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Rating List by Cscuile Leela Chess Zero Rating List (1+1 Time Control)

Work in Progress! 66960278 98684057 31723779

RANK Name/Engine Elo Dif Performance Notes # of Games Self Elo News: Hardware and Settings:
1 asmBrainFish 10 Dev 64CPU [9/27/18] 3845 67 Based on Scaling Equation Strongest Network Confirmed: ID 11258 (+5 Elo to 248) CPU i7 7700k 4CPU [1]
2 Stockfish 10 Dev 64CPU [9/4/18] 3778 4 Theoretical Est. (Hover for Equation) [2] GPU (For Leela) GTX 1080 ti
3 AlphaZero 4 TPU [3] 3774 100 28-0=72 (SF8 AlphaZero) Upperbound Highest Elo Possible 44,000,000 Python Script for Calculating Win, Draw, Loss Percentage [4] Hash Data 1 GB
4 asmBrainFish 10 Dev 4CPU [9/27/18] 3674 0 Book Balsa v2401 (From Perfect2017)
5 Stockfish 8 64CPU (AlphaZero) [5] 3674 17 Calibrated from SF Dev Scaling NOTE: Dependant on Time Control Node Ratio 863:1 (7,318,351:8,478 NPS)
6 BrainFish 10 Dev 4CPU [9/27/18] 3657 30 Have questions? Feel free to contact me at Cscuile#0044 LeelaFish Ratio [2048:1] 0.421 LeelaFish Ratio
7 asmBrainFish 9 4CPU 3627 3 AZ-SF8 Ratio [875:1] 0.987 A0-SF8 Ratio
8 asmFish 10 Dev 4CPU [9/27/18] 3624 13 Latest Update: Time Control 1+1
9 AlphaZero 1080TI 3611 1 Hover over me: Based on Lc0 Scaling [6]44,000,000 Leela 21544
10 BrainFish 9 4CPU 3610 7 Lc0 vs SF Equal Time/Nodes In Progress....
11 Stockfish 10 Dev 4CPU [8/18/18] 3603 26
12 asmFish 9 4CPU 3577 17
13 Stockfish 9 4CPU 3560 20 9449-2917=27634 (SF8 +57 Elo) Fixed to CCRL 40/4 3560 Elo Next Test:
14 Leela ID 11258 3540 5 141.5/300 37-54=209 47.2% (SF9)
15 Leela ID 11248 3535 2 139.5/300 37-58=205 46.5% (SF9) 51,680,094 4785.12
16 Leela ID 11250 3533 1 138.5/300 42-65=193 46.2% (SF9) 51,743,683 4759.29 Key:
17 Leela ID 11246 3532 2 138.0/300 31-55=214 46% (SF9) 51,619,693 4762.59 Leela Latest Update
18 Leela ID 11249 3530 6 91.5/200 30-47=123 45.8% (SF9) 51,716,692 4768.46 Leela Next Test
19 Leela ID 11254 3524 4 134.5/300 33-64=203 44.8% (SF9) 51,965,907 4737.53 Leela
20 Leela ID 11089 3520 17 89.5/202 18-41=143 44.3% (SF9) 46,598,129 4678.12 Leela Test10
21 Stockfish 8 4CPU 3503 77 5267-881=13852 (SF7 +77 Elo) SF2.3.1 to 9 Tests from FishTest Leela Test30
22 Stockfish 7 4CPU 3426 62 10233-3197=26570 (SF6 +62 Elo) Stockfish/Variants
23 Stockfish 6 4CPU 3364 52 9633-3723=26644 (SF5 +52 Elo) Stockfish Theoretical
24 Stockfish 5 4CPU 3312 55 11417-5108=23475 (SFDD +55 Elo) AlphaZero
25 Stockfish DD 4CPU 3257 46 11787-4119=24094 (SF4 +67 Elo)
26 Leela 21544 3211 21 53.0/100 31-25=44 (SF4)
27 Stockfish 4 4CPU 3190 1 6221-2988=0791 (SF3 +57 Elo) Notes: Interesting Notes:
28 Leela 21455 3189 9 58/100 38-22=40 (SF3) 34,287,692 4439.11 -70 Moves Avg All NPS are calculated from the starting position.
29 Leela 21471 3180 47 48.5/100 29-32=39 (SF4) -2.8 Seconds Per Move Avg. [6x64] Network Speed: 76,047 Nodes Per Second
30 Stockfish 3 4CPU 3133 17 4493-2721=12786 (SF2.3.1 +31 Elo) -1945 + 74.7 ln(x) is the equation used to estimate theoretical [10x128] Network Speed: 37,440 Nodes Per Second
31 Leela 21358 3116 14 91.5/176 53-46=77 (SF2.3.1) 31,723,779 4237.95 engines. [15x192] Network Speed: 15,771 Nodes Per Second
32 Stockfish 2.3.1 4CPU 3102 38 -4CPU refers to Logical Cores (Threads) [20x256] Network Speed: 8,478 Nodes Per Second
33 Leela 20683 3064 25 44.5/100 26-37=37 (SF2.3.1) 19,005,573 4052.65 -All games after 20776 and 11248 will use mirrored openings [40x256] Network Speed: 2,166 Nodes Per Second
34 Leela 20776 3039 4 41.0/100 26-44=30 (SF2.3.1) 20,895,367 4039.08 with Perfect 2017's Balsa PGN!
35 Leela 20735 3035 71 40.5/100 22-41-37 (SF2.3.1) 20,242,296 4103.17 Important Notes: SF Dev Modern Aug 18 4 CPU: 6,433,995 Nodes Per Second
36 Leela 20710 2964 13 32.0/100 19-55=26 (SF2.3.1) 19,845,332 4113.77 -Elo Scaling will be different at higher Time Controls since at higher
SF Dev Haswell Aug 18 4 CPU: 7,048,370 Nodes Per Second
37 Leela 20698 2951 5 29.5/100 15-56=29 (SF2.3.1) 19,476,722 4132.28 Nodes you have less area to improve, thus Elo gain decreases. SF Dev Haswell Aug 18 16 CPU: 12,659,505 Nodes Per Second
38 Leela 20904 2946 9 29.0/100 18-60=22 (SF2.3.1) 22,542,690 4157.5 SF Dev Haswell Aug 18 24 CPU: 18,732,181 Nodes Per Second
39 Leela 20633 2937 253 24.5/100 10-61=29 (SF3) 17,378,264 3899.5
40 Stockfish 1 4CPU 2684 418 16.5/200 1-168=31 (SF2.3.1) 8.25/100% SF9 Popcnt 4CPU: 7,318,351 NPS
41 Stockfish 1 4CPU Weakened 10% 2266 636 16.5/200 2-169-29 (SF1) 8.25/100% SF9 Bmi2 4CPU: 6,888,716 NPS
42 Stockfish 1 4CPU Weakened 1% 1630 5.0/200 0-190=10 (SF1 10%) 2.5/100% SF9 x64 4CPU: 6,394,606 NPS
43 SF9 x32 4CPU: 4,740,987 NPS
Leela ID 11248 vs. Stockfish Dev Aug 18 Equal Nodes By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.)
Leela vs Stockfish Scaling
Settings and Details: Calculation Time Sec. Calc Nodes [875:1 Ratio] Elo Diff to SF Leela Elo Stockfish Elo SF Elo Diff Performance 0 0 1
-No Book 10^-4 [0.0001 S] 1 vs 742 [Lc0 vs SF] +438.95 -1806.89 -2245.84 1792-88=120 1.92 1.92 2
-No Tablebase 1 vs 875 +363.64 -1863.1 -2226.74 1664-103=233 6.52 4.6 4
-Mate to Win 2 vs 1,600 +438.95 -1614.57 -2053.52 1792-88=120 14.56 8.04 8
-875:1 Nodes Ratio Maintained 4 vs 3,125 +275.76 -1546.31 -1822.07 1567-246=187 35.52 20.96 16 Leela ID 11248 vs Stockfish Dev Aug 18
-SF Elo relative to 7 vs 6,250 +98.26 -1437.84 -1536.10 1106-555=339 64.55 29.03 25 Nodes Elo Perfoirmance
SF Dev Aug 18 Scaling 10^-3 [0.001 S] 0.001 8 vs 7,418 [Lc0 vs SF] +52.16 -1430.96 -1483.12 976 - 678 - 346 109.71 45.16 50
0.001685 14 vs 12,500 -20.7 -1270.35 -1249.65 734 - 853 - 413 152.22 42.51 100 1 vs 1 694.74 +/- 48.63 1942-14=44
0.00337 29 vs 25,000 -71.89 -1053.67 -981.78 554 - 962 - 484 192.13 39.91 200 2 vs 1,600 2 vs 2 919.54 +/- 125.31990-0=10
0.00674 57 vs 50,000 -90.78 -817.55 -726.77 452 - 963 - 585 256.08 63.95 400 4 vs 3,125 4 vs 4
10^-2 [0.01 S] 0.01 85 vs 74,183 -133.84 -753.81 -619.97 245-1173=1109 385.03 128.95 800 7 vs 6,250 8
0.0135 114 vs 100,000 -104.87 -610.5 -505.63 377 - 963 - 660 576.34 191.31 1600 14 vs 12,500
0.0270 229 vs 200,000 -125.95 -446.7 -320.75 187 - 639 - 475 807.79 231.45 3125 29 vs 25,000 16
0.0539 457 vs 400,000 -137.98 -269.04 -131.06 117 - 533 - 452 1093.76 285.97 6250 57 vs 50,000 25
10^-1 [0.1 S] 0.1 848 vs 741,825 -132.54 -132.54 0 212 - 940 - 848 1380.21 286.45 12500 114 vs 100,000 50
0.108 914 vs 800,000 22.38 1648.08 267.87 25000 229 vs 200,000
0.216 1,829 vs 1,600,000 173.73 1903.09 255.01 50000 457 vs 400,000 100
0.431 3,657 vs 3,200,000 2124.23 221.14 100000 914 vs 800,000 200
0.863 7,314 vs 6,400,000 -53.6 94 - 227 - 548 2309.11 184.88 200000 1,829 vs 1,600,000
10^0 [1 S] 1 8,478 & 7,418,250 -53.5 22 - 77 - 261 2498.8 189.69 400000 3,657 vs 3,200,000
1.725 14,629 vs 12,800,000 -52.36 19 209 62 2652.24 153.44 800000 7,314 vs 6,400,000
3.451 29,257 vs 25,600,000 -15.95 17 - 22 - 70 2803.59 151.35 1600000 14,629 vs 12,800,000
6.902 58,514 vs 51,200,000 -36.71 9 - 21 - 84 2948.72 145.13 3200000 29,257 vs 25,600,000
10^1 [10 S] 10 84,780 vs 74,182,500 -34.86 6 - 16 - 78 3069.78 121.06 6400000 58,514 vs 51,200,000
117,029 vs 102,400,000 -45.83 7 - 23 - 92 3154.82 85.04 12800000 117,029 vs 102,400,000
3221.64 66.82 25600000
3270.6 48.96 51200000 423.1 1777-99=124
3298.45 27.85 102400000 342.04 1628-118=254
3394.64 96.19 204800000
3443.6 48.96 409600000
Set 0.1 seconds per move = 0 Elo For strongest opponent 3460.99 17.39 819200000
1080TI vs i7 7700k [8,478 & 7,418,250 NPS Considered] (Adjusted Value)

