The Philippine Electronics Code

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The Philippine Electronics Code, Section 3 B.

The second measure is to provide paths to

General electrical protection and grounding requirements ground on the communication facilities.
C. Insulation on communication conductors may
3.1 GENERAL withstand secondary power potentials.
Electrical protection measures covered in this code D. Equipment connected to such lines shall be
are directed against the effects of lightning, accidental provided with protectors capable of discharging
contact with power lines, sufficient current.
voltages/electromagnetically/electro- statically induced E. When there are faults in the power systems,
into communication circuits in parallel lines of power adequate protection is required.
lines and local earth potential rises. F. A disturbance affecting communication circuits
serving electrical power stations is ground
3.1.1 OBJECTIVE potential rise. The magnitude of this potential is
Electrical hazards from exposure to lightning the product of the ground currents and the
and power system subjective by communication ground impedance.
system and unless adequate protection measures are G. Isolating and neutralizing transformers and or
employed. other appropriate devices should be utilized to
A. The primary considerations of electrical prevent disturbance exposed to rise in ground
protection are: potential.
 To minimize electrical hazards.
 To reduce damage to equipment and plant. 3.1.4 ACOUSTIC SHOCK
 To eliminate any fire hazard. A. Voltage surges on the communication plant may
 To minimize acoustic shock hazards. also be the cause.
B. The amount of protection is determined by a B. To reduce the effect of acoustic shocks, a
proper balance between: device consisting of two rectifiers shall be
 The cost of protection measures connected across the telephone receiver or
employed plus the amount required to headset.
maintain the protection level. C. The device shall meet the following:
 The value of damage to life and property  It should occupy a small space.
or that of service interruptions caused by  Its electrical characteristics should not
electrical hazards. show significance changes.
 Protection measures may be more costly  It should not degrade the performance of the
so it is desirable to consider protection circuit.
requirements in setting up the plant.  It should operate such that the amplitude of
 Standards specified in the code revolves the sound pressure does not exceed.
around optimum protection, but
sometimes the state of the art progresses 3.1.5 ELECTRIC SHOCK
and techniques evolve that meet the A. Shock current is also dependent on the
intent of the code. impedance of the circuit contacted and of the
 Communication entities should update victim.
its practice voluntarily. B. The average resistance of a dry adult human
body is approximately 1 million ohms.
3.1.2 LIGHTNING C. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when a certain
It is an electrical discharge which occurs current of amperes passes through chest cavity.
between clouds and earth. D. The potential difference between any exposed
C. Lightning surges can appear in various parts of structures to the ground shall not exceed 45 volts
communication system. rms ac or 135 volts dc.
D. The path lightning takes depends upon the E. The potential difference between the points
impedance presented to its wave front. should not exceed 45 volts rms ac or 135 volts
E. Lightning behaves very much like radio dc.
frequency voltages. F. The limits specified in 3.1.5.D and 3.1.5.E
F. Lightning surges may reach endure equipment concern only the safety of personnel and proper
and circuits through exposed portions of the equipment performance.
communication systems.
A. Good construction and adequate spacing are the 3.2.1 SHIELDING
first line of defence against power contact and a grounded electrical conductor that will
induction hazards. intercept and surge currents with the least damage.
Parallel and conductivity is similar to shielding.
3.2.2 VOLTAGE LIMITING Current interrupting may be accomplished by
Prevents hazardous potential differences in employing one or any combination of the
communication plants. following:
 Fuse link (fuses)
3.2.3 CURRENT LIMITING AND  Heat coils
Current can be kept from rising above a  Automatic circuit breaker
predetermined value by the use of fuse.
A. Fuses are effective only when its time and
3.2.4 GROUNDING AND BONDING current operating characteristics are
A. Purpose matched to that of the circuit it is intended to
 Grounds or connection are used to divert protect.
undesired currents. When difference B. An arc may persist under the influence of
between the grounded plant and remote excessive voltage.
earth does not exceed the breakdown C. Fuses are not effective for limiting short
potential of the plant. duration surges so it becomes necessary to
B. Ground resistance provide some means of diverting surge currents.
 The resistance path of the ground connection D. Heat coils that guard against “sneak current” fire
which includes the wire and its connection hazard and will carry 0.35 ampere for about
to ground electrode. 3 hours and will operate within 210 seconds and
C. Made ground 0.54 ampere.
 An electrode buried in the ground for the E. Fuse cables are telephone cable sections
purpose of establishing a low resistance installed in series and prior to the plant being
