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The Vagus Nerve - Core Piece of the Autism

Puzzle - Part 1 - What is this and why is it

Posted by Susan Bennett, Autism Coach on March 20, 2015
The vagus nerve is the longest of twelve pairs of nerves that originate in the brain, serving
as the brain's central command in the fight against stress, inflammation and toxicity. The
vagus helps regulate our "fight or flight" response, digestion, detoxification, various aspects
of heart rate and blood pressure. Recent research indicates it also regulates our immune
system and provides us with a neurological infrastructure that determines many of our
emotional responses, enabling us to empathize with, bond with, communicate with and
relate to others.

The longest nerve the body, the vagus nerve begins at brainstem, located near the base of
the skull, and has branches which extend throughout the head and two branches which
travel down the each side of the neck and extend throughout the body. It actually consists
of nerve pairs; one nerve sends and the other nerve receives information. When it is under-
active and/or under-developed, it is turning out to be one of the major contributors to
symptoms of autism. It is part of what is called the autonomic nervous system, which
automatically regulates functions that our mind does not consciously control.
The Autonomic Nervous System - Your Body on Autopilot
The simplified diagram below shows some of the areas of the body the vagus nerve
interacts with. It is part of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system
functions independently of our conscious mind, controlling functions essential to survival.
The autonomic nervous system consists of two components: the parasympathetic and
sympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation
that occurs when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal,
salivation, tears, and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for
stimulating activities associated with the fight or flight response to perceived danger. The
vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibits the flight or fight
response. The vagus nerve contains 80-90% of the body’s sensory neurons (also called
afferent neurons) which provide information to the central nervous system/brain from
organs and other parts of the body.
The Polyvagal Theory of Autopilot

University of Illinois researcher, Steven Porges, proposed a Polyvagal Theory, which

explains how our autonomic nervous system actually consists consists of three overlapping
nervous systems that can independently control autonomic functions, that evolutionarily
developed over millions of years.
Our three nervous systems are referred to by Porges as:
1. Myelinated Vagus - When we are not threatened, we use our most evolved
mammalian nervous system, which Porges refers to as the myelinated vagus. This
system evolved to inhibit the more primitive nervous systems and enable high
functioning mammals to support social behavior. This social behavior includes
determining friend from foe, evaluating whether the environment is safe, and
communicating with their social unit. The vagus nerve is part of what is also called the
parasympathetic nervous system.
2. The Sympathetic Nervous System - When we are in a life threatening situation that the
parasympathetic system cannot address, the body automatically overrides it and uses
the sympathetic nervous system to trigger adrenal glands to secrete the hormone,
cortisol, which causes the classic flight or fight response to a scary situation.
3. The Non-Myelinated Vagus - If we cannot escape the life threatening response, the
body triggers the most primitive nervous system, which Porges refers to as the non-
myelinated vagus. The non-myelinated vagus is theorized to come from a turtle-like
ancestor, and causes us literally to be paralyzed with fear and possibly faint, just as a
turtle’s head and limbs contract into its shell when it is threatened, or when an
opossum plays dead.
At this time, Polyvagal Theory appears to have been validated through several years of
research and countless studies and is now being used as the basis of development of new
treatments conditions such as as epilepsy and rheumatoid arthritis.

