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156 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

one, ignoring the very different subprocesses affecting Fuerstenau DW (ed.) (1962) Froth Flotation, 50th Anniver-
separation in each of the phases. sary Volume. New York: American Institute of Mining
Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.
On-line control The difRculty of implementing on- Fuerstenau DW and Healey TW (1972) Adsorptive Bubble
line control is the necessity for off-line analysis of Separation Techniques, Chap. 6. New York: Academic
solid grades and to a certain extent off-line measure- Press.
ments of the mass Sow of solids and water at different Fuerstenau MC (ed.) (1976) Flotation. AM Gaudin Mem-
points in the circuit. orial Volumes I and II. New York: American Institute of
Informal operational control is performed by experi- Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.
enced operators following subjective comparisons of King RP (ed.) (1982) Principles of Flotation, Monograph
Series No. 3. Fuerstenau MC. The Flotation of
the appearance of overSowing froths, with a desired
Oxide and Silicate Minerals; Fuerstenau MC and
structure. The advantage of this approach is that the
Fuerstenau DW. Sulphide Mineral Flotation; Lovell
structure of the overSowing froth is easily observable VM. Industrial Flotation Reagents: (a) Structural
and corrective actions can be rapidly implemented. Models of Sulphydryl Collectors, (b) Structural
Currently several groups of academic workers are Models of Anionic Collectors, (c) Structural Models of
working on quantifying the froth characterization Frothers. Johannesburg: South African Institute of
using on-line image analysis, with promising results. Mining and Metallurgy.
This is, of course, only a Rrst step in the development Klassen VI and Mokrousov VA (1963) An Introduction to
of a feedback control system by which optimum op- the Theory of Flotation. London: Butterworths.
eration can be effected. The Interface Symposium (1964) Attractive Forces at Inter-
This is an exciting development which can be an- faces. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol. 56,
No. 12.
ticipated with some conRdence to lead to implemen-
Laskowski JS (1989) Frothing in Flotation: A Volume in
tal optimal control strategies.
Honor of Jan Leja. New York: Gordon & Breach.
See Colour Plates 10, 11. Laskowski JS (1993) Frothers and Flotation Froths. Min-
eral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol.
Further Reading 12. New York: Gordon & Breach.
Adamson AW (1982) Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 4th Laskowski JS and Woodburn ET (eds) (1998) Frothing in
edn. New York: John Wiley. Flotation II. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1975) Natural Leja J (1982) Surface Chemistry of Froth Flotation. New
and Induced Hydrophobicity in SulTde Mineral Systems. York: Plenum Press.
AIChE Symposium Series, Vol. 71, No. 150. New York: Sebba F (1987) Foams and Biliquid Foams } Aphrons. New
AIChE. York: John Wiley.


A. Dyer, University of Salford, Salford, UK cations. The importance of this property in water
softening was recognized by H. Gans who, at
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press the turn of the century, patented a series of synthetic
amorphous aluminosilicates for this purpose. He
Introduction called them ‘permutites’, and they were widely used
to soften industrial and domestic water supplies until
Ion exchange has been described as the oldest scien- recent times, as well as being employed in nuclear
tiRc phenomenon known to humanity. This claim waste treatment. Permutites had low ion exchange
arises from descriptions that occur in the Bible and in capacities and were both chemically and mechan-
the writings of Aristotle, but the Rrst truly scientiRc ically unstable.
allusion to ion exchange is attributed to two English This early work has generated some myths com-
agricultural chemists in 1850. These were J. T. Way monly stated in elementary texts, namely that zeolite
and H. S. Thompson, who independently observed the minerals are responsible for the ‘base’ exchange in
replacement of calcium in soils by ammonium ions. soils and that permutites are synthetic zeolites. The
This discovery was the precursor to the study of inor- presence of clay minerals in soils accounts for the
ganic materials capable of ‘base’ exchange, and in majority of their exchange capacity, and zeolites by
1858 C. H. Eichorn showed that natural zeolite min- deRnition must be crystalline. Both these topics will
erals (chabazite and natrolite) could reversibly exchange arise later in this article.

The emphasis started to change in the 1930s when tively. The process must be totally reversible to Rt the
the Permutit Company marketed organic ion ex- strict deRnition of ion exchange. However, in practice
change materials based on sulfonated coals, which interference from other nonreversible events may oc-
had been known from about 1900. These were sold as cur. Examples of disruptive inSuences that may have
‘Zeo-Karb’ exchangers and, despite their low capaci- to be faced are the imbibition of salt molecules,
ties and instability, were still available in the 1970s. precipitation reactions, chelating effects, phase
Ion exchanger production was radically altered by changes and surface sorption. Some of these will be
the discovery of synthetic resin exchangers by B. A. mentioned later.
Adams and E. L. Holmes in 1935. They used a con- An equivalent stoichiometric equation can be writ-
densation polymerization reaction to create a granu- ten for the anion exchange process, as in eqn [2]:
lar material able to be used in columns and until very
recently the majority of ion exchange has been carried M#X\
c #Y\
s 0 M Y\
c #X\
s [2]
out on resin-based materials. Sophisticated develop-
ments of novel resin exchangers (and inorganic ma- Now M carries a positive charge (‘solid cation’ or
terials), together with improvements in properties of ‘Rxed ion’) and X and Y are exchanging anions mov-
commercial products, continue to be heightened by ing reversibly between solid and liquid phases. The
the extensive area that modern ion exchange interests ion pairs, A, B and X, Y are called ‘counterions’. An
cover. The process governs ion separations important ion which is mobile and has the same charge as that of
to analytical techniques, large-scale industrial water the solid exchanger is called a ‘co-ion’.
puriRcation, pharmaceutical production, protein The extent to which an exchanger can take up ions
chemistry, wastewater treatment (including nuclear is called its ‘capacity’. In the case of an organic resin
waste) and metals recovery (hydrometallurgy). In ad- exchanger, this can be related to the number of Rxed
dition it has a critical role in life processes, soil chem- groupings that have been introduced into the polymer
istry, sugar reRning, catalysis and in membrane as part of its synthesis to create ion exchange proper-
technology. ties. These are known as ‘ionogenic’ groups and are
This article will attempt a modern overview of either ionized, or capable of dissociation into Rxed
inorganic and organic ion exchange materials, includ- ions and mobile counterions. In an inorganic ex-
ing their properties and the development of new sub- changer the ionogenic nature of the solid matrix
strates. It will consider the theory of ion exchange arises from the presence of positive or negative
together with its industrial and analytical import- charges on the solid (usually on an oxygen ion). These
ance. Its wider role in the other aspects mentioned charges are a consequence of metal cations in the
above will also be brieSy discussed. exchanger that are in nonexchangeable sites. Exam-
ples of these will be discussed later.
Recent workshops on ion exchange nomenclature
What Is Ion Exchange? have suggested that the ion exchange capacity is ex-
Some De\nitions pressed as the concentration of ionizable (ionogenic)
groups, or exchange sites of unit charge, per gram of
A broad deRnition of ion exchange is that it is the dry exchanger. The units of concentration should be
transfer of ions across a boundary; this would then millimoles or milliequivalents per gram. This deRni-
cover movement of ions from one liquid phase to tion can be taken as the theoretical capacity } Q0.
another. This is too broad a base for the purpose of The workshops also prefer the term ‘loading’ to
this article, which will restrict itself to those ex- describe the capacity experienced under the speciRc
changes of ions that occur between a liquid phase and experimental conditions at which the ion uptake is
a solid (organic or inorganic) that is insoluble in that being observed. This can be higher or lower than the
liquid. A simple representation of the process when theoretical capacity. Higher capacities can arise from
univalent cations are being transferred is given in the electrolyte imbibition or surface precipitation, and
chemical equation [I] below: lower capacities often arise in inorganic exchangers
M\A# # # # when all the sites of unit charge are not accessible to
c #Bs 0 M\Bc #As [1]
the ingoing ion. These circumstances will be con-
Here M\A# c represents a solid carrying a negative sidered later.
charge (‘solid anion’, sometimes described as a ‘Rxed The suggested deRnition of loading is the total
ion’) neutralized by the A# ions inside its structure. amount of ions taken up per unit mass, or unit vol-
The A# ions are replaced by B# originally in the ume, of the exchanger under clearly deRned experi-
solution phase (normally aqueous). The subscripts ‘c’ mental conditions. The concentrations again should
and ‘s’ refer to the solid and solution phase, respec- be given in millimoles or milliequivalents, but with
158 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