electrical contact with earth. protected.
F. An automatic circuit breaker is a device which
3.3 METHODS AND MATERIALS opens the circuit when the current exceeds a
predetermined rating in a specified time.
3.3.1 LIGHTNING ROD G. The choice of current interrupting device or
A. The area within which strokes are likely to be method shall consider the cost of the protection
diverted to a structure varies with the structures measure/s against the value of service
effective height. continuity.
B. The material for the lightning rod shall be
galvanize iron/steel, copper weld or other 3.3.3 SURGE ARRESTERS
corrosion-resistant material. A. Striking voltage must be as constant as possible
C. Lightning rod shall be mounted atop structures even after several successive discharge.
not less than 30 cm above the highest point of B. The transition from glow to arc discharge must
structure or not less than 30 cm. occur at less than one ampere.
D. A no. 2 awg grounding conductor connected to C. The arching voltage must be as small as
the lightning rod shall be run in the possible.
shortest route. Each lightning rod shall require a D. Must be capable of carrying several tens of
separate of #2 awg grounding conductor. amperes for periods of the order of one
E. Structures not requiring lightning rod second.
installations are: E. The surge arrester must “fail safe” through final
 Structures within the area described in short-circuiting of the electrodes.
3.3.1.a due to nearby taller buildings or F. The choice of breakdown voltage rating of surge
structures. arrester shall be as low as possible.
 Passive reflectors and other similar fully
metallic structures. 3.3.4 GROUNDING AND BONDING
 Metallic antenna towers or poles. A. A properly designed grounding system shall
F. All others structures not covered by provision result in the following:
3.3.1.e shall be provided with lightning rod or  Limiting to definite value the potential to
rods as required considering provision 3.3.1.c. earth of the entire communication system.
G. The grounding system of lightning rods shall not  Keeping the voltage to ground of metallic
be used as grounding conductors for any part of enclosures.
a plant.  Protecting against static electricity with its
attendant shock and fire hazards.
 Providing a low impedance path for
B. No cutout switch or fuse shall be placed in the 3.4.3 DETERMINING GOOD ELECTRODE
ground lead. LOCATION
C. The copper grounding conductors should be A. There are two approaches to picking this
insulated to allow continuity testing. location:
D. Ground conductors should be run only in non-  Drive rods in various locations to such
metallic conduit or not in conduit. depths as may be required and measure the
E. Water pipe ground shall be an addition to the resistances while the rods are being driven.
primary grounding electrode system and shall  Measure the earth resistivity before driving
not be a substitute for it, or vice versa. ground rods.
F. Ground wiring shall be as short as possible
without sharp bends and kinks. 3.4.4 HOW TO IMPROVE GROUNDS
G. All elements of the communication plant A. Lengthen the ground-electrode in the earth.
designed to be at ground potential shall be B. Use multiple rods.
bonded together. C. Treat the soil when 3.4.4.A or 3.4.4.B is not
Two basic test methods: FROM YEAR TO YEAR CAN CHANGE
 Direct method or two terminal test DEPENDING ON THE FOLLOWING
 Fall of potential method or three terminal FACTORS:
test A. A plant or facility can expand in size or change
A. The direct method is the simplest way to make its operation.
an earth resistance test. Resistance of two B. As more non-metallic pipes and conduits are
electrodes in series is measured. installed underground, it becomes less
 Three important considerations: and less dependable as effective low ground
 The reference ground or water systems connections.
must be extensive enough to have C. The water table is gradually failing and grounds
negligible resistance. formerly effective may end up ineffective.
 The water pipe must be metallic
throughout without any insulating 3.5.2 GROUND RESISTANCE SHALL BE
 The earth electrode under test must be ONCE A YEAR DURING THE DRY OR NON-
far enough away from the water-pipe RAINY MONTHS AND ALL VALUES
B. The fall of potential method uses two reference REQUIRED IN RULE 3.2.4.B.
C. Other methods for ground resistance 3.5.3 ALL GROUNDS CONNECTIONS SHALL
measurements may be used such as voltmeter- BE CHECKED AT LEAST ONCE EACH YEAR
ammeter method and triangular method. TO BE SURE THEY ARE TIGHT.


A. Different types of soil exhibits different THUNDERSTORM DAYS.
B. Conduction of current is largely electrolytic so 3.5.5 NEVER TAKE HOLD OF TWO WIRES
the amount of moisture and salt content of the OR A WIRE OR ROD OR PROBE IN SUCH A
soil radically affects its resistivity. WAY THAT SHOULD COMPLETE A
C. An increase in temperature will decrease CIRCUIT THROUGH YOURSELF.
resistivity because water in soil mostly
determines the resistivity and an increase in 3.5.6 STRAY EARTH CURRENTS,
temperature decreases the relativity of ACCIDENTAL CONTACTS OR GROUND
D. Earth resistivity is a very variable quantity and PRODUCE AN UNDETERMINABLE
to determine the value is to measure it. DIFFERENCE OF POTENTIAL BETWEEN
E. The deeper ground electrode gives a more stable TWO POINTS, SO USE RUBBER GLOVES
and lower value of resistance. AND HANDLE GROUND WIRES UNDER

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