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A complete mix activated sludge process is a secondary treatment system which basically constitutes of three
major components. Aeration tank, clarifier and recycle system build up the activated sludge system.

Aeration tank, which is the first unit of an activated sludge system, is a reactor in which the microorganisms
used for the treatment of waste is kept in suspension and aerated. The next unit is the clarifier, where liquid –
solid separation is carried out, usually in a sedimentation tank. This unit is also called settling tank and most of
the time it is called secondary clarifier/settling tank as wastewater undergone a primary sedimentation step is
fed to the most activated sludge treatment plants. In primary sedimentation step, settle able solids in
wastewater are removed.

Part of the solids (sludge) removed from bottom of secondary clarifier is returned back to the aeration tank
and called as ‘return activated sludge’. The third component of an activated sludge process, the recycle system
is used to transport this return activated sludge. The rest of the sludge from secondary clarifier is removed as
waste and it is known as ‘waste activated sludge’.

The activated sludge process is a biological process which is used for removing soluble, colloidal and
particulate organic substances as well as biological nitrification and denitrification and biological phosphate

In this design, an activated sludge system for only BOD removal and an activated sludge system for BOD
removal with nitrification were considered.

Secondary Clarifier

Q + QR Qe
Q X Xe
Aeration Tank


Figure 1: Completed mix activated sludge process

2. Design Problem
A wastewater treatment plant receives wastewater at a rate of 35000 m3/day, having BOD5 of 250 mg/l and
COD of 350 mg/l. Primary treatment removes 25% of the BOD. An activated sludge system is to be used for
secondary treatment of this municipal wastewater. After secondary clarification, it is desired to have not
more than 25 mg/l of soluble BOD and 100 mg/l soluble COD in the effluent. The total solid content and the
volatile solid content of the wastewater are found as 70 mg/l and 60 mg/l respectively. A completely mixed
activated sludge system is to be used, and pilot plant analysis has established the following kinetic values;

Y = 0.5 kg/kg
kd = 0.05 l/day

Wastewater Characteristics

Table 2.1: Wastewater characteristics given

Parameter Value
BOD 250 mg/l
COD 350 mg/l
TSS 70
VSS 60

Following wastewater characteristics were assumed for the design of the complete-mix activated sludge

Table 2.2: Assumed values for wastewater characteristics

Parameter Value(g/m3)
sBOD 70
sCOD 132
rbCOD 80
TKN 35
NH4 – N 25
TP 6
Alkalinity 140 as CaCO3
bCOD/BOD 1.6


 The aeration tank mixed liquor temperature is assumed to be 25 0C.

 The MLTSS concentration in the aeration tank is 3000 g/m3
 SRT for BOD removal is 5 days.
 As values between 2000 – 3000 mg/l can be considered for MLSS concentration, the design MLSS
concentration XTSS was taken as 3000 mg/l.
 The liquid depth of the aeration tank is 4.9 m.
 The site elevation is 500 m.
 The DO concentration in the aeration tank is 2 mg/l.
 In aeration, α=0.5 for BOD removal only α=0.65 for nitrification, β=0.95 for both conditions and F=0.9.
 Fine bubble ceramic diffusers with clean water oxygen transfer efficiency of 35% are used for aeration.
 The point of air release for ceramic diffusers is 0.5 m above the tank bottom.
 TKN peak/average factor of safety is 1.5.

3. Design of Complete - Mix Activated Sludge Process for BOD
Removal without Nitrification
In the primary treatment, 25% of the BOD in the municipal wastewater is removed. Therefore in the secondary
treatment, the rest of the BOD is removed to the desired level.

