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Creation 2.

In the first "document" I have written somthing

in Norwegian, by a mistake:
"La oss se på et bilde" = "Let us look at a picture"

Again I remind you about "Dark Matter", as you

will find connections to parts of what is written
Again I repeat.
All things written about here, is MAINLY from my

As this will sound as an adventure (Fairy Tale),

I have decided to write it, in the same form.
"The Infinit Story" is one of the highest
meditations I have read.

Creation continues:

On "The Place of The Gods" (yes, plural) ..which

is borne (not created), the "children" was learning
about - what it meant to be God.
(The Place Of The Gods - is borne, not created.)

First - they had to understand - "The Power of

Powers, The beginning of everything" - also
called "The Good" (strangely enough NOT - The God).
From him - "The Eternal Power", was borne
and moved to a "Universe", so it could be
used for creation.
(The Universe Without Matter, where matter
comes into our universe. See "Dark Matter".)

The children knew this very good, as - from

this POWER (NOT energy), they had occurred,
through pure will. (had occurred=been borne)

Now they listened very carefully, as they was

coming closer and closer to the main subject:
They felt the eagerness for beginning this
task, but they knew that "The Old Law", was
probably about to wanish, as it had prooved

The old Law . said:

"Do what you want - as long as you learn from
(The Wicca-witches only knows half the law.)

The new law, was based on the old one, but

had an addition.
"Do what you want, as long as you learn from
it, exept what you have learned from earlier
creations - that is wrong."
A list of these earlier "wrong things" (more:
unfortunate things"), things that:
-for a long time - seemed to be correct,
but then revealed itself as unfortunate.
-that had unfortunate effect, almost
-that was unfear, in connection to the
understanding of fearness, connected
to creation.
Editors comment:"The Eternity of Eternities"
says that: A creation cannot exist, without
(This fearness is far beyond what people
usually understand, when it comes to
-the foundation for thoughts.
Editors comment: "The Human Thoughs"
is a part of this connection, but the "thoughts"
of God(s), is of a "higher type", as they contain
abilities to create - and to decide.
(Even - decide - has a different meaning than
We are again back to the problem with the
"missing language".)
-the most inner-core of the thoughts.
(Listed in the end of the first document.)
-Why "The First Law" not was obeyed, by "The
Old Gods" [exept - mybe "The Five"].
-what abilities the Gods should inherit.

-how to differ between "Mighty" and "Allmighty".

(Meaning: God, "halfgods", "semigods" etc.
The Bible have the statement: you say you are a
God, but you are not a God.
(To come with a statement like this, you must
really understand the difference.)
-how to create "The Laws of Nature".
(Only the creator can define "nature".
"He" creates one of the laws for
The Ocean in the sentence, used in
the moovie "Angels and Demons"
"Here and not further."
..the sentence continues, but is not used in the film:
Here your proud waves shall stop.
[translated from the Norwegian Bible of 1930
-how to become love
-the knowledge about "The Eternals" and how
they came to be. (Phistis Sophia, Sophia of
Jesus ..Last one is the daughter of the first one,
The Whole Human, also called The Complete
Human, etc.)
Only 10 of the children, should perform a creation.
(This has a background, that belong to a different
"Fairy Tale", even though it is connected to this.)
21 children should wait in The Nothingness, for their
turn. (As far as I have understood, not the same
"Nothingness" as "The Big Nothing"[ness]. See
"Dark Matter".)

Why they should wait - also belong to a different

"Fairy Tale" - and again, connected to this.
The only thing that can be "revealed" from this
(other) "Fairy Tale" is that:
...some of the children - has "wounds", that must
heal... The sorrow MAY still BE too grave for them...

From now on I will use less words in quotes.

For God - I will use - Him.
The other terms - you can find earlier in the text,
I mainly will not continue to put in quotes, as
I already have said, they are in quotes - earlier
in the text.

"universe" - not really a universe, but it comes closest.

"The Laws of Nature" - because it is a term.
"The Humans Thoughts" - originally belongs to "The
Whole Human", but now a sublevel exist, therfore
it is a way to differentiate (part).

Why do I use "Him" (or He), for God?

God - is a divine thought.

For HUMAN's thoughts I could have used - "it".

Divine thought - has a will of its own, an understanding
of its own (far beyond humans understanding), a
personality and many abilities we don't have words
for ... so
He or Him will be the most correct term, according
to my opinion.

("She" and "Her" is acceptable, but The God has a

"Tripple HE-nature", aquired under SO CERTAIN
conditions, that the nature itself - is beyond
This nature has however, been misunderstood
through the time - and is probably the base
for "queer"ness (making love to your own gender).
(A DIVINE) He - must not be confused with
masculine vibrations - which is the foundation
for human beings.
BECAUSE it HAS BEEN confused with this, many
has "fallen down" from a spiritual devellopement.
(There MIGHT be a way "back", but I am not sure.
Yaldabaoth is very powerful, but not as powerful
as his son - Sabaoth [or Sebaot].)

Again: God=He or Him.


The Whole Human

is a phrase I have used some times - now.
What is it?

