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COMPLIMENTARY Issue No. 1—6  Thursday, October 7th, 2010


North Korea says expanded nuclear Are You Ready to
arsenal is a response to US “threat” be Stimulated?
North Korea challenged the world last equal footing with other nuclear weapon The prospect of more cheap money from
week by vowing to strengthen its nuclear states." The United States and most other world central banks fueled a rally in global
arsenal in response to the “danger” posed by nations decline to recognize North Korea, bond prices on Wednesday and pushed the
the United States. which withdrew from the nuclear Non- dollar to a 15-year low against the yen and
"As long as the U.S. nuclear aircraft Proliferation Treaty in 2003, as a nuclear an 8 1/2-month low against major curren-
carriers sail around the seas of our coun- weapons state. The U.N. Security Council cies. U.S., German, and Japanese treasur-
try, our nuclear deterrent can never be hit North Korea with two rounds of sanctions ies extended their price gains as weak
abandoned, but should be strengthened for detonating nuclear devices in 2006 and economic data bolstered speculation that
further," North Korean Vice Foreign Min- 2009 and has urged it to return to stalled six- governments will take additional actions to
ister Pak Kil-yon told the U.N. General party aid-for-disarmament talks with the reinvigorate the global economic recovery.
Assembly. "This is the lesson we have United States, China, Russia, Japan and Speculation the Federal Reserve will en-
drawn. The United States is not a defend- South Korea. Pak also condemned what he gage in another round of quantitative eas-
er, but a disruptor, of peace," Pak said. described as "despicable trickery" by major ing (effectively printing money into exist-
His propaganda later struck a more mod- powers and their attempts to overthrow ence to buy assets) intensified after a re-
erate tone, telling the general assembly that governments in order to change political port showed a drop in private U.S. payrolls
North Korea’s official policy goal remained systems. "Denying the rights of other coun- last month.
the eventual denuclearization “of the Korean tries to choose their own systems constitutes Moreover, the Bank of Japan on Tues-
peninsula... and the denuclearization of the itself the violation of human rights of their day cut interest rates close to zero and said
world… Our nuclear weapons are not a people," he said in the English text of his it would pump cash into Japan's financial
means to attack or threaten others, but a self speech. "The DPRK (North Korea) is one of system through asset purchases. Investors
-defensive deterrent... to counter aggression those victimized countries." also piled into gold, a favorite safe haven,
and attack from outside," Pak said. The U.S.-North Korean relationship has Nuclear missiles are carried during a massive military parade in Pyongyang, North Korea pushing the metal to another record above
He added that North Korea, as a worsened since President Barack Obama $1,345 an ounce, while copper powered to
"responsible nuclear weapon state," is pre- took office, and U.S. officials have ex- and other countries blame the North for the distorting the facts surrounding the contro- its highest in more than two years on the
pared to endorse international non- pressed serious concern about the sinking of attack. Pyongyang denies the allegation. versy. weakening dollar.
proliferation efforts and moves for the safe the South Korean corvette Cheonan that Pak raised the Cheonan incident in his U.N.
