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Malice Aforethought – Murdering Thoughts

By Randy Gonzalez

Malice Aforethought – Murdering Thoughts

By Randy Gonzalez

Quite consciously and not accidently, not excusably, murdering thoughts is the
purposeful carnality in selfish arrogant and malevolent intention to kill another person.
Alternatively, depending on your particular slant, perhaps one could consider the killing
of another life form. However, in particular reference to this point of preference, thinking
is the primacy of the willful transition from ideation to termination. Herein, criminality is
the emphasis, and may include individuals or heads of state.
Contrary to the regressive tendency of an academic salaciousness to purport
exceptionality, and specification of mitigation, everyone is ultimately responsible for
each category of personal behavior. Thereby, everyone must be held accountable;
whereby responsibility shall reset the imbalance of the murderous behavior. Any
particular focus on the perpetrator, whether state or individual, fabricates and
excludability whereby further devolution of the species is hastened.
Otherwise, unless justice is sure, swift and certain, which it is not generally, the
human species will continue toward its eventual demise. For the prurient inclination
toward murdering, the particular inference is that which the contemplation of exceptional
bodily harm, beyond self-defense, or any conception of justification, carries out the
necessary energies to cause another’s death. Basically, there is gain to be had, risk to be
assessed, and perpetration with decisive resolve to execute another.
Whining, sniveling, malcontented childishness in defense of the killer does not change
the viability of the killer’s consummation of the action. Killing is a selfish notion that
achieves private peculiarity to the individual so that hedonistic gratification can be
obtained. There are no excuses to lessen the intentional nature of the inherent bio-
sexuality of the killer in his or her expressiveness to kill another human.
Malice is well formed in the cerebral processes of the murderer. And, the depths of his
or her rationality stretch beyond another’s easy interpretation. Trouble free simplicity of
explanation is not to be found within the scheme of the “infotainment news” reporting
environment. Neither will you gain a greater grasp of insight by way of alleged non-
practitioner “experts”. Depravity, as might be asserted by the cognitive bias of many,
does possess the lack of rational attribution within the thinking of the killer.

The murdering “mindset” is a malicious predation of thinking that presupposes

violence from an individual’s realm of consciousness. Yet, the process by which this
transpires is complex, and relates to a multidimensional framework of ideations. From
within the depths of the psychological dimensions of neural activity, a person calculates
their actions. Matters of thinking are beyond our easy comprehension; as such, limitless
boundaries are individualistic in nature, and not easily quantifiable.
Criminals, as well as the rest of the social configuration, are neither evil nor depraved.
People are human beings blessed or cursed by human nature. The idea that someone is
“sick”, “demented”, “a monster”, or “evil”, represents a socially devastating fallacy of
simplistic foolishness. An actor might say this kind script line in a B-grade horror movie.
Any commentary like this at a press conference, news reporting, a classroom, or other
similar communal setting, is evidence of a devolving and unenlightened culture.
Characterizations do not equate with problem-solving educated understanding of the
cause-effect nature of human interactions. Historic references as to the behaviors of the
people on this planet do not offer much in the way of exceptional advancement.
Unfortunately, in terms of behavior, from hunters to homesteaders, in two hundred
thousand years not much has changed. As opposed to some metaphysical or biological
sense of determinism, fate, predestination or positivistic notion of externality, the
individual chooses to commit the crime freely and selfishly.
Naturally, there is the usual assumptive consumption, as ravenous as it can be, of
altering opinion or belief based on evidentiary considerations. An opposing point of view
challenges the “believer” to the juncture of fearfulness. No matter how close you come to
the facts by substantial argument, most will not accept anything contrary to their
preconceived biases. Regardless of how superficial, storybook, or illusory, the fixated
dogma of pretentious arrogance may not sufficiently transition.
Ingrained beliefs by way of overzealous pseudosciences ensure the entrenchment of
seemingly plausible denials of viable constructs to the contrary. The rational explanation,
given the history of murdering behaviors, as well as other destructive acts, would be to
accept the lucidity of such choices. However, by vicarious complicity, alibis, excuses and
“criminal as victim”, perpetrate an array of rationalizations. By clever sleight of hand
justifications, the “illness” of “social disease” spreads the mythology.

