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BJC Logo Design

As you’re all hopefully aware Bristol Junior Chamber is 70 this year. To celebrate this momentous milestone we
would like to create a new logo to take us forward to the next 70 years! We have spent several weeks with a
designer, speaking about what makes BJC BJC and how we would like the rest of Bristol to perceive us. The Council of
Management have short listed and now invite you all as members to vote for your favourite.

It is important to note that the winning logo will be taken forward to the next design stage, fine tuning. That means
they may change, but not drastically (for example, the exact font or exact colour shades, placement etc).

Please contact our Chair of Marketing & PR Catherine Harris on if you would like to make
any comments on any of the designs, or further recommendation to support your vote, she’d love to hear your

You can vote on the below designs HERE via our DoodlePoll.

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

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