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Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

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Influence of water depth variation on the hydrodynamics

of deep-water mooring characteristics
Zi Lin n, P. Sayer
Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

ar t ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper studies the behaviour of a mooring system, in water depths from 300 m to 3000 m, using an
Received 23 October 2014 indirect time-domain method. The boundary element method and lumped mass method are used to inves-
Accepted 25 August 2015 tigate the floating body hydrodynamics and mooring line characteristics, respectively. Results from coupled
Available online 22 October 2015
analysis are compared with experimental data in intermediate water depth. The results from coupled low
Keywords: frequency (LF) and fully coupled analysis are compared and discussed. Results from parametric studies are
Water depth variation compared to offer guidance to mooring system designers on the suitability of particular approaches.
Coupled analysis & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coupled LF analysis
Mooring system

1. Introduction Sensitivity studies have been undertaken by many researchers for a

range of environmental conditions, mooring line hydrodynamic coef-
Water depth has long been recognised by the offshore industry as a ficients and configurations, and different methods of analysis (e.g. Kim
key parameter in mooring system design; it affects mooring line length, et al, 2001; Guedes Soares et al, 2001; Wichers and Devlin, 2001; Qiao
material and configuration. The time domain approach (for example, as et al., 2012; Astrup et al, 2001; Kim and Sclavounos, 2001; Tahar and
per the design codes of API (2005) or DNV (2010)) is considered to be a Kim, 2003). These studies tended to concentrate on the effects of a
reliable design tool, by incorporating the inherent nonlinearities and range of parameters for a particular value of water depth. A few looked
coupling effects of the mooring system characteristics. at the effects of water depth (e.g. Chen et al. (2001); Luo and Baudic
An ever present challenge is to improve the accuracy of the for- (2003)); it is timely to re-evaluate this problem.
mulation and modelling, while decreasing computational demands. On examining standard design codes, e.g. API (2005) and DNV
For larger water depths, coupled analysis has long been considered (2010), there is limited guidance on the effects of water depth
necessary to obtain accurate values of the motion response of a variation. DNV-OS-E301 states that a dynamic analysis has to be
floating body. It is generally accepted that in deep water the weight of carried out for water depths larger than 100 m. Given that plat-
a chain mooring line becomes comparable with that of the floating forms are currently being developed for operation in water depths
body, and so it may have a large effect on the floating body. To this up to 3000 m, it may happen that not all dynamic simulations
end, a fully coupled analysis is necessary to obtain accurate values for generate comparable accuracies for similar computational effort.
motions and mooring line tensions. Ormberg and Larsen (1998) stu-
died a turret-moored FPSO, and showed that, for large water depth,
2. Description of the mooring system
the LF response becomes dominant and a non-coupled analysis failed
to predict the motions accurately. However, a fully coupled time-
The mooring system used in our case studies is a classic Spar
domain simulation is usually much more time-consuming and
platform. Figs. 1 and 2 show a schematic of the four-point mooring
memory-intensive, which is not helpful for (preliminary) design. Many
system. The main particulars of the cylinder are shown in Table 1.
moored floating platforms are therefore assessed using a quasi-static
coupled method. Under certain approximations, other methods are
available which can generate reasonably accurate results without
3. Numerical modelling
excessive computational demands. Their accuracy varies with water
depth, and so it seems appropriate to re-examine and quantify The diffraction/radiation computing package WAMIT (WAMIT
approaches as the water depth increases. User's Manual, 2013) was used to generate the hydrodynamic coeffi-
cients. In WAMIT, two types of Boundary Element Method (BEM) 1)
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 44 141 548 4911. lower order method and 2) higher order method (based on B-spline
E-mail address: (Z. Lin). function) are applied for solving the integral equation. In this paper,
0029-8018/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
554 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

