Asking For Permission

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Asking for Permission

Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan permintaan izin untuk melakukan sesuatu atau

meminjam sesuatu.

Can I …?

Could I …?

May I …?

Do you mind if …………?

Would you mind ………?

Is it all right ………?

Is it okay ………?

Giving Permission

Of course.

Yes, certainly.

Yes, that’s fine.

Yes, that’s all right.

Yes, sure.


Why not.

Refusing Permission

I’m afraid you can’t.


I’m afraid not.

I’m sorry it’s not allowed.

Well, I’d rather you didn’t.

Sorry, no one is permitted.


1. Mrs. Irwan : Oh, hello, Mrs. Agam. Could I use your

telephone for a minute?

Mrs. Agam: All right.

Mrs. Irwan : Thank you. And is that this morning’s paper?

Mrs. Agam: Yes, it is.

Mrs. Irwan : May I borrow it?

Mrs. Agam: Sorry, I haven’t finished reading it yet.

Mrs. Irwan : Oh, I see. It doesn’t matter.

2. Tanti : May I borrow your dictionary, please?

Heny : Yes, of course. It’s on my disk.

Tanti : Do you mind if I borrow your pen?

Heny : Sorry, I am using it myself.

Contoh Soal:

1. Yayah : Is it all right if I invite my

classmates to celebrate to

celebrate my birthday party

tomorrow might?

Mrs. Ina: ………………………

Yayah : Thanks, Mrs. Kirman.

a. Sorry, I am busy then

b. Yes, that’s all right.

c. Sorry, it’s not allowed

d. I’m afraid you can’t

e. Well, I’d rather you didn’t

2. Tia : Mom, may I go to the

cinema with Dika this


Mother : Okay. Be sure to be home

before 8.

From the underlined words we knor that mother …… Tia to go with Dika to the cinema.

a. warns

b. forbids

c. suggests

d. allows

e. advises

3. Bayu : Hello, Rama. May I borrow

you motorcycle?

Rama : ………, Bayu. Mine is being repaired.

a. of course

b. okay

c. yes, sure

d. certainly
e. sorry

4. Dicky : May I come to your house at

7 tonight?

Anni : ………… I will be going some

where with my friend at that


a. Yes, that’s all right.

b. Yes, indeed.

c. I’m afraid not.

d. Not at all

e. why not

5. Student : Excuse me, Sir, may I go to wash my hands?

Teacher : Yes, but don’t forget to return immediately.

From the dialogue we know that the


a. Allows the student to go out.

b. Doesn’t allow the student to go out.

c. Asks for permission to the student.

d. Doesn’t agree with the student.

6. Ronny : Dad, is it all right for you

if I find a job?

Mr. Hamid: That’s fine as far as you

can complete your study

in time.

The underlined utterance is used to express……

a. invitation

b. permission

c. willingness

d. employment

e. disagreement

7. Galih : Den, may I borrow your hand


I want to call my girl friend.

Denny : I’m afraid not. I am charging The underlined utterance means ……

a. giving information

b. asking for explanation

c. giving permission

d. refusing permission

e. asking for information

8. Andre : Do you mind if I use your car

to Rina’s house, Did?

Father : No, of course not. Be careful.

From the underlined words we may conclude that Andre’s father………

a. Disagrees with Andre

b. give sugesstion to Andre

c. refuses Andre’s permission

d. gives Andre a permission

e. asks for information

9. Dewi : Could I use your type writer

for a while?

Vera : ………but I have to type a litter.

Dewi : Oh, it doesn’t matter.

a. No, not at all.

b. No, here you are.

c. Thanks very much

d. Oh, I’m sorry.

e. Oh, never mind then.

10. Norma : Do you mind if I turn off the


Helen : ………………I find it very hot in


a. That’s all right.

b. It’s no trouble.

c. Well, I’d rather you didn’t.

d. It doesn’t matter.

e. No, of course not.

11. Rendi : If I turn the radio down?

I’m traying to write a letter

Ivan : No, not at all.

Rendi : Thanks very much.

One of the following can not be

used to complete the dialogue above.

a. Do you think

b. Do you mind

c. Is it okey

d. Would you mind

e. Is it all right

12. Tono : Sir, Could I leave the class?

I have a stomached

Teacher : Yes, certainly.

From the dialogue we know that …

a. Tono is asking for information

b. The teacher is refusing a permission

c. The teacher is expressing an


d. Tono is giving explanation.

e. The teacher is giving a permission.

13. Ferry : Do you mind if I smoke?

Tina : Sorry, …………

Which of the following is not

avilable to complete the dialogue?

a. I’m afraid not

b. I’m afraid you can’t

c. that’s all right.

d. it’s not allowed here

e. no one is permitted

14. Wawan : Ma’am, can I do this

assigment at home?

Teacher : Of course, but you must

submit it to me next Friday.

From the dialogue we can conclude

that the teacher ……

a. Disagrees to Wawan opinion.

b. Allows Wawan to do his assignment

at home.

c. Forbids Wawan to do his assignment

at home.

d. Warns Wawan not to do his

assignment at home.

e. Encourages Wawan to do his


15. Rachel : Do you mind if I turn on the

air conditioner? It’s hot.

Vicky : …………

a. I’d love to

b. I’m glad

c. Not at all

d. Thank you

e. I don’t think so

16. Joko : Is it all right if I go home

early, Mr. Dion?

Dion : Actually, I’d rather you didn’t.

Joko : I see, it doesn’t matter.

The underlined utterance shows that Mr. Dion is….

a. Refusing to give Joko permission.

b. Giving Joko permission.

c. Allowing Joko to go home early.

d. Expressing an agreement to Joko.

e. Asking for information.

17. A: Could I possibly take the day off


B: Tomorrow?

A: Yes, would that he Okay?

B: …………If you want to take the day

off tomorrow, It’s fine with me.

a. That’s very kind of you

b. That’s impossible

c. I’m very sorry

d. No, not at all

e. Certainly

18. Ari : Would you mind lending me

your dictionary?

Yeni : Oh, Sorry. I’m afraid not.

I’m looking up some words.

From the dialogue we may conclude that Yeni …… Ari to use her dictionary.

a. Allows

b. Forbids

c. Agrees

d. Aks.

e. Lets

19. Paul : Are you going downtown?

Tedo : Yes, I’m

Paul : Can I come with you?

Tedi : …… Where do you want to go?

Paul : To Anyelir Road.

20. Irsan : Do you mind If I join the


Ira : ….. As long as it gives you

a pleasure.

a. No, not at all

b. I can’t do it

c. I know nothing

d. I am very happy

e. It’s very good

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