What we have in autism is a vagus nerve that does not strongly enough signal the body to
perform autonomic functions. If it does not do its job, then the more primitive
parasympathetic nervous system, dominates, resulting in a chronic flight or fight response
by the body. This has many consequences which can result in symptoms, behaviors and
health issues frequently associated with autism.
In more primitive non-mammalian animals such as reptiles, Dr. Porges proposes that they
do not experience emotions such as empathy and love. These emotions are what enables
social animals to live in social groups, to pay attention to social cues, to communicate, to
bond, to work together in groups, to nurture and raise offspring. The vagus nerve provides
the neurological support needed for living in a social group. It also regulates breathing,
heart-rate and digestive activity when the body is in a relaxed state. The vagus nerve
overrides sympathetic nervous system’s propensity to flee from close proximity to other
What Happens in the Vagus does not stay in the Vagus
In the head, the vagus nerve controls muscle tone in the ears, impacting how well we hear.
It also controls how eyes focus and attend to other people and works in conjunction with
oxytocin receptors in the brain, which stimulate feelings of bonding, attraction, and love.
The diagram below shows some of the the vagus nerves connections in the body. It
regulates heart-beat, lung expansion, digestion and stimulates the production of digestive
and anti-stress enzymes and hormones (such as acetylcholine, vasopressin, and
oxytocin). Interestingly, the vagus nerve uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The
vagus nerve manages the complex processes in the digestive tract, including signalling
muscles in the stomach to contract and push food into the small intestine and to secrete
substances that properly digest food, including pepsin and intrinsic factor.

The heavy metal, mercury, blocks the action of acetylcholine, blocking or reducing the
signalling of the vagus nerve to other parts of the body.
Here is another diagram of the vagus nerve, showing more of the areas it interacts with,
including those that connect within the head. The auricular branch of the vegas interacts
with the ear. The pharyngeal branch interacts with the ear, larynx, and palate the mouth,
carries sensory and motor information,
The Vagus Nerve Interconnecting with the Mid-Brain (Cerebellum) and the Higher
Signals from the human body are delivered from the initial receptors of touch, sight, smell,
pressure sense and balance to the spinal nerve roots and on to the spinal cord where they
are delivered to the lower part of the brain called the cerebellum. The brain is fed by these
important signals and develops its response to the environment based on the information
they convey.
The cerebellum was once thought to coordinate movement. We now know that the
cerebellum controls all impulses including thought. The signals are transmitted to the brain
cortex (the outer layer of neural tissue in humans) where it provides an increase in the
frequency of firing which helps keep the brain viable and healthy. Without this stimulation
the brain loses its ability to actively control basic functions regulating everything from
breathing to pain regulation.
It is the brain stem malfunctioning, where the vagus nerve originates, which causes many
of the symptoms of autism. When the cortex receives insufficient input from the cerebellum
it becomes incapable of properly controlling the brainstem functions. When the vagus nerve
is underactive, it results in an uncontrolled overactive mid-brain which creates imbalances
in cranial nerve function. These imbalances, in turn, can cause sensory distortions such as
photophobia (sensitivity to light), dizziness, inner ear pressure and sound distortion,
problems with sleep, digestion difficulties, heart arrhythmias, as well as systemic pain and
fatigue. The vagus nerve inhibits over-excitement, and when it is not functioning properly
the mid-brain overfires.

Next - Part 2 - How the Vagus Nerve Causes Symptoms of Autism

Posted by Susan Bennett, Autism Coach on March 20, 2015

Insufficient development of or damage to the vagus nerve, the longest nerve in the body,
originating in the brainstem, may explain many common symptoms of autism, and also
those of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

What do so many mothers of children with autism have conditions like chronic
fatigue and fibromyalgia? Impairment of function of the vagus nerve occurs in both
conditions. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia may be adult-onset autism.(1)
Why is there a higher incidence of autism in individuals with diabetes? The vagus
nerve plays a part in the regulation of the secretion of insulin.
Why is there a higher incidence of autism in individuals with celiac? Digestion is
impaired and slowed if the vagus nerve is not signalling optimally. Maldigestion, combined
with modern genetically modified, wheat which has a form of gliandin that is highly
inflammatory, is more likely to be maldigested and cause damage to the intestinal lining.
Why so are there many intestinal infections in individuals with autism? The vagus
nerve stimulates both digestion and the functioning of the immune system. Maldigested
food becomes a breeding ground yeast to overgrow and for other pathogens such as
Clostridia and Klebsiella to feed upon.
What can impair the function of the vagus nerve? It turns out a chronic Human
Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) virus infection in the nerve itself may be at the root for many people
with autism, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. A chronic infection of the vagus nerve may
result resulting a chronic state impaired mitochondrial function, suppressed immune system
function, digestive issues, and sensory distortion. Other viruses may also be causes of
vagus nerve infection such as Epstein-Barr and the Cytomegalo virus. Also,mercury
poisoning can block the action of acetylcholine. which the vagus nerve uses to transmit
signals to other parts of the body.

