SBL 1981 QTR 1

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1/81 REC'D NOY - 3 1980

c:r~e ~pistle

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Lesson Titles for this Quarter


1. Trouble in Galatia
2. Righteousness-True and False
3. Children of Abraham
4. Hope for the Gentiles
5. The Promise and the Law
6. Forfeiting the Promised Inheritance
7. Paul's Great Concern
8. The Two Covenants
9. Liberty vs. License
10. The Power of the Spirit over the Flesh
11. The Works of the Flesh
12. The Fruits of the Spirit
13. The Glory of the Cross

L ~

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, The Epistle to the Galatians. for January-March, 1981, is published hy the Seventh Day
Adventist Reform Movement General Conference Sabbath School Department. P.O. Box 312, Blackwood, NJ 08012, U.S.A.

The lessons for this quarter are based on the letter of Paul to the Galatians.
Paul, who was the founder of the Galatian churches, had cause for serious ap-
prehension when he heard that Judaizing Christian teachers with Pharisaic leanings
(Acts 15:5) had made their appearance among the Galatian believers, trying to con-
vert them to their ideas. Their attacks upon Paul's apostolic authority and their asser-
tion of the necessity of circumcision, which involved as a consequence the obligation
to keep the whole Mosaic law, had found a ready hearing in Galatia, so that the
Judaizing tendency was on the point of getting the upper hand.
Displeased with the resolution made by the apostles and elders at the council in
Jerusalem, these Judaizers had decided to take the work in their own hands and act
on their own responsibility. "They indulged in much murmuring and faultfinding,
proposing new plans and seeking to pull down the work of the men whom God had or-
dained to teach the gospel message."- The Acts of the Apostles. p. 196.
And through them, the devil succeeded in creating a controversy in the church.
"With great assurance these Judaizing teachers asserted that in order to be saved,
one must be circumcised, and must keep the entire ceremonial law." -Ibid., pp. 188, 189.
This wrong influence caused division, heresy, and sensualism, especially among the
believers in Galatia. "Paul was cut to the heart and his soul was stirred by this open
apostasy on the part of those whom he had faithfully taught the principles of the
gospel." -Ibid., p. 383.
This state of things gave occasion for the letter to the Galatians. In it Paul
defends his apostolic authority and brings the believers to a triumphant conviction of
the truth as it is in Jesus.
As regards its contents, the epistle comprises the following aspects:
1. Defense of the apostolic standing and dignity of Paul, in connection with which
the foundation of Christian freedom is also set forth;
2. Proof that the Christian "is not justified by the works of the law, but by the
faith of Jesus Christ";
3. Strong warning to the effect that, although the Christian is not dependent upon
the Mosaic law for his salvation, he must not misuse his liberty by giving
occasion to the flesh and breaking the moral law of God;
4. General exhortation toward consistent Christian living, under the control of
the Holy Spirit;
5. Warning against seducers;
6. Conclusion.
Since the sixteenth century, the Epistle to the Galatians, together with the Epistle
to the Romans, has always been regarded as the source of the principles which
brought the Reformation into existence. As the Reformation did not end with Luther,
but "is to be continued to the close of this world's history" (The Great Controversy. p. 148).
the light contained in these epistles is needed in our days as much as it was needed in
the days of Paul and in the days of Luther.
May the Lord bless all our Sabbath school students as they study this epistle!

The General Conference Sabbath School Department


Dear Brethren:
During the 1959 General Conference delegation session, it
was resolved that the Message of Reformation should be ex-
tended into new areas. Accordingly, one of our missionaries
was sent to Portugal and Spain, to follow up the interests in
these two countries, which, together, form the Iberian Mission.
The work in Europe is not easy, and conversions are not
numerous. Nevertheless, we are told that, also "in the Catholic
lands of Europe," God has chosen ones, who "have not bowed
the knee unto Baal" (Prophets and Kings, pp. 188, 189). And it
is our duty to show "a heart of tender sympathy, a heart that,
like the heart of Christ, reaches out for the salvation" of these
precious souls.
In spite of the obstacles that had to be met, the number of
our believers has grown to a point where they are in urgent
need of a chapel in the Lisbon area. On top of that, some rooms
and other facilities for the.. Mission office and Book and Bible
house (storage space) are also needed. A home for the Mission
leader must also be provided. These last few years, they have
used three rented places in Lisbon, but rentals there are very
Under these circumstances, the brethren in Lisbon are now
ready to build a chapel with adjoining rooms for office and
storage purposes. By the time this appeal reaches you, they
may already have started the construction with the assurance
that this special offering designated for their project is forth-
coming. May the Holy Spirit impress your hearts with the pres-
ent needs of God's Cause! Your sacrifices are required, now, for
the work in Iberia. Remember that it is a real privilege to make
sacrifices for the building up of God's work on earth.

The General Conference Sabbath School Department

Lesson 1 Sabbath, January 3,1981


A critical situation must be met, as heresy, sensualism and division are rapidly
gaining ground among believers due to the influence of false teachers

KEY TEXT: "Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord
Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us
from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our
Father" (Galatians 1:3, 4).

The Gospel in Galatia D Sunday

December 28
1. Who had proclaimed the gospel in Galatia? Acts 18:23.

"Having visited the churches in Pisidia and the neighboring region, Paul and
Silas, with Timothy, pressed on into 'Phrygia and the region of Galatia,' where with
mighty power they proclaimed the glad tidings of salvation. The Galatians were given
up to the worship of idols; but, as the apostles preached to them, they rejoiced in the
message that promised freedom from the thralldom of sin. Paul and his fellow
workers proclaimed the doctrine of righteousness by faith in the atoning sacrifice of
Christ. They presented Christ as the one who, seeing the helpless condition of the
fallen race, came to redeem men and women by living a life of obedience to God's law
and by paying the penalty of disobedience. And in the light of the cross many who had
never before known of the true God, began to comprehend the greatness of the
Father's love."- The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 207. 208.

2. What fundamental truths were presented to the Galatians? Galatians 1:3,4.

"Thus the Galatians were taught the fundamental truths concerning 'God the
Father' and 'our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might
deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.'
'By the hearing of faith' they received the Spirit of God and became 'the children of
God by faith in Christ.' Galatians 1:3, 4; 3:2, 26." -The Acts of the Apostles, p. 208.

Apostasy Condemned D Monday

December 29
3. Why is Paul filled with wonder? Galatians 1:6,7.

"In almost every church there were some members who were Jews by birth. To
these converts the Jewish teachers found ready access, and through them gained a
foothold in the churches. It was impossible, by scriptural arguments, to overthrow

the doctrines taught by Paul; hence they resorted to the most unscrupulous measures
to counteract his influence and weaken his authority. They declared that he had not
been a disciple of Jesus, and had received no commission from Him; yet he had
presumed to teach doctrines directly opposed to those held by Peter, James, and the
other apostles. Thus the emissaries of Judaism succeeded in alienating many of the
Christian converts from their teacher in the gospel. Having gained this point, they in-
duced them to return to the observance of the ceremonial law as essential to salva-
tion. Faith in Christ, and obedience to the law of ten commandments, were regarded
as of minor importance. Division, heresy, and sensualism were rapidly gaining
ground among the believers in Galatia."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments],
vol. 6, p. 1108.

4. What rests upon anyone who turns away from the truth? Galatians 1:8, 9;
Psalm 119:21; Jeremiah 11:3.

Paul's Calling oTuesday

December 30

5. What does Paul declare about the gospel that he was preaching? Galatians

6. What does he say about his previous experience? Galatians 1:13-16.

"In his letter to the Galatian believers Paul briefly reviewed the leading incidents
connected with his own conversion and early Christian experience. By this means he
sought to show that it was through a special manifestation of divine power that he had
been led to see and grasp the great truths of the gospel. It was through instruction
received from God Himself that Paul was led to warn and admonish the Galatians in
so solemn and positive a manner. He wrote, not in hesitancy and doubt, but with the
assurance of settled conviction and absolute knowledge. He clearly outlined the
difference between being taught by man and receiving instruction direct from
Christ."- The Acts of the Apostles, p. 386.

Important Interview in Jerusalem o Wednesday

December 31

7. By whom, where, and when was Paul fellowshipped into the church? Gala-
tians 1:18, 19.

" ... Peter and James, who at that time were the only apostles in Jerusalem, gave
the right hand of fellowship to the once-fierce persecutor of their faith; and he was
now as much beloved and respected as he had formerly been feared and avoided.
Here the two grand characters of the new faith met-Peter, one of the chosen com-
panions of Christ while He was upon earth; and Paul, a Pharisee, who, since the
ascension of Jesus, had met Him face to face, and had talked with Him, and had also
seen Him in vision, and the nature of His work in heaven."- The SDA Bible Commentary
[E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1059.

8. How does Paul put a seal on his narration? Galatians 1:20.

Other Places D Thursday
January 1
9. What places did Paul visit after having spent some time in Jerusalem? Gala-
tians 1:21.

10. As Paul could not visit the churches of Judea, what news was brought to the
believers there? Galatians 1:22,23. How did they react? Galatians 1:24.

"The apostle Paul could say of the early church: 'They glorified God in me.'
Galatians 1:24. Shall we not strive to live so that the same words can be said of us?
The Lord will provide ways and means for those who will seek Him with the whole
heart. He desires us to acknowledge the divine superintendence shown in preparing
fields of labor and preparing the way for these fields to be occupied successfully."-
Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 413.

Recapitulation D Friday
January 2
a. What doctrine did Paul and his fellow workers proclaim to the Galatians?
b. What did the Jewish teachers do to overthrow the doctrines taught by Paul?
c. From Whom did Paul receive instruction to warn and admonish the Gala-
d. Who were two grand characters of the new faith?
e. Why was Paul able to say that the early Christians "glorified God" in him? _

Lesson 2 Sabbath, January 10, 1981


True righteousness is perfect conformity of heart and life to the will of God as
revealed in His holy law

KEY TEXT: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless 1 live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which 1 now live in the flesh 1 live by the faith
of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Galatians

The Wisdom ofPaul D Sunday

January 4

1. Where did Paul go when trouble arose in Galatia? Galatians 2:1. For what
purpose did he go there? Acts 15:1,2.

"Paul ... describes the visit which he made to Jerusalem to secure a settlement
of the very questions which are now agitating the churches of Galatia, as to whether
the Gentiles should submit to circumcision and keep the ceremonial law." - The SDA
Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1108.

