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Petrogenesis and Characteristics of Igneous Rocks

Mount Ngampon and Mount Gedang, Ngampon and Sidorejo Village,

Sub-district Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta
1 1 1 1
Tommy sutejo, I Gede Roy Sanjaya, Tita Rosyada Miftakhul Jannah, Okki Verdiansyah

Department of Geological Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional (STTNAS) Yogyakarta

Rock texture

The appearance of the Mount Ngampon rock texture :

Ÿ Porphyritic texture with plagioclase phenocrysts that have been change / diagenesis and groundmass of
microcrystalline quartz and feldspar (A).
Ÿ Special texture is zoning (Oscillatory zoning) with the appearance of zoning that looks as if it repeats because
disturbed magma equilibrium (B).
Ÿ the special texture is overgrowth of the mineral plagioclase which is circled by the rim of the same mineral but
ner in size (C).

Location Map of Mount Gedang and Mount
Ngampon, Godean, Yogyakarta.

can be used in interpreting petrogenesis from processes occurring in rock formations at the study sites, all of
which can be explained from the process of petrography, structure, material that exists in rock samples.
The appearance of Mount Gedang rock texture :
Ÿ Porphyritic texture with plagioclase phenocryst with groundmass of microcrystalline quartz and feldspar (A).
METHODS Ÿ The special texture is glomeroporphyritic which is marked by phenocrysts forms the feldspar aggregate have
seen accumulation (B)
Ÿ Special texture is rim reaction from hornblende because disturbed magma equilibrium (C).

Afnity of Magma Fractination Temperature

Magma series from Mount Ngampon and Gedang are calc-alkali series (in Wilson 1989), based on lithology in
Mount Gedang and Ngampon that's form of andesite which are seen based on the rock composition of Mount
Gedang and Mount Ngampon which are predominantly of plagioclase feldspar, alkali feldspar as phenocryst, the
existence of microcrystals quartz which are not much and hornblende presence on Mount Gedang.

The fractionation process in Mount Ngampon and Mount Gedang is different based on mineral indication. On
the Mount ngampon fractionation process that occurs in the mark with the mineral plagioclase that experienced
zoning with different types of zoning or the existence of two different types of zoning in one mineral body that will
tell the process that occurs in the magma and the indication of movement of magma that is too fast . The zoning
Flowchart of research stage.
process in Mount Ngampon is only seen in the NG 01 and NG 05 samples located in the relative eld at the bottom,
both showing the appearance of two types of zoning on one plagioclase phenocryst at NG 01 and NG 05, at NG 05
RESULTS intensity zoning more than others, with diverse types. On Mount Gedang fractination process that occirs in the
mark with zoning plagioclase and rim reaction in hornblende mineral (?).
Morphology Mount Gedang and Mount Ngampon is a hills with an
The temperature of rock formation in Mount Gedang and Mount Ngampon based on the mineral composition,
elevation of ± 180 meters, with average slopes reach 55.02 - o o
such as : calcite formed at temperature with wide coverage 100 – 300 C and serisit > 200 – 250 C (Corbet and
51.41% (Van Zuidam, 1983). Mount Gedang and Mount
Leach 1996). Then Mount Gedang rock and Mount Ngampon formed at 800oC – 700oC temperature range with
Ngampon are included in the Denudational landscape with
mineral index of plagioclase andesin, hornblende, quartz, magnetite, alkali feldspar orthoclase (Troger and VM
the characteristics of medium steep slopes - steep (strong o o
Goldsmidt) and through diagenesis at plagioclase in temperature range <700 C – 100 C with mineral indication
hill - topography), medium - sharp cuts that are also visible
calcite, sericite, chlorite (Corbet and Leach 1999).
on the eld with a steep slope and a soil thickness that is
only a few meters and a clearly visible rock outcrop. The
drainage pattern in the area of Mount Gedang and Mount
Rock Diagenesis Diagenesis that occurs in the Ngampon and
Ngampon is relatively same, with a dominant radial pattern Gedang mountains is relatively different in
characterized by a network that radiates out from a central hydrothermal processes. In Ngampon
point, associated with the dome, body of the volcano and mountain, it is marked by the change of
Sample data plot plagioclase to sericite, calcite, chlorite, which
isolated conical hills. Land utilization in Mount Gedang is
of Mineralization occurs in the sample of Ngampon Mountain with
only in the form of people's mining industries that use soil,
and alteration in big intensity, because there are several
and around the mount is still form farmland and residential
hydrothermal plagioclase phenocryst that have been
areas on the edge of major roads. Mount Ngampon is also
systems replaced. This is indicated including high
utilized as a soil mining for tile industry, brick etc., besides
(Corbett and temperature phyllic alteration zone and neutral
Morphology and Topography of Mount that at the foot of the mount is a lot of residential population,
Leach 1996). PH-base, then in Gedang mountain which has a
Gedang (A) and Mount Ngampon (B). the area of farmland that dominate around the mount.
distance ± 2 km, the diagenesis is the same as
Lithology the replacement of plagioclase phenocrysts but
little abundance.