BOD of the wastewater fed into the secondary = Input wastewater BOD × 75%
treatment =250 × 75%
=187.5 mg/l

3.1 Development of wastewater characteristics required for the design

bCOD = 1.6 × BOD

= 1.6 × 187.5
=300 mg/l

nbCOD = COD – bCOD

= 350-300
= 50 mg/l

Assuming effluent sCOD is non-biodegradable,

sCODe =nbsCOD
= sCOD – s bCOD
= sCOD – 1.6 × sBOD
= 132-1.6×70
=20 mg/l
The amount of non-biodegradable COD is given by,



Table 3.1: Wastewater Characteristics Developed
Characteristic Value
bCOD 300
nbCOD 50
sCODe 20
nbVSS 8.257

3.2 Design of Suspended Growth System

To develop the kinetics for the suspended growth system, first the activated sludge kinetic coefficients are
estimated at the design temperature. (25 0C)

Following are the equations that are used to estimate the kinetic coefficients of activated sludge systems at
different temperatures.

Table 3.2: Activated sludge kinetic coefficients for heterotrophic bacteria at 20 0C

Coefficient Units Typical value at 20 0C θ
µm g VSS/g VSS.d 6 1.07
Ks g bCOD/m3 20 1
fd 0.15
As the values for Y and kd are given, they are not estimated using the equations for kinetic coefficients at
different temperatures.

The kinetic coefficients at 25 0C are estimated below.

µm,25 = µmθt-20
=8.415 g VSS/g VSS.d

Ks,25 = Ks θt-20
=20 g bCOD/m3

Following is the summary of the kinetic coefficient values used in the design.

Table 3.3: Kinetic coefficients for heterotrophic bacteria at 25 0C

Coefficient Units Value
µm g VSS/g VSS.d 8.415
Ks g bCOD/m3 20
fd 0.15
Y g VSS/g bCOD 0.5
kd g VSS/g VSS.d 0.05

The solid retention time (SRT) for BOD removal only, is assumed to be 5 days.

The substrate concentration in the aeration tank is given by,

S – Substrate concentration
SRT – Solid retention time

The substrate concentration for BOD removal only,

0.487 g bCOD/m3

The biomass production rate for BOD removal only is given by,


The TSS production rate is given by,

Q – Wastewater flowrate
S0 – Input substrate concentration
S – Substrate concentration in the mixed liquor
TSS0 – Input total suspended solids
VSS0 – Input volatile suspended soilds

Q =35000 m3/day
S0 =input bCOD
=300 g bCOD/m3
TSS0 =70 g/m3
VSS0 =60 g/m3

= 4193.183 kg VSS/d

=157.244 kg VSS/d

D =Q(nbVSS)
=35000 × 8.257 × 10-3
=288.991 kg nbVSS/d

=4193.183 + 157.244 + 288.991
=4639.419 kg VSS/d

=A/0.85 + B/0.85 + D + Q(TSS0 – VSS0)
=5757.141 kg TSS/d

3.3 Determination of Mass of MLVSS and Mass of MLTSS in the Aeration Tank

The mass of VSS and TSS in the aeration tank can be determined using,

Mass of MLVSS =
=4639.419 × 5
=23197.093 kg MLVSS

Mass of MLTSS =
=5757.141 × 5
=28785.706 kg MLVSS

3.4 Determination of Aeration Tank Volume and Detention Time

The mass of TSS in the aeration tank can also be determined using following relationship.

XTSS – Concentration of MLTSS in the aeration tank

V – Volume of the tank

XTSS in the tank is assumed to be 3000g/m3.

By rearranging above equation, the volume of the tank

V =
=28785.706 × 1000/3000
=9595.235 m3

The detention time is given by,

τ - Detention time

τ =V/Q
=6.580 h

The concentration of the MLVSS in the aeration tank can be calculated by,

Fraction of VSS =Mass of VSS / Mass of TSS


X =Fraction of VSS × XTSS

=0.806 × 3000
=2417.564 g/m3
3.5 Determination of F/M ratio and BOD loading

=0.453 kg/kg.d

=1.094 kg/m3.d

3.6 Determination of observed yield based on TSS and VSS

bCOD removal rate =Q(S0-S)