2. With whom did Paul first seek a private interview? Galatians 2:2, 9. What
wisdom did he see in this procedure?

" ... He [Paul] had first sought a private interview, in which he set the matter in
all its bearings before the leading apostles, Peter, James, and John. With far-seeing
wisdom, he concluded that if these men could be led to take a right position,
everything would be gained. Had he first presented the question before the whole
council, there would have been a division of sentiment. The strong prejudice already
excited because he had not enforced circumcision on the Gentiles, would have led
many to take a stand against him. Thus the object of his visit would have been
defeated, and his usefulness greatly hindered. But the three leading apostles, against
whom no such prejudice existed, having themselves been won to the true position,
brought the matter before the council, and won from all a concurrence in the decision
to leave the Gentiles free from the obligations of the ceremonial law." -The SDA Bible
Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1108.

]usti/ication- True and False D Monday

January 5

3. Whom did Paul withstand at Antioch? Galatians 2: 11. What weakness on

the part of certain leaders left a painful impression on the minds of the Gen-
tile believers? Galatians 2:12-14.

"Even the best of men, if left to themselves, will make grave blunders. The more
responsibilities placed upon the human agent, the higher his position to dictate and
control, the more mischief he is sure to do in perverting minds and hearts if he does
not carefully follow the way of the Lord. At Antioch Peter failed in the principles of
integrity. Paul had to withstand his subverting influence face to face. This is recorded
that others may profit by it, and that the lesson may be a solemn warning to the men
in high places, that they may not fail in integrity, but keep close to principle.
"After all the failures of Peter, after his fall and restoration, his long course of
service, his intimate acquaintance with Christ, his knowledge of Christ's pure,
straightforward practice of principle; after all the instruction he had received, all the
gifts and knowledge and great influence in preaching and teaching the Word, is it not
strange that he should dissemble and evade the principles of the gospel, for fear of
man, or in order to gain his esteem? Is it not strange that he should ~aver, and be two-
sided in his position? May God give every man a sense of his own personal
helplessness to steer his own vessel straight and safely into the harbor. The grace of
Christ is essential every day. His matchless grace alone can save our feet from
falling." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments]. vol. 6. pp. 1108. 1109.
4. How does he make plain the distinction between true and false justification?
Galatians 2:16.
"Weare justified by faith. The soul who understands the meaning of these words
will never be self-sufficient. Weare not sufficient of ourselves to think anything of
ourselves. The Holy Spirit is our efficiency in the work of character building, in form-
ing characters after the divine similitude. When we think ourselves capable of
molding our own experience, we make a great mistake. We can never of ourselves ob-
tain the victory over temptation. But those who have genuine faith in Christ will be
worked by the Holy Spirit. The soul in whose heart faith abides will grow into a
beautiful temple for the Lord. He is directed by the grace of Christ. Just in proportion
as he depends on the Holy Spirit's teaching he will grow." - The SDA Bible Commentary
[E.G. White Comments]. vol. 6. p. 1109.
No License for Transgression 0 Tuesday
January 6
5. How does Paul show that true justification will never go hand in hand with
sin (transgression of God's law)? Galatians 2:17, 18; Romans 3:31.
" ... Instead of going about to establish our own righteousness we accept the
righteousness of Christ. His blood atones for our sins. His obedience is accepted for
us. Then the heart renewed by the Holy Spirit will bring forth 'the fruits of the Spirit.'
Through the grace of Christ we shall live in obedience to the law of God written upon
our hearts. Having the Spirit of Christ, we shall walk even as He walked. Through the
prophet He declared of Himself, 'I delight to do Thy will, 0 My God: yea, Thy law is
within My heart.' Psalm 40:8.... " -Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 372.
6. How does he explain the death penalty imposed by the law? Galatians 2:19;
Romans 7:4, 8-12.
Christ's Righteousness Revealed o Wednesday
January 7
7. Following the example of Paul, how will a true Christian reveal Christ's
righteousness in his life? Galatians 2:20.
" ... The independence and self-supremacy in which we glory are seen in their
true vileness as tokens of servitude to Satan. Human nature is ever struggling for ex-
pression, ready for contest; but he who learns of Christ is emptied of self, of pride, of
love of supremacy, and there is silence in the soul. Self is yielded to the disposal of

the Holy Spirit. Then we are not anxious to have the highest place. We have no ambi-
tion to crowd and elbow ourselves into notice; but we feel that our highest place is at
the feet of our Saviour. We look to Jesus, waiting for His hand to lead, listening for
His voice to guide. The apostle Paul had this experience, and he said, 'I am crucified
with Christ: ... ' "- Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing. p. 15.
8. What does it mean to receive Christ? John 1:12; 14:12-17,23; 1 John 3:24.

"Through faith we receive the grace of God; but faith is not our Saviour. It earns
nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold upon Christ, and appropriate His merits,
the remedy for sin. And we cannot even repent without the aid of the Spirit of
God."- The Desire of Ages, p. 175. -
"The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His love is drawing us
to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross in
repentance for the sins that have crucified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God
through faith produces a new life in the soul. The thoughts and desires are brought in-
to obedience to the will of Christ. The heart, the mind, are created anew in the image
of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then the law of God is writ-
ten in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, 'I delight to do Thy will, 0 my
God.' Psalm 40:8."-Ibid., p. 176.
Warning against Pharisaical Righteousness D Thursday
January 8
9. How does Paul warn against Pharisaical righteousness? Galatians 2:21;
Philippians 3:9.

"The rabbis counted their righteousness a passport to heaven; but Jesus declared
it to be insufficient and unworthy. External ceremonies and a theoretical knowledge
of truth constituted Pharisaical righteousness. The rabbis claimed to be holy through
their own efforts in keeping the law; but their works had divorced righteousness from
religion. While they were punctilious in ritual observances, their lives were immoral
and debased. Their so-called righteousness could never enter the kingdom of
heaven." -The Desire of Ages, p. 309.
10. In what words do Christ and Paul show that legal religion-like the hard,
rigid orthodoxy of the Pharisees-is insufficient to prepare a soul for the
kingdom of God? Matthew 5:20; Romans 10:3.

"While the law is holy, the Jews could not attain righteousness by their own ef-
forts to keep the law. The disciples of Christ must obtain righteousness of a different
character from that of the Pharisees, if they would enter the kingdom of heaven. God
offered them, in His Son, the perfect righteousness of the law. If they would open
their hearts fully to receive Christ, then the very life of God, His love, would dwell in
them, transforming them into His own likeness; and thus through God's free gift they
would possess the righteousness which the law requires. But the Pharisees rejected
Christ; 'being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own
righteousness' (Romans 10:3), they would not submit themselves unto the righteous-
ness of God." -Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pp. 54, 55.
Recapitulation D Friday
January 9
a. What attitude of Paul revealed his wisdom during his visit to Jerusalem?
b. When are leading men liable to make great mistakes?
c. What evidence will show that we have the Spirit of Christ?
d. What will characterize a true disciple of Christ?
e. Why were the Jews unable to attain to God's righteousness? •
-10 -
Lesson 3 Sabbath, January 17,1981


The favor of God is assured to those who are one with Him, having His law writ-
ten in their hearts

KEY TEXT: "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the
children of Abraham" (Galatians 3:7).

Witchcraft 0 Sunday
January 11

1. What power moved the Galatians, and is still moving professed believers to-
day, to leave the truth? Galatians 3:1.

" ... When Satan's bewitching power controls a person, God is forgotten, and
man who is filled with corrupt purposes is extolled. Secret licentiousness is practiced
by these deceived souls as a virtue. This is a species of witchcraft. The question of the
apostle to the Galatians may well be asked: 'Who hath bewitched you, that ye should
not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth,
crucified among you?' There is always a bewitching power in heresies and in licen-
tiousness. The mind is so deluded that it cannot reason intelligently, and an illusion is
continually leading it from purity. The spiritual eyesight becomes blurred, and per-
sons of hitherto untainted morals become confused under the delusive sophistry of
those agents of Satan who profess to be messengers of light. It is this delusion which
gives these agents power. ... "- Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 142.

2. What is all disobedience to a "Thus saith the Lord" termed in the Bible?
Why? 1 Samuel 15:23.

" ... Rebellion originated with Satan, and all rebellion against God is directly due
to satanic influence. Those who set themselves against the government of God have
entered into an alliance with the archapostate, and he will exercise his power and cun-
ning to captivate the senses and mislead the understanding. He will cause everything
to appear in a false light. Like our first parents, those who are under his bewitching
spell see only the great benefits to be received by transgression.
"No stronger evidence can be given of Satan's delusive power than that many
who are thus led by him deceive themselves with the belief that they are in the service
of God." -Patriarchs and Prophets. p. 635.

The Holy Spirit o Monday

January 12
3. How had the Galatians received the Spirit of God? Galatians 3:2.

4. How can we receive the Holy Spirit today? Luke 11:13; James 1:5,6; 4:7-10;
Acts 5:32.

"What can I say to my brethren in the name of the Lord? What proportion of our
efforts has been made in accordance with the light the Lord has been pleased to give?
We cannot depend upon form or external machinery. What we need is the quickening
influence of the Holy Spirit of God. 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,
saith the Lord of hosts.' Pray without ceasing, and watch by working in accordance
with your prayers. As you pray, believe, trust in God .. It is the time of the latter rain,
when the Lord will give largely of His Spirit. Be fervent in prayer, and watch in the
Spirit." - Testimonies to Ministers, p. 512.

Example ofJustification D Tuesday

January 13
5. What example of justification by faith does Paul bring up? Galatians 3:6;
Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3, 9.