Calculation TimeSec. Calc Nodes [875:1 Ratio]

Leela Elo Stockfish Elo
10^-2 [0.01 S] 0.01 85 vs 74,183 -753.81 -619.97
0.0135 114 vs 100,000 -610.5 -505.63
0.0270 229 vs 200,000 -446.7 -320.75
0.0539 457 vs 400,000 -269.04 -131.06
10^-1 [0.1 S] 0.1 848 vs 741,825 -132.54 0
0.108 914 vs 800,000 22.38
0.216 1,829 vs 1,600,000 173.73
0.431 3,657 vs 3,200,000
0.863 7,314 vs 6,400,000
10^0 [1 S] 1 8,478 & 7,418,250
Leela vs Stockfish Scaling AlphaZero vs SF8 Hardware 80k vs 70M Nodes 14,629 vs 12,800,000
Calculation Time Sec. Calc Nodes [875:1 Ratio] Leela Elo Stockfish Elo Dif (Leela) Performance 29,257 vs 25,600,000
1 vs 742 [Lc0 vs SF] -1806.89 -2245.84 +438.95 1792-88=120 58,514 vs 51,200,000
1 vs 875 -1863.1 -2226.74 +363.64 1664-103=233 10^1 [10 S] 10 84,780 vs 74,182,500
2 vs 1,600 -1614.57 -2053.52 +438.95 1792-88=120 117,029 vs 102,400,000
4 vs 3,125 -1546.31 -1822.07 +275.76 1567-246=187
10^-4 [0.0001 S] 7 vs 6,250 -1437.84 -1536.10 +98.26 1106-555=339
8 vs 7,418 [Lc0 vs SF] -1430.96 -1483.12 +52.16 976 - 678 - 346
14 vs 12,500 -1270.35 -1249.65 -20.7 734 - 853 - 413
29 vs 25,000 -1053.67 -981.78 -71.89 554 - 962 - 484
57 vs 50,000 -817.55 -726.77 -90.78 452 - 963 - 585
10^-3 [0.001 S] 85 vs 74,183 -753.81 -619.97 -133.84 245-1173=1109
114 vs 100,000 -610.5 -505.63 -104.87 377 - 963 - 660
229 vs 200,000 -446.7 -320.75 -125.95 187 - 639 - 475
457 vs 400,000 -269.04 -131.06 -137.98 117 - 533 - 452
10^-2 [0.01 S] 848 vs 741,825 -132.54 0 -132.54 212 - 940 - 848
914 vs 800,000 22.38
1,829 vs 1,600,000 173.73
3,657 vs 3,200,000
7,314 vs 6,400,000
10^-1 [0.1 S] 0.1 8,478 & 7,418,250 +125.51 397 - 50 - 555
14,629 vs 12,800,000
29,257 vs 25,600,000
58,514 vs 51,200,000 -36.71 9 - 21 - 84
10^0 [1 S] 1 84,780 vs 74,182,500 -34.86 6 - 16 - 78
117,029 vs 102,400,000 -45.83 7 - 23 - 92

10^1 [10 S]
Resources 1 1 1 **LcZero ID 5 Long Time Control Tests Complete (15+2) : 3 EL
2 2 2
Leela Chess Zero Website: L.e.e.l.a Shortened Google URL 3 3 3 4 4 4 **LcZero ID 5 Short Time Control Tests Complete (1+1) : 3 ELO
5 5 5
Deepmind's AlphaZero Paper: Perfect 2017 + Balsa Opening Books 6 6 6 Latest Update: 7 7 7 Leela ID 452 LTC
8 8 8
Spcc Stockfish Testing: 9 9 9 Next Test: 10 10 10 Leela ID 4?? STC
11 11 11
Stockfish Website: 12 12 12 13 13 13
14 14 14
Ipman Chess Stockfish Testing: 15 15 15 16 16 16
17 17 17
CCRL 18 18 18 19 19 19
20 20 * If you have any suggestions or test requests please
Fishtest: 21 21 leave a comment 21 22 22 Hardware and Settings: 22
23 23 CPU i7 7700k Important notes: 23
Other Leela Rating List Links: Useful Links 24 24 GPU (For Leela) GTX 1080 ti I am unable to test Stockfish Scaling due to my
LCZ rating list (CCRL Estimate) Hash Formula (T x S / 100) MB 25 25 Hash Data 1 GB Hardware limitations. Sorry! 25
Leela Chess Zero BrainFish Link 26 26 Book Perfect 2017 I need a minimum of 16 GB Ram on my PC 26
Leela Chess Zero vs Stockfish 9 27 27 Time Control 1+1 in order to test it properly at 10+ Billion Nodes27
LCZero Benchmarks 28 28 28
LC0 Elo Estimates Summary 29 29 Key: 29
500 Elo Barrier (Versions of Stockfish and Elo) 30 30 Leela Latest Update Latest Update: 30
31 31 Leela Next Test Leela ID 468 31
32 32 Leela 32
33 33 Leela Test Networks Next Test: 33
34 34 Stockfish/Variants Leela ID 10036 20x256 Net 34
35 35 Stockfish Theoretical 35
36 36 AlphaZero 44 Million Games 36
37 37 37
38 38 Notes: 38
39 39 -Going by the expression "Doubling hardware adds +50 ELO to an engine" Stockfish 8 64 threads ELO39
40 40 should be +150 ELO to an 8 thread CPU Stockfish. 40
41 41 -NOTE this rating list does not factor in the handicaps for Stockfish in the AlphaZero games. 41
42 42 -Lc0 CUDA is now used. 42
43 43 -Lc0 is tested against the version of SF closest to its strength with exceptions due to regression.
44 44 44
45 45 Interesting Notes: 45
46 46 6x64 Network Speeds: 86,000 Nodes Per Second 46
47 47 10x128 Network Speeds: 38,000 Nodes Per Second 47
48 48 15x192 Network Speeds: 16,000 Nodes Per Second 48
49 49 20x256 Network Speeds: 7,000 Nodes Per Second 49
50 50 50
51 51 51
52 52 52
53 53 53
54 54 54
55 55 55
56 56 56
57 57 57
58 58 58 13 AlphaZero TITAN V [7] 3593 3593 20k NPS 20x256?20k NPS 20x256? 59 59 59
60 60 60
61 61 61
62 62 62
63 63 63
64 64 64
65 65 65
66 66 66
67 67 67
68 68 68
69 69 69
70 70 70
71 71 71
72 72 72
73 73 73
74 74 74
75 75 75
76 76 76
77 77 77
78 78 78
79 79 79
80 80 80
81 81 81
82 82 82
83 83 83
84 84
85 85
86 86
87 87
88 88
89 89
90 90
91 91
92 92
93 93
94 94
95 95
96 96
97 97
98 98
99 99
100 100
101 101
102 102
103 103
104 104
105 105
106 106
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108 108
109 109
110 110
111 111
112 112
113 113
114 114
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116 116
117 117
118 118
119 119
120 120
121 121
122 122
123 123
124 124
125 125
126 126
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129 129
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133 133
134 134
135 135
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138 138
139 139
140 140
141 141
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143 143
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149 149
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155 155
156 156
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159 159
160 160
161 161
162 162
163 163
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165 165
166 166
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168 168
169 169
170 170
171 171
No easteregg here
Stockfish 9 Scaling By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) In Progress... This might take even longer than Lc0 Scaling

