National Professional Standards For Teachers in Pakistan

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National Professional standards for Teachers in Pakistan

Standard Based Teacher Education and Quality Assurance

Areas of continuous development for teachers:
i. Updated knowledge
ii. Use of Instructional tools, strategies
iii. Monitoring, and assessing of student learning outcomes.
iv. Cultivating ethical dispositions in students
1. Standard based approaches to development of teachers
i. Scholarly preparation of all subjects
ii. In depth knowledge of the subjects
iii. Knowledge of general and content-specific methods
iv. Knowledge of learning theories.
v. Working according to professional code of conduct
vi. Foster creative teachers.
2: Standard Based Teacher Education and Quality Assurance
Standards states that teacher must know
i. What is good teaching and successful learning
ii. Teacher’s in-classroom experiences
iii. Levels of acceptable performance for teachers
3. Environment Scan
There are 227, 791 institutions in Pakistan comprises of 73.5% Rural, 26.5% Urban teaching
variety of curricular schemes including public and private pre-primary, primary, middle,
secondary, higher secondary, universities, technical, mosques, Deeni Madaris O and A Levels.
Number of teaching staff:
Total teachers 1,356, 802 50.7% Rural and 49.3% Urban.
Male: 41.2% and Female 58.8%
4. Professional Standards for Initial Preparation of Teachers in Pakistan
1: subject matter Teachers understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry,
knowledge structures of the discipline, especially as they relate to the
National Curriculum/content standards, and designing
developmentally appropriate learning experiences making the
subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students.
2. Human growth and Teachers understand how children and adolescents develop and
development learn in variety of schools, family and community contexts and
provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social,
emotional and physical development
3. Knowledge of Islamic Teachers understand the Islamic ethical and practices in the light
ethical values/social life of Quran/Sunna and other religious contexts, and the
implications of these values for bringing nations global peace,
unity and social adjustment.
4. Instructional planning Teachers understand instructional planning, design long-term
and strategies. plans based upon knowledge of subject matter, students,
community, curriculum goals, employ a variety of
developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote
critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills of all
5. Assessment Teachers assess students’ learning using multiple assessment
strategies and interpret results to evaluate and promote
students’’ achievement and to modify instructions in order to
foster the continuous development of students.
6. Learning environment Teachers create a supportive, safe and respectful learning
environment that encourages positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning and self-motivators.
7. Effective communication Teachers use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and
and proficient use of written communication techniques and tools of information
processing to foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and
technologies. supportive interactions with students and parents. Teachers are
able to use instructional and information communication
technologies for curriculum enrichment, instruction, assessment
and evaluation of learning outcomes.
8. Collaboration and Teachers build relationship with parents, guardians, families and
partnerships professional organization in the community to support learning.
9. Continuous professional Teachers participate as active, responsible members of the
development and code of professional community, engage in reflective practices pursuing
opportunities to grow professionally and establish collegial
relationships to enhance the teaching and learning process. They
subscribe to a professional code of conduct.
10. Teaching of English as Teachers understand pedagogy of English as second/foreign
second/foreign language. language and effectively communicate in English language.

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