787 502 56 720
Other countries 230 855 1 085
Secondments 20 701 639 202 54 1 930 23 526
Sum 2 617 187 025 13 513 36 880 33 000 3 178 18 375 10 320 7 456 3 099 1 261 787 0 0 865 10 453 328 829
EUROPE Switzerland / Belgium 2 316 2 539 1 093 1 290 1 182 9 122 17 543
Norway 3 926 174 1 098 4 726 4 818 14 742
Secondments 15 889 9 530 25 419
Sum 2 316 22 354 0 1 267 2 388 4 726 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 182 0 23 470 57 704
AMERICA Colombia 1 026 13 724 3 774 9 344 883 1 142 29 894
Other 419 419
Secondments 1 377 1 377
Sum America 1 026 15 520 3 774 0 0 9 344 0 0 0 0 0 0 883 0 0 1 142 31 690
TOTAL 11 346 430 545 80 664 80 614 36 718 21 323 18 375 10 320 7 456 5 725 4 952 4 383 3 069 3 244 2 744 44 541 766 020

Donor's share (ex secondments) 2% 51% 12% 12% 6% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0,5 % 0,5 % 0,4 % 5% 100%



Note 6 Salaries etc.

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006

Salaries 293 793 254 354
Social security allowance 16 050 14 812
Other benefits 29 601 23 729
Gross salary costs 339 444 292 895

The Secretary General was in 2007 paid NOK 768 660 in salaries and NOK 7 311 in other allowances, totalling NOK 775 971.
NOK 150 000 in remuneration was paid to the Board members in 2007. The fee to Ernst & Young AS for ordinary audit for 2007 is estimated to
NOK 220 000. In addition, NOK 2 563 787 was paid for project audits performed in Norway and abroad. These audits were performed by a number
of different auditors. The audit fees are included under ‹Other operating costs› and ‹Project materials etc›, respectively.

At the end of the year there were 129 employees at the head office in Oslo and 2 100 local employees in other countries. In addition, 419 employees
were employed by NRC in Oslo, for service abroad. A total of 867 persons were employed by NRC in Oslo in 2007 for service abroad.

All* employees paying tax to Norway are members of Statens Pensjonskasse, so that the new rules of Obligatorisk Tjenestepensjon (OTP) are fulfilled.
* The secondees; who work for miscellenous UN-organizations abroad, are not members of the pension scheme. It is unclear whether they too are
affected by the new rules on OTP. This is still being investigated in cooperation with relevant authorities.

Note 7 Fixed assets

(All figures in NOK 1 000) Furniture, IT, equipm.

Acquisition cost as per Jan 1st 2007 1 912
Investments in 2007 1 911
Divestments in 2007 0
Acquisition cost as per Dec 31st 2007 3 823
Accumulated depreciation/write-downs as per 1.1 2006 - 319
Depreciation in 2007 - 1 225
Divestments in 2007 0
Accumulated depreciation/write-downs Dec 31st 2007 - 1 544

Net book value at Dec 31st 2007 2 279

Depreciation rate (linear) 33 %

NRC’s head office on three and a half floor in Grensen 17 Oslo, is rented from Storebrand Eiendom.
The rental contract runs until 1. jan 2010, the annual rental fee is about NOK 4 million.


Note 8 Shares and bonds
Surplus funds are invested in the market through professional investors.
At yearend, the portfolio had the following composition:

(All figures in NOK 1 000) Acqusition Value Inv./(sale) Yield 2007 Value
Name cost 31.12 2006 2007 Amount % 31.12 2007
DnB NOR Lang Obligasjon 20 0 24 227 -23 937 - 290 -1,2 % 0
DnB NOR Likviditet 20 (IV) 34 341 20 368 12 432 1 339 5,0 % 34 139
DnB NOR Obligasjon II 6 201 0 6 044 128 2,1 % 6 172
Total bonds 40 542 44 595 -5 461 1 177 2,5 % 40 311
DnB NOR Norge Selektiv (II) 0 9 672 -10 606 934 9,7 % 0
DnB NOR Norden (III) 16 023 0 16 067 - 824 -5,1 % 15 243
ABN AMRO 500 1 010 0 135 13,4 % 1 145
Total shares 16 523 10 682 5 461 245 1,8 % 16 388
DnB NOR Cash deposit
Total shares and bonds 57 065 55 277 0 1 422 2,6 % 56 699

Booked value equals market value both in 2006 and 2007.

Note 9 Long-term receivables

In 2001, 10 of Norways largest humanitarian organizations started a co-operation on games on the internet.
In this connection, two companies were established:
«De 10 Humanitaere AS» where each organization paid in NOK 15.000 for 10% of the share capital.
In addition, each organization granted a loan of NOK 100 000 to ‹De 10 Humanitaere AS», of which NOK 20 000 is not yet paid back.
The loan, totalling NOK 1 mill, was used to acquire 51 % of the company « AS».

Note 10 Bank deposits and cash

Of the bank deposits, NOK 7,0 mill is tied up on a separate account for tax deducted from employees, NOK 7,0 mill is deposited
as guarantee for lotteries and NOK 1,8 mill as deposit for the rental contract for the head office in Oslo.

Note 11 Earned equity

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006

Emergency fund as per Jan 1st 0 82 527

Transfered (from) / to the emergency fund 0 - 82 527
Emergency fund as per Dec 31st 0 82 527

Other equity as per Jan 1st 96 877 0

Transfer to Other equity - 9 929 96 877
Other equity as per Dec 31st 86 948 96 877

Total Earned equity as per Dec 31st 86 948 96 877



Note 12 Currency risk

All project funds used in the field are converted to USD or EURO.
During periods with significant currency fluctuations, the foundation runs a certain risk of currency loss, as most of the donor funds
are granted in NOK. In many cases the donors accept to carry the currency risks In addition, the risk is reduced through usage of
forward contracts.

Note 13 Activity accounting

(All figures in NOK 1 000) 2007 2006

Generating restricted funds

Project revenue from external donors 754 564 650 421
Collected funds, for restricted usage 5 768 26 730

Generating free funds

Collected funds, for general usage 31 688 37 215
Other income 95 465
Total revenue generated 792 115 714 831
Net financial items 8 034 6 017
Costs to generate collected funds - 20 143 - 17 991
Gross generated for operations 780 006 702 857

Costs for administration and project-support * - 54 302 - 44 296

Net generated for operations 725 704 658 561

Spent on operations abroad -726 773 -638 460

Spent on information-related activities -8 860 -5 751
Sum spent on operations -735 633 -644 211

Activity-result -9 929 14 350

*This item contains in addition to administrative functions like accounting, HR and running of the office etc, also
management and NRC-financed project support functions based in Norway.


AUDITOR’s report

Auditor’s report


Design and layout:

The Norwegian Refugee Council

Postbox 6758 St. Olavs plass, N-0130 OSLO E-mail:
Switchboard: +47 23 10 98 00 Internet:
Fax: + 47 23 10 98 01 ISBN: 978-82-7411-172-9
Office address: Grensen 17 Co. Reg. no.: 977 538 319

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