Stockfish Dev. August 18 Scaling

Stockfish Dev. August 18 Nodes vs. Delta Elo
For some reason Arena will keep calculating forever when I set SF weakened to 50%. Does anyone know how do fix this? Testing is unable to continue because of this weird glitch. Nodes Log [8]Elo Delta Elo Diff Info. Performance Notes Elo 25M [9]Elo Δ Draw %
1 0.000 0.00 0 540,000 Games 1 vs 1
2 0.301 1.92 1.92 540,000 Games [10]
260382-257398=22220 2 vs 1 4.11%
Clever, you looked behind the charts. This is another easteregg in my docs. 4 0.602 6.52 4.60 8,000 Games 3906-3800=294 4 vs 2 3.68%
Tell someone about it! 8 0.903 14.56 8.04 8,000 Games 3917-3732=351 8 vs 4 4.39%
16 1.204 35.52 20.96 8,000 Games 4067-3585=348 16 vs 8 4.35%
25 1.398 64.55 29.03 8,000 Games 4126-3459=415 25 vs 16 5.19%
50 1.699 109.71 45.16 8,000 Games 4292-3258=450 50 vs 25 5.63%
100 2.000 152.22 42.51 8,000 Games 4228-3254=518 100 vs 50 6.48%
200 2.301 192.13 39.91 8,000 Games 4237-3322=441 200 vs 100 5.51%
400 2.602 256.08 63.95 8,000 Games 4566-3110=324 400 vs 200 4.05%
800 2.903 385.03 128.95 8,000 Games 5206-2466=228 800 vs 400 2.85%
1,600 3.204 576.34 191.31 8,000 Games 5865-1857=278 1,600 vs 800 3.48%
3,125 3.495 807.79 231.45 8,000 Games 6127-1437=436 3,125 vs 1,600 5.45%
6,250 3.796 1,093.76 285.97 8,000 Games 6373-959=668 6,250 vs 3,125 8.35%
12,500 4.097 1,380.21 286.45 4,000 Games 3098-388=514 12,500 vs 6,250 12.85%
25,000 4.398 1,648.08 267.87 4,000 Games 2967-377=656 25k vs 12.5k 16.40%
50,000 4.699 1,903.09 255.01 2,000 Games 1408-157=435 50k vs 50k 21.75%
100,000 5.000 2,124.23 221.14 2,000 Games 1282-157=561 100k vs 50k 28.05%
200,000 5.301 2,309.11 184.88 1,000 Games 565-78=357 200k vs 100k 35.70%
400,000 5.602 2,498.80 189.69 400 Games 220-21=159 400k vs 200k 39.75%
800,000 5.903 2,652.24 153.44 200 Games 91-8=101 800k vs 400k 50.50%
1,600,000 6.204 2,803.59 151.35 200 Games 93-11=96 1.6M vs 800k 48.00% Nodes Elo
3,200,000 6.505 2,948.72 145.13 200 Games 84-5=111 3.2M vs 1.6M 55.50% 25,600,000 3,221.64
6,400,000 6.806 3,069.78 121.06 200 Games 75-8=117 6.4M vs 3.2M 58.50% 51,200,000 3,270.60
12,800,000 7.107 3,154.82 85.04 200 Games 55-7=138 12.8M vs 6.4M 69.00% 102,400,000 3,298.45
25,600,000 7.408 3,221.64 66.82 100 Games 21-2=77 3 Sec. Per Move [11]
0 0 77.00% 204,800,000 3,394.64
51,200,000 7.709 3,270.60 48.96 100 Games 18-4=78 51.2M vs 25.6M 48.96 48.96 78.00% 409,600,000 3,443.60
102,400,000 8.010 3,298.45 27.85 100 Games 11-3=86 102M vs 51M 76.81 27.85 86.00% 819,200,000 3,460.99
204,800,000 8.311 3,394.64 96.19 100 Games 28-1=71 204M vs 102M 173 96.19 71.00% 1,638,400,000
409,600,000 8.612 3,443.60 48.96 100 Games 15-1=84 409M vs 204M 221.96 48.96 84.00%
819,200,000 8.913 3,460.99 17.39 100 Games 10-5-85 819M vs 409M 239.35 17.39 85.00%
1,638,400,000 9.214
3,276,800,000 9.515
6,553,600,000 9.816
13,107,200,000 10.118
26,214,400,000 10.419
52,428,800,000 10.720
104,857,600,000 11.021 100.00%


Stockfish Latest Update
Notes: Stockfish
-Hash: 10 GB (Maxes out Nodes according
to the formula (T x S / 100) MB
-Special Thanks to Scs-ben for helping me
get Cutechess-cli setup!
-Book 2moves_LT_1000.pgn
-Both sides play same opening

Currently in progress...
This might take even Stockfish 9 Nodes vs. Delta ELO
longer than Lc0 Scaling Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X
Elo Delta ELO Diff. Info. Notes
50,000 4.699 0 0 100 Games 50,000 vs. 50,000
Key: 100,000 5.000 263 263 100 Games 100,000 vs. 50,000
Stockfish Latest Update 200,000 5.301 454 191 100 Games 200,000 vs. 100,000
Stockfish 400,000 5.602 622 168 100 Games 400,000 vs. 200,000
800,000 5.903 818 196 100 Games 800k vs. 400k
1,600,000 6.204 100 Games
3,200,000 6.505 100 Games
6,400,000 6.806 100 Games
12,800,0007.107 100 Games
25,600,0007.408 100 Games (3 Seconds per Move)
51,200,0007.709 100 Games
8.010 100 Games
8.311 100 Games
8.612 100 Games
8.913 100 Games

-3 GB of Hash Data per opponent
is all I can manage with my hardware.
These eastereggs are out of control Note to self- Add a link later
Leela vs. Stockfish Scaling By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) In Progress... This might take even longer than Lc0 Scaling MORE INFO. BELOW

Leela ID 10480 (Temp) vs. Stockfish Dev. August 18

Introducing the LeelaFish Ratio: 2048:1
Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO Stockfish Dev. August 18 Nodes vs. Delta ELO Stockfish Dev Aug.
Lc018Nodes vs Delta ELO
Nodes Log [12]
Node Calc Elo
[13] Dif Elo Dif
Elo 50k [14]
Elo Dif Elo Dif. Elo DifElo 25M [15]Elo Dif Node Calc [16] Node Calc Stockfish Dev
1810480 20x256
1 0.000 0.0001180 0 0 0.00 0 0.0000001554 0 0 0
2 0.301 0.0002359 139 139 1.92 1.92 0.0000003108 0 1.92 139
4 0.602 0.0004718 156 17 6.52 4.60 0.0000006217 0 6.52 156
8 0.903 0.0009436 191 35 14.56 8.04 0.0000012434 0 14.56 191
16 1.204 0.0018872 322 131 35.52 20.96 0.0000024868 0 35.52 322
25 1.398 0.0029488 469 147 64.55 29.03 0.0000038856 0 64.55 469
50 1.699 0.0058976 662 193 109.71 45.16 0.0000077712 0 109.71 662
100 2.000 0.0117952 824 162 152.22 42.51 0.0000155424 0 152.22 824
200 2.301 0.0235905 967 143 192.13 39.91 0.0000310849 0 192.13 967
400 2.602 0.0471809 1120 153 256.08 63.95 0.0000621698 0 256.08 1120
800 2.903 0.0943619 1218 98 385.03 128.95 0.0001243395 0 385.03 1218
1,600 3.204 0.1887238 1361 143 576.34 191.31 0.0002486791 0 576.34 1361
3,125 3.495 0.3686011 1488 127 807.79 231.45 0.0004857013 0 807.79 1488
6,250 3.796 0.7372022 1548 60 1,093.76 285.97 0.0009714027 0 1093.76 1548
12,500 4.097 1.474 1637 89 1,380.21 286.45 0.0019428054 0 1380.21 1637
25,000 4.398 2.949 1715 78 0 0 1,648.08 267.87 0.0038856107 0 1648.08 1715
50,000 4.699 5.898 1764 49 49 49 1,903.09 255.01 0.0077712215 0 1903.09 1764
100,000 5.000 11.8 1792 28 77 28 2,124.23 221.14 0.0155424429 0 2124.23 1792
200,000 5.301 23.6 1823 31 108 31 2,309.11 184.88 0.0310848858 0 2,309.11 1823
400,000 5.602 47.2 1823 0 108 0 2,498.80 189.69 0.0621697717 0 2,498.80 1823
800,000 5.903 94.4 2,652.24 153.44 0.1243395433 0 2,652.24
1,600,000 6.204 188.7 2,803.59 151.35 0.2486790866 0 2,803.59
3,200,000 6.505 377.4 2,948.72 145.13 0.4973581733 0 2,948.72
6,400,000 6.806 754.9 3,069.78 121.06 0.9947163465 1 3,069.78
12,800,000 7.107 1,509.8 3,154.82 85.04 1.989 2 3154.82
25,600,000 7.408 3,019.6 3,221.64 66.82 0 0 3.979 4 3,221.64
51,200,000 7.709 6,039.2 3,270.60 48.96 48.96 48.96 7.958 8 3,298.45
102,400,000 8.010 12,078.3 3,298.45 27.85 76.81 27.85 15.9 16 3,394.64
204,800,000 8.311 24,156.6 3,394.64 96.19 173 96.19 31.8 32 3,443.60
409,600,000 8.612 48,313.3 3,443.60 48.96 221.96 48.96 63.7 64 3,460.99
819,200,000 8.913 96,626.6 3,460.99 17.39 239.35 17.39 127.3 127
1,638,400,000 9.214 193,253.1 254.6 255
3,276,800,000 9.515 386,506.3 509.3 509
6,553,600,000 9.816 773,012.5 1,018.6 1,019
13,107,200,000 10.118 1,546,025 2,037.2 2,037
26,214,400,000 10.419 3,092,050 4,074.4 4,074
52,428,800,000 10.720 6,184,100 8,148.7 8,149
104,857,600,000 11.021 12,368,200 16,297.4 16,297
i7 7700k = 8,478 NPS
1080TI = 6,433,995 NPS
Stockfish Dev
1810480 20x256
Notes: 0 0 3
-Hash: 10 GB (Maxes out Nodes according Key: 48.96 49 6
to the formula (T x S / 100) MB Stockfish Latest Update 76.81 77 12
-Special Thanks to Scs-ben for helping me Stockfish 173 108 24
get Cutechess-cli setup! 221.96 108 48
This column shows ELO relative to the time spent calculating nodes. 239.35 96
The following hardware is considered with their respected Nodes Per Second at the starting position of a game.

