Growth in A Population: Exercise 1

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BOT 132 T-1L

A scientific paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in BOTANY/HORTICULTURE 132: Plant Growth
Laboratory under Dr. Rachel Sotto, 2ND Semester A.Y. 2017-2018 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

The absolute growth rate (AGR) and the relative growth rate (RGR) are the two parameters that
can be used in measuring growth in a population. The rate of increase of the total population is
accounted by measuring the absolute growth rate. On the other hand, the rate of increase in size per unit
of size is measured by the relative growth rate, also known as efficiency index (Hunt, 2017). AGR has
a linear relationship with time, meaning that as time increases, the value of AGR also increases. This is
in contrast with the RGR where the value remains the same given under a constant environment.
Because of this reason, comparison of growth under different environment conditions and growth of
unequal-sized organs and organisms are done by measuring the RGR.

Common duckweed (Lemnasp.) is used to analyze growth rate by means of AGR and RGR, in

this particular exercise. Lemnasp., from the family Lemnaceae,is an aquatic perennial herb that is free-

floating and can grow in bodies of water like rivers, ponds, and lakes (New England Wild Flower

Society, 2017). The population increases through budding.

This exercise aims to show the sigmoid type of growth pattern in a Lemnapopulation and to

exhibit the duration of each growth phase in different growth media.


Lemna sp. sterile culture was provided. Hoagland’s solutions with different levels of sucrose
(0.1 %, 0/2 %, 0.5 %) were prepared before commencing inoculation. Table 1.1 showed the different
components of Hoagland’s solution. Fifty milliliters of the solution were dispensed into 250-mL
Erlenmeyer flasks. Cotton plugs were used to cover the flasks. After which, the flasks were then
sterilized in an autoclave for 20 minutes at 15 psi. The prepared solutions were used the following
week for inoculation. When the solutions have cooled, inoculation was done. At the very least, two to
three fronds of Lemna sp. were inoculated in each solution. Aseptic technique was followed to avoid
contamination. The initial number of fronds was recorded.

For the observations, the number of fronds for the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, 14th and 16thwere counted

and recorded. The average frond number versus time and the log average frond number versus time
were plotted for each treatment and the duration of the 3 phases of development was determined.

Moreover, the time when the curve ceases to be linear was also determined.

The value of the growth constant (k) during different periods was determined. To calculate k,

the formula is used. dN is the change in the frond number over the time interval (dt). The

obtained k values versus time were plotted and the resulting curves were made and described.

Table 1.1. Components of Hoagland’s solution.


KNO3 0.006M 2.4 mL
Ca(NO3)2•4H2O 0.004M 1.6 mL
MgSO4•7H2O 0.002M 0.8 mL
NH4H2PO4 0.001M 0.4 mL
Fe-EDTA 5 ppm 2 mL
Microelements 1 mL/ 1L 0.2 mL
*Concentration of the stock solutions is 0.5 M.


The complete data observed for number if fronds in the different treatments of sucrose in
Hoagland’s solution is tabulated in Table 1.1. The resulting data were used to calculate the absolute and
relative growth rates to easily visualize and compare the two. Figures 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 showed the
actual growth rate of Lemna as time progresses under three different treatments. As shown in these
figures, treatment 3, with the highest level of sucrose concentration, had the highest growth rate.
However, this was followed by treatment 1, with the lowest sucrose concentration, and then by
treatment 2. The varying data means that sucrose affects the growth of Lemna. Errors in treatments 1
and 2 may be due to possible contaminations, in the counting of fronds, and some other human-induced
errors that could affect the descriptions of the growth rates.
Table 1.1. Increase in the number (growth) of fronds of Lemna sp. after different periods of
incubation in 1/5 HS with various levels of sucrose.
0.1 0.2 0.5
0 1 3 3 3
2 3 4 2
3 3 3 4
Mean 3 3.33 3
k 0 0 0
2 1 5 5 3
2 4 9 4
3 3 3 6
Mean 4 5.67 4.33
k 0.17 0.35 0.22
4 1 13 15 19
2 12 19 14
3 7 9 20
Mean 10.67 14.33 17.67
k 0.83 0.76 1.54
7 1 51 55 40
2 26 27 58
3 21 44 43
Mean 32.67 42 47
K 0.69 0.64 0.55
9 1 131 127 46
2 25 22 125
3 47 116 52
Mean 67.67 88.33 74.33
K 0.54 0.55 0.29
14 1 396 277 69
2 59 88 477
3 86 55 57
Mean 180.33 140 201
K 0.33 0.12 0.34
16 1 648 22 55
2 12 453 854
3 183 0 69
Mean 281 158.33 326
K 0.28 0.07 0.31
2 4 7 9 14 16

T1 T2 T3

Fig. 1.1. Actual growth rate of Lemna under three different treatments.

Relative Growth Rate of Lemna


2 4 7 9 14 16

T1 T2 T3

Fig. 1.2. Absolute Growth Rate of Lemna under three different treatments.



Fig. 1.3. Relative Growth Rate of Lemna under three different treatments.

Sucrose is the transportable form of sugar and serves as food for the organism (Taiz and Zeiger,
2010). Sucrose and starch are more efficient in energy storage when compared to glucose and fructose,
however starch is insoluble in water so it can't be transported via phloem. Sucrose is thus utilized,
having the characteristics of being water-soluble and energy efficient. Moreover, glucose is highly
reactive and could trigger some intermediate reactions while being transported. Sucrose is not as much
reactive as glucose, because of its complexity in structure (Heldt and Piechulla, 2004).
Theoretical graphs of the absolute growth rate and relative growth rate are shown below, in Fig
1.4 and Fig 1.5. More or less, the growth of the Lemna populations in three different treatments showed
the same expected trends.


Fig. 1.4. Expected absolute growth rate.



Fig. 1.5. Expected relative growth rate.

Relative growth rate changes with time. This could be due to some factors like light, carbon
dioxide, temperature, water, nutrients, and pH. Light intensity affects plant growth such that relatively,
the higher the light intensity, the higher the photosynthetic rate. Moreover, the temperature and pH
must be at optimum levels for optimal growth. Overtly low temperature and exceedingly high
temperature decrease photosynthetic rates due to inactivation or degradation of enzymes involved in
the process (Taiz and Zeiger, 2010). In addition, increase in carbon dioxide concentration up to a
certain amount can increase the yield (Kirschbaum, 2011). The prediction of the possible population of
the organism is one of the important reasons why relative growth rate is determined.


In this exercise, Lemna sp. was used to measure actual growth rate, relative growth rate and
absolute growth rate. As observed in the data gathered, the results show that, relatively, concentration
of sucrose has a linear relationship with the growth of the species. The higher the sucrose
concentration, the higher the rate of growth obtained. Moreover, different environmental conditions
should also be maintained to obtain optimum growth. These include, but not limited to, temperature,
pH, water, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels, and others.

Alejar, A. (2001). Laboratory Manual in Plant Growth First Edition. Institute of Biological Sciences,
College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Food
Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Heldt, H. W., & Piechulla, B. (2004). Plant biochemistry. Academic Press.

Hunt, R. (2017). Relative growth rates. Retrieved on October 09, 2017 from

Kirschbaum, M. U. (2011). Does enhanced photosynthesis enhance growth? Lessons learned from CO2
enrichment studies. Plant physiology, 155(1), 117-124.

Pessarakli, M. (Ed.). (2014). Handbook of plant and crop physiology. CRC Press.

New England Wild Flower Society (2017). Lemna minor. Retrieved on October 09, 2017 from

Taiz, L., & Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant physiology 5th Ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.

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