considering of the large volume of the cylinder, the B-spline based determined by the mean drift forces. Although mean drift forces
higher order BEM method was applied for solving the integral equa- can be evaluated by solving the first-order boundary value problem,
tion. By solving the linear boundary value problem, the added mass, it is not easy to evaluate compared first-order compounds. So, in
radiation damping and wave exciting forces were calculated with this paper, a specific mooring system and a specific water depth
different frequencies. Considering the long simulation time for calcu- were selected because of the availability of experimental data.
lating full QTFs (Quadric Transfer Functions), which are almost In order to check the accuracy of mean drift forces, a comparison
impossible for running hundreds of cases in design process, only mean of current WAMIT results and available experimental data (Spar
drift force was calculated. The second-order difference-frequency Model Test Joint Industry Project, 1995) is shown in Fig. 3. From the
compounds of wave loading were calculated with Newman's comparison we can see that a good trend is shown between
Approximation, which is considered as a good and efficient method of
numerical results and available experimental data, which offer good
approximation under deep-water circumstance.
and accurate preparation for the time domain whole system dynamic
response simulation. A good agreement is shown between present
3.1. Mesh of the Spar
results and the experimental data for frequency less than 0.6 rad/s.

Because of a B-spline function based the higher-order method

was used in this paper, the geometry of the body surface was first 3.3. Calculation of current forces
determined by one or more smooth patches. A patch is a con-
tinuous surface (WAMIT). The cylinder was divided into two pat- The current drag loads due to translational relative velocity
ches, one was the side and the other one was the bottom of the were calculated in the standard manner:
cylinder. Because of the symmetry of the cylinder, meshes were
generated only on a quarter of the cylinder. 1
F ¼ C ρV 2 A ð1Þ
3.2. Validation of mean wave drift force
Wave drift forces are important in the mooring system design
because the mean position of the mooring system is partly C ¼drag coefficient
ρ ¼ water density
V¼current velocity
A¼projected area

In this paper, a current speed of 0.95 m/s was chosen at the

surface, linearly decreasing to zero on the seabed.

3.4. Wave drift damping

Wave drift damping is an important potential flow effect for LF

motions (DNV-RP-F205, 2010). In OrcaFlex, the effect of wave drift
Fig. 1. Mooring system layout (slack).
damping is evaluated by modifying the wave drift QTF values. As
Newman's Approximation was used in current study, the modified
Table 1 wave drift QTFs were based on Newman's Approximation. The
Main particulars of the Spar (Chen et al., 2001). modified value only applied on surge and sway. The wave drift
Parameters Values
damping in the case studies were time-dependant, instead of
constant value. The modified diagonal QTF Qde is given by
Diameter (m) 40.54
Draught (m) 198.12 Q de ðβ ; β ; τ; τÞ ¼ Ae Q d ðβe ; β e ; τe ; τe Þ ð2Þ
Mass (kg) 2.592  108
Centre of gravity (m)  105.98
Pitch radius of gyration (m) 62.33 where
Mooring point beneath mean still water level (m)  106.62
Surge damping coefficient 0.0526 Ae ¼Aranha scaling factor (Aranha, 1994)
Heave damping coefficient 0.0053 βe ¼encounter heading
Pitch damping coefficient 0.0086
τe ¼encounter period


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Frequency (rad/s)

Fig. 2. Mooring system layout(taut). Fig. 3. Comparison of mean drift force.

Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 555

3.5. Mooring system methods of analysis Fwave ¼ wave exciting force

3.5.1. Coupled LF method

In this method, the global motion is split into WF (displace- 4. Comparison with available experimental data
ment RAOs) and LF (solving time-domain motion equation) parts.
A time-domain coupled analysis is performed under the LF effect In order to check our numerical model, motion response results
only condition while the WF parts of motion response are eval- for a mooring system in intermediate water depth (318 m) were
uated by the displacement RAOs. The WF motion response is compared with available experimental and numerical data (Chen
imposed on the LF motion response to get the total floating body et al., 2001). The main characteristics of mooring line are shown in
motion response. Table 3.
The LF motion equation in the time domain can be expressed
as: 4.1. Irregular sea-state modelling
Z 1
½M þ M a ð1ÞX€ LF þ Rðt  τÞX_ LF dτ þ KX LF For validation, the incident random wave was simulated using a
JONSWAP spectrum with a significant wave height Hs ¼13.1 m and
¼ F drif t þ F current þ F mooring þ F wd þ F v ð3Þ
peak period Tp ¼14 s, as selected by Chen et al. (2001). The
where expression of JONSWAP spectrum follows the equation below
Ma ¼Added mass matrix h i4 h i2
αg2  54 f mf e  12s2 f f  1
M ¼mass matrix Sðf Þ ¼ e γ m
XLF ¼floating body low frequency motion response 16π 4
K ¼hydrostatic restoring matrix where g is the gravitational constant. f and fm are the frequency
R ¼retardation function and peak frequency, respectively. α and γ are data items as
Fwd ¼wave drift damping described in OrcaFlex user's Manual.
Fdrift ¼wave drift exciting force
Fcurrent ¼current force 4.2. Comparison of horizontal restoring force and worst loaded line
Fmooring ¼mooring force tension
Fv ¼linear viscous damping force
In order to check our modelling, horizontal restoring force and
The displacement RAOs were calculated for a range of fre- worst loaded line tension results (Figs. 4 and 5) for a mooring
quencies by solving the following frequency domain motion system in 318 m water depth were compared with available
equation: experimental data (Chen et al., 2001). They compare well with
available experimental data.
½  ω2 ðM ij þ Aij Þ þ iωBij þ K ij x ¼ F ext ð4Þ
j¼1 4.3. Comparison of motion response between experimental data and
numerical simulation
Fully-coupled time domain motion responses of surge, heave
x ¼motion response and pitch are shown in Table 2. It is generally believed that for
ω ¼circular frequency such a high wave height nonlinear simulation of incident wave is
Mij ¼ mass matrix required. But in present simulation we simulated the incident
Aij ¼ added mass matrix wave with superposition theory which means the nonlinearity of
Bij ¼radiation damping matrix incident wave and their effects on the response of the cylinder
Kij ¼hydrostatic restoring matrix were ignored. From the comparison we can see that the mean
Fext ¼ 1st-order wave exciting force value still compares well with the experimental data. This is
probably because of the nonlinearity of incident wave in current
3.5.2. Fully-coupled method case studies is less important.
The added mass and radiation damping are calculated in fre-
quency domain for a range of frequencies and transferred from the
frequency domain using an Inverse Fourier Transform (Cummins, 5. Parametric study against analysis method
1962). The whole motion response no longer split into WF and LF
parts. Instead, the output of motion response will be a combina- Tables 3 and 4 show the properties of mooring line in different
tion of WF, LF and mean drift response. Coupling effects between water depths from 318 m to 3000 m. The two analysis methods
floating body and mooring lines are included automatically by mentioned in Section 3.5 were applied under a wave only condi-
solving the time-domain equation of motion iteratively for each tion and a wave plus current condition, respectively. For the
time step. Due to the small range of WF motion compared with LF parametric studies, the incident random wave had a significant
motion, a relatively small time step is required. wave height Hs ¼3.25 m and peak period Tp ¼ 9.7 s, which has an
The floating body motion equation in the time domain can be over 20% percentage probability of sea (Lee et al, 1985). The
expressed as: simulation time was 3 hours. Table 5 shows a list of case studies
Z 1
and environmental conditions.
½M þ M a ð1ÞX€ þ _ τ þKX ¼ F wave þ F current þ F mooring
Rðt  τÞXd
5.1. Load-Offset graph for different water depths
þ F v þF wd ð5Þ

where In view of the large number of parameters, a comparison was

undertaken using the static load-offset data in Fig. 6.1, selecting
X ¼floating body motion response the static horizontal stiffness according to water depth so that the
556 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

8000 Table 3
7000 Properties of chains (Chen et al., 2001).

Parameters Values
4000 Water depth (m) 318 600 1000
3000 Number of mooring lines 4 4 4
experiment Length of mooring line (m) 600 1200 2000
OrcaFlex Mass per unit length (kg/m) 1100 1100 1100
1000 Elastic stiffness (EA, kN) 1.5e6 1.5e6 1.5e6
0 Pretension (kN) 5100 13000 25000
0 10 20 30
Table 4
Fig. 4. Comparison of horizontal restoring force in 318 m water depth.
Properties of taut mooring lines (composite, Deep Rope).