Stockfish Dev Aug. 18

Leela ID 10480 20x256 4.6
Node Calc 0 8.04
0.0000001554244291 0 139 20.96
0.0000003108488583 1.92 17 29.03
0.0000006216977166 6.52 35 45.16
0.000001243395433 14.56 131 42.51
0.000002486790866 35.52 147 39.91
0.000003885610729 64.55 193 63.95
0.000007771221457 109.71 162 128.95
0.00001554244291 152.22 143 191.31
0.00003108488583 192.13 153 231.45
0.00006216977166 256.08 98 285.97
0.0001243395433 385.03 143 286.45
0.0002486790866 576.34 127 267.87
0.0004857013411 807.79 60 255.01
0.0009714026822 1093.76 89 221.14
0.001942805364 1380.21 78 184.88
0.003885610729 1648.08 49 189.69
0.007771221457 1903.09 28 153.44
0.01554244291 2124.23 31 151.35
0.03108488583 2309.11 0 145.13
0.06216977166 2498.8 121.06
0.1243395433 2652.24 85.04
0.2486790866 2803.59 66.82
0.4973581733 48.96
0.9947163465 27.85
1.989432693 96.19
3.978865386 48.96
7.957730772 17.39
63.66184618 Nodes Stockfish Dev Aug. 18
127.3236924 1 0.00
254.6473847 2 1.92
509.2947694 4 6.52
1018.589539 8 14.56
2037.179078 16 35.52
4074.358155 25 64.55
8148.716311 50 109.71
16297.43262 100 Leela ID 10480 20x256 152.22
0.0001179523473 0 200 0 192.13
0.0002359046945 139 400 139 256.08
0.000471809389 156 800 156 385.03
Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO 0.000943618778 191 1,600 191 576.34
Elo Delta ELO Diff.
Elo 50k [17]
ELO Diff.Info. Notes 0.001887237556 322 3,125 322 807.79
1 0.000 0 0 200 Games
1 vs 1 0.002948808681 469 6,250 469 1,093.76
2 0.301 139 139 200 Games
2 vs 1 0.005897617363 662 12,500 662 1,380.21
4 0.602 156 17 200 Games
4 vs 2 0.01179523473 824 25,000 824 1,648.08
8 0.903 191 35 200 Games
8 vs 4 0.02359046945 967 50,000 967 1,903.09
16 1.204 322 131 200 Games
16 vs 8 0.0471809389 1120 100,000 1120 2,124.23
25 1.398 469 147 200 Games
25 vs 16 0.0943618778 1218 200,000 1218 2,309.11
50 1.699 662 193 200 Games
50 vs 25 0.1887237556 1361 400,000 1361 2,498.80
100 2.000 824 162 200 Games
100 vs 50 0.3686010852 1488 800,000 1488 2,652.24
200 2.301 967 143 200 Games
200 vs 100 0.7372021703 1548 1,600,000 1548 2,803.59
400 2.602 1120 153 200 Games
400 vs 200 1.474404341 1637 3,200,000 1637 2,948.72
800 2.903 1218 98 200 Games
800 vs 400 2.948808681 1715 6,400,000 1715 3,069.78
1,600 3.204 1361 143 200 Games
1,600 vs 800 5.897617363 1764 12,800,000 1764 3,154.82
3,125 3.495 1488 127 100 Games
3,125 vs 1,600 11.79523473 1792 25,600,000 1792 3,221.64
6,250 3.796 1548 60 100 Games
6,250 vs 3,125 23.59046945 1823 51,200,000 1823 3,270.60
12,500 4.097 1637 89 100 Games
12,500 vs 6,250 47.1809389 1823 102,400,000 1823 3,298.45
25,000 4.398 1715 78 0 0 100 Games
3 Sec. Per Move 94.3618778 204,800,000 3,394.64
50,000 4.699 1764 49 49 49 100 Games
50k vs 25k 188.7237556 409,600,000 3,443.60
100,000 5.000 1792 28 77 28 100 Games
100k vs 50k 377.4475112 819,200,000 3,460.99
200,000 5.301 1823 31 108 31 100 Games
200k vs 100k 754.8950224 1,638,400,000
400,000 5.602 1823 0 108 0 100 Games
400k vs 200k 1509.790045 3,276,800,000
800,000 5.903 50 Games
800k vs 400k 3019.58009 6,553,600,000
1,600,000 6.204 50 Games
1.6M vs 800k (1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar) 6039.160179
3,200,000 6.505 50 Games
3.2M vs 800k 12078.32036
6,400,000 6.806 24156.64072
12,800,000 7.107 48313.28143
25,600,000 7.408 96626.56287
51,200,000 7.709 193253.1257
Stockfish Dev. August 18 Nodes vs. Delta ELO
Nodes Log [18]
Elo Delta ELO Diff.Info. Perf. NotesElo 25M [19]Elo Δ
1 0.000 0.00 0540,000 Games 1 vs 1
2 0.301 1.92 1.92
540,000 Games [20] 2 vs 1
4 0.602 6.52 4.608,000 Games
4 vs 2
8 0.903 14.56 8.048,000 Games
8 vs 4
16 1.204 35.52 20.96
8,000 Games
16 vs 8
25 1.398 64.55 29.03
8,000 Games
25 vs 16
50 1.699 109.71 45.16
8,000 Games
50 vs 25
100 2.000 152.22 42.51
8,000 Games
100 vs 50
200 2.301 192.13 39.91
8,000 Games
200 vs 100
400 2.602 256.08 63.95
8,000 Games
400 vs 200
800 2.903 385.03 128.95
8,000 Games
800 vs 400
1,600 3.204 576.34 191.31
8,000 Games
1,600 vs 800
3,125 3.495 807.79 231.45
8,000 Games
3,125 vs 1,600
6,250 3.796 1,093.76 285.97
8,000 Games
6,250 vs 3,125
12,500 4.097 1,380.21 286.45
4,000 Games
12,500 vs 6,250
25,000 4.398 1,648.08 267.87
4,000 Games
25k vs 12.5k
50,000 4.699 1,903.09 255.01
2,000 Games
50k vs 50k
100,000 5.000 2,124.23 221.14
2,000 Games
100k vs 50k
200,000 5.301 2,309.11 184.88
1,000 Games
565-78=357200k vs 100k
400,000 5.602 2,498.80 189.69
400 Games
220-21=159400k vs 200k
800,000 5.903 2,652.24 153.44
200 Games
91-8=101 800k vs 400k
1,600,000 6.204 2,803.59 151.35
200 Games
93-11=96 1.6M vs 800k
3,200,000 6.505 100 Games 3.2M vs 1.6M
6,400,000 6.806 100 Games 6.4M vs 3.2M
12,800,000 7.107 100 Games
25,600,000 7.408 100 Games 3 Sec. Per
0 Move 0
51,200,000 7.709 100 Games
102,400,000 8.010 100 Games
204,800,000 8.311 100 Games
409,600,000 8.612 100 Games
819,200,000 8.913 100 Games
1,638,400,000 9.214
3,276,800,000 9.515
6,553,600,000 9.816
13,107,200,000 10.118
26,214,400,000 10.419
52,428,800,000 10.720
104,857,600,000 11.021

Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO

Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X
Elo Delta ELO Diff.
Elo 50k [21]
ELO Diff. Info. Notes
1 0.000 0 0 200 Games
1 vs 1
2 0.301 139 139 200 Games
2 vs 1
4 0.602 156 17 200 Games
4 vs 2
8 0.903 191 35 200 Games
8 vs 4
16 1.204 322 131 200 Games
16 vs 8
25 1.398 469 147 200 Games
25 vs 16
50 1.699 662 193 200 Games
50 vs 25
100 2.000 824 162 200 Games
100 vs 50
200 2.301 967 143 200 Games
200 vs 100
400 2.602 1120 153 200 Games
400 vs 200
800 2.903 1218 98 200 Games
800 vs 400
1,600 3.204 1361 143 200 Games
1,600 vs 800
3,125 3.495 1488 127 100 Games
3,125 vs 1,600
6,250 3.796 1548 60 100 Games
6,250 vs 3,125
12,500 4.097 1637 89 100 Games
12,500 vs 6,250
25,000 4.398 1715 78 0 0 100 Games
3 Sec. Per Move
50,000 4.699 1764 49 49 49 100 Games
50k vs 25k
100,000 5.000 1792 28 77 28 100 Games
100k vs 50k
200,000 5.301 1823 31 108 31 100 Games
200k vs 100k
400,000 5.602 1823 0 108 0 100 Games
400k vs 200k
800,000 5.903 50 Games
800k vs 400k
1,600,000 6.204 50 Games
1.6M vs 800k (1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505 50 Games
3.2M vs 800k
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408
51,200,000 7.709

Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO Stockfish Dev. August 18 Nodes vs. Delta ELO
Nodes Log [22]
10^x Seconds
Elo Delta
ELO Diff.
Elo 50k [23]
ELO Diff.Nodes Log [24] 10^x Seconds
Elo Delta ELO Diff. Elo 25M [25] ELO Diff.
1 0.000 0 0 1 0.000 0.00 0
2 0.301 139 139 2 0.301 1.92 1.92
4 0.602 156 17 4 0.602 6.52 4.60
8 0.903 191 35 8 0.903 14.56 8.04
16 1.204 322 131 16 1.204 35.52 20.96
25 1.398 469 147 25 1.398 64.55 29.03
50 1.699 662 193 50 1.699 109.71 45.16
100 2.000 824 162 100 2.000 152.22 42.51
200 2.301 967 143 200 2.301 192.13 39.91
400 2.602 1120 153 400 2.602 256.08 63.95
800 2.903 1218 98 800 2.903 385.03 128.95
1,600 3.204 1361 143 1,600 3.204 576.34 191.31
3,125 3.495 1488 127 3,125 3.495 807.79 231.45
6,250 3.796 1548 60 6,250 3.796 1,093.76 285.97
12,500 4.097 1637 89 12,500 4.097 1,380.21 286.45
25,000 4.398 1715 78 0 0 25,000 4.398 1,648.08 267.87
50,000 4.699 1764 49 49 49 50,000 4.699 1,903.09 255.01
100,000 5.000 1792 28 77 28 100,000 5.000 2,124.23 221.14
200,000 5.301 1823 31 108 31 200,000 5.301 2,309.11 184.88
400,000 5.602 1823 0 108 0 400,000 5.602 2,498.80 189.69
800,000 5.903 800,000 5.903 2,652.24 153.44
1,600,000 6.204 1,600,000 6.204 2,803.59 151.35
3,200,000 6.505 3,200,000 6.505
6,400,000 6.806 6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107 12,800,0007.107
25,600,000 7.408 25,600,0007.408 0 0
51,200,000 7.709 51,200,0007.709
These eastereggs are out of control Note to self- Add a link later
Leela Chess Zero Scaling 20x256 vs 15x192 By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) 15x192 Network ID 472 20x256 Network ID 10480 Nodes (SF) ELO Performance
Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff.Elo DeltaELO Diff. Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Info. Notes 10M vs 100M -164 ELO so far.
1 0.000 0 0 0 0 1 0.000 200 Games 1 vs 1 20M vs 100M -156
2 0.301 53 53 139 139 2 0.301 200 Games 2 vs 1 40M vs 100M
4 0.602 67 14 156 17 4 0.602 200 Games 4 vs 2 80M vs 100M
8 0.903 100 33 191 35 8 0.903 200 Games 8 vs 4 100M vs 100M 0
16 1.204 172 72 322 131 16 1.204 200 Games 16 vs 8 160M vs 100M
25 1.398 347 175 469 147 25 1.398 200 Games 25 vs 16 320M vs 100M
50 1.699 533 186 662 193 50 1.699 200 Games 50 vs 25 640M vs 100M
100 2.000 736 203 824 162 100 2.000 200 Games 100 vs 50 1.28B vs 100M
200 2.301 920 184 967 143 200 2.301 200 Games 200 vs 100
400 2.602 1039 119 1120 153 400 2.602 200 Games 400 vs 200
800 2.903 1176 137 1218 98 800 2.903 200 Games 800 vs 400
1,600 3.204 1293 117 1361 143 1,600 3.204 200 Games 1,600 vs 800
3,125 3.495 1438 145 1488 127 3,125 3.495 200-100G 3,125 vs 1,600
6,250 3.796 1542 104 1548 60 6,250 3.796 100 Games 6,250 vs 3,125 Lc0 Nodes vs Delta
Nodes vs Delta ELO
12,500 4.097 1627 85 1637 89 12,500 4.097 100 Games 12,500 vs 6,250 15x192 Network20x256
ID 472 Network ID 10480Elo Delta ELO Diff.
25,000 4.398 1738 111 1715 78 25,000 4.398 100 Games 25,000 vs 12,500 0 0 0 0
50,000 4.699 1842 104 1764 49 50,000 4.699 100 Games 50k vs 25k 53 139 139 139
100,000 5.000 1912 70 1792 28 100,000 5.000 100 Games 100k vs 50k 67 156 156 17
200,000 5.301 1950 38 1823 31 200,000 5.301 100 Games 200k vs 50k-200k vs 100k 100 191 191 35
400,000 5.602 2015 65 1823 0 400,000 5.602 100 Games 400k vs 50k-400k vs 200k 172 322 322 131
800,000 5.903 2088 73 800,000 5.903 100-50G 800k vs 50k-800k vs 400k 347 469 469 147
1,600,000 6.204 2115 27 1,600,000 6.204 50 Games 1.6M vs 800k (1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar) 533 662 662 193
3,200,000 6.505 2151 36 3,200,000 6.505 50 Games 3.2M vs 800k 736 824 824 162
6,400,000 6.806 6,400,000 6.806 920 967 967 143
12,800,000 7.107 12,800,000 7.107 1039 1120 1120 153
25,600,000 7.408 25,600,000 7.408 1176 1218 1218 98
51,200,000 7.709 51,200,000 7.709 1293 1361
102,400,000 8.010 102,400,000 8.010 1438 1488
1542 1548
MORE INFO. BELOW Key: 1627 1637
Leela Latest Update 1738 1715
IMPORTANT NOTES: (Read me) Leela 1842 1764
-Lc0 CUDA ID 472 is used. 1912 1792
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the Information: 1950 1823
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x 2015 1823
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default. -I will likely include more games later 2088
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w 2115
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs. 2151
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my
prior 50k test should be accurate!
-The Selfplay ELO coorelation to real ELO is not 1:1.
The relationship between Selfplay ELO and real ELO is
around 100:75. (MTGOstark's estimations)

Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO

Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff. Info. Notes
50,000 4.699 0 0 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 50,000 Nodes (3 Seconds per Move)
100,000 5.000 70 70 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 100,000 Nodes
200,000 5.301 108 38 100 Games 50k Used
400,000 5.602 173 65 100 Games 50k
800,000 5.903 246 73 100 Games 50k
1,600,000 6.204 273 27 50 Games Using 800k vs. 1.6M (NOTE: 1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408 280
51,200,000 7.709
102,400,000 8.010 280 ELO Est. [26]This is only an estimation based off of: 59.8+114ln(8.01)


-Lc0 CUDA ID 472 is used. Leela Latest Update
-50,000 NPM is the baseline for 50k-800k. Leela
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default.
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w Information:
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my -I will likely include more games later
prior 50k test should be accurate!
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move.

Leela Scaling Scaling [20x256] By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO Nodes (SF) ELO Performance
Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff.
Elo 50k [27]
ELO Diff. Info. Notes 10M vs 100M -164 ELO so far.
1 0.000 0 0 200 Games 1 vs 1 20M vs 100M -156
2 0.301 139 139 200 Games 2 vs 1 40M vs 100M
4 0.602 156 17 200 Games 4 vs 2 80M vs 100M
8 0.903 191 35 200 Games 8 vs 4 100M vs 100M 0
16 1.204 322 131 200 Games 16 vs 8 160M vs 100M
25 1.398 469 147 200 Games 25 vs 16 320M vs 100M
50 1.699 662 193 200 Games 50 vs 25 640M vs 100M
100 2.000 824 162 200 Games 100 vs 50 1.28B vs 100M
200 2.301 967 143 200 Games 200 vs 100
400 2.602 1120 153 200 Games 400 vs 200
800 2.903 1218 98 200 Games 800 vs 400
1,600 3.204 1361 143 200 Games 1,600 vs 800
3,125 3.495 1488 127 100 Games 3,125 vs 1,600
6,250 3.796 1548 60 100 Games 6,250 vs 3,125 Nodes Elo
12,500 4.097 1637 89 100 Games 12,500 vs 6,250 25,000 0
25,000 4.398 1715 78 0 0 100 Games 25,000 vs 12,500 (3 Seconds per Move) 50,000 49
50,000 4.699 1764 49 49 49 100 Games 50k vs 25k 100,000 77
100,000 5.000 1792 28 77 28 100 Games 100k vs 50k 200,000 108
200,000 5.301 1823 31 108 31 100 Games 200k vs 100k 400,000 108
400,000 5.602 1823 0 108 0 100 Games 400k vs 200k 800,000
800,000 5.903 50 Games 800k vs 400k
1,600,000 6.204 50 Games 1.6M vs 800k (1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505 50 Games 3.2M vs 800k
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408
51,200,000 7.709
Leela Latest Update
IMPORTANT NOTES: (Read me) Leela
-Lc0 CUDA ID 10480 is used.
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the Information:
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default. -I will likely include more games later
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs.
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my
prior 50k test should be accurate!

Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO

Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff. Info. Notes
50,000 4.699 0 0 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 50,000 Nodes (3 Seconds per Move)
100,000 5.000 70 70 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 100,000 Nodes
200,000 5.301 108 38 100 Games 50k Used
400,000 5.602 173 65 100 Games 50k
800,000 5.903 246 73 100 Games 50k
1,600,000 6.204 273 27 50 Games Using 800k vs. 1.6M (NOTE: 1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408 280
51,200,000 7.709
102,400,000 8.010 280 ELO Est. [29]This is only an estimation based off of: 59.8+114ln(8.01)


-Lc0 CUDA ID 472 is used. Leela Latest Update
-50,000 NPM is the baseline for 50k-800k. Leela
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default.
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w Information:
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my -I will likely include more games later
prior 50k test should be accurate!
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move.

Leela Chess Zero Scaling [15x192] By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO Nodes (SF) ELO Performance
Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff.
Elo 50k [30]
ELO Diff. Info. Notes 10M vs 100M -164 ELO so far.
1 0.000 0 0 200 Games 1 vs 1 20M vs 100M -156
2 0.301 53 53 200 Games 2 vs 1 40M vs 100M
4 0.602 67 14 200 Games 4 vs 2 80M vs 100M
8 0.903 100 33 200 Games 8 vs 4 100M vs 100M 0
16 1.204 172 72 200 Games 16 vs 8 160M vs 100M
25 1.398 347 175 200 Games 25 vs 16 320M vs 100M
50 1.699 533 186 200 Games 50 vs 25 640M vs 100M
100 2.000 736 203 200 Games 100 vs 50 1.28B vs 100M
200 2.301 920 184 200 Games 200 vs 100
400 2.602 1039 119 200 Games 400 vs 200
800 2.903 1176 137 200 Games 800 vs 400
1,600 3.204 1293 117 200 Games 1,600 vs 800
3,125 3.495 1438 145 200 Games 3,125 vs 1,600
6,250 3.796 1542 104 100 Games 6,250 vs 3,125
12,500 4.097 1627 85 100 Games 12,500 vs 6,250
25,000 4.398 1738 111 100 Games 25,000 vs 12,500
50,000 4.699 1842 104 0 0 100 Games 50k vs 25k (3 Seconds per Move)
100,000 5.000 1912 70 70 70 100 Games 100k vs 50k
200,000 5.301 1950 38 108 38 100 Games 200k vs 50k
400,000 5.602 2015 65 173 65 100 Games 400k vs 50k
800,000 5.903 2088 73 246 73 100 Games 800k vs 50k
1,600,000 6.204 2115 27 273 27 50 Games 1.6M vs 800k (1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505 2151 36 309 36 50 Games 3.2M vs 800k
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408
51,200,000 7.709
102,400,000 8.010 574 Elo est [31]
Est. based off: -766 + 72.7 ln(x)


Leela Latest Update
IMPORTANT NOTES: (Read me) Leela
-Lc0 CUDA ID 472 is used.
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the Information:
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default. -I will likely include more games later
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs.
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my
prior 50k test should be accurate!

Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO

Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff. Info. Notes
50,000 4.699 0 0 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 50,000 Nodes (3 Seconds per Move)
100,000 5.000 70 70 100 Games 50,000 Nodes vs. 100,000 Nodes
200,000 5.301 108 38 100 Games 50k Used
400,000 5.602 173 65 100 Games 50k
800,000 5.903 246 73 100 Games 50k
1,600,000 6.204 273 27 50 Games Using 800k vs. 1.6M (NOTE: 1.6M vs 50k Results=Similar)
3,200,000 6.505
6,400,000 6.806
12,800,000 7.107
25,600,000 7.408 280
51,200,000 7.709
102,400,000 8.010 280 ELO Est. [32]This is only an estimation based off of: 59.8+114ln(8.01)


-Lc0 CUDA ID 472 is used. Leela Latest Update
-50,000 NPM is the baseline for 50k-800k. Leela
-All settings on Lc0 CUDA remain default.
-Interesting test: I found that the ELO difference b/w Information:
1.6M vs. 50k compared to 800k is the same as 1.6M vs. -Log10(x)=y is the same as 10^y=x
800k. (Currently around 35 ELO) This means that my -I will likely include more games later
prior 50k test should be accurate!
-Leela Nodes vs. Delta ELO is less accurate. Use the
first chart to estimate ELO given x Nodes per Move.
Another easteregg? Add a comment!
Leela Chess Zero Rating List By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) Leela Stream Link: (Online)
Work in progress * If you have any suggestions or test requests
please leave a comment
RANK Name/Engine Elo Points & Perf. Self-Play ELO ELO Diff. ID/Version # Of Games Notes Hardware and Settings:
1 asmBrainFish 10 Dev (TCEC Hardware) 3846 20 Theoretical Estimates CPU i7 7700k 4CPU [33] Whenever you see a black triangle hover over [34]
2 asmBrainFish 10 Dev (64 Threads) 3826 52 18061321 Theoretical Estimates GPU (For Leela) GTX 1080 ti the cell for important information.
3 AlphaZero 4TPU 3774 7 44,000,000 80k NPS 20x256? Hash Data 1 GB Hover over me. [35] Leela Stream Link: (Offline)
4 Stockfish 10 Dev (64 Threads) [7/31/18] 3767 33 [7/31/18] Theoretical Estimates Book Perfect 2017 Leela Stream Link: (Live)
5 Leela ID 10751 4TPU 3734 [36] 4658.14 5 ID 10751 35,749,831 Theoretical Estimates Time Control 1+1
6 Stockfish 9 (64 Threads) 3729 53 Theoretical Estimates
7 asmBrainFish 10 Dev 4CPU 3676 2 18061321 Key:
8 Stockfish 8 (AlphaZero) [37] 3674 28 Latest Update: Leela Latest Update ```Leela Test Network ID 105 20x256 = 3 ELO```
9 asmBrainFish 9 4CPU [38] 3646 17 Leela ID 1250 Leela Next Test
10 Brainfish 9 4CPU [39] 3629 3 Leela
11 asmFish 10 Dev 4CPU 3626 4 Next Test: Leela Test Networks
12 Stockfish 10 Dev 4CPU [8/18/18] 3622 1 [8/18/18] 800M Scaling in Progress... (66/100) Stockfish/Variants
13 Stockfish 10 Dev 4CPU [8/14/18] 3621 4 [8/14/18] Stockfish Dev Aug 18 Scaling in Progress... Stockfish Theoretical
14 Stockfish 10 Dev 4CPU [7/31/18] 3617 8 [7/31/18] Leela 20x256 Scaling in Progress... AlphaZero **LcZero ID 12 Short Time Control Tests Complete (1+1) : 3 ELO**
15 Stockfish 10 Dev 4CPU [18061321] 3609 10 18061321
16 AlphaZero 1080 TI [Scaled from Lc0 10480] 3599 (Hover over for more info) [40] 3 44,000,000 Theoretical Estimates News: MORE INFO. TO THE RIGHT
17 asmFish 9 4CPU 3596 17 Stockfish Dev Scaling is currently taking a very
18 Stockfish 9 4CPU 3579 20 long time. **LcZero ID 1058 Short Time Control Tests Complete (1+1) : 3 ELO**
19 Leela ID 10751 20x256 3559 55.0/100 +23-13=64 (SF8) 4658.14 1 ID 10751 35,749,831 Stockfish 8 Surpassed!!! [41] However it will be worth it in the end! !sheet2
20 Leela ID 1058 3558 46.5/100 +11-18=71 (SF9) 4731.27 8 ID 1058 45,603,122
21 Leela ID 1250 3550 60.5/132 +18-29=85 (SF9) [42] 4759.29 2 ID 1250 51,743,683 45.8/100%
22 Leela ID 10765 20x256 3548 39.0/100 +7-29=64 (SFDev 8/14) 4637.21 11 ID 10765 36,202,970
23 Leela ID 1176 3537 44.0/100 10-22-68 (SF9) 4847.29 11 ID 1176 46,177,383
24 Leela ID 1036 3526 42.5/100 +12-27=61 (SF9) 4742.74 2 ID 1036 44,895,382 44+ Million Games Reached Notes: Notes 2:
25 Stockfish 8 4CPU [43] 3524 7 Fixed to 3524 ELO -Going by the expression "Doubling hardware adds +50 ELO to an engine" Stockfish 8 64 threads ELO -Leela Scaling has been the absolute worst and most time consuming thing I've ever done with a GPU.
26 Leela Test Network ID 10616 20x256 3517 49.0/100 +20-22=58 (SF8) 4423.24 7 ID 10616 31,434,670 should be +150 ELO to an 8 thread CPU Stockfish. It has taken me weeks of non-stop testing, and I'm only starting 1.6M Nodes per Move. I likely will not go above
27 Leela ID 10654 20x256 3510 48.0/100 +15-19=66 (SF8) 4419.98 3 ID 10654 32,646,948 -NOTE this rating list does not factor in the handicaps for Stockfish in the AlphaZero games. 3.2M as I would lose ELO accuracy due to the small sample sizes thanks to longer time controls.
28 Leela ID 10676 20x256 3507 47.5/100 +12-17=71 (SF8) 4471.03 0 ID 10676 33,347,802 -Lc0 CUDA is now used. I will however estimate 3.2M+ NPM's relative ELO based on the equation I get from the prior data points.
29 Leela Test Network ID 10578 20x256 3507 47.5/100 +16-21=63 (SF8) 4318.61 10 ID 10578 30,215,712 -Lc0 is tested against the version of SF closest to its strength with exceptions due to regression. -So a good rule of thumb with Lc0 is that Doubling Hardware Increases Playing Strength by 60 ELO
30 Leela Test Network ID 10480 20x256 3497 56.0/100 +21-9=70 (SF7) 4311.35 7 ID 10480 27,079,110 Wow, Stockfish 7 Surpassed -Hover over me to learn how I scaled AlphaZero 1080 TI. [44]
31 Leela ID 10859 20x256 3490 37.5/100 +8-33=59 (SF9) 4564.26 0 ID 10859 39,206,005 -3.00 Adjudicate to Resign.
32 Leela Test Network ID 10529 20x256 3490 55.0/100 +26-16=58 (SF7) 4320.3 3 ID 10529 28,636,970 -Leela Ratio 759:1 6,433,995 vs 8,478 Nodes Per Second [Starting Position Stockfish 8] NOTE This
33 Leela ID 10979 20x256 3487 37.0/100 +7-33=60 (SF9) 4734.74 1 ID 10979 43,045,752 Ratio will change significantly 2-5 moves into the game.
34 Leela ID 10924 20x256 3486 36.5/100 +5-32=63 (SF9) 4515.21 3 ID 10924 41,267,871
35 Leela ID 1000 3483 36.5/100 +11-38=51 (SF9) 4678.62 4 ID 1000 43,045,752 Interesting Notes:
36 Leela ID 10885 20x256 3479 36.0/100 +7-35=58 (SF9) 4474.06 3 ID 10885 40,024,064 All NPS are calculated from the starting position.
37 Ethereal 10.81 4CPU 3476 47.0/100 +20-26=54 (480) 1 10.81 [6x64] Network Speed: 76,047 Nodes Per Second
38 Leela ID 10695 20x256 3475 43.0/100 +8-22=70 (SF8) 4596.04 2 ID 10695 33,958,169 [10x128] Network Speed: 37,440 Nodes Per Second
39 Leela Test Network ID 10522 20x256 3473 54.0/100 +22-14=64 (SF7) 4304.59 2 ID 10522 28,414,632 [15x192] Network Speed: 15,771 Nodes Per Second
40 Fire 7.1 4CPU 3471 13 7.1 TCEC Div. P Strength [20x256] Network Speed: 8,478 Nodes Per Second
41 Leela Test Network ID 10504 20x256 3458 50.5/100 +18-17=65 (SF7) 4236.94 3 ID 10504 27,850,614 [40x256] Network Speed: 2,166 Nodes Per Second
42 Stockfish 7 4CPU 3455 7 Stockfish Dev Modern Aug 18 4 CPU: 6,433,995 Nodes Per Second
43 Leela Test Network ID 10444 20x256 3448 49.0/100 +16-18=66 (SF7) 4360.86 20 ID 10444 25,873,856 Stockfish Dev Haswell Aug 18 4 CPU: 7,048,370 Nodes Per Second
44 Leela Test Network ID 10395 20x256 3428 53.5/100 +22-15=63 (SF6) 4298.06 1 ID 10395 24,314,466 Stockfish 6 Surpassed!!!! Stockfish Dev Haswell Aug 18 16 CPU: 12,659,505 Nodes Per Second
45 Leela Test Network ID 10431 20x256 3427 46.0/100 +17-25=58 (SF7) 4304.48 3 ID 10431 25,465,785 Stockfish Dev Haswell Aug 18 24 CPU: 18,732,181 Nodes Per Second
46 Leela Test Net ID 10469 [No Adjudication] [45] 3424 45.5/100 +9-18=73 (SF7) 4325.85 17 ID 10469 26,661,915
47 Leela Test Network ID 10413 20x256 3407 50.5/100 +19-18=63 (SF6) 4306.22 3 ID 10413 24,894,625
48 Stockfish 6 4CPU 3404 54
49 Leela Test Network ID 10356 20x256 3350 52.0/100 +26-22=52 (SF5) 4258.34 14 ID 10356 23,071,622 SF5 Surpassed!!!!!!!!
50 Stockfish 5 4CPU 3336 3
51 Leela ID 495 3333 49.5/100 +20-21=59 (SF5) 6115.43 18 ID 495 20,833,185 6100 Self-Play ELO!
52 Leela ID 531 3315 47.0/100 +17-23=60 (SF5) 6216.3 3 ID 531 22,268,862
53 Leela ID 510 3312 46.5/100 +21-28=51 (SF5) 6115.32 0 ID 510 21,432,606
54 Leela ID 492 3312 36.5/100 +12-39=49 (SF6) 6099.57 11 ID 492 20,715,105
55 Leela ID 528 3301 45.0/100 +18-28=54 (SF5) 6186.37 3 ID 528 22,147,552
56 Leela ID 524 3298 44.5/100 +18-29=53 (SF5) 6155.62 11 ID 524 21,989,020
57 Leela ID 475 3287 43.0/100 +15-29=56 (SF5) 6047.08 0 ID 475 20,034,642
58 Leela ID 468 3287 42.5/100 +12-27=41 (SF5) 6010.17 3 ID 468 19,453,488
59 Stockfish DD 4CPU 3284 0
60 Leela ID 449 3237 5978.26 0 ID 449 18,994,340
61 Leela ID 461 3230 51.0/100 +27-25=48 (SF4) 6035.37 7 ID 461 19,475,428
62 Stockfish 4 4CPU 3223 0
63 Gull 3.1 4CPU 3223 21 3.1 TCEC Div. 1 Strength
64 Leela ID 465 3202 47.0/100 +22-28=50 (SF4) 6015.5 7 ID 465 19,634,452
65 Leela ID 439 3195 5934.04 7 ID 439 18,594,478
66 Leela ID 446 3188 5989.62 14 ID 446 18,875,091
67 Leela ID 457 3174 42.5/100 +17-32=51 (SF4) 6025.57 46 ID 457 19,314,795
68 Stockfish 3 4CPU 3128 13
69 Leela ID 452 3115 35.0/100 +15-45=40 (SF4) 6002.18 19 ID 452 19,114,975 First ID to reach 6000 ELO
70 Leela Test Network ID 10105 20x256 3096 57.0/100 +36-22=42 (SF2) 3854.13 49 ID 10105 6,862,408
71 Stockfish 2 4CPU 3047 142
72 Stockfish 1 4CPU 2905 42
73 Leela Test Network ID 10036 20x256 2863 44.0/100 +33-45=22 (SF1) 3356.83 340 ID 10036 2,176,981
74 Leela Test Network ID 10011 20x256 2523 10.0/100 +4-84=12 (SF1) 2609.24 0 ID 10011 675,649 First 20x256 Block Test


