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Prakties 2 / Practical 2

Probleem 1: Problem 1:
Beskou die volgende binêre fasediagram: Consider the following binary phase diagram:

Beskryf in detail die ewewigs-kristallisasie- Describe in detail the path of equilibrium

verloop van 'n mengsel wat 90 massa% crystallisation of a mixture that consists of 90
Al2O3 en 10massa% CaO bevat. mass% Al2O3 and 10mass% CaO.
Probleem 2: Problem 2:
Beskou die volgende skematiese diagramme: Consider the following schematic diagrams:

Trek die Alkamade-lyne in en dui aan Draw the Alkamade lines and label the
watter van die invariante punte ternêre ternary eutectic and non-eutectic points in
eutektiese en nie-eutektiese punte is. Dui the diagram. Indicate the directions in
die hellings van die fasegrense rondom die which the boundary curves slope around the
ternêre eutektiese punte aan. ternary eutectic points.

Probleem 3: Problem 3:
Gebruik die Fe-O fasediagram om die Use the Fe-O phase diagram to answer
volgende vrae te beantwoord: the following questions:
a) Watter fase(s) sal by ewewig bestaan a) If you heat a sample of hematite up
indien u hematiet tot by 1200°C in ‘n to 1200°C in an atmosphere with a
atmosfeer met ‘n Po2 van 10-10 atm. Po2 of 10-10 atm., which phase(s)
verhit? Verduidelik. would exist at equilibrium? Explain.
b) Wat sal die ewewigs-Po2 in ‘n b) If you heat a mixture of hematite and
geslote sisteem, bestaande uit ‘n magnetite in a closed container at
mengsel van hematiet en magnetiet, 1100°C until equilibrium is reached,
wees indien die sisteem by 1100°C what will the equilibrium Po2 be?
geëkwilibreer word? Verduidelik. Explain.
c) Gestel u verhit ‘n hematiet-monster c) If you heat a sample of hematite in
in lug vanaf kamertemperatuur tot by air from room temperature to
1450°C. Beskryf in detail die gedrag 1450°C, describe in detail how the
van die monster, indien aangeneem sample will behave if equilibrium is
word dat ewewig ten alle tye maintained at all temperatures.
gehandhaaf word.
d) Beskryf die pad van d) Derive the path of equilibrium
ewewigsverhitting van ‘n 59 heating for a mixture which contains
massa% FeO – 41 massa% Fe2O3 59 mass% FeO and 41 mass% Fe2O3,
mengsel wat onder kondisies van and is heated under conditions of
konstante samestelling verhit word. constant composition.
e) Beskryf die ewewig-stollingsver- e) Derive the path of equilibrium
loop (vanaf 1600°C tot crystallization (from 1600°C to room
kamertemperatuur) vir ‘n mengsel temperature) for a mixture which
van 90 masss% FeO - 10 massa% contains 90 mass% FeO and 10
Fe2O3 wat onder ‘n konstante Po2 mass% Fe2O3, under conditions of a
van 10-7 atm. afgekoel word. constant oxygen partial pressure of
10-7 atm.


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