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From: US EPA Domino Webhosting Authority on behalf of SAB Staff

To: Yeow, Aaron

Subject: Panel Being Formed Nomination Received for Cox,Tony
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:42:44 PM

The following Web nomination was received for Cox,Tony

Click here for the "Web Panel/Ad Hoc Committee Nominations" view

If the web nomination's "Accept" button is not visible when viewing the record, please first review and edit
(and approve, if appropriate) the expert's person document in the "Web Nominations in Progress" view
under the "Candidate Pool" button. Once the nominated expert's person document is approved, then the
"Accept" button in the "Web Nomination for Panel Being Formed" document will be visible.

Web Nomination for Panel or Committee Being Formed

Person Cox, Tony

Panel or Committee Being Formed 2017 CASAC Annual Membership

Potential Committee Relationship CASAC

Self Nomination No

Nominated by Dan Byers

Verification Email Address dbyers@uschamber.com

Person Title Mr.

Affiliation of Nominator U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Special Expertises Required Physician

Additional expertise of nominee that relates to Panel's subject matter.

Dr. Cox is not a physician

Sources of recent grant and/or contract support:



Tony Cox is President of Cox Associates (www.cox-associates.com), a Denver-based applied research

company specializing in quantitative health risk analysis, causal modeling, advanced analytics, and
operations research. Since 1986, Cox Associates’ mathematicians and scientists have applied computer
simulation and biomathematical models, biostatistical and epidemiological risk analyses, causal data
mining and machine learning, biomathematical modeling and and bioinformatics, and operations research
and artificial intelligence models to measurably improve health and engineering risk assessment and
decision-making for public and private sector clients. In 2006, Cox Associates was inducted into the
Edelman Academy of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS),
recognizing outstanding real-world achievements in the practice of operations research and the
management sciences. In 2012, Dr. Cox was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE),
“For applications of operations research and risk analysis to significant national problems.” He is a
of the National Academies' Board on Mathematical Sciences and their Applications (BMSA) and a
of the National Academies Standing Committee on the Use of Public Health Data in FSIS Food Safety
Programs. He is also a co-founder of NextHealth Technologies, a Denver-based company offering
advanced data analytics solutions to healthcare plans to reduce health, financial, and member attrition
risks. Dr. Cox holds a Ph.D. in Risk Analysis (1986) and an S.M. in Operations Research (1985), both
M.I.T; an AB from Harvard University (1978); and is a graduate of the Stanford Executive Program
(1993). He is Honorary Full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Colorado, Denver, where he
has lectured
on risk analysis, biomathematics, health risk modeling, computational statistics and causality; is on the
Faculties of the Center for Computational Mathematics and the Center for Computational Biology; and is
Clinical Professor of Biostatistics and Informatics at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
He has taught a variety of graduate and professional courses, including Game Theory for the Department
Mathematics and Decision Analysis for the Business School of the University of Colorado at Denver.
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: "tcoxdenver@aol.com"
Subject: Nomination to USEPA"s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:56:00 PM

Dr. Cox,
You have been nominated as a candidate for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air
Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) in response to a Federal Register Notice published on June
27, 2017, soliciting nominations to CASAC (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-06-
27/pdf/2017-13332.pdf). The CASAC was established in 1977 under the Clean Air Act Amendments
(CAAA) to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on the scientific and technical aspects of air
quality criteria and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Please refer to the Federal
Register Notice linked above for further information regarding CASAC and the nomination and
selection process.
At this stage of the process, we are asking interested candidates to submit a recent cv and biosketch.
The biosketch should be 1-2 paragraphs and should highlight the following: current position,
educational background, area of expertise and research activities, sources of research funding (for
the last 2 years), and service on other advisory committees, professional societies. The names and
biosketches of interested and qualified candidates will be posted in a List of Candidates on the
CASAC website (http://epa.gov/casac) for public comment.
Please let me know of your interest in being considered for membership on the CASAC as soon as
possible. If you are interested, please (b) (6) and provide your cv and
biosketch to me by August 4, 2017.
Your prompt consideration and assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact me via e-mail or at 202-564-2050.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: tcoxdenver@aol.com
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Nomination to USEPA"s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 7:32:39 PM
Attachments: TonyCoxBio2017July.docx

Dear Aaron,

My current CV is attached; the biosketch is on page 1. Please let me know if you need anything else.


-- Tony

-----Original Message-----
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: tcoxdenver
Sent: Wed, Jul 26, 2017 11:56 am
Subject: Nomination to USEPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)

Dr. Cox,
You have been nominated as a candidate for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air
Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) in response to a Federal Register Notice published on June
27, 2017, soliciting nominations to CASAC (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-06-
27/pdf/2017-13332.pdf). The CASAC was established in 1977 under the Clean Air Act Amendments
(CAAA) to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on the scientific and technical aspects of air
quality criteria and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Please refer to the Federal
Register Notice linked above for further information regarding CASAC and the nomination and
selection process.
At this stage of the process, we are asking interested candidates to submit a recent cv and biosketch.
The biosketch should be 1-2 paragraphs and should highlight the following: current position,
educational background, area of expertise and research activities, sources of research funding (for
the last 2 years), and service on other advisory committees, professional societies. The names and
biosketches of interested and qualified candidates will be posted in a List of Candidates on the
CASAC website (http://epa.gov/casac) for public comment.
Please let me know of your interest in being considered for membership on the CASAC as soon as
possible. If you are interested, please (b) (6) and provide your cv and
biosketch to me by August 4, 2017.
Your prompt consideration and assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact me via e-mail or at 202-564-2050.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: "tcoxdenver@aol.com"
Subject: RE: Nomination to USEPA"s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
Date: Monday, July 31, 2017 9:32:00 AM

Ok thanks.
Can you (b) (6) ?
In addition, at this stage of our process, we are asking all candidates one additional question, “How
will your background, skills, and experience contribute to the diversity of the chartered CASAC?”
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: tcoxdenver@aol.com [mailto:tcoxdenver@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 7:32 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Nomination to USEPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
Dear Aaron,
My current CV is attached; the biosketch is on page 1. Please let me know if you need anything else.
-- Tony

-----Original Message-----
From: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
To: tcoxdenver <tcoxdenver@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jul 26, 2017 11:56 am
Subject: Nomination to USEPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)

Dr. Cox,
You have been nominated as a candidate for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air
Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) in response to a Federal Register Notice published on June
27, 2017, soliciting nominations to CASAC (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-06-
27/pdf/2017-13332.pdf). The CASAC was established in 1977 under the Clean Air Act Amendments
(CAAA) to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on the scientific and technical aspects of air
quality criteria and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Please refer to the Federal
Register Notice linked above for further information regarding CASAC and the nomination and
selection process.
At this stage of the process, we are asking interested candidates to submit a recent cv and biosketch.
The biosketch should be 1-2 paragraphs and should highlight the following: current position,
educational background, area of expertise and research activities, sources of research funding (for
the last 2 years), and service on other advisory committees, professional societies. The names and
biosketches of interested and qualified candidates will be posted in a List of Candidates on the
CASAC website (http://epa.gov/casac) for public comment.
Please let me know of your interest in being considered for membership on the CASAC as soon as
possible. If you are interested, please (b) (6) and provide your cv and
biosketch to me by August 4, 2017.
Your prompt consideration and assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact me via e-mail or at 202-564-2050.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: tcoxdenver@aol.com
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Additional Question
Date: Monday, July 31, 2017 12:48:08 PM

(b) (6)

My skills in risk analysis and operations research (including decision analysis), machine learning and
causal analytics,  and biomathematical modeling should enhance the diversity of the group.


-- Tony

-----Original Message-----
From: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
To: tcoxdenver <tcoxdenver@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jul 31, 2017 8:00 am
Subject: Additional Question

Can you (b) (6) ?

In addition, at this stage of our process, we are asking all candidates one additional question, “How
will your background, skills, and experience contribute to the diversity of the chartered CASAC?”
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: "Byers, Dan"
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Date: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:52:00 PM

Just circling back with you. I received the following nominations from you for CASAC and have
reached out to those individuals already:
Tony Cox
Jeffrey Lewis
Robert Phalen
Stanley Young
Did I miss anyone?
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Byers, Dan [mailto:DByers@USChamber.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
OK will do that (most likely tomorrow). Thanks again!
From: Yeow, Aaron [mailto:Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:34 PM
To: Byers, Dan
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Ok, maybe after you are done entering all of them, if you could provide a list of them, we can make
sure they all got entered correctly.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Byers, Dan [mailto:DByers@USChamber.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:30 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Great, thanks Aaron. We have a handful more that I am working to submit over the next day or so.
Please let me know if I screw up anything on any of the forms.
From: Yeow, Aaron [mailto:Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Byers, Dan
Subject: EPA CASAC Nomination
Mr. Byers,
I have received your nomination of Dr. Young to the CASAC. I will follow up directly with him for any
additional information that I need.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Byers, Dan
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Date: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:35:22 PM

Hi Aaron, Thanks for your note. Yes, those are the only 4 people we nominated for CASAC.

For SAB, we nominated those same 4 people, as well as these additional six (10 total):
Anne Smith
John Graham
Walt Hufford
Ted Simon
Daland Juberg
Robert Blanz
Let me know if you didn’t get any of them.
From: Yeow, Aaron [mailto:Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:52 PM
To: Byers, Dan
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Just circling back with you. I received the following nominations from you for CASAC and have
reached out to those individuals already:
Tony Cox
Jeffrey Lewis
Robert Phalen
Stanley Young
Did I miss anyone?
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Byers, Dan [mailto:DByers@USChamber.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
OK will do that (most likely tomorrow). Thanks again!
From: Yeow, Aaron [mailto:Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:34 PM
To: Byers, Dan
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Ok, maybe after you are done entering all of them, if you could provide a list of them, we can make
sure they all got entered correctly.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Byers, Dan [mailto:DByers@USChamber.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:30 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
Subject: RE: EPA CASAC Nomination
Great, thanks Aaron. We have a handful more that I am working to submit over the next day or so.
Please let me know if I screw up anything on any of the forms.
From: Yeow, Aaron [mailto:Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Byers, Dan
Subject: EPA CASAC Nomination
Mr. Byers,
I have received your nomination of Dr. Young to the CASAC. I will follow up directly with him for any
additional information that I need.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: "tcoxdenver@aol.com"
Subject: EPA CASAC Membership Update
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:16:00 AM

Dr. Cox,
I wanted to provide an update on the CASAC Membership process. On Monday, August 28, 2017, we published the List of Candidates with biosketches on the CASAC website for
a 21-day public comment period. This list consists of all candidates who expressed interest in being a candidate for CASAC and who submitted the requested information
(biosketch and cv). The List of Candidates can be found on the CASAC website: http://epa.gov/casac at the bottom of the page, under “Public Input on Membership.” The list can
also be accessed directly:
I will keep you updated as the membership selection process progresses.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: Shawn Garner
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
Date: Friday, September 08, 2017 11:44:47 AM

Mr. Yeow,

I understand the public is welcome to comment on the new advisors to CASAC. Please
consider my opinions below.

Tony Cox
Robert F. Phalen
Stan Young


George A. Allen — Conflict of interest ($3,907,111 in EPA grants).