=10482.959 kg/d
Observed yield can be calculated by,

Observed yield based on TSS

YObs,TSS =PX,TSS/bCOD removal rate
=0.549 g TSS/g bCOD

YObs,TSS =0.443 g TSS/g bCOD × 1.6 g bCOD/g BOD

=0.879 g TSS/g BOD

Observed yield based on VSS

YObs,VSS =PX,VSS/bCOD removal rate
=0.443 g VSS/g bCOD

YObs,VSS =0.443 g VSS/g bCOD × 1.6 g bCOD/g BOD

=0.708 g VSS/g BOD

3.7 Determination of the oxygen demand

The O2 demand for the aeration tank for BOD removal only, can be calculated by,


=35000×(300-0.487)×10-3 - 1.42×(4193.183 + 157.244)
=4528.638 kg/d

AOTR =R0/24
=188.693 kg/h

3.8 Fine bubble aeration design

The actual oxygen transfer rate under field condition is given by,

( )


AOTR- Actual oxygen transfer rate under field conditions, kg O2/h

SOTR- Standard oxygen transfer rate in tap water at 20 0C and zero dissolved oxygen, kg O2/h
α- Oxygen transfer correction factor for waste
β- Salinity-surface tension correction factor
CL- Operating oxygen concentration, mg/l
CS,20 - Dissolved oxygen saturation concentration in clean water at 20 0C and 1 atm
F- Fouling factor
t– Operating temperature
̅ – Average dissolved oxygen saturation concentration in clean water in aeration tank at temperature T
and altitude H

̅ is given by,

̅ ( )

Oi - Percent oxygen concentration leaving the tank

Pd - Pressure at the depth of air release
Patm,H - Atmospheric pressure at altitude H
CS,T,H - Oxygen saturation concentration in clean water at temperature T and altitude H

First, the DO concentration at the operating temperature is found using the data tables.

The DO concentration at 25 0C =8.24 mg/l

But above value is the DO concentration at mean sea level and the DO concentration should be corrected for
altitude as it is assumed that the treatment facility is located at 500 m elevation. Therefore the correction of
concentration could be achieved by means of relative pressure at 500 m elevation.

Change in atmospheric pressure with elevation can be calculated by,

[ ]

– Pressure at mean sea level, 101.325 kN/m2

g – Gravitational acceleration, 9.81 m/s2
M – Molecular weight of air, kg/kmol
z – Elevation

M =28.97 kg/kmol
R =8314 kJ/kmol.K

=exp* +
=exp* +

Therefore DO concentration at 25 0C and 500 m,

=DO concentration × Pb/Pa
=8.24 × 0.944
=7.781 mg/l

Atmospheric pressure at an elevation of 500 m =Atmospheric pressure at mean sea level × Pb/Pa
=101.325 × 0.944
=95.680 kN/m2

Density of water at 25 0C =9.777 kN/m3

Atmospheric pressure at 25 0C and 500m in m of =Pressure/Density of water

water =95.680/9.777
=9.786 m H2O

As the point of air release is 0.5 above the tank bottom, pressure at the depth of air release

Pd =Patm + (Depth of the tank – height of air release)

=9.786 + (4.9-0.5)
=14.186 m H2O

If percent oxygen concentration leaving the aeration tank is assumed to be 19%,

= ( )
=7.781 × 1/2 (14.186/9.786 + 19/21)
=9.160 mg/l
At 20 C, DO concentration in water is 9.08 mg/l and the DO concentration in the aeration tank is 2 mg/l.
When α=0.50, β=0.95 and diffuser fouling factor, F=0.9,

=AOTR[ ](1.02420-t)
=188.693× 1.02420-25
=504.603 kg/h

Density of air at 25 0C and 95.680kPa,

=1.118 kg/m3

The corresponding amount of oxygen per unit mass of air,

kg O2/ m3 air =Density of air × O2 percentage by weight
=1.118 × 0.2318
=0.259 kg/m3 air
If the efficiency of the aerator is 35%,
Air flow rate =SOTR/(𝜂× O2/air)
=92.703 m3/min
4. Design of Complete - Mix Activated Sludge Process for BOD
Removal with Nitrification
4.1 Estimation of kinetic coefficients for nitrifying organisms

