Human Rights Alert: 10-10-11 Holly Fujie and Bet Tzedek - The Leslie Brody Report

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Human Rights Alert

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10-10-11 Holly Fujie and Bet Tzedek – The Leslie Brody Report

Buchalter Nemer's Holly Fujie and State Bar of California Foundation/Bet Tzedek Under Scrutiny
by lesliebrodie Pro @ 2010-09-28 – 07:28:00 pm
D e v e l o p i n g....
An RCS (Reliable Confidential Source)in California, informed TLR about the existence of an ongoing
inquiry into Holly Fujie's role in transferring funds from the Foundation of the State Bar of California to
Bet Tzedek, a Los Angeles based organization which provides legal services to the needy.
Ms Fujie, the source claims, is a member of the Board of Directors of both the State Bar Foundation and
Bet Tzedek.
TLR has also been informed the ongoing inquiry by the RCS also encompasses the examination of
multiple Amicus Curie briefs filed by Bet Tzedek. This, the source claims, may constitute prohibited
political activities on the part of Bet Tzedek and the Foundation.
D e v e l o p i n g ...
Meet Holly Fujie-- the Former President of the State Bar of California
by lesliebrodie Pro @ 2010-04-06 – 10:29:39 pm
In conducting some of the investigation and the subsequent reporting of the circumstances surrounding
the Howard Miller Scandal (HMS), I had no choice but to inquire about the role of his predecessor--Ms.
Holly Fujie. Surprisingly, the process of looking into Ms. Fujie's background was quite refreshing,
positive and educational. The part about the Tanforan Race Track and the uncertainty concerning the
whereabouts of her grandfather shocked me.
It was a nice break after weeks of having to fully understand the extent of the deception and to get
familiarized with people and events that percolate negative energies. Some of the examples include a
lawyer who owns casinos and a carcass of a real lion is hanging in his office; trying to figure out what
exactly Mr. Miller is trying to convey when he stated "that contention seemed to me to be the center of
gravity on the briefs, any attempt to say there were other arguments given the importance of that center
of gravity would not make a difference in the outcome of the appeal" and having to wonder if it is
possible that the law of gravity has no influence on Girardi and Miller, and if the answer is no, why
weren't they gravitating towards "that" center of gravity a bit earlier.
As you recall, ( if you read this blog) I also had to familiarize myself with some of the social scenes of
San Francisco. Spent too much time there, which was my fault. I was wondering if there is a picture out
there of the Chief Justice toghether with the not to be named model/lawyer, who also frequents events
and galas. Could not find any. Only lots and lots of pictures of the ever smiling Courtney Bocci. Also
spent too much time on pondering the origin of the name BVLGARI. Is the owner Bulgarian? Nope, he
is Greek. So why did he choose to spell it with Roman letters and not Greek Alphabet? And why on the
stock-exchange the company is listed as "BUL" and not "BVL".
Admittedly, when Inquiring about Ms. Fujie's background I was hoping to find dirt (which may or may
not exist) However, what I found was an exceptional human being; and the more I learned about her, the
more I grew to appreciate her as a person.
Ms. Fujie was born in Oakland, CA where she spent her formative years. The school she attended had
mostly Black students, whom she easily befriended. At times she was subjected to some taunting
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because of her race. They called me "ching ching chinaman", Holly recalled. While growing up she
worked as either a baby-sitter, tutor, or in an ice-cream parlor.
During WWII both her parents' families were interned. First being sent to the Tanforan Race Track in
San Bruno, California where they lived in the stables. Later, they were trasnsfered to the Topaz Camp
located in the State of Utah. Her grandfather was taken away by the FBI, and the family didn't know
where he was for a year.
After graduating from high-school, she attended U.C. Berkeley majoring in political-science and
economics. At 22, she received her law degree from Boalt Hall.
Ms. Fujie has been married to Lee Cotugno, a Beverly Hills lawyer, for the last 30 years. She met him
while at Boalt. He was her moot court adviser. They married the day after she graduated from Boalt and
have two children.
She is currently a shareholder with the Los Angeles based law firm of Buchalter Nemer. Her practice
focuses on complex litigation with a niche specialty in fraud related activities.
Ms. Fujie is involved in organizations which are devoted to diversity issues in the legal profession. She
is also a frequent speaker at meetings of APAWLA, NAPABA, APABA, APALSA and WLALA.
In mentoring Asian law students, she urges them to "fight the stereotype of the quiet Asian woman".
On September 27, 2008, Ms. Holly Fujie was sworn in as the 84th President of the State Bar of
California by Chief Justice Ronald George. She was the third woman chosen to head the organization
since it was established by the legislature in 1927.

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