the option to relate this to mass or volume. An appro- therm. At a Rxed temperature solutions containing
priate symbol would be QL. counterions A and B in varying proportions are al-
It should be noted that this is a new approach, lowed to equilibrate with known, equal, weights of
differing from the IUPAC recommendations of exchanger in, say, the MA form. The total ionic
1972, and is felt necessary because of the new interest concentration of the ions A and B in the respective
in inorganic exchangers whose properties do not Rt solutions is kept constant, i.e. each solution has the
the IUPAC concepts. same normality (N) but, as the concentration of B in-
The deRnition of capacity associated with column creases it is compensated by a decrease in concentra-
use remains unchanged. The ‘breakthrough capacity’ tion of A. At equilibrium the solids and liquids are
(QB) of a column is still best deRned according to the separated and both phases analysed for A and B.
IUPAC deRnition as the practical capacity of an ion This enables an isotherm to be plotted that records
exchanger bed under speciRed experimental condi- the equilibrium distributions of one of the ions be-
tions. It can be estimated by passing a solution con- tween the two phases. Examples of typical isotherms
taining the ion to be taken up through the column and are shown in Figure 1. The selectivity shown by an
observing the Rrst appearance of that ion in the isotherm can be quantiRed; a general example of
column (bed) efSuent, or when its concentration cation exchange will be used to illustrate this. First
in the efSuent reaches a convenient, arbitrarily eqn [1] will be rewritten for an exchange involving
deRned, value. QB can be expressed in units of mil- cations (A, B) of any charge, as in eqn [3]:
limoles, or milliequivalents, of wet, or dry, exchanger
using volumes or mass as appropriate. ZBAZA#ZABM ZB 0 ZBAM ZA#ZABZB [3]
General Properties of Exchange Media
where ZA,B are the valences of the ions and the bar
An ideal ion exchange medium is one that fulRls the represents the ions inside the solid phase.
following criteria: The axes of the isotherm record the equivalent
1. a regular and reproducible composition and struc- fraction of the ingoing cation (A) in solution (AS)
ture; against its equivalent fraction in the exchanger (AC).
2. high exchange capacity; These quantities are deRned in eqns [4] and [5]
3. a rapid rate of exchange (i.e. an open porous below:
structure); AS"ZAmA/(ZAmA#ZBmB) [4]
4. chemical and thermal stability and resistance to
‘poisoning’ as well as radiation stability when used and:
in the nuclear industry;
5. mechanical strength stability and attrition resist-
6. consistency in particle size, and compatibility
with the demands of the use of large columns in

In addition some applications demand the ability to

exchange a speciRc ion(s) selectively from high con-
centrations of other ions. This is particularly true for
aqueous nuclear waste treatment and in hydrometal-
lurgy. In some of these applications ion exchangers
with lower capacities can be effective.

The Theory of Ion Exchange

Ion Exchange Equilibria
When an ion exchange solid is allowed to reach
equilibrium (checked by a prior kinetic experiment)
with a solution containing two counterions, generally
one ion will be taken up preferentially into the solid.
The solid is then said to be exhibiting selectivity for
the preferred ion. Selectivity can be quantiRed by the
experimental construction of an ion exchange iso- Figure 1 Idealized ion exchange isotherms (see text for details).

where mA,B and MA,B are the ion concentrations in Analysis of Isotherms to Provide
mol dm\3 in solution and solid, respectively. Thermodynamic Data
On Figure 1 the dashed line shows the case where
the solid has an equal selectivity for ions A and B. For a fully reversible isotherm a mass action quotient
The isotherm (3) describes the circumstance when (Km) can be used to deRned the process, as with any
A is selectively taken up, while isotherm (2) describes other reversible chemical process, namely:
the circumstances when B is favoured by the ex- Km"AZZBmZB A/BZZAmZAB [8]
A simple quantitative expression of the selectivity is From this the thermodynamic constant (Ka) can be
via the selectivity factor () deRned in eqn [6]: determined using eqn [6]:
Ka"Km( f ZAB/f ZB B) [9]
"AM CmB/BM CmA [6]
where by deRnition: "ZB A/ZAB [10]

BM C"1!AM C [7] A and B are the single ion activity coefRcients of

AZA and BZB, respectively, in solution, and fA,B are the
In Figure 1  can be calculated from area (a) divided activity coefRcients of the same ions in the solid
by area (b), illustrated for a typical isotherm (1). phase.
Not all isotherms in the literature are constructed Ka can be determined by graphical integration of
in the formal way described above. Often they arise a plot of ln Km against AM Z (or by an analytical
from solutions containing only the ingoing ion placed integration of the polynomial that gives the computed
in contact with the exchanger, only one ion is ana- best Rt to the experimental data).
lysed in one phase, and various units of concentration The quantity Km can be described as:
are used. These simple approaches are still valid com- Kc"Km [11]
parisons of practical selectivities, but when isotherms
are needed to generate thermodynamic data the more where Kc is the Kielland coefRcient related to
rigorous experimental methodology must be fol- Ka by the simpliRed Gaines and Thomas equation:
lowed. It is also necessary to demonstrate that the

exchange being studied is fully reversible to allow the ln Ka"(ZB!ZA)# ln Kc dAZ [12]
laws of mass action to be applied. When inorganic 0

exchangers are involved it may be appropriate not to Values for A,B cannot be determined, but  is avail-
dry the solid before the reverse leg of the isotherm is able from the mean stoichiometric activity coefR-
constructed, as heating the solid can change the num- cients in mixed salt solutions via eqn [10]:
ber of cation sites partaking in the exchange. This is
particularly so for the zeolite minerals. In cases where "ZB A/ZAB"([(AX) ]ZA(ZB#ZX)/[(BX) ]ZB(ZA\ZX))1/ZX
organic resin exchangers are examined, the resin is
used preswollen (fully hydrated) to avoid discrepan-
cies caused by the resin expanding on initial contact In eqn [13], ZX is the charge on the common anion
with the solution phase. (AX) , and (BX) can be calculated from  BX and
!BX !AX !
 AX using the method of Glueckauf. fA,B values are
Distribution Coef\cients !
available from the Gibbs}Duhem equation.
Each point on an isotherm (simply or rigorously con- Having obtained Ka, a value of GF can be gained
structed) represents the distribution of ions between from:
the solid and liquid phases. At each point a distribu- GF"!(RT ln Ka)/ZAZB [14]
tion coefTcient (DA) can be deRned for the ion
A as follows. DA"concentration of A per unit where R and T have their usual meanings, and
weight of dry exchanger/concentration of A per unit GF is the standard free energy per equivalent of
volume of external solution. charge.
The distribution coefRcient is widely used as The standard states of the exchanger relate to the
a convenient check of selectivity at Rxed, pre- respective homoionic forms of the exchanger immer-
determined, experimental parameters. Equilibrium sed in an inRnitely dilute solution of the correspond-
must have been achieved for this assessment to be ing ion. This implies that the water activity in the
valid. solid phase in each standard state is equal to the water
160 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

