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Simplified Physical Exercises PUBLISHER'S NOTE We are happy t bring cut the revised version af the book authored by Thathuvagnani Velhathirt Maharishi, Because of the gteat demand both in India and abroad, we have undertaken this naw edition, The Chennai Television had earlier broadcast the entire system of exercises asa serial and many families, from children to Senior citizens, hava started practising these exercises. “This: fevised edition would be a timely guide: for thern This book has been lranslated into: English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Japanese, Korean and Spanish languages. Renowned Karate Masters have also practised these exercises and have found them to be greatly beneflel ‘The epllogue containing the article of Maharishi is indeed a great treasure, Maharishi has brought out the need and benefits of the physical exercises in his awn succinct style, ‘The purpose of these exercises is not only to strengthen the physical body but also 10 regulate all the boul functions and strengitien our mind so that we ara able to free curselves. from tha past imprints which have been weakening us. ‘Thus we can soo that Simpilied Physical Exercises eystem bullds a foundation for our spiritual prograss also. This excollant book can be given as aitt to friends and relalives on important functions such as marriages. 0 blessed by the Divine, ‘SKM. Maellanandhan President The World Commurity Service Conta Vethathiri Publications a Thathuyagnani Vethathixi Maharis!: MM. vil vill CONTENTS IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS jane excnoiace LEG EXERCISES NEURO-MUSCULAR BREATHING EXERCISES EYE EXERCISES KAPALABATHI MAKARIASANA (Part A and B) MASSAGE ACU-PRESSURE RELAXATION LIVE IN HEALTH AND HABMONY 25 30 34 36 ar a3 58 a fe) 3) (4) ® 8 m7 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Tho exercises contained in this book can be practised by anyone ahove the age of ekiht Anyone af 80 years old can alan start and practian thane axraises. The exercises should always be dane without any jerks The iovements should always be smooth and graceful. Straining of any sort should be avoided, “The exercises should be practised in tho morning an empty stomach. Ii they are to be practised in the evening, four hours should lapse after taking solid food or half an hour efter tiquic food, soffee or tea, After doing the exercises, a few sins of water should be taken. ‘Any othar type of food, Solid or fquld, can ba taken fifteen minutes after completing the exorcises, ‘Those suffering fram aliments euch as heart troubia, etc, choi practise the exarcises after getting tha advice of a qualified masiar of SKY (Simplified Kunealln! Yoga}. ‘Throughout these exercises, the practitioner should endeavour to concentrate on the movernents of tha body. itis, therefore, suggested {hat the eyes should be closed while doing the: exercises. Exceptionally the following exercises should be dona with pan eyes. 1) the enlire set of eye exerclees 2} the pattire ahd mauainants Nis 6 nf Hand Eyarsisan andl 4) the posture and moveriants No. 7 of Part B of Makarasana (8) Physical Exercises should not be done directly on the ffoor, A matar some thick spread on the floor should bbe used. (9) ft takes just about hall-an-hour to completa the wiicle set ot exercises, (10) Those exercises are suitable for all climatic conditions. (#1) Those who have undergone surgery should start practising these exercises ater three or four months, (12) Though these exercises can be practised by reading this oak, itis better to lear from the qualified master of SKY. {Simplified Kundalini Yooa). SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WOMEN (1), Women should not practise these exercises during the days of their monthly period, ie., for 8 to 5 days. (2) Pregnant women (after two months of pregnancy) should at do the following exercises until delivery. pastures 1 and 2 of Neuro-Muscular Braathing Exercises and + the part A and B of Makarasansa. 48) Other exercises contained in this book may be done by pregnant women Ad) Allthe exercises may be practised again three months ater delivery, provided the health Is normal, 12 |. HAND EXERCISES POSTURE 1: (a) Stand erect and oop the feet 6 inches (15 om} apart as shown in Fig. H-1 (b) Lit the hands above the head to the full stretch andl jain the palms and fingers together. The arms should be close to tho ears as shown in Fig. H-2. Keep the arms.up in the ‘same position for 4 complete normal breaths, (c} Then bring the arms down to the thighs and rest for 2 normal breaths as shown in Fig, H-S, (d) Do this oxercise 3 times. POSTURE 2: (a) Spread the hands sideways st the shoulder lovel (Fig. H-4). Lot the palms face in front 14

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