9000 Parameters Values

8000 Water depth (m) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
7500 Number of mooring 4*3 4*3 4*3 4*3 4*3

Length of Top chain 50 80 80 80 80
experiment mooring Polyester 1490 1860 2860 3445 4324
line (m) Ground 50 85 85 85 85
5500 chain
5000 Mass per Top chain 161 161 161 161 161
4500 unit length Polyester 53 15.5 21 24 24
0 10 20 30 (kg/m) Ground 161 161 161 161 161
Offset(m) chain
Elastic stiff- Top chain 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3
Fig. 5. Comparison of worst loaded line tension in 318 m water depth.
ness (EA, Polyester 72.56E3 137E3 189E3 229E3 229E3
kN) Ground 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3 691.74E3
Table 2 Mooring radius(m) 1387.2 1537 2425 2700 3600
Comparison between experimental data and numerical simulation. Total line length(m) 1590 2025 3020 3512 4489

Experiment Present Chen et al.

Surge (m) Mean 4.07 4.03 4.24 Table 5

Min  6.94  8.13  10.93 Case studies against water depth.
Max 7.19 16.34 11.51
Std Dev 2.61 4.19 3.78 Case studies Method of analysis Environmental condition
Heave (m) Mean 0.024  1.40
Min  1.83  2.52 Case1 quasi-static Wave only condition
Max 1.75  0.85 Case2 coupled LF Wave only condition
Std Dev 0.71 0.13 Case3 fully-coupled Wave only condition
Pitch (m) Mean 0.27 0.25 Case4 quasi-static Waveþ current condition
Min  3.71  1.20 Case5 coupled LF Waveþ current condition
Max 4.25 2.32 Case6 fully-coupled Waveþ current condition
Std Dev 1.39 0.47

fully-coupled method (Fig. 11.1). Current loading increases the

mean horizontal offsets were similar. For taut lines, the mooring floating body mean and maximum position, but only affects the LF
system contains 12 lines with 3 mooring line in a group. The part of the surge motion, as can be seen from the spectra in
layout of each group of mooring line is shown in Fig. 2. The angle Figs. 7.1–7.8. It is further observed that maximum surge response
between each mooring line is 5degree. is under-predicted by the coupled LF method, compared with the
fully coupled method. In contrast to the mean surge response, the
5.2. Simulation results difference between results from the coupled LF and fully-coupled
method increase with increasing water depth. However, the hor-
Figs. 7–10 show the one-sided power spectral density (PSD) of izontal motion responses are highly influenced by the additional
motion response and line tension time histories obtained by viscous damping, and so the maximum motion response results
Fourier Transform. The spectral density was smoothed to reduce from coupled LF analysis are not necessary larger than the fully
any noise (as recommended in the OrcaFlex User Manual). Sta- coupled analysis. Pitch responses follow a similar trend, particu-
tistical values of motion response and line tension are given in larly for the mean values. Surge and pitch are coupled, but, in
Figs. 11 and 12. Static results of mooring system response are contrast to the results for surge, the maximum amplitudes of pitch
shown in the figures of statistical values for comparison. The first computed by the coupled LF method are almost double those from
column in the legend shows water depth while the second column the fully-coupled method.
represents statistical value or case studies. The maximum heave It is interesting to note that, unlike surge and pitch, the sta-
value in Figs. 12.2 and 14.1 are absolute maximum value. tistical properties of the heave motion are independent of water
Computed surge, pitch and heave natural periods are around depth, analysis method and loading condition. With a catenary
250 s, 41 s and 28 s, respectively, for all water depths. Although the chain mooring, the heave motion takes its overall largest value for
static load-offset graph is similar for each water depth, some dis- 1000 m water depth. One possible reason is that for water depths
crepancies can be seen when dynamic aspects are taken into less than 1000 m the chain has approximately 10% of the weight of
consideration. The mean value of the surge motion, using the the floating body, whereas it is less than 0.5% for 318 m water
coupled LF method, is about 1% larger than the value from the depth. The phenomena investigated in current case studies may
Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 557

Fig. 6.1. Load-offset graph of the cylinder.