activity in the ideal solution, and that the standard

states in the solution phase are deRned as the hypo-
thetical ideal, molar (mol dm\3) solutions or the pure
salts according to the Henry Law deRnition of an
ideal solution.
At this point it should be commented that this
approach is based on a simpliRed Gaines and
Thomas treatment. In the complete version of
eqn [12] the LHS should be ln Ka!, where  is
a water activity term. For most selectivity studies the
GF values measured using the simpliRed treatment
are adequate. Figure 2 Possible rate-determining steps in an ion exchange
To obtain a selectivity series, isotherms should be process. Step I, diffusion of ions through a surface film. Step II,
constructed for a homoionic exchanger initially in, diffusion through the solid exchanger. Step III, formation of
say, sodium form in contact with solutions of ingoing chelate bond at the ionogenic group.
ions (for instance Li, K, Rb, Cs). This yields GF
values that, when arranged in order of decreasing period of time by separating the liquid and solid
negativity, provide an assessment of the afRnity phases. The phases are then recombined to recom-
the exchanger has for the alkali metals. mence the exchange. Provided that the exchange is
remote from equilibrium at the time of interruption,
Ion Exchange Kinetics diagnostic rate proRles will ensue. The Tlm-driven
When an exchanger is in contact with a solution of process will have an undisturbed proRle, whereas the
exchanging ions the rate of exchange can be rate particle-driven step will have attained a partial equi-
controlled by one of three steps: librium even in the absence of an external driving
force. The different proRles observed when frac-
1. Tlm diffusion } controlled by the rate of pro- tional attainments of equilibrium with time are plot-
gress of an ion through a Rlm of water molecules, ted are illustrated in Figure 3.
which by virtue of the surface charge on the ex-
Rate Equations
changer can be regarded as ‘stagnant’ (the Nernst
layer); When diffusion is the rate-controlling step, in
2. particle diffusion } controlled by the progress principle an equation can be written to elucidate
of ions inside the exchanger; experimentally derived plots of the fractional attain-
3. chemical reaction } controlled by bond formation. ment of equilibrium with time for an ion exchange
Examples of this process are not simple to deRne process. In practice this is difRcult to achieve
but the most often cited case is when chelating because the movement of one counterion (A) is
ionogenic groups, present in an ion exchange or- coupled to the other (B), and this must be taken into
ganic resin, are able to form strong bonds with, account in both Tlm- and particle-controlled ex-
say, a transition metal ion to create a very speciRc change. A further complication arises in that water
extractant. Suxes can play a signiRcant part in affecting rates
of exchange, especially for cations in the solid phase.
The three possible steps are illustrated in Figure 2. Detailed discussions on the appropriateness of the
Distinction between Tlm and particle control can many equations available for kinetic interpretation of
be made from the following criteria. ion exchange results is beyond the scope of this
E Film diffusion is affected by the speed of article, and interested readers should consult the
stirring in a batch exchange (or the rate of passage sources provided in the Further Reading section for
of liquid through a column of exchanger). The rate further information.
of diffusion will directly depend upon the total So far as column data are concerned, the usual
concentration in the external solution. experiment method is to obtain a breakthrough
E Particle diffusion has a rate that is dependent curve, like those shown in Figure 4, where the ap-
on the particle size, and is independent of both pearance of the ingoing ion in the efSuent is
stirring speed and external solution concentration. plotted against the volume of solution passed through
the column. The effectiveness of the exchange
Kressman has devised a simple interruption test to can then be simply quantiRed in terms of the number
distinguish between Tlm and particle control. The of ‘bed-volumes’ passed through the column before
exchange being studied is interrupted for a short the ingoing ion is detected in the efSuent. This

Figure 3 The effect on the shape of the ion exchange profile caused by interrupting the time of exchange. (Reproduced from Harland,
1994, with permission.)

requires that the proRle is reasonably sharp so that produce resins capable of cation and anion exchange.
the breakthrough point can be estimated. The shape There is much on-going research devoted to devising
of the proRle is a function of the selectivity; when synthetic routes to new resins aimed at the reRnement
KBA,1, BA1, the exchange front is sharp, and con- of their capabilities, but the bulk of commercial pro-
versely when KBA, BA1 the front is more ill-deRned duction follows well-established routes.
(see Figure 4).
Polystyrene resins Ethenylbenzene (styrene) readily
Ion Exchange Materials forms an addition polymer with divinylbenzene
(DVB) when initiated by a benzoyl peroxide catalyst.
Organic Resins
The polymerization process can be controlled to pro-
These are the most widely used of exchangers. They duce resins with various degrees of cross-linking as
are made by addition polymerization processes to robust, spherical, beads. The ability to vary the extent
of cross-linking increases the range of possible ap-
plications by altering the physical and chemical na-
ture of the beads. In addition the production process
can be moderated to give beads of closely controlled
particle size distribution, a requirement for the in-
dustrial use of resins in large columns. Subsequent
treatment of the styrene}DVB copolymer beads can
introduce ion exchange properties. If the beads are
treated with hot sulfuric acid the aromatic ring sys-
tems will become sulfonated, thereby introducing the
sulfonic acid functional group (}SO3H) into the resin.
When the treated resins are then washed with sodium
hydroxide or sodium chloride, the sodium form of the
resin (R) is produced, namely:

# # # #
3 H #Na 0 R}SO\
R}SO\ 3 Na #H

Figure 4 Breakthrough curves. (A) Favourable equilibrium,

K AB'1, shape of profile constant throughout the bed. (B) Un-
favourable equilibrium, K AB(1, edge of profile becomes more The sodium form is used as a strong acid cation
spread out with time. (Reproduced from Harland, 1994, with exchanger, the sodium ion being the ion for which the
permission.) resin has least selectivity.
162 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

Anion functionality can be introduced by a two- the aim is to reduce the ionic content of an aqueous
step process. The Rrst step involves a chloromethyla- media to a minimum, such as is required in the
tion using a Friedel}Crafts reaction between the ‘polishing’ of industrial boiler waters to reduce
copolymer and chloromethoxymethane with an alu- corrosion.
minium chloride catalyst. The second step is to react The Sexibility offered by the skill of the syn-
the chloromethyl groups (}CH2Cl), introduced into thetic organic chemist facilitates the introduction of
the styrene moities, with an aliphatic amine. If this is speciRc groups into the polymer matrix to give the
trimethylamine,(CH3)3N, then the functional group resulting exchanger the ability to take up an ion, or
produced on the resin is R}CH2N(CH3)# 3 Cl\, and a group of ions, in preference to other ions. An
the resin is said to be a Type I strongly basic anion example of this is the incorporation of the
exchanger. The use of dimethylethanolamine iminodiacetate group (}CH2N(CH2COO\)2) in
[(CH3)3(C2H4OH)N] to react with the chloromethyl a styrene-based matrix, which is then able to scavenge
groups yields a resin with the functional group Fe, Ni, Cu, Co, Ca, Mg cations with the exclusion of
R}CH2N(CH3)2(C2H4OH)#Cl\, which is a Type II other ions present. The iminodiacetate group is then
strong base anion exchanger. When methylamine, or described as a selective ionogenic group; further
dimethylamine, are used weakly basic resins are ob- examples of these are given in Table 1.
tained, with the respective functional groups Resins of this sort are continually being developed for
R}CH2NH(CH3) and R}CH2N(CH3)2. specialist applications. The example in Table 1 of the
use of a phenolic ionogenic group to pick up caesium has
Acrylic resins DVB forms polymers suited to ion arisen from the nuclear industry. In this case a phenol-
exchange with materials other than styrene. The most formaldehyde copolymer is used to meet the temper-
commonly used are its copolymers with propenoic ature and radiation stability needs of that industry.
(acrylic) monomers. The use of methylpropenoic The interaction between a selective ionogenic
acid gives a weakly basic cation exchange resin group and a cation probably will not be strictly ionic.
(R}C(CH3)COOH). Substituted propenoic acid Often there has been a deliberate intent to induce
monomers, propenonitriles (acetonitriles), and alkyl chelating effects to achieve the desired selectivity.
propenoates (acrylic esters) have all been used to If this has happened, then the rate-controlling step for
make weakly basic resins. The acrylic matrix can also progress of cations into the resin is likely to be the
play host to anion functionality. Incorporation of formation of a chemical bond, as mentioned earlier,
dimethylaminopropylamine (DMAPA) produces rather than a diffusion process. When the cation
a weak base resin, while the employment of a sub- would not be expected to form strong chelate bonds
sequent chloromethylation step converts this to with the ionogenic group, such as the caesium cation
a strong base functionality. Acrylic resins can be used mentioned above, then the nature of the rate-determin-
to develop a material with simultaneous properties of ing step is less clearly deRned. If a thermodynamic
a weak and strong base. These are called bifunctional approach to a speciRc exchange process is wanted
anion exchangers. The equivalent bifunctional cation these facts must be considered. Clearly a true chelating
exchanger is not now commercially available, al- process will not be reversible and the theories of ion
though products of this sort have been marketed in exchange, which are reliant on the application of re-
the past. The acrylic resins have advantageous kinetic versible thermodynamics, cannot be invoked.
and equilibrium properties over the styrene resins This introduces a grey area into the study of the
when organic ions are being exchanged. uptake of ions onto a substrate supposedly capable of
ion exchange. The problem often arises in the study of
Selective resins The resins described above have inorganic ion exchange materials } particularly ox-
been developed as nonselective exchangers, where ides and hydroxides when uptake is pH-dependent,