Here, the nitrification rate will control the system as nitrifying organisms grow more slowly than the
heterotrophic organisms that remove organic carbon. Therefore the specific growth rate of nitrifying
organisms should be estimated and first nitrification kinetic coefficients are estimated at the design
temperature. (25 0C)

Following are the equations that are used to estimate the kinetic coefficients of nitrification at different

Table 4.1: Activated sludge nitrification kinetic coefficients at 20 0C

Coefficient Units Typical value at 20 0C θ
µmn g VSS/g VSS.d 0.75 1.07
Kn g NH4-N/m 0.74 1.053
kdn g VSS/g VSS.d 0.08 1.04
Yn g VSS/g NH4-N 0.12
K0 g/m 0.5

The kinetic coefficients at 25 0C are estimated below.

µmn,25 = µmnθt-20
=0.535 g VSS/g VSS.d

Kn,25 = Kn θt-20
=0.572 g NH4-N/m3

kdn,25 = kdn θt-20

=0.066 g VSS/g VSS.d

Following is the summary of the kinetic coefficient values used in the design.

Table 4.2: Activated sludge nitrification kinetic coefficients at 25 0C

Coefficient Units Typical value at 25 0C
µmn g VSS/g VSS.d 0.535
Kn g NH4-N/m3 0.572
kdn g VSS/g VSS.d 0.066
Yn g VSS/g NH4-N 0.12
K0 g/m 0.5

The specific growth rate for nitrifying organisms is given by,

( )( )

DO – Dissolved oxygen concentration in aeration tank

When DO in aeration tank is 2 mg/l,

=( )( )
=( )( )
=0.134 g/g.d

4.2 Determination of theoretical and design SRT

The theoretical SRT is given by,

Theoretical SRT =1/µn

=7.471 days

If the factor of safety is 1.5,

Design SRT =FS × Theoretical SRT
=1.5× 7.471
=11.207 days

4.3 Determination of biomass production

The substrate concentration in the aeration tank is given by,

S – Substrate concentration
SRT – Solid retention time

The substrate concentration for BOD removal only,

0.336 g bCOD/m3

The biomass production rate for BOD removal with nitrification is given by,


The VSS production rate is given by,


The TSS production rate is given by,

TSS0 – Input total suspended solids

VSS0 – Input volatile suspended soilds
NOx – Amount of nitrogen oxidized into nitrate

As nitrogen balance cannot be performed yet, first an assumed value for NOx (80% of TKN) was taken and the
calculations were done. Later when doing the nitrogen balance, the initial value taken for NOx was changed as
the error between the assumed and calculated values would be minimum. Thus the value obtained for NOx is
98.53% of TKN.

Q =35000 m3/day
S0 =input bCOD
=300 g bCOD/m3

NOx =98.53% × TKN

=98.53% × 35
=34.486 g/m3

= 3360.907 kg VSS/d

=282.481 kg VSS/d

=83.391kg VSS/d

D =Q(nbVSS)
=35000 × 8.257 × 10-3
=288.991 kg nbVSS/d

=3360.907 + 282.481 + 83.391
=3726.779 kg VSS/d
=4193.183 + 157.244 + 288.991
=4015.769 kg VSS/d

=PX,bio/0.85 + D + Q(TSS0 – VSS0)

=5023.436 kg TSS/d

4.4 Determination of amount of nitrogen oxidized to nitrate

The amount of nitrogen oxidized to nitrate can be found by performing nitrogen balance using following

NOx = ⁄
=35 – 0.5 - 3726.779×10 /35000
=34.487 g/m3

= ×100%
=(34.487 – 34.486)/34.486 × 100%

As the error is negligible, the calculations were continued with the assumed NOx value.