John R. Balmes. — Conflict of interest ($5,857,626 in EPA grants).
Ana Diez Roux — Conflict of interest ($34,900,315 in EPA grants).
Mark Frampton — Conflict of interest ($17,447,566 in EPA grants).
Rob McConnell — Conflict of interest ($19,561,006 in EPA grants).
Beate Ritz — Conflict of interest ($14,215,263 in EPA grants).
Armistead (Ted) Russell — Conflict of interest ($22,309,779).
George Thurston — Conflict of interest ($10,795,914).
Scott Zeger — Conflict of interest ($9,526,921 in EPA grants).
From: pienergy2008@gmail.com on behalf of Nikhil Desai
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Comments on CASAC nominations
Date: Friday, September 08, 2017 1:30:54 PM

Dear Mr. Yaw:

I support the candidacy of Tony Cox, Jr to CASAC. I have recently had the pleasure of
reading his beautiful, comprehensive review paper on the absence of quantifiable causal
connection between fine particulate matter concentrations and specific diseases.


I have no organizational affiliation. I do independent research on environmental regulations on

energy production, transformation and use. I had not heard of Mr Cox until a few months ago
and do not know him.

Nikhil Desai
(US +1) 202 568 5831
Skype: nikhildesai888
From: claudia roulier
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: EPA BOARD
Date: Saturday, September 09, 2017 9:59:27 AM


Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality epidemiology.
Multiple strong publications on air quality.
Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air Pollution
Health Effects Laboratory. A long-time voice of scientific sanity inside the beast.
Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
Co-author of the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.


George A. Allen — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
interest ($3,907,111 in EPA grants). Has already served on CASAC.
John R. Balmes. — Long-time EPA and California Air Resources Board (CARB)
crony and junk scientist. Conflict of interest ($5,857,626 in EPA grants). Is already
serving on the corrupted CASAC PM subcommittee (20125-2018).
Bart Croes — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk scientist.
Ana Diez Roux — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
interest ($34,900,315 in EPA grants). Already served on CASAC. Is currently on
corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conducted
illegal/unethical human experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of interest ($17,447,566
in EPA grants). Is already serving on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-
Rob McConnell — Long-time EPA crony and junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($19,561,006 in EPA grants). Is already serving on the corrupted CASAC PM
subcommittee (2015-2018).
Beate Ritz — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of intyerest
($14,215,263 in EPA grants).
Armistead (Ted) Russell — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($22,309,779).
George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
interest ($10,795,914).
Scott Zeger — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($9,526,921 in EPA grants).
From: Donn Dears
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: CASAC Advisory Committee Recommendations
Date: Saturday, September 09, 2017 4:43:20 PM

Mr. Aaron Yeow

Designated Federal Officer, EPA
Subject: Comments regarding candidates for Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)

The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee will play an important role in ensuring clean air for all
Americans. Clean air can be the difference between life and death for some Americans and
contributes to the good health for all Americans.
It’s crucial that the advisory committee be completely independent and have no formal ties or
relationships with the EPA.
An independent advisory committee is the only way to have honest, unbiased recommendations
concerning this important area of science.
I recommend the following candidates for appointment to the advisory committee:
Mr. Louis Anthony Cox Jr. PhD. President of Cox Associates. Dr. Cox is Editor-in-Chief of
Risk Analysis: An International Journal. He has a PhD in risk analysis, is a consultant
and expert in air quality epidemiology.
Mr. Robert F. Phalen. Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. He is founding director and
currently co-director at Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory. Dr. Phalen is a full
member of eight scientific societies and is the chair of the Board of Directors of the
California Society for Biomedical Research (CSBR).
Mr. Stan Young. PhD Statistician. Retired from National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Dr.
Young is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American
Association for the Advancement of Science. His studies on PM2.5 are

I recommend that the following candidates not be approved for the CASAC advisory committee.
Mr. George A. Allen is currently a member of the EPA AIRNow Steering Committee, and
would not be a new independent voice on this critical CASAC advisory committee. He has
also worked on a wide range of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and National
Institutes of Health funded air pollution studies. This further emphasizes that Mr. Allen
would not provide an independent view on clean air issues.
Dr. John Balmes. Dr. Balmes has been a physician member of the California Air Resources
Board (CARB) that has already made determinations that would preclude Dr. Balmes from
objectively analyzing clean air issues and allow for independent comments.
Mr. Bart Croes is affiliated with the California Air Resource Board that has already made
determinations that would preclude Mr. Croes from objectively analyzing clean air issues
and allow for independent comments.
Ms. Ana Diez Roux, M.D., Ph.D. Ms. Roux has participated as an advisor to EPA’s Clean
Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)band would therefore not be able to provide new
and independent commentary on this critical issue.
Dr. Mark Frampton. Dr. Frampton has received grants from the EPA and should, therefore,
be removed from consideration. While his receiving of grants doesn’t automatically mean
Dr. Frampton is biased, any recommendations he makes will be viewed as such by
independent observers.
Dr. Rob McConnell. Dr. McConnell has received grants from the EPA. While this doesn’t
automatically mean Dr. Frampton is biased, any recommendations he makes will be viewed
as such by independent observers.
Mr. Richard Poirot. Mr. Poirot has participated as an advisor to EPA’s Clean Air Scientific
Advisory Committee (CASAC) and would therefore not be able to provide new and
independent commentary on this critical issue.
Dr. Beate Ritz, MD, Ph.D. She is the 2007 recipient of the Robert M. Zweig M.D. Memorial
Award from the California South Coast Air Quality Management District, which has taken
positions on this subject which could prevent Dr. Ritz from taking an independent view on
the issue of clean air. She has also received grants from the EPA. While this doesn’t
automatically mean Dr. Ritz is biased, any recommendations she makes will be viewed as
such by independent observers.
Dr. Armistead Russell. Dr. Russell was a prior member of EPA’s Clean Air Science
Advisory Committee (CASAC) and will not provide a new and independent view on clean
air issues. He has also received grants from the EPA. While this doesn’t automatically
mean Dr. Russell is biased, any recommendations he makes will be viewed as such by
independent observers.
Dr. George Thurston. Dr. Thurston has previously served on the EPA’s CASAC Committee,
which means he will not bring a new and independent voice to this critical subject. In
addition, one of Dr. Thurston’s students presently has an EPA STAR grant, which indicates
Dr. Thurston could be emotionally involved with CASAC arguments and could not,
therefore, provide a new, independent and unbiased view. He has also received grants
from the EPA. While this doesn’t automatically mean Dr. Thurston is biased, any
recommendations he makes will be viewed as such by independent observers.

Donn Dears
Retired, General Electric Company Senior Executive
Areas of specialization: Power generation, Transmission and Distribution, Service, Engineering,
Energy and International development
From: Ron Strange
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: submission: Public Comment on Candidates for CASAC
Date: Saturday, September 09, 2017 11:20:15 PM

Mr. Aaron Yeow, DFO

Science Advisory Board Staff Office
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dear Mr. Yeow:
I would like to suggest that limiting nominees "...
who are physicians and members of the NAS ..."
is not appropriate to the function of the
CASAC. Pollutants, after all, are chemicals and
there should be places for a few chemists on
such an advisory panel. I suggest that the
presence of physicists and others outside of
practicing medicine and public health training
would also be useful. For this reason I
recommend accepting the nomination of these
candidates: Dr. Carol Henry, Dr. A. R.
Ravishankara, Dr. Laura E. Nikalson, and Dr.
Nan Hayworth.
In addition I recommend that these candidates
be accepted: Dr. Louis Anthony Cox, Jr's,
training is in Risk Analysis and would be an
excellent addition to the CASAC; Dr. Robert F.
Phalen has an undergraduate degree in physics
and master's in nuclear physics and would also
be a valuable addition; and Dr. S. Stanley Young
is a renowned statistician and would be an
excellent resource to the CASAC.
The following candidates have had past
associations or are currently serving on CASAC
or a sub-committee, and, for the benefit of the
Committee, should be moving on. In addition it
appears that these candidates may have some
degree of conflict of interest since they have
received or are now receiving grants directly or
indirectly from the EPA. For these reasons
please do not recommend these candidates: Mr.
George A. Allen, Dr. John R. Balmes, Mr. Bart
Croes, Dr. Ana V. Diez Roux, Dr. Mark
Frampton, Dr. Rob McConnell, Dr. Beate Ritz,
Dr. Armistead Russell, Dr. George Thurston,
and Dr. Scott Zeger.
Finally, with regard to Mr. Richard L. Poirot, it
appears that Mr. Poirot's experience lies
principally in a Vermont government agency that
likely does not have a requirement of a
background in science. He does have an
impressive history of service in numerous
advisory committees, both at the state and
federal levels, but it is not clear from the brief
biographical summary that he has any training in
an appropriate science like chemistry, biology, or
statistics. I would not recommend Mr. Poirot as
a member of the CASAC.
Thank you,
Dr. Ronald S. Strange
Ron Strange, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
FDU Chemistry (Florham Campus) in Madison, NJ
e: strange@fdu.edu ___ http://rss.allowaystranges.us/
From: James Barker
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: CASAC
Date: Sunday, September 10, 2017 1:00:01 PM

Dear Sir,

I recommend for: Tony Cox, Robert F. Phalen, and Stan Young.

I recommend against: George A. Allen, John R. Balmes, Bart Croes, Ana Diez Roux, Mark Frampton,
Rob McConnell, Beate Ritz, Armistead (Ted) Russell, George Thurston, and Scott Zeger.

I would be pleased if my opinion mattered in some small way.

All the best,

James Barker
From: erichkather@yahoo.com
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Clean Air Advisory Committee
Date: Sunday, September 10, 2017 10:58:06 PM

I heartily recommend the following candidates. None have conflicts due to prior EPA funding. Please
break the “cronyism” chain.
Tony Cox
Robert F. Phalen
Stan Young
Erich Kather
A concerned citizen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Bill Anderegg
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Public comment on CASAC candidates
Date: Monday, September 11, 2017 4:22:55 PM

Dear Mr. Aaron Yeow:

I write to provide public comments on the List of Candidates under

consideration for appointment to the CASAC. I am an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Biology at the University of Utah. I received a
Ph.D. from the Department of Biology at Stanford University, worked as a
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) postdoctoral
fellow at Princeton University, and have published more than 50
peer-reviewed scientific papers. My scientific research frequently
covers areas under the purview of the CASAC.

While the vast majority of the candidates nominated for CASAC are
commendable and qualified, there are three candidates that greatly
concern me, whom I believe to be unqualified for the Committee due to
their lack of key credentials and unacceptable conflicts of interest –
Louis Anthony Cox Jr., Deane Waldman and S. Stanley Young.  The CASAC’s
explicit aims are to provide “independent advice, information and
recommendations to the EPA Administrator on the scientific and technical
aspects of air quality.” These three candidates do not have the
appropriate credentials or expertise to provide “scientific and
technical” input to CASAC and their well-documented funding sources with
strong financial interests casts strong doubt on their ability to
provide “independent advice.” Thus, on all stated aims of the CASAC
roles, these three individuals are unqualified and should not be
appointed to the Committee.


William Anderegg, Ph.D.

William R. L. Anderegg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biology, University of Utah
email: anderegg@utah.edu
website: anderegglab.net
From: Jeff Kemper
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: CASAC candidate recommendation
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 12:09:59 AM

Dear Mr. Aaron Yeow,

i would like to recommend the following candidates for the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee:

Tony Cox

Robert F. Phalen

Stan Young

My reasoning for recommending these three candidates is based on my years of experience working in public high
school administration. I have found that new people to positions often bring enhancing points of view and
enthusiasm that helps to keep organizational processes vital and relevant - to reinvigorate vision and mission of an
organization. These three candidates could perhaps provide such benefits to the EPA.