Deeply defended postures of belief, regardless of setting, are troubled by the fragility
of the invested faith in the particular point of view. People do not like to think they could
be wrong. Arrogance of one’s subjective validation is a daunting dilemma to overcome
within the selfishness of cognitive bias. Nearly everyone, and that comes to being just
about all of us, wants their perspective of the world to be the correct one. As one
example, we witness such animosities in the religious conflict that spans the globe. In
another, a political ideology commits grievous acts of genocide.
In the course of the 20th century, more killings took place than in any previous
century. Humans seem to have a real penchant for harming their fellow inhabitants of the
planet. Religion is an excellent example of using beliefs to carry out atrocious acts of
debauchery. Likewise, so is any other ideological outlook. In the broad spectrum of the
supernatural, extraterrestrial or other cultic behaviors, fundamental dogmas are difficult
to transform. By the inner malevolence of character, consciousness and consensus, an
individual or group is capable to the most horrific acts are terrorism.
Reputations, rank and statuses, personal outlook and lifestyle, are at stake for most
people at any given moment. Challenged and confronted by conflicting probabilities of
error is frightening, whether one admits it or not. It would seem logical that one would
alter his or her theory, or opinion, given the possibility that newer evidence offers
answers to the contrary. Yet, such likelihoods do not cause significant changes in
standpoints or attitudes. Altering one’s psychological structures is troubling.
Malice aforethought in murdering thoughts might characterize what could be cited as
the “descent of humankind”, as opposed to any 19th century notion for an “ascent”. On
the contrary, given several hundred years of existence, the human species has not
changed very much. On a surface level of ignorant assertion, one may claim a limited
degree of wishful thinking in that hope springs eternal. However, not much changes from
decade to decade, give or take a few statistical variations.
Considering the proclivities for killing, wars, contrived depravations of all kinds,
corruption, ignorance, economic instability and disparity of wealth, disease, illicit
tampering with nature, depletion of natural resources, and so on, human beings devolve
toward their own extinction. Why should that be a surprise? Nonetheless, most would
rather not think about distasteful prospects that might upset their day.

Modern day trends suggest, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, the debasing
cultural implications for the human species to follow the dinosaur. More than likely,
given the current divisive diversity of inhumanity, the next extinction will be us.
Stupidity, as an aspect of a failure to self-evolve, is at the core of the degradation. Stupid
thinking is motivational in the application of stupid behavior.
Malice is within the purposeful aims of getting what you want regardless of the effects
on others. Forget television fictions of motive, means and opportunity. We all have that
potentiality. Yet, on a personal basis, we are more deceptive than that. Every act becomes
real from neural imaginings, by which one contrives their egoistic objectives from
malevolent thinking, calculated premeditation and intention infliction.
In the pseudosciences, which might be referenced the alleged “social sciences”, an
array of fashionable theories perpetrate the illusion of psychosocial solutions.
Unfortunately, for academicians, politicians and many public service administrators, the
conceited pretentiousness to “answers” is quite bogus. On the contrary, decades, centuries
and eras of time have shown that not much has changed in terms of human nature.
Foolishness in child-like beliefs, as in the occult, the supernatural and assorted
mythologies, dogmatic illusions, etc., permeates the theoretical assertions. From one
school of thought after another, as though a “bacterial infection” of thinking, the smug
piety spreads to public policy. Once the public clings to the “expert” assertion, and the
news media contrives a plethora of buzzwords, the anti-thinking fix is set.
There is no cure for stupid thinking. Once infected it becomes the “zombie effect” and
the simplicity of easy conjecture requires little validation, proof or evidence. Such things
as “criminal profiling”, “cold readings”, fortune telling, guru cultism, ideological
extremism, cause-effect illusions, and so on. The list of fallacies of inference leading to
misguided and debasing hasty generalizations is endless.
After such, malice aforethought remains at the deeper recesses within the essential
darkness of the nature of human ideations. Therein resides the destructive potentiality of
humans on the planet. Our persistent slothfulness in thinking not much more than the
next “all you can eat” buffet line. Fat, bloated, lazy and irresponsible, a species squanders
the extraordinary possibilities of advancing to a higher form of civilization. Yes, while
there are noble exceptions, they are not enough to curtail the looming disaster.