6. How did Abraham's faith work along with his obedience? James 2:20·24.
What is required of those who seek justification by faith? Romans 2:13;
3:31; 1 John 1:7.

"The righteousness which Christ taught is conformity of heart and life to the
revealed will of God. Sinful men can become righteous only as they have faith in God
and maintain a vital connection with Him. Then true godliness will elevate the
thoughts and ennoble the life." -The Desire of Ages, p. 310.

Controverted Question D Wednesday

January 14
7. How did the Jews forfeit the right to call themselves children of Abraham?
Matthew 3:7-10.

"John declared to the teachers of Israel that their pride, selfishness, and cruelty
showed them to be a generation of vipers, a deadly curse to the people, rather than
the children of just and obedient Abraham. In view of the light they had received from
God, they were even worse than the heathen, to whom they felt so much superior.
They had forgotten the rock whence they were hewn, and the hole of the pit from
which they had been digged. God was not dependent upon them for the fulfilling of
His purpose. As He had called Abraham out from a heathen people, so He could call
others to His service. Their hearts might now appear as lifeless as the stones of the
desert, but His Spirit could quicken them to do His will, and receive the fulfillment of
His promise."- The Desire of Ages, pp. 106, 107.

8. Under what conditions can we be accounted children of Abraham? Galatians

3:7; John 8:39; Romans 9:6-8.

"The Pharisees had declared themselves the children of Abraham. Jesus told
them that this claim could be established only by doing the works of Abraham. The
true children of Abraham would live, as he did, a life of obedience to God. They would
not try to kill One who was speaking the truth that was given Him from God. In plot-
ting against Christ, the rabbis were not doing the works of Abraham. A mere lineal
descent from Abraham was of no value. Without a spiritual connection with him,
which would be manifested in possessing the same spirit, and doing the same works,
they were not his children.

-12 -
"This principle bears with equal weight upon a question that has long agitated
the Christian world,-the question of apostolic succession. Descent from Abraham
was proved, not by name and lineage, but by likeness of character. So the apostolic
succession rests not upon the transmission of ecclesiastical authority, but upon
spiritual relationship. A life actuated by the apostles' spirit, the belief and teaching of
the truth they taught, this is the true evidence of apostolic succession. This is what
constitutes men the successors of the first teachers of the gospel." - The Desire ofAges, pp.

The Abrahamic Covenant o Thursday

January 15
9. What promise did God make to Abraham? Galatians 3:8, 16; Genesis 17:7;

"This same covenant [of grace] was renewed to Abraham in the promise, 'In thy
seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.' Genesis 22:18. This promise pointed
to Christ. So Abraham understood it (see Galatians 3:8, 16), and he trusted in Christ
for the forgiveness of sins." -Patriarchs mul Prophets, p. 370.

10. How can we be blessed together with faithful Abraham? Galatians 3:9;
Genesis 26:5.

"There are many who fail to understand the relation of faith and works. They say
'Only believe in Christ, and you are safe. You have nothing to do with keeping the
law.' But genuine faith will be manifest in obedience." -Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 153, 154.

Recapitulation o Friday
January 16
a. Where can a bewitching power always be seen?
b. Upon what should we never depend? What do we actually need?
c. What is the righteousness which Christ taught?
d. What is the true evidence of apostolic succession?
e. In what will genuine faith be manifested? •

-13 -
Lesson 4 Sabbath, January 24, 1981


The possession of Christ in our hearts, through the Holy Spirit, is the beginning
of eternal life

KEY TEXT: "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth
the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will
raise him up at the last day" (John 6:40).

Success or Failure? D Sunday

January 18

1. In our Christian experience, how can a good beginning be frustrated? Gala-

tians 3:3, 4; Hebrews 10:38 (second part).

"By once neglecting to comply with the call of God's Spirit and His word, when
obedience involves a cross, many have lost much-how much they will never know till
the books are opened at the final day. The pleadings of the Spirit, neglected today
because pleasure or inclination leads in an opposite direction, may be powerless to
convince, or even impress, tomorrow...." -Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 69.

2. Under what conditions will God carry to completion the good work started in
us? Philippians 1:6; Hebrews 10:39.

" ... The work that God has begun in the human heart in giving His light and
knowledge must be continually going forward. Every individual must realize his own
necessity. The heart must be emptied of every defilement, and cleansed for the in-
dwelling of the Spirit. It was by the confession and forsaking of sin, by earnest prayer
and consecration of themselves to God, that the early disciples prepared for the out-
pouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The same work, only in greater
degree, must be done now.... "- Testimonies to Ministers, p. 507.
"To improve the opportunities of the present, with prompt and willing hearts, is
the only way to grow in grace and the knowledge of the truth. We should ever cherish
a sense that, individually, we are standing before the Lord of hosts; no word, no act,
no thought, even, should be indulged, to offend the eye of the Eternal One."-Tes
timonies, vol. 5, p. 69.

-14 -
No Pardon through the Law D Monday
January 19
3. Why does man need justification? 1 John 3:4; Romans 4: 15 (first part); 6:23
(first part).

4. What is the law unable to do? Galatians 3:11.

" ... Do not devote your precious probationary time to sewing together fig leaves
to cover the nakedness which is the result of sin. As you look into the Lord's great
moral looking glass, His holy law, His standard of character, do not for a moment sup-
pose that it can cleanse you. There are no saving properties in the law. It cannot par-
don the transgressor. The penalty must be exacted...." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G.
White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1070.

Pardon only through Christ D Tuesday

January 20

5. What is justification? Romans 6:7 (compare Romans 3:25; 5:9 with Ephe-
sians 1:7; Colossians 1:14).

"Justification is a full, complete pardon of sin." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White
Comments], vol. 6, p. 1071.
"Pardon and justification are one and the same thing."-Ibid., p. 1070.
"Justification is the opposite of condemnation." -Ibid.

6. How can a person be justified by faith? Romans 3:24, 25.

"As the penitent sinner, contrite before God, discerns Christ's atonement in his
behalf, and accepts this atonement as his only hope in this life and the future life, his
sins are pardoned. This is justification by faith."-The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White
Comments], vol. 6, p. 1070.

Deliverance and Restoration D Wednesday

January 21
7. How can transgressors be delivered from the penalty of the law? Compare
Hebrews 10:28; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 3:18.

"Christ bore the curse of the law, suffering its penalty, carrying to completion the
plan whereby man was to be placed where he could keep God's law, ..." -The SDA Bi-
ble Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1096.

8. After having been redeemed from the penalty of the law, how can man be ful-
ly restored? 2 Peter 1:4-11.

"God was to be manifest in Christ, 'reconciling the world unto Himself.' 2 Corin-
thians 5:19. Man had become so degraded by sin that it was impossible for him, in
himself, to come into harmony with Him whose nature is purity and goodness. But
Christ, after having redeemed man from the condemnation of the law, could impart
divine power to unite with human effort. Thus by repentance toward God and faith in
Christ the fallen children of Adam might once more become 'sons of God.' 1 John
3:2." -Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 64.

-15 -
Promised Blessing o Thursday
January 22

9. What blessing did the death of Christ bring to the Gentiles? Galatians 3: 14
(first part); Romans 4:7-9, 16, 17; Ephesians 2:17·19; 3:6.

10. What promise does that blessing include? Galatians 3:14 (second part); Acts
10:44, 45. What assurance is given us? John 6:39, 40.

" ... Christ became one flesh with us, in order that we might become one spirit
with Him. It is by virtue of this union that we are to come forth from the grave,-not
merely as a manifestation of the power of Christ, but because, through faith, His life
has become ours. Those who see Christ in His true character, and receive Him into
the heart, have everlasting life. It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in us; and the
Spirit of God, received into the heart by faith, is the beginning of the life eter-
nal." - The Desire of Ages, p. 388.

Recapitulation o Friday
January 23

a. What happens when the pleadings of the Spirit of God are neglected?

b. What is God's moral mirror?

c. Give a synonym and an antonym of justification.

d. How can we become sons and daughters of God?

e. What will be the result of our union with Christ through the Holy Spirit? _

-16 -
Lesson 5 Sabbath, January 31,1981


The covenant of grace-made with Adam, renewed to Abraham, and ratified by

Christ-promises eternal life to all men through faith in Christ, on condition of
obedience to God's law

KEY TEXT: "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son in-
to your hearts, crying, Abba, Father" (Galatians 4:6).

A Universal Problem o Sunday

January 25

1. What is the condition of all men before God? Galatians 3:22 (first part);
Romans 3:10-12, 23; 5:12, 19.

2. Which is the only way out? Galatians 3:22 (second part); Romans 4:9. To
whom does the promise belong? Ephesians 3:6.

" ... We have no righteousness of our own with which to meet the claims of the
law of God. But Christ has made a way of escape for us. He lived on earth amid trials
and temptations such as we have to meet. He lived a sinless life. He died for us, and
now He offers to take our sins and give us His righteousness. If you give yourself to
Him, and accept Him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His
sake you are accounted righteous. Christ's character stands in place of your
character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned.
"More than this, Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You
are to maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of
your will to Him; and so long as you do this, He will work in you to will and to do ac-
cording to His good pleasure." -Steps to Christ, pp. 62, 63.

The Two Laws o Monday

January 26

3. What argument does Paul use to convince the Galatians that the promise
contained in the Abrahamic covenant cannot be annulled by the law? Gala-
tians 3:15, 17, 18,21.

4. What law had to be added because men were continually transgressing God's
moral law? Galatians 3:19 (first part); Leviticus 4:1-3; 7:37.

-17 -
"God's people, whom He calls His peculiar treasure, were privileged with a two-
fold system of law; the moral and the ceremonial. The one, pointing back to creation
to keep in remembrance the living God who made the world, whose claims are bind-
ing upon all men in every dispensation, and which will exist through all time and eter-
nity. The other, given because of man's transgression of the moral law, the obedience
to which consisted in sacrifices and offerings pointing to the future redemption. Each
is clear and distinct from the other." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6,
p. 1094.