The other candidates appear to have long-standing associations with the EPA in various capacities. Perhaps it is time
for change. Please consider the following wish to not consider these candidates not as any negative against them. I
just don’t necessarily see change coming with these candidates listed below given their long EPA affiliations:

George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez Rouz
Mark Frampton
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger


Jeff Kemper
Retired High School Asst Principal
From: Phyllis Coley
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: CASAC
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 8:43:40 PM
Attachments: EPA.pdf

Phyllis Coley, Distinguished Professor

Department of Biology, University of Utah
257 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
coley@biology.utah.edu; 801-581-7088; www.biology.utah.edu/coley/
From: DaleHartz
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Casac Recommendations
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2017 8:06:01 PM

Recommendations for EPA’s Clean Air

Scientific Advisory Committee

I vote for the following candidates:

Tony Cox

Robert F. Phalen
St an Young
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
Mark Frampton
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
Marvin D. Hartz
Tulsa, OK
From: marcie.dreyer@verizon.net
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: 2017 CASAC Annual Membership
Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 5:55:26 PM

Mr Yeow:

Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality

epidemiology. Multiple strong publications on air quality.

Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air

Pollution Health Effects Laboratory. A long-time voice of scientific sanity inside
the beast.

Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical

Sciences. Co-author of the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.


George A. Allen — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($3,907,111 in EPA grants). Has already served on
John R. Balmes. — Long-time EPA and California Air Resources Board
(CARB) crony and junk scientist. Conflict of interest ($5,857,626 in EPA
grants). Is already serving on the corrupted CASAC PM subcommittee (20125-
Bart Croes — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk scientist.
Ana Diez Roux — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict
of interest ($34,900,315 in EPA grants). Already served on CASAC. Is
currently on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conducted illegal/unethical human experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of
interest ($17,447,566 in EPA grants). Is already serving on corrupted CASAC
PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Rob McConnell — Long-time EPA crony and junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($19,561,006 in EPA grants). Is already serving on the corrupted CASAC PM
subcommittee (2015-2018).
Beate Ritz — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
intyerest ($14,215,263 in EPA grants).
Armistead (Ted) Russell — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk
scientist. Conflict of interest ($22,309,779 in EPA grants).
George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($10,795,914 in EPA grants).
Scott Zeger — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
interest ($9,526,921 in EPA grants).

Thank you,
Marcie Dreyer
From: Jeffrey Garner
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Recommend for council.
Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 6:13:26 PM

Tom Young, Stan Cox, they're not receiving grants from EPA, no conflicts of interest.
Thanks for allowing input.
Jeffrey Garner
Brawley, CA
From: DaleHartz
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Amended Casac Recommendations
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:02:59 PM

This is an amended CASAC recommendation I sent on September 14,

I vote for the following candidates:
Richard Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: "DaleHartz"
Subject: RE: Amended Casac Recommendations
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:15:00 PM

Thank you. However, many of the of candidates you added as ones that you are supporting are not
candidates for the CASAC. It appears they are candidates for the Science Advisory Board. Would you
like me to forward this to the Designated Federal Officer (Thomas Carpenter) for the Science
Advisory Board?
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:02 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Amended Casac Recommendations
This is an amended CASAC recommendation I sent on September 14,
I vote for the following candidates:
Richard Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
From: DaleHartz
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Amended Casac Recommendations
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:23:42 PM

Yes, please forward my email to the proper group. My mistake.

Marvin hartz
From: Yeow, Aaron
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 12:15 PM
To: DaleHartz
Subject: RE: Amended Casac Recommendations
Thank you. However, many of the of candidates you added as ones that you are supporting are not
candidates for the CASAC. It appears they are candidates for the Science Advisory Board. Would
you like me to forward this to the Designated Federal Officer (Thomas Carpenter) for the Science
Advisory Board?

Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:02 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Amended Casac Recommendations
This is an amended CASAC recommendation I sent on September 14, 2017.
I vote for the following candidates:
Richard Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Cc: dalehartz@cox.net
Subject: FW: Amended Casac Recommendations
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:26:00 PM

Please see below for Mr. Hartz’s comments on the Candidates for the Science Advisory Board.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:23 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Amended Casac Recommendations
Yes, please forward my email to the proper group. My mistake.
Marvin hartz
From: Yeow, Aaron
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 12:15 PM
To: DaleHartz
Subject: RE: Amended Casac Recommendations
Thank you. However, many of the of candidates you added as ones that you are supporting are not
candidates for the CASAC. It appears they are candidates for the Science Advisory Board. Would you
like me to forward this to the Designated Federal Officer (Thomas Carpenter) for the Science
Advisory Board?
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:02 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
Subject: Amended Casac Recommendations
This is an amended CASAC recommendation I sent on September 14,
I vote for the following candidates:
Richard Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
From: catherine armsden
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: please do what"s right and good for the American people
Date: Monday, October 02, 2017 11:40:54 AM

Dear Mr. Thomas,

I'm writing to register my disapproval of the following nominees being considered to serve on the EPA
Science Advisory Board. Their records clearly indicate they would not serve the health and wellbeing of our
citizens, and in some cases, would be motivated instead by policies that would harm us and the earth.

The following climate-science-denier nominees have no business making decisions involving

irrefutable scientific evidence: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul
Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David
Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

The following pro-polluter nominees are not legitimate choices for the SAB: Richard Belzer, James Bus,
Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James
Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Thank you,

Catherine Armsden
From: Abel Russ
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Cc: Lisa Widawsky Hallowell
Subject: Comments on SAB candidates
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:20:49 PM
Attachments: 20170928_SAB comments.pdf

Dear Mr. Carpenter: Please accept the attached comments on the EPA list of candidates for the SAB.
Thank you,
Abel Russ
Environmental Integrity Project
1000 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
(802) 482-5379
From: John Fleming
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Cc: "Shaye Wolf"; Nathan Donley
Subject: Comments on 2017 EPA Science Advisory Board Nominations
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:45:36 PM
Attachments: 17 09 28 Center for Biological Diversity EPA SAB comments.pdf

Attached please find the comment letter from the Center for Biological Diversity on the 2017
nominations for membership on the chartered Science Advisory Board.
John C. Fleming, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist | Climate Law Institute
Office: 213-785-5400 (Ext. 103)
Cell: 310-405-1532
Twitter: @CFlemingJohn
From: fred@ecostewards.org
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Re: Comment on EPA science advisory board nominees
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 2:25:18 PM

Fred Krueger

Thursday, September 28, 2017

EPA Scientific Advisory Board

Designated Federal Officer

Mr. Thomas Carpenter

Washington, DC

Dear Thomas Carpenter,

Good morning

I am writing to comment on the proposed nominees for the Environmental Protection

Agency’s Science Advisory Board, which reviews the science the agency uses in formulating

I am a long time Republican, but your current policies and attitudes are undermining the
purpose of the EPA as well as the longterm health and welfare of the nation.

These individuals who you are proposing are more interested in political philosophy and
supporting industry than the health and environmental safety of our country. Shame on you
for subverting the purpose of the EPA.

We need environmental protection because we are supposed to be a government of the

people, by the people and for the people. But the Scott Pruitt EPA is subverting this purpose
by putting industry and production before people. Somehow you in the EPA are forgetting
that the strength of a nation lies in its citizens and their integrity, certainly not in its money
or industry.

If you are going to accurately assess the health needs of America, you need sound science
buttressed by generally accepted values. These eminate from religion, not money. The
nomination of climate science-denying, polluter-friendly replacements is corrupt and I
oppose it.

What you need are real scientists with academic credentials and a history of working for the
common good.

At the root of our problem is that corporations are not real people. They have no heart, no
soul, and no capability of genuine morality. Yet you in the EPA are nominating individuals
who only have allegiance to industrial corporations or some partisan philosophy. These guys
are not working for our nation, but for the corporations to whom they have a higher

For this reason, I ask that you eliminate from consideration for national service the
following individuals who deny science of climate change
In particular I request that you disqualify Joseph D’Aleo, who wrongly claims global
warming is due to natural cycles; and former Peabody Energy science director Craig Idso.
There is absolutely no evidence that causes any thoughtful person to believe that the
measureable rise in average earth temperature was caused by anything other than the rise
in human generated carbon dioxide. Besides D’Aleo, Idso and other climate change denying
candidates are affiliated with the fossil fuel industry-funded Heartland Institute, which has a
long history of misrepresenting science.

Others who should be disqualified include

Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Richard Keen,
David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

The following individuals should also be disqualified for their tight association with polluting
industries: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D.
Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

I submit this letter for the good of our nation, for a hope that you can provide qualified
individuals to serve as assessors of sound science, and that you will fulfill the requirements
in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution to seek justice and the common good, not the
private gain of polluting industries.

And please remember too that there is a spiritual dimension to the choices that you make.
In a time when there is pollution and desecration across the land, God's good angel says
"Hurt not the earth, neither the seas nor the trees." (Rev. 7:3). Further when it is the time
of the Judgement, the Bible reads, "God will destroy those who destroy the earth" (Rev.

For all these reasons, please deny the candidacies of those individuals who would further
pollution and the degradation of the health of America's people. There is no good reason to
support their crooked approach to government.

Yours sincerely,

Fred Krueger

(b) (6) Santa Rosa, California 95407

work: (707) 573-3160

From: Carol DiBenedetto
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: My Public Comment re: EPA Science Advisory Board nominees
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:03:01 PM

Designated Federal Officer Thomas Carpenter,

I am writing to plead with you NOT to nominate climate-deniers, industry polluters, and anti-
science advisors to the EPA Science Advisory Council. A track record of science-based
decisions, vs. Partisan or Special interest-based decision-making and policy advice is an
important requirement / baseline for any nominee being considered.

Specifically, the following candidates are

UNACCEPTABLE for the Science Advisory

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry,

Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna,
Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard
Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David
Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James

Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom,
John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt
Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Please do not let partisan politics get in the way of sound government and science-base
policies that benefit the public citizens of the USA.

Thank you,
Carol DiBenedetto
SF CA 94117

Sent from my iPhone

From: Robert Lightbourne
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Candidates unacceptable for EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:51:10 AM


Based on information I read in The Huffington Post, I am of the opinion that the following candidates are
unacceptable for the EPA Science Advisory Board:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen,
Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham,
Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.


Robert Lightbourne
From: Emily Therese Cloyd
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Comments on EPA SAB nominees
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 9:11:49 AM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

There are a number of well-qualified candidates for the EPA SAB, scientists who are
leaders in their fields and respected by their colleagues. Particularly excellent candidates
for the EPA SAB are:

G. Allen Burton, Ana V. Diez Roux, Zachary Easton, Courtney Flint, James Galloway,
Adrienne Hollis, George Hornberger, Annie B. Kersting, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Daniel
Walsh, Elke Weber, and Lauren Zeise

The following candidates are unacceptable for the Science Advisory Board, as they are
unqualified (e.g., not scientists, and thus inelegible) or repeatedly reject scientific

Richard Belzer, Edwin Berry, James Bus, Alan Carlin, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, Joseph
D’Aleo, Kevin Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, James Enstrom, Gordon Fulks, John D. Graham,
Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, James Klaunig, David LeGates,
Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson, H. Leighton Steward, and Kimberly White.

Emily Therese Cloyd
From: Kay Rolfes
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Science Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 10:44:17 PM

Hello Mr. Carpenter,

The EPA has a vital job to perform in service to the

American public. In order to do its job properly, it must
have access to reliable and current science. The Science
Advisory Board needs to be filled with experts who are
qualified and dedicated scientists, not with candidates
who are unqualified and selected for political reasons.

There is no room on this board for climate-science deniers

or for people who are hostile to the EPA and put the
welfare of polluting industry above the welfare of the
American public.

