Proposal Part 3: Classroom Investigation

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Proposal Part 3: Classroom Investigation

1. What is the title of your project?

System Concept by using keyword ‘IPOS’

2. What you want to find out?

I have been trying to teach computer system in Chapter 2 to my form 5 students but
they cannot remember how the process works. I am hoping that getting to do
presentation and gallery walk will help them memorize better.

3. How do you intend to try to find this out?

I have 16 students that will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will get one process
and present their task in front of the class. The other groups will comments about their
task then swap the groups round. Later, the students will do gallery walk. One of the
students from each group will stay and give explanation to other. At the end of each
lesson I will make a mind map about the flow of this process by using ‘IPOS’
keyword to help them memorize better.

4. Does this build on anything you have tried before, or that others have tried?
Yes, everyone in the class will have the chance to participate actively and by doing so
they will enjoy and memorize each process and steps better.

5. How will you write up your findings?

I intend to describe what I actually did, then produce a report and video of the lesson
that using computational thinking concepts (collaborative learning and learn by doing).

6. How will you ensure your investigation follows ethics recommendations?

By preparing daily lesson plan and check list.

7. How will this investigation help you develop your Computing teaching?
I hope the findings of this investigation will give me more ideas and I think if this
approach is successful I may use this with my form 4 students.

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