Fig. 7.2. Surge 600.

Fig. 6.2. Load-offset graph of FPSO.

Fig. 7.3. Surge 1000.

Fig. 7.1. Surge 318.

Fig. 7.4. Surge 1000 taut.

come from the large heave natural period (28 s), which is far from
the incident wave peak period (9.7 s). To this end, a FPSO with a
smaller heave natural period (8.33 s) was selected for case study. coupled LF and fully coupled method. In 1000 m water depth,
The FPSO is an internal turret-moored vessel with four mooring maximum value of heave response predicting by fully coupled
lines. Main particular of the FPSO and mooring line characteristics method is less than 10% larger than the counterpart of coupled LF
are given in Tables 6 and 7. Three water depths, 1000 m 2000 m method. But this difference decrease to less than 2% in 3000 m
and 3000 m were studied to investigate water depth variation on water depth. However, mean heave motion is still less sensitive to
heave motion. Similar to the cylinder case studies, in order to water depth, especially for wave-only condition (Figs. 14).
make results from different water depth more comparable, the For catenary chain and taut line, both mean and maximum
static load-offset graph was similar for all the water depth, as mooring line tension increases with the increasing of water depth.
shown in Fig. 6.2. From the heave motion spectrum in Figs. 13 we Among all the water depths, the maximum line tension comes
can see that the heave motion is complete determined by WF from 1000 m water depth with catenary chain, instead of 3000 m
response. Under wave only condition, heave spectrum of coupled water depth. One of the reasons is the mooring system initial
LF analysis and fully coupled analysis are almost identical. But on tension accounts for a large amount of total maximum line ten-
the contrary, current effect increases the difference between sion. For slack mooring line, the difference between coupled LF
558 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

Fig. 7.5. Surge 1500. Fig. 7.8. Surge 3000.

Fig. 8.1. Heave 318.

Fig. 7.6. Surge 2000.

Fig. 8.2. Heave 600.

Fig. 7.7. Surge 2500.

and fully coupled method on predicting mooring line mean ten-

sion is 0.04% in 318 m water depth, decreasing to 0.01% in 1000 m
water depth. But for taut mooring line, the difference was 0.04% in
1000 m, slightly decreasing to 0.01% in 3000 m water depth. For
catenary chain, current effect becomes less important on mooring
line tension with the increasing of water depth, as can be seen
from Figs. 11.4(a) and 12.4(a). Mean line tension under a wave plus
current loading is 2.02% larger than wave only condition in 318 m
water depth, decreasing to 0.75% in 1000 m water depth. But for
taut line, the discrepancy is less than 1% for all the water depths.
Both surge motion and mooring line (taut line) tension are
completely determined by LF response, as we can see from
Figs. 7 and 10. LF surge response varies with different water depth.
But water depth variation does not appreciably impact surge WF Fig. 8.3. Heave 1000.
Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 559

Fig. 8.8. Heave 3000.

Fig. 8.4. Heave 1000 taut.

Fig. 9.1. Pitch 318.

Fig. 8.5. Heave 1500.

Fig. 9.2. Pitch 600.

Fig. 8.6. Heave 2000.

Fig. 8.7. Heave 2500. Fig. 9.3. Pitch 1000.

560 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

Fig. 9.4. Pitch 1000 taut. Fig. 9.8. Pitch 3000.

Fig. 9.5. Pitch 1500.

Fig. 10.1. Line 1 tension 318.

Fig. 9.6. Pitch 2000.

Fig. 10.2. Line 1 tension 600.

response, as shown in Figs. 7. In the LF range, peak value of surge

spectral density predicting by fully coupled method shows a fairly
good agreement with the coupled LF method. It also can be seen
that WF surge spectrum shows a significant difference between
coupled LF and fully coupled method and the difference is less
sensitive to water depth. But as surge motion is primarily domi-
nated by LF response, the difference of WF response under dif-
ferent method does not significantly affect the whole motion
Pitch motion spectral density follows the same trend as surge
motion, but determining by both LF and WF response. But unlike
surge and pitch motion response, heave motion spectral density
seems independent of water depth, especially for water depth less
Fig. 9.7. Pitch 2500. than 1000 m where catenary was applied. Current effect and
Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 561

Fig. 10.7. Line 2 tension 2500.