check back here later...

Easter egg? You found one! Note to self: Add a link here later.
Leela Chess Zero Rating List [Charts] By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) MORE INFO. BELOW

Leela Chess Zero Charts Stockfish 8 Stockfish 8

Network ID ELO Games ELO Difference Self-Play ELO ID 5 100,000
11 2,523 675,649 2609.24 11 15,494,667 14,819,018 675,649 10 200,000
36 2,863 2,176,981 340 3356.83 36 16,995,999 14,819,018 2,176,981 15 300,000
105 3,096 6,862,408 233 3854.13 105 21,681,426 14,819,018 6,862,408 20 400,000
356 3,350 23,071,622 254 4258.34 356 37,890,640 14,819,018 23,071,622 25 500,000
395 3,428 24,314,466 78 4298.06 395 39,133,484 14,819,018 24,314,466 30 600,000
413 3,427 24,894,625 -1 4306.22 413 39,713,643 14,819,018 24,894,625 35 700,000
431 3,407 25,465,785 -20 4304.48 431 40,284,803 14,819,018 25,465,785 40 800,000
444 3,448 25,873,856 41 4360.86 444 40,692,874 14,819,018 25,873,856 45 900,000
469 3,424 26,661,915 -24 4325.85 41,480,933 14,819,018 26,661,915 50 1,000,000
480 3,497 27,079,110 73 4311.35 14,819,018 55 1,100,000
504 3,458 27,850,614 -39 4236.94 60 1,200,000
522 3,473 28,414,632 15 4304.59 65 1,300,000
529 3,490 28,636,970 17 4320.3 [3524 ELO] Stockfish 8
[3617 ELO] Stockfish[3599
Dev ELO]
ELO] 1080TI
asmBrainFish Dev 64 Threads 70 1,400,000
578 3,507 30,215,712 17 4318.61 75 1,500,000
616 3,517 31,434,670 10 4423.24 3,524 3,617 3,599 3,826 80 1,600,000
654 3,510 32,646,948 -7 4419.98 3,524 3,617 3,599 3,826 85 1,700,000
676 3,507 33,347,802 -3 4471.03 90 1,800,000
696 3,475 33,958,169 -32 4596.04 95 1,900,000
751 3,559 35,749,831 84 4658.14 100 2,000,000
765 3,548 36,202,970 -11 4637.21 480 41,898,128 14,819,018 27,079,110 105 2,100,000
859 3,490 39,206,005 -58 4564.26 504 42,669,632 14,819,018 27,850,614 110 2,200,000
885 3,479 40,024,064 -11 4474.06 522 43,233,650 14,819,018 28,414,632 115 2,300,000
924 3,486 41,267,871 7 4515.21 529 43,455,988 14,819,018 28,636,970 120 2,400,000
979 3,487 43,045,752 1 4,735 578 45,034,730 14,819,018 30,215,712 125 2,500,000
1000 3,483 43,045,752 -4 4678.62 616 46,253,688 14,819,018 31,434,670 130 2,600,000
1036 3,526 44,895,382 43 4742.74 654 47,465,966 14,819,018 32,646,948 135 2,700,000
1058 3,558 45,603,122 32 4731.27 676 48,166,820 14,819,018 33,347,802 140 2,800,000
1176 3,537 46,177,383 -21 4847.29 696 48,777,187 14,819,018 33,958,169 145 2,900,000
1250 3,550 51,743,683 13 4759.29 751 50,568,849 14,819,018 35,749,831 150 3,000,000
765 51,021,988 14,819,018 36,202,970 155 3,100,000
859 54,025,023 14,819,018 39,206,005 160 3,200,000
66 days to surpass SFDev 885 54,843,082 14,819,018 40,024,064 165 3,300,000
924 56,086,889 14,819,018 41,267,871 170 3,400,000
979 57,864,770 14,819,018 43,045,752 175 3,500,000
1000 58538170 14,819,018 43,719,152 180 3,600,000
1,036 59,714,400 14,819,018 44,895,382 185 3,700,000
1,058 60,422,140 14,819,018 45,603,122 190 3,800,000
1,176 60,996,401 14,819,018 46,177,383 195 3,900,000
1,250 66,562,701 14,819,018 51,743,683 200 4,000,000
61417147 14,819,018 46,598,129 205 4,100,000
14,819,018 210 4,200,000
14,819,018 215 4,300,000
1,500 70,000,000 14,819,018 220 4,400,000
14,819,018 225 4,500,000
14,819,018 230 4,600,000
14,819,018 235 4,700,000
14,819,018 240 4,800,000
245 4,900,000
250 5,000,000
255 5,100,000
260 5,200,000
265 5,300,000
270 5,400,000
275 5,500,000
280 5,600,000
285 5,700,000
290 5,800,000
295 5,900,000
300 6,000,000
305 6,100,000
310 6,200,000

[3676 ELO] asmBrainFish 10 Dev 4CPU

Rating List (Matchups) By: Cscuile LcZero ELO Estimate List Approximation (L.e.e.l.a.) Leela Stream Link: (Offline)
Work in progress