To assert the presupposition of an advanced civilization is to reveal a lack of

understanding about the real nature of the human species. Typically, such a claim comes
within the framework about the “evil’ someone else has done. From that, we often hear,
“we cannot lower ourselves to that level”, or whatever else one might say in defense that
they are better than the other person is. Yet, how silly is that? We are there at the lower
level. Two hundred thousand years of alleged evolutionary processes and today’s world
is the best we can do? Stupidity knows no boundaries in its deception.
At the least, we must be suspicious at all times, to ensure the appropriate and timely
application of individual and social countermeasures. Not only to protect against the
perpetrators of criminality, but also we strive to control ourselves. Naturally, given the
salacious range of hypocrisy and self-gratification, others will differ as to their
complicity. Like faulty thinking, or anti-thinking, arrogance enjoys its carnal collusion
with stupidity. A foolish gluttonous society will soon find extinction.
Willful selectivity in suppression of moral ideals or ethical precepts, by way of
thoughtful egoistic liberation, bears the insistence upon getting what one wants. By way
of social, economic or political exploitation, not to forget the plundering of natural
resources in the process, humans enjoy the hunt for the “kill”. If skilled enough, one can
concoct a measure to demoralize in the “killing” an entire economy for personal
enrichment. On a smaller scale, another can physically murder another for a similar
perspective, moving from an ideation to a reality of infliction.
We are so clever at deception that we conjure the mystique of “mental illness” to
cloak the masquerade of our barbarity. In willing complicity, for the perpetual assurance
of mass marketing consumption, the “psycho-medico-pharmaceutical industrial complex”
relishes in the contrived illusions. After all, it is very good for business, careers, research
grants, etc., to ensure a steady clientele of “sick” people.
To advocate a “medical model” of criminality represents the collusion of
pseudoscientific assumptions that excuse antisocial behaviors. It is arrogantly pious effort
that coldly embraces excusatory explanations for socially destructive behaviors. In so
doing, complicity allows justice systems to use mitigating irrelevance that erroneously
rationalizes destructive actions against others. Unrelated issues, presumed to be
deterministic, adversely influence the cause-effect process criminal activities.

Such is the mark of a devolving social structure and a regressive culture. With cultic-
like characteristics, adherents and wannabe followers, find instant quick fix solutions for
the alleged “ailments” in human nature’s psychodynamic complexity. By comparison,
nearly every one of us suffers some range of dysfunctions over a lifetime. Several keys
studies at both national and international levels address the wide variations of thinking
and behavioral aberrations of practically all humans on the planet.
That means the vast majority, if not all, from at least one perspective, fantasize and
fabricate a range of probable negative thinking processes. At any given moment, for any
set of circumstances, each of us is potentially quite wicked. Whatever our level of
unevolved selfishness, we are not going to look too deeply within. When we do this, it is
likely we consider a diverse reach of hateful and horrid thoughts about what we might do
to others. In the gambit of our ruse, we will avoid going in depth by way of intense
reflective introspection. Confronting our potent malevolence is very fearful.
Since scientist and pseudoscientists are fond of using the “animal-human” analogy, it
remains fascinating to look at such conjecture. That is, in lab experiment for instance, a
research team will study a particular group of animals. In the followup to the tentative
results of their inquiry, they might make a comparison between say rats and humans. As
such, there does not seem an occasion when news reports pointed out the anatomical
differences between a rat and a human. Nonetheless, by way of such analogies, how
would one calculate the cunning rational intentional cruelty of a lab rodent?
While animal life forms scavenge for basic survival needs in general, humankind
calculates with malevolent purposes how to get more at a cost to others. By the vanity of
self-centeredness, with rational choice and selectivity, people play games of one-
upmanship with ruthless capabilities. For sport, profit and acquisition, either for mental
or physical reward, or both, someone else will likely lose in the process. Through the
various facets of immaturity, child-like antics foment acts of rudeness, bullying, abusive
condemnations, tortuous mutilations and murderous inflictions.
In addition, malice aforethought does not forget or overlook ideologies of every kind.
No, not by a long shot does the murdering mindset escape the superstitious fixations of
one belief system versus another. To kill or maim for salacious indulgence, in warfare or
commercial consumption, is the intended malice of species in decline.