Table 1 Examples of ionogenic groups and their selectivity

Matrix Group Selectivity

Styrene-DVB Iminodiacetate }CH2}N(CH2COO\)2 Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Ca, Mg

Styrene-DVB Aminophosphonate }CH2}NH(CH2PO3)2\ Pb, Cu, Zn, UO2#2 , Ca, Mg
Styrene-DVB Thiol; thiocarbamide }SH;}CH2}SC(NH)NH2 Pt, Pb, Au, Hg
Styrene-DVB N-Methylglucamine }CH2N(CH3)[(CHOH)4CH2OH] B (as boric acid)
Styrene-DVB Benzyltriethylammonium }C6H4N(C2H5)# 3 NO\ 3
Phenol-formaldehyde Phenol : phenol-methylenesulfonate }C6H3(OH), Cs
}C6H2(OH)CH2SO\ 3

and surface deposition of metal oxides and salts can cess. If the cross-linking is high (about 7}13%),
occur. In many cases workers have found that the use pockets of solvent arise between regions of dense
of Freundlich isotherms (or similar treatments) can be hydrocarbon chains. When the solvent is sub-
successfully used to describe ion uptake. sequently removed by distillation, these pockets are
retained as distinct pores held by the rigidity arising
Resin structures The traditional resins made as de- from the cross-linking. In the nonsol method the
scribed above have internal structures created by the organic solvent does not function as a solvent for the
entanglement of their constituent polymer chains. copolymer, but acts as a diluent causing localized
The amount of entanglement can be varied by con- regions of copolymer to form. These regions become
trolling the extent to which the chains are cross- porous when the diluent is removed.
linked. When water is present, the beads swell and the These resins are termed macroporous, and the ex-
interior of the resin beads resembles a gel electrolyte, tent of their regions of porosity can be readily
with the ingoing ion able to diffuse through re- measured by porosity techniques and are visible in
gions of gel to reach the ionogenic groups. The ions scanning electron micrographs (see Figure 6). Some
migrate along pathways between the linked polymer literature describes them as macroreticulate because
chains that are close in dimension to the size of the pores they contain cover a much wider pore size
hydrated ions (cations or anions). This means that the distribution than the conventional International
porosity that they represent can be described as Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) deRni-
microporous. It is not visible even under a scanning tion of a macroporous material. The IUPAC deRni-
electron microscope, as illustrated in Figure 5, and tion is traditionally related to inorganic materials
cannot be estimated by the standard methods of where a macropore is one of greater than 50 nm in
porosity determination, such as nitrogen BET or width. Figure 7 illustrates the envisaged pore struc-
porosimeter measurements. ture of a macroporous resin.
The tightly packed nature of these gel-type resins Macroporous resins are commercially available
increases the chance of micropore blockage in ap- with acrylic and styrene skeletons, both cation and
plications where naturally occurring high molecular anion, carrying all types of functional groups. Their
weight organic molecules (e.g. humic and fulvic successful development has spawned two other major
acids) are present in water. This organic fouling was uses of acrylic and styrene resins that need highly
present in the earlier anion exchangers and led to the porous media to function properly. These are the
development of a new type of resin with more open employment of resins as catalysts, and their use in the
internal structures. This was achieved by two routes, separation and puriRcation of vitamins and anti-
the sol and nonsol route. biotics. Although these are of high industrial signiR-
In the sol method a solvent capable of solvating the cance, they fall outside the intent of this article and
copolymer is introduced into the polymerization pro- will not be considered further.

Figure 5 Scanning electron micrograph of the internal surface of a gel resin. Magnification ;17 000. (University of Manchester
Electron Microscopy Unit, courtesy of Hoechst Celanese Corporation.)
164 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

Figure 6 Scanning electron micrograph of the internal surface of a macroporous resin. Magnification ;17 000. (University of
Manchester Electron Microscopy Unit, courtesy of Hoechst Celanese Corporation.)

Inorganic Ion Exchange Materials The traditional classiRcation of inorganic ion ex-
change materials is:
ClassiVcation There are countless inorganic sub-
E hydrous oxides
stances for which ion exchange properties have been
E acidic salts of polyvalent metals
claimed. Unfortunately a large number of these re-
E salts of heteropolyacids
ports lack essential details of a reproducible synthesis,
E insoluble ferrocyanides
proper characterization and checks for reversibility. It
E aluminosilicates.
is clear that many of the materials are amorphous and
are often obtainable only as Rne particles unsuited for A more modern overview tends to blur some of these
column use. These pitfalls notwithstanding, there are classes, but they still serve their purpose here with an
many instances when inorganic exchangers are highly addendum for the more recent materials of interest.
crystalline, well-characterized compounds, as well as
instances when they can be made in a form appropri- Hydrous oxides The compounds described in this
ate for column use (even when amorphous). It also section are ‘oxides’ precipitated from water. They
needs to be said that even a poorly deRned ion ex- retain OH groups on their surfaces and usually have
changer may still be invaluable to scavenge toxic loosely bound water molecules held in their struc-
moieties from aqueous environments. This circum- tures. They can function either as anion exchangers,
stance is valid in the treatment of aqueous nuclear via replaceable OH\ groups, or as cation exchangers,
waste and often drives the less rigorous studies men- when the OH groups ionize to release H#(H3O#)
tioned earlier. ions. The tendency to ionize depends on the basicity

Figure 7 Schematic representation of the pores present in a macroporous resin. (Reproduced from Dyer et al., 1997, with

of the metal atom attached to the OH group, and the

strength of the metal-oxide bond relative to the O}H
bond. Some materials are able to function as both
anion and cation exchangers, depending upon solu-
tion pH, i.e. they are amphoteric. Capacities lie in the
range 0.3}4.0 meq g\1.
Hydrous oxides of the divalent metals Be, Mg, Zn
have exchange properties, usually anionic, often in
combination with similar materials derived from
trivalent metals.
The most well-known trivalent hydrous oxides are
those of iron and aluminium. Both produce more
than one hydrous oxide. Examples of the iron oxides
are the amorphous substances -FeOOH (goethite),
-FeOOH, and -FeOOH (lepidicrocite). The similar
Figure 8 Titration curve for the titration of a commercial
compounds which can be prepared from aluminium alumina with 0.02 mol L\1: *, LiOH; 䢇, KOH; 䉭, HCl; 䉱, HNO3.
are complex, and have been thoroughly researched (Reproduced from Clearfield, 1982, with permission.)
because of their use as catalyst support materials and
chromatographic substrates. Those that exhibit ex-
change are -Al2O3, -Al OOH and -Al(OH)3. Cer- Cs'K in hydrochloric acid. This unique ability to
tain of the Fe and Al oxides are amphoteric; Figure 8 selectively take up sodium Rnds wide use in neutron
demonstrates this via a pH titration. This is a com- activation analysis where the presence of sodium iso-
mon method of study for inorganic exchangers of this topes is a constant hindrance to the -spectroscopy
type, as well as those in the other classes which vital to the sensitivity of the technique. This is parti-
contain exchangeable protons. Other trivalent oxides cularly important in environmental and clinical assays.
with exchange properties are known for gallium,
indium, manganese, chromium, bismuth, antimony Acidic salts of polyvalent metals
and lanthanum. Amorphous compounds The recognition that phos-
Amphoteric exchange is known in the hydrous ox- phates and arsenates of such metals as zirconium and
ides of the tervalent ions of manganese, silica, tin, titanium have ion exchange capabilities can be traced
titanium, thorium and zirconium. Silica gel is parti- back to the 1950s. Around that time studies into the
cularly well studied because of its use as a chromato- possible beneRts of inorganic materials as scavengers
graphic medium. It has weak cation exchange capa- of radioisotopes from aqueous nuclear waste were
city (1.5 meq g\1 K# at pH 10.2) and can function as being initiated and amorphous zirconium phosphate
a weak anion exchanger at pH&3. Zirconia and gels were developed for that purpose, and used on
titania phases also have been the subject of much a plant scale.
interest, particularly for nuclear waste treatment, and Later similar products of thorium, cerium,
manganese dioxide is unique in its high capacity for and uranium were studied, and also the analogous
strontium isotopes. tungstates, molybdates, antimonates, vanadates and
Hydrous oxides of elements of higher valency are silicates. These compounds turn out to be of limited
known but only one has merited much study namely, interest, and value because of the inherent difR-
antimony oxide (also called antimonic acid and hy- culties in their sound characterization. In addition
drated antimony pentoxide, or HAP). This exists in they often have a liability to hydrolyse, and these
crystalline, amorphous and glassy forms and is an difRculties prompted the search for more crystal-
example of a material that is amenable to a reproduc- line phases of related compounds.
ible synthesis. It can also be well characterized by, for
example, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectros- Polyvalent metal salts with enhanced crystal-
copy. Many proposed applications have been sugges- linity The most success in producing crystalline, re-
ted, especially based on the separations of metals that producible and characterizable compounds has been
can be carried out on crystalline and other forms. An in the layered phosphates exempliRed by those of
example of this is the ability of the crystalline phase zirconium and, to a lesser extent, titanium.
selectively to take up the alkaline metals from nitric
acid solution where the selectivity sequence is Zirconium phosphates Extensive reSuxing of zirco-
Na'Rb'Cs'KLi. HAP has the sequences nium phosphate gel in phosphoric acid, or direct
Na'Rb"K'Cs in nitric acid, Na'Rb' precipitation from HF, yields a layered material
166 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