The Two Laws (continued) o Tuesday

January 27

5. How long did the ceremonial law serve its purpose? Galatians 3:19 (second
part); Daniel 9:27 (first part); Hebrews 9:9-11.

"There are many who try to blend these two systems [the moral law and the
ceremonial law], using the texts that speak of the ceremonial law to prove that the
moral law has been abolished; but this is a perversion of the Scriptures. The distinc-
tion between the two systems is broad and clear. The ceremonial system was made
up of symbols pointing to Christ, to His sacrifice and His priesthood. This ritual law,
with its sacrifices and ordinances, was to be performed by the Hebrews until type met
antitype in the death of Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
Then all the sacrificial offerings were to cease.... " -Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 365.

6. What does the Bible say concerning the eternal validity of the moral law?
Psalm 119:89, 142; Matthew 5:17-19; Luke 16:17.

Our Schoolmaster o Wednesday

January 28

7. In which way did the ceremonial law work as a schoolmaster? Galatians

3:23,24; 4:1-3.

"Christ was the foundation of the whole Jewish economy. The death of Abel was
in consequence of Cain's refusing to accept God's plan in the school of obedience, to
be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, typified by the sacrificial offerings pointing to
Christ. Cain refused the shedding of blood, which symbolized the blood of Christ to be
shed for the world. This whole ceremony was prepared by God, and Christ became
the foundation of the whole system. This is the beginning of its work as the school
master to bring sinful human agents to a consideration of Christ." - The SDA Bible Com-
mentary [E.G. White Comments]. vol. 6, p. 1109.

8. In which way did also the moral law work as a schoolmaster? Galatians 3:24.
How does the moral law bring us to Christ? Romans 10:4.

(In Romans 10:4 the word "end" (Gr. "telos") means "purpose," "aim," "object." See examples
in 1 Timothy 1:5; 1 Peter 1:9; James 5:11.)

"The law reveals sin to us, and causes us to feel our need of Christ, and to flee un-
to Him for pardon and peace by exercising repentance toward God and faith toward
our Lord Jesus Christ." -The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1110.
"The law is broken but cannot pardon the transgressor. It is our schoolmaster,
condemning to punishment. Where is the remedy? The law drives us to Christ, who

-18 -
was hanged upon the cross that He might be able to impart His righteousness to
fallen, sinful man and thus present men to His Father in His righteous charac-

A New Relationship o Thursday

January 29

9. How can we become sons of God? Galatians 4:4,5; 3:25-27; John 1:12.

10. What is God willing to give us and for what purpose? Galatians 4:6; Romans

"Through this simple act of believing God, the Holy Spirit has begotten a new
life in your heart. You are as a child born into the family of God, and He loves you as
He loves His Son." -Steps to Christ, p. 52.
" ... When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life.
Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take
the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the coun-
tenance reflects the light of heaven. No one sees the hand that lifts the burden, or
beholds the light descend from the courts above. The blessing comes when by faith
the soul surrenders itself to God. Then that power which no human eye can see
creates a new being in the image of God."- The Desire of Ages, p. 173.

Recapitulation o Friday
January 30

a. How did Christ make a way of escape for us?

b. What does Paul say about the validity of a covenant (or testament) that has
been confirmed?

c. What are the main distinctions between the moral law and the ceremonial

d. What does the moral law reveal to us?

e. What does the Holy Spirit do in us?

-19 -
Lesson 6 Sabbath, February 7, 1981



In every age, Satan has introduced sophistries and heresies calculated to turn
souls away from the plan of salvation and the provisions of Heaven, and he is still
doing the same work today

KEY TEXT: " ... Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love
him" (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Distinctions Abolished o Sunday

February 1
1. What distinctions are broken down in Jesus Christ? Galatians 3:28; Ephe-
sians 2:18, 19; 2 Corinthians 5:16.

"In that age of caste, when the rights of men were often unrecognized, Paul set
forth the great truth of human brotherhood, declaring that God 'hath made of one
blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.' In the sight of God all
are on an equality, and to the Creator every human being owes supreme allegiance."
- The Acts of the Apostles. p. 238.
"Without distinction of age, or rank, or nationality, or religious privilege, all are
invited to come unto Him and live." - The Desire of Ages. p. 403.

2. What privilege is equally extended to all who become Abraham's seed and
sons of God? Galatians 3:29; 4:7; Romans 8:17; 1 Peter 1:4.

"God loves His obedient children. He has a kingdom prepared, not for disloyal
subjects, but for His children whom He has tested and tried in a world marred and
corrupted by sin. As obedient children, we have the privilege of relationship with
God. 'If children,' He says, 'then heirs' to an immortal inheritance.... Christ and His
people are one." -The SDA Bibte Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1077.

The Promised Inheritance o Monday

February 2
3. What inheritance was promised to Abraham and his posterity? Hebrews
11:9, 10; 2 Peter 3:13.

4. What country and city do the heirs of God look for? Hebrews 11:13-16; Mat-
thew 25:34; 1 Corinthians 2:9.

-"Those who are children of Abraham will be seeking the city which he looked
for, 'whose builder and maker is God.' "-Patriarchs and Prophets. p. 170.

- 20-
From One Bondage to Another D Tuesday
February 3

5. To whom had the Galatians been in bondage before their conversion? Gala-
tians 4:8.

6. How were they now turning back again to bondage? Galatians 4:9, 10;
6:12,13. What does the apostle call the ceremonial law? Galatians 5:1, 2.
How can a person be in bondage even in connection with the moral law?

"Paul in his Epistle to Timothy describes the very men who are under the bond-
age of the law. They are the transgressors of the law. He names them lawless, disobe-
dient, sinners, unholy, profane, murderers, adulterers, liars, and all who depart from
sound doctrine. 1 Tim. 1:9, 10."-The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p.
"The spirit of bondage is engendered by seeking to live in accordance with legal
religion, through striving to fulfill the claims of the law in our own strength. There is
hope for us only as we come under the Abrahamic covenant, which is the covenant of
grace by faith in Christ Jesus." -Ibid.

Weak and Beggarly Elements D Wednesday

February 4

7. Specify the festivals and yearly sabbaths prescribed by the law of Moses.
Deuteronomy 16:16; Leviticus 23:4-8, 15-17,21, 24-32. Where were the
annual gatherings held?

"There were three annual assemblies of all Israel for worship at the sanctuary.
Exodus 23:14-16. Shiloh was for a time the place of these gatherings; but Jerusalem
afterward became the center of the nation's worship, and here the tribes convened for
the solemn feasts." -Patriarchs and Prophets. p. 537.

8. If a man gets circumcised in obedience to the ceremonial law, under what

obligation does he actually place himself? Galatians 5:3. What kinship is
then automatically broken? Galatians 5:2, 4.

Worthless Ceremonies vs. Essential Duties D Thursday

February 5

9. What is of no value at all to the candidates for salvation? On the other hand,
what is of decisive importance to them? Galatians 5:6; 6: 15; 1 Corinthians
7:19; Romans 2:23-27.

10. How does true faith work by love? 1 John 5:3; Romans 13:10. Why can the
moral law in itself never be a yoke of bondage? James 1:25; 2:10-12.

"No one who believes in Jesus Christ is under bondage to the law of God; for His
law is a law of life, not of death, to those who obey its precepts. All who comprehend

- 21-
the spirituality of the law, all who realize its power as a detector of sin, are in just as
helpless a condition as is Satan himself, unless they accept the atonement provided
for them in the remedial sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who is our atonement-at-one-ment
with God.
"Through faith in Christ obedience to every principle of the law is made
possible."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1077.

Recapitulation D Friday
February 6

a. How does Paul set forth the great truth of human brotherhood?

b. Why did Abraham and his descendants profess to be alien residents on this 11
earth? ,

c. Under which covenant, only, is there hope for us? Why?

d. What do you know about Shiloh and Jerusalt;m?

e. How is obedience to God's law possible? •

Lesson 7 Sabbath, February 14, 1981


The apostasy on the part of those whom Paul had faithfully taught the truth
weighs heavily upon his heart

KEY TEXT: "I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain"
(Galatians 4:11).

Fearing Frustration o Sunday

February 8
1. What fear does Paul reveal concerning the Galatians? Galatians 4: 11.

2. How do God's servants often realize that they have labored in vain? Matthew

"As the birds are ready to catch up the seed from the wayside, so Satan is ready
to catch away the seeds of divine truth from the soul. He fears that the word of God
may awaken the careless, and take effect upon the hardened heart. Satan and his
angels are in the assemblies where the gospel is preached. While angels of heaven
endeavor to impress hearts with the word of God, the enemy is on the alert to make
the word of no effect. With an earnestness equaled only by his malice, he tries to
thwart the work of the Spirit of God. While Christ is drawing the soul by His love,
Satan tries to turn away the attention of the one who is moved to seek the Saviour. He
engages the mind with worldly schemes. He excites criticism, or insinuates doubt and
unbelief. The speaker's choice of language or his manner may not please the hearers,
and they dwell upon these defects. Thus the truth they need, and which God has
graciously sent them, makes no lasting impression.
"Satan has many helpers. Many who profess to be Christians are aiding the
tempter to catch away the seeds of truth from other hearts." -Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 44,

An Earnest Appeal o Monday

February 9
3. What appeal does Paul make to the believers in Galatia and in other places?
Galatians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 11:1.

4. What enabled him to make such an appeal? Acts 23:1; Hebrews 13:18.

"Paul's manner of life while among the Galatians was such that he could after-
ward say, 'I beseech you, be as I am.' Galatians 4:12. His lips had been touched with a
live coal from off the altar, and he was enabled to rise above bodily infirmities and to
present Jesus as the sinner's only hope. Those who heard him knew that he had been
with Jesus. Endued with power from on high, he was able to compare spiritual things
with spiritual and to tear down the strongholds of Satan. Hearts were broken by his
presentation of the love of God, as revealed in the sacrifice of His only-begotten Son,
and many were led to inquire, What must I do to be saved?" - The Acts ofthe Apostles, p. 208.