Some might argue that the affinity for doing harm to others is an evolutionary
inheritance handed down through ages. You might inquire, is that really possible? And if
so, then how do you prove an assertion like that? What is the evidence in support of the
factuality? Such notions are on the curvature of a slippery slope that slides into a slant
toward “biological determinism”, or some flirtation with a “DNA precursor” to certain
predispositions. If that’s true, then how much control do you have?
That often leads to a very simplistic notion that one’s physical makeup, their biology,
serves as a kind of “hardwired” set of programming. Similarly, you hear contemporary
comparisons of humans to machines, like computers. That is, we have a CPU, the brain,
and internal software design throughout the body. Additionally, from the biological
perspective, the subsequent connotations conjure the “medical model” of behavior. This
concerns dealing with unsocial human actions from a “disease” perspective.
If you label a certain action as say a mental disorder, then you can concoct a cure, and
that sounds simple. This often suggests medication, or therapy, and will an elixir of some
sort out to cure the alleged affliction. In that case, once someone has contracted
“criminality” it is like catching a cold, or the flu, or perhaps a “diseased mind”. So, as
long as you can keep the questions basic, the theories brief and uncontested, limit proof
to fallacies of inference, or faulty analogy, explanations can be trouble free.
Then again, if the proclivity to hurt others is “genetic”, passed on by eons of time, one
generation to the next, one can ensure that hope springs eternal. Also, you could say it is
somehow related to our “hunter-gather” past, and everything seems to fall into place. As
some have alluded in their illusions to myth, magic and mysticism. Sure, for many,
dreaming does not assure objective validity in proof beyond any doubt. To say that we
are “cursed” by having been “hunter gatherers”, does not explain human thinking
processes in all the diversity and complexity of our varied manifestations.
When it comes to maladaptive and exploitive behaviors, human activities involve a
diversity of opinion and subsequent theory. Beliefs of one sort or another pose many
interesting possibilities. For instance, from one perspective, if you are driven by your
inner nature, due to the forces of ancestry and evolution, natural selection, and perhaps an
“illness” of the “mind”, then you might be more like a robot, an android, and so on. As
such, how are you liable and subsequently accountable for your actions?

Predetermined excuses, by things outside one’s control, blamed on deterministic

externalities, and capitalized upon by a particular industry, group or individual, for
maximum personal benefit, degrades any pretext to the truth. As a result, selfishness
continues to encourage escalating horrendous consequences for society. From
edutainment disguised as informative discourse, to medical malpractice masquerading as
science, ideological deceptions smugly proclaim their inherent stupidity.
On the ground, from the unhallowed halls of academia, to the pompous performances
of politicians, the malice of self-glorification feeds upon the immaturity of a culture in
decline. A once great social exercise of rebellious pioneering spirit, of daring exploits and
courageous creativity, has collectively reduced itself to the bloated piety of immediate
gratification. Mainstream erroneous perceptions cling to ancient myths and magic.
When emotionalism foments maladaptive intentions, malice aforethought, always with
premeditation, willfully plots dangerous purposes to get what one wants. Out of baser
levels of thinking, from the primal urge for self-indulgence, anyone is capable of the most
wicked and hateful aims toward others. Through biased self-glorifying research,
corporate corruption, media manipulation, government grifts, political “polybabble”, and
pseudoscience “psychobabble”, many trump the truth in favor of selfness.
The continuum of devolved behaviors does not end with the simplest seemingly
benign expressions of hedonistic selfhood. Mirrored reflections of human wickedness
extend to uninformed commentary and rioting destructiveness, especially when race and
ethnicity continue to enter any conversation. Again, such is the evidence that human
beings remain persistent in resistance to self-evolution.
As property is looted, whether by overt means or covert collusion, and people are
injured and killed, not much changes. Because they do not get their way for the need to
satiate inner salaciousness, the regression of selfishness continues. Still though, the
horrors inflicted by people on other people are inventively horrific. By mental and
physical tortures and decapitations for ideological aggrandizement, the malevolence of
the human race is limited only by the extent of its malicious imagination. You see it
every day in many divergent examples, large and small, local and global in the illicit
intentions of human nature. The manifestation of evil, or the cruelty that people do
intentionally, emanates from within and not from some unknown external entity.