4.5 Determination of Mass of MLVSS and Mass of MLTSS in the Aeration Tank

The mass of VSS and TSS in the aeration tank can be determined using,

Mass of MLVSS =
=4015.769 × 11.207
=45002.816 kg MLVSS

Mass of MLTSS =
=5023.436 × 11.207
= 56295.259 kg MLVSS

4.6 Determination of Aeration Tank Volume and Detention Time

The mass of TSS in the aeration tank can also be determined using following relationship.

XTSS – Concentration of MLTSS in the aeration tank

V – Volume of the tank

The design XTSS in the tank is assumed to be 3000g/m3.

By rearranging above equation, the volume of the tank

V =
=56295.259 × 1000/3000
=18765.086 m3

The detention time is given by,

τ - Detention time

τ =V/Q
=12.867 h

The concentration of the MLVSS (X)in the aeration tank can be calculated by,

Fraction of VSS =Mass of VSS / Mass of TSS

=45002.816 /56295.259

X =Fraction of VSS × XTSS

=0.799 × 3000
=2398.221 g/m3

4.7 Determination of F/M ratio and BOD loading

= 0.233 kg/kg.d

=0.560 kg/m3.d

4.8 Determination of observed yield based on TSS and VSS

bCOD removal rate =Q(S0-S)

= 10488.223 kg/d
Observed yield can be calculated by,

Observed yield based on TSS

YObs,TSS =PX,TSS/bCOD removal rate
=0.479 g TSS/g bCOD

YObs,TSS = 0.479 g TSS/g bCOD × 1.6 g bCOD/g BOD

= 0.766 g TSS/g BOD

Observed yield based on VSS

YObs,VSS =PX,VSS/bCOD removal rate
= 0.386 g VSS/g bCOD

YObs,VSS =0.386 g VSS/g bCOD × 1.6 g bCOD/g BOD
= 0.613 g VSS/g BOD

4.9 Determination of the oxygen demand

The O2 demand for the aeration tank for BOD removal, can be calculated by,

=35000× (300-0.336)×10-3 - 1.42×3726.779+
= 10422.736 kg/d

AOTR =R0/24
= 434.281kg/h

4.10 Fine bubble aeration design

=AOTR[ ](1.02420-t)

From section 1.8,

= AOTR × 1.02420-25

= 434.281 × 1.02420-25
=1161.352 kg/h

From section 1.8, the amount of oxygen per unit mass of air,
kg O2/ m3 air =0.259 kg/m3 air

If the efficiency of the aerator is 35%,

Air flow rate =SOTR/(𝜂× O2/air)
=213.357 m3/min

4.11 Alkalinity

When nitrogen is oxidized to nitrate, the medium become acidic. But the medium should be maintained about
pH 7. Therefore by performing an alkalinity balance over aeration tank, the amount of alkalinity to be added to
maintain pH at 7 could be found.

Alkalinity balance for aeration tank,

Alkalinity to maintain pH about 7 = Influent alkalinity – Alkalinity used + Alkalinity to be added

Influent alkalinity =140 g/m3 as CaCO3

From nitrogen balance,

Amount of nitrogen converted to nitrate = 34.487

Alkalinity used for nitrification = Amount of nitrogen converted to nitrate
× 7.14 g CaCO3 /g NH4-N
= 34.487 × 7.14
= 246.239 g/m3 as CaCO3

The residual alkalinity needed to maintain pH in the range of 6.8 – 7.0 is about 70 to 80 g/m3 as CaCO3. Taking
residual alkalinity needed as 80 g/m3 as CaCO3,

Alkalinity to maintain pH about 7 = Influent alkalinity – Alkalinity used + Alkalinity to be

80 =140 - 246.239 + Alkalinity to be added

Alkalinity to be added =186.239 g/m3 as CaCO3

Alkalinity requirement = Alkalinity to be added × Effluent flow rate

= 186.239 ×10-3 × 35000
=6518.357 kg/d

The alkalinity requirement is expressed in terms of sodium bicarbonate as, sodium bicarbonate is preferred
over lime for alkalinity addition due to ease of handling and less scaling.