- 23-
dience to the word, 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'
John 3:3. They felt that a religion based on such a doctrine, required too great
asacrifice, and they clung to their errors, deceiving themselves and others."- The Acts
of the Apostles, pp. 386, 387.

10.What desire does he show? Why? Galatians 4:20.

"Paul was cut to the heart, and his soul was stirred by this open apostasy on the
part of those to whom he had faithfully taught the principles of the gospel." - The Acts of
the Apostles, p. 383.

• Recapitulation D Friday
February 13

a. What parable shows that Satan and his agents are always ready to snatch
away the seed of truth?

b. What do we know about Paul's manner of living?

c. By opposing Paul, against whom were those false teachers actually fighting?

d. What important lesson should every minister of Christ learn?

e. Describe the men who were trying to lead the Galatian believers astray. _

Lesson 8 Sabbath, February 21,1981


The only means of salvation is provided under the Abrahamic covenant-the

covenant of grace. Patriarchs, prophets and holy men, saved in the former
dispensation, were saved by Christ as verily as we are saved by Christ today

KEY TEXT: "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all"
(Galatians 4:26).
Two Sons 0 Sunday
February 15

1. What was the difference between the two sons of Abraham? Galatians 4:22,

2. How does this difference affect their posterity in the plan of God? Romans
Two Covenants o Monday
February 16

3. What do the two women, Hagar and Sarah, symbolize? Galatians 4:24.

4. What do we know about the two covenants? Exodus 24:7,8; Leviticus 18:5;
Deuteronomy 27:26; Jeremiah 31:33,34; Ezekiel 36:26, 27.

"As the Bible presents two laws, one changeless and eternal, the other provi-
sional and temporary, so there are two covenants. The covenant of grace was first
made with man in Eden, when after the Fall there was given a divine promise that the
seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head. To all men this covenant offered
pardon and the assisting grace of God for future obedience through faith in Christ. It
also promised them eternal life on condition of fidelity to God's law. Thus the patri-
archs received the hope of salvation.
"This same covenant was renewed to Abraham in the promise, 'In thy seed shall
all the nations of the earth be blessed.' Genesis 22:18. This promise pointed to Christ.
So Abraham understood it (see Galatians 3:8, 16), and he trusted in Christ for the
forgiveness of sins....
"Though this covenant was made with Adam and renewed to Abraham, it could
not be ratified until the death of Christ....
"Another compact-called in Scripture the 'old' covenant-was formed between
God and Israel at Sinai, and was then ratified by the blood of a sacrifice. The
Abrahamic covenant was ratified by the blood of Christ, and it is called the 'second,'
or 'new,' covenant, because the blood by which it was sealed was shed after the blood
of the first covenant. That the new covenant was valid in the days of Abraham is evi-
dent from the fact that it was then confirmed both by the promise and by the oath of
God-the 'two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie.' Hebrews
6: 18."-Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 370, 371.

Bondage vs. Liberty D Tuesday
February 17

5. What is the condition of those under the covenant of Sinai, which cor-
responds to the earthly Jerusalem? Galatians 4:25.

"The terms of the 'old covenant' were, Obey and live: 'If a man do, he shall even
live in them' (Ezekiel 20:11; Leviticus 18:5); but 'cursed be he that confirmeth not all
the words of this law to do them.' Deuteronomy 27:26." -Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 372.
"If the transgressor is to be treated according to the letter of this covenant, then
there is no hope for the fallen race; for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of
God. The fallen race of Adam can behold nothing else in the letter of this covenant
than the ministration of death; and death will be the reward of everyone who is seek-
ing vainly to fashion a righteousness of his own that will fulfill the claims of the law.
By His word God has bound Himself to execute the penalty of the law on all trans-
gressors. Again and again men commit sin, and yet they do not seem to believe that
they must suffer the penalty for breaking the law."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White
Comments], vol. 6, p. 1095.

6. What is the condition of those under the covenant of grace, which cor-
responds to the heavenly Jerusalem? Galatians 4:26.

" ... But the Lord made a covenant of grace whereby his mercy is extended to
fallen man, and provision is made so ample and powerful that souls ruined by the fall
may be uplifted to glory, honor, and immortality. 'For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.' Encircling the throne of God is the rainbow of the covenant, a
symbol of the pledged word of God that he will receive every sinner who gives up all
hope of eternal life on the ground of his own righteousness, and accepts the
righteousness of the world's Redeemer, believing that Christ is his personal Saviour,
able to save him from sin, and to keep him from falling. Unless Christ is the ground of
our hope, we shall not inherit eternal life.
"The provision made for the salvation of men through the imputed righteousness
of Christ, does not do away with the law, or lessen in the least its holy claims; for
Christ came to exalt the law and make it honorable, to reveal its exceeding breadth
and changeless character. .. ." - The Signs of the Times, September 5, 1892.
"Under the covenant of grace God requires from man just what he required in
Eden,-perfect obedience. The believing sinner, through his divine Substitute and
Surety, renders obedience to the law of God." -Ibid.

Bondage vs. Liberty (continued) D Wednesday

February 18

7. What is the meaning of "bondage" as frequently used in the Bible? Romans

6:20; 2 Peter 2:19; John 8:34.

8. What is the meaning of the "liberty" that is offered us through Christ? John
8:11; Romans 8:2; Matthew 1:21. What confusion has Satan put into the
minds of religious leaders?

"In freeing our souls from the bondage of sin, God has wrought for us a
deliverance greater than that of the Hebrews at the Red Sea." -Patriarchs and Prophets, p.

"Many religious teachers assert that Christ by His death abolished the law, and
men are henceforth free from its requirements. There are some who represent it as a
grievous yoke, and in contrast to the bondage of the law they present the liberty to be
enjoyed under the gospel.
"But not so did prophets and apostles regard the holy law of God. Said David: 'I
will walk at liberty: for 1 seek Thy precepts.' Psalm 119:45. The apostle James, who
wrote after the death of Christ, refers to the Decalogue as 'the royal law' and 'the
perfect law of liberty.' James 2:8; 1:25. And the revelator, half a century after the
crucifixion, pronounces a blessing upon them 'that do His commandments, that they
may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.'
Revelation 22:14.
"The claim that Christ by His death abolished His Father's law is without foun-
dation." - The Great Controversy, p. 466.

Identification- True and False o Thursday

February 19

9. How are the children of the promise identified under the covenant of grace?
Galatians 3:29; 4:28, 31; Romans 9:6-8; 2:29; 8:14.

"The children of God are those who are partakers of His nature. It is not earthly
rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are
members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity. Even sin-
ners whose hearts are not utterly closed to God's Spirit, will respond to kindness;
while they may give hate for hate, they will also give love for love. But it is only the
Spirit of God that gives love for hatred. To be kind to the unthankful and to the evil, to
do good hoping for nothing again, is the insignia of the royalty of heaven, the sure
token by which the children of the Highest reveal their high estate." - Thoughts From the
Mount 0/ Blessing, p. 75.

10. What must happen to those who forfeit the privileges offered by the cove-
nant of grace? Galatians 4:30; Matthew 3:9, 10.

Recapitulation o Friday
February 20

a. Who are the children of God?

b. Why is the covenant of grace called the "new" covenant although it has been
in existence since the days of Adam?

c. What were the terms of the covenant of Sinai? What provision does the cove-
nant of grace include?

d. What does James call the law of God? Why?

e. What are the basic characteristics of the children of God? •

- 28-
Lesson 9 Sabbath, February 28, 1981


The greatest evils have occurred, and are still occurring today, because people
fail to understand that "true freedom lies within the proscriptions of the law of

KEY TEXT: "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty
for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another" (Galatians

Christian Liberty D Sunday

February 22
1. With what prophecy is Paul's appeal (Galatians 5:1) connected? Isaiah 61:1.

2. What is the only condition upon which freedom is possible? John 8:32.

"Every soul that refuses to give himself to God is under the control of another
power. He is not his own. He may talk of freedom, but he is in the most abject
slavery. He is not allowed to see the beauty of truth, for his mind is under the control
of Satan. While he flatters himself that he is following the dictates of his own judg-
ment, he obeys the will of the prince of darkness. Christ came to break the shackles of
sin-slavery from the soul. 'If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free in-
deed.' 'The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' sets us 'free from the law of sin and
death.' Rom. 8:2."-The Desire of Ages, p. 466.
"The only condition upon which the freedom of man is possible is that of becom-
ing one with Christ. 'The truth shall make you free;' and Christ is the truth. Sin can
triumph only by enfeebling the mind, and destroying the liberty of the soul. Subjec-
tion to God is restoration to one's self,-to the true glory and dignity of man. The
divine law, to which we are brought into subjection, is 'the law of liberty.' James
2:12." -Ibid.

Liberty not License D Monday

February 23
3. Against what perverted idea of freedom does Paul warn the Galatians? Gala-
tians 5:13.

"Paul pleaded with those who had once known in their lives the power of God, to
return to their first love of gospel truth. With unanswerable arguments he set before
them their privilege of becoming free men and women in Christ, through whose aton-
ing grace all who make full surrender are clothed with the robe of His righteousness."
- The Acts of the Apostles. p. 388.

4. How do many professed believers misuse the word "liberty"? What are they
unable to distinguish? 1 Peter 2:16.

-29 -
A Critical Situation o Tuesday
February 24

5. What happened during the French Revolution as a result of the erroneous

ideas of liberty taught byVoltaire and his associates? Revelation 11:7-10.

" ... Rome had ground down the people under her iron heel; and now the
masses, degraded and brutalized, in their recoil from her tyranny, cast off all
restraint. Enraged at the glittering cheat to which they had so long paid homage, they
rejected truth and falsehood together; and mistaking license for liberty, the slaves of
vice exulted in their imagined freedom." -The Great Controversy, pp. 281, 282.

