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Assumptions Related Risks Mitigation

Some documents are not available Worked with PMU to locate the missing document and
All the documents are or missing and for the available sought help in determining related documents
available and easy to read once the size of document are too
much or too big.

Work with the PMU to locate the missing data and

All the related data is
Some data is missing or hard to find consult with the PMU on tools to collect the missing
available and easy to access

The consultation team work Held more team meetings and talked more with team
The team works as individuals and
smoothly together and members to get them more familiar with each other.
clash of personality
complement each other.

The team leadership read all available documents and

The team will be quick to It takes the team too much time to
directed each team member to documents related to
digest all the information read the necessary document and
their assignment. Distributed developed tools and
and data to understand the programme
necessary documents to all team members.

The assignment allocates Delays in receiving approvals for To stay on course, the data collection period has to be
enough time to conduct all the inception report, delays in shortened and work on data collection tools and
the evaluation activities and approving the tools, and delays in document review during the delay period. An extension
draft the final report. collecting necessary data is sought.

The alumni response to the questionnaire was very

weak, and the evaluation team made extra efforts to
The students and alumni contact the alumni and to encourage them to respond
response to the to the survey. The evaluation solicited the help of Al
The alumni response to the
questionnaire will meet and Fakhoora staff and partner to contact alumni and to
questionnaire was very weak
exceed the required encourage them to reply to the questionnaire. The
percentage. collection period was extended for more than double
the allocated time. Approved response rate within
international norms (over 20%)
Due to the difficulty in finding enough time in key
The evaluation is able to
stakeholders schedule, the evaluation team arranged
interview key stakeholders The evaluation team is unable to
to make just one interview to cover both DFI and DFII
twice for DFI and DFII interview key stakeholders.
with key stakeholders; sometimes, even as small
Partners and key Partners and key stakeholders are The evaluation team determined the level of
stakeholders are aware of partially sometimes unaware awareness of activities and knowledge in the
the programme activities aboutthe programme activities programme then asked each group of stakeholders
and know the details of the and do not know much about the and partners about the parts that they were familiar
programme. programme. with.
The evaluation team face The evaluation team interviewed the master students
Ability to reach the master
difficulties to reach the master to get more insight about their experience and to have
students. them answer open questions instead of closed ones.
The evaluation team asked current students and
Student who were dismissed
No cooperation from dismissed and alumni about this segment involvement and
and withdrawn from the
withdrawn students. interaction in the programme, also feedback from Al
programme will cooperate.
Fakhoora staff and PMU was sought.
The evaluation team is The large number of consultant The evaluation team has rearranged and redistributes
dynamic and can cover their team makes hard to meet and the LoE and small faction of the team covered all bases
specialty well and stayed cannot get on the same page and and with their wide experience covered the required
intact. some quit the team. work and managed to stay on course.

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