Fig. 10.3. Line 1 tension 1000.

Fig. 10.8. Line 2 tension 3000.

Fig. 10.4. Line 2 tension 1000 taut.

Fig. 10.5. Line 2 tension 1500.

Fig. 11.1. Surge mean.

method of analysis have an effect on heave LF motion response,

but not significantly varied.
Figs. 10 show the spectral density of worst loaded line
(line 1 for catenary chain and line 2 for taut line) for different
water depths. For catenary chain (between 300 m and 1000 m), LF
response slightly increases with the increasing of water depth
while WF mooring line response becomes increasingly important.
But when considering greater water depths up to 3000 m, for
which a taut mooring line is applied, the LF range mooring line
tension spectral density increases with water depth up to 1500 m
water depth and decreases slightly in 3000 m water depth. Current
effect has an impact on mooring line LF response, but results of
mooring line LF response spectrum does not vary significantly by
using coupled LF and fully coupled method. Unlike mooring line LF
Fig. 10.6. Line 2 tension 2000. response, there is a significance difference between WF response
562 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

Fig. 11.2. Heave mean.

Fig. 11.4. (a) Line1 tension mean(slack). (b) Line2 tension mean(taut).

Fig. 11.3. Pitch mean.

predicted by coupled LF and fully coupled method. For water depth

larger than 1500 m, peak value of mooring line WF spectrum
predicting by coupled LF method is much smaller than the coun-
terpart predicted by fully coupled method.

6. Discussion

This paper has examined and quantified the accuracy of the

coupled LF method, applied to a Spar platform, by comparing
against the fully coupled method. Low and Langley (2006) studied
a spread-moored vessel in water depths of 200 m and 2000 m,
showing that the fully coupled frequency domain method gener-
ated results as accurate as the fully coupled time domain method,
provided the geometric nonlinearity of the mooring line is small. Fig. 12.1. Surge max.
This nonlinearity depends on the motion response, the length of
mooring line/water depth and the time-dependency of the significant than pitch, as the total surge motion response is
mooring line shape. When the geometric nonlinearity becomes determined by LF response. Two coupling effects (Low and Lang-
important, the hybrid method (which simulates the WF motion ley, 2008) contribute to this difference. One is the coupling effect
response in the frequency domain and the LF response in the time between the floating body and mooring line (type 1 coupling) in
domain) provides an accurate and efficient solution. The coupling the WF range - the WF response was calculated in the frequency
effects between the WF response of the floating body and mooring domain without mooring line. The second is the effect between
line are captured by a linearised mooring line drag model. The the WF, LF and mean position of the floating body (type 2 cou-
hybrid method is almost as accurate as the fully coupled time pling) - the interpolation of floating body WF motion requires the
domain, but requires only one-tenth of the run time (Low and instantaneous position of the LF response. The WF motion
Langley, 2008). response is inertia dominated and it is often considered that the
However, in the present study for a Spar platform, the geo- interaction between the floating body and mooring line is weak.
metric nonlinearity is small, leading to a difference between the However, as can be seen from the present comparisons (see
coupled LF method and fully coupled method, especially for the Figs 15.1 and 15.2), the discrepancy is due to the interaction
WF pitch motion. The difference in WF surge motion is less between mooring line and WF motion; the coupled WF method
Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 563

Fig. 12.2. Heave max.

Fig. 12.4. (a) Line1 tension max(slack). (b) Line2 tension max(taut).
Fig. 12.3. Pitch max.