management of nuclear material "on an occurred on March 26. The United States speech, accusing the Security Council of By Edgar Tenenbaum | Staff Writer By Yuri Isacov | Contributor


A survey of Royal Society fellows found Vocabulary Test) as adolescents and inter- gious belief during the course of the last 150
that only 3.3 per cent believed in God - at a viewed as young adults in 2001-2 (N= or so years, while at the same time the From our Dearest Sex Advisors
time when 68.5 per cent of the general UK 14,277). At this interview they were asked: intelligence of the population has increased. Dear Dear sEX advisor, on him/herself is to deny a crucial part of
population described themselves as believ- “To what extent are you a religious person?” The increase in intelligence is a well- I’ve been wondering what to do about my who that person has become, and denying it
ers. A separate poll in the 90s found only 7 The responses were coded “not religious at documented phenomenon that has become preoccupation with my boyfriend’s past for yourself is also to dickscard an integral
per cent of members of the American Na- all”, “slightly religious”, “moderately reli- known as the Flynn effect. The decline of relationships. I don’t doubt that he loves part of who you are as swell. Not everyone
tional Academy of Sciences believed in gious”, and “very religious”. The results religious belief has been shown by statistics me, but I get quite upset about the fact that makes the most prudent relaytionship deci-
God. showed that the “not religious at all” for church attendance and for belief in God he ever loved anyone else, even though I sions, and youthful mistakes or bad patterns
A study entitled Intelligence Correlates group had the highest IQ, followed in recorded in opinion polls. For instance, in have done the same. It seems foolish to are not unlikely to coccur, so keep that in
with Disbelief in God found that "a number descending order by the other three England self reported weekly attendance at dwell on the past so much, but no matter mind when you find yourself drifting into
of studies find negative correlations groups. The relationship between IQ and church services in census returns declined what I do, there are constant reminders of destructive territory. If your boyfriend isn’t
between intelligence and religious belief. religious belief is highly significant. from 40% of the population in 1850, to 35% what came before. What can I do to avoid stupid, he’s likely learned from his past and
A review of these carried out by Bell (2002) Also consistent with the negative correla- in 1900, to 20% in 1990.” destructive thoughts about the past that will use his knowlEDGE to cuntribute to the
found 43 studies, of which all but four tion between intelligence and religious belief The study also compared IQs and reli- seem to haunt me? sexcellence of your relationship. The misdi-
found a negative correlation. To these can is the decline in religious belief during ado- gious beliefs across 137 countries and de- PerplEXed rected attension given to the past is also
be added a study in the Netherlands of a lescence and into adulthood as cognitive termined that Japan has the highest aver- probably the result of your lack of clear
nationally representative sample (total N = ability increases. This has been found in the age intelligence, with an average score of Dear Perplex’d, focus in the p-resent. If you are sure of
1538) that reported that agnostics scored 4 United States for the age range of 12–18 105. Interestingly, Japan also has the high- You seem to be in the midst of a sexistential yourself and what you want to do, any per-
IQs higher than believers (Verhage, 1964). year olds by Kuhlen and Arnold (1944) who est rate of atheism. A country’s average crisis. You’ve been plagued by gHOsts of ceived thReATs will recede because your
In a more recent study Kanazawa (2007) reported that among 12 year olds 94% en- intelligence happens to correlate with the the passt and it is bothering (bought-her- mind hasn’t the capacity or desIRE to tread/
has analyzed the data of the American Na- dorsed the statement “I believe there is a percentage of the population that believes in ring) you to an extent that it causes you dread t o th ose da rk pl aces.
tional Longitudinal Study of Adolescent God”, while among 18 year olds this had god. great dis-ease not just with yourself, but with To put it differently:
Health, a national sample initially tested for fallen to 78%. your place in this world. Many peeple are
intelligence with the PPVT (Peabody Picture There is evidence for a decline of reli- By Mark Davis | Staff Writer very obcessed with their own selves and
carefully culltivated unique and special
identitties to such a degree that those date


Long ago, before economic models devel-
oped their current levels of sophistication, it
been widely used as a means to boost ex-
ports and therefore achieve 'prosperity.' In
nesses on their home governments, the
falling dollar is a difficult issue for many
are not much more than a distorted re-
flerection rather than a separate en-
titty. You excysted before you met your
boyfriend and the sexperiences you both
had priorgasm to meeting each other are a
part of what created the current inCARNA-
used to be that the goal of a government's this model, selling is an end unto itself. countries to ignore. And with the imminent Lations of ye and he. Maybe your/his last
economic policy was to bring prosperity to its There is no focus whatsoever paid to the arrival of a second round of 'quantitative relationship was full of hardship, maybe it
citizens; in other words, to raise the general obviously negative consequences of curren- easing' from the Fed, the big guns of dollar felt like a terrible drug trip, well, that was a
level of material comfort, while at the same cy debasement: diminished purchasing destruction are being locked and load- while ago, so now’s the time to get a grip so
time reducing the amount of toil required to power and lowered living standards. ed. The move looks poised to set off a frantic you can be happy together and to the loo Hornorably,