I am sure that there are sufficient excellent candidates to

fill the board, but these candidates are climate-science
deniers or pro-pollution nominees; they are therefore
unqualified and must be rejected:

   Edwin Berry
   Alan Carlin
   Joseph D’Aleo
   Keven Dayaratn
   Paul Dreissen
   Gordon Fulk
   Craig Idso
   Richard Keen
   David LeGates
   Anthony Lupo
   David Stevenson
   H. Leighton Steward

   Richard Belzer
   James Bus
   Samuel Cohen
   Tony Cox
   James Enstrom
   John D. Graham
   Michael Honeycutt
   Walt Hufford
   James Klaunig
   Kimberly White

Thank you for your attention to this matter. The health of

America depends on your making the right choices for the
Science Advisory Board.

Kay Rolfes
Austin, Texas 78737
From: amy schoneman
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Against Nominees for Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 7:17:09 PM

Dear Thomas Carpenter,

I am so saddened and frustrated that Pruitt is putting forth candidates for positions on the EPA Scientific
Advisory Board who are not scientists, are climate deniers, are unqualified, and/or have obvious conflict of
interest by having worked for the agencies they are supposed to be regulating and advising.

The integrity of the EPA has been severely damaged by Pruitt and his appointees already. There has to be
some kind of push back to maintain accountability and an agenda that focuses on protecting our water, air,
and land, not milking it for every profitable ounce possible.

I am specifically speaking against the following nominees:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen,
Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham,
Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.


Amy Schoneman

(b) (6)

Oakland, CA 94608
From: Thomas Kursar
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: candidates for the EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:25:32 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

I am writing to let you know that I find that the following candidates for the EPA Science Advisory Board are not

These nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig
Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward are climate deniers
and, as such are not acceptable.

These nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael
Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White are excessively pro-industry and not motivated to
regulate pollution. Again, as such, the are not acceptable.

Sincerely yours,
Thomas A. Kursar
Dept of Biology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
From: Jessica Pritchard
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Public Comment on EPA Scientific Advisory Board Nominees
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:01:21 PM

Dear Mr. Thomas,

I am writing in response to the request for public comment on the EPA's Scientific Advisory Board candidates. As someone with a scientific background and an American citizen, I
am qualified to speak to these matters. I have reviewed each candidate's biosketch.

First, some general comments. I was pleased to see that many of the board's nominees are well-qualified. However, I find it alarming that there are nearly 4 males for ever 1 female
listed. I find it difficult to believe that this is truly representative of the demographics across the fields relevant to the EPA's work, and I am troubled that the EPA found gender-
imbalance on its board acceptable. I would appreciate a response from the EPA regarding why demographic considerations were not incorporated in the criteria for compiling a list
of candidates, and what steps will be taken in the future to ensure that more of the nation's well-qualified female scientists are represented. I would also invite your comments
regarding considerations of race, as diversity is paramount in that regard, too.

The opening of your call for comments, it says that the SAB Staff Office identified candidates based on their expertise. I think we must define "expertise" differently, owing to the
qualifications listed for some of the nominees. For example, I fail to see how Mr. Monique's "business prospective" is pertinent when considering scientific qualifications.
Likewise, I am at a loss as to how a cattle rancher with no peer-reviewed publications (Mr. McDonald), a lobbyist for the chemical industry (Dr. White), a post-doc with good
intentions but no research track record (Dr. Kang), or a member of a states' rights advocacy group who can barely write coherent blog posts (Mr. Stevenson) made the cut for this
list. Then there are the many, many climate change deniers. How is it that 98% of climate scientists believe that climate change is real and the result of human activity, and yet the
board nominees disproportionately includes climate change deniers? I have to hand it to you for going all in and including a guy who thinks increased carbon dioxide is great
because plants like it (Mr. Steward), someone who said that “the world must abandon this suicidal Global Warming crusade” (Mr. Driessen), and another who thinks environmental
policies are "extreme" (Dr. Dayaratna). I also saw that a few others appear to have been chosen for their interest in dimantling EPA policies, such as Dr. Young, Mr. Sherman, and
Mr. Hufford. I noticed several of the nominees with questionable scientific views are members of conservative think tanks. This is unacceptable; science should not be conflated
with politics. Science is science, and should not be confused with policy. Nominees should have a strong scientific credentials and be free from undue influence by industry or
politics. This seems obvious, apparently it needs said: they should also support the mission of the EPA and not seek to undercut it.

Here is my list of nominees who I STRONGLY oppose, as well as my rationale. Please note the reason that they are unacceptable for future reference when selecting candidates for
EPA positions.
Richard Belzar Consultant for several large energy companies, undue business influence
Edwin Berry Claims humans do not impact climate change
Alan Carlin Claims humans do not impact climate change
Joseph D'Aleo Claims humans do not impact climate change
Kevin Dayaratna Claims climate change does not warrant "extreme" policies
Paul Driessen Claims humans do not impact climate change, contends that “the world must abandon this suicidal Global Warming crusade”
Gordon Fulks Claims humans do not impact climate change
Michael Honeycutt "Ozone skeptic" who claims advocates for policies that do not regulate emissions, minimizes health impacts of pollutants
Walt Hufford Claims that fracking does not impact water quality, ties to energy industry may cause undue influence
Craig Idso Climate change denier, claims humans do not impact climate changes, claims that warming climate has positive effects
Juhyon Kang Only a post-doc and research portfolio is not developed
Richard Keen Claims humans do not impact climate change
Jeffrey Lewis Provides support to ExxonMobil’s epidemiology and health risk assessment scientific programs, undue industry influence
Merl Lindstrom Undue influence by Phillips 66 - and strong ties to other portions of oil industry
William Thomas
McDonald Cattle farmer with no peer-reviewed publications
Robert Merritt Employed by oil industry, focus is to improve efficiency in the exploration and production of oil and gas
Mark Monique Only qualification is small business interests
Larry Monroe Not a scientist, businessman in energy industry
James Moore Not a scientist, businessman in energy industry
Laurie Shelby Focused on business outcomes, lacks exceptional credentials
Michael Paul Sherman Avocated for North Carolina’s farmer and rural citizen energy interests, i.e. opposed environmental policies
David Stevenson Not a scientist, conservative states’ rights and business interests advocate, barely coherent when writing for public forum
Leighton Steward Believes increasing CO2 is good for the planet, climate change denier, part of conservative advocacy group
Kimberly Wise White Works for chemical manufacturers' trade group and has written briefs opposing proposed EPA regulation
Stanley Young Rejects data from observational studies (with a focus on air pollution and environmental epidemiology), part of conservative think tank

The following is a list of nominees who I support:

Paul Anastas Adrienne Hollis Mary Jo Richardson
Henry Anderson Darryl Hood Amanda Rodewald
Rodney Andrews George Hornberger Michael Rolband
Viney Aneja Rhett Jackson Barry Rosen
Armistead (Ted)
Mark Barnett Leo Kenny Russell
Bernthal Annie Kersting Michelle Scherer
Melissa Bilec John Kissel Ted Simon
Paul Bishop James Klaunig Robert Skoglund
Bob Blanz Michael Kleinman Eric Smith
Todd Brewer Eleftheria Kontou Richard Smith
Sylvie Brouder Wayne Landis Amy Stuart
Allen Burton David Legates John Tharakan
Samual Cohen Rainer Lohmann Thomas Theis
Cal Cooper Anthony Lupo Valerie Thomas
Tony Cox Benito Mariñas Timothy Thompson
Kevin CrOmer Carmen Marsit Peter Thorne
Dasgupta Scott Matthews George Thurston
Ana Diez Roux Denise Mauzerall Ronald Turco Jr.
Zachary Easton Marc Melaina Donald van der Vaart
James Enstrom Laura Mooney George Van Houtven
Edwin van
William Farland Christopher Moore Wijngaarden
Courtney Flint Rachel Morello-Frosch Jeanne VanBriesen
John Fowle Thomas Mueller Peter Vikesland
Mark Frampton John Nuckols Daniel Walsh
Juliane Fry Oguntimein Elke Weber
James Galloway Alexander Orlov Laurie Weinstein
Terry Gordon Deanna Osmond E. Christian Wells
John D. Graham Richard Peltier Charles Werth
Johney Green Jr. Robert Phalen Lauren Zeise
Charles Haas Robert Puls Chen Zhu
Dale Hattis David Richardson Matthew Zwiernik

Note that the above list is not simply all candidates, less the ones that I oppose.

Thank you for considering my input when selecting the board. I look forward to your response regarding its demographics.

Best regards,
Jessica Pritchard, Ph.D.
From: Phyllis Coley
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 4:39:27 PM

I am a PhD scientist, have received the Medal of Science from my Utah governor, and teach
environmental science at the University of Utah. A number of the proposed appointments to
the EPA advisory board are climate skeptics/deniers. Given the robust science demonstrating
increasing global temperatures tied to increasing emissions, this is appalling. It is like having
‘scientists’ who believe the earth is flat in charge of designing airplane and shipping routes. It
is dangerous. Furthermore, several nominees are not even scientists, but are connected to the
very polluters they are supposed to be regulating.

The EPA has always fulfilled its mission of collecting data on the environment (including
climate change and pollution) and in enforcing the regulations to keep us little people safe.
Please do not unravel that.

For these reasons, the following nominees are completely unqualified: Richard Belzer,
James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, Joseph D’Aleo, Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, ,
Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, James Enstrom, Gordon Fulks, John D. Graham, Michael
Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, James Klaunig, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson, H. Leighton Steward, and Kimberly White.

Phyllis Coley, Distinguished Professor

Department of Biology, University of Utah
257 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
coley@biology.utah.edu; 801-581-7088; www.biology.utah.edu/coley/
From: Warner North
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Endorsements for SAB Candidates in Response to September 7, 2017 Notice
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 4:37:48 PM

Endorsements for Dr. Anne Smith and Others for Appointment to the Chartered Science Advisory
Board (SAB) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Addressee: Mr. Thomas Carpenter, Designated Federal Officer

I am writing this public comment e-mail communication primarily to give a strong endorsement to
one candidate, Dr. Anne Smith. I am also including endorsements for some other listed candidates
known to me.

I have known Dr. Smith since her time as a graduate student at Stanford University. At Decision
Focus Incorporated (1984-1998) she was often under my supervision as she carried out many
assignments in environmental risk analysis for the US Environmental Protection Agency, for the
Electric Power Research Institute, and for other government and private sector clients.

I consider Anne Smith among the best people I have ever had the privilege to mentor. This occurred
as she gained experience following her doctoral degree to become a highly accomplished senior
professional. She has outstanding intelligence, superb integrity, and great willingness to work
diligently to understand and illuminate difficult scientific issues that transcend traditional disciplinary
boundaries. She has outstanding knowledge and experience spanning three disciplinary areas critical
for environment risk analysis: (1) economics, (2) decision analysis and related decision sciences, and
(3) epidemiology applied to human health impairment in relation to environmental exposures.
During the past nearly two decades she has had leadership responsibility with two preeminent firms
with which I have no association. During this time I have continued to follow her career, and we have
participated in a few professional activities together. Her scholarship and service in professional
societies have been recognized with awards, including the 2016 “Best Paper” award from the Society
for Risk Analysis.

