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SY: 2016-2017
S.Y. 2015-2016



For the Month of: October and November GRADE LEVEL: 12

Designers Name: Ms. Imee Imelda T. Aresta

A. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Assess one’s self- integrity by identifying traits that encompass the core value.
2. Show values of integrity by standing up for what they believe as right
and true in their daily life as students.
3. Practice integrity by religiously following school and classroom policies even
without the supervision of the authorities.
4. Strengthen values of integrity by extending acts of honesty, responsibility,
discipline, and good citizenship among fellow students and teachers.

B. Essential Questions:
1. How do you practice integrity in your daily life?
2. Why is integrity important for you as a person?
3. How does integrity affect oneself and one’s relationship to others?

Week 1- Date: October 5, 2017

Introduction of Integrity

I. Introduction/Motivational Activities
 The teacher will present an activity called “I HAVE NEVER, EVER……” In the game the students will
state one thing he/she is never done before because they strongly believe that it is not the right thing
to do. After that, the teacher will ask: “How well do you know yourself that you can distinguish what
is right from wrong? Do you practice what is right no matter how difficult it is?”

II. Development of the Lesson

 The teacher will show a checklist that students will answer as honestly as they could to identify their
own traits of integrity.

Check I have never, ever…

1. Cheat during examinations
2. Tell lies to my parents
3. Go home late time
4. Hate someone
5. Get items without asking permission
6. Late in going to school
7. Absent in school
8. Do and pass assignment or project beyond the given deadline
9. Disrespect persons who are in authority
10. Start a fight to someone I don’t like

 The teacher will facilitate the class and ask the students how many checks they have in the activity.
The highest score means that he/she practices the value of integrity.

III. Closure
 The teacher will post the statement below.
“I will do the right thing even when no one is watching”

 The teacher will ask: “What value does the statement describe? Why should we do the right thing
even when no one is watching?”

Week 2 – Date: October 12, 2017

Practicing the value of Integrity

I. Introduction/Motivational Activities
 The teacher will ask the students to solve word puzzle that will reveal the word INTEGRITY.

1. L _ NE
2. _OTE
3. S_OP
4. T_LL
5. _RADE
6. STA_
7. P_ES
8. S_ORE
9. _ELL

II. Development of the Lesson

 The students will have an activity called “The Bowl of Challenge”. The teacher will present a bowl that
contains situational tasks that will test their decision making based on their integrity.

Example situational tasks:

a. Put a sticker on one of your classmate’s back without him/her knowing.
b. Get a notebook inside your classmate’s bag without telling him.
c. Surrender your cellphone to your adviser.
d. Give 100 pesos to one of your classmates.
e. Describe and show your classmates the proper hair style and complete uniform of an Olopcian

1. Students will be randomly pick to participate in “The Bowl of Challenge”.
2. The participants will pick one situational task from the bowl. and will be
given 1 minute to accomplish it.
3. The students may decide to accomplish the task or not.
4. They will be asked to present to the class the task they were given.
 The Teacher will ask the students to explain their actions on the task given to them. “Why did you do
it/Why did you not do it? How did you feel after doing it/How did you feel after not doing it?”
 The teacher will ask the class of their reactions to the tasks given to their classmates.
 The teacher explains how integrity influences man’s decisions in doing what is right from wrong.

III. Closure
The students will write their short reflection about the entire activity.

Week 3- Date: October 19, 2017

I. Introduction/Motivational Activities
The teacher will play the “Integrity Song” and let the class sing along.

II. Development of the Lesson

 The students will do the “Complete Me” activity based on the lyrics of the Integrity song.

“I am responsible for everything..

I think, everything I say, everything I do.
I am responsible for everything,
I feel. Integrity is the real deal.
What I think, I can say,
What I say, I’ll do.
My actions and my words
Say the same thing too.
Always say what I mean,
Always mean what I say.
Integrity’s the only way.”

 The teacher will ask the following questions

a. Why being responsible is important to a person with integrity?
b. In what ways should we practice integrity?

III. Closure
In not more than 5 sentences but not less than 3 sentences the students will
complete the following statement:
“I am an OLOPSCian with Integrity because______________.
Week 4 – Date: November 9. 2017
Understanding the value of Integrity

I. Introduction/Motivational Activities
 What are the four characteristics or values related to integrity?
II. Development of the Lesson
 The teacher will group the class into 4 groups. They are to come up with a skit that showcases the 4
values tackled in class.
 After each presentation, the chosen speaker shall discuss why this assigned value/characteristic to
their group is important for everyone to practice or do.
III. Closure
 In their homeroom journal/notebook, they are to write a short reflection about this quotation:

Week 5 – Date: 16, 2017

I. Introduction/Motivational Activities
 The teacher will conduct a game called “4 PICS 1 WORD” relating to HONESTY.

II. Development of the Lesson

 Through the use of the pictures in the short guessing game, the teacher will lead the discussion on
the value of Honesty and the role it plays to the core value Integrity.
 The teacher will ask the class about their thoughts on each situation or symbolism as shown by the
 The students may also give other examples or an experience that exhibits the value of honesty.
 Have the students define HONESTY.
HONESTY the quality of being fair and truthful; fairness and
straightforwardness of conduct; and adherence to the facts

III. Closure
 According from our discussion today, how can honesty boost one’s integrity?

Noted by:


Assistant Principal



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