Tectonic Setting

Characteristics related of magmatism with global tectonic

Rock Samples on Mount Ngampon and Mount Gedang from outcrop, megascopic, and microscopic. (A) setting in Wilson, 1989).
Tectonic Setting of Research Area

sample NG 01, (B) sample NG 03, (C) sample NG 04, (D) and sample GE 02.
Based on regional tectonics, the Godean is located on the volcano arc caused by subduction, which also
appears as a mineralogy associated with island arc that are generally andesitic, as well as the afnity of the
A B magma calc-alkali series which shows a convergent tectonic order with rock associated and the SiO2 range of
basalt and differentiation (in Wilson 1989).

Morphology, Mount Ngampon and Mount Gedang are part of the Godean hill complexes that have a slope of
55.02 - 51.41% (Van Zuidam, 1983), so that it is included in the classication of heavily sloped hills. Mount
Ngampon and Mount Gedang encoding lithology of andesite and dacit (IUSGS) and sericite andesite, andesite
chlorite, sericite dacite based on an abundance of sericite and chlorite minerals at the study site, megaskopis
show contrast differences in view of appearance and composition, but microscopically with the composition and
process of the same relative diagenesis, and can be summarized in the calc-alkali series which is identical with
the tectonic convergent tomographic arctic magmatism. The presence of zoning texture, overgrowth, indicates
DEM image and geological map as well as cross-section of West – East Geology of Mount Ngampon (A) & Mount Gedang the occurrence of a magma instability during mineral formation and the presence of calcite in rock samples of
(B) and lithology boundary interpretation based on the appearance of the outcrop in the eld. Gedang and Ngampon volcanoes derived from the dominant hydrothermal solution of meteoric water leading to
Generally, lithology of Mount Gedang is diagenesis / alteration in plagioclase phenocryst. According to Corbert and Leach (1996) samples of Mount
only form of andesite (IUSGS), with a Gedang rocks and Mount Ngampon enter the phyllitic zone seen under the composition of the rocks, with a
Total Percent Of Igneous Rock in Godean
porphyritic, holocrystalline, inequigranular, neutral - base PH, and a high temperature (> 225oC).
Komposi on
subhedral-anhedral texture, a special texture
Kode Sample

NG 01 NG 03 NG 04 A
is form of rim, glomeroporphyritic with the
NG 04 B NG 05 GE 02 A GE 02 B

1 56 52 57 50 61 35 42

44 48 43
main composition is plagioclase, alkaline,
50 39 65 58

Plagioclase Feldspar
36 21 24 quartz and groundmass of microcrystalline
20 39 19 23
Alkali Feldspar

quartz and feldspar, sericite, chlorite,

4 4 13 0 1

1 3 5 1 0 2 2
Gill, R., 2010, Wiley-Blackwell. 79-80.
1 1 3 hor n blende. while in Mount Ngampon
3 1 2 1
Corbett, G.J., Leach, T.M., 1996, Short course manual, 86 – 87.
consists of andesite and dacite lithology 1 Wilson, M., 1989, 2007, reprinted edition, springer, 480.
1 5 15 8 Bronto, S., 1999. Jurusan Teknik Geologi STTNAS Yogyakarta-Kopertis Wilayah V Yogyakarta. 12
2 5
(IUSGS) which are entirely porphyritic,
1 1 5 1 Le Maitre, R.W., 2002. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 2 edn. 22

5 10 5 holocrystalline, inequiganular, euhedral-
4 2
Verdiansyah, O. 2016. Jurusan Teknik Geologi STTNAS Yogyakarta. STTNAS Research Report
11 6 18
anhedral, special texture in the form of
4 18 1 4

Microcrystallin Quartz

Microcrystallin Feldspar
7 9 13
zoning, overgrowth, rim, with the same
18 16 11 11

13 28 28 23 23 21 41 34
1 4
composition, name is plagioclase, alkaline,
16 Vuggy 5 8 7
Sericite 5
2quartz, with microcrystalline groundmass of

quartz and feldspar, but in NG03 and NG 04, The authors wish to express their gratitude to Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional (STTNAS) Yogyakarta, for
diagenesis occurs in plagioclase which are the continuing supports and provision of funding to carry out this research.
converted into calcite, sericite, chlorite. From the classication, andesites and dacite distinguished based on the
abundance of quartz, plagioclase and alkali.
PIT IAGI 2018 - 224

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