Molecular weight of CaCO3 =50

Molecular weight of NaHCO3 =84

NaHCO3 requirement = Alkalinity requirement× 84g NaHCO3/ 50g CaCO3

=6518.357 ×84 /50
=10950.840 kg/d

4.12 Estimation of effluent BOD

The effluent BOD can be estimated by,

⁄ ⁄ ⁄

For a well operating activated sludge process with an SRT ≥4 days, the effluent soluble BOD is usually less than
3 mg/l. With a proper secondary clarifier design and good settling sludge, the effluent suspended solids may
be in the range of 5 – 15 mg/l. Thus taking sBODe as 3 mg/l and effluent TSS as 10 mg/l,

BODe =sBODe + TSS ×(0.85 g VSS/g TSS)/ (1.42 g VSS/g BOD)

=3 + 10 ×0.85/1.42
=8.99 mg/l

5. Design of Secondary Clarifier

Secondary Clarifier

Q + QR Qe
Q X Xe
Aeration Tank


Figure 2: Mass Balance to the Secondary Clarifier

The mass balance around secondary clarifier,

(Q + QR) X = QRXR+ QWXW+ QeXe

Assuming Xe is negligible,
Assuming waste sludge mass is insignificant,
(Q + QR) X = QRXR
QR (XR -X ) = QX
QR /Q = X/(XR -X )

Return activated sludge recycle ratio,

R = QR /Q
R = X/(XR -X )
The range of return activated sludge suspended solids concentration (XR ) for moderate settling/thickening
sludge is 4000 – 12000 mg/l. Therefore assuming XR = 8000 mg/l,

R = X/(XR -X )
= 3000/(8000 – 3000)
= 0.6

The range of average flow for the secondary clarifier is 16 to 28 m3/m2.d. Therefore assuming a hydraulic
application rate to the secondary clarifier as 22 m3/m2.d ,

Area of secondary clarifier =Flow rate / Hydraulic application rate

=35000 / 22
=1590.909 m2

Using four clarifiers of 400 m2 each,

Diameter of a clarifier =(400*4/π)1/2
=22.568 m
Thus, clarifier diameter is taken as 22.6 m.

The solid loading to the secondary clarifier should be in the acceptable range of 4 to 6 kg/m2.h.

Area of clarifiers, A =π/4 ×22.52 ×4

=1604.6 m2

Solids loading =kg TSS applied/ Clarifier area

= (Q + QR) MLSS /A
= (1+0.6)×35000×3000×10-3 /(1604.6 ×24)
= 4.362 kg MLSS/m2.h

As solid loading is between 4 – 6 kg/m2.h, the design of secondary clarifier is acceptable.

6. Summary
Table 6.1: Summary
Design Parameter Units BOD Removal Only BOD Removal and
Average wastewater flow m3/d 35000 35000
Aerobic SRT d 5.000 11.207
Hydraulic detention time h 6.580 12.867
MLSS g/m3 3000 3000
MLVSS g/m3 2417.564 2398.221
F/M g/g.d 0.453 0.233
BOD loading kg BOD/m3 d 1.094 0.560
Sludge production kg/d 5757.141 5023.436
Observed yield kg TSS/kg bCOD 0.879 0.766
kg VSS/kg BOD 0.708 0.613
Oxygen required kg/h 188.693 434.281
Air flow rate of average wastewater m3/min 92.703 213.357
RAS ratio 0.6 0.6
Clarifier hydraulic application rate m3/m2d 22 22
Clarifiers Number 4 4
Diameter, m 22.6 22.6

Alkalinity addition as NaHCO3 kg/d 10950.840

Metcalf and Eddy Inc. (2003) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. Fourth edition. McGraw – Hill
Companies Inc.


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