6. What situation do we have today because of the teachings of Spiritualism

and apostatized Protestantism? 2 Peter 2:19: 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

"Already the doctrine that men are released from obedience to God's re-
quirements has weakened the force of moral obligation and opened the floodgates of
iniquity upon the world. Lawlessness, dissipation, and corruption are sweeping in
upon us like an overwhelming tide."- The Great Controversy, p. 585.
" ... When the people are thus led to believe that desire is the highest law, that
liberty is license, and that man is accountable only to himself, who can wonder that
corruption and depravity teem on every hand? Multitudes eagerly accept teachings
that leave them at liberty to obey the promptings of the carnal heart. The reins of self-
control are laid upon the neck of lust, the powers of mind and soul are made subject to
the animal propensities, and Satan exultingly sweeps into his net thousands who pro-
fess to be followers of Christ." -Ibid., pp. 555, 556.

The Leaven ofEvil o Wednesday

February 25

7. In what words does Paul censure the Galatian believers and the false
teachers who were leading them astray? Galatians 5:7, 8,10 (last part). How
does history repeat itself today? 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.

"To substitute external forms of religion for holiness of heart and life is still as
pleasing to the unrenewed nature as it was in the days of these Jewish teachers. To-
day, as then, there are false spiritual guides, to whose doctrines many listen eagerly.
It is Satan's studied effort to divert minds from the hope of salvation through faith in
Christ and obedience to the law of God. In every age the archenemy adapts his temp-
tations to the prejudices or inclinations of those whom he is seeking to deceive. In
apostolic times he led the Jews to exalt the ceremonial law and reject Christ; at the
present time he induces many professing Christians, under pretense of honoring
Christ, to cast contempt on the moral law and to teach that its precepts may be trans-
gressed with impunity.... "-TheActsojtheApostles, p. 387.

8. How dangerous is even a little bit of apostasy? Galatians 5:9: 1 Corinthians

5:6; Song of Solomon 2: 15. In which way does the leaven of evil often operate
in the church?

" ... Many, in their close watch to discover the faults of their brethren, neglect
the investigation of their own hearts and the purification of their own lives. This
brings the displeasure of God. The individual members of the church should be

- 30-
jealous for their own souls, critically watching their own actions, lest they should
move from selfish motives and be a cause of stumbling to their weak brethren.
"God takes men as they are, with the human element in their character, and then
trains them for His service if they will be disciplined and learn of Him. The root of bit-
terness, envy, distrust, jealousy, and even hatred, which exists in the hearts of
somechurch members, is the work of Satan. Such elements have a poisonous in-
fluence upon the church. 'A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.' The religious zeal
which is manifested in a raid upon brethren is a zeal not according to knowledge.
Christ has nothing to do with such testimony."-Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 489.

Church Discipline D Thursday

February 26
9. How should those troublemakers be dealt with? Galatians 5: 12; 1 Corin-
thians 5:13 (last part).

10. What heavy responsibility rests upon the church? Matthew 18:16, 17.

" ... As a people professing to be reformers, treasuring the most solemn, purify-
ing truths of God's word, we must elevate the standard far higher than it is at the
present time. Sin and sinners in the church must be promptly dealt with, that others
may not be contaminated. Truth and purity require that we make more thorough
work to cleanse the camp from Achans. Let those in responsible positions not suffer
sin in a brother. Show him that he must either put away his sins or be separated from
the church."-Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 147.

Recapitulation D Friday
February 27
a. How maya person talk of freedom and still be in abject slavery?

b. Explain the difference between liberty and license or licentiouness.

c. What happens when people are led to believe that liberty is license?

d. Induced by Satan, what are many professed Christians doing today?

e. As a people professing to be reformers, what attitude should we take toward

sin and sinners? _

- 31-
Lesson 10 Sabbath, March 7,1981



Persevering effort, sore discipline and stern conflict with self, aided by the power
of God, will give us the victory over sin

KEY TEXT: "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of
the flesh" (Galatians 5:16).

Stern Conflict in the Christian Life D Sunday

March 1

1. In what conflict is the Christian believer engaged? Galatians 5:17.

"The life of the Christian is not all smooth. He has stern conflicts to meet. Severe
temptations assail him. 'The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh.' The nearer we come to the close of this earth's history, the more delusive and
ensnaring will be the attacks of the enemy. His attacks will grow fiercer and more fre-
quent. Those who resist light and truth will become more hardened and unimpressi-
ble, and more bitter against those who love God and keep His commandments."- The
SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1111.

2. How does Paul describe his own conflict, which is representative of the con-
flict of every true follower of Christ? Romans 7:14-16, 22-24.

" ... It is not enough to discern the wisdom and justice of His law, to see that it is
founded upon the eternal principle of love. Paul the apostle sawall this when he ex-
claimed, 'I consent unto the law that it is good.' 'The law is holy, and the command-
ment holy, and just, and good.' But he added, in the bitterness of his soul-anguish and
despair, 'I am carnal, sold under sin.' Romans 7:16, 12, 14. He longed for the purity,
the righteousness, to which in himself he was powerless to attain, and cried out, '0
wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from this body of death?' Romans 7:24,
margin. Such is the cry that has gone up from burdened hearts in all lands and in all
ages.... "-Steps to Christ, p. 19.

"Under (the Penalty of) the Law" D Monday

March 2

3. What is the status of those who refuse to subject themselves to the law of
God? Romans 8:7.

"The law of God is the mirror to show man the defects in his character. But it is
not pleasant to those who take pleasure in unrighteousness to see their moral deformi-
ty. They do not prize this faithful mirror, because it reveals to them their sins.

- 32-
Therefore, instead of instituting a war against their carnal minds, they war against
the true and faithful mirror, given them by Jehovah for the very purpose that they
may not be deceived, but that they may have revealed to them the defects in their
character."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1077.

4. What kind of people are "under (the condemnation of) the law"? 1 Timothy
1:8-10; James 2:9. (R.V. "convicted.")

Under the Control of the Holy Spirit o Tuesday

March 3
5. Under whose control must we place ourselves if we do not want to be "under
(the reproof of) the law"? Galatians 5:18.

6. By whom are those led who live in full harmony with the truth? John 16:13;
17:17; Psalm 119:142.

" ... We are not only to say, 'I believe,' but to practice the truth. It is by conform-
ity to the will of God in our words, our deportment, our character, that we prove our
connection with Him. Whenever one renounces sin, which is the transgression of the
law, his life will be brought into conformity to the law, into perfect obedience. This is
the work of the Holy Spirit. ..."- Testimonies. vol. 6, p. 92.

Under the Control of the Holy Spirit (continued) o Wednesday

March 4
7. What will characterize the life of a person who is under the control of the Ho-
ly Spirit? Galatians 5: 16.

8. What evidences does Paul show that it was the Holy Spirit that led him to
conversion? Romans 7:9-12; 8:2.

"The apostle Paul, in relating his experience, presents an important truth con-
cerning the work to be wrought in conversion. He says, 'I was alive without the law
once'-he felt no condemnation; 'but when the commandment came,' when the law of
God was urged upon his conscience, 'sin revived, and I died.' Then he saw himself a
sinner, condemned by the divine law. Mark, it was Paul, and not the law, that died
(4SP 297)." -The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1076.
"Sin then appeared in its true hideousness, and his [Paul's] self-esteem was gone.
He became humble. He no longer ascribed goodness and merit to himself. He ceased
to think more highly of himself than he ought, and he ascribed all the glory to God. He
was no longer ambitious for greatness. He ceased to want to avenge himself, and was
no longer sensitive to reproach, neglect, or contempt. He no longer sought earthly
alliance, station, or honor. He did not pull others down to uplift himself. He became
gentle, condescending, meek and lowly of heart, because he had learned his lesson in
the school of Christ. He talked of Jesus and His matchless love, and grew more and
more into His image. He bent his whole energy to win souls to Christ. When trial
came upon him because of his unselfish labor for souls, he bowed in prayer, and his
love for them increased. His life was hid with Christ in God, and he loved Jesus with
all the ardor of his nature. Every church was dear to him; every church member was a
person of interest to him; for he looked upon every soul as the purchase of the blood
of Christ (RH July 22, 1890)." -Ibid.

- 33-
The Two Great Commandments o Thursday
March 5

9. How does the law summarize our duties toward our neighbor? Galatians
5:14. How does the law specify these duties? Romans 13:8,9.

10. How does the law summarize our duties toward God? Luke 10:27 (first part).
How does the law specify these duties? Exodus 20:2-11. What is necessarily
attached to these two great commandments? Matthew 22:40. What is the
relationship between the law of God, His character and His government?
"The law is but a transcript of the character of God. Behold in your heavenly
Father a perfect manifestation of the principles which are the foundation of His
"God is love."- Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 77.

Recapitulation o Friday
March 6

a. What will happen as we come closer and closer to the end of this earth's

b. Why does the carnal mind hate the law of God?

c. How do we prove our connection with God?

d. Describe the character of Paul after his conversion.

e. Where do we find a transcript of God's character? •

- 34-
Lesson 11 Sabbath, March 14, 1981


When men turn away from the truth as it is in Jesus, they inevitably fall under
the power of Satan and show the works of the flesh in their lives

KEY TEXT: "Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying
one another" (Galatians 5:26).

Wrong Spirit D Sunday

March 8
1. What evidence do we have that the Galatians were influenced by a wrong
spirit? Galatians 5:15.

2. How easily can the misuse of the tongue cause the perdition of souls? James

"I saw that when sisters who are given to talk get together, Satan is generally
present; for he finds employment. He stands by to excite the mind and make the most
of the advantage he has gained. He knows that all this gossip, and tale-bearing, and
revealing of secrets, and dissecting of character, separate the soul from God. It is
neath to spirituality and a calm religious influence.... " - Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 185, 186.
"Gossipers and news carriers are a terrible curse to neighborhoods and churches,
Two thirds of all the church trials arise from this source." -Ibid., p. 466.

According to the Flesh D Monday

March 9
3. What warning of Paul shows that many of the Galatian believers were not in
the Spirit, but in the flesh? Galatians 5: 16.

