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Angeline J. Ramos Ms.

Jannette Batulan
X- St. Catherine of Siena

Scope and Sequence

Vegetable Dishes
1.Principles of Preparing Vegetables

Baking- No nutritive material lost. The best method for potatoes and sweet potatoes. Used also for
squash, beets, young onions, dried beans, peas, and lentils.
Steaming- No nutritive material lost. A good method for all fresh vegetables
Stewing- Cooking in stew pan or kettle with so little water that it almost boiled out at the end of the
process, any remaining liquid being served with the vegetable. The best method for spinach, which can
be cooked with no additional water, beyond that remaining on the leaves from the washing.
Boiling- Cooking in a large amount of boiling, salted water, the water needs to be drained off and
thrown away. May be used with old beets of rank flavor, strong onions, old potatoes, or potatoes boiled
with the skins on. A wasteful method.
Adjuncts- Salt, pepper, butter, or some other fat, milk, cheese, bread crumbs, parsely, eggs.
Utensils- A vegetable brush, a sharp knife, a chopper, a potato masher, a strainer, a colander, a stew
pan, kettle or steamer, baking pan, baking dish, bean pot, frying pan or kettle.
Wash the vegetables, scrubbing the skin vegetables with a brush. Washing in several waters is
important with spinach to remove all grit. Scrape off think skins or pare of the thicker. Thick skins such
as those of old beets are more easily removed after cooking. The outer covering must be removed in the
case of peas, shell beans, and sweet corn. Pull or cut down string beans with great care. Discard all poor
proportions. Remove and throw away the inner pulp and seeds of old squashes and pumpkins. The
whole of a tender summer squash is eatable. When boiling salted water is used, allow one tablespoonful
of salt to four quarts of water. Steamed and stewed vegetables are salted and dressed in butter or
butter substitute before serving. Butter is a better dressing for vegetables than white sauce Where
cream is available, nothing is so delicious. Use white sauce very sparingly with some escalloped
vegetable for variety. Making a sauce adds to the labor of preparation, and the sauce hides the delicious
flavor of a well-cooked

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