A more hydrated phase of zirconium phosphate has

been prepared with the formula Zr(HPO4)2 ) 2H2O,
designated -ZrP. It has a different arrangement
of layers, with the phosphate groups being sited
above each other rather than being staggered as in the
-phase (Figure 9). -ZrP also exchanges protons in
two stages, creating half-exchanged materials; the
replacement of the Rrst proton takes place at about
pH 2}3, and the second above pH 7.
Alkali metal ion selectivities are in the following
order at low pH: K'Rb'Na'Cs'Li, but at
high pH this becomes Li'Na'K'Rb. Recently
a novel -phase containing mixed zirconium phos-
phate/phosphite layers has been synthesized. This has
Figure 9 Schematic diagram of adjacent layers of -ZrP; inter- one replaceable proton, and hence a lower capacity
layer water and protons not included. (Reproduced from Williams for cation exchange (3.3 meq g\1) than the other
and Hudson, 1987, with permission.)
layered materials described in this section.

Other layer compounds Layered phosphate mater-

with a diagnostic X-ray diffraction pattern. Its ials of the  type have been prepared for titanium, tin
stoichiometry corresponds to Zr(HPO4)2H2O-zirco- and hafnium. Arsenates of tin, titanium and zirco-
nium bis(monohydrogen orthophosphate) monohyd- nium with similar structures also are known. Only
rate, with an exchange capacity of 6.64 meq g\1. It titanium and zirconium phosphates have -phases.
has been designated as an -phase and given the Table 2 illustrates the interlayer spacings of - and
shorthand notation ‘-ZrP’. Its idealized structure is -phases of tetravalent acid salts.
shown in Figure 9; the layers form a series of cavities
in which reside protons and water molecules. Intercalates A considerable body of work exists in
Potentiometric titration demonstrates that the which workers have shown that layered substances
structural unit shown above has two replaceable pro- derived from salts of tetravalent acids can readily
tons. Detailed studies of its cation exchange proper- expand their layers to accommodate organic mole-
ties have been done, including determinations of the cules capable of protonation. They include amines,
thermodynamic quantities for the exchange of the alcohols, amino acids and metallocene derivative
protons for most common metals}especially those of and they have large interlayer distances. Figure 10
Groups 1 and 2. An interesting feature of these stud- shows the formation of intercalation compounds of
ies is the Rnding that the layer structure expands to -ZrP containing n-alkyl-monoamines.
accommodate monovalent ions, with the interlayer
spacing being a function of ionic radius and water Other salts of polyvalent acids Cerium phosphate
content. Intermediate ‘half-full’ phases are stable and readily precipitates as a Rbrous material that can be
well characterized. When the divalent ions of the formed into sheets. This material has attracted interest,
alkaline earths are the ingoing ions a size restriction
operates that is a complex function of the hydrated Table 2 Tetravalent acid salts with their interlayer distances
ion size and instability to shed water of hydration.
Compound Interlayer distance (nm)
For these reasons calcium and strontium exchanges
proceed, but magnesium and barium exchanges are -Salts
very limited (if at all). If, however, -ZrP is Rrst Titanium phosphate 0.756
Zirconium phosphate 0.756
converted to a half-exchanged sodium form, then Mg
Hafnium phosphate 0.756
and Ba phases can be obtained. Germanium phosphate 0.760
Selectivity series have been constructed, with the Tin phosphate 0.776
half-exchanged Na phase (-NaH ZrP ) 5H2O) as the Lead phosphate 0.780
initial exchanger, for the alkali metals and the Titanium arsenate 0.777
Zirconium arsenate 0.778
divalent cations of Rrst row transitional elements.
Tin arsenate 0.780
They are: K'Cs'Na'Li, and Cu'Zn, Mn'
Fe'Co'Ni. Exchange into ZrP (amorphous and -Salts
Zirconium phosphate 1.22
crystalline) from fused salts gives a selectivity series
Titanium phosphate 1.16

both as an inorganic ion exchange paper and as The product can be written as K2(1 x)Cox[CoFe
a thin-layer material for the separation of inorganic (CN)6]x ) yH2O. When x"0.6}0.7, a stable granular
ions. Cerium phosphate can also be prepared in material results that has a high selectivity for caesium.
robust granules for column use. Cerium phosphate It is used to scavenge caesium radioisotopes from
is semicrystalline, as are the Rbrous forms of tho- waste emanating from the Lovissa Nuclear Power
rium phosphate, titanium phosphate and titanium Plant, Finland.
arsenate, which have also been prepared. Several other compounds of this type are being
investigated for nuclear waste management, and in-
Salts of heteropolyacids These are the well-known clude the potassium and sodium forms of nickel and
salts of the parent 12-heteropolyacids, having the copper hexacyanoferrates. In these hexacyanoferrates
general formula HmXY12O40 ) nH2O, where m"3}5, the exchange is restricted to the surface of the ex-
X"P, As, Si, Ge or B, and Y"Mo, W, V (and changer, but even this restriction still gives an
others). Their structures have been known from the adequate caesium capacity (0.35 mmol g\1) and ac-
early days of X-ray single crystal analysis, and are ceptable kinetics.
examples of three-dimensional assemblages of linked
[XO4]4\ tetrahedra and [YO6]6\ octahedra. The Aluminosilicates
resulting frameworks contains voids large enough to
contain replaceable cations. Clay minerals These are another group of com-
The two most studied salts are the molybdophos- pounds whose structures have been studied since the
phates and the tungstophosphates. Until recently it earliest days of X-ray crystallography. Their struc-
was thought that exchange was facilitated by the tures are composed of layers of linked polyhedra, and
presence of water in the framework voids, but it now a convenient subdivision of their structural types is
seems that ammonium molybdophosphate (AMP) is into those with:
anhydrous and that any water noted as present ‘as- 1. single layers;
synthesized’ is contained in the solid by capillary 2. nonexpandable double layers;
condensation. This means that entering cations must 3. expandable double layers.
be stripped of hydration water. AMP was one of the
Rrst inorganic materials to be used to scavenge The most common single-layered clays are the kao-
radiocaesium from aqueous nuclear waste on a plant lins. These have layers of [SiO4]4\ tetrahedra linked
scale. Ammonium tungstophosphate (ATP) has a sim- by three corners to create sheets. Between these layers
ilar selectivity. A large number of organic salts of are aluminium ions held to the fourth corners of the
these acids have been synthesized, e.g. di-, tri- and [SiO4]4\ tetrahedra that provide, on average, three
tetramethylammonium 12-molybdophosphate and hydroxyls from one layer and one hydroxyl plus two
pyridinium 12-tungstophosphate. oxygens from the next layer. This results in another
layer of hexagonally coordinated aluminium ions re-
Insoluble ferrocyanides A variety of compounds sembling those of gibbsite, a natural aluminium hy-
have been reported with metal cations held in droxide mineral. In these clays ion exchange can take
a framework of linked [FeCN6]4\ octahedra. They place at structural defects (broken bonds), or at ex-
include those with mixed metal hexacyano anions, posed (edge) hydroxyls. The possibility also exists
and when cobalt is included in the composition a use- that a small amount of Al3#, or Fe3#, can isomor-
ful exchanger is obtained. phously replace silicon from some tetrahedral

