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Paper of Structured Task (Piper L.

Alif Arfa Maulida Firdauzi (B1B017008)


Piper L. (Piper betle)

Flowers spicate, (♂) (♀), (♂♀), (♂) (☿); spikes at first terminal, soon (as a
result of strongly accrescent axillary bud) becoming leaf-opposed, solitary; bracts
stalked or sessile, peltate, before anthesis covering or embracing the flower;
stamens 1―10; filaments short; anthers small, basifixed; cells mostly divergent
towards the base; ovaries sessile; stigmas 2―5, sessile or on very short style;
berry stipitate at base or not. Leaves distichous or spirally arranged, often with
unequal-sided base, palmately 3- or more-nerved; lateral nerves usually arising
from leaf-base or lower half or leaf, rarely pinnately nerved upwards. Erect or
scandent low or tall shrubs or small trees, rarely herbs.
9b. Bracts 1―1⅟2 mm by ¾―1 mm; berries with free, rounded, glabrous apex,
otherwise immersed in rachis of spike, adnate to it as to form a greyish green,
densely hairy, 1―1½ cm thick body; seed ± circular, 3½―5 mm wide; rachis of
spike in ♂ rather densely covered with patent, very short, almost papilliform
hairs, in ♀ densely pilose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See under 23. P. betle
23b. Leaves on lower surface on nerves and larger veins glabrous or with very
short, thick, white hairs 1), between the bases of main nerves or throughout
equally white-hairy, ovate ot ovate-oblong, with cordate or obliquely rounded
base, 5―18 cm by 2½―10¾ cm. Flowers (♂)(♀) or (♂♀); bracts ellipsoid, obovate
or circular, 1―1½ mm by ¾―1 mm; ♂ spike 2½―12 cm; peduncle 1½―3 cm;
stamens 2, very short; ♀ spike 2½―12 cm; peduncle 2½―6 cm; stigmas 3―5; berries
with free, rounded, glabrous apex, other wise immersed in rachis of spike and adnate to
it as to form a densely hoary, green, 1―1½ cm thick body; seed suborbicular, 3½―5
mm. Woody climber. 5.00―15.00; I―XII; W.C.E.; 5―700; brushwoods; also very
frequently cultivated (P. pinguispicum DC. & Kds (ex descr.)). . . . . . . . . . . . .P. betle L.
Ixora L ( Ixora javanica)
Inflorescenses terminal, corymbs or panicles; flowers often 3 together, 4-
merous, bisexual, protandrous; calyx-limb 4-fid or 4-dentate; corolla trumpet-
shaped; lobes in bud dextrorsely contorted; anthers linear, sagittate at base, not
or hardly twisted; connective elongate; ovary 2 (—3)-celled; ovule 1 per cell,
embedded in fleshy placenta; disk thick, annular; style filiform, thickened at
apex; exserted part shorter than corolla-lobes or of the same length; stigmas 2;
fruit a drupe, globose, or slightly 2-lobed, 12 — 1 12 cm across, with 1 or 2 pyrenes,
red or ultimately black; pyrenes with thin,wall, plano-convex, with a round
excavation inside; endosperm entire. Leaves opposite or sometimes in whorl of
3, almost always glabrous; stipules interpetiolar, connate at base into a short
sheath, needle-like acuminate. Erect shrubs or small trees. The pollen becomes
attached to the thickened upper part of style already in bud; in the opened flower
the stamens hang down between the corolla-lobes and the anthers are empty.
6b. Leaves rather gradually and broadly
acuminate, acute, elliptic, oblong, or oblong-
obovate, herbaceous, 712—17 cm by 212—7 cm;
petiole 3—6 cm.
Peduncle of inflorescence 1—4 cm, the latter
rather loose, short-hairy; flowers inodorous;
calyx-lobes ovate; corolla-tube 212—312 cm, red;
lobes ovate, obtuse or rounded,

entirely glabrous or sparsely ciliate at base, 6—8

mm, orange red; anthers pale orange; style (the
stigmas included) slightly ( 3—5 mm) exserted;
stigmas pale orange. Shrub or treelike shrub.
1.50—5.00; I—XII; W.-half of W.; 50—700;
forests, forest-edges, brushwood; sometimes
cultivated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . I. javanica ( BI.) DC.


Bracker, C. A., & Brink, R. C. B. V. D., 1965. Flora of Java ( Spermatophytes Only) Vol. II.
Angiospermae Families. Noordhoff-Groningen: Netherlands.

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