4. Watching the behavior of others, what should we be able to understand

about them? Matthew 7:15-20; James 3:13-16. What question should not be
difficult for us to answer?

"Often the question arises, Why, then, are there so many, claiming to believe
God's word, in whom there is not seen a reformation in words, in spirit, and in
character? Why are there so many who cannot bear opposition to their purposes and
plans, who manifest an unholy temper, and whose words are harsh, overbearing, and
passionate? There is seen in their lives the same love of self, the same selfish in-
dulgence, the same temper and hasty speech, that is seen in the life of the worldling.
There is the same sensitive pride, the same yielding to natural inclination, the same
perversity of character, as if the truth were wholly unknown to them. The reason is
that they are not converted...." -Christ's Object Lessons, p. 99.

- 35"':"
Self-Examination o Tuesday
March 10

5. What should we do rather than watch others? 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 Corin-

thians 10:12.

"There is a necessity for close self-examination, and to closely investigate in the

light of God's word, Am I sound, or am I rotten, at heart? Am I renewed in Christ, or
am I still carnal at heart, with an outside, new dress put on? Rein yourself up to the
tribunal of God, and see as in the light of God if there is any secret sin, any iniquity,
any idol you have not sacrificed. Pray, yes, pray as you have never prayed before, that
you may not be deluded by Satan's devices; that you may not be given up to a
heedless, careless, and vain spirit, and attend religious duties to quiet your own con-
science.... "-Messages to Young People, pp. 83, 84.

6. Against what evil, especially, should we be on guard? Galatians 5:26.

"Christians should regard it as a religious duty to repress a spirit of envy or

emulation. They should rejoice in the superior reputation or prosperity of their
brethren, even when their own character or achievements seem to be cast in the
shade. It was the pride and ambition cherished in the heart of Satan that banished him
from heaven. These evils are deeply rooted in our fallen nature, and if not removed
they will overshadow every good and noble quality and bring forth envy and strife as
their baleful fruits." - Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 242.

Specific Sins o Wednesday

March 11

7. How offensive is the violation of the seventh commandment in the eyes of

God? Galatians 5:19.

" ... The most solemn message ever committed to mortals has been entrusted to
this people, and they can have a powerful influence if they will be sanctified by it.
They profess to be standing upon the elevated platform of eternal truth, keeping all of
God's commandments; therefore, if they indulge in sin, if they commit fornication and
adultery, their crime is of tenfold greater magnitude than is that of the classes I have
named, who do not acknowledge the law of God as binding upon them."-Testimonies,
vol. 2, pp. 450, 451.

8. What other sins are referred to as especially offensive to God? Galatians

5:20,21 (first part). What characters typify the professed Christian world
today? 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

"Paul charged his brethren to beware lest in trying to correct the faults of others
they should commit sins equally great themselves. He warns them that hatred, emula-
tion, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, and envyings are as truly the works of the flesh
as are lasciviousness, adultery, drunkenness, and murder, and will as surely close the
gate of heaven against the guilty." - Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 244.

- 36-
Two Possibilities o Thursday
March 12

9. What is the only hope for those who are involved in these sins? Galatians 1:3,
4; 1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19; 1 Corinthians 6:11.

10. What will be the inevitable end of those who show no repentance? Galatians
5:21 (last part); 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Revelation 21:8. What is our duty in
view of the existing dangers? 2 Timothy 4:2.

" ... Toward those who fall into sin, the church has a duty, to warn, to instruct,
and if possible to restore. 'Reprove, rebuke, exhort,' the Lord says, 'with all long-
suffering and doctrine.' 2 Tim. 4:2. Deal faithfully with wrongdoing. Warn every soul
that is in danger. Leave none to deceive themselves. Call sin by its right name.
Declare what God has said in regard to lying, Sabbathbreaking, stealing, idolatry, and
every other evil. 'They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.'
Gal. 5:21. If they persist in sin, the judgment you have declared from God's word is
pronounced upon them in heaven. In choosing to sin, they disown Christ; the church
must show that she does not sanction their deeds, or she herself dishonors her
Lord.... " - The Desire of Ages, pp. 805, 806.

Recapitulation o Friday
March 13

a. What is the result of backbiting?

b. By what evidences does a person show that he is not converted?
c. In our self-examination, what questions should we ask ourselves?
d. Of what should those beware who try to correct the faults of their brethren?
e. What must happen when sinners refuse to repent? •

- 37-
Lesson 12 Sabbath, March 21,1981


The Holy Spirit, abiding in the heart, works a complete change: love, kindness,
humility, sympathy, friendliness, is seen in every word and act

KEY TEXT: "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25).

The Holy Spirit, the Law, and Our Actions D Sunday

March 15

1. While the law of God is against the works of the flesh (1 Timothy 1:9, 10),
what is its relationship to the fruits of the Spirit? Galatians 5:23.

2. How can we prove that those who are under the control of the Holy Spirit live
in harmony with the truth and, therefore, are not under the rebuke of the
law? John 16:13; Psalm 119:142; Galatians 5:18.

"Having brought conviction of sin, and presented before the mind the standard of
righteousness, the Holy Spirit withdraws the affections from the things of this earth
and fills the soul with a desire for holiness. 'He will guide you into all truth' (John
16:13), the Saviour declared. If men are willing to be molded, there will be brought
about a sanctification of the whole being. The Spirit will take the things of God and
stamp them on the soul. By His power the way of life will be made so plain that none
need err therein."- The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 52, 53.

The Holy Spirit and the Working ofMiracles D Monday

March 16
3. How do we know that not all who profess the name of Christ are led by the
Holy Spirit? Matthew 7:21-23. What warning did Christ make against false
prophets and deceptive miracles? Matthew 24:24.

" ... What message do these teachers [of falsehood] bring? Does it lead you to
reverence and fear God? Does it lead you to manifest your love for Him by loyalty to
His commandments? If men do not feel the weight of the moral law; if they make light
of God's precepts; if they break one of the least of His commandments, and teach men
so, they shall be of no esteem in the sight of heaven. We may know that their claims
are without foundation. They are doing the very work that originated with the prince
of darkness, the enemy of God.
"Not all who profess His name and wear His badge are Christ's. Many who have
taught in My name, said Jesus, will be found wanting at last. 'Many will say to Me in
that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have
cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess
unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.'
"There are persons who believe that they are right, when they are wrong. While
claiming Christ as their Lord, and professedly doing great works in His name, they
are workers of iniquity." -Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pp. 145, 146.

- 38-
" ... Evil angels are upon our track every moment. We expect a readiness on the
part of bad men to act as Satan suggests; but while our minds are unguarded against
his invisible agents, they assume new ground and work marvels and miracles in our
sight. Are we prepared to resist them by the word of God, the only weapon we can
use successfully?
"Some will be tempted to receive these wonders as from God. The sick will be
healed before us. Miracles will be performed in our sight. Are we prepared for the
trial which awaits us when the lying wonders of Satan shall be more fully exhibited?
Will not many souls be ensnared and taken? By departing from the plain precepts and
commandments of God, and giving heed to fables, the minds of many are preparing to
receive these lying wonders...." - Testinwnies. vol. 1, p. 302.

4. On the other hand, evidence shows that not all who have the Holy Spirit will
work miracles? John 10:41.

The Holy Spirit and the Speaking in Tongues o Tuesday

March 17
5. How are spiritualistic manifestations often mistaken for the divine gift of
tongues? Isaiah 8:19; 1 Corinthians 14:9.

"Some of these persons have exercises which they call gifts and say that the Lord
has placed them in the church. They have an unmeaning gibberish which they call the
unknown tongue, which is unknown not only by man but by the Lord and all heaven.
Such gifts are manufactured by men and women, aided by the great deceiver."-
Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 412.
" ... They [wandering stars professing to be ministers sent of God] give
themselves up to wild, excitable feelings and make unintelligible sounds which they
call the gift of tongues, and a certain class seem to be charmed with these strange
manifestations. A strange spirit rules with this class, which would bear down and run
over anyone who would reprove them. God's Spirit is not in the work and does not at-
tend such workmen. They have another spirit... ,"-Ibid. p. 414.

6. What is written about the true gift of tongues? Acts 2:1-8.

"During the dispersion the Jews had been scattered to almost every part of the
inhabited world, and in their exile they had learned to speak various languages. Many
of these Jews were on this occasion in Jerusalem, attending the religious festivals
then in progress. Every known tongue was represented by those assembled. This
diversity of languages would have been a great hindrance to the proclamation of the
gospel; God therefore in a miraculous manner supplied the deficiency of the apostles.
The Holy Spirit did for them that which they could not have accomplished for
themselves in a lifetime. They could now proclaim the truths of the gospel abroad,
speaking with accuracy the languages of those for whom they were laboring. This
miraculous gift was a strong evidence to the world that their commission bore the
signet of Heaven. From this time forth the language of the disciples was pure, simple,
and accurate, whether they spoke in their native tongue or in a foreign language."
- The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 39, 40.

The Holy Spirit and the Fruits Manifested in the Life o Wednesday
March 18
7. What is the greatest evidence that a person is controlled by the Holy Spirit?
Galatians 5:22, 23.

- 39-
8. Which parable illustrates the working of the Holy Spirit in human hearts?
Matthew 13:33.

"The leaven of truth works a change in the whole man, making the coarse refined,
the rough gentle, the selfish generous. By it the impure are cleansed, washed in the
blood of the Lamb. Through its life-giving power it brings all there is of mind and soul
and strength into harmony with the divine life. Man with his human nature becomes a
partaker of divinity. Christ is honored in excellence and perfection of character. As
these changes are effected, angels break forth in rapturous song, and God and Christ
rejoice over souls fashioned after the divine similitude." -Chn'st's Object Lessons, p. 102.

The Excellency ofLove D Thursday

March 19
9. Which is the first fruit of the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:22 (first part). What is
true love? 1 John 5:3; Romans 13:10.