-A woman has an ambundance of feminine powers.

-A man has an ambundance of masculine powers.
-A Whole Human has a complete balance between
masculine and feminine powers.

This is true for "ordinary" people who are develloping

their personality - toward spirituality.

When you have reached a spiritual level, then you

will "come in contact" with "the foundation" for this

When Adam was created, he became "A Whole Human"

when "The Breath Of Life" was given to him.
(He lost this posistion when he ate of "The Forbidden
Fruit", but..... There is more to this "Fairy Tale".)
Don't exept this statement, but search for its truth:
When Adam was given "The Breath Of Life", he became
greater than the God who created him.
Because so few knows this, they have come to the
conclusion: Humans NEED something to beleive in.
The truth is:
We LONG BACK to this level of devellopement, as
it is "downloaded" in our nature.

So - We don't NEED .... we LONG BACK.

The Whole Human - is two states of devellopement.
1. The human who tries to reach a spiritual level.
2. To claim the inheritance that Jesus gave us back.
(Can be claimed, if we reach "spirit" [fullfill no. 1].
It is ours, but it must start with - belief, or else
it is like finding an invention - 1000 years in the
future. How can we know how to use it?
...Like - eating from The Tree Of Knowlegde - again.

SEARCH - and you WILL find.

KNOCK - and it WILL be opened.

The Door In The Wilderness.

What does - "knock" - mean?
What shall you "knock" - ON?
What about - a door?

This "Fairy Tale" is indirectly connected to the creation,

in the way: How shall we create, if we don't know
how to do it?

The answer is partly:

If you turn on a lightswitch, the lamp will light, even
if you don't understand - why.
Fairy Tale about you.
(Your search for higher understanding.)

The sun was shining and the sommersky had a

beautiful lightblue colour.
The hill was pretty heavy to go up, but up there,
you could see the hill flatten out.

The sweat was dripping light from you face.

You stopped for a while to let the light breeze
chill you down.
The wind - gently - smoothed your skin and gave
you a good relaxing feeling.

But then you again felt the impatience.

"I know I am wery close to a deeper understanding

of SOMETHING, although I still don't have a clear
picture of it.
I must continue."

With a heavy breath, you enter the hills top - and see
??? a door ??? - just standing there - alone.

"What is this?"
The thought reduced the confusement a little,
so you slowly - with a curious look - went closer.
"Here is no handle", you concluded. "I must see
on the other side."
You go around to the other side of the door
"No handle here either.
What is this?"

You walk a little bit away from the door, to get

a different angle - of the situation.

Far behind - in your conscious - there is a message,

trying to come through. You can however, not
catch it.
The sound of the message grows louder and louder.
KNOCK - and you will find.

You go back, knock on the door - and

The door opens - and a marwellous
light is welling out - with a clearness
you never have experienced before.

"The dry part".

You have come to a point in your devellopement,
where everything seemes to stop.

You pray
NOT - because it is right, BUT because you beleive
SUDDENLY - everything is going your way again.
What was impossible to understand - is suddenly
easy ... so easy, that you - many times - don't
understand - why you didn't realize this
(In my occation, I would combine a prayer and
a meditation.)
So we go back again, to a more direct approach
on The Creation.

The Most Inner Core Of The Thought

is the base for all creation.
This is however, from a spiritual perspective.

We are talking about - divine thoughts, what

Gods percept as - abilities.
1.The Illusoric Thought.
2. The Eternal Thought.
3. The Deciding (or: DecisionMaking) Thought.

Number 1 and 2 can create.

Number 3 can not.
To begin with the abilities:
1. What is created with this thought, is eternal in
nature, but can be destroyed.
Inside a creation, these things can exist forever
If the things - created with this thought - come
OUTSIDE a creation, they will seize to exist,

2. What is created with this thought, is eternal;

BOTH inside and outside a creation.
AND (they / it ) can not be destroyed.

3. The "DesitionMaking" thought can not create,

but can decide what can be created.
This is a vague discription, as there allways shall
be 2 - when a creation shall take place AND we
must understand MUCH MORE about:
-creation, in connection to fearness.
-The Eternity of Eternities.
(with the base - in - Eternity)

-Definition of eternity without the use of a time-phrase.

-How power - can control - energy, without being energy.
and much much more.

When Jesus is saying: If you are not borne anew, you will
never enter The Kingdom Of Heaven,
he is refering to "the blessing" of The Eternal Thought.
(The Seventh Birth.)

The Paradise
is a "sublevel" of Heaven - inside a creation.
Therfore you can be there, as you are created now.

The Kingdom Of Heaven,

which I refer to now - is
-partly created
-partly borne
-partly a power
...and the words goes for the first two.
To enter all parts of Heaven, means that you must be
"blessed" / "borne" by The Eternal Thought.

When Jesus is saying:

Let the small children come to me. Don't prevent them,
for the Kingdom Of Heaven is theirs
(as close as I can come, from the Norwegian Bible)
you can read:(Both means the same)
for the power of the kingdom, belong to them.
(in stead of:..for The Kingdom Of Heaven is theirs.)
I think we need a break.
Greetings Aage.

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