attain that end. Way back in the 20th century, a nation's race to the bottom among global currencies, skip. To deny the effuct that one’s past has Phyllis Bromwell
However, due to the blather spouted by currency was viewed much as a company's which will have important ramifications for
modern economists, success is no longer stock price. The reliability, competitiveness, every investor. Unfortunately, this is one


measured in those terms. Instead, govern- and growth of a national economy usually race the United States is poised to win. The
ments simply look to pump up nominal levels translated into a strong currency. This sys- goal of those trying to win the race to the
of gross domestic product (GDP), while tem made sense. Countries that offered the bottom is to promote exports and create
simultaneously catering to the needs of most fertile soil for investment capital or that jobs. However, people don't work simply for
entrenched political classes. As exports feed made products other countries wanted would their love of labor. They work so that they Halloween dates back to the 16th century usually ranges from 2-3 dollars a yard. For
directly into GDP, currency devaluation has attract funds from abroad. Demand for the can earn enough to consume the things they and is the second most celebrated holiday in more tips and tricks on making your own
currency of these "blue chip" countries need and want. Under normal conditions, a America. This year, the amount we will Halloween costume, visit www.coolest-
(which was needed to invest or buy locally) nation only exports its production, rather spend on decorations, costumes and candy This site pro-
would inevitably push up the value of the than consuming it domestically, to leverage is expected to total a remarkable 5.8 billion vides you with tons of helpful ideas and info
currency. And so, much as shareholders of its comparative advantages. If a country can dollars. This amounts to $66 per family, submitted by various users on the exact
successful companies are rewarded by produce one type of good especially effi- according to the National Retail Federation’s materials they used to recreate their perfect
higher stock prices, citizens of successful ciently, it can trade that good for other goods Halloween Consumer Intentions and Actions costume.
countries were rewarded with stronger cur- it doesn't make as efficiently at home. As a Survey, conducted by BIGresearch. In our
rencies - with which they could buy more result of this process, its citizens will be able deteriorating economy, every cent helps, so By Jane Harper | Contributor
goods and services both domestically and to consume more goods than if consumption this year why not save your money and
internationally, raising their living standards. had been limited to domestically produced spend a little creativity and imagination in-
But all that has changed in recent years. goods. However, when a government de- stead? Making your own costumes from
With a strategy that seems to be taken from bases its currency in order to gain sales home will save you tons, let you be a little
the playbook of Sam Walton, governments overseas, the nation earns less foreign ex- more inventive, and you won’t end up in the
now look to take market share from competi- change for the goods that it exports. As a same costume as a dozen other people at a
tors by lowering the cost of their exports. To result, its comparative advantage is blunted, party!
do this, they have adopted a beggar-thyself and its citizens consume less as a result. In To get some ideas flowing, raid your clos-
policy of habitual currency debasement. other words, as a nation's currency declines, et for old clothes, jewelry, belts, and linen.
Although such a move may benefit those its citizens are forced to work harder for less. Some of these can easily be transformed
who buy the products, it is a burden to the If a department store decided to have a sale into costumes such as gypsy skirts, a 50’s
country's own workers who, like Wal-Mart in which all of its merchandise were marked flower child, Dracula, or a pirate. A heavy
employees, have to get by on subsistence down 50%, it will surely sell a lot more curtain would be great for a medieval cos-
wages. While the markets like a low-cost stuff. However, it would earn a lot less than if tume, pirate vest, or vampire cape. Old
provider, this is not a niche that everyone it had been able to sell its goods without plastic or fabric flowers could be used for
can, or should, fill. While some will compete marking them down. This is how currency garland for clothes or a wreath for the head.
only on price, more successful ventures will debasement works. So while the US will Once you have a costume idea in mind, you
compete on quality and innovation. For probably 'win' the currency war, we will defi- can visit thrift stores or dress shops to give
every Kia, there is a Mercedes Benz. nitely lose the far more important battle to you an idea of style and an array of colors to
Given the US dollar's status as the world's improve our quality of life. help you paint a picture of what you want
reserve currency, America's oversized status your costume to look like. Another helpful tip
as the world's biggest consumer, and the Editorial by Peter Schiff | President & Chief if you want to start your costume from
influence of overseas export-oriented busi- Global Strategist, Euro Pacific Capital, Inc. scratch is buying sheets of cloth, which
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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THe los anGeles

Professional exPress
COMPLIMENTARY Issue No. 1—6  Thursday, October 7th, 2010


Some have already called them “the shots heard ‘round the
White House,” referencing the bullet which killed Archduke
Franz Ferdinand and began World War I. It all started on
ACCIDENTAL KILLING OF TWO MILITARY PERSSONNEL style commando attack on high-density targets in Britain, France
and Germany.