10. What are the characteristics of love? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

", .. The leaven of truth will not produce the spirit of rivalry, the love of ambi-
tion, the desire to be first. True, heaven-born love is not selfish and changeable. It is
not dependent on human praise. The heart of him who receives the grace of God
overflows with love for God and for those for whom Christ died. Self is not struggling
for recognition. He does not love others because they love and please him, because
they appreciate his merits, but because they are Christ's purchased possession. If his
motives, words, or actions are misunderstood or misrepresented, he takes no offense,
but pursues the even tenor of his way. He is kind and thoughtful, humble in his opin-
ion of himself, yet full of hope, always trusting in the mercy and love of God." -Christ's
Object Lessons, pp. 101, 102.

Recapitulation D Friday
March 20
a. If we are willing to be molded by the Holy Spirit, what will be the result?
b. Which is the only weapon we can use successfully against false prophets and
their deceptive miracles?
c. What is one of the main differences between the true gift and the spurious
gift of tongues?
d. What change does the Holy Spirit work in us with our consent and coopera-
e. What will be seen in our lives if the Holy Spirit has come into our hearts? _

The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is for a
Chapel in Lisbon - Portugal
~ee details on page 4.

- 40-
8. Which parable illustrates the working of the Holy Spirit in human hearts?
Matthew 13:33.

"The leaven of truth works a change in the whole man, making the coarse refined,
the rough gentle, the selfish generous. By it the impure are cleansed, washed in the
blood of the Lamb. Through its life-giving power it brings all there is of mind and soul
and strength into harmony with the divine life. Man with his human nature becomes a
partaker of divinity. Christ is honored in excellence and perfection of character. As
these changes are effected, angels break forth in rapturous song, and God and Christ
rejoice over souls fashioned after the divine similitude." -Christ's Object Lessons, p. 102.

The Excellency ofLove D Thursday

March 19
9. Which is the first fruit of the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:22 (first part). What is
true love? 1 John 5:3; Romans 13:10.

10. What are the characteristics of love? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

" ... The leaven of truth will not produce the spirit of rivalry, the love of ambi-
tion, the desire to be first. True, heaven-born love is not selfish and changeable. It is
not dependent on human praise. The heart of him who receives the grace of God
overflows with love for God and for those for whom Christ died. Self is not struggling
for recognition. He does not love others because they love and please him, because
they appreciate his merits, but because they are Christ's purchased possession. If his
motives, words, or actions are misunderstood or misrepresented, he takes no offense,
but pursues the even tenor of his way. He is kind and thoughtful, humble in his opin-
ion of himself, yet full of hope, always trusting in the mercy and love of God." -Christ's
Object Lessons, pp. 101, 102.

Recapitulation D Friday
March 20
a. If we are willing to be molded by the Holy Spirit, what will be the result?
b. Which is the only weapon we can use successfully against false prophets and
their deceptive miracles?
c. What is one of the main differences between the true gift and the spurious
gift of tongues?
d. What change does the Holy Spirit work in us with our consent and coopera-
e. What will be seen in our lives if the Holy Spirit has come into our hearts? _

The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is for a
Chapel in Lisbon - Portugal
;lee details on page 4.

- 40-
Lesson 13 Sabbath, March 28, 1981


The object of the epistle is to silence the whole controversy by leading the Gala-
tians to submit themselves to the Holy Spirit and to reclaim those who have
drifted away from the truth as it is in Jesus

KEY TEXT: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the
world" (Galatians 6:14).

A Cause-and-Effect Relationship D Sunday

March 22

1. What cause-and-effect relationship is inescapable in our lives? Galatians 6:7;

Deuteronomy 30:19.

"Few believe with heart and soul that we have a hell to shun and a heaven to
win."- The Desire of Ages, p. 636.
"Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Nothing but holiness will prepare you for
heaven. It is sincere, experimental piety alone that can give you a pure, elevated
character and enable you to enter into the presence of God, who dwelleth in light
unapproachable. The heavenly character must be acquired on earth, or it can never
be acquired at all. Then begin at once. Flatter not yourself that a time will come when
you can make an earnest effort easier than now. Every day increases your distance
from God. Prepare for eternity with such zeal as you have not yet manifested.
Educate your mind to love the Bible, to love the prayer meeting, to love the hour of
meditation, and, above all, the hour when the soul communes with God. Become
heavenly-minded if you would unite with the heavenly choir in the mansions
above."- Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 267, 268.

2. What life and death question is before us? Galatians 6:8.

"[Gal. 6:7, 8 quoted.] Wonderful truth! This is a two-edged sword which cuts
both ways. This life and death question is before the whole human race. The choice
we make in this life will be our choice through all eternity. We shall receive either
eternal life or eternal death. There is no middle ground, no second probation. Weare
called upon to overcome in this life as Christ overcame. Heaven has provided us with
abundant opportunities and privileges, so that we may overcome as Christ overcame,
and sit down with Him on His throne. But in order to be overcomers, there must be in
our lives no petting of fleshly inclinations. All selfishness must be cut out by the
roots."- The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1112.

The Choice Before Us D Monday

March 23

3. Why do so many forfeit heaven when they have a free choice between life and
death? John 3:19, 20.

- 41-
"All should be intelligent in regard to the agency by which the soul is destroyed.
It is not because of any decree that God has sent out against man. He does not make
man spiritually blind. God gives sufficient light and evidence to enable man to
distinguish truth from error. But He does not force man to receive truth. He leaves
him free to choose the good or to choose the evil. If man resists evidence that is suffi-
cient to guide his judgment in the right direction, and chooses evil once, he will do
this more readily the second time. The third time he will still more eagerly withdraw
himself from God and choose to stand on the side of Satan. And in this course he will
continue until he is confirmed in evil, and believes the lie he has cherished as truth.
His resistance has produced its harvest." - The SDA Bible Commentary [E.G. White Comments],
vol. 6, p. 1112.

4. If we reject the evidence of truth, what question will we be unable to answer?

Hebrews 2:3.

Spirit of Self-Importance o Tuesday

March 24
5. What is one of the obstacles before us when we wish to make the right
choice? Galatians 6:3.

"You have a knowledge of the truth; you are not ignorant of the claims of Scrip-
ture; you know your Master's will, for He has plainly revealed it. But your heart is not
inclined to follow the light which shines upon your pathway. You have a large
measure of self-conceit. Your love for self is greater than your love for the cause of
present truth. Your self-confidence and your self-sufficiency will certainly prove your
ruin unless you can see your weakness and errors, and reform. You are arbitrary. You
have a set will of your own to maintain, and although the opinions of others may be
correct, and your judgment wrong, yet you are not the man to yield. You hold firmly
to your advanced opinion, irrespective of the judgment of others. I wish you could see
the danger of continuing the course you have been pursuing.... "- Testimonies, vol. 3, p.
244. '

6. What will enable us to clear the way of all obstacles? Galatians 6:4; 1 Corin-
thians 11:28 (first part).

"Will the Israel of God awake? Will all who profess godliness seek to put away
every wrong, to confess to God every secret sin, and afflict the soul before Him? Will
they, with great humility, investigate the motives of every action, and know that the
eye of God reads all, searches out every hidden thing? Let the work be thorough, the
consecration to God entire. He calls for a full surrender of all that we have and
are...." - Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 124.

Twofold Burden Bearers o Wednesday

March 25
7. As burden bearers in the work of God, whose burdens should we bear? Gala-
tians 6:5, 2, 6, 9, 10.

" ... The church that engages successfully in this work [of laboring for the err-
ing] is a happy church. That man or that woman whose soul is drawn out in compas-
sion and love for the erring, and who labors to bring them to the fold of the Great
Shepherd, is engaged in a blessed work. And, oh, what a soul-enrapturing thought,
that when one sinner is thus reclaimed, there is more joy in heaven than over ninety
and nine just persons! Selfish, exclusive, exacting souls who seem to fear to help

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those in error, as though they would become polluted by so doing, do not taste of the
sweets of this missionary work; they do not feel that blessedness which fills all heaven
with rejoicing upon the rescue of one who has gone astray. They are shut up to their
narrow views and feelings, and are becoming as dry and unfruitful as the mountains
of Gilboa, upon which there was neither dew nor rain. Let a strong man be shut away
from labor, and he becomes feeble. That church or those persons who shut
themselves away from bearing burdens for others, who shut themselves up to
themselves, will soon suffer spiritual feebleness ...." - Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 22.

8. What help is offered us if we want to be true burden bearers? Matthew

11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:7.

Conclusion D Thursday
March 26
9. Who and what should we always have before our eyes so we do not miss the
way? Galatians 6:14; Hebrews 12:1,2.

"Looking upon the crucified Redeemer, we more fully comprehend the

magnitude and meaning of the sacrifice made by the Majesty of heaven. The plan of
salvation is glorified before us, and the thought of Calvary awakens living and sacred
emotions in our hei\rts. Praise to God and the Lamb will be in our hearts and on our
lips; for pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the soul that keeps fresh in memory
the scenes of Calvary.
"He who beholds the Saviour's matchless love will be elevated in thought,
purified in heart, transformed in character. He will go forth to be a light to the world,
to reflect in some degree this mysterious love. The more we contemplate the cross of
Christ, the more fully shall we adopt the language of the apostle when he said, 'God
forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the
world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.' Gal. 6: 14."- The Desire of Ages, p. 661.

10. What is Paul's desire for those who accept the instructions set forth by him?
Galatians 6:16. What was the result of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians?

"The apostle's earnest words of entreaty were not fruitless. The Holy Spirit
wrought with mighty power, and many whose feet had wandered into strange paths,
returned to their former faith in the gospel. Henceforth they were steadfast in the
liberty wherewith Christ had made them free. In their lives were revealed the fruits of
the Spirit-'love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,
temperance.' The name of God was glorified, and many were added to the number of
believers throughout that region." - The Acts of the Apostles, p. 388.

Recapitulation D Friday
March 27
a. How should we act in order to be overcomers?
b. How does man become the author of his own destruction?
c. What danger are we often unable to see?
d. Describe a successful and happy church.
e. What will be the glorious experience of those who continually behold the
Saviour's matchless love? _

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