Land Disturbing Pollution Prevention and Mitigation Measures Requirement

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Land Disturbing Pollution Prevention and Mitigation Measures Requirement.

For preparation of the ESCP, the following information is needed:-

1. Project Description, Title, Size of Project Area
2. Layout Plan with contour and drainage & hydrology
pattern (AUTOCAD)
Overall Project Layout Plan (AUTOCAD)
3. Project Implementation Schedule/Work Progress
(Gantt Chart)/Proposed timeframe for the
construction phase
4. Details of Project Components
5. Scope of Works
6. Total Cut and Fill Volume- provide location and details
of legal soil dumping site (if any)
7. Desilting area information
8. Excess soil information
9. Method of construction
10. Earthwork Layout Plan with topography/contour lines
and also indicate cut (red) & fill (blue) area and
volume. Demarcate slope area (Soft Copy)
11. Silt trap/silt fence design, dimension and calculation
(sign and endorsed by Professional Engineer)(Soft
Copy) (If Available)
12. Typical Design for Silt Trap / Gabion Wall and Silt
Fence Structures (If available)
13. Detail Wash Trough Design (If available)
14. Soil Investigation/ Earthworks Report
15. Elevation map (For Rusle & Musle Calculation)
16. Slope Map (For Rusle & Musle Calculation)
17. Earthwork plan by stage – briefly describe how the
planning of earthwork activities at site
a. Pre-development stage
b. During development stage
c. Post bulk grading stage

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