Nawaz, a right-wing Pakistani Islamic political party criticized
September 30th: U.S. military helicopters, acting for the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization in pursuit of Afghani insurgents
near the Pakistani border, came upon two men. The two men
SPARKS FURY AGAINST CROSS-BORDER INCURSIONS that drone assault as the act of a “dictator.” They have vowed to
begin a countrywide movement to oppose American infringe-
ment of Pakistani territorial sovereignty.
fired their weapons into the sky allegedly to signify their pres-
Below, firefighters attempt to contain with water numerous NATO fuel lorries set afire in by masked arsonists [AFP]. D.C. In Washington D.C., Chairwoman of the Senate Select
ence on the ground after the choppers entered Pakistani air- Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, accused
space several times, reports Al-Jazeerah English. Pakistan of “walk[ing] on both sides of the street.“ Her com-
Naturally and under the reasonable belief that the armed men ments refer to Pakistan’s reluctance to engage militants in direct
were the Taliban fighters they sought, the U.S. servicemen conflict and contemporaneous acceptance of over US$ 700
opened fire killing the two men and seriously injuring a third. million per annum to combat terrorism.
The men were not Taliban. Instead, they belonged to a Paki- Until now, many believe that a tacit understanding has existed
stani paramilitary troop called the Frontier Constabulary. between Pakistan and the U.S., permitting the U.S. from time to
Almost immediately, Pakistan asserted its sovereignty by time take out certain identifiable terrorist targets located within
closing the Torkham border crossing which serves as the main Pakistan. Will that understanding remain unaffected after the
NATO supply route to landlocked Afghanistan and its proximate accidental slaying of two servicemen?
capital city, Khabul. Approximately seventy-five percent of Pakistanis of all types seem to be fed up. No doubt, the
NATO’s supplies pass through that port and the one in Chaman incident has brought substantial discomfort to Pakistan’s most
to the south, located just north of Quetta. powerful organization; the military. There is a common saying in
At the time, a senior Pakistani official threatened that the Islamabad—it goes, “Around the world, each country has a
incident could lead to a “total snapping of [US-Pakistani] rela- military. In Pakistan, the military has a country.” How will the
tions,” MSNBC reported. Yesterday, the U.S. Ambassador to military react to the deaths of its own?
Pakistan, Anne Patterson, apologized for the loss of Pakistani
military life and repeated that Pakistan’s servicemen are Ameri- By Zein E. Obagi, Jr.  International Columnist
ca’s allies. Share your opinion:
Border ‘Freeze.’ With no movement on the roads, fuel and
good supplies piled up along Pakistani border cities. Observing
stagnant and insufficiently guarded resources in within their
destructive reach, those opposed to NATO and its intra-
Pakistani operations seized an opportunity to begin an relent-
less sabotage.
Twelve men in Nowshera covered their faces, fired their small
firearms into sky to scare away truck drivers and set fire to 35 guard materials through Pakistan into Afghanistan. The multi- dent in which the United States accidentally or collaterally kills
fuel tankers. Firefighters struggled to contain the massive national peace org pays millions of dollars to security contrac- or damages a person or property during cross-border raids,
infernos that resulted and were further hampered by the limited tors and does not seek the assistance of provincial police forces especially those making use of unmanned drones. The reports
firefighting chemicals in their possession. to guard their goods. rarely however highlight successful attacks, and they do exist.
Yesterday morning, Accordingly, police forces along transport routes work off Just last month, a U.S. drone flown into Pakistan killed a
according to witnesses limited resources entirely insufficient to protect against well- British citizen dubbed ‘Adbul Jabbar,’ along with 14 others.
and The Daily Times for coordinated and opportunistic attacks on sedentary combusti- Jabbar allegedly intended to lead the “Islamic Army of Great
Pakistan, a large group of bles. Provincial police officer Malik Iqbal stated that “NATO Britain” and, to that end, agents monitored him convene with
armed men using trucks should formalize an agreement with the provincial government 300 Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants in North Waziristan. Con-
and motorcycles almost for security of its supply convoys.” Officers like Iqbal regularly sistent with recent warnings regarding homegrown terrorism in
900 km (550 miles) south- complain that their men bear the brunt of anti-government the West, Jabbar and his team planned to carry out a Mumbai-
west of Nowshera, in the insurgency, but rarely see any of the billions in security funds
border city of Quetta, attacked that Pakistan collects from the world community. Consequently,
a roadside terminal and fired their officers incur high-risk exposure for seemingly no monetary
their weapons, also, to scare away incentive or appreciation.