Figure 10 Arrangement of n-alkyl monoamines in -ZrP, illustrating the change in interlayer spacing with increased loading.
(Reproduced from Williams and Hudson, 1987, with permission.)
168 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

environments. The presence of [FeO4]5\ entities con- Table 3 Examples of the cation exchange capacities of some
fers a negative charge on the silica layers, which can clay minerals
then be compensated by exchangeable cations sited Mineral Capacity (meq g)\1
between the layers.
Whatever the mechanisms whereby cations are ac- Single layer
Kaolinite 0.03}0.15
commodated into single-layer clays, their exchange
Halloysite 0.05}0.10
capacities are low. The minerals can also exhibit
Double layer (nonexpanding)
a low anion capacity via labile hydroxyl groups.
Muscovite (mica) 0.10
In double-layered clays the element of structure is Illite 0.10}0.40
that of two sheets of tetrahedra separated by cations. Glauconite 0.11}0.20
The unexpandable double layer aluminosilicates, like Pyrophyllite 0.40
the micas, have isomorphous substitution of alumi- Talc 0.01
nium for silicon in the double layers. This creates Double layer (expanding)
strong ionic bonding between the negatively charged Montmorillonite 0.70}1.00
Vermiculite 1.00}1.50
layers and the interlayer cations. The cations are in an
Nontronite 0.57}0.64
environment virtually water free so ion exchange is Saponite 0.69}0.81
difRcult, and conRrmed mainly to defect and edge
effects. The micas, and similar minerals, are examples
of exchangers where the potential cation ion ex- minerals capable of being manufactured on the
change capacity, expected from their stoichiometry, tonnes scale.
is not experimentally achieved. The need for the con- Nearly 100 different frameworks have been
cept of loading is thereby illustrated. crystallographically deRned for zeolites, and related
In the expandable double-layered silicates hydrated structures, each one having a unique molecular archi-
cations are held in interlayer positions by weak elec- tecture. The internal dimensions of their channels and
trostatic forces between their hydration shells and the cavities are close to molecular dimensions and this
silica sheets. Some isomorphous substitution in the has led to their employment as ‘molecular sieves’ and
tetrahedral layers is present but does not have a major catalysts. Usually synthetic zeolites perform these
effect on ion exchange behaviour. The loosely functions and thereby make an incalculable contribu-
held cations are readily exchanged, and the interlayer tion to the world economy, particularly in the oil
distance changes as a function of hydrated cation size. industry. Examples of zeolite structures are provided
Further ingress of solvent is easy. More water, or even in Figures 11 and 12.
organic molecules such as glycols, can penetrate the Most zeolites readily exchange the cations from
layers to further swell the structure. Montmorillo- their voids. This facile process is vital to their utility
nites are typical expanding double-layered clays. as both molecular sieves and catalysts, and has been
Examples of cation capacities for the clay minerals responsible for most of the literature describing their
are listed in Table 3. cation exchange properties. Because detailed crystal-
The ability of clays to act as exchangers is, of lographic data is available for some zeolites (even
course, a major property of soils related to their including the positions of water molecules within
ability to sustain plant nutrients. Incorporation of their frameworks), they have been used to model
metals, such as copper and nickel, aids their use as theories of ion exchange kinetics and equilibria.
catalysts. Their use as ion exchangers seems to be These minerals can exhibit very high selectivities,
limited to wastewater treatment by glauconite (green with high capacities, and have been extensively
sand), sometimes in manganese form, and often er- studied for use as such, while being restricted by their
roneously described as a zeolite. instability in acid environments. Examples where use
can be made of cation exchange properties will be
Zeolites In these aluminosilicate minerals the con- considered in a later section.
stituent [SiO4]4\ and [AlO4]5\ share all corners to Zeolite cation capacities are a function of the ex-
create a three-dimensional framework structure car- tent of aluminium substitution into framework inter-
rying a negative charge. This framework charge is stices; examples are listed in Table 4. As with the
balanced by the presence of cations contained in clays, the loading may not correspond to the cation
channels and cavities within the framework. Many content. The reasons why full exchange cannot be
zeolites are able to contain a large amount of water in attained in some zeolites is a complex subject } some-
these cavities and channels, which can have void times framework charges are too low to strip hy-
volumes as high as 50% of their total volume. They dration spheres, and the ingoing ions (bare, hydrated
are known both as natural species and as synthetic or even partially hydrated) may be too large to readily

larly ordered solids’ (MOS) based on well-understood

coordination polyhedra (tetrahedral and octahedral)
formed by metals such as Ti, As, Zr, Hf, Nb, Mo, W,
V, etc. They will prove a fruitful area in which to
pursue the search for selective exchangers.

Other layer structures

Pillared materials Mention has already been made
of the exchange of organic molecules into clays and
layered phosphates/phosphites. Similar expansions
can arise when a large inorganic ion is introduced
between the layers. An early example of this was the
exchange of a ‘Keegin’ ion, such as [Al13O4(OH)24]7#,
into expandable clays. Subsequent calcination leaves

Figure 11 Linkage of Si, AlO4 tetrahedra to form a chain struc-

ture that, when joined in three dimensions, forms the framework of
the zeolite natrolite.

pass through the restricting dimensions in the chan-

nels. These effects contribute to the ‘ion-sieve’
effects noted in some zeolites.

Other framework structures Earlier the point was

made that adherence to the traditional classiRcations
of inorganic ion exchangers was not entirely appro-
priate. This has arisen for a number of reasons, a ma-
jor one being the endless search for novel catalysts.
The synthetic routes chosen frequently mimic those of
zeolite synthesis with the aim to produce robust
framework structures based on the assemblage of
coordination polyhedra. Implicit in this is the likeli-
hood that a microporous medium possessing ion ex-
change properties will result. To date very little atten-
tion has been given to the numerous substances
appearing from this source in the context of ion
exchange, so only a brief survey will be given.
Prominent in the novel frameworks produced
by assemblage of tetrahedral units has been the incor-
poration of [TO4] units into zeolite-like structures.
Numerous varieties with T"P, B, Co, Cu, Zn, Mn,
Mg, Ga, Ge, Be have been identiRed, and some have
also been found in nature. The possibility has already
been claimed that a new family of anion exchangers
can be made with a framework in which an excess of
[PO4]5\ over [Si, AlO4]n\ tetrahedra prevails, render-
Figure 12 Structure of (A) synthetic zeolite A and (B) syn-
ing the framework positively charged. thetic faujasite (zeolites X and Y) showing the internal cavities of
Discoveries like these have prompted a reassess- molecular dimension. (Each line represents an oxygen and each
ment of the opportunities to make inorganic ‘molecu- junction a silicon or aluminium.)
170 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

Table 4 The cation exchange capacities of some zeolite min- an aggressive environment is in the modern Chlor-
erals Alkali membrane electrolysis cell for the production
of chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide. This process
Zeolite Capacity (meq g\1)
also provides an example of the use of a chelating
Natural style resin (iminodiacetate, or aminophosphinate) to
Analcime 4.95 scavenge alkaline earth ions (see Table 1).
Chabazite 4.95
Phillipsite 4.67
Dealkalization In dealkalization, weakly acidic car-
Clinoptilolite 2.64
Mordenite 2.62 boxylic resins, in hydrogen form, are used to meet the
limits of calcium and magnesium concentrations
needed in feed water to medium pressure boilers.
A 4.95
X 6.34 Hydrogen ions released are neutralized by the HCO\ 3