Dr. Smith is highly qualified to contribute to the EPA Science Advisory Board in the following
disciplines named in the September 7, 2017 invitation and preceding June 27 Federal Register
Notice: benefit–cost analysis; causal inference; complex systems; economics, especially as applied to
energy and the environment; risk assessment; social, behavioral and decision sciences; statistics; and
uncertainty analysis. She has extensive experience on air quality, especially sulfur oxides, fine
particulate matter, and ozone, including aspects of epidemiological risk analysis. She has
considerable experience on air, water, and solid waste pollution from toxic chemicals and
radioactive waste materials, including service on numerous National Academies committees. She
also has extensive experience in policy analysis on climate alteration and visibility impairment.

Based on my knowledge of her professional career accomplishments over more than three decades,
I believe Dr. Anne Smith has truly outstanding capability to contribute to the EPA Science Advisory
Board, and I am therefore pleased to give a strong endorsement to her candidacy.

In reading through the list of 131 other candidates in the September 7 announcement, a modest
fraction of them are known to me on the basis of my experience working with them: Richard Belzer,
James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, John Fowle, John Graham, Charles Haas, Dale Hattis, James
Klaunig, Wayne Landis, Armistead Russell, Richard Smith, and Lauren Zeise.

I endorse these candidates (as well as Dr. Smith) on the basis of my personal knowledge of them as
demonstrating high levels of intelligence, relevant experience, integrity, and willingness to work
constructively and effectively with committee colleagues. The basis for my endorsement of these
additional candidates comes from more than thirty years in the Society for Risk Analysis (including
my service over the past decade as an area editor for its international journal, Risk Analysis,
managing the peer review process for manuscripts including soliciting peer reviews), my service on a
variety of committees of the EPA Science Advisory Board from 1979 to 2004, my service on
committees of the National Academies (National Research Council/National Academies of Science,
Engineering, and Medicine), and my participation in scientific and professional society activities with
the above-named candidates.

Details of my experience are given on my website at www.northworks.net. For my past SAB service,
see http://www.northworks.net/w_projects_government.htm and for National Academies service,
see http://www.northworks.net/w_projects_nrc.htm.

I will be pleased to respond to questions with respect to this communication or requests for further

Yours sincerely,

D. Warner North, Ph.D.

Principal scientist, NorthWorks

(a small business, located in San Francisco, California, for which I am the sole owner)
From: Johnson, Terrell
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Science Advisory Board Recommendations
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:41:12 PM

Highly Recommend for SAB

Alan Carlin
Craig Idso
Also Recommend for SAB
Richard Belzer
Edwin Berry
James Bus
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Jim Moore
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
Richard Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
Stan Yound
Recommend AGAINST for SAB
Ana Diez Roux
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
George Thurston
Thank you for your consideration.
Terrell K. Johnson
Senior Environmental Engineer
Professional Wildlife Biologist
From: Merrilee Harrigan
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Science Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:10:56 PM

Mr. Carpenter:
The Science Advisory Board (SAB) has been providing independent advice to the EPA
for decades, ensuring that the agency uses the best science to protect public health
and the environment. SAB members have always been eminent scientists who are
committed to the often-challenging public service of working through complex
scientific topics to help guide EPA decision-making. They are the EPA’s scientific
compass. The agency’s mission to safeguard our air and water will be further
compromised if Administrator Pruitt winds up selecting the following unacceptable

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven

Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates,
Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James
Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and
Kimberly White.

These nominees have no business serving on the SAB. Please name science-oriented,
non-idealogical nominees to the board.

Merrilee Harrigan
From: Jean Solari
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Science Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:51:31 PM

The following candidates are unacceptable for the Science Advisory Board:

Deny climate science nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven
Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates,
Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James
Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and
Kimberly White.
From: Leander Anderegg
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Comment on EPA Scientific Advisory Board candidates
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:49:15 PM

Dear Thomas Carpenter,

I am writing to oppose the selection of a number of potential nominees to the EPA Scientific
Advisory Board. Twelve of these nominees have publicly misrepresented the overwhelming
and indisputable scientific consensus that human activities are causing dangerous climate
change. These nominees include:
Edwin Berry
Alan Carlin
Joseph D’Aleo
Keven Dayaratna
Paul Dreissen
Gordon Fulks
Craig Idso
Richard Keen
David LeGates
Anthony Lupo
David Stevenson
H. Leighton Steward

Such public misrepresentation of extremely well-established climate science can mean only
one of two things.
First, it could reveal a lack of scientific understanding that critically impairs these candidates'
ability to provide the best possible scientific advice to the EPA. This appears to be the case for
candidate Joseph D'Aleo, who does not have an earned doctoral degree and routinely misstates
or misconstrues the scientific consensus on human-caused climate change.
The alternative is that these misleading public statements reveal a fundamental conflict of
interest with pollution-producing industries regulated by the EPA that fundamentally
compromises their ability to provide independent advice on the SAB. This appears to be the
case for Dr. Craig Idso, who's work for Peabody Energy and the fossil fuel industry-sponsored
Heartland Institute may explain his blatantly false public statements about anthropogenic
climate change. Craig Idso, Joseph D'Aleo, Alan Carlin, Anthony Lupo, and David LeGates in
particular have received funding from the Heartland Institute or the fossil fuels industry that
may have played a role in their public misrepresentation of climate science.

In addition, Michael Honeycutt, Kimberly White, Richard Belzer,Tony Cox, and John D.
Graham have a worrying ties to industry groups regulated by the EPA or have previously
misrepresented environmental or health science in their previous lobbying of the EPA.

Thank you for considering these comments,

Leander Love-Anderegg, PhD
From: Bill Anderegg
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Public comment on SAB candidates
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 12:25:37 PM

Dear Designated Federal Officer Thomas Carpenter,

I write to provide public comments on the candidates under consideration for appointment to
the Science Advisory Board. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the
University of Utah. I received a Ph.D. from the Department of Biology at Stanford University,
worked as a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) postdoctoral fellow
at Princeton University, and have published more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers. My
scientific research frequently covers areas under the purview of the SAB.

While the vast majority of the candidates nominated for SAB are commendable and qualified,
there are several candidates that greatly concern me, whom I believe to be unqualified for the
SAB due to their lack of key credentials and scientific expertise and/or unacceptable conflicts
of interest. In particular, Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul
Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David
Stevenson, H. Leighton Steward, Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox,
James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and
Kimberly White are unacceptable candidates for the SAB. These individuals would be
patently unable to provide "independent advice and peer review on the scientific and technical
aspects" as demanded by participants in the SAB. On the explicit stated aims of the SAB roles,
these individuals are unqualified and should not be appointed to the SAB.

Best regards,

William Anderegg

William R. L. Anderegg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biology, University of Utah
email: anderegg@utah.edu
website: wrlanderegg.com
From: R Solomon
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: SAB nominees
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:05:09 AM

Mr. Carpenter,

I am writing today to express my opposition to a number of the nominees to the SAB.

The following 12 individuals are all adamant deniers of climate science:

Edwin Berry Alan Carlin Joseph D’Aleo Keven Dayaratna

Paul Dreissen Gordon Fulks Craig Idso Richard Keen
David LeGates Anthony Lupo David Stevenson
H. Leighton Steward

Eight of these people are affiliated with the the fossil fuel industry-funded Heartland
Institute, which has a long history of misrepresenting science.

The following 10 individuals are in favor of activities which are clearly known to
pollute the air, water, and soil:

Richard Belzer James Bus Samuel Cohen Tony Cox

James Enstrom John D. Graham Michael Honeycutt
Walt Hufford James Klaunig Kimberly White

These people consistently side with industry when it comes to protecting the public
from toxic hazards, regardless of the scientific evidence. They also falsely accuse the
EPA of being unscientific to try to undermine its credibility.

Please do not approve any of these 22 people for membership on the SAB. They
clearly have an agenda to undermine the agency's legislated duties to protect the
American public from health hazards which are caused by human related activities.
They want to reverse the progress which has been made over the last generation at
the behest of industries they have worked for and/or represented. Do NOT put them
in a position to do this.

Thank you.

Richard Solomon, PhD

From: Jane Simonsen
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Scientific Advisory Board
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:41:41 AM

Dear Designated Federal Officer Carpenter,

I am following the nomination process for members of the Scientific Advisory Board with great interest. As a
physician, I am particularly attuned to environmental matters that touch on the individual and collective health of
our population.

As such, I am especially concerned about the scientific credentials and the professed and implied opinions of several
of the nominees for this important committee. It would seem that some of the proposed members do not possess
sufficient scientific knowledge and/or have expressed grave doubts about the reality of climate change. I would
suggest such attributes should disqualify them from service. I would hope that you would consider my sincere
misgivings with regard to the following nominees: Michael Honeycutt, Samuel Cohen, Edwin Berry, Richard Keen,
Craig Idso, John D. Graham, Gordon Fulks, Anthony Lupo, Walt Hufford, Paul Dreissen, Joseph D’Aleo, Tony
Cox, David LeGates, David Stevenson, James Klaunig, Kimberley White, James Bus, Walt Hufford, H. Leighton
Steward, Keven Dayaratna, Richard Belzer. James Enstrom.

I appreciate this mechanism by which the public can enter comments and I hope my thoughts will be considered.

Jane Simonsen, MD
From: Ge Ki
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Poor-quality nominees for the Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:46:28 PM

The following candidates are unacceptable for the Science Advisory Board:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven

Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom,
John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Geo Kidd
Germantown, MD
From: R CoCle
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Candidates for EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 9:33:14 PM

Dear Mr Carpenter
The Science Advisory Board has for decades provided the EPA with sound science and
independent advice so that the agency has the best science to make decisions and protect
public health and the environment. Placing climate science deniers and industry proxies on the
EPA Science Advisory Board will undermine the legitimacy of the Board. As a taxpayer I am
NOT in support of the following individuals being appointed to the board: Edwin Berry, Alan
Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard
Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward, Richard
Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael
Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Rebecca Cole
Madison WI
From: Leah
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Advisory - no
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 8:53:59 PM

These people have no business being on any advisory board. Enough is enough. The EPA is suppose

Protect the people and the environment! How are we allowing polluters to rule?

For the money? That will not change the outcome for generations to come.

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard
Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford,
James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

I could go on and on but i won't waste time.

Do you job, protect the people and the environment, stop protecting corporations.

Thank you,
Leah fernandes
From: Wendy Siegelman
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Candidates for the EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:43:03 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

The following candidates are unacceptable for the Science Advisory Board:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph

D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso,
Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H.
Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony

Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford,
James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Thank you for your consideration.


Wendy Siegelman
From: William Arnold
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA SAB nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:02:06 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

I am writing to comment on the nominees to the EPA Scientific Advisory Board. The following
candidates would be excellent choices. All have long records of service and outstanding
expertise in areas relevant to EPA's mission.

Paul Anastas
Henry Anderson
Mark Barnett
Charles Barton
Melissa Bilec
Paul Bishop
Sylvie Brouder
Zachary Easton
Charles Haas
Darryl Hood
George Hornberger
Annie Kersting
Matthew Kotchen
Rainer Lohmann
Benito Marinas
Carmen Marsit
H. Scot Matthews
Robert Puls
Mary Jo Richardson
Armisted (Ted) Russell
Michelle Scherer
Amy Stuart
Jeanne VanBriesen
Peter Vikesland
Daniel Walsh
Charles Werth
Lauren Zeise

The following candidates are unacceptable to serve on the Science Advisory Board.