Regardless though, mainstream obsessions with ‘why’ someone did something

dastardly, like riot and burn down neighborhoods because you don’t like what the police
did, translates into simplistic excusable notions. Such temper tantrums of not getting your
way, and behaving with child-like immaturity, is typically explained away by some
trouble-free excuse based on self-gratification. For most people, less the few who actually
work hard at their productive self-evolution, other people are viewed as a means to end.
Interactions are a cost-benefit analysis of gain versus risk. Cover stories can be quite
creative, quickly adaptable and cleverly oversimplified.
Criminality, for instance, expresses the selfishness of one or more persons to
manipulate, maim or murder people to achieve what they want by illicit means. Such
manifestations happen at all levels of communal, commercial and political processes.
Efforts of deception and deviousness run the gambit of human prejudices, by which the
imagination bears no limitations. From childhood to the play-acting adulthood, most
people have not changed much. Subsequently, many have adopted a worldview that
reflects a scheme that embraces personal entitlement and shrewd rationalization.
Wherever one goes, others are observed as targets of opportunity.
As time goes by, such abject frivolity of slothful and self-centered intellectual malaise
hastens the eventual demise of an entire species. Superficiality social interactivity, in
such divisive foolishness offers dismal prospects for the future. Stupidity, in societal
escapism and communal irresponsibility, appears valued more than rational substantiation
of factual reality and ethical accountability for behaviors. In consideration of individual
or group accountability there remains persistent efforts to find all manner of
justifications, particularly in areas of so-called “mental disease”.
Malice aforethought, spiteful nasty meanness, is premeditation to exploit every
possible situation wherein one might have occasion to desire unfair advantages. It occurs
every day, from sun up to sundown, in every lifestyle. Irresponsibility for dreadful
inflictions finds quick comfort by others willing to overlook culpability. After all, by the
contrivances of a “psycho-medico-pharmaceutical industrial complex” (PMPIC), once
you catch a “mental disease”, there is a therapy, a medication and a rehabilitation
process. Following a diagnosis, an “expert” can come up with a “cure” that can be easily
prescribed for you. In fields of the pseudosciences, anything possible.

Add to that fascinating mix of conjecture, gluttonous consumerism, financial reward,

and the varied range of socio-economic burdens, and you do not stand a chance. Unless
you work very hard to differentiate your thinking, resolve to self-evolve, and transform
yourself into a very authentic individual. To liberate oneself and set free the depth of
thought and creative behavior extraordinarily possible, to do no harm, and transition to a
higher state of personality, requires exceptional psychic energy.
You have to walk away from stupidity and immature behavior. Similarly, you have to
forsake the illusion of mythic deceptions about yourself and society. Personal
responsibility is vital. Yet, one must bear in mind the dangers are many. Individuality of
courage is scary and being human is dangerous. Self-expression in harmonious balance
within and without demands a constant state of industriousness beyond each moment.
Second by second in every day experience in another opportunity for learning
experiences, intellectual growth, and physical stimulation.
However, temptation to seductions are easy, from frivolous psycho-babble of illogical
postulations, to the “pimping” and “pandering”, of the “PMPIC”, anything and
everything is not your fault, because there are plenty of excuses for everybody. Entire
institutions, schools of thought, social programs and public policies, news marketing, and
sound bite selfies, rely on simplistic explanations with misleading and hastily drawn
conclusions. Meanwhile, not much changes in human behavior over time. Regression is
preferred by the many, and any pretense to “mind over matter”, really means that
selfishness matters more than creativity of an enlightened mind.
The industrious individual, in which the key aspect is liberated uninhibited personal
emancipation, breaks free from the enslavement of fractured and dysfunctional societal
bondage. For him or her, lively inventiveness is a selfless animation of deeper thought,
whereby individuality is not contained or constrained by any pretenses to communal
“civility” in greedy consumption. On the contrary, “self-improvement” is from the inside
out and not found in the quick fix externalities of any template, checklist, “expert”
guidelines, guru worship, or “wealth building” formulas.
Self-evolving mastery of maturity resides in the discovery of one’s quest for profound
transformation. It means leaving others behind and becoming a sage loner of lively
privatized internal revolution. One embraces his or her life circumstances.