Table 6
refers to a fully coupled method described in Section 3.5 but only Main particular of FPSO.

includes first-order wave forces. This suggests that when the Parameters Values
coupling effects are large, the fully coupled method is required,
even for small geometry nonlinearity, unless the contributions Length between perpendiculars Fpp (m) 311
Breadth (m) 47.18
from mooring lines in the WF range can be accounted for. Draft (m) 18.9
There were notable jumps in the surge and pitch motion Vertical centre of gravity (m)  5.58
response spectra and in the mooring line tension spectrum in the Transverse radius of gyration in air (m) 14.77
Longitudinal radius of gyration in air (m) 77.47
frequency range 0.05–0.08 Hz. Two reasons contribute for the
Yaw radius of gyration in air (m) 79.3
jumps. One is the viscous damping effect, as can been seen from Turret behind Fpp (m) 63.55
Figs. 16. Figs. 16 show motion response and line tension response Turret elevation below tanker base (m) 1.52
Mass (te) 255000
spectrum using different linear damping coefficients (i.e. Eq. (5)).
When the linear damping force increases, the peak value of WF
response decreases. The relative difference between the jumps in
this frequency range and the peak values of WF response also 7. Conclusions and Guidance
decrease with increased damping. However, as the surge motion is
totally determined by LF response, the peaks in the WF parts of In this paper, two types of mooring system design methods
motion spectrum are of less importance compared with those of (coupled LF, fully-coupled) are assessed for water depths between
the pitch motion. A second important feature is the wave exciting  300 m and 3000 m. Statistical results from the fully-coupled
method are compared against available numerical and experi-
force, especially for surge and pitch (Figs. 17): the WF motion
mental results for validation purposes. The main results and
spectra for surge and pitch have their peak values at 0.09 Hz
recommendations from parametric studies indicate:
(which is the peak value of the incident wave frequency), but the
corresponding wave excitation force has its peak value around  Both mooring line tension and surge response are completely
0.07 Hz; this contribute to the ‘jumps’ in the motion spectra. The determined by the LF response, particularly for large water
mooring line tension response, shows a similar trend to the surge depths. The WF surge response is independent of water depth,
motion, and it also has variations around 0.08 Hz – the line tension in contrast to the LF surge response. Water depth variation has
response is highly influenced by the instantaneous surge motion. little effect on mean heave motion, even at resonance.
564 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

Table 7
FPSO mooring line characteristic.

Parameters Values

Water depth (m) 1000 2000 3000

Number of mooring lines 4*3 4*3 4*3
Initial tension (kN) 648 792 1691
Length of mooring line Top chain 60 91 91
(m) Polyester 1580 2505 4054
Ground 60 122 122
Mass per unit length Top chain 207 207 207
(kg/m) Polyester 7.2 26 26
Ground 207 207 207
Elastic stiffness (EA, Top chain 888.5016E3 888.5016E3 888.5016E3
kN) Polyester 9837.25 35.316E3 35.316E3
Ground 888.5016E3 888.5016E3 888.5016E3 Fig. 13.3. Heave 3000 m.

Fig. 13.1. Heave 1000 m. Fig. 14.1. Heave Max.

Fig. 13.2. Heave 2000 m.

Fig. 14.2. Heave Mean.
 For a catenary chain, the WF response becomes more significant
as the water depth increases (see Figs. 10.1–10.3). However, for a
taut mooring line, the WF response is significant in intermedi- Coupled WF WF RAO
ate water depths (between 1500 m and 2000 m), becoming less 8
important in ultra-deep depths (4 2000 m). 6
 The static method is recommended for evaluating the mean 4

motion response - it has almost the same accuracy as the cou-

pled LF method, but is less time consuming. The coupled LF
method is also recommended for predicting the WF response -
the total surge motion response is dominated by the LF -2
response. -4
 Estimation of the mean and maximum values of the heave 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
response and line tension can be determined by the static
method when the heave natural period is far from incident Fig. 15.1. Comparison of surge motion, 318 m.
Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566 565

Coupled WF WF RAO

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Fig. 15.2. Comparison of pitch motion, 318 m.

Fig. 16.4. Pitch 1000 m taut WF response.

Fig. 16.1. Surge 318 m WF response.

Fig. 16.5. Most loaded line tension 1000 m taut WF response.

Fig. 16.2. Pitch 318 m WF response. Fig. 17.1. Surge Load RAO zero degree.

Fig. 16.3. Surge 1000 m taut WF response. Fig. 17.2. Heave Load RAO zero degree.
566 Z. Lin, P. Sayer / Ocean Engineering 109 (2015) 553–566

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