Richard Belzer
Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Samuel Cohen
Tony Cox
Joseph D’Aleo
Keven Dayaratna
Paul Dreissen
James Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
John D. Graham
Michael Honeycutt
Walt Hufford
Craig Idso
Richard Keen
James Klaunig
David LeGates
Anthony Lupo
David Stevenson
H. Leighton Steward
Kimberly White

Bill Arnold
From: Benjamin Matek
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA Scientific Advisory Board Public Comment
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:03:48 PM

Hello Thomas Carpenter,

I am a concerned citizen and a resident of the District of Columbia who is directly and
negatively impacted by poor air quality because of my asthma. I encourage the EPA to pick
bonafide and qualified scientist for the EPA's open positions on the Scientific Advisory Board
positions. I am aware the scientific studies and information published this committee publishes
lead to federal policies that directly impact the public health of myself, my friends, and family.

I believe the following candidates DO NOT meet the standard of a bonafide, credentialed and
qualified scientist to serve on this committee.

Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks,
Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton
Steward, Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D.
Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Thank you for listening,

Benjamin Matek
From: Elliott Negin
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Comment on nominees for EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:52:49 PM

Mr. Carpenter:
The Science Advisory Board (SAB) has been providing independent advice to the EPA for decades,
ensuring that the agency uses the best science to protect public health and the environment. SAB
members have always been eminent scientists who are committed to the often-challenging public
service of working through complex scientific topics to help guide EPA decision-making. They are the
EPA’s scientific compass. The agency’s mission to safeguard our air and water will be further
compromised if Administrator Pruitt winds up selecting the following unacceptable candidates:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven

Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom,
John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

These nominees have no business serving on the SAB.

Elliott Negin
Senior Writer
Union of Concerned Scientists
1825 K St. NW #800
Washington, DC 20006-1232
Direct Line: 202-331-5439
Media Line: 202-331-5420
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The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet's
most pressing problems. Joining with citizens across the country, we combine technical analysis and
effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe and sustainable future.
www.ucsusa.org | Take action with our citizen network or expert network. | Support our work.
Join the conversation on our blog or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
From: Diana Lee
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Scientific Advisory Board Nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:45:03 PM

Mr. Carpenter,

Thank you for working in public service. I write because as a citizen, voter and taxpayer, I want the best
scientists to guide EPA policy.
I'm distressed to see the list of nominees currently under consideration:

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul
Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and
H. Leighton Steward.
Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D.
Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

These nominees cannot represent our best interests and I hope they will not be confirmed. No matter
what anyone believes about the cause of climate change, the climate is clearly changing! I expect the
EPA to be guided by that scientific concensus.

Diana Lee
(b) (6)
Berkeley, CA
From: Gary L. Herstein
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: [SPAM] Nominees for EPA science board.
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:07:54 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

I am frankly appalled by some of the names currently under consideration for the science
advisory board. At the very least, such persons should have a background in basic science. Yet
many of these people -- whether because they are grotesquely ineducable or because they are
viciously denying facts they know to be true -- openly dispute facts about climate change that
have not been subject to RATIONAL disagreement for thirty years or more. These names
include Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon
Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson and H.
Leighton Steward.
Still another group have made it clear that they openly disdain not only science, but public
health as well. These are persons whose only interest is in advancing-short term profits for the
incredibly wealthy, without even the tiniest thought or concern for the long-term damage they
do to the environment, and to the communities that will suffer for decades and even centuries
from the vast amounts of pollution these hypocrites would spew into the environment. These
persons include Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John
D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.
None of the above named individuals have any business being considered for a position on the
science board.
Gary L. Herstein
Routledge -- Quantum of Explanation
Academia Profile
From: Louis Galdieri
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Unacceptable Science Advisory Board Nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:06:52 PM

We need responsible governance at EPA, not Pruitt's gang of industry lackeys, climate science
deniers, and charlatans.

The following nominees are totally unacceptable and should not even be considered for the
Science Advisory Board:

Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks,
Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo, David Stevenson, H. Leighton
Steward, Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D.
Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Thank you for putting the public's interest -- not the interest of polluters -- first.

Louis V. Galdieri
Brooklyn, New York
From: izak goddy
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Public comment on EPA Advisory Board nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:45:57 AM

To: Thomas Carpenter, Designated Federal Officer

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

I have reviewed the nominees to the EPA Advisory Board and have strong objections to the
following nominees, whose public record of work includes climate change denial and poor
commitment to regulation of pollution:

Edwin Berry
Alan Carlin
Joseph D’Aleo
Keven Dayaratna
Paul Dreissen
Gordon Fulks
Craig Idso
Richard Keen
David LeGates
Anthony Lupo
David Stevenson
H. Leighton Steward.
Richard Belzer
James Bus
Samuel Cohen
Tony Cox
James Enstrom
John D. Graham
Michael Honeycutt
Walt Hufford
James Klaunig
Kimberly White


Izak Goddy
Brooklyn, NY
From: catherine armsden
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: please do what"s right and good for the American people
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:37:03 AM

Dear Mr. Thomas,

I'm writing to register my disapproval of the following nominees being considered to serve on
the EPA Science Advisory Board. Their records clearly indicate they would not serve the
health and wellbeing of our citizens, and in some cases, would be motivated instead by
incentives and policies that would harm us and the earth.

The following climate-science-denier nominees have no business making decisions involving

irrefutable scientific evidence: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven Dayaratna,
Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony Lupo,
David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

The following pro-polluter nominees are not legitimate choices for the SAB: Richard Belzer,
James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt,
Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Thank you,

Catherine Armsden
From: Alexandra Gorman Scranton
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Comments on SAB nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:31:23 AM

To whom it may concern:

I believe it is extremely important to have real scientists on the Science Advisory Board that have
more than just interests of the bottom lines of industry in mind. The whole mission and reputation
of the EPA is at stake if the SAB becomes a “yes” board rather than an active board actually debating
the science at hand.
With that in mind I strongly recommend AGAINST the following nominees who are simply
inappropriate for the SAB:
Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom, John D. Graham, Michael
Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig, Kimberly White, Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo,
Keven Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.
Thank you for your consideration of these comments.
Alexandra Scranton
Director of Science and Research
Women’s Voices for the Earth
From: Nancy Weber
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:43:04 AM

The Science Advisory Board needs real scientists as members of this committee. There should be a
balance of industrial and other types of scientists. This is too important to the safety of the people of
our country and our national security. So business input is needed.
Pseudoscientists should not be allowed. This committee needs people who can evaluate data. The
following nominees are particularly poor choices for the job, please remove them from

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven

Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom,
John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Nancy Weber
New Hope, PA 18938
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: pamela worth
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA science advisory board nominees
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:40:31 AM

Greetings. As a member of the public, I am submitting my comment on the nominees for the
EPA's Science Advisory Board, who should really be scientists.

The following nominees are climate-science-deniers and are unacceptable:

Edwin Berry

Alan Carlin

Joseph D’Aleo

Keven Dayaratna

Paul Dreissen

Gordon Fulks

Craig Idso

Richard Keen

David LeGates

Anthony Lupo

David Stevenson

H. Leighton Steward

And the following are too deep in the pockets of polluting industries to make the right choices
to protect the health and safety of all Americans. I wish that weren't true but it is:

Richard Belzer

James Bus

Samuel Cohen

Tony Cox

James Enstrom

John D. Graham

Michael Honeycutt

Walt Hufford
James Klaunig

Kimberly White

Thank you for accepting this comment.

Best regards,

Pamela Worth
From: Shaun Dakin
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: RE: following candidates are unacceptable for the Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:32:50 AM

Climate-science-denier nominees: Edwin Berry, Alan Carlin, Joseph D’Aleo, Keven

Dayaratna, Paul Dreissen, Gordon Fulks, Craig Idso, Richard Keen, David LeGates, Anthony
Lupo, David Stevenson and H. Leighton Steward.

Pro-polluter nominees: Richard Belzer, James Bus, Samuel Cohen, Tony Cox, James Enstrom,
John D. Graham, Michael Honeycutt, Walt Hufford, James Klaunig and Kimberly White.

Shaun Dakin
CEO, Dakin Associates
Falls Church, Virginia
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From: Brett Sheppard
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Candidates for Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:17:39 AM

Dear Designated Federal Officer Thomas Carpenter,

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board is very influential in setting the tone for what the
agency pursues in its work.  It has traditionally been populated by real scientists who volunteer their time to help
shape our country’s interface with the environment.

Currently, several of the candidates are open climate science deniers, and a handful are not even scientists.  As such,
I am submitting comments to the effect that the following candidates are unfit for this position:

Richard Belzer
Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Samuel Cohen
Tony Cox
Joseph D’Aleo
Keven Dayaratna
Paul Dreissen
James Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
John D. Graham
Michael Honeycutt
Walt Hufford
Craig Idso
Richard Keen
James Klaunig
David LeGates
Anthony Lupo
David Stevenson
H. Leighton Steward
Kimberley White

Thank you for your consideration of my comments.

Brett Sheppard
From: Matt Malkan
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: SAB Recommendations
Date: Saturday, September 23, 2017 8:47:08 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

Although I'm a Prof. of Physics at UCLA (400 refereed publications, h-index=74;
former Presidential Young Investigator), I have also followed very closely for
decades the very troubled history of the EPA regulations, especially of CO2 and
fine particulate matter. It is vital to finally get some balance onto the SAB on these
multi-billion dollar issues.

Dr. Jim Enstrom, whose excellent work I know very well, is an outstanding
epidemiologist whose expertise and judgement are desperately needed on the
These other nominees, all of whom I'm familiar with, would also be outstanding
and Young
Those are definitely your best choices. But if not all of these experts can get on, we
could at least hope to have some relatively Neutral (ie. open minded) people on the
Board. so without knowing anything about these people, they must be better than
the political/academic activists that dominate that list. Why? Because these
candidates have actual real world experience with the vital economic forces in our
country that have to face all of the realities of government overregulation, whether
they work in the energy field, industry or farming. We need some producers, not
just power-mad regulators. So I see these as reasonable
second choice picks:

Thank you for your consideration in this

very difficult but critical task..

Dr. Matthew Malkan,
Prof. of Physics & Astronomy,
LA CA 90095-1547
(310) 825-3404
From: Skip Brown
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Cc: "Steve Milloy"; John Dunn
Subject: SAB Recommendations
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 3:05:47 PM
Attachments: Delta Letter to Michael Kleinman, Ph.D.pdf
Delta Letter to Kleinman re SRP Conflicts of Interest 110514.pdf