To be content is to face the advent of one’s transition beyond the primal stages of
juvenile thinking, whereby immaturity underscores debasing selfishness. From “tea time”
to torture, along with missionaries to murder, primordial hedonistic inclinations are
summoned malevolently to satiate private proclivities. Seduction to the darkside of
human nature purposely indulges in the carnality of self-interests.
Yet, by collective debauchery of illicit thinking, communal purposes pervade the
herded consensus with inane pursuits of excuse after excuse, to salivate for every
mitigation in mutual reflection. Of religious icons, silver bullets, wolf’s bane and garlic,
medieval thinking wishes to hold off the “evil” duality of our echo. Regardless of
fabricated illusions and pretended civility, darkness prevails.
Disciplining oneself to acceptance of present moments, in the fortitude of self-reliance
for responsibility within particular circumstances, is the quest and the start toward a wiser
perspective on living. Additionally, growing in the intuitive sense of personal evolution
clasps the mindset of desiring nothing more than necessities. Well-being of sound mind,
personal confidence in maturity of self, and perseverance of individual betterment, voids
the incessant fixation for gluttonous materiality.
Not to forget of course, the essentiality of working diligently, mentally and physically,
to put one’s own “house” in order, and not to obsess about what anyone else has, or is
doing, or might be getting. Such preoccupations are counterproductive and uncreative. In
the process, there is nothing anyone possesses that the self-evolving person wants. He or
she is guided by his or her own intentional choices, and by virtue of intelligent
deliberation. With no complaints, malice toward none, he or she is focused.
However, for the glory seekers, pompous portentousness of pitiful piety, the
regressive desire to be noticed, the concupiscence of needy self-validation, and the
gluttony of gorging the fractured inner self, the devolution of culture and species
continues. And so, for the couple hundred thousand years of human beings on the planet,
human nature has not changed in radically ascendant ways.
In a sense, technology and other more mechanical animations, by the inventiveness of
the few to serve and entertain the many, have been extraordinarily revolutionary. But as
to social interactions across socio-economic levels, cultures, ethnicities, and racial
proximities, the vast majority of populations remain immaturely divisive.

The disquieting atmosphere of post-modern societies offers disturbing images of

rampant self-indulgence in debasing selfishness. Yes, to those who would beg, plead,
even whine to differ, because “hope” always springs eternal, there are exceptions. Each
generation possesses membership in small pockets of zealous for change. Saving the
human race from itself has been persistent throughout history. Ancient manuscripts and
hallowed doctrines have many colorful stories of such deeds. Major religions have
associated beliefs and historical connectivity, yet plot tortures and wars.
There are even noble, heroic and selfless acts of sacrifice, along with some small and
large instances of prize winning notoriety. Sure, generally a few, risking much against the
majority, give life’s challenges and dangers their very best energies. After that, the
darkness closes in, the hero is gone, and others come along the pathways of time. From a
western perspective, one could colorfully illustrate the picture of the local marshal
entering the town square at high noon. Dangers loom near, as people deal with fear.
The fate of the community is uncertain, as the intrepid defender of valor, virtue and
veracity stands up for right versus wrong and good over evil. At that juncture, he or she
faces the sinister forces that threaten the rest of the “community”. For the well-
differentiated individual, who endeavors to shake off the sheepish conformity of self-
centered stagnation, the walk down that path is done alone. When things get tough, and
the atmosphere goes rough, where did everyone else go?
In the end, the essence is about individual transformation, as not much else will be
helpful or hopeful. At the end of that day, did you change yourself? Darkness takes
everyone, and all the stuff one has accumulated, someone else gets it. From there, not
much longer afterwards, you’re gone, and no one remembers. For others quickly come
and go, and replaced those leaving. Nevertheless, humankind stays remarkably
unchanged as regards the inner nature of the species in relation to itself.
Time when viewed as a cosmic instant is a mere blink over extraordinary galactic
transitions in an unimaginable matrix of multiple dimensions. Such is a brief exhale of
momentary expenditure in a universal moment. It is that which expresses limited
progression of human experience, but for the arrogance of self-deception, and
demonstrates tendencies toward collective regression in devolution. Behind the illusions,
when tribulations come, the façade crumble and exposes the malice within.

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