truckers. They then fired two rock- Insurgents or Nationals? The New York Times along with
ets at trucks parked in the terminal, most other major sources has accorded responsibility for the
initially causing 8 fuel tankers to catch Quetta attacks to Taliban militants. Perhaps, however, the
fire followed by another 14 trucks, of crimes were committed by regular Pakistanis, or even Pakistani
which a total of 12 were irreparably military personnel. With the exception of the rockets used in
destroyed. Quetta, the arsonists used small arms to scare away truck
Drivers managed to save an additional 25 tankers but not drivers. The Taliban, Islamic extremists and Al Qaeda have no
without the fire killing one of them. A survivor stated that the problems killing innocents in the name of their cause; query how
arsonists appeared to be jihadists because they “chanted reli- all lives were spared in these attacks except the one driver who
gious slogans” and anti-American expressions. died a cause de inferno. Predator drone, above, credited with effectively eliminating terrorists
NATO’s Poor Practices. NATO uses private contractors to “Enough.” World media sources frequently cite each inci- with minimal risk to American lives. Courtesy Al-Jazeera English


Brought to you by:
By Chris Rosa  Columnist  See full Pac-10 analysis at


By Brandon Dorsky, Esq.  Entertainment Columnist
If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area this BECOME MS. HIJAB 2011 !
weekend you can get your ultimate fix of Pac-12
football by taking in the UCLA vs. Cal game at Email
The Los Angeles Professional's weekend begins with Culture Collide Festival brings a strong line-up Satur- 12:30PM, then head south to Palo Alto and watch
the public commencement of Filter’s Culture Collide day night with performances from White Lies and the USC vs. Stanford game at 5:00PM. All times Arizona State at Washington 7:00 PM: We
Festival. The multi-day, multi-venue event inaugurates Voxhaul Broadcast at Echoplex and Israel’s Monotonix in this column are Pacific Standard Time (PST). haven't had the Vontaze Bufict over/under on the
their festival with performances from some of indie and Mariachi El Bronx at Spaceland where they’re UCLA at Cal 12:30 PM (PST): Is Cal going to number of unnecessary penalties he'll commit in
rock’s finest talents from around the globe at Echoplex, joined by Jacuzzi Hi-Dive. Bassnectar throws down let the baby bears feed off of the momentum the game since week 1, but in case you missed
Echo, Spaceland, Standard (downtown), 826 and Taix the wompy bass at Wiltern, with opening master of they've gained the past three weeks? With Kevin his head butt last week of Ryan Katz last week
on Thursday evening. We’re keen on local rising ceremonies duties going to Virtual Boy. Klaxons take a Prince missing a couple days of practice com- we're bringing it back for week 6 and it's set at 1.5.
buzzband Risers who open for Finland’s K-X-P at night off of the Culture Collide Festival circuit for their bined with the Bears having already played Ne- Arizona State's defense is fast, but we like Jake
Spaceland. Recently signed indie rockers Voxhaul sold out performance with Baby Monster at The Trou- vada's pistol offense earlier in the year, I'm giving Locker to build on the momentum of last week's
Broadcast perform at the Standard. badour. Kaskade returns to the Hollywood Palladium them the major edge. UCLA hasn't won in Berke- game. Puppies 27 - Sun Angels 21
For those not interested in Filter-ed content, Particle for night two and Tom Tom Club plays at Getty Center ley since the 90's. Papa Bear 31 - Baby Bear 23 Colorado at Missouri 4:00 PM: The Buffs are
celebrates 10 years of being in the jamband business for the Arts for their first of two LA gigs. #3 Oregon at Washington State 2:00 PM: The coming off a big win, but Missouri is jealous that
at The Roxy; supreme percussionist Mike Dillon opens forecast predicts Oregon Reign starting at 2:03 they're coming over to the Pac-12 and they're
and will undoubtedly join the band for some im- PM on Saturday. The Ducks could probably hang going to try to spoil the party for them. The Tigers
SUNDAY a hundred on the Cougars if they wanted to, but will spread out the Buffaloes and I don't anticipate
prov. Sneakerpimps host their traveling Nike-phile Sunday, Tom Tom Club hits Echoplex for a full
event at The Music Box with a live performance from expect the 2nd and 3rd strings to play about half them getting much pressure on Blaine Gabbort.