Mr. Carpenter,
As a previous owner of a 73 year family construction company that was forced to close its
doors in June of this year (2017) due to regulations implemented by the California Air
Resources Board that made all of my diesel equipment illegal to use in California, I strongly
support Mr. Milloy’s recommendations for nominations to the SAB. These regulations by
CARB where “justified” using “statistical studies” bought and paid for by the CARB, claiming
diesel particulate matter was killing hundreds if not thousands per year. They now have been
proven wrong but it was too late for my firm, Delta Construction Company, Inc. (and the
regulations have not been withdrawn to date).
It was a sad day for me when I was forced to close my doors due to “bastardized science”. The
recommendations below represent in my view; real, honest scientists that will serve the
Country well.
I also agree with his “NO” recommendations; especially Mr. Kleinman, who had a direct hand
in my demise. I have attached two letters I wrote to Mr. Kleinman in October and November
of 2014 for your review. No response was received. I do not feel that Mr. Kleinman should
have the title of Dr., regardless of his level of education.
Skip Brown
Asphalt Consulting Services, LLC
From: Steve Milloy <milloy@me.com>
Subject: SAB Recommendations
Date: September 20, 2017 at 2:22:56 PM EDT
To: carpenter.thomas@epa.gov
Dear Mr. Carpenter,
I am submitting the foillowing recommendations FOR and AGAINST nominations to the
Thank you,
Steve Milloy
Publisher JunkScience.com
I am recommending IN FAVOR of these candidates:
Richard Belzer — PhD in public policy. Cost-benefit analysis expert. Helped
kill much regulation while working at the Office of Management and Budget.
Familiar with all EPA shenanigans.
Edwin Berry — PhD physicist. Meteorologist. Climate skeptic. Honest.
James Bus — PhD pharmacology. Ex-Dow Chemical. The kind of scientist that
made Dow Chemical the great company it was. Friend of JunkScience.com for
Alan Carlin — retired EPA — but the kind of EPA employee we like. Climate
Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality
epidemiology. Multiple strong publications on air quality.
Joe D’Aleo — Chief meteorologist at Weatherbell. Helped uncover
NOAA/NASA falsification of US temperature data.
Kevin Dayaratna — PhD statistician with Heritage Foundation. very interested
in EPA statistical shenanigans.
Paul Driessen — Lawyer. Science writer. Ex-green. Friend of JunkScience.com
for decades.
Jim Enstrom — PhD physicist. Career epidemiologist at UCLA. Author of
major studies debunking EPA air quality claims. Persecuted by EPA mafia for
being right on air quality.
Gordon Fulks — PhD astrophysicist. Climate skeptic. Nuclear power and air
quality expert.
Michael Honeycutt — Director of Toxicology for state of Texas. PhD in
toxicology. Air quality expert.
Craig Idso — Center for Study of CO2 Science. Phd in Geography. Climate
David Legates — Professor of Climatology at University of Delaware. Past state
climatologist. Climate skeptic.
Anthony Lupo — PHD in atmospheric science. Climate skeptic.
Jim Moore — Spire Energy. Extensive background across the energy space
including nuclear, coal, air emissions, natural gas, energy efficiency and
renewables. Jim understands how EPA science impacts Americans where they
live and work. He has been working with EPA since they implemented the
regulations to codify the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air
Pollution Health Effects Laboratory. A long-time voice of scientific sanity
inside the beast.
Anne Smith — NERA economic consulting. Cost-benefit expert.
Richard Smith — PhD statistician, University of North Carolina. Co-author of
the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.
David Stevenson — Cesar Rodney Institute. Entrepreneur. Trump EPA
Transition Team.
Leighton Steward — CO2 Coalition. Climate skeptic.
Donald van der Vaart — PhD environmental scientist and lawyer. Former chief
of North Carolina Department of Environmental Protection.
Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical
Sciences. Co-author of the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.
I am recommending AGAINST these candidates:
Ana Diez Roux — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict
of interest ($34,900,315 in EPA grants). Already served on CASAC. Is
currently on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
William Farland — Helped EPA railroad secondhand smoke in early 1990s.
Helped EPA arrange whitewas of illegal human experimentation at National
Academy of Sciences.
Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conducted illegal/unethical human experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of
interest ($17,447,566 in EPA grants). Is already serving on corrupted CASAC
PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Michael T. Kleinman — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk
scientist. Conflict of interest ($18,250,432 in EPA grants).
George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($10,795,914 in EPA grants).
From: Steve Milloy
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: SAB Recommendations
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 2:24:03 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

I am submitting the foillowing recommendations FOR and AGAINST nominations to the


Thank you,

Steve Milloy
Publisher JunkScience.com

I am recommending IN FAVOR of these candidates:

Richard Belzer — PhD in public policy. Cost-benefit analysis expert. Helped

kill much regulation while working at the Office of Management and Budget.
Familiar with all EPA shenanigans.
Edwin Berry — PhD physicist. Meteorologist. Climate skeptic. Honest.
James Bus — PhD pharmacology. Ex-Dow Chemical. The kind of scientist
that made Dow Chemical the great company it was. Friend of JunkScience.com
for decades.
Alan Carlin — retired EPA — but the kind of EPA employee we like. Climate
Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality
epidemiology. Multiple strong publications on air quality.
Joe D’Aleo — Chief meteorologist at Weatherbell. Helped uncover
NOAA/NASA falsification of US temperature data.
Kevin Dayaratna — PhD statistician with Heritage Foundation. very
interested in EPA statistical shenanigans.
Paul Driessen — Lawyer. Science writer. Ex-green. Friend of
JunkScience.com for decades.
Jim Enstrom — PhD physicist. Career epidemiologist at UCLA. Author of
major studies debunking EPA air quality claims. Persecuted by EPA mafia for
being right on air quality.
Gordon Fulks — PhD astrophysicist. Climate skeptic. Nuclear power and air
quality expert.
Michael Honeycutt — Director of Toxicology for state of Texas. PhD in
toxicology. Air quality expert.
Craig Idso — Center for Study of CO2 Science. Phd in Geography. Climate
David Legates — Professor of Climatology at University of Delaware. Past
state climatologist. Climate skeptic.
Anthony Lupo — PHD in atmospheric science. Climate skeptic.
Jim Moore — Spire Energy. Extensive background across the energy space
including nuclear, coal, air emissions, natural gas, energy efficiency and
renewables. Jim understands how EPA science impacts Americans where they
live and work. He has been working with EPA since they implemented the
regulations to codify the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air
Pollution Health Effects Laboratory. A long-time voice of scientific sanity
inside the beast.
Anne Smith — NERA economic consulting. Cost-benefit expert.
Richard Smith — PhD statistician, University of North Carolina. Co-author of
the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.
David Stevenson — Cesar Rodney Institute. Entrepreneur. Trump EPA
Transition Team.
Leighton Steward — CO2 Coalition. Climate skeptic.
Donald van der Vaart — PhD environmental scientist and lawyer. Former
chief of North Carolina Department of Environmental Protection.
Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical
Sciences. Co-author of the California study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.

I am recommending AGAINST these candidates:

Ana Diez Roux — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($34,900,315 in EPA grants). Already served on CASAC. Is
currently on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
William Farland — Helped EPA railroad secondhand smoke in early 1990s.
Helped EPA arrange whitewas of illegal human experimentation at National
Academy of Sciences.
Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conducted illegal/unethical human experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of
interest ($17,447,566 in EPA grants). Is already serving on corrupted CASAC
PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Michael T. Kleinman — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk
scientist. Conflict of interest ($18,250,432 in EPA grants).
George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist.
Conflict of interest ($10,795,914 in EPA grants).
From: Yeow, Aaron
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Cc: dalehartz@cox.net
Subject: FW: Amended Casac Recommendations
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:26:53 PM

Please see below for Mr. Hartz’s comments on the Candidates for the Science Advisory Board.
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:23 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron
Subject: Re: Amended Casac Recommendations
Yes, please forward my email to the proper group. My mistake.
Marvin hartz
From: Yeow, Aaron
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 12:15 PM
To: DaleHartz
Subject: RE: Amended Casac Recommendations
Thank you. However, many of the of candidates you added as ones that you are supporting are not
candidates for the CASAC. It appears they are candidates for the Science Advisory Board. Would you
like me to forward this to the Designated Federal Officer (Thomas Carpenter) for the Science
Advisory Board?
Aaron Yeow, M.P.H.
Designated Federal Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board
202-564-2050 (P)
202-565-2098 (F)
Mailing Address:
USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, (1400R), Washington, DC 20460
Physical Location/Deliveries:
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 31150, Washington, DC 20004
From: DaleHartz [mailto:dalehartz@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:02 PM
To: Yeow, Aaron <Yeow.Aaron@epa.gov>
Subject: Amended Casac Recommendations
This is an amended CASAC recommendation I sent on September 14,
I vote for the following candidates:
Richard Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Paul Driessen
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
David Stevenson
Leighton Steward
Donald van der Vaart
I vote against the following candidates:
George A. Allen
John R. Balmes
Bart Croes
Ana Diez
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
Rob McConnell
Beate Ritz
Armistead (Ted) Russell
George Thurston
Scott Zeger .
From: John Droz
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA SAB Recommendations
Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 10:04:29 AM

Mr. Carpenter:

I’m an independent scientist (Physicist) who has been very active in the energy and
environmental spheres for some 40 years now.

I would like to make the following recommendations (all people I know) for the EPA SAB:
Edwin Berry
Alan Carlin
Joseph D’Aleo
Paul Dreissen
James Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
John Graham
Craig Idso
David Legates
Anne Smith
Richard Smith
Leighton Steward
Don van der Vaart
Stan Young

I’ve heard good things about the following people, although I do not know them:
Richard Belzer
Anthony Cox
Kevin Dayaranta
Michael Honeycutt
Richard Keen
Anthony Lupo
Robert Phalen
David Stevenson

The following people might have other agendas then promoting real science:
Deanna Osmond
Michael Sherman

Let me know any questions:


john droz, jr.

Morehead City, NC
From: Tyson Clarke
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Recommendations, EPA SAB
Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 9:58:16 AM

Mr. Carpenter,

As a concerned citizen of the United States of America and

having an interest in unbiased science I would like to recommend
my picks and pans for the EPA's Science Advisory Board. They
are as follows:

Richard Belzer
Edwin Berry
James Bus
Alan Carlin
Tony Cox
Joe D’Aleo
Kevin Dayaratna
Jim Enstrom
Gordon Fulks
Michael Honeycutt
David Legates
Anthony Lupo
Robert F. Phalen
Anne Smith
Richard Smith
Leighton Steward
Stan Young

Ana Diez Roux
William Farland
Mark Frampton
Michael T. Kleinman
George Thurston

Thank you for allowing public comment on this matter.

Tyson Clarke
California resident

Sent from my iPhone

From: Francis Menton
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: [SPAM] Comments on SAB candidates
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2017 4:15:36 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

These are my comments on the list of candidates for the SAB.
Basically, I endorse the recommendations of Steve Milloy. For your reference, here they are:
Richard Belzer — PhD in public policy. Cost-benefit analysis expert. Helped kill much
regulation while working at the Office of Management and Budget. Familiar with all EPA
Edwin Berry — PhD physicist. Meteorologist. Climate skeptic. Honest.
James Bus — PhD pharmacology. Ex-Dow Chemical. The kind of scientist that made Dow
Chemical the great company it was. Friend of JunkScience.com for decades.
Alan Carlin — retired EPA — but the kind of EPA employee we like. Climate skeptic.
Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality epidemiology. Multiple
strong publications on air quality.
Joe D’Aleo — Chief meteorologist at Weatherbell. Helped uncover NOAA/NASA falsification of
US temperature data.
Kevin Dayaratna — PhD statistician with Heritage Foundation. very interested in EPA
statistical shenanigans.
Paul Driessen — Lawyer. Science writer. Ex-green. Friend of JunkScience.com for decades.
Jim Enstrom — PhD physicist. Career epidemiologist at UCLA. Author of major studies
debunking EPA air quality claims. Persecuted by EPA mafia for being right on air quality.
Gordon Fulks — PhD astrophysicist. Climate skeptic. Nuclear power and air quality expert.
Michael Honeycutt — Director of Toxicology for state of Texas. PhD in toxicology. Air quality
Craig Idso — Center for Study of CO2 Science. Phd in Geography. Climate skeptic.
David Legates — Professor of Climatology at University of Delaware. Past state climatologist.
Climate skeptic.
Anthony Lupo — PHD in atmospheric science. Climate skeptic.
Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air Pollution Health
Effects Laboratory. A long-time voice of scientific sanity inside the beast.
Anne Smith — NERA economic consulting. Cost-benefit expert.
Richard Smith — PhD statistician, University of North Carolina. Co-author of the California
study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.
David Stevenson — Cesar Rodney Institute. Entrepreneur. Trump EPA Transition Team.
Leighton Steward — CO2 Coalition. Climate skeptic.
Donald van der Vaart — PhD environmental scientist and lawyer. Former chief of North
Carolina Department of Environmental Protection.
Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Co-
author of the California study debunking notion that PM2.5kills.
Ana Diez Roux — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($34,900,315 in EPA grants). Already served on CASAC. Is currently on corrupted CASAC PM
Subcommittee (2015-2018).
William Farland — Helped EPA railroad secondhand smoke in early 1990s. Helped EPA
arrange whitewas of illegal human experimentation at National Academy of Sciences.
Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conducted
illegal/unethical human experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of interest ($17,447,566 in EPA
grants). Is already serving on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
Michael T. Kleinman — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of
interest ($18,250,432 in EPA grants).
George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($10,795,914 in EPA grants).
Additional: I personally know Carlin, D’Aleo, Fulks, and Idso. All would be excellent members of the
SAB. In the case of Roux, I have reviewed her record, and Milloy’s remark that she is an “air quality
junk scientist” way understates the case. She is a terrible embarrassment to the U.S. government,
and needs to go immediately.
Francis Menton
Francis Menton
Law Office of Francis Menton
85 Broad Street
New York, New York 10004
From: John Thompson
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Advisory board
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:16:07 AM