Y 4.10 and CO23\ anions present to give carbon dioxide,

which remains in solution as carbonic acid. The sof-
tening is only partial and sometimes a sodium resin
an alumina pillar propping open the layers to 1}2 nm. treatment, as above, is added. There may be an ancil-
Again, the intention of this work was to develop lary need to attain some demineralization as well
wide-pored cracking catalysts. When ion exchange which would involve an additional column treatment.
capacities were measured they proved to be orders of Single-stage dealkalization Rnds wide application
magnitude greater than the equivalent amount of in the treatment of cooling water and water used in
alumina. No signiRcant residual capacity arising from the food and drinks industries. Desalination is a deal-
the clay was detected. Many similar pillared substan- kalization process. Modern plants use membranes
ces have now been made with a variety of differ- made from ion exchange resins in an electrodialysis
ent layered compounds (natural and synthetic) and cell.
inorganic pillars. Little is known of their ion ex-
change properties. Demineralization Demineralization involves the
use of both cation and anion resins to produce ‘de-
Hydrotalcites The natural mineral, hydrotalcite, ionized water’. This can be achieved by a two-stage
is a layered compound of composition Mg6Al2(Co3) process in which the raw water is Rrst passed through
(OH)16 ) 4H2O. Synthetic analogues can be obtained a column containing a strong cation resin (H) form,
with other metals replacing magnesium and alumi- and then through a strong anion resin (Type I or II).
nium (Co, Ni, Fe for example). They are commercial- Some ion exchange plants use weak anion resins, and
ly available as anion exchangers. multistage processes or countercurrent variants are
available as standard plant.
An alternative, and common, option is to use
Uses of Ion Exchange Materials mixed beds that contain uniform mixtures of strong
Resins cation resins (H) and anion resins (OH). Variants of
this approach are widely used to ‘polish’ water pre-
Water treatment The annual production of ion ex- viously demineralized by strong cation/anion beds.
change resins has been estimated at 500 000 m3, of Now the admixture of resins can be adjusted to cope
which at least 90% goes to industrial water treat- with the expected load of residual ions from a speciRc
ment. The various end uses in this area will now be process water, and so meet the heavy demands of
described. water purity essential, for example, for high pressure
steam production in power generation. This is the
Softening The removal of calcium and magnesium technology of ‘condensate polishing’ pervasive
ions from water supplies is a requirement for many through this and similar industrial circumstances. It is
industries. Laundries, dye-houses and cleansing appropriate to mention here the production of resins
plants are examples of speciRc industries but the need to meet the special needs of the nuclear industry. This
can be generalized to many hot water circuits, heat manifests itself as ‘nuclear grade’ resins which are
exchangers and low pressure boilers. Strong sulfonate themselves of high purity to reduce potential prob-
styrene gel cation resins, in sodium form with 8}12% lems that otherwise would arise from leaching of
cross-linking, are the usual choice, but macroporous materials capable of being neutron-activated in reac-
resins may well be used when the process is demand- tor circuits. These add to the radiation Relds in the
ing in terms of attrition, elevated temperatures or in reactor, create additional decontamination and waste
the presence of oxidizing agents. An example of such disposal considerations, and do not help in the

general aim to inhibit corrosion. The nuclear power nitrate anion in preference to the larger sulfate, and
industry constantly strives to reduce potential cor- perhaps chloride, ions, with their spherical nature
rosion in its steam/water circuits. In pressurized also being a factor.
water reactors with ‘recirculating steam generators’
some operators have a target of low ng levels of ionic Waste efWuent treatment Prevention of the re-
impurities per kg water used. These reactors use addi- lease into the environment of toxic metals arising
tions to the primary coolant of (a) boric acid to help from industrial processes has long been a useful ap-
moderate the Rssion process and control corrosion plication of ion exchange. Typical examples come in
and (b) lithium hydroxide, also to inhibit corrosion. the metal Rnishing industries whereby wash solutions
They depend on a sophisticated use of resin beds to containing chromium and zinc, for example, can be
achieve the desired coolant water chemistry. In the rendered suitable for discharge. Many similar exam-
semiconductor manufacturing industry the demands ples can be found in the photographic, paper and
for ‘ultra pure’ water are even more stringent with metal pickling industries. Some progress has been
targets in the range pg kg\1. (Note ‘ultra pure water’ made in the employment of resins in the recovery of
is usually taken to mean water with less than water from sewage treatment plants.
g kg\1.) Water used in the production of pharma- Another area of concern is in the treatment of
ceuticals also involves the use of high purity water. aqueous nuclear wastes. The use of ion exchange
In both dealkalization and demineralization the offers the prospect of vastly reducing some prob-
choice between a gel or macroporous resin is again lems by volume minimization of the waste form.
conditioned by the relative aggressiveness of the feed. Resins have high capacities for the trace quantities of
In some instances additional factors such as high hazardous isotopes arising from nuclear fuel produc-
column pressure differentials and the need for tion, reprocessing, reactor water circuits, decommis-
fast kinetics will lead to the use of macroporous sioning, and in ‘pond’ waters. The latter can be used
materials. Additional treatment of demineralized as a major example where ion exchange materials can
water with a sulRte-based exchanger removes oxygen be used to scavenge the caesium and strontium radio-
via the following route: isotopes that leak into the ponds in which spent fuel
rods are stored prior to decladding and reprocessing
2R2SO3#(O2)aq"2R2SO4 (see Table 1).
In all nuclear applications the ultimate safe storage
Removal of organics In this context ‘organic’ means of the waste form is of prime importance. Previous
the complex anions arising from decay products of practice has often been to store the highly radioactive
organic matter and peaty soils. They are mainly deriv- resins in a concrete pit. Clearly this is undesirable,
atives of fulvic and humic acids and can be removed due to the limited radiation stability of the organic
by employment of a macroporous strong anion resin. resins, and new approaches are now preferred, either
This was one of the main uses envisaged from the by using inorganic exchangers or by encapsulating
development of resins of this type. Typical waters the spent resins in concrete. Even encapsulation
requiring treatment contain a total organic carbon should be regarded as temporary in the timescales
(TOC) of 2}20 mg of carbon per litre, which can be recommended for nuclear waste disposal. The search
more than halved by resin exchange. for suitable inorganic materials has only been realized
in a limited area because of reasons that will be
Nitrate removal The presence of nitrates in water considered later. The resin manufacturers are contin-
intended as a potable supply, or for the food industry, uing to synthesize nuclear resins, and seek to provide
is a major environmental concern, arising from the products that can take up radioisotopes with high
use of nitrate fertilizers. The suggested limit is 50 mg degrees of selectivity, often by chelating action. An
NO\ 3 L\ , and the options open to attain this include example of this area of work is in the potential use of
microbiological, reverse electrodialysis using nitrate novel strong base polyvinylpyridine anion resins to
selective membranes, and traditional ion exchange remove americium and technetium from nuclear
methods. wastes.
Ion exchange is the cheapest and most reliable
approach, not least because of the wealth of experi- Metal recovery Resins often form part of metal re-
ence and established technology available. It makes covery processes, both in primary ore processing and
use of nitrate-selective resins based on triethylam- from process waste streams. The second of these is
monium as functional groups. It is thought that the becoming of increasing economic importance with
selectivity may arise from a size/shape exclusion ef- the need to create efRcient metal ‘winning’ from
fect that encourages the uptake of the small, Sat, low grades ores, tailings, mine wastewater and
172 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization

Table 5 Metals recovered and purified by ion exchange materials are used in pellicular form on stable micro-
spheres. Fast uptake of trace quantities of ions is
guaranteed and differential elution provides an
Rare earths adequate separation so that individual ions can be
Plutonium (and other trans-uranics such as neptunium and recognized by their diagnostic column residence
americium) times. This presupposes that a suitable detector can
Gold monitor the column efSuent to detect the ions in
the eluent. Conductivity changes prove to be ad-
Platinum metals
Copper equate for most purposes.
Cobalt An important stage in the development of the tech-
Nickel nique was the use of suppressor columns that were
Zinc able to remove the ions present as a consequence of
the use of eluents by retaining them on suitable resins,
Molybdenum thus greatly improving the detection sensitivity.
Highly sophisticated instruments are now able to
revolutionize the quantitative trace analysis of ca-
mineral dumps. Ion exchange competes with tions and anions, both organic and inorganic. The
liquid}liquid extraction in these areas, with varying method is highly reproducible, rapid, and able to
success, and can be used in combination with this carry out routine analyses on a diverse range of
process in some instances. Macroporous resins are analytes.
popular for these applications. Table 5 provides a list
of metals that can be recovered on a commercial basis Inorganic Exchangers
by ion exchange. Inorganic materials offer the possible advantages
Note should be made of the essential role played by of increased thermal, and radiation, stability over
resins in aiding the separation of uranium from its ore their resin counterparts. In some cases, e.g. the
in nuclear fuel production, whereby uranyl sulfate is zeolites, they can also compete in terms of capacity
loaded onto anion resins from which it is leached and in extremely selectivity exchange. These advant-
prior to solvent extraction to complete the separation ages have created great interest in their potential
process. Solvent extraction is the major separation use for aqueous nuclear waste treatment. This is
technique in the process and the same is true of encouraged by the preferences stated by regulatory
reprocessing, but both anion and cation resins are an bodies that inorganic exchangers are preferred for
essential part of the method whereby puriRed ura- incorporation into the accepted waste disposal forms
nium and plutonium are obtained. for medium and intermediate level radioactive waste.
The main problems, some of which have been men-
Other applications of ion exchange resins The tioned earlier, encountered in progress towards this
reader is reminded of the wide use of resins in cataly- ideal are:
sis, and in the puriRcation of antibiotics, vitamins,
nucleotides, amino acids, proteins, enzymes and vi- 1. the inherent difRculties in developing reliable
ruses that have been excluded from this review. One characterization methods for many amorphous
application in the puriRcation of natural substances is exchangers;
the use of a Rnely sized cation resin to replace sodium 2. the fact that synthesis often results in products
and potassium ions by magnesium in sugar reRning. with small particle sizes inappropriate to column
Sodium and potassium promote the deleterious use;
formation of molasses that has to be discarded. 3. the lack of materials compatible with direct
Historically the best studied area of ion exchange treatment of the acid streams common in, for
application has been the use of exchange materials to instance, reprocessing plants, and even the high
perform separations to aid quantitative analysis. Ori- pH (&11.4) encountered in fuel storage ponds;
ginally, in the majority of cases the intent was either 4. the liability to hydrolytic damage, even under
to remove interfering ions or to scavenge trace ions modest pH conditions.
onto an exchanger so as to preconcentrate sufR-
cient material for analysis. This work forms the basis These disadvantages clearly extend to many other
of ion exchange chromatography, which has evolved non-nuclear areas of potential use where acid or alka-
into one of the most useful analytical techniques ever line media need to be treated. Despite these problems
developed, namely high performance ion chromato- there have been some successful uses of inorganic
graphy (HPIC). In HPIC low capacity ion exchange exchangers, as will now be described.

Waste efWuent treatment der’) has been a vital component of commercial deter-
gents. Within the last 10}15 years there has been
Nuclear waste Reference has already been made to
a move away from the phosphate builders tradition-
the earlier use of AMP and zirconium phosphate to
ally used. The main agencies chosen to replace them
scavenge Cs and Sr radio isotopes from nuclear waste
have been synthetic zeolites. Currently the world an-
streams. Other earlier processes made use of clays,
nual production of synthetic zeolites for this purpose
green sand, and amorphous aluminoscilicates. These
is approaching 1 million tonnes. This is largely as
latter materials, marketed as ‘Zerolites’, resembled
zeolite A, but a synthetic gismondine, zeolite MAP, is
the early ‘permutites’. The zeolite minerals also were
an alternative. Zeolites can be incorporated into both
early candidates for use, but often resins took prefer-
powder and liquid detergents, and natural zeolites
ence until the increased environmental considerations
have been used in cheaper powders.
related to the safe disposal of highly active resins
became of concern.
Dialysis Amorphous zirconium phosphate is used in
Initially studies in the US nuclear industry showed
portable renal dialysis equipment. To remove urea
that the natural zeolites chabazite, mordenite and
from the dialysate it is Rrst converted to ammonium
clinoptilolite had high selectivities for strontium and
carbonate by the enzyme urease. The ammonium ion
caesium Rssion isotopes, and these have been de-
is then taken up by ZrP. In some systems hydrous
veloped into modern plants. Examples of these are
zirconia has been used to sorb phosphate ions re-
the use of clinoptilolite in the SIXEP process at BNF,
leased from the ZrP by hydrolysis.
SellaReld, UK, and chabazite at Oak Ridge, USA.
A mixture of synthetic zeolite A and chabazite was
the main agency used to scavenge caesium after the Further Reading
Three Mile Island accident, and clinoptilolite was
ClearReld A (1982) Inorganic Ion Exchange Materials.
extensively used at Chernobyl. Mention should be Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
made of the use of clinoptilolite to reduce the body Dyer A, Hudson MJ and Williams PA (eds) (1993) Ion
burden of Rssion isotopes in living hosts (including Exchange Processes: Advances and Applications. Cam-
humans), and to reduce their presence in crops. bridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
Work in progress on the treatment of high level Dyer A, Hudson MJ and Williams PA (eds) (1997) Progress
waste (HLW) to encapsulate a wide range of isotopes, in Ion Exchange: Advances and Applications. Cam-
including -emitters, includes tests on composite ex- bridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
changers based on inorganic materials in polyacrylic Harland CE (1994) Ion Exchange: Theory and Practice,
resins. Considered also are ferrocyanides and 2nd edn. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry.
silicotitanates with framework structures. Zeolites, Helfferich F (1962) Ion Exchange. New York: McGraw-Hill.
IAEA (1967) Operation and Control of Ion Exchange Pro-
zirconium phosphate and AMP have been used to
cesses for the Treatment of Radioactive Wastes, Tech-
obtain pure isotopes for commercial purposes. nical Report Series no. 78. Vienna: IAEA.
Marinsky JA and Marcus Y (eds) (1995) Ion Exchange and
Wastewater treatment The ubiquitous occurrence Solvent Extraction, vol.12. New York: Marcel Dekker
of clinoptilolite on the Earth’s surface has created (and earlier volumes in this series).
numerous publications describing its use to treat water Naden D and Streat M (eds) (1984) Ion Exchange Tech-
from sewage plants. Several plants have been construc- nology. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
ted to this end, e.g. Denver and Rosemount, USA and Qureshi M and Varshney KG (1991) Inorganic Ion Ex-
Budapest, Hungary. These make use of local supplies, changers in Chemical Analysis. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
and regeneration steps have been developed. Other Press.
areas of the world pursuing this application include Slater MJ (ed.) (1992) Ion Exchange Advances. London:
Elsevier Applied Science.
Italy, Cuba, Japan and several locations in Eastern
Streat M (ed.) (1988) Ion Exchange for Industry. Chiches-
Europe. Eastern Europe has also been the major source ter: Ellis Horwood.
of literature describing the employment of clino- Tsitsishvili GV, Andronikashvili TG, Kirov GN and Filizova
ptilolite to remove toxic metals from efSuent streams. LD (1992) Natural Zeolites. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
In these cases regeneration is not usually an option, Williams PA and Hudson MJ (eds) (1987) Recent Develop-
that is the processes are ‘once-through’. Recently ments in Ion Exchange. London: Elsevier Applied
clinoptilolite has been widely used to treat swimming Science.
pool water in circulatory systems, with regeneration. Williams PA and Hudson MJ (eds) (1990) Recent Develop-
ments in Ion Exchange-2. London: Elsevier Applied
Other areas Science.
Tsitsishvili GV, Andronikashvili TG, Kirov GN and
Detergency The need to remove hardness from Filizova LD (1992) Natural Zeolites. Chichester: Ellis
washing water has long meant that a softener (‘buil- Horwood.

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