blown concert with support from Fool’s Gold DJs. Cul- of the game. Mighty Ducks 65 - Pussy Cats 10 Tigers 31 - Buffs 20
Travis Barker & Cool Kids honoring the world premier of ture Collide culminates with a Block Party sponsored by
the 3D video for Jumpdown. My sleeper pick for Thurs- Oregon State at Arizona 3:00PM: The Bea- #10 Utah at Iowa State 4:00 PM: Jordan Wynn
Toyota just outside the Echo venue – with headlining vers are tough to get a read on with their incon- is rested after the bye week and looking to get in
day is Troy This at The Green Door in Hollywood; the performances from Tokyo Police Club, The Boxer
dude’s voice reminds me of Prince.
sistent offense. Will they have the Road Ryan sync with his wide receivers. Iowa State is 84th in
Rebellion, Sea Wolf, Phantogram, Cass McCombs Katz who's inaccurate or the home Ryan Katz that total defense this season so the Utes shouldn't
and many others. For lighter hearted indie music, The delivers? With two weeks to prepare for this game have trouble moving the ball. I tried to find a re-
FRIDAY Weepies and Lucy Schwartz at El Rey Theatre fits the Mike Stoops should have his boys ready to play. spectable picture of Iowa State fans or cheerlead-
Friday night you might want to kick back and relax to bill. Jazz aficionados and old-timers ought to check out Wildcats 34 - Wood Choppers 27 ers, but they don't have any on the interwebs.
the soothing sounds of Jack Johnson at The Hollywood Jimmy Smith’s 85th Birthday Celebration at the House USC at #18 Stanford 5:00PM: Stanford went Utah 33 - Cyclones 24
Bowl; Caribou with Emeralds and Nite Jewel at The of Blues. from contender to pretender in the second half of
Music Box should also sound sweet. If relaxing is the the Oregon game, but USC is in an even worse INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT
last thing on your mind – Crash Kings at the House of NEXT WEEK situation with poor coaching and inconsistent play #12 LSU at #14 Florida: This one pairs the corn
Blues will surely get the Sunset Strip rocking when they Los Angeles is visited by a handsome handful of from quarterback Matt Barkley. Jim Harbaugh dog scented LSU fans and the jorts wearing Gator
perform with Anberlin and Civil Twilight. Other high- talent in the middle of next week too. On Tuesday both loved nothing more than knocking the smugness fans. Neither team has lit up the scoreboard lately,
energy options include Kaskade at Hollywood Palladi- The 88 at the Troubadour and Punch Brothers featuring off of Pete Carroll's face, but he might have some but I have to give the coaching edge to Urban
um and Klaxons at Echoplex (as part of Culture Collide Chris Thile with support from Jon Brion at El Rey Thea- pity for Lane Kiffin. I like the Trojans for the upset, Meyer of Florida even though Les Miles is the
Music Festival). Alternatively, go to the rooftop club at tre; alternatively, if you like harder bass heavy music – because I still don't think Stanford's running game luckiest coach on the planet. The Tigers aren't as
the W Hotel for some turn tables and see if you can Smog’s monthly event at Echo is a good choice. For can control the clock like they did last year. Stan- disciplined as Alabama and the spread offense
spot one of The Professional Express’s publishers. Wednesday, I like Gogol Bordello at Club Nokia.e also ford also has one of the worst home field ad- can mitigate Patrick Patterson's impact defensive-
choice concert picks. vantages in the conference and I'm expecting ly. Gators by a field goal 23-20.
Trojan fans to outnumber the Cardinal. Latex 30 -
Visit for more up to date information, including a full list of Bonzais 27
weekly recommendations for Los Angeles top concert venues and links to great music. ********My 2010 Prediction Record: 37-7********

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