To Kill A Mockingbird

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To kill a mockingbird

Harper Lee

To kill a mockingbird is a Southern Gothic (literature which includes deeply flawed characters) and
coming-of-age (represent growth of the character, the period during which the growth occurs changes
the character’s views on the life, society,..) novel written by Harper Lee. It was published in 1960 and
it became an immediate success, winning Pulitzer Prize. To kill a mockingbird has become a classic of
American literature. This novel is loosely based on Harper Lee’s observations of the events that
occurred during 1930s in Monroeville, Alabama.

This novel deals with serious issues of rape and racial inequality. The author also addresses the
issues of class, courage and gender roles.
The first draft for this book, Go set a watchmen, was released in 2015. These two books are the only
ones that the author has ever written.

This story takes place in a fictional ‘tired-old-town’ Maycomb, Alabama during the Great
Depression for a period of three years (1933-1935). The narrator and also the main character of the
story is Scout Finch, six years old girl, who lives with her father Atticus and brother Jem. Scout and
Jem befriend Dill Harrison, who visits the town every summer to stay with his aunt. The kids are
fascinated by their neighbour Arthur Radley whom everyone calls Boo. Boo Radley never leaves his
house and there are lots of rumors about him around the town. After two years of friendship with Dill,
Jem and Scout find out that someone –Boo Radley, leaves them various kinds of gifts in a tree near
Boo Radley’s house, but he never appears in person.
Judge Taylor appoints Scout’s father, Atticus, who is a lawyer to defend Tom Robinson, a
black man, who was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Because of that, Jem and Scout are taunted that
their father is a ‘nigger-lover’.

This book contains a lot of satire moments, such as Scout’s first day at school, were Lee criticizes
the treatment of education. Satire and irony are used to such an extent that we could say that Lee is –
mocking- the education, justice system, gender roles and the whole society.
For me, this book was a lot different from the other books I’ve read, not only for the message
it gives but also for the style of writing. I think, that Harper Lee’s style of writing and generally story-
telling is amazing. This book is brilliant and also educational.

The most notable quote is: “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They
don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out
for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” This quote also explains the title of the story which
has origins in a local saying ‘’It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.’’ As I understand it, based on the book
and events that occurred at the end, it is a sin to kill a person, specifically in this book a black person,
because in reality they do not do anything bad and they are just like us.

Kristina Švedová
Year 2, Group T1

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