Why do individuals with autism spin? Because it stimulates the vagus nerve which helps
regulate balance. Spinning can actually be therapeutic and help someone with autism to
become better oriented. Spinning can help to mature the balance system which is the
master integrator for all other senses in the body.

Why do individuals with autism flap their hands? This activity also stimulates and
regulate the vagus nerve. The sensory feedback we receive from our extremities helps to
orient us in space and tells us where our body ends and the rest of the world begins. In
autism, individuals who do not receive enough sensory feedback from their extremities
(proprioceptive feedback) have difficulty with their sense of identity and how they are
oriented in space. This is also a reason why a machine like Temple Grandin's squeeze
machine (where the body has gentle pressure applied around it) helps with calming and
orientation - it stimulates and regulates the vagus nerve, calms us down and orients us. It's
the reason mothers intuitively tightly swaddle (wrap) their infants in blankets - the vagus
nerve system is not mature, and the gentle pressure helps to stimulate the vagus nerve,
which triggers the release of calming neurotransmitters, calming the child.

Why do individuals with autism have difficulty understanding language and

language delays? Listening is actually a “motor” act and involves tensing muscles in the
middle ear. The middle ear muscles are regulated by the facial nerve, a nerve that also
regulates eyelid lifting. When you are interested in what someone is saying, you lift your
eyelids and simultaneously your middle ear muscles tense. Now you are prepared to hear
their voice, even in noisy environments. In individuals within the autism spectrum, the
muscle tone in the ear is not sufficient to block out background noises, making it both hard
to hear and look at someone. Also recent research indicates that there is a time lag in
auditory processing in some individuals with autism so the sounds come in after the the
visual images come in and they person speaking appears to be like someone in an out of
sync or foreign movie with subtitles where the words don’t match what you visually see.
Why do individuals with autism have difficulty making eye contact? The neural
system controlling spontaneous eye gaze is turned off. This newer, social engagement
system can only be expressed when the nervous system detects the environment as safe.
You can’t make eye contact in flight or fight mode.
Why do half of autistic individuals improve in level of functioning when they have a
fever? Because the mechanism that spikes a fever switches on metabolic systems in the
body normally switched on by a fully functional vagus nerve.
Why is the immune system frequently depressed in individuals with autism and they
are subject to many infections? Because the vagus nerve stimulates the immune system
to fight off infections.
Why do individuals with autism often have high levels of toxins and heavy
metals? The vagus nerve stimulates the body to detoxify.
Why is there a deficiency in B12 in most individuals within the autism
spectrum? Because the vagus nerve stimulates the production of intrinsic factor in the
small intestine, which is needed for the body to make B12.
Why do some autistic individuals speak with unusual modulation of the voice and
enunciation? Because the vagus helps to modulate the larynx and muscles used for
Why do individuals on the spectrum often lack animation in their faces, especially
the level of the nose and above? The vagus nerve triggers animation in the facial
Next - Part 3 - What Helps the Vagus Nerve to Function Optimally?
Previous - Part 1 - What is the Vagus Nerve and Why is it Important?

The Vagus Nerve - Core Piece of the Autism

Puzzle - Part 3 - What can be done to help?
Posted by Suan Bennett, Autism Coach on March 20, 2015
What helps stimulate the vagus nerve to function more optimally?
Deep breathing exercises, meditation, aerobic exercise (brisk walking, bicycling, running
jogging), martial arts training, tap dancing, auditory integration training, interactive
metronome therapy, drumming, oxygen therapies (hyperbaric oxygen), spinning, cranial
sacral massage, chiropractic adjustments. Also relaxed, positive social interactions with
friendly people who like the person and the person trusts.