AlphaZero vs Stockfish 8 Simulation

Final Results 4 Draws SF8-Lc0 ==== Interesting Notes:
[6x64] Network Speed: 86,000 Nodes Per Second
[10x128] Network Speed: 38,000 Nodes Per Second
[15x192] Network Speed: 16,000 Nodes Per Second
What is required to fully simulate the AlphaZero-Stockfish 8 Matches A0-SF8 Navs' Simulation Settings [20x256] Network Speed: 8,478 Nodes Per Second
80k NPS AlphaZero 20 Block (Assumed) 30M nps for SF and 23knps [40x256] Network Speed: 2,166 Nodes Per Second
70M NPS Stockfish 8 64 Threads 4.2B Nodes needed for SF
60 Second Search 4.8M Nodes needed for Lc0
No Book 4.2B / 30M (36M SFDev) = 140 Seconds (117s Dev) A scientific way to determine hardware fairness between
1 GB Hash 4.8M / 23k = 208.70 Seconds the two different approaches to chess.
70M x 60 = 4.2B Hash Data: 1 GB Done!!
80k x 60 = 4.8M No Book No Tablebase
i7 7700k = 6.4M NPS 875:1 Nodes Ratio Maintained
1080ti = 8k NPS Navs Stockfish: 2:20 Think Time Per Move
AlphaZero Conditions i7 7700k = 10:56 Think Time Per Move Navs Leela: 3:29 Think Time Per Move
AlphaZero Conditions 1080ti = 10:00 Think Time Per Move Navs Stockfish Dev: 1:57 Think Time Per Move

Notes to self: Calculate the required mass of a NN to compress a 32 men TB 1

Compressed 32-men Tablebase Mass 2
Lc0 Nodes vs Delta ELO Pseudo AlphaZero-Stockfish 8 Simulations 10 TB Hardrive = 0.65 KG 3
Nodes Log10(Nodes)=X Elo Delta ELO Diff. Elo 50k [46] 70M NPS Stockfish 10^120 Possible Positions 4
50,000 4.699 0 0 0 80k NPS AlphaZero 5
100,000 5.000 70 70 70 1 GB Hash 6
200,000 5.301 108 38 108 70M x 60 = 4.2B Stronger CPU Simulation 7
400,000 5.602 173 65 173 4,200,000,000 / 1000 MB TCEC Intel Xeon E5 2699 v4 8
800,000 5.903 246 73 246 4,200,000 Nodes to 1 MB Hash Ratio 54 Million NPS SF x2 Xeon 9
1,600,000 6.204 273 27 273 No Book 27 Million NPS SF x1 Xeon 10
3,200,000 6.505 1 Minute Force Move i7 7700k=6.4M NPS 11
6,400,000 6.806 875:1 Nodes Ratio x4.2 Time advantage for Stockfish 12
12,800,000 7.107 i7 7700k = 6.4M NPS 1+1 TC 13
25,600,000 7.408 1080TI = 8k NPS 1+1 TC For Leela 1080ti 14
51,200,000 7.709 Leela = 60 Seconds Move 100 Seconds average 15
102,400,000 8.010 Stockfish 8 = 1 Minute + 6 Seconds Per Move 420 Seconds SF 16
Stockfish 9 Nodes vs. Delta ELO 422,400,000 / 4,200,000 = 100.5 MB Hash 6:20+1 TC for SF 17
Nodes Log10(Nodes)=XElo Delta ELO Diff. Elo 25M [47] Leela 91% = Stockfish 8 1+1 TC for Leela 18
25,600,000 7.408 0 0 19
51,200,000 7.709 0 20
102,400,000 8.010 21
204,800,000 8.311 22
409,600,000 8.612 Pseudo AlphaZero-Stockfish 8 Simulations 23
819,200,000 8.913 70M NPS Stockfish 24
1,638,400,000 9.214 80k NPS AlphaZero 25
3,276,800,000 9.515 1 GB Hash 26
6,553,600,000 9.816 70M x 60 = 4.2B 27
13,107,200,000 10.118 4,200,000,000 / 1000 MB 28
26,214,400,000 10.419 4,200,000 Nodes to 1 MB Hash Ratio 29
52,428,800,000 10.720 No Book 30
104,857,600,000 11.021 1 Minute Force Move 31
875:1 Nodes Ratio 32
MORE INFO. BELOW i7 7700k = 6.4M NPS 33
1080TI = 8k NPS 34
Leela = 60 Seconds Move 35
Stockfish 8 = 1 Minute + 6 Seconds Per Move 36
422,400,000 / 4,200,000 = 100.5 MB Hash 37
Leela 91% = Stockfish 8 38
[1] 4 Core, 8 Threads

[2] Equation Used: 1945 + 74.7 ln(x)

[3] Estimates based on Stockfish Dev Aug 18 Scaling

[4] #WITH SOFTENER + Negative Function Accuracy Adjustment (Leela only)

# cp = 162 * tan(3.14 * (feval - 0.5))
import math
cp = int(input("Enter Centipawn: "))
win = 0
draw = 0
loss = 0
if cp > 0:

cp = (int(cp) / 4)

cp = (int(cp) / 162)

cp = (math.atan(cp))

cp = (cp / 3.14)

cp = (cp + 0.5)

cp = cp * 100

elif cp < 0:

cp = (int(cp) / 162)

cp = (math.atan(cp))

cp = (cp / 3.14)

cp = (cp + 0.5)

cp = cp * 100

if cp > 50:
win = (cp - 50) * 2
draw = 100 - win
loss = 0

elif cp == 50:
draw = 50

win = 0
loss = (50 - cp) * 2
draw = 100 - loss

print('Leela - Win: %.2f%% - Draw: %.2f%% - Loss: %.2f%%' % (win, draw, loss))
loss = (50 - cp) * 2
draw = 100 - loss

print('Leela - Win: %.2f%% - Draw: %.2f%% - Loss: %.2f%%' % (win, draw, loss))

[5] Calibration of SF8 (A0) from SF Dev Aug 18 Scaling (1+1):

Stockfish (AlphaZero)

2.8 Seconds per Move Average

2.8 x 70,000,000 = 196,000,000 (64 CPU As per Deepmind Papers)

2.8 x 6,433,995 = 19,735,436 (4CPU)

Equation Used: 1945 + 74.7 ln(x)

4 CPU: 1945 + 74.7 ln(19,735,436) = 3199.81

64 CPU (AlphaZero): 1945 + 74.7 ln(196,000,000) = 3371.29

3371.29 - 3199.81
= 171 Elo Difference

[6] Calibration of AlphaZero on a 1080TI

Equation Used: 937 + 72.7 ln(x)

From Leela ID 480 Scaling

2.8 x 80,000 = 224,000 (AlphaZero 4TPU)

2.8 x 8,478 = 23,738 (AlphaZero 1080TI)

937 + 72.7 ln(224,000) = 1832.60 Elo

937 + 72.7 ln(23,738) = 1669.44 Elo

1832.60 - 1669.44 = 163 Elo

[7] Scaling based off of LCZ rating list (CCRL Estimates)

This Estimate scales a 20k nps Titan V to Deepmind's 80k nps on 4 TPUs. 1+1 Time Control is used, with
an average game length being 40 moves.

[8] Log10(Nodes)=X

[9] 25.6M vs 25.6M Nodes Per Move is set to 0 ELO.

[10] Five-Hundred Forty-Thousand to one. Lucky you, ta ta. Some may get this reference.

Note: I needed this many games in order to minimize the ELO error bar.

[11] 25.6M vs 12.8M

[12] Log10(Nodes)=X
[13] This column shows ELO relative to the time spent calculating nodes.

The following hardware is considered with their respected Nodes Per Second at the starting position of a

i7 7700k = 8,478 NPS

1080TI = 6,433,995 NPS

[14] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[15] 25.6M vs 25.6M Nodes Per Move is set to 0 ELO.

[16] This column shows ELO relative to the time spent calculating nodes.

The following hardware is considered with their respected Nodes Per Second at the starting position of a

i7 7700k = 8,478 NPS

1080TI = 6,433,995 NPS

[17] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[18] Log10(Nodes)=X

[19] 25.6M vs 25.6M Nodes Per Move is set to 0 ELO.

[20] Five-Hundred Forty-Thousand to one. Lucky you, ta ta. Some may get this reference.

Note: I needed this many games in order to minimize the ELO error bar.

[21] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[22] Log10(Nodes)=X

[23] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[24] Log10(Nodes)=X

[25] 25.6M vs 25.6M Nodes Per Move is set to 0 ELO.

[26] ELO Difference Estimation based off of the best-fit Natural Logarithmic function.

[27] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[28] ELO Difference Estimation based off of the best-fit Natural Logarithmic function.

[29] ELO Difference Estimation based off of the best-fit Natural Logarithmic function.

[30] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[31] ELO Difference Estimation based off of the best-fit Natural Logarithmic function.

[32] ELO Difference Estimation based off of the best-fit Natural Logarithmic function.
[33] 4 CPU

[34] This is an example

[35] If you have any test requests such as "What's Leela's ELO ran on x10 Nvidia Tesla v100's" just post a
comment. You can find the comment button on the top right corner of the screen.

[36] Equation Used: (8/11/18)

-3.36 + 169ln(x)

[37] Stockfish 8 under Deepmind Settings

[38] asmFish with the Cerebellum Opening Library

[39] Brainfish uses the Cerebellum Book Library

[40] AlphaZero 1080TI is scaled against Leela ID 10480 20x256 Network Architecture. You can find 20
Block Scaling information on the "Lc0 Scaling [20x256]" Doc to the right.
Equation Used: (8/11/18)
-3.36 + 169ln(x)

[41] This is quite the milestone! Leela ID 10751 ran on a 1080TI is stronger than Stockfish 8 ran on a 4 core
i7 7700k

[42] 45.8%/100%

[43] Stockfish 8 4CPU 8 Threads under normal hardware and setting conditions.

[44] AlphaZero 1080TI is scaled against Leela ID 10480 20x256 Network Architecture. You can find 20
Block Scaling information on the "Lc0 Scaling [20x256]" Doc to the right.
Equation Used: (8/11/18)
-3.36 + 169ln(x)
Avg, 2.5 seconds per move

[45] Each engine must mate in order to win. There is no longer a win margin. IE: No more -3.00 =
Adjudicated to Win

[46] 50,000 vs. 50,000 Nodes per Move is set as 0 ELO

[47] 25.6M vs 25.6M Nodes Per Move is set to 0 ELO.

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