Mr. Carpenter,

Please find listed my recommendations for the new EPA Chartered Advisory
Board. Each of these individuals is on the list of 132 candidates

1. Dr. Edwin Berry, Phd

2. Dr. James E. Enstrom

3. D’Aleo

4. Carlin

5. Milloy

6. Fulks

7. Idso

8. Legates

9. Steward

10. Tony Cox

11. Robert F. Phalen

12. Stan Young

Individuals who are not recommended:

1. George A. Allen

2. John R. Balmes

3. Bart Croes

4. Ana Diez Roux

5. Mark Frampton

6. Rob McConnell

7. Beate Ritz

8. Armistead Russell
9. George Thurston

10. Scott Zeger

John E. Thompson(
From: Linda Welborn
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: Science Adivisory Board Recommendation
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 7:08:23 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

  I understand that the EPA is seeking new members for its Science Advisory Board (SAB) and that public comment
is requested. Here is the list of highly qualified individuals I would like to recommend to the EPA and a list of those
I believe the EPA should skip.


•Richard Belzer — PhD in public policy. Cost-benefit analysis expert. Helped kill much regulation while working at
the Office of Management and Budget. Familiar with all EPA shenanigans.
•Edwin Berry — PhD physicist. Meteorologist. Climate skeptic. Honest.
•James Bus — PhD pharmacology. Ex-Dow Chemical. The kind of scientist that made Dow Chemical the great
company it was.
•Alan Carlin — retired EPA — but the kind of EPA employee we like. Climate skeptic.
•Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality epidemiology. Multiple strong publications on
air quality.
•Joe D’Aleo — Chief meteorologist at Weatherbell. Helped uncover NOAA/NASA falsification of US temperature
•Kevin Dayaratna — PhD statistician with Heritage Foundation. very interested in EPA statistical shenanigans.
•Paul Driessen — Lawyer. Science writer. Ex-green supporter.
•Jim Enstrom — PhD physicist. Career epidemiologist at UCLA. Author of major studies debunking EPA air
quality claims. Persecuted by EPA mafia for being right on air quality.
•Gordon Fulks — PhD astrophysicist. Climate skeptic. Nuclear power and air quality expert.
•Michael Honeycutt — Director of Toxicology for state of Texas. PhD in toxicology. Air quality expert.
•Craig Idso — Center for Study of CO2 Science. Phd in Geography. Climate skeptic.
•David Legates — Professor of Climatology at University of Delaware. Past state climatologist. Climate skeptic.
•Anthony Lupo — PHD in atmospheric science. Climate skeptic.
•Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory. A
long-time voice of scientific sanity inside the beast.
•Anne Smith — NERA economic consulting. Cost-benefit expert.
•Richard Smith — PhD statistician, University of North Carolina. Co-author of the California study debunking
notion that PM2.5 kills.
•David Stevenson — Cesar Rodney Institute. Entrepreneur. Trump EPA Transition Team.
•Leighton Steward — CO2 Coalition. Climate skeptic.
•Donald van der Vaart — PhD environmental scientist and lawyer. Former chief of North Carolina Department of
Environmental Protection.
•Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Co-author of the California
study debunking notion that PM2.5 kills.

Please I strongly recommend AGAINST:

•Ana Diez Roux  — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest ($34,900,315 in EPA
grants). Already served on CASAC. Is currently on corrupted CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
•William Farland — Helped EPA railroad secondhand smoke in early 1990s. Helped EPA arrange whitewas of
illegal human experimentation at National Academy of Sciences.
•Mark Frampton — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conducted illegal/unethical human
experiments on behalf of EPA. Conflict of interest ($17,447,566 in EPA grants). Is already serving on corrupted
CASAC PM Subcommittee (2015-2018).
•Michael T. Kleinman — Long-time EPA/CARB crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest
($18,250,432 in EPA grants).
•George Thurston — Long-time EPA crony and air quality junk scientist. Conflict of interest ($10,795,914 in EPA

  Thank you for the opportunity to voice my recommendations regarding this very important advisory board, as I
believe that honesty and integrity should be at the top of the list of qualifications. It is important to rid SAB of its
EPA cronies and to restock SAB with honest scientists.

Linda Welborn
From: John Bryk
To: Carpenter, Thomas
Subject: EPA RECOMMENDATIONS Science Advisory Board
Date: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:58:32 PM

Dear Mr. Carpenter:

I hereby recommend the following for any available positions on the EPA Science Advisory
· Richard Belzer — PhD in public policy.
· Edwin Berry — PhD physicist. Meteorologist.
· Alan Carlin — retired from EPA.
· Tony Cox — PhD in risk analysis. Consultant. Expert in air quality epidemiology.
· Joe D’Aleo — Chief meteorologist at Weatherbell.
· Kevin Dayaratna — PhD statistician.
· Paul Driessen — Lawyer. Science writer.
· Jim Enstrom — PhD physicist. Career epidemiologist at UCLA.
· Gordon Fulks — PhD astrophysicist. Nuclear power and air quality expert.
· Michael Honeycutt — Director of Toxicology for state of Texas. PhD in toxicology. Air quality
· Craig Idso — Center for Study of CO2 Science. Phd in Geography.
· David Legates — Professor of Climatology at University of Delaware. Past state climatologist.
· Anthony Lupo — PHD in atmospheric science.
· Robert F. Phalen — Professor of Medicine, UC-Irvine. Co-driector at Air Pollution Health
Effects Laboratory.
· David Stevenson — Cesar Rodney Institute.
· Leighton Steward — CO2 Coalition.
· Donald van der Vaart — PhD environmental scientist and lawyer. Former chief of North
Carolina Department of Environmental Protection.
· Stan Young — PhD Statistican. Retired from National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
I would recommend that the following not be appointed to any such positions:
· Ana Diez Roux
· William Farland
· Mark Frampton
· Michael T. Kleinman
· George Thurston
John R. Bryk
(b) (6)
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone (b) (6)
From: Carpenter, Thomas
To: tcoxdenver@aol.com
Subject: Nomination to the US EPA Science Advisory Board
Date: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 6:53:00 PM

Dear Dr. Cox
I am the Designated Federal Officer for the Science Advisory Board. You were identified as a
candidate to serve on the Board and I am writing to ask if you are interested in being considered as a
candidate.  If you are interested I would like to schedule a convenient time to discuss the Board with
you in the next few weeks
The EPA Administrator appoints members up to three year terms and the Board usually meets two
times a year and conducts 5-10 teleconferences to discuss reports and products before providing
advice to the Administrator. Most meetings are held in the Washington, D.C. or Research Triangle
Park N.C. area. 
The SAB is a Federal Advisory Committee established by Congress mandated to advise the agency on
scientific and technical matters. It is administered by the EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office
though a Designated Federal Officer. All meetings are open to the public. SAB panelists are
compensated for their time preparing for and participating in meetings and developing work
products. Official government travel, lodging, and per diem expenses also are provided.
If selected to serve on the Board, you would be required to complete a confidential financial
disclosure form (EPA Form 3110-48) to allow the SAB Staff Office to evaluate any possible conflict of
interest from your investments and holdings. We will also ask you to become a Special Government
Employee and adhere to the government ethics requirements. Information on the disclosure and
ethics requirements is available on the SAB website at:
If you are interested and willing to be considered for the SAB please send me an email expressing
your interest by August 11. I also ask that you provide a biosketch and provide a current CV.
Guidance on the biosketch format is pasted in below. We ask that you include current position,
educational background; research activities; sources of research funding for the past two years; and
recent service on other national advisory committees or national professional organizations in your
biosketch. Please provide any additional information that you feel would be useful in considering
your candidacy such as: availability to participate as a committee member; your background, skills
and experience that would contribute to the diversity of the Committee. Bioiosketches of current
SAB members are available at:
Candidate biosketches will be posted on the SAB website and the public will have an opportunity to
comment on the candidates and panel selection. More information on the SAB and nominations
process is available on our website:
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Tom Carpenter
Thomas Carpenter
Designated Federal Officer / Sr. Biologist
US EPA Science Advisory Board, MC 1400R
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20460
ph 202 564 4885, fax 202 565 2098
main 202 564 2221
Courier Deliveries
US EPA Science Advisory Board
Suite 31150, Reagan Bldg.
1400  Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20044
Purpose:  to provide the public with brief information about a candidate or member's expertise and
experience as it relates to a particular advisory activity or more generally to service on the Science
Advisory Board (SAB), the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), or their committees and
panels. Biosketches are posted to the SAB/CASAC websites as part of candidate lists posted for
public comment and as background on appointed members of committees and panels.
Current position
Educational background
Area of expertise and research activities
Sources (not amounts) of research funding for the last 2 years—if you receive no research funding
please include a sentence stating so 
Service on other advisory committees, professional societies.
Style guidance
Short narrative, 300 words or less
Single paragraph
No abbreviations
No dates for degrees
No special characters (no bolds, italics, underlines)
Capitalize only proper names
Use third person
Provide explanation for all acronyms
Dr. Peter S. Thorne is Professor of Toxicology and Head of the Department of Occupational and
Environmental Health at the University of Iowa, College of Public Health. He holds a secondary
appointment as Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Thorne is Associate Director
and co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology. He received a BS in
chemical engineering, MS in biomedical engineering and PhD in toxicology from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison and completed post-doctoral training in immunotoxicology at the University of
Pittsburgh. Since 2001 he has served as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded
Environmental Health Sciences Research Center. Dr. Thorne directs a major community-based
research project and the Inhalation Toxicology Core for the Iowa Superfund Research Program. He
has been continuously funded by NIH for over two decades and runs a productive research
laboratory engaging his students in studies of environmental risk factors for asthma, health effects
of inhaled air pollutants, inflammatory lung diseases, endotoxin-induced immunomodulation,
nanotoxicology and novel methodology for exposure assessment to airborne toxicants. Dr. Thorne
has authored 200 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. He teaches graduate level courses on
environmental health and human toxicology and has mentored 75 MS, PhD and Postdoctoral
trainees. Dr. Thorne has served on a wide variety of editorial and review boards for scientific
journals, government agencies, and academia and regularly chairs grant reviews for NIH. From 2003
to 2006, he served on the NIH National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council. He is the
recipient of the Thomas Bedford Memorial Prize from the British Occupational Hygiene Society, the
John Doull Award from the Society of Toxicology (Central States Chapter) and was the 2003
Whitehead Memorial Lecturer at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

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