Why does auditory integration training work so well for many individuals on the
spectrum? Because it stimulates the vagus nerve through the ear, increasing muscle tone
that is normally stimulated directly through the vagus nerve. Dr. Stephen Porges has also
created a program using filtered music to stimulate the vagus nerve that is in clinical trial.(3)
What nutritional support can help protect and repair the vagus nerve?
Viruses tend to activate when exposed to excessive levels of sugar, carbohydrates. Herpes
viruses activate when exposed to excessive levels of arginine found in peanuts, chocolate
and some other nuts. Foods high in lysine, such as turkey, tend to inactive and keep
herpes viruses dormant. Anti-herpes prescription drugs may also be of help, but research is
showing that they have to be used on a long-term basis to be successful (such as six
months). Foods and supplements that support neurological repair may also help, such as
coconut oil and milk, sunflower lecithin, phosphatidyl serine and choline. For more
information please refer to our Neurological supplement section.
Are there mainstream therapies being developed to improve the function of the
vagus nerve?
Pharmaceutical companies are currently sinking millions of dollars into research in this area
to develop both drugs and devices to help stimulate the vagus nerve. Preliminary studies
have indicated that vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy currently used to reduce
pharmacoresistant seizures in epilepsy, may improve neurocognitive performance in
individuals with autism as well as alleviate depression in individuals untreatable depression.
Park reported a study with 59 autistic patients and 6 with LKS, with epilepsy. Improvements
were reported in all areas of quality of life monitored particularly for alertness (76% at 12
months). But better standardized and long term studies are required to assess the results
better. I’m personally not recommending an invasive surgery (this is having a pacemaker
like device implanted in your body that continually stimulates the vagus nerve), but it
evidently shows great promise in helping improve level of functioning in trials.

What can I do to calm down the overactive sympathetic nervous system which keeps
us in flight and fight mode? Reducing external stressors, providing a calm safe
environment, using humor (laughter helps) to address potentially stressful situations. There
are also supplements that can lower levels of cortisol, such as rhodiola rosea and Ginseng.
Please refer to our Adrenal/Cortisol supplement section. Taking steps to identify and rid of
the body of infections will also help to calm down the parasympathetic nervous system.

Why do meditation and relaxation techniques help? Deep breathing stimulates the
vagus nerve connections in the lung area. So, for example, if you regularly and deeply
breathe in through your nose and expand your lungs, hold in your breath for two seconds
and release through your mouth you can immediately lower your blood pressure. The
vagus nerve produces calm and feelings of well-being—the opposite of the sympathetic
fight and flight. Vagal tone is measured by tracking how the heart rate speeds up and slows
down during breathing. Increased vagal tone stimulates better social feelings, which
stimulates more vagal tone. In one study, meditators had increased vagal tone after nine
weeks, which correlated with positive emotions.
Back - Part 2 - How does the vagus nerve cause symptoms of autism?
1. The Neurobiology of Autism edited by Margaret L. Bauman, Thomas L. Kemper,
second edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
2. Medical Hypothess. VanElzakker MB 2013 Sep;81(3):414-23. doi:
10.1016/j.mehy.2013.05.034. Epub 2013 Jun 19. Chronic fatigue syndrome from
vagus nerve infection: a psychoneuroimmunological hypothesis.
3. Reducing auditory hypersensitivities in autistic spectrum disorder: preliminary findings
evaluating the listening project protocol. Porges SW, Bazhenova OV, Bal E, Carlson
N, Sorokin Y, Heilman KJ, Cook EH, Lewis GF. Front Pediatr. 2014 Aug 1;2:80. doi:
10.3389/fped.2014.00080. eCollection 2014.
4. Emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: relations to eye gaze
and autonomic state. Bal E, Harden E, Lamb D, Van Hecke AV, Denver JW, Porges
SW. J Autism Dev Disord. 2010 Mar;40(3):358-70. doi: 19885725
5. Vagal activity, early growth and emotional development. Field T, Diego M.
6. Infant Behav Dev. 2008 Sep;31(3):361-73. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2007.12.008. Epub
2008 Mar 4. Review. PMID: 18295898

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