Create GOOSE Subscriber Get Dataset Structure

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Data Set Structure

A data set groups the references to the data objects and the data attributes with a
specified structure for the clients and the servers to communicate data between
each other as defined in IEC 61850-7-2:2003. The Create GOOSE Subscriber VI
and the Get Dataset Structure VI in the NI-Industrial Communications for IEC
61850 software use a tree structure to visualize the data set structure. The
following figure shows an example of the data set structure in NI-Industrial
Communications for IEC 61850.

In the previous figure, the Data Set column lists the E1L1/LLN0$STDataSet data
set. The E1L1/LLN0$STDataSetdata set contains the references to the data objects
and the data attributes with the status information (ST) functional constraint (FC).
The Indent to FCDA column indicates the depth of the data attributes. The Data
Type column indicates the data types of the data attributes. For example,
the Mod data object reference contains six ST data attributes
references: origin, ctlNum, stVal, q, t, and stSeld. The origin data attribute
reference contains two sub-data attribute references: orCat and orIdent.
The Mod data object reference has an indentation level of 0 and a data type
of Structure. The origin data attribute reference has an indentation level of 1 and a
data type of Structure. The orCat sub-data attribute reference in the origin data
attribute reference has